Carl Schmitt wrote that “the exception in jurisprudence is analogous to the miracle in theology.” Someone makes a decision, and then usually hands down a new order like a prophet declaring a new religion. In America, this phenomenon is taken to an extreme with the Constitution being revered as a holy document. (more…)
Tag: Carl Schmitt
At the start of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, both the “Dissident Right” and mainstream conservatives in America quickly became lockstep in praising Putin and criticizing Ukraine. Nationalists in Europe were not so easily taken in. Part of this was undoubtedly due to geographical proximity. The Russian bear looks more cute and cuddly the further away one is. (more…)
1,099 words
Carl Schmitt was born on July 11, 1888 in Plettenberg, Westphalia, Germany — where he died on April 7, 1985, at the age of 96. The son of a Roman Catholic small businessman, Carl Schmitt studied law in Berlin, Munich, and Strasbourg, graduating and taking his state exams in Strasbourg in 1915. In 1916, he earned his habilitation in Strasbourg, qualifying him to be a law professor. He taught at business schools and universities in Munich, Greifswald, Bonn, Berlin, and Cologne.
The following interview, which was first published on June 27, is being reprinted with the permission of the interviewer from the blog of the Turkish writer Eren Yesilyurt.
Alain de Benoist is a French writer and thinker, one of the leading figures of the European New Right movement. (more…)
May 6, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy
Rozdział 5: Refleksje nad Pojęciem polityczności Carla Schmitta
1.941 słowa
English original here, Estonian, French, Spanish
Część 7 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 4, Rozdział 6)
„Czy możemy się po prostu dogadać?” – Rodney King
Krótka książka Carla Schmitta Pojęcie polityczności (1932) jest jednym z najważniejszych dzieł dwudziestowiecznej filozofii politycznej[1].
Głównym celem Pojęcia polityczności jest obrona polityki przed utopijnymi próbami jej porzucenia. Anty-polityczny utopizm zawiera wszystkie formy liberalizmu, jak również międzynarodowego socjalizmu, globalnego kapitalizmu, anarchizmu oraz pacyfizmu: w skrócie – wszystkie polityczne filozofie, których celem jest uniwersalny porządek, w którym porzucono wszelki konflikt. (more…)
President Franklin Roosevelt declares war on Japan on December 8, 1941. The Second World War was the last time the United States formally declared war in any conflict.
2,201 words
Joe Biden ordered a strike on Houthi-controlled northern Yemen in retaliation for Houthi piracy in the Red Sea on January 12, which in turn was Houthi retaliation for United States support for Israel in the ongoing Gaza conflict. This strike consisted of 150 precision-guided munitions and missiles. Five people were killed. (more…)
F. O. C. Darley, The Last Words of Captain Nathan Hale, the Hero-Martyr of the American Revolution (1861)
1,452 words
“There is only personal history, and consequently only personal politics.” — Oswald Spengler[1]
The Leftists have an unending supply of tedious takes in regards to Charlottesville, the Confederacy, and January 6. These usually involve pontificating about the rule of law, our sacred constitutional order, and a more perfect union. If they feel faker than Ron DeSantis’ smile, it’s because they are. (more…)
1,966 words
The struggle against every form of anti-Semitism — from the Left and Islamically motivated — it is our governmental and civic obligation . . . Der Kampf gegen jede Form von Judenfeindlichkeit — von rechts, von links und islamistisch motiviert — ist unsere staatliche und bürgerschaftliche Pflicht . . . (more…)
Sebastian and Paul from Antelope Hill Publishing were Greg Johnson‘s guests on the most recent broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they discussed their company, its mission, their publishing process, movement publishing in general, and the QAnon phenomenon, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
August 15, 2023 Greg Johnson
Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha
Capítulo 5: Reflextiones Sobre El Concepto de lo Político de Carl SchmittEnglish original here, Estonian translation here, French translation here, Polish translation here, Capítulo 6 aquí
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 4 aquí
“¿Podemos llevarnos todos bien?” — Rodney King
El librito de Carl Schmitt El concepto de lo Político (1932) es uno de los trabajos más importantes de la filosofía política del siglo XX.[1]
El objetivo de El concepto de lo Político es la defensa de la política contra las aspiraciones utópicas a favor de abolir la política. (more…)
Johann (Jan) Toorop, Stefan George, 1896; George took great pride in the fact that his profile favored that of Dante’s.
4,669 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
Stefan George’s Dead Poets Society
The chapters about Stefan George (1868-1933) and those of his inner circle are the most interesting and even-handed of the book. Unlike Nietzsche, George was not primarily a philosopher, but a poet. His verse, however, was deeply influenced by French symbolism, as well as Nietzsche’s muscular ideas that emphasized will, vigor, and a profound dislike of both bourgeois conservatism and egalitarian progressivism. Höfele claims that “the native idiom” of George’s poetry doesn’t translate well. (more…)
Carl Schmitt can illuminate American politics and jurisprudence by offering an outside perspective from continental Europe. First, his idea of the state of exception can help describe how the United States Constitution was rewritten in the Civil Rights era. And secondly, his description of the sovereign and of political theology explain in part why American conservatism has been a spectacular failure. (more…)
1,075 words
Carl Schmitt was born on July 11, 1888 in Plettenberg, Westphalia, Germany — where he died on April 7, 1985, at the age of 96. The son of a Roman Catholic small businessman, Carl Schmitt studied law in Berlin, Munich, and Strasbourg, graduating and taking his state exams in Strasbourg in 1915. In 1916, he earned his habilitation in Strasbourg, qualifying him to be a law professor. He taught at business schools and universities in Munich, Greifswald, Bonn, Berlin, and Cologne.