1,057 words
“The legionary spirit is that fire of one who will choose the hardest road, who will fight to the death even when all is already lost.” — Julius Evola (more…)
1,057 words
“The legionary spirit is that fire of one who will choose the hardest road, who will fight to the death even when all is already lost.” — Julius Evola (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is the transcript by Lee and Donna Hancock of Part 2 of Greg Johnson’s interview of Mark Dyal, which you can listen to here. Please post any corrections below as comments.
GJ: So Mark, you did your doctoral dissertation on the Ultras. Can you tell me a bit about the basic thesis of the dissertation and the things that you’ve studied, the things that you discovered? (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is the transcript by L. and D.H. of Part 1 of Greg Johnson’s interview of Mark Dyal, which you can listen to here. Please post any corrections below as comments.
GJ: I’m Greg Johnson. This is Counter-Currents Radio and our guest today is Dr. Mark Dyal. Mark Dyal has a PhD in anthropology and he has written several articles for Counter-Currents/North American New Right. (more…)
A.C.A.B. is a subculture acronym frequently employed by skinheads.
An example of its use can be seen in the short video clip “Saga Live in Finland,” filmed at a skinhead bar in Finland in 2007. (more…)