Pierre Krebs
Fighting for the Essence: Western Ethnosuicide or European Renaissance?
London: Arktos Media, 2012
This newest offering from Arktos is the first translation into English from the works of Pierre Krebs, a leading figure in the European New Right. Born in French Algeria (1946), Krebs studied law, journalism, sociology and political science in France, taking an active role in right-wing politics during the late 1960s. Later settling in Germany, he founded the Thule Seminar, a self-described “research society for Indo-European Culture,” in Kassel in 1980. The German Verfassungsschutz (Office for the Protection of the Constitution) appears to take considerable interest in his activities.
Besides the book under review, Dr. Krebs is the author of The European Rebirth, The Imperishable Inheritance: Alternatives to the Principle of Equality and a study on Valéry and Wagner. Fighting for the Essence was first published in German translation in 1996, with a revised French edition appearing in 2000.
Krebs’ nomenclature, original with him so far as I know, draws a sharp contrast between “Europe” and “the West.” “Europe” refers to the great racial and cultural tradition he wishes to defend; “the West” means today’s “Western community of values” that engages in humanitarian bombing campaigns, enforces tolerance at gunpoint on its subject populations, prefers the stranger to the kinsman, and wishes to erase even the distinction between men and women.
Prof. Krebs is good at pointing up the antinomies of this modern ideological abortion: its homogenization in the name of diversity and suppression of particularity in the name of tolerance. Multiculturalism and multiracialism, as he observes, are mystifying terms which function to conceal a culturicidal and raciophobic program of deracination and panmixia. “The doctrine of human rights should be seen for what it really is: the ideological alibi of the West in a battle to the death that it has declared on all the peoples of the world.”
Apologists for Western ideology rest their case upon a false dichotomy between assimilation and fearful isolation:
In fact, just as the self-defined individual who differentiates himself from the surrounding masses does not isolate himself from society, but on the contrary enriches it with his uniqueness, so also a people conscious of their difference do not isolate themselves any more from the human species, but come closer to it every time they endow it with their singularities and their peculiarities. The more a people becomes conscious of their difference, the more their opening up to the world has a chance of profiting others . . . and the more they are inclined to tolerate the differences of others.
The author distinguishes three stages in the development of “the egalitarian lie.” The first, political stage replaces organic democracy with a parliamentary procedure emptied of ethno-cultural content; the second, juridical phase, demands that all nations align their constitutions to this same model; the third, ideological stage breaks down the territorial integrity of nations through open immigration, which leads directly to the final biological abolition of human differences in universal panmixia.
All of this sounds consistent with what might be called the orthodox conservative narrative of Western decline since the Enlightenment. Nor does Krebs depart from that narrative in tracing the origin of egalitarianism to Christianity. In the view of many on the Christian right, modernism is a practical form of the Pelagian heresy, an attempt to bring heaven down to earth—“immanentizing the eschaton,” in Voegelin’s mellifluous words.
But Krebs names the heresiarch Pelagius as one of his heroes. In his view, the egalitarian lie is to be blamed not on any perversion of Christianity, but on Christianity itself—or, as he invariably writes, “Judeochristianity.” He cites Nietzsche’s observation that
Christianity, which has sprung from Jewish roots and can only be understood as a plant that has come from that soil, represents the counter-movement to every morality of breeding, race or privilege—it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence.
From this Krebs infers that
every discourse which calls for a European Renaissance without separating itself from Judeo-Christian civilization, its dogmas and its rituals, is condemned to failure in advance, since it is enclosed within the very matrix of decline. . . . The monotheistic “Unique” and the egalitarian “Same” are, in fact, the front and reverse side of the same coin. . . . [The] continuity is flagrant between the Jewish will to reduce the polymorphic and polysemic figures of the divine to the univocal figure of the only God, an autocratic being, the absolute ‘I’ of the universe on the one hand; and the secularized monotheism of human rights on the other, informed by the same will to reduce all the racial and cultural polymorphism of the world to univocal figure of a globalized Homo occidentalis, a serial repetition of a Same detached from its identitarian affiliations.
The author also cites Nietzsche’s suggestion that monotheism, “the belief in a normal god next to whom there are only false pseudo-gods,” was a “consequence of the teaching of a normal human type.” Indo-European polytheism, on the other hand, “is fundamentally alien to the notion of messianism or proselytism, the natural sources of the intolerance and fanaticism that are characteristic of the three monotheistic religions.”
Finally, the author accuses “Judeochristianism” of “breaking the bond of friendship between men and nature” through its command to subdue the earth. Anyone with a genuinely European mentality, he says, would find incomprehensible the promise to Noah and his sons that “the fear and dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air: into your hand are they delivered.”
The look which [Westernized Europe] bestows on Nature is no longer the look of the living man who discovers and feels himself a partner of the world. It is the essentially venal, anonymous and cold look of techno-scientific inspection, a utilitarian look that no longer conceives the world as a dwelling in which man is the inhabitant, but as an object that men, endowed with the power of appropriation by Jehovah, have the duty to exploit.
The rejection of Christianity does not commit the author to reject all of post-classical European civilization, of course, or even all of its religious life. He emphasizes that Christianity never truly eradicated the pagan heritage, and claims to find the native spirit of Europe in many great figures of the Christian era, including Pelagius, John Scotus Eriugena, Meister Eckhart, Nicholas of Cusa, Giordano Bruno, Jacob Böhme, Goethe, Hölderlin, Beethoven, the dramatist Friedrich Hebbel, Theodor Storm, Rilke, Teilhard de Chardin, Saint-Exupéry and Heidegger. He also claims that Gothic architecture owed nothing to “Judeochristianity.”
Dr. Krebs’ treatment of Christianity and Western decline deserves a fuller treatment not only than I can give here but also than he himself offers in his slender volume. The issue is of the utmost practical importance, for it represents a rejection of the great majority of his potential political allies.
This reviewer is happy to agree that the rise of Christianity, with its promise of salvation to the world-weary, was closely bound up with the decline of Graeco-Roman civilization. Indeed, I suspect this historical context better accounts for what Krebs finds decadent in Christianity than does its racially alien origin. But does it make sense to blame Christianity also for the decadence of modern civilization?
There is surely considerable temerity in reducing the thirteen or fourteen centuries of European civilization between the conversion of Constantine and the Enlightenment to a list of fifteen personal favorite figures. And the temerity is increased by the implied claim to have understood several of these figures better than they understood themselves.
It is a familiar observation that enlightenment thought amounts to a secularized version of Christian doctrine, a displacement of its eschatology into the realm of politics. Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn is just one example of a Christian conservative who stressed this connection, citing the Latin proverb corruptio optimi pessima: “the corruption of the best is the worst.”
But Krebs the admirer of Pelagius cannot mean this; his explicit positions would force him to deny that the secularization of Christianity is the essential misstep. Instead he must hold that (1) Christianity itself is responsible for the specific way in which it was negated by the Enlightenment, and that (2) Europe has been in a state of decadence since at least the fourth century AD. This bold interpretation of European history may deserve consideration, but the author has hardly made a case for it in the brief manifesto under review.
Next to “Judeochristianity,” Krebs’ greatest scorn is reserved for “the putrid swamps of America,” with their fast food restaurants and comic-book literature. This, of course, is a common trope of European intellectuals across the political spectrum, easily made plausible by comparing American low culture with European high culture. As a long-time American expatriate in Europe, I often had cause to lament mindless lowbrow Americanization myself, but it is hardly a reflection on America that Europeans prefer McDonald’s to Melville. Wilsonian democratic messianism would also have got nowhere without striking a chord in other lands.
Dr. Krebs closes his work with some far more plausible reflections on culture, immigration and territory. He cites Heiner Geissler of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union party as a representative of contemporary elite opinion:
It is not the influx of foreigners but the incapacity for rejuvenation and adaptation of the Germans, combined with their aversion to immigration, that represents the real danger for our future. . . . In the future, Germans will not have to live with just five million foreigners—as today—but with seven, perhaps ten million.
The danger in such a mindset stems from its unfalsifiability. We have no reason to think Herr Geissler unacquainted with the problems connected to immigration; he may well have to deal with them every day. But he has a ready-made explanation for all of them, as well as any that may arise in the future: the “xenophobia” of his fellow countrymen. As long as he clings to this notion, no empirical evidence of immigration’s failure will ever give him cause to reconsider his commitment to it—not even a full-scale ethnic civil war. Such observations, writes Dr. Krebs, “allow one to measure to what a degree of stupidity and blindness the militants of multiracialism have sunk.”
All culture is regional, expressing the beliefs and sensibility of the people of a particular place and time. As such, it necessarily involves an element of exclusion, namely, the exclusion of what is foreign to those beliefs and sensibilities and to the way of life in accordance with them. For this reason, any serious defense of culture boils down to a defense of territory. Let us close with a fine observation Krebs takes from Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, the Austrian founder of the discipline of human ethology:
The best way to maintain peaceful cooperation between peoples consists in guaranteeing to each of them a territory that each people has the right to administer in its own way, and in which it is permitted to develop itself culturally as it sees fit. . . . To the degree that people accept the implantation of minorities in their territories, they open the door to inter-ethnic competition in their own house.
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And that, The issue (blaming Christianity for everything wrong with the world today) is of the utmost practical importance, for it represents a rejection of the great majority of his potential political allies as you so succinctly put it, Dr. Devlin, is the issue for those seeking political power.
Christianity and its bastard son, Secular Christianity (see my recent 10,000-word post on this subject) must die if the white race is going to survive.
Can I take it we should spread the doctrine “Christianity must die” because spreading the doctrine “The Jews must die” is too dangerous?
phil in blockquote:
No, Chechar made a very astute analysis.
Chechar’s criticism is not with “Christianity,” by which I mean the outworking of the Deed of Christ in the world. It is with what self-identified “Christianity” has become, which is “Judeo-Christianity.”
There can not BE any sich thing as “Judeo-Christianity,” as Judaism is the EXACT opposite of Christianity. Thus, when Christianity tolerates Judaism, it absorbs the spiritual equivalent of anti-matter, which negates Christianity, making it kinder, gentler, and impotent.
This was briefly described in the example of the wheat and the tares, where enough tares – even one, really – acts to destroy the value of the entire bushel of wheat.
The example is quite appropriate. Believe me, the Leadership of the Institutional Christian churches would find another tool to deform, pervert, cripple, maim and destroy Christianity if Judaism disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Rather than overtly destroy Christianity, which would force the Christians to see clearly who their Enemy is, how much easier to pervert Christianity from within, by making it “Judeo-Christianity.” Note which religion gets top billing in THAT formulation.
After all, what is “Judaism” but the Babylonian religion they adopted while in Captivity? Why do you think they NEVER mention the name of THEIR God in the presence of strangers?
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I just skimmed through your post Chechar, Very good and you come over as a disgruntled Catholic rebelling against Vatican 2. I’ll print it out so I can read it properly.
Good idea, Sandy, but I gave up Catholicism 36 years ago.
Sandy in blockquote:
This observation ties in perfectly with Greg Johnson’s formulation, that most of who were attracted to historically defined “White Nationalism” did so out of nihilism. In their self-selected impotence, they reject Christianity IN ITS ENTIRETY, routinely referring to Jesus Christ as “a dead Jew on a stick.”
They are not seeking political power as defined in terms of political effectiveness. They are seeking to simply act out, like small Children, while failing to answer the First Question of Politics:
“What do you have that is better?”
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
The issue of neo-pagan revival vs. Christianity is something that I have spent a great deal of time considering, given that Myth, the spiritual path, the Transcendent principle, is very important to me. I also believe these are essential to any healthy culture, people.
When one studies the type of Christianity that, for example, Codreanu, Herder, Belloc, Chesterton, Pieper, and Bosanquet adhere to, it becomes obvious that it is NOT entirely antithetical to the national idea, as many in our camp contend. In fact, certain aspects of Medieval Catholicism and Orthodoxy serve to strengthen this idea via organic agrarian communities and guilds, sobornost, checking usury and competition designed to simultaneously enrich and enslave generations of men, having a fixed place for Transcendent and a total rejection of nominalism which, after the Enlightenment, made possible the tyrannical rule of the initiated technocratic elite and plutocrats-who now impose their particular brand of “Truth” on the world. I have not found a convincing counter argument for the above.
What are your thoughts on this, Dr. Devlin?
We need a Prophet to lead us – He could be the Prophet of a New Pagan European Religion or a Prophet of Christian Revival, but in either case, He must be a God Realizer and obviously far above anyone else. It can’t be faked – too many would see it through it and it would leave us even more demoralized. He would have to be a Man of the highest moral standards and with a good dose of worldly wisdom to match.
As our Shiite Brothers say, when he arises “fight them who fight Him”.
Jaego Scornze in blockquote:
A useful formulation, which might be placed in a Christian context.
It is useful to remember Christ ONLY incarnated when there were twelve people who were qualified and ready to hear Him, and accept Him. In effect, The Twelve provided the foundation – enough high quality Initiates focused on the same metapolitical goal, actively fulfilling the same metapolitical Purpose – NEEDED for Him to Incarnate.
Our duty becomes clear.
In the meantime, what better way to show your support than to send money to counter-currents, each and every month? Any you have left over cane be pent on food, clothing and shelter. Any more left over? Send it to the Northwest Front.
Daily, in thousands of ways small and great, we prepare The Way for the further manifestation of Christ in us, and before us.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Today’s Christianity certainly is a tricky topic F O C.
A British blog http://sarahmaidofalbion.blogspot.com/ reminds us that whatever ideology rules the land the men running it tend to be unloving, hateful, holier than thou types (how does that always happen?) Britain today is in the throes of the greatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becoming an ideological state, a country with an official state ideology enforced by the power of the state. In “hate crimes” we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts.
On the maid’s list of Frankfurt School goals she lists that they want us to abandon the churches. Mine is closing anyway (teaches rubbish so is no loss) but I am left with the feeling that if I leave the church the Frankfurt School wins and if I keep going and listening to all the PC rubbish the Frankfurt School wins. Just how long is this “long march through the corridors of power?” In the meantime, as you keep reminding us, send C-C a couple of bucks a month. Nothing else seems to work these days.
Fourmyle: As to the Judeo-Christian thing I’m old enough to remember when our media, Jewish even then of course, began to shop the phrase “our Catholic-Protestant-Jewish culture.” They did that so they could hide the Jewish part in the “diversity” of a three-part thing instead of the later two-component tradition. In other words they were “triangulating” as Clinton later did with congress. This was about the late 1950’s.
Around the 1970’s I recall they felt their little trick was well enough established that they could go to the “Christian –Jewish traditions” I honestly don’t remember if they made the advance to the two part tradition as “Christian-Jewish” or if they went straight to “Judeo-Christian” with, as you pointed out Judeo getting top billing.
This almost two generational stealth campaign that was media wide is what convinces me there is a Jewish clique at the top in our media that has been planning a lot of what’s going bad at least 50 years in advance.
phil in blockquote:
That is the key to understanding the absolutely primary importance of a metapolitical goal, a metapolitical purpose. This is what Yockey keeps hitting on in “Imperium,” which has perhaps the most inspiring opening section of any book I have read.
When the formation of Zionism began, the leaders said they would not be at all surprised if the STATE of Israel came into being in fifty years. Remarkably, it did not take fifty years.
It took forty-nine, and to make that happen, they had to engineer financial and economic collapses, and two repeat TWO World Wars. What made them World Wars, of course, was our intervention in them.
This is a level of organization and intelligence that always stands united on the essentials, at all places and times, whereas the philosophy of individualism and libertarianism is what THEY prefer for US.
My opinion of historically self-identified “White Nationalists” can be summed n one phrase:
“One Hundred Years of Total, Bitter Failure Is ENOUGH!”
This is why I place such an emphasis on Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic. As an analytical model it allows us to define OUR game, with OUR Rules, to fulfill OUR Purpose.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Interesting article, especially the comments on Christianity. You could say that our culture is basically Indo-European and pagan, with a superficially Christianized surface. I agree that it’s a Middle-Eastern religion and alien to Europeans, but it’s so ingrained in our culture now that it’s part of our heritage. For better or worse. That said, there’s more of the old European pagan spirit in a patriotic Orthodox Christian than there is in a Wiccan neo-pagan hippie.
For the record, I’m an atheist myself and tend to prefer the pagan traditions over Christianity. However, I wouldn’t reject another racialist who happens to be a Christian, just because there are much bigger things to worry about.
As our Shiite Brothers say, when he arises “fight them who fight Him”.
I don’t know about you, but no Muslim is a “brother” of mine.
I’m not worried about the attacks on my religion. What I’m worried about is the negative political consequences for white separatist.
I’m ready to do anything short of planning a holocaust. You want someone on your side?
Like they say to have a friend be a friend.
I was going to read Chechar’s whole 10,000 word post but I’ve to go to the police department and file a complaint. Someone stole my “14 words” magnetic signs off my car Monday.
I seem to recall Hitler wrote that you cannot attack all the institutions and politically survive. You must concentrate on one target. That target is Jewish Diaspora culture.
I do know that Hitler died a Catholic.
I think Hitler’s Catholicism was fidelity to the memory of his mother – perhaps even a vow at her request. His actual policy was one of mere tolerance while scheduling Hitler Youth meetings on Sunday mornings. He believed as Nietzsche did: that if taken seriously, it exalts the sick over the well and is thus disastrous in the long term both biologically and culturally. He hoped to phase it out over time. He certainly didn’t want a rebellion on his hands during war time.
One of the paradoxes of the Religion of Peace is that it produces many good fighters and exels at surviving persecution. There is also an obscure doctrine that the Church can invoke that sanctions assasination. One of the Leaders of the French Revolution was stabbed to death in the bath by a beautiful youth Catholic Woman who feigned interest in order to do just that. Hitler knew all this and did not underestimate Bonhoeffer, Steiner, etc. Along with the Jews and most of Masonry, he characterized them as the Forces of Darkness.
For my part, I admit complete conflict loving both Christ and Pagan Europe. The Celtic Church offered the best hope of some degree of reconciliation, with many Druids actually joining. But Augustine’s (not the famous one) mission to Britain was the begining of the end of all that. Rome wanted to “regularize” all this. The Benedictines went to Ireland and regularized the Celitc Monastaries into their own form.
Aquinas said that the purpose of Grace was not to destroy Nature but to perfect it. If that was taken seriously, there might be Hope. But it never has been exept in terms of personal devotions.
Jaego in blockquote:
It seems we require persecution as a goad to develop. The Religion of Peace starts with a metapolitical premise – that you do not convert to Islam, you REVERT to Islam, and being one with God in purpose.
There are several good biographies of Suleiman out. As well, remember Islam had Institutional advantages for the conquered area, a very simple and fair tax code being one, while having your debts to the Rulers being wiped out. Pretty good deal.
The Roman Catholic Church basically supports anything that supports the Church. The Jesuit focus is on the GREATER Glory of God (By Any Means Necessary). Of course, that is not our concern here, as we can, and must, do all we want, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Pagan Europe was part of the outworking of the Deed of Christ. Pagan Europe offered masculine power when Rome desperately needed it. It might be useful for you to contact some of the serious Druid leaders, and start to organize, say, The Church of Christ (Celtic). A member of the Pagan Priesthood I am on good terms with told me, “We work with Christ Eternal daily, YOUR Church teaches you He died two thousand years ago, and that was pretty much it. Nonsense. In effect, he became One with the Earth, and is working to transform the Earth, and all of us. We don’t confuse Him with Jesus to the exclusion of Christ, Jesus being the first physical form He adopted during is First Incarnation.”
The Purpose of Man on Earth is to transform the Earth into what it was before, but at a higher level. Righteous Transformation is the foundation of true spiritual activism. The Pagan Druids never forgot this. The Christian Leadership, wanting to keep the people trapped in their place as their servants, did.
Why not try to meet with the local Pagans, and see if common ground can be found somewhere? If not, think about what can be done better, and do it.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
When Christians tried to convert Arabs in the early centuries, many of them admitted their spiritual deficiency but said that they would wait and that the Sons of Ishmael would be given their own Light.
That’s what we need: a White Prophet for Whites. But Guenon, Schuon, and the whole Neo Traditionalist School (which I respect deeply) have said that there would be no more Revelations in this cycle and that we were approaching the End of this humanity. Chilling words. We may have to with what we’ve been given and it may come down to Warriors of the New Dispensation – the Last Brigade itself.
We may win thru to the New Era. There is an obscure esoteric confirmation: Maitreya, the Buddha to come, is always portrayed as a White Man. And this is true all throughout East Asia where Buddhism has flourished.
Jaego in blockquote:
Shouldn’t the focus be on the Light Within, and magnifying it so it could set fire to the awaiting tinder?
There is a very important metaphysical principle at work here; two, really, one explicit, and one much more implicit.
One, the Last Thought of one lifetime forms the foundation of the next lifetime. Issues that are unresolved, and of karmic importance, are thus defined and objectified. The example of Mozart, whose Last Thought, very firmly held and tied directly with the fulfillment of his karmic mission, was of the need for changes to be made to “Don Giovanni.”Upon his reincarnation as another musical genius, Saint-Saenes, he was discovered “correcting” Don Giovanni – at the age of FOUR.
Two, the force spent defining the transformation (and thus, conquest of) the Evil before you in this lifetime acts as a tremendous springboard in battling the Evil that “won” in the previous lifetime. You are given extraordinary talents to deal with this. This, and many examples suggest themselves, is part of why Spain held out against Islam as long as it did, as well as it did.
Let the Buddhas deal with their issues. Let’s not fall into the self-selected importance of waiting for them to to the heavy lifting. Let’s focus on the Work we could do, TODAY, if they were here guiding us, TODAY.
Too damn much of what should have been “White Nationalism” has been spent in defining us in terms of what we are AGAINST, and even THOSE selections were usually made for us by our Adversaries.
Let’s begin defining what we are FOR, in metapolitical terms, and go from there. Our choices in the Past brought us to where we are today. Why shouldn’t our choices TODAY focus on our taking control of the fulfillment of our Destiny, our damn DUTY, in thousands of small ways, which will have a cumulative effect beyond this lifetime; perhaps, well beyond this lifetime.
This is where I stand in quiet awe of what Harold Covington has done. He has tripped all of the traps in the first half of his life, but did not try to bring back the Forms of the Past, when we were effective. He is focused on us creating the Forms that will best support and sustain the Race in the Future.
What SHOULD the Next Christianity look like? What can you DO about it?
What does the view from your bedroom window in 2050 look like? Why? What did you DO to make it better?
I have asked this question repeatedly, and only two people have even cursorily begun to address it. That is because the answers they can conceive of simply terrify them, and they return to the soft, medicated impotence of those who are, in the words of Mr. Smith from “The Matrix,” “already dead.”
Think of every Deed in this lifetime as being like pennies put into a compounding account at the Bank of Karma. When the time comes to make the down payment for your next Lifetime, what will you balance be? Enough to be Charlie Brown, or enough to be, say, Goethe?
The Choice Is Yours. Choose this day, and choose wisely.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Revelation is a Tsunami and the Religions are the tidal pools left in this world as it withdraws. The tidal pools are small and always decreasing but nonetheless – they contain the all essential Grace. One can’t creat one’s own Religion. And I am not a Prophet and neither are you. But I admire your spirit. As I said, we may be left to our own devices so your attitude may be the right one, the only one now.
What will 2050 be like? A nightmare if things continue as they are. A horror, a continent wide bongo party with Whites are the guests of horror. Things must not so continue.
What do you think of West Coast White Nationalism? Much good energy is in Liberal Culture and not in Conservatism per se. Conservatives are often small minded and uneducated. Liberals are more intellectual but utterly sick. Any White Nationalism that is born from Conservatism alone is intrinsically unbalanced. For example, conservative people think anyone without a car is a loser. Liberals do not believe this. So who is more flexible? Who will deal better when gas prices approach European levels? Who is in better shape? Which group can drive, walk, take a bus, or ride a bike? Liberals. Mr Covington, whom I deeply respect, is on the wrong side on this one. Mr Johnson’s concept of West Coast White Nationalism is an important contribution to any future Homeland.
Yes Spain was amazing. There is such strength in Real Tradition as opposed to the fake ones that masquerade as such in America.
Jaego Scornze in blockquote:
Religions are lenses by which a Culture sees the spiritual situation in which it finds itself. There is saying over the entrance of the Potala in Lhasa: “A Thousand Monks, A Thousand Religions.” Each makes his religions uniquely his, as he develops spiritually beyond the religious system into which he was born. A Child’s understanding of The Incarnation is far different from the Adult, much less The Initiate.
You claimed you were not a Prophet. Perhaps. Given time, who knows. There is certainly prophecy of a sort that is quite implicit in your next comment:
What can be done about this? I think most people refuse to look at this issue because they simply shut down at the magnitude of what we are facing. Yet, we must do what we can, starting where we are, acting in the fulfillment of a metapolitical purpose, all the while acting in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
“Conservatism” is simply, to paraphrase Buckley to Sobran, “a racket to bluff the fools.”
“West Coast White Nationalism,” if I understand it correctly, recognizes we have always been played for fools by defining ourselves in terms of what we are AGAINST. This is simply Charlie Brown reduced to shadow boxing, and breaking his hand on the wall. WCWN identifies with the larger issues of Race as the living bridge between Family and Culture. WCWN takes Yockey seriously, and requires us to work with what he is saying, defining ourselves in terms of a positive Duty to the Race, writ large.
The problem seems to be one of identification error. The term “Liberal” has drifted far from its original, very valid, meaning. It now seems to mean pure redistributionist, anti-White, and absolutely secular humanistic. Those whose economics through the lens of ecological economics support your model, which acknowledges the duty to the Race in keeping the environment as healthy as possible. This is entirely consistent with Harold Covington’s Northwest Republic Analytical Model.
And there is a stronger need to recover the best of Real Tradition in a modern Christianity. You should certainly see the events of Spain then as the outworking of Christ in saving, preparing, and transforming the living foundation of Civilization. Such was certainly required then, and will certainly be required again. Soon.
Maybe tonight.
Remember, the foremost goal of the Adversary is to simply demoralize us into the learned helplessness that leads to impotence. Bezmenov describes this perfectly, as it was his means to his end. Spain, through the outworking of Christ, fought against this and triumphed after CENTURIES of occupation by a power that was temporally supreme, and served the Adversary.
We are BETTER, much damn BETTER, than this. For the sake of our Posterity, and the very Christian process of Civilization itself, we must be.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Yes, but who but the Church could do it again? And as you know, the Church was conquered by the dark forces culminating in the atrocity known as “Vatican 2”. The Church is now a microcosm of the Culture: Kennedy Catholics fight against weirdo “conservatives” who would be considered wild eyed liberals fifty years ago. Gentile NeoCons have taken to converting to Catholicism. Lovely. And the Trads? Very stiff, angry people. They have every right to be angry. But they’re not dynamic or attractive on the whole. Pope Benedict knows alot of this but what can he do? His reforms make sense, but they are slow and small. Too much so. Like Pat Buchanan, he keeps alot to himself. They should both drop the J Bomb before they kick of this mortal coil.
I was using the words liberal and conservative in a convention way in my last post. And as such, I stand by what I said. Alot of “liberal” attitudes to the environment are going to be needed in the new Republic. It cannot be based on Conservatism alone – neither Traditional nor the new bogus one.
Sure the Sufis say the same: the ways to the Beloved are as many as the lives of men. But neither they nor the Tibetans imagine any of this without Grace. In other words, they say it within the bounds of an initiatic Tradition.
Jaego in blockquote:
All they have done is all they can do. What is much more important is what you can do, and what can be done, collectively.
I’ve written off the Roman Catholic Church for now as being simply too strong a stronghold for The Adversary. Maurice Pinay had it right.
There must be an association or society of Druids somewhere, and I strongly urge you to consider investigating a group that is much more active in the practice of Christianity – defined as the outworking of Christ – than many might imagine. As my Pagan Priesthood friend said, “You could learn more sitting silently an entire night before one of our fires than you will find in a thousand books.”
I’ve made my definition of the Bible clear, and I can recommend as supplemental reading “Imperium,” of course, and “The Only Tradition,” by Quinn. I think his thesis adviser was Eliade.
Don’t make the mistake we have made for more than a century. Don’t play THEIR Game by THEIR Rules.
Incidentally, THEY don’t want you to send momney to counter-currents. No higher praise can be imagined.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Thank you, that was beautiful. I’ve always felt very close to the element of fire. Gazing on it one is enriched in a mysterious way. I’ll consider what you suggest.
All of the forgoing accords with my current reading: about the Camino and Santiago Matamoros – the Pilgramage to the Cathedral of Saint James the Moor Killer. Also reading Hyperborean Home – kind of Druidic I’d say!
What do you think about “Night Walkers”? I met an old timer in Idaho who claimed that he was about to shoot one, thinking that it was a bear. But it turned around and had a human face and he lower his rifle. He seemed sincere but maybe it was just a story for a city boy. The best storytellers always seem sincere because they believe themselves as they tell it – as KMac has explained.
Jaego in blockquote:
The Camino is a very authentic element of the path of Christian spiritual development. There is an Ancient Order of Druids still extant. It is worth investigating, as long as you realize that, to the extent any of these are valid, it is because they represent the outworking evolution of the Deed of Christ. Any student of the history of Institutional Christianity knows how quickly the temporal leaders fall under the sway of materialism. We could ask the Templars, who held fortunes in gold, yet lived lives of poverty and selfless service, in an age where the Papacy was ruled by the gold standard.
I expect there have been thinnings of The Veil, which becomes more acute as one spends time alone, in the absence of sense-based distractions. I suspect moments of heightened Awareness allow more direct perception of the Aspects that can dominate another.
The important thing to remember is the absolute sincerity of the search for Truth. Brunton was Initiated in a hotel room, only when he was ready, and not a moment before. All of that derived from his total sincerity to seek and understand the metapolitical issues at stake, and serve the highest and best of what Mankind should become. Note the depth of horrific attacks he underwent thereafter, which was no less true for Hugo de Payens, or the Maid of Orleans, who, having saved France, was executed for the functional equivalent of heresy – by those who she had saved.
It is of critical importance not to worry about the Harvest, which may not be fully realized for several lifetimes; now, now, NOW is the time to plant the seeds, and nurture them.
That is why sending money to counter-currents each and every month is of critical importance, and that is why I put Harold Covington and the Northwest Republic foremost in any discussion of our Racial future. Think of the Northwest Republic as being related to contemporary political systems as Gothic architecture was to what preceded it.
We are building a new type of cathedral, one brick at time. The bricks are the substance of our lives. This was true for Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, Goethe, Schiller and Leibnitz.
It’s true for us, as well.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
A further point of clarification.
Regarding the downfall of the Church, consider that it was worse when the Templars came along, but they manifested a spiritual Impulse strong enough to counter the Church for as long as they were needed to do so.
Again, who is to do this?
Again, you.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
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