Paulo Freire
Translated by Myra Bergman Ramos
Pedagogy of the Oppressed
New York, NY: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008
One of the most influential figures in education, though rarely spoken of outside education circles, is the Brazilian writer Paulo Freire. His book The Pedagogy of the Oppressed is the third most cited work in the field of social sciences and the most cited in education with over seventy-two thousand references.
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1 comment
Typical pompous braindead mattoid checking all the good goyling pinko boxes. Adopting Erich Fromm’s terminology, Freire describes oppressors as “necrophilic,” claiming they sadistically love death more than life by mentally reducing living people to inanimate objects. You mean like mutant freaks who identify as everything but male and female and destroyed California, Seattle, Portland, the family, and proper law? “Oppressors” of course being White people for this macaquito stooge, the irony not lost on him using the language of the actual oppressors-frankfurt school jews, but he’d never say that. Odd how they are always whinging about ‘power-relations,’ but wouldn’t dare name the unspeakable powers that run things lest tenure be denied. Coffee shop revolutionaries can’t bear a public scolding for smashing the sacrosanct conformist line. He’d be right at home with abimael guzman’s shining path peddling his nonsense about ‘repressive tolerance’ or ‘deterritorialization’. He can deconstruct himself down using the bourdain technique. Another book to toss in the bonfire at victory.
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