If there’s one thing internet people like to do these day it’s misrepresent each other. White Nationalists and their adjacents, unfortunately, are sometimes no exception. Tell a guy who’s fond of saying “Name the Jew!” that other races hate him too, and chances are you’ll get called a Jew yourself. At the very least, your JQ credentials will be highly suspect to the NTJ (as I’ve come to call them).
“Naming the Jew,” when doing so is germane to the discussion, is a good thing. Naming the Jew when it is another of our myriad enemies and his actions being discussed, however, is ignorant, and makes one look as though the “namer” is unduly fixated on something, for one reason or another, and incapable of getting past his pet hang-up: naming the Jew. The reason that’s bad is obvious. It suggests he isn’t wise and that his judgment isn’t sound. That is to say, it undermines his credibility. His fixation on the JQ suggests his principles are a kind of single-minded homing pigeon: discontent to rest until he has traveled any distance necessary to get back home to his ideological roost, no matter how far away from it cirumstances have carried him.
If anecdotal experience is any indication, at this point, the NTJ is fuming, spitting… sputtering… beside himself, that someone (me, in this case) could be so blind to the JQ. His fingers are positively twitching, as his invective, zealous to spew, bottlenecks between his brain and typing capabilities. But not so fast, AryanWarrior1488!
Like you, I too believe that Jews are disproportionately represented among all the crappy, society-wrecking machinations out there, whose prime targets are would-be healthy white societies (whether in Europe, America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc.). Globalism, one-way immigration, diversity pitched as strength, NGOs, so-called “civil rights” concerns, pornography…I, like you, believe these things are far too often led, funded, championed, spearheaded, and wielded as weapons by “The Chosen” against white people. Us.
The problem is this: we have far more enemies than just the Jews, but the NTJs just don’t seem to recognize it. They seem to think (actually, more than just “seem” to think, for I’ve had them repeatedly tell me as much) that if we simply deal with the Jews, whether by ousting them or something else, all of our other problems will, as if by magic, disappear. The world will be set aright and everyone will start to get along again as nature intended, and as they more-or-less did, before old Moses and his ilk decided to enslave us all.
To put it kindly, that is absurd.
Take blacks. Anyone who can look at black people, as a group, and imagine them not being generally shiftless, violent, promiscuous, hostile toward whites, and deviant in the many forms that deviance takes is an undiscerning man indeed. To think that all those innate tendences, all that anti-white ire, those proclivities, are only there because Jews pulled a propagandistic fast one on them (causing blacks to deviate from being law-abiding, amicable, industrious, generally good neighbors) is a stance I wouldn’t want to defend in debate against even the dullest noticer of patterns. Nothing tried, that I’m aware of, has ever changed blacks: not religion, not money, not pandering, not accommodation, no after-school programs, midnight basketball, EBT cards, access to whites… nothing. A black neighborhood is a bad neighborhood, period, because it is blacks’. But in the mind of the NTJ, a black who names the Jew is just a brother from another mother, with whom all grievances vanish and a shared future looks bright.
The NTJ also believes that he and Muslims have stumbled upon the secret of peaceful coexistence. That secret—you guessed it–is naming the Jew. The NTJ is elated at this discovery. After all, being anti-Islam is just so… “normie.” So unaristocratic. So basic-bitch conservative. The NTJ, it seems, is a gambler at heart, a high-stakes one, who bets on terrible odds for big rewards. He’s not blind. He sees France, sees Sweden. He sees Great Britain, Belgium. He sees Germany, recognizes patterns. He knows that Islam, despite its apologists’ embarassingly transparent taqiyya, is bent on conquest and unwilling, ultimately, to leave any part of the world, especially the white parts, unmolested by its adherents or its foul god of unsurpassed bloodlust. He knows that Muslims’ actions in white countries are demonstrably hostile, frequently violent, rapey, and contempful, yet something just won’t let him accept that.
For some NTJs, it’s as embarassingly facile as: “White Nationalists like Guenon; Guenon was a Sufi; therefore, Islam is harmless.” But for others, the majority, I’d guess, it’s simpler than that: Muslims aren’t Jews. And Jews, so reason the NTJs, are the only real enemy, ultimately, that we’ve got. Again: deal with the Jew, they figure, and the Muslims will close down the kebab shops, crate up their belongs, give up the young European girls, cash out and fly back to the Middle East, willingly, good-naturedly, contritely… embarassed that they ever became bewitched by those omnipotent Jews, and wish us all the best as we rebuild our respective white societies, whatever’s left of them, that they did their very best, albeit unwittingly, to raze to the ground.
But as passes go, the NTJ has perhaps given his most generous one to his own racial kind. It’s hard to imagine a mind more stalwartly set against tribalism than the white liberal’s. White Nationalists are (rightly) fond of noting that “supremacy” is a distraction, but the white liberal towers over all others hands-down in not taking his own side and putting others above himself. The cunning Jew, as all good opportunists are wont to do, obviously recognized this weakness long ago and has been exploiting it with relish ever since. But it would take one persuasive individual to convince me that if the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob vanished tomorrow the white liberal would become fundamentally different than he is today.
There is a deep yearning in most (all?) white people to be not only liked, but “down.” Down, especially, with racial outsiders. Some would even say the more alien, the stronger our desire to be, by them, considered down. It’s twisted. Sick, even. But that’s us. Maybe there’s a good side to it, too; maybe that yearning is one of the facets of empathy that maturity just has to learn to harness and regulate. But whatever else it may be, Whitey is enthralled with squaring the circle, with making enemies his friends.
In some cases, I think the NTJs do what they do just because of that, as simplistic as it seems. Though race-realists, even they are not exempt from that whitest of desires: getting “attaboys” from Tyrone, Muhammad, and the white leftist who’d make a good white rightist. From almost anybody, really.
Another possible reason, the least flattering one, is that they are just misanthropic, garden-variety anonymous online misanthropes, doing the pro-white thing because it is, presently, the edgiest thing to do. That is, they don’t care about procuring a nice white country like real White Nationalist do; rather, they care about scandalizing Jews and philosemites. Offending people for offense’s sake. That’s it. Thankfully, I don’t think this is the case with all, or even most, of them.
Putting aside my own biases, as much as that’s possible, I’d say that most NTJs likely discovered something that had been deliberately hidden from them (the so-called JQ) in order to exploit and harm them and their kind, presumably in perpetuity, and got rightly pissed off about it. Very pissed off about it. Their response was to do the forbidden thing and, well… name the Jew. The problem is, they got stuck in a rut. They got too passionate about a particular enemy rather than the enmity itself.
Our ability to recognize a threat is of utmost importance. But if we are ever going to be more than an insular little vanguard our credibility is right up there with it. Everyone is more or less bothered by one type of person than another, each for his particular reasons, and that’s perfectly normal. But wearing those biases on our sleeves can, if they cloud our judgment, keep others from taking us seriously, which is particularly concerning, considering we are trying to “sell” what is arguably the modern world’s most unpopular ideology: that white people are not evil; that white people deserve to be left alone to live their lives without being preyed upon by inimical others; and that white people owe an apology to no one.
NTJs, keep naming the Jew. And thank you for not being cowards about it. Only please recognize that it isn’t the silver bullet that you think it is. I wish it were.
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I generally agree with what you’re saying here, but I think there’s some important nuance to point out. You’re right that blacks would be the same absent Jews. However, absent Jewish influence, blacks would be incapable of organizing to do anything. The black leaders that were not Jew funded and organized – Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan – have been mostly unable to get anything going politically. Booker T. Washington, by far the most effectual of that group, made some legitimately admirable improvements within black society, but he was unable to achieve much legislative change and his self improvement approach was denounced by media and academia both then and now as collaborationism with white supremacy. The only black movements to really affect legislative changes detrimental to whites – the SCLC, NAACP, Black Lives Matter – were Jew funded, promoted in Jewish media, had Jewish ghostwriters for speeches, etc.
The point of all this is to say that while you’re right that we certainly have multiple racial enemies, which shouldn’t be ignored in favor of a myopic focus on Jews, there’s still something to what the NTJ people are getting at, because Jews are the wealthiest and often most cunning of those enemies.
It’s a fact that Jewish money controls the culture, education, mass media, economy and politics of the West.
Jews love to censor free speech, but not porn, which they produce, distribute and profit from. Porn is Jewish free speech.
I haven’t finished the stem article yet, but I do think blacks and other minorities would be a lot less hostile to whites without the media inciting them against us with myths of white privilege and exaggerated historic grievance. BLM, the notion that whites and cops are disproportionately and arbitrarily slaying blacks, is a demonstrable lie in living memory of virtually everyone.
I don’t know if it’s “Jews” necessarily, but I do believe there is a hostile intelligence in the media which inflames minorities against us and seeks to upset racial harmony. I would like to hear other hypotheses argued in fact.
“I would like to hear other hypotheses argued in fact.”
Leftists and conspiracy people sometimes tell you how racial polarization is a deliberate divide and conquer-strategy employed by “The Powers that Be” to keep “The People” from uniting against them. There’s not much beyond this very generic pseudo-Marxist “class struggle” notion though, because these people don’t want to think in terms of a (meta-)political struggle between different ethnic/racial groups. So questions like Who does what to whom? Who is being replaced by whom? Who loses and who wins? fall on deaf ears.
Things like the BLM riots or DEI are interpreted in various “creative” ways, in order to avoid the central point that the establishment is deliberately weakening/excluding/hurting one particular group for no obvious reason (i.e. it’s not like that group is rebelling all the time or being economically useless – quite the contrary!).
The idea of an empire/elite pitting different groups against each other in order to maintain control is nothing new, but it’s simply not what’s been happening these last 60+ years in the West. The model does not apply to the era in question, except in the most superficial sense of there being 3 protagonists (elite, group A, group B) and a conflict between the latter two stoked by the first.
I do think that a colorblind coalition was forming against the financial oligarchy and neocon warmongers in the late 2000s through such movements as Occupy and the altright and various libertarian movements, but then it was divided by BLM ideology in the Obama era. That is a real strategy they use.
I never once believed anyone is truly colorblind since those who say so always live in White neighborhoods like my ex sister-in-law. However, blacks in less numbers, disempowered and relegated to their proper places, minus jewish agitation that deliberately puts targets on the backs of Whites, racial hostilities could be ephemerally kept at a simmer. I’m not advocating DeBenoist’s ethnopluralism in one country but we must remember that media messaging is entirely a jewish thing. The hegseths, pompeos, glenn becks, haleys, crenshaw and graham are even more lickspittle whores for israel and joodom then even the looniest jews are. The somewhat understandable displeasure at callow NTJ tactics falls short for me since normie not-antiWhite jews have not exactly been vocal about opposing anti-White anything any more than muslims calling for Auslander Raus from Europe.
Neither Occupy nor the Tea Party were colorblind coalitions. Occupy was ahead of the curve in terms of anti-whiteness with their “progressive stack” (rule that “minorities” speak first and white men last), while the Tea Party was such a perfect example of “implicit whiteness” that non-Whites didn’t want anything to do with it.
Nor were either a serious threat to people in power – Occupy was basically a LARP of a Communist revolution, while the Tea Party gradually faded out after the economy was stabilized in 2011.
BLM ideology was not a “divide & conquer”-reaction to anything happening around 2010, but part of the “mainstreaming” of Intersectionalism (campus -> street), the next step in a progressive weaponization of Black grievances and dysfunction that began with “Civil Rights” protests (or even earlier).
In my opinion, the correct model for what’s been going on since at least the 1960s is that of a Bolshevic-style coalition of “minorities” & misfits led by one particular minority against the majority.
I agree 100%, Corday. Thank you for your insightful comment.
We Whites as a race must be the star of our own story. We have to be the viewpoint race, the collective protagonist, the figure whose fate is important. Our imagination must straighten itself and point to our own survival and success.
We Whites cannot survive indefinitely as a collective bit character in someone else’s story. We cannot be just another figure in a gallery of enemies of the Jews. Even if the Jews are portrayed negatively they are the stars in that story. We can’t live like that.
^ 100%
Becoming the “viewpoint race” [an excellent expression!] in a post-postmodern era would require a myth that is powerful and racially particularist enough to re-center Whites to their own, specific standpoint in history. A great unifying myth, sublime and unyielding. It would take a tremendous amount of irrational passion – irrational in the sense of “superior to reason” rather than merely non-rational/sub-rational. Divinely-inspired madness
Reminds me of this: https://x.com/heirofascania/status/1880440437766492570
I think this is a very good comment. There are anti-Semites who are every bit as Jew-centric as ardent Jews, although their value judgments are reversed.
Of course, some of these anti-Semites would agree with your aspiration to make things whitecentric. But they would argue that, as a matter of fact, in the here and now, Jews really do run everything. They are the fixed center around which everything else revolves.
There are two ways to interpret the idea that Jews are at the center.
The first way can be described as materialist, because they think that actual Jews are making all important decisions, in pursuit of Jewish aims, backed up by Jewish hard and soft power. This leads to the idea that politics is all just the farcial rotation of Jewish frontmen.
The second can be described as ideological: Jews are central because of the reign of Jewish-manufactured, Jew-centric taboos. If this is the case, then a lot of what we see a Jewish power is non-Jews virtue-signaling and climbing the greasy pole in terms of Jewish-created values.
Couldn’t agree more. Being the devil in their “play,” just because he rebels against their god, the one who chose them, isn’t good enough; doing that seems good at first, symbolically, until you step back and recognize that they’re the playwright and director calling all the shots even down to your very identity.
Excellent article. The Jewish Question is crucially important but it isn’t the only thing of importance.
Thank you very much, Scott! 🙂 Well put!
Definition – a philo-semite is an anti-semite who likes Jews. That’s me. I find many Jews interesting, and I learn a lot from them. Some of them do a lot of good.
And yet, I recognize all the harm they are doing to White nations. One example is their fanatical and tenacious efforts to open our borders to the Third World masses. Not just to other Jews – I could understand that. But to tens of millions of Blacks, Muslims, and the rest. Why would they do that? Are they crazy or are they disloyal?
Another example – many Jewish scientists contributed to the development of the A-bomb. But this was followed by Jews giving away atomic secrets to Stalin’s USSR. Stalin!
For more examples – just notice what’s going on. The list is long.
The author here is right. Recognize that we have other enemies besides the Jews. But still – Name the Jew!
Thank you, kolokol. I half-jokingly say that if White Nationalists found out Jews invented the wheel some of them would start riding horses (or extoling the virtues of “Aryan” square ones). Being a seething reactionary is one of the surest ways to be easily manipulated. Like you, if I see something praiseworthy or worthy of imitation in a Jew or Jews I’d like to give them their due, too; I would like to be dispassionate enough never to say something like, “This Jew suggests I eat a balanced meal. It’s a trick! Forget that!” None of that means being their slaves or their dupes.
I do not doubt guys like gypsy crusader, the 1488 X spaces or Jon Minadeo’s sincerity but I do believe endless anti-jewish invective, slurs, and crude oven talk do tire very quickly and joins the ranks of lowbrow, downmarket hooliganism that turns off many and is doubly troublesome to our people whose primary concern is the everywhere religion of anti-White. The 14 is more important than the 88. Funny does matter to change minds via aha! moments but I am reasonably confident Mr. Hitler would not have liked many Sieg Heilers who invoke his name. They are not well read, deep, or seem interested in high culture and dismissive of the power of ideas the CC commentators value. Turner Diaries and thrown Romans to Rockwell are not going to cut it. Jim Goad is a valuable voice for White youth; should he be shunned in perpetuity for marrying a jew? Or Savitri for being a lesbian? Of course not, but to too many ideopurists it is, and they come off as cuntishly unlikable people to on-the-fence Whites. I believe it’s a loser and counterproductive approach to equate Rick Moranis and Jerry Stiller with kissinger and aipac’s worst goblins cuz jew by default=worst thing ever to them. I doubt Tom Metzger would approve of such bad form. Vitriol and NTJ should just be accurate and appropriate as possible, not overindulgence in jew hating reveries otherwise how are they any different from stupid blacks who seek fictional microppressions, like a co-worker eating a banana in the break room, to justify further hatred of Whites? They would probably say we are NAXALTing or ‘cucked to the kike’ by not posturing as the hardest hitting hater of them all. I do think jews get off on hollywooded White Power jew-hater guy seeing them as Darth Magneto Ultron Vader all-powerful gods. Such elevates ratface nosey to an omnipotent status they crave and do not deserve. No serious person denies jewish malevolence or that if they vanished in a puff of gas smoke, the blafro-asiatic-muslim-amerind problems would disappear. They’d just be dealt with less difficulty without talmudic interference.
Nailed it!
Without exaggeration, the gist of what’s being said here (by the NTJ-types) is: “I see you recognize the JQ, but you also say that other non-Jewish groups have agency and power, too. That’s not good enough for us. Therefore, we’re going to pretend like you haven’t even said that you recognize the Jews are a problem.” You can’t reason with someone like that. Not while they’re content to play those dishonest games.
NTJs remind me of arrogant martial-arts instructors; to even suggest that their techniques might be wanting in some area or another, even slightly, is a personal affront to them. No, they’ve trained their techniques with compliant partners feeding them strikes the way they’re supposed to, they have their “silver bullet” approach, and damned be anyone who begs to differ.
And why is that? Frankly, I don’t care why. All I know is, there’s a massive leap between “Jews are inordinately influential and powerful” (which is true) and “If we defeat the Jews all our other enemies will be easily vanquished.”
That case is theirs to make, and, as far as I’m concerned, not a one of them has ever made it.
Perfectly put, Uncle Semantic. As a German American who’s great uncle was a survivor of Stalingrad and many years in Soviet gulags I too find the low IQ antics of the “sieg heil’ers” revolting and highly disrespectful, almost sacrilegious towards the REAL National Socialist heroes of that era. I am an ardent admirer of NatSoc however I would never dress in costumes and parade around like some Hollywood Nazi. The goal is to win White people over to our view of racial self-preservation and to advocate for our people. Costumes and low brow antics won’t achieve that end.
I do seriously believe that Minadeo and his crew are feds unless they are just extremely retarded since they literally employed the same “tactics” as convicted pedophile and phoney “American Nazi Party” leader and Jewish name changer, Frank Collin aka Cohn. Minadeo, who I’m sure you know calls himself “Handsome Truth” had his group specifically target Jewish neighborhoods in Florida handing out crude pamphlets which directly led to Florida passing so called “anti-Semitic hate laws”. Minadeo is so “based” that he doesn’t even know to throw up the right arm when he “sieg heils”, he almost always does it with his left arm lol. He also had his group target Vincent James of “The Red Elephants” calling him a racist for advocating for White people! I’m dead serious he actually did this! He has said over and over that he wants to get anti-Semitic hate speech laws passed nationwide because “that will wake people up”! The guy is a toxic retard at the least and a fed at the worst.
I don’t think that’s really true though. Can you think of any practical innovation Jews came up with that white nationalists refuse to use or acknowledge? I might dispute priority and reality of certain claims, but I don’t think anyone inconveniences themselves over ethnicity issues. This is all a straw man dispute. We are the reasonable ones.
I’m being jocular, man, to illustrate the point: that NTJs are extremely fixated on the Jews to a ridiculous, absurd degree.
I am autistic, so sometimes I have trouble detecting humor. I know what you mean about those people, but the core ones often have certain issues driving them that are difficult to understand. Others are feds.
They’ve caused so much harm to White nations in just the last century that it’s hard not to focus only on them. And fundamentally the main reason we can’t have White nations is because > Nazis wanted a White country > Nazis did Holocaust against Jews > Modern day Whites can’t have their own nation incase it happens again.
If they were gone it still would be a nightmare but a massive stumbling block would have been removed.
True indeed. Can’t argue with that.
It’s hard to avoid focusing on Jews when you read on ZH this morning that Trump has authorized the DOJ to create a task force “combating antisemitism” and has okayed another $1 billion in military weapons to Israel. And the beat goes on.
Anyone who claims:
“They seem to think (actually, more than just “seem” to think, for I’ve had them repeatedly tell me as much) that if we simply deal with the Jews, whether by ousting them or something else, all of our other problems will, as if by magic, disappear”.
Is either completely and utterly wrong or is …… a j.
If the day comes it won’t be “simply” dealing with the jews or “magic”, that day comes when White men have regained control of their nations. There’s no magic, just White men organically back where we belong. Handling the rest of the shit skins after that will be nothing more than a walk in the park. No one will be able to get in our way.
So yes, dealing with the jews absolutely solves all of our problems.
Thank you for your comment; it couldn’t exemplify more perfectly the NTJ-type referred to in this article.
Thank you for your response; it couldn’t exemplify more perfectly the jewish subversion apologist/deflector architype the White positive sphere has had to deal with for centuries.
If we had the power to solve the JQ, we would have the power to deal with the other problems as well is true. But it doesn’t mean that solving the JQ IS solving other problems or that other problems cannot be solved without dealing with the JQ first.
It seems the only people who benefit from anti-semitism are the Jews. It should stop. They can claim special victim status every time something negative about them is alleged or revealed. The credit that accrues to them when they are the victims of violence goes through the roof. As one of the wealthiest groups in the U.S. they have been given special minority status to receive government grants and loans…All because of anti-semitism.
It is time to stop with the anti-semitism, it’s counter productive.
The preceding would in all likelihood be considered anti-Semitic.
This is a superb point, and one of the reasons I’m so opposed to wantonly naming the Jew rather than responsibly doing so.
Frankly, the best thing that could happen, as I see it, is to make the Jew, and the Holocaust, and Hitler, utterly unremarkable. Not the linchpin everything is made or broken by, but just another people who, when they are trying to hurt us are resisted to whatever degree necessary, and when they aren’t acting up are left alone (ideally, on the other side of white borders).
What is the point of these articles popping up every so often on CC telling us to leave the jew alone and then the author doesn’t respond to a majority of comments pushing back?
You’re strawmanning. Maybe that’s why you haven’t received a response.
Just scroll up Greg. First comment with a thread of push back and it got a feeble response from author he might as well have not said anything.
“Leave the Jews alone” is a strawman.
““Naming the Jew,” when doing so is germane to the discussion, is a good thing.”
“NTJs, keep naming the Jew. And thank you for not being cowards about it.”
Honest question: Did you read the whole article? Or did you just read a few triggers that launched you into tirade mode?
You have not responded to my point that dealing with the jew absolutely does solve all of our problems as we’ll be free to actually address them.
I don’t spend my day naming jews but you’ve conflated people who do with people who don’t but still believe getting them out of our way will be the beginning of White people controlling our own destiny.
So I say again, removing them does absolutely solve all of our problems as a people and a culture.
Your reply to the article was basically: yes, it will solve all our problems.
That’s it. I had just spent an entire article detailing reasons I believe that it doesn’t solve our problems, and your response was that. There was really nothing more to say to that–we had reached an impasse. (And I still get the impression you didn’t bother to read the article in its entirety, if your take-away was that I’m against naming the Jew when naming the Jew is called for…a question you ducked.)
Notice that I mentioned Blacks, Muslims, and liberal Whites in the article, and noted reasons each group is a threat in its own right to white well-being. But then you just said, “Handling the rest of the shit skins after that [dealing with the Jews] will be nothing more than a walk in the park. No one will be able to get in our way.” See, at this point, it was up to you to back that up, if you wanted the argument to keep going.
I’d just spent the whole article giving examples of three groups in particular (far from an exhaustive list) and reasons they would in fact likely still very much “get in our way.”
Now if you would like to explain how dealing with Blacks, Muslim, and (perhaps worst of all) liberal Whites will “be nothing more than a walk in the park” after Jews are dealt with I will gladly listen, but that’s your case to make.
It can get tiresome making the same sorts of comments, so here I just append a very recent exchange on the same topic as this post:
Lord Shang
January 25, 2025 at 2:03 pm
“Naming the Jew” is a complete dead end, and this even apart from all the WW2 guiltism and brainwashing to which whites have been subjected. Most white Americans do not understand the nature of Jewish power, and it is a huge uphill battle to explain it to them without sounding like unhinged and evil Nazis.
OTOH, it’s really easy to get our fellow whites riled up about border crossings and black crime, not to mention in your face affirmative racism and DEI totalitarianism. So why would any prowhite go for the highest “fruit” when there is so much that is low-hanging? My strong suspicion is that [Nick] Fuentes and especially E. Michael Jones are actually the ones ham-handedly trying to play 4d chess, their agenda being to, as [Jason] Kessler implies, derail the white solidarity movement. They know that attacking Jews as a group in America is a loser within the Middle American Right, but that attacking Replacement and ghetto savagery are winners – and they don’t really want us (as whites) to win.
Prowhites must always keep our eyes on the prize, which is white purity, perpetuity, and political and cultural power, nothing less, nothing else.
January 25, 2025 at 9:24 pm
I think theological anti-Semitism ─ Fuentes and Jones are both Trad-Caths who do not like Race ─ has no merit. Such types are best avoided entirely. They might find an acorn once in a while in their criticisms of Jews or something “woke” ─ but I struggle not to find them irritating and sometimes loathsome. I am not interested in “advancing” back to the Dark Ages, or the sterile absolutes of their Faith.
Lord Shang
February 2, 2025 at 5:26 am
Agree that promoting Christianity, worthy (or not) as that may be, is not our agenda, nor should it be. Is the White race (and, by extension, our unique civilization, the greatest in history) worth saving? I think it is. The Church will not save our race, however, as even my super-Christian parents absolutely would have agreed (they would have added doing so is our responsibility, not the Church’s). So I allege that, even for White Christians, our highest duty is to secure our race’s existence. Once that has been achieved (alas, guaranteedly long after you and I are gone), then by all means can the various ideological and sectarian tendencies comprising the broad pro-White movement split apart in pursuit of their own concerns.
But my point was a bit different, and hinted at something larger. We must build up our power as a movement (and a downtrodden race), and to do that we must – as I’ve stated in past CC comments – start having victories, any victories. People like winners, and they’re more willing to associate with winners, even if the latter are “controversial”. As the scale of our victories increases, we can continuously ‘up’ our demands and activism.
Starting out by attempting to defenestrate Jewish power is starting to learn to ski by going on the black diamond runs instead of the kiddie trail. Victories build momentum for more victories; therefore, we should commence (and sadly, prowhite politics is still in its infancy, at least in the US) by choosing battles that we stand a good chance of winning (Border Wall, deportations, DEI elimination, immigration reduction, ghetto crime suppression, etc). Naming the Jew is about the hardest of the “black diamond runs” of politics. Anyone wanting prowhites to base their political ascent on counter-semitism is therefore automatically suspect – and if, like E. Michael Jones, they don’t even share our concern with White preservation, then we can be almost certain that they are knowingly leading us to a dead end.
OTOH, once we have achieved political victories, and have built up a sizable prowhite movement, overcoming institutional and financial Jewish power will follow almost as a matter of course (given than Jewish power is largely built on the lack of White solidarity).
I don’t know why anything I wrote above should be considered as other than obvious. Jews as a group, unlike blacks as a group, are very difficult to assess. Some, like Soros, are the worst antiwhites. But many others are highly contributory members of society. The problem with NTJ discussions is that so many average Whites actually can point to, or even know personally, many of the latter. Trying to then explain group dynamics and interethnic conflict theories is terribly difficult, while also being easy for antagonists to mischaracterize.
The way to dislodge Jewish power is to focus on building up White power, and the way to do that is precisely by NOT “N-ingTJ”, but rather, achieving prowhite victories in easier areas (see above), and then continuously “upping” our demands. I’ve been arguing this since the 90s, and the Trump Effect applied to the marginalization of the (((neocons))) over the past decade actually has demonstrated the viability of my approach.
Trump never “named the neocon”; he simply ignored them and went about building up his MAGA base. But in the process of doing that, power quite rapidly leeched away from the neocons to the point that they’ve been completely gutted as a political force. This is astounding to those like myself who’ve been following their rise and the consolidation of their GOP intraparty power from the early Reagan 80s all the way through Romney/Ryan ’12 – until they got dislodged seemingly overnight merely by the presence of Trump and his ideological positions. The Weekly Standard folded (and their successor website, the pathetic The Bulwark, has achieved zero traction); Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin and their ilk are openly mocked and hated within the MAGA-GOP; and two of the three major neocon obsessions – ‘generous’ immigration and endless American overseas military power projection – are now openly opposed by most of the GOP base (if not yet elites).
[The other and perhaps main neocon obsession – rabid support for Zionism – still does enjoy huge GOP support, but that is less due to neocon than Christian-Zionist influence, along with a certain degree of verboten civnat enjoyment at seeing “Western” Israel unapologetically kicking swarthy ass – a phenomenon which I believe has otherwise healthy Occidentalist undertones.]
Jewish power over Whites only exists because Whites are lacking in group consciousness and pride. As White pride and power grow brighter and bolder, Jewish power will quietly fade away.
Basically, this brings us back to the mainstream Republican position. The altright is finally growing up and joining the Republican Party, lol! Viz., exchanging hardline pro Israel foreign policy for immigration and dei concessions (normalization) within the United States. That’s fine and dandy, but we already HAVE Fox News. I read these websites for other reasons…
These are great points that you (and Scott) make in this exchange. It is securing a future for White people, not a dopamine rush from giving Jews their comeuppance, that should be our guiding principle. And gaining easier victories initially, by focusing on the easier to digest and less likely to alienate topics, is the wiser way to do that.
Sometimes, depending on what is thrown at us, controversy is impossible to ignore, of course (and that includes confronting Jews, when it’s Jews, and naming them, if/when it is relevant). But that doesn’t mean we have to exacerbate it, making fence-sitters less likely to see the truth we’re telling as they recoil in horror because we couched that truth in a bunch of gratuitous and unnecessarily vile rhetoric.
Jews control every major lever of power, whether directly or indirectly, and they must be dealt with. They won’t go away if we ignore them. Yes, there are other problems, but this one is of central importance. It’s true some of their power is slipping, evidenced by the more open discussion of Jewish power in recent years by more mainstream people, such as Candace Owens. Even Tucker Carlson is nibbling around the edges of Jewish power. This is a good thing.
I don’t think that anybody is seriously advocating for ignoring Jewish mischief ─ and it is substantial and comprehensive ─ but there are other balls in the air, and we have to juggle with all of them, and eventually to decisively deal with all of them.
The jews are a problem. They have been for a long, long time. They know it (but pretend it’s our fault) and we know it (and pretend it’s our fault). The JQ exists because jews are an irresponsible, narcissistic people who are incapable of self-reflection as to why they find themselves the focus of so much ire. There are no cases that I’m aware of where allowing jews to participate in an organization does not eventually result in that organization being jewish-supremacist. It could be a quilting bee and eventually the jews will have it making ‘holocaust memorial quilts’.
The jews are a serious problem. They pretend to be White but universally support anti-White policies. They are the engine of immigration ‘reform’ and supply ‘the left’ with money and organizational heft.
Maybe someday, Counter-Currents will reject articles that use lower-case ‘white’ but upper-case ‘Jew’. Until then, I always note with an author capitalizes ‘Jew’ but lower-cases ‘White’.
Yep, you’re right, all those things are true. And if you read the article you’ll notice I didn’t suggest anything to the contrary.
Feel free to now explain how even if we solved the Jewish problem that would make everyone else, the non-Jews, stop trying to invade our spaces and do us harm.
I’ve yet to hear a convincing answer, so I hope you’re up to the task. I’m all ears.
FYI: As for capitalization, I submitted the article with “White” capitalized when used as a noun, to denote the race, and lower-case when used as an adjective (i.e., “white people”) and the editor, consistent with in-house style, changed it. CC has its reasons for doing that, and it’s certainly not to demote Whites. (I mean, come on, give them a little credit in light of what they put out.) I also capitalize “Black” when referring to the people (the same way I would “Negroes”) and use lower-case when black is an adjective (i.e., “black people”). To me, this makes sense, whether it is a newer convention or not. But style is arbitrary, so I accepted the change without complaining.
You have nothing at all to say to my extensive comment above?
Hi, Lord Shang, yes, it’s just very long. I plan to look at it when I have more time.
If capitalization was not under your control, then I apologize for suggesting that it was your choice.
As for ‘Feel free to now explain how even if we solved the Jewish problem that would make everyone else, the non-Jews, stop trying to invade our spaces and do us harm.’
Without jewish money and jewish organizational infrastructure, mass immigration would be highly curtailed. They run the NGOs that facilitate this invasion. The less anonymity the jews have, the less influence they have. This becomes obvious in any area of endeavor that gets ‘j-woke’. When a White-presenting jew starts telling Whites how they should act and someone from the peanut gallery says ‘Aren’t you a jew?’ their whole phoney-baloney ‘Fellow white people’ act becomes much less tenable. The less jews can steer the conversation among Whites and between Whites and non-Whites, the better it is for our people.
The jews know this. Which is why they promote control over the media and why they have made asking The Question a crime in the form of ‘anti-semitic hate speech’ laws.
But even if you don’t agree with me that ‘naming the jew’ – or just asking the Question – is productive in an of itself (I certainly don’t), it is more productive than many other manias we see on our side like Nordicism and ‘good racial stock’ talk or ‘flat earth’ or a thousand other hobby-horses on the Racial Right that find their way into our discourse.
I’ve pointed out many time that being ‘anti-Semitic’ isn’t the same as being pro-White.
But as long as jews are allowed to participate in White culture without being called out any time their advocacy seems to prefer jews to Whites, there will be problems.
Fortunately, these problems are easily avoidable by White Nationalists making the commitment to not only ‘naming the Jew’ but getting good a spotting the ‘jew in the wood pile’ as it were.
‘Anti-Semitism’ is the right and problem response by Whites to Semitism. I don’t know how a White Nationalist can be pro-White without being opposed to jewish influence on White Nationalist affairs.
First Kessler’s piece, now this.
We are living through a time in which the President of the United States pardoned all the J6-ers and has begun to punish South Africa over their treatement of whites.
The richest man in the world is throwing mock romans and telling the Germans they need to get over their guilt.
It appears that a purge is underway inside the FBI.
And a man with a Deus Vult tattoo is now running the Pentagon.
At this time, what could possibly be the point of doing anything other than increasing the pressure on all fronts?
If some people are obsessively focused on a single front, what is the point in carping about it or trying to marginalize them? We are all of us already marginalized.
Why do so many people in this thing behave as if they were born to lose?
The irony of this comment is astounding.
The whole point of the article is to admonish White Nationalists not to fuck it all up and blow a singular chance we’ve all been given to connect with other Whites who are nibbling on the hook of our ideas.
If you managed to come to the conclusion that I’m against naming and blaming Jews per se, I’ll assume you didn’t bother to read what I wrote, and therefore I won’t bother repeating it here for you and others with this fixation to ignore, again.
NTJs aren’t created in a vacuum. I would argue the trauma of being “red-pilled” (for lack of a better term) is too much for some people and they become singularly focused on the that one issue. Many people who are first exposed to that issue go through a NTJ phase.
I always argue that looking into why Western society was and is so susceptible to subversion, becomes the more difficult and deeply disturbing issue to grapple with. Basically, The why versus the who. The why is harder because it requires introspection.
I agree. My Awakening (Duke) was the source of my own awakening on the JQ issue, and for a time I had NTJ tendencies myself, so I get it.
I had originally titled the article “‘Name The Jews!’… FTL.” It got changed in editing, but by that title I wanted to convey that the problem is blurting out “Name the Jew!” (whenever it isn’t directly relevant to the point being discussed), not naming the Jew per se.
It’s derailing.
You see it all the time when Jared Taylor makes a comment somewhere. And it’ll be a good pro-White comment, a relevant one, that all kinds of “normie” Whites are expressing approval of in the comments section. But then along comes the NTJ with his vanguard tendencies, and writes “Name the Jew, Jarod!”
The fish was nibbling the bait, then the jackass jerked the rod like it was time to set the hook.
Jared Taylor is an asset to white people’s cause, so attacking him for not broaching certain topics is definitely short sighted.
Public figures who openly advocate on behalf of white people have the right to choose what they want to discuss openly. It could be strategic or for safety reasons, but I’m sure intelligent people like Jared are well aware of whose been doing what to our society.
Good point. Exactly!
NTJs want immediate gratification. They’re a lot like Negroes in that sense. They don’t recognize the validity of a layered approach to problem solving, can’t imagine that less overt steps are sometimes necessary as you’re softening someone up to accept a harder, in this case massively taboo, truth: i.e., that Jews and Jewish hegemony have no place among Whites or in white societies.
In America especially, Protestant Christianity in particular has for centuries and to this day accepted the premise that Jews, despite their rejection of Christ, enjoy a special relationship with God himself, and that even their recalcitrance does nothing to demote them from being God’s “Chosen.” We are simply non-Jews who have, by a gracious God (YHWH), been “grafted into the vine,” and for that we should be thankful, certainly not ever despise the Jew, even as we seek to lead them to salvation (recognizing all the while that salvation came to us through the Jew).
You don’t just undo centuries of that thinking by edgy memes posted by some rude dickhead whose ultimatum is, basically, “believe God and be a ‘cuck,’ or believe me, and I’ll think you’re cool.” No, you’ve got some courting to do.
Cornelius Burroughs Tavington: February 5, 2025 NTJs aren’t created in a vacuum. I would argue the trauma of being “red-pilled” (for lack of a better term) is too much for some people..
Trauma? Really? For being exposed to an uncomfortable truth?
I’ve posted the facts about Jewish control of media to C-C, but there was no response except from the idiot JayeRyanOD, that went nowhere. If others read it, perhaps they were in a state of shock? The truth about “our” mass media being controlled by Jews was just too much for them: Who Rules America 2010
A better term than “red-pilled” is awakened. I’d guess most regular people have no idea what you’re talking about, using the esoteric term “red-pilled.” I never saw the Matrix movie, and most people probably didn’t either so don’t make the connection.
Plain language is preferred. I feel the same way about the term “gas-lighting,” that comes from a 1940s movie, that means manipulating an individual to have him question his sanity. For that matter, how about NTJ? How mmany regular people know what that acronym stands for? Just introduce them to “Who Rules America? Just Name The Jew and see if they are paralyzed by trauma. If they are, it’s probably not worth your breath to talk further to them about the JQ.
Many people who are first exposed to that issue go through a NTJ phase.
Do they, really, a “phase”? Sounds more like cowardice to not name the Jew once a halfway racially conscious, responsible White is awakened to indisputable facts about who really rules America. Maybe that’s just my opinion, being an ol’ “boomer” who values truth?
To be clear, use of the abbreviation “NTJ” was, for the purposes of this article, something I considered a necessary short-hand, a reference to something that I’d be repeatedly referring to throughout, something that would have been tedious both for me and readers if it had to be explained at length every time (much like using “JQ” or “WN” or “NAXALT”).
(To repeat: “NTJ” = one who thinks the Jews are ultimately responsible for every enemy’s anti-White actions, not just the Jews’ anti-White actions, characterized by his habit of saying “Name the Jew!” anytime anyone, for any reason, doesn’t mention Jews by name. Repeating what’s to the left of the “=” makes more sense than repeating what’s to the right of it several tens of times.)
It’s tangential, and the comment wasn’t directed at me, but I would add that like you I too have a general aversion to neologism. Personally, I never use the term “red-pilled” (though I don’t fault those who do) for the reason you referred to: I’ve never seen The Matrix and don’t intend to. For that matter, I dislike “gaslighting” very much and prefer not to use it, though sometimes do, admittedly, reluctantly but for expediency’s sake, feeling disingenuous as I do, considering I have never seen the movie that that term comes from and likely never will, either.
James Betony: February 6, 2025 To be clear, use of the abbreviation “NTJ” was, for the purposes of this article, something I considered a necessary short-hand, a reference to something that I’d be repeatedly referring to throughout, something that would have been tedious both for me and readers if it had to be explained at length every time (much like using “JQ” or “WN” or “NAXALT”).
That’s fair when discussing the JQ among already awakened kinsmen.
I must admit, though, I am still flommoxed when I see the esoteric acronym NAXALT.
(To repeat: “NTJ” = one who thinks the Jews are ultimately responsible for every enemy’s anti-White actions, not just the Jews’ anti-White actions, characterized by his habit of saying “Name the Jew!” anytime anyone, for any reason, doesn’t mention Jews by name. Repeating what’s to the left of the “=” makes more sense than repeating what’s to the right of it several tens of times.)
Now, to me, that is not fair. Jews are nowhere near responsible for all of the ills of Whites; it’s foolish for anyone to say so. Truth be known, it is almost entirely ignorance, complacency and apathy among White herd animals for their own tragic situation. When our own enlightened sub-group of racially responsible elite can reach, educate and inspire other Whites to serious activism, things can change for more to our view of the world faster. We do not have time to waste looking for the receptive few among fans of niggerball or Dancing With the Stars.
…I too have a general aversion to neologism. Personally, I never used the term “red-pilled” (though I don’t fault those who do) for the reason you referred to: I’ve never seen The Matrix and don’t intend to. For that matter, I dislike “gaslighting” very much and prefer not to use it, though sometimes do, admittedly, reluctantly but for expediency’s sake, feeling disingenuous as I do, considering I have never seen the movie that that term comes from and likely never will, either.
It’s nice to see some agreement. You just introduced a useful new word to me. However the second definition for it is a little scary.
neologism – noun, ne·ol·o·gism nē-ˈä-lə-ˌji-zəm
1: a new word, usage, or expression
2: psychology : a new word that is coined especially by a person affected with schizophrenia and is meaningless except to the coiner…
I had never even noticed that second definition. Haha, now I’m really averse to neologisms.
“Now, to me, that is not fair. Jews are nowhere near responsible for all of the ills of Whites; it’s foolish for anyone to say so. Truth be known, it is almost entirely ignorance, complacency and apathy among White herd animals for their own tragic situation.”
100%! That is what I was getting at with the article: We have many enemies, of which the Jews, however powerful, are but one; and we do not vanquish all the others just by getting rid of them. That’s it.
“I’ve had them repeatedly tell me as much) that if we simply deal with the Jews, whether by ousting them or something else, all of our other problems will, as if by magic, disappear. ”
I’ve stated as much here and assume this article is partly directed at me, so let me reiterate. Jews are responsible for many of the problems we face today, highlighting assassinations of presidents like McKinley, or Senator Huey Long as examples. Again, just highlighting a few items, Jews are responsible for WWI, WWII, etc. Jews are responsible for stealing this nations bank, causing depressions, endless wall street swindles, etc. Jews are responsible for the great society welfare system that did nothing but breed tens of millions of psychopathic negros who have been so severely weaponized they should be considered domestic terrorists, etc, etc. Jews are responsible for legislation that has flooded the country with foreigners that have destroyed the native demographics, etc, etc. Again, not trying to write a book in the comments section, but by saying that jews are a source doesn’t mean the damage they’ve caused is ignored. If you don’t go after the source, any secondary or tertiary problems jews have caused will just return again and again and again. Any ideas on how to start a professionally run NS platform? This is what the focus should be, unless you think the ubiquitous Mr Muck is going to solve all our problems.
As I’ve said to the other NTJs, so I say to you: it is up to you now to explain how taking care of the Jewish problem takes care of all our other problems.
Just citing instances of Jewish anti-White subterfuge, even legitimate ones as you’ve done, doesn’t achieve that.
Really, let’s hear it; how does it follow that solving the Jewish problem takes care of the Black problem, and the Muslim problem, and the Hispanic problem, and the Antifa problem, and the sub-continental Indian problem, and the liberal-Whites problem, and the apathetic-Whites problem, and the… etc., etc.?
Not a rhetorical question. Let’s hear it.
A familiar image is that of the blue octopus, with tentacles wrapped firmly around the globe. The tentacles not only regenerate but multiply, so that our periodic hackings and slashings, however valiant, are of no utility: there is always bribery, blackmail, legal word-games, guilt-tripping, “cancellation” through control of communication and finance, or simply outright murder, to fuel the tentacles’ growth.
The NTJ’s focus is on the octopus.
Great article.
Another thing about the name the Jew monomaniacs, their standards for calling someone Jewish are very low. A month ago they were all calling Joel Berry, the editor of the Babylon Bee, Jewish. You see “Joel” is a Biblical name, and who ever heard of American gentiles giving their kids Biblical names? And “Berry” is a surname with origins all over Northern Europe, but it’s held by some Jews, so by Name the Jew logic, Joel Berry is a proven Jew, despite having blond hair, blue eyes, and being vocally Christian, things not usually considered typical of Jews.
For years now, people have been claiming that Jared Taylor’s “wife” Evelyn Rich (to whom he was never married, but never mind) is a Jew. It isn’t true, but it resurfaces constantly because Jared’s position on the Jews demands an explanation, and “He doesn’t agree with you” is not deemed sufficient. That is too intellectual, too idealistic I guess. So the more plausible explanation is that he’s married to a Jew, or even a Jew himself. (I have not seen the latter claim, though.)
The principal explanation for why so many whites look up to Jews is the Christian religion. Jewish brides, bribes, bosses, blackmail, and physical violence are all real. But they are pretty far down the list, and they probably mesh to some extent with ideological factors like Christianity. These are all personal, even physical relationships. I wonder what percentage of whites actually have personal relationships with Jews, anyway?
Thank you, Vulfur.
And great point about their standard being so low. Do they not realize that these tactics (i.e. to throw the accusation that one’s a Jew willy-nilly against the wall and hope it sticks) undermine their credibility? Basic boy-who-cried-wolf dynamics apply here; nobody takes you seriously when it is the Jew, and you–the guy who’s always just being edgy for edginess’ sake–is, yet again, making the claim.
One of White Nationalists’ Achilles’ heels is the inability to read the room and adjust intensity as needed rather than to blow all their venom at every encounter like some overzealous baby snake.
In Berry’s case, the NTJ’s reaction was provoked by deliberately inflammatory and insulting tweets like this one:
„Joel Berry (@JoelWBerry) on X
This Jew conspiracy rabbit hole will rot your brain and your soul, but it also steals your manhood. These effeminate whiners are no different than those who shriek about “white supremacy” and “patriarchy.” They just happen to have a different scapegoat“ [tweet has apparently been deleted since then]
He’s furthermore spreading gross statistical untruths: https://x.com/JoelWBerry/status/1746316172830601229?mx=2
I don’t think it’s possible to keep the Berrys and the NTJs of this world from being at each other’s throats on X. A very unhealthy mutually reinforcing dynamic where both sides are equally emotionally incontinent and facts don’t matter in the slightest.
It’s incredible how much hatred Christian Zionists like Berry can mobilize against a very simple and straightforward hypothesis about the power structure in the West. If he is convinced that it can’t possibly be true, why all that rhetorical venom? I thus think people like him are on some level aware that there’s probably more to that hypothesis than they are willing to entertain, which is why it’s such a threat to their identity (hence the lashing out).
Plus, it just feels lazy that he’s not even trying to bring his religious ideology and observable reality together, which some Christians do using the Khazarian hypothesis or some construct arguing that the Talmud or the Cabala are actually Babylonian and not Israelite in origin. I guess what I’m saying is that there’s just no good way for a Christian to completely spiritually reject the founders of his religion, which brings us full circle to the crucial issue of the “viewpoint race”.
This is a good illustration with what I’m getting at with the article. You just cited a slew of nonsensical anti-White points written by a guy with apparent problems that are easy to refute. A perfect opportunity for a pro-White race-realist to win friends and influence other Whites.
But what does the NTJ do? Acts like an internet edgelord and tells a lie (if in fact, as Vulfur said, he isn’t a Jew), by calling him a Jew.
Opportunity blown. Credibility undermined. Nice work, NTJ. You’re a real asset to the cause.
Oh yes. So many openings for a witty and sharp rhetorician squandered. What a shame.
One intelligent observer responded with:
“What’s your favorite thing about Whites?”, which made Berry pretty uncomfortable.
Can others correct me if I’m wrong?
But I don’t remember a single “Name the J” moment in the the Leni R NS GOAT propaganda movie “Triumph of the Will”.
As I recall Julius Streicher’s (Der Sturmer) short cameo didn’t even include any negative comments, observations about the Js – just JS’s advice to :
“Keep the blood pure”.
Now why did AH Grand dad, Dr. G the NS Party propaganda minister decide not to “name the J” in their #1 campaign, propaganda movie?
Was it because AH, Dr. G and all the real NAZIs back in their hey day were:
Controlled opposition?
Secretly funded and controlled by J bankers, Masons, the Illuminati, the ADL, SPLC, Mormons, Papists or whatever the *#$&@ conspiracy mongering, Spotlight Magazine still with us Whites are obsessed with this week?
No, in my opinion the NS – then THE largest, most successful political party, movement in Germany in this time did Focus groups showing this movie to regular Germans and they found that regular Germans just didn’t want to hear this “Name the Je*” all the *$#&*# time.
When David Duke was having very impressive breakthrough mainstream political, media success – he did the same. DD didn’t kiss the J as*, but he didn’t rant and rave about the Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews all the time, like he has done these last ~ 25 years in this “Name the Je*” drop out , loner online ghetto.
That’s my take.
I hope GJ posts my take here in the comments section.
What an interesting point. I wasn’t aware of this, but it makes sense.
I think about this sometimes; down the road, if/when we ever do get a place of our own, there will come a point when we will need to maintain a balance between being aware (which necessarily means talking about subjects, like enemies, so we can be vigilant against them and not repeat the same mistakes we’ve made, again) and living the natural lives that we fought to achieve (i.e., ones that revolve around us rather constant rumination on the dirty deeds and ill-wishing of aliens).
Christianity is the precursor whence all subversive movements and deviant behavior shelter and flourish. In the white race, it is the metaphorical equivalent of AIDS. It’s like trying to run a horse race with the horse strapped to your back.
“Liked” for truth and reality. Thank you, Peter.
You are absolutely correct, Peter. I thank Providence that I was able to come across such titans of our people like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Dr. William Pierce who were able to succinctly explain to me WHAT Christianity actually was, it’s effects on our racial soul and it’s origins as a literal Jewish conspiracy designed to destroy the Roman Empire and therefore by extent, the White Race. One can easily see that the universalism of Christianity was a precursor to Marxism/Communism, both brought to Europe by the same lovely people that just love us so much to this day.
I’d said:…It’s nice to see some agreement. You just introduced a useful new word to me. However the second definition for it is a little scary.
neologism – noun, ne·ol·o·gism nē-ˈä-lə-ˌji-zəm
1: a new word, usage, or expression
2: psychology : a new word that is coined especially by a person affected with schizophrenia and is meaningless except to the coiner…
James Betony replied: February 6, 2025 I had never even noticed that second definition. Haha, now I’m really averse to neologisms.
WW: “Now, to me, that is not fair. Jews are nowhere near responsible for all of the ills of Whites; it’s foolish for anyone to say so. Truth be known, it is almost entirely ignorance, complacency and apathy among White herd animals for their own tragic situation.”
JB: 100%! That is what I was getting at with the article: We have many enemies, of which the Jews, however powerful, are but one; and we do not vanquish all the others just by getting rid of them. That’s it.
Exactly, or almost exactly, perhaps 90%. I’m saying NTWs (name our own people), many who will never name the Jew because they actually are gullible enough and superstitious enough to unquestioningly believe that Jews are chosen by Yahweh/Jehovah, up in the sky, to rule over them because their Bibles tells them so. Once deprogrammed from that nonsense, Whites can focus on race preservation instead of on Judaized multiracial pop culture.
BTW, there was a third dictionary definition for neologism that I cut because it was wrong: “combining two words to create a new word is known as blending or portmanteau. ”
Here are some examples:”Brunch” (breakfast + lunch)
“Smog” (smoke + fog)
“Infomercial” (information + commercial)
“Spork” (spoon + fork)
“Guesstimate” (guess + estimate)
Or, “lawfare,” something I know a little about first hand (law + warfare)
Let’s All Drink to the Death of a Clown: February 8, 2025 I thank Providence that I was able to come across such titans of our people like Dr. Revilo P. Oliver and Dr. William Pierce who were able to succinctly explain to me WHAT Christianity actually was, it’s effects on our racial soul and it’s origins as a literal Jewish conspiracy designed to destroy the Roman Empire and therefore by extent, the White Race…
All 18 chapters of Dr. Oliver’s Origins of Christianity are here: The Origins of Christianity, part 1 | National Vanguard We will be republishing Origins in book form in the next month or so. We’re also looking to republish Nicholas Carter’s The Christ Myth, another important titlle for weaning our people from Jesus juice.
Snippet from Oliver’s Origins, part 1:
In 1980, especially in the United States, there was a massive “upsurge” of Christianity. In November, one of America’s many bawling evangelists, Oral Roberts, had an interview with Jesus and took the opportunity to observe that Jesus is nine hundred feet tall. That datum so impressed his followers that within two weeks, it is said, they supplied him with an extra $5,000,000 to supplement the $45,000,000 they give him annually. A little earlier, another holy man, Don Stewart, reportedly made the big time in evangelism (i.e., an annual take of more than $10,000,000) by distributing to his votaries snippets of his underwear, which True Believers put under their pillows, since the bits of cloth that had been in contact with his flesh had absorbed the mana of his holiness. And in the quadrennial popularity contest to determine which actor was to have the star role in the White House, all three of the presidential candidates deemed it expedient to announce that they had “got Jesus” and been “born again.”
Dr. Pierce had plenty to say about Christianity, but summed up with, “it’s not grounded in reality.” Nietzsche said (paraphrasing) that in order to supplant an existing belief system (Christianity) with another, the ground must first be cleared of that existing belief system.
So Pierce dedicated his life to creating that belief system, a real one, that is much more suitable for Aryan peoples, geared for the long-term preservation of the best of our precious gene pool.
Drs. Oliver and Pierce and other unnamed titans of our race are no longer with us but their bodies of work are preserved and live on. We have many new titans in training to take their places. One of my favorites is Dr. Thomas Dalton. We currently offer 28 of his books titles in our online bookstore, with four out of stock but reordered, here: Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism
Speaking of Nietzsche and Christianity, Dalton’s essay: Nietzsche and the Origins of Christianity | National Vanguard An excerpt:
OVER THE COURSE of two thousand years, Christianity has grown from nothing to the largest religion on the planet. Some 2.1 billion people now consider themselves Christian, about one third of all of humanity. It significantly outnumbers Islam, in second place with 1.5 billion members.(1) America is among the most religious of all industrialized nations; about 77 percent are Christians, and most of these are regular church-goers. And yet few people, even Christians themselves, understand the origin of this most influential religion. In one sense, we will never truly understand exactly what events transpired two millennia ago, in that land of shepherds, nomads, and dusty villages of the near Middle East. Archeology tells us some things, ancient documents others. But these give us only an outline of the facts of that place and time. If we wish to comprehend early Christianity and its implications for today, many gaps must be filled in—by analysis, probability, guesswork, and faith.
Friedrich Nietzsche took a great interest in Christianity and its allied religion, Judaism.(2) This interest was strikingly—shockingly—negative. The title of his final book, Antichrist, gives a good indication. For Nietzsche, Christianity was decadent, weak, and nihilistic. It led to a sickly, subservient herd morality and suffocated the quest for human excellence. Worst of all, it replaced a life-affirming naturalness with an otherworldly, life-denying negativism. It has become, in fact, “the greatest misfortune of mankind so far” (Antichrist, sec. 51).(3) This disaster of Christianity is impossible to understand, he said, without grasping its Jewish roots. Thus it is not simply Christianity, but Judeo-Christianity, that must be examined with brutal honesty, if we are to overcome its weaknesses…
sorry, the octopus rather than the tentacles.
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