There are outliers. There are extraordinary people who are physical freaks of nature imbued with innate attributes like Larry Bird, Shawn Bradley, Nolan Ryan, Wayne Gretzky, Connor McDavid, or Bill Buckner (who may or may not have opened a chain of laundromats). These are athletes that come around every generation or so. (more…)
Tag: NAXALT contest
2,931 words
Europe and the West have been crippled by an intellectual and ideological paralysis, whereby any call to action or indeed any empirical observation of repeatable, observable trends are met with unending obfuscation. Such obfuscation takes many forms, but one particular tactic is to counter any observable trend or pattern, or any call to action or resolution stemming from these conclusions, with an exceptional outlier or anomaly that seemingly refutes the observed pattern or trend. (more…)
The NAXALT argument is based not on a false premise but a misleading one which is intended to distract from, and pose as, the main premise. It is reducible to logical form, but with the proviso that this is analogous, and the whole problem is partly rhetorical. Analogously, then, the NAXALT argument is well illustrated by a mathematical conundrum. (more…)
Since I began to discuss and debate political and cultural issues publicly, I have been relentlessly pursued by midwits and their incessant “NAXALT” refutation of my points. Nearly any assertion made about a group is met somewhere with, “well, to be fair, not all Jews / blacks / women / Hispanics / immigrants / politicians, et cetera, are like that!” (more…)
The NAXALT fallacy (“Not All [members of group X] Are Like That”) is one of the most common objections to White Nationalism. Its proponents insist that generalizations about groups must be resisted on the grounds that stereotypes do not apply to every individual member of a group. (more…)
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One the stumbling blocks keeping ordinary whites from becoming white advocates is the idea that not all of “X” are like that – NAXALT. This usually refers to the fact that not all sub-Saharan Africans in America are prone to serious criminal mischief. (more…)
“Look, Mom! They have 10 pound bags of rotten apples on sale for 75% off. I bet there are a few good ones in there. We should buy a bag.”
“Not all ‘X’ are like that,” is the equivalent to buying a bag of rotten apples because there are a few good ones in the bag. (more…)
Do you wash your hands before eating?
We all wash our hands before we eat so that bacteria and physical impurities don’t get into our food, and so that we don’t have to eat our food with sand and dirt, for example. (more…)
When given enough time to reflect, one can easily enough unravel most forms of sophistry. The very point of sophistry is to use false argumentation to deceive or manipulate the listener in real time, when they don’t have time to reflect and when they don’t have data at their fingertips. (more…)
“Not all [x] are like that.”
Of course that’s true, but it’s also irrelevant. Most blacks are nice people, and neither criminal nor corrupt, but virtually every majority-black city, school district, and country in the world is dangerous, decrepit, or dysfunctional. Most Arab and African migrants in Europe are decent enough, but there’s not a single European neighborhood where the quality of life has improved following a large influx of them. (more…)
The term “NAXALT” is short for “Not all [members of group X] are like that.” It’s a frequent rebuttal to discussions of group behavior. This X might refer to any race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual identity, social class, or really any other particularism. For example, if you say that anyone who identifies as a cat is deluded, someone might “correct” you for making a hasty generalization: surely not all bipedal talking cats are that way! (more…)
Pitbulls make up about 13% of the dog population, but they are responsible for more than than 60% of fatal dog attacks. So pitbulls are the most dangerous dogs. But before you can recommend any policies for dealing with this menace, you will hear the inevitable objection, “But not all pitbulls are like that. (more…)