Editor’s Update
NAXALT Winners, New $10,000 Matching Grant, Counter-Currents Radio, Counter-Currents at the American Renaissance Conference, the Counter-Currents Book Club, & Imperium
Greg Johnson
You can buy Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism here.
436 words
1. Our 2024 Fundraiser Update
This year, Counter-Currents is trying to raise $300,000. A generous donor has offered us a $10,000 matching grant, so now is a very good time to help out. Thus far, our total is $167,417.06. Thank you for your support. Full information on how you can help is below.
2. The NAXALT Essay and Meme Contest Results
We had a lot of high quality entries in the NAXALT context, many of which have yet to be published at CC. Thus picking winners was hard work. Angelo Plume and I decided the winners by independently choosing our own lists, then compared them. We discovered that we agreed on 4 out of 5 essays, and rapidly came to a consensus about the fifth.
The top essay is:
- A. C. C. Reader, “Not All [X] Are Like That.”
The four runners up, alphabetized by the names of the authors, are:
- Asier Abadroa, “So, Why the First ‘A’ in NAXALT?”
- Richard Houck, “NAXALT.”
- Ondrej Mann, “Washing Away the NAXALT Fallacy.”
- Spencer J. Quinn, “NAXALT as Anti-White Sophistry.”
Rich Houck also won the meme prize.
In the coming weeks, we will continue to publish contest entries, and we will also bring them together onto a single NAXALT reference page.
I want to thank the donor who put up the prize money, as well as the contestants who participated.
3. Counter-Currents at American Renaissance
Counter-Currents will have a table selling books at the American Renaissance Conference in Tennessee, which is starting today. Please stop by, say hi, and buy a book.
4. This Saturday’s Counter-Currents Radio Livestream
Greg Johnson and David Zsutty will discuss the aftermath of the US election, Polish Independence Day, and your questions about current things on this Saturday’s Counter-Currents Radio livestream.
Join us at noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern/9 PM Central European Time on:
- Odysee: https://odysee.com/@countercurrents/ccradio
- DLive: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents
- Send questions & donations to Entropy: entropystream.live/countercurrents
5. The Counter-Currents Book Club
The next episode of the Counter-Currents Book Club on Michel Houellebecq’s Annihilation (see my review here) has been postponed to a later date, to be decided.
6. Our Imperium Edition
Folks, if you pre-ordered the limited edition of Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium, please make sure we have your updated mailing address. Just drop us a line at orders@counter-currents.com. Thanks!
7. How to Help Counter-Currents
There are many ways to donate, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.
You can explore all your donation options on our Donate page.
Remember: those who fight for a better world live in it today.
Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.
Greg Johnson
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Most people who have a brain and a conscience realize that so-called ‘democrats’ and ‘republicans’ are in fact two sides of the same coin, but why this unreal, ridiculous and completely illogical support for “Israel”?
The genocide is only possible because of US, UK and Western (Germany, France, etc…) military and financial unconditional support. These countries are guilty of war crimes and genocide as much as the perpetrators.
The real question is why do they keep supporting the rogue and genocidal state of “Israel”?
Let’s talk about the USA as they are the driving force behind the genocides.
Is there any valid and logical argument for the USA to support a rogue, illegal and genocidal state?
What is the excuse given by the US ‘government’ and all those who support “Israel” ?
“Israel” is one of US best friends” or “its best friend”.
This is the main and absurd argument given by “Israel” partners in crime to justify their blind and unconditional support for the genocidal regime.
What would be the real reason for such a blind and absolute support that goes against US interests, has ruined its soft power and reputation worldwide (except for the tiny minority of political “leaders” and “media” under US subservience), is ruining its economy, depleting its resources that could be used to restore US health systems, manufacturing capabilities and decaying infrastructures, killing its soldiers for wars that profits only the zionists, a handful of oligarchs and the military-industrial complex.
• Does it bring any new territory to the USA? No
• Does it bring any new allies? No, on the contrary, the more the US get involved with “israel” genocides, the less it has allies.
• Does it bring at least more clients? If by clients you mean scared political puppets who do not dare to say no to US bullying, it works for a while but as soon as these scared puppets find another master they drop the US, as seen in the case of Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
• Does it serve anything valuable on the long term? No, the US is now going down at a rapid pace in all sectors, economically, academically, socially, militarily…
By being an active participant to the genocides perpetrated by their zionist “friends’, they annihilate the future generations of Americans who will still be reviled long after the zionists cease to exist.
So why does the US ‘government’ keep destroying itself, its country, its future and its people to help a pariah regime perpetrate genocides?
1/ There are a vast number of corrupt politicians who are simply bribed by the zionists and their various “lobbies” (foreign agent organizations like AIPAC). It is a fact that they control many sold-out politicians in congress and the House by simply buying their support.
2/ There is an unknown number of corrupt politicians who are under blackmail, and whose support come from fear of having their career and lives ruined through operations like the Mossad agent Epstein was running.
But, this wouldn’t be enough to have such an abnormal, blind and almost fanatical support from all the mainstream media and almost all the political class in power in the USA and most of the Western world.
3/ The sad reality is that many Jews control most financial institutions, banks and therefore global corporations, famously own 100% of the mainstream media and a large part of alternative media as well.
In 1913, a group of European envoys from the Rothschild managed to impose to the US their privately owned central bank (and ponzi scheme) under the fallacious misnomer “federal reserve’, that is neither federal nor a reserve but a tool of debt creation and enslavement of the political system and the population.
Right after came income taxes, and soon after neutral USA had to participate in the first world war.
Since then, the military industrial complex, the debt and the control of Jewish dynasties on the US economy, media, banks, finances, academia and almost all other institutions has been spiralling out of control to reach such height as to have today totally controlled political puppets telling in our faces that the most criminal state in mankind’s history is “our best friend” and even dare to say:”we will finish the job” (of ethnic cleansing and genocide in Palestine).
This control doesn’t only come from bribes, lobbying or blackmail, it is now embedded into the pathetic US under-culture that has brainwashed and dumbed-down several generations of Americans, to end with a mass of ignorant, indifferent, gullible and often devoid of humanity lemurs who vote for and support war criminals like Obama, Biden, Harris or Trump.
All of them crisis actors chosen (not elected, but selected) by the parasitic class that hold the reins of power in the US and the rest of the West (as seen recently with the incidents in Amsterdam provoked by Mossad led Macabbi hooligans attacking locals and yet presented as ‘victims’ by the establishment under their control).
The Rothschild and their affiliates understood long ago that by merging with the richest and most powerful families in Europe, they would be able to thrive and survive the well deserved expulsion their ancestors experienced for good reasons.
They have even infiltrated royal families as seen with the lame duck “king” of the English, Charles, an insignificant parrot repeating his puppet masters globalist’s mantra to his subjects on a regular basis.
In the USA, they have merged with old business dynasties and the WASP oligarchy which now serves the interests of their zionist “friends” to the detriment of their country, people and future of their children. They even now brag openly to be themselves “committed zionists”…
Trump, Biden and Harris are the perfect examples of this colonization. Harris’s husband is a Zionist Jew, Biden family is laden with them and Trump has married his daughter to one of the worst zionists who will continue to manipulate his father in law to get the territories “Israel” wants to grab from its victims .
No wonder that Trump nominations are made exclusively of zionists, pro-zionists and warmongers.
And for those who still have doubts, RFK and Tulsi Gabbard are also “Israel” supporters.
The Judaization of America has gone so far that millions of Americans strangely find normal to be circumcised as if they were Jews or Muslims. This Judaic practice has been imposed in stealth mode over years on Americans under the pretence of “hygiene”.
I bet that Europeans and others who are not circumcised don’t have more hygienic issues than their ‘judaized’ counterparts in the USA.
Here, we have it a nation of Gentiles who, under the malignant influence of a tiny psychopathic minority bent on world domination, have become Ersatz Jews in all but name.
Worst of all, most of them don’t even realize it.
To Make America Free Again (MAFA), end the genocide and “Israel” wars, and aside from ending the “fed’ (a prerequisite for everything else), Americans (and other westerners) need to wake-up from their slumber and break the mental chains brought upon them by their Jewish slave-masters.
Excellent overview of the Judaization of the “West,” pol. Go to the head of the class.
Trump, Biden and Harris are the perfect examples of this… Harris’s husband is a Zionist Jew, Biden family is laden with them and Trump has married his daughter to one of the worst zionists who will continue to manipulate his father in law to get the territories “Israel” wants to grab from its victims….
Can’t disagree with that.
You can pursue what you want politically in America or elsewhere as long as you’re also pro-Israel, and what you want to do doesn’t directly displease Jewish sensibilities too much.
It’s a really strange way of getting things done, indeed you can never fully ‘get things done’ this way because everything must structurally bend to this.
The impression one gets is politicians use Israel support as a kind of unimpeachable shield to permit discussion of more popular tendencies. In the short term this strengthens the grip of Israel and Jews, although I guess everyone can see what’s happening. Perhaps they hope the public will rescue them from this dilemma.
I don’t think it’s because deep down Trump, RFK Jr and Gabbard really worship Israel. I doubt they do and would be extremely surprised if they did not hold private negative thoughts about Jews, and occasionally these might even slip in public in strange ways. It’s that the cost of taking a different position is too much.
The other issue is when people take office, is the ‘the talk’ they get from embedded officials about how the world ‘really works’, and “this is what we need to do to maintain things”. Whether that’s exactly what happens or not, is not so important, but they walk into structural institutional pressures and become shaped by them so they often don’t deliver on anything specific that they said they would
I can’t say one way or another about the others you mentioned, but Trump has been consistently philo-Semitic since long before he entered politics. Some other Presidents, though, have mumbled almost imperceptibly on occasion, yet went along with the Zio-program. Even the fake president Bidet seemed a bit exasperated by the Gaza thing. I can imagine that Obama especially was fuming about it behind the scenes. He was as far left as it gets for viable Democratic candidates, elected in 2008 to be a champion of the little guy (most especially the precious minorities), savior of the people from the irresponsible high finance types who’d just strip-mined the economy, and had notable Muslim sympathies. Then the next thing that happened is he got an email from Goldman-Sachs telling him who to pick for his Cabinet. The last President who put his foot down to the Israelis was JFK.
You may well be right. I just generally doubt the sincerity of much of this Jew and Israel worship, outside of neocon Jew and Christian Zionist nuts.
Okay, Hasbara.
But the two Parties are not equal sides of the same coin by any means because over 80 percent of the Jews vote Democrat and that is who they want in office.
Yes, the Joos will hedge their bets a bit with Republicans who have their own troglodyte odiousness obsessing on things like lowered capital gains taxes, more prayer in schools, Union busting, and Martin Luther King anti-White racism ─ but that has not worked out so well for them lately ever since Trump gained the GOP nomination in 2016 and the Neocons and the RINOs and the GOPe ex-establishment have been floundering for safer shores, some even becoming Democrats.
If it were not for Trump, then either Hillary Clinton or iYeb! would have become POTUS in 2017, and that would not have gone well at all for the dissident Right other than maybe for excessively-Online characters.
Trump is no Savior ─ nobody thinks otherwise ─ but we benefit greatly from the fact that the Bush dynasty and all their ilk now have to prevaricate massively. Junior Bush would like to join Liz Cheney and castigate Trump and everything he presumably stands for, but they simply can’t do this credibly since Trump wins bigly at the box office.
The Neocons and the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who want open borders and more melanated cheap labor, are on their back foot now ─ and hopefully this pestilence can be kept in abatement. If it were up to me, they and their Marxist friends would be on the next bus to the camps for some well-deserved fumigation.
Also, I shouldn’t need to say this here, but not everything is about the Joos.
Some of this talk sounds like everything is Kosherized from the dog catcher to the whole grain goodness lying in wait at my breakfast table. And if that were truly the case, then all would be lost and all would be hopeless. It would be a good troll. Nice try.
So what we of the authentic Right need to do is NOT allow ourselves to get into a funk of Learned Helplessness. We can do that by not perceiving every Win short of Anschluß to be another (((Loss)) and by learning to cultivate a bold goal-oriented Volkish culture.
An interesting little pamphlet ─ which like mushroom-swiss burgers is not hard to find ─ is called How to Get Out or Stay Out of the Insane Asylum, by George Lincoln Rockwell (1960). Some of our guys would benefit by a read; it’s only about a dozen pages.
There is much that we can do for ourselves, our families, and for our nation and race; this remains true and it has always been true.
However, I do believe that our prospects improved appreciably after the last American election with the Leftist Democrats losing in a landslide. Both political parties have moved apart thanks to Trump, and that is not nothing. White people want change, and this is a golden political opportunity.
Bravo – great piece! I love how it juxtaposes individual and group probabilities.
Thanks for the competition Naxalt. And for rating the short essays in the contest positively. Keeping the essay short and to the point was one of the requirements of the contest. I look forward to the next literary contest. There are some very good and intelligent writers writing for CC.
Pol: Trump nominations are made exclusively of zionists, pro-zionists and warmongers. And for those who still have doubts, RFK and Tulsi Gabbard are also “Israel” supporters…
Long time racial nationalist Martin Kerr reminded us, here: “A Brief Note on Tulsi Gabbard” at nationalvanguard.org
Before everyone jumps on the Tulsi bandwagon, let me point out four things:
(1) To the degree that she is nationalist, she is a civic nationalist, not a racial nationalist.
(2) She is of about 30 percent Samoan and East Asian ancestry. Hence, she is not White or Aryan.
(3) Although she has been critical of specific Israeli policies in the past, she is broadly pro-Zionist.
(4) She is no great friend of the right to keep and bear arms. Although she supports the Second Amendment in theory, her practical support is limited and includes many exceptions.
As desperate as some White nationalists are for a savior, it is not Tulsi Gabbard. Many a politician can give a good speech to drum up support by telling voters what they want to hear — but it is what they do that really matters.
And, as we have said many times in the past, there is no political solution to the ills that beset our race. We cannot vote ourselves out of the mess that we have gotten ourselves into!
Beyond that, we reject out of hand the notion that the cause of White renewal should be led by a non-White, whether it’s Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Nick Fuentes, or someone else. Really, a basic sense of racial self-respect prohibits such leadership.
If that’s not enough about Ms Gabbard, the great race-thinker Andrew Hamilton gave us this about her before she jumped the Democrat ship: “Tulsi Gabbard and the Browning of America” at nationalvanguard.org
She is anti-White and philo-Semitic like the rest of the evil crew in Washington… Gabbard does have non-White ancestry. She is a racial hybrid, the product of race mixing, born in American Samoa in 1981…
Like her parents, Tulsi’s interracial grandparents did not stint when it came to offspring. They had eight mixed race children altogether… Race crossing such as this generation after generation blurs boundaries and means that more Whites in the future will intermarry with increasingly indeterminate hybrids…
She should not be Commander in Chief because a) she’s not White and b) she’s a woman. She should not be a member of Congress for the same reasons. As a congresswoman she wields power over both Whites and men. What that statement immediately conjured up was the mental image of a photograph published in National Vanguard tabloid in 1979. Talk about prescience!
See that memorable image at Andrew’s linked article.
It would be nice if you used actual links. Here is a link to the article, and here is a link to the photograph.
AdamMil: November 17, 2024 It would be nice if you used actual links. Here is a link to the article, and here is a link to the photograph.
I don’t know about “actual links,” Adam, but you’ll notice that I did provide these two: “A Brief Note on Tulsi Gabbard” at nationalvanguard.org
and, “Tulsi Gabbard and the Browning of America” at nationalvanguard.org
Do they not work?
Thanks for linking directly to that powerful image of the feminization of our military from 45 years ago. It can be seen in the second link I provided.
Well, I don’t see them as links. I have to copy the text, with quotes around it, and put it into a search engine to find the article. It’s a little inconvenient on a phone.
AdamMil: November 18, 2024 Well, I don’t see them as links. I have to copy the text, with quotes around it, and put it into a search engine to find the article. It’s a little inconvenient on a phone.
Thanks for that, Adam. We’re not all mobile. Call me a dinosaur Boomer, but my phones are landlines. They have no apps and I don’t type on them with my thumbs.
When I first started putting “actual links” in C-C comments they were not showing up. I took it that I might be “shadow banned,” or something like that, So, I started putting them like this: “Our Cause by Dr. William L. Pierce” at nationalvanguard.org.
I apologize that you must copy, paste and search links the way I write them. That’s inconvenient for both of us, but at least you can follow them if interested. Let me know a more convenient way to put links to articles that works, and I’ll try to do it that way. I’ve never learned how to do hyperlinks like you used.
Pierce explains NA in “Our Cause” 48 years ago:
I’m sure that one of the difficulties people have in trying to understand [NA] is that they can’t figure out quite how to categorize us. They’re accustomed to putting everything they encounter in life into little, mental pigeonholes labeled right-wing, left-wing, communist, racist, and so on. And once they’ve done that, they think they understand the thing.
Now the trouble is that we don’t quite fit any of the customary pigeonholes. And that is because the doctrine of the National Alliance, the truth for which we stand, is not just a rehash of old and familiar ideas but is really something new to Americans.
Perhaps the best way to approach an understanding of the Alliance is to start by getting rid of some of the most troublesome pigeonholes altogether. That is, by pointing out what we are not. We are not, as many people tend to assume at first, either a conservative or a right-wing group. And I’m not just trying to be cute when I say that. I’m not just trying to emphasize that we are a special right-wing group or a better right-wing group. In fact, our truth has very little in common with most right-wing creeds. We’re not interested, for example, in restoring the Constitution. The Constitution, written 200 years ago, served a certain purpose well for a time. But that time is now passed. Nor was its purpose the same as our purpose today. We’re not interested in states’ rights, in restoring the former sovereignty of the individual states. We do not believe, as our conservative friends do, that a strong and centralized government is an evil in itself. It is, in fact, a necessity in overcoming many of the obstacles which lie ahead of us as a people….
@Will Williams.
We’re not all mobile. Call me a dinosaur Boomer, but my phones are landlines. They have no apps and I don’t type on them with my thumbs.
LOL! Me neither. And none of the other adults (of normal intelligence and range of ages) in my household has any kind of cell phone, smart or otherwise. I do not even know what an app is, though I see reference to it everywhere every day. Don’t care if I never find out. Anyway, I kind of love my mechanical keyboard. Doesn’t anyone have a regular computer c/w monitor anymore.
A mechanical keyboard is a type of keyboard that uses mechanical switches for each key, as opposed to the rubber dome switches found in most traditional keyboards. Mechanical switches are typically more durable and provide a distinct tactile and audible feedback when a key is pressed.
@Will Williams, usually including a link causes a message to be held up temporarily for moderation, so the admin can make sure it’s not a spam link, but since you have an account and are an “insider” (i.e. a paid supporter) now, your messages shouldn’t be held up for moderation anymore. You should be able to include links now without trouble.
If you simply paste in a link, it will put in the page’s title, and that’s it. To make it a real link, then highlight the text, then select the item in the edit tool to the right of the numbered list tool, and then you put the URL in there.
Either that, or to paste the link as a URL only, right-click and select “paste as plain text”. Or you can type CTRL-SHIFT-V to drop it in.
Beau Albrecht: November 19, 2024 If you simply paste in a link, it will put in the page’s title, and that’s it.
Thanks. I just tried that in a comment under one of yours in another article. We’ll see if it worked.
To make it a real link, then highlight the text, then select the item in the edit tool to the right of the numbered list tool, and then you put the URL in there.
Either that, or to paste the link as a URL only, right-click and select “paste as plain text”. Or you can type CTRL-SHIFT-V to drop it in.
That “real link” computer jargon is over my head. I prefer simple.
I don’t really know who needed to hear any of what you’ve said. I don’t think there’s anyone thinking that Gabbard is the savior. I don’t think anyone thinks the struggle is over because of Trump or any of his appointments. Politics is the art of the possible, not the perfect. Gabbard or anyone else with any reservations about Zionism is a marked improvement over what has been in that position for the lives of basically anyone reading this. We’re not getting Joachim von Ribbentrop 2.0 appointed to a position of foreign policy influence. It’s tiresome to see that standard applied to every Trump appointment – anyone expecting anything different is delusional. Maybe people on X could benefit from your post; anyone reading CC already knows.
The National Vanguard may be right to say the system can’t be fundamentally altered from within. Although, given that these types often take the NSDAP as the model, I’d note that voting and electoral politics are what destroyed the Weimar Republic; it defeated every putsch attempt. But does an organization like the Vanguard even have 1000 members? When I see demonstrations by these groups, I admire the courage, but it often looks like about 25 people in attendance. We’re not voting our way out of this but a revolution isn’t being ignited by groups smaller than bowling leagues either.
Corday responds to my comment about Tulsi Gabbard: November 17, 2024 I don’t really know who needed to hear any of what you’ve said. I don’t think there’s anyone thinking that Gabbard is the savior. Maybe people on X could benefit from your post; anyone reading CC already knows.
There are tens of millions of White Americans who need to be informed about pro-Israel, racially mixed Tulsi. I choose to do it on NA sites and here on C-C where at least a good number of nominally pro-Whites gather to be educated about what is going on with our race.
I’ve never been on X or any other social media sites that our side do not control. I seriously question whether just “anyone” on C-C already knows what Martin Kerr and Andrew Hamilton have told us about Gabbard. She should not be in charge of U.S National Intelligence.
[D]oes an organization like the Vanguard even have 1000 members? When I see demonstrations by these groups, I admire the courage, but it often looks like about 25 people in attendance. We’re not voting our way out of this but a revolution isn’t being ignited by groups smaller than bowling leagues either.
These groups? “The Vanguard,” as you call it, is simply the online magazine for the National Alliance, the organization Dr. William Pierce founded 50 years ago as the vanguard element of our sacred Cause. If you’re looking for the biggest group, go to Stormfront or the Republican Party. NA doesn’t care to be a big tent or the biggest group in these pre-revolutionary times — only the best where our committed members generally read from the same page and are in agreement with what is on that page to be eligible for membership: “What is the National Alliance?” at nationalvanguard.org
Demonstrations? Our members were instructed to stay away from both Charlottesville and the Capitol on 6 January. I saw both as traps, which they were. If you want demonstrations, join with one of the alt-right groups that you seem to want to lump with the National Alliance — that is if any still remain.
Actually, successful revolutions are usually sparked by small, dedicated groups of individuals, the smaller, the more dedicated the better. You might gain something from what William Pierce told his followers 25 years ago, here: “Our Revolutionary Right” at nationalvanguard.org
…I am sure that if Americans were more manly in their behavior and their thinking, we would not have gotten ourselves into this situation where we must contemplate revolutionary action against the government. If we had only the courage to speak out in a straightforward way against evil and injustice and corruption, to stand up as a matter of course for what we believe in, we could have avoided much of the need for violence in the future. I hear often from university graduates — and others — who explain to me that they are forced to be Politically Correct, that they cannot say what they believe, because it might jeopardize their careers. They tell me that later, after they have acquired a greater degree of financial independence, when their careers are more secure, then they will speak out, then they will not be afraid to tell people what they believe, then they will be ready for action. My opinion is that grown men who lack the courage to stand up for what they believe in now will [never] have the courage that a man ought to have.
Beau Albrecht: November 19, 2024 …The last President who put his foot down to the Israelis was JFK.
How’d that foot stomping work out for him?
Researcher and writer of the top rank for our side had this to say about the subject:
Jews and the Assassination of JFK | National Vanguard
National Vanguard recently reprinted an article by Ben Klassen entitled “Who Killed John Kennedy?” that originally appeared in Racial Loyalty (January 1989), a tabloid published by Klassen’s Church of the Creator. National Alliance Chairman Will Williams, Klassen’s right-hand man at the time, edited Racial Loyalty.
In it Klassen maintained that “Jews, Israel, and the Mossad” killed Kennedy.
Like millions of Americans, I never believed the official story either. Authors of hundreds of books and articles, the vast majority of whom are Leftists (who else can publish without being suppressed?), have banged their heads against the brick wall of the JFK assassination and cover-up. But after a half century of digging and speculation they “still haven’t proved much” as Sam Francis wrote years ago. Their conclusions are all over the map…
The Warren Commission even subpoenaed Revilo Oliver to testify because he had written a two-part article, “Marxmanship in Dallas,” for the John Birch Society’s American Opinion magazine shortly after the assassination. (A different version, from an original Oliver manuscript, can be read online here.)
I was so fascinated by the fact that the Commission had done something so stupid, irrelevant, and time-wasting that I looked up the transcript in the full report. (You now have the luxury of reading it online if you wish.)….
Stronza: November 18, 2024 @Will Williams. We’re not all mobile. Call me a dinosaur Boomer, but my phones are landlines. They have no apps and I don’t type on them with my thumbs.
* * * * *
LOL! Me neither… I do not even know what an app is, though I see reference to it everywhere every day. Don’t care if I never find out. Anyway, I kind of love my mechanical keyboard…
We’ll be just fine without all of those apps, and you and I will not be tracked every minute of every day like those who put convenience ahead of privacy.
I’ve seen enough episodes of Forensic Files to know that law enforcement and prosecutors depend on phone companies turning over records to them to put together and solve criminal cases — electronic forensics they call it. They know where their customers have always been located from cell tower pings and they know every incoming and outgoing text message they’ve received or sent.
Who’s careless, us or our mobile friends with their so-called “smart” phones?
NA has stickers with QR codes on them for folks with smart phones to scan, but I’ve never scanned one. Example: help-our-cause-STICKER2.jpg (1500×900)
A friend told me, “Will, you don’t know what you’re missing.” I know exactly what I’ve been missing. I’ve never seen a text message so haven’t missed one.
In the lobby of a doctor’s office yesterday with seven other people, I noticed that every one of them had their heads buried in their cell phones while I was reading a hard copy of last month’s NA Members BULLETIN, preparing myself to write the November issue.
I’ll take a pass on your mechanical keyboard suggestion, thanks, but with Black Friday coming up I may purchase a new state of the art laptop.
Hі, all the time i used to check bloɡ posts here early in the break of day, since i enjoy
to leaгn more and more.
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