Fascism in Texas, the Inalienable Right to Nappy Hair, & Other Fertilizer from the Mainstream Media
Beau AlbrechtIt’s been a while since I did a roundup of news items from the The System’s propaganda organs. Time and again, the mainstream media always puts extra BS into their bias.
Is Texas soon to be the new Fourth Reich?
Last September, when I saw the headline “How Texas became the new ‘homebase’ for white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups” by our good friends at Salon, my first thought was that some journalist really doesn’t like Greg Abbott! Sure enough, a photo of Governor Abbott is the leading image. This is despite the fact that he’s only mentioned at the end — and rather tangentially at that — for bringing up the immigration invasion — and of course, only extreeeemists care about having functional borders, right?
Is there anyone here from the Lone Star State who can tell us if the Panzers are already rolling down Main Street, or if there’s at least a notable increase in helicopter flights? Either way, the article quickly gets right down to business:
According to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League, there has been an 89% increase in antisemitic incidents in Texas from January 2021 to May of this year. Along with six identified terrorist plots and 28 occurrences of extremist events like training sessions and rallies, Texas also saw an increase in the frequency of propaganda distribution.
Beware of Zionists bearing statistics. How much of the alleged terrorism was “the real thing” rather than the usual sort of “FBI foils FBI plot” stuff, or hate hoaxes — “Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin’?” Other than that, training sessions and rallies are what ordinary people call freedom of assembly. And when it comes to propaganda distribution, Salon has no room to criticize.
Others cited were “Stephen Piggott, who studies right-wing extremism as a program analyst with the Western States Center, a civil rights group”; “Peter Simi, a sociology professor at Chapman University and an expert on white supremacists in the U.S.”; and “Rachel Carroll Rivas, deputy director for research, reporting and analysis at the SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center].” A lineup like that, of course, is like asking a panel of fire-breathing fundamentalist ministers what they think about atheists. So the author has the Ant-Defamation League, a “Right-wing extremism analyst” for a civil rights outfit, some sociology professor, and an $PLC director weighing in. Are there any counterpoints offered by White Nationalists, neo-Nazis, paleo-Nazis, or even edgy Greg Abbott fans to provide a scintilla of something resembling journalistic balance?
You already know the answer to that one. That’s why the article is just another cookie-cutter scare story backed by “experts” who get a paycheck to denounce pro-white racial consciousness and political organizing. It’s not worth the electrons it was printed on.
Earth to California: prison is not a vacation resort
In January, Allure gifted us with “A New California Bill Aims to Ensure Incarcerated People of Color Have Access to Suitable Hair Products.” This, of course, is progress. The author, who mostly writes about celebrities, is a cute brunette who looks too attractive to be a Leftist. Is she a statistical outlier who actually believes this woke crap, or was she under orders by the editor and gritting her teeth writing every sentence? Whichever the case may be, the article begins:
No one going to prison expects a spa experience from the canteens and commissaries selling personal-care products to the population. But what many incarcerated people of color have come to discover is that they can’t even expect to find products that serve the basic needs of natural hair, while their white counterparts have access to options that work for their hair types. Anecdotes like that of Jane Dorotik, who told Allure she witnessed what seemed like an intentional withholding of suitable hair products from Black inmates while she served two decades in a California correctional facility, are not uncommon.
Yes, you read that correctly. This is not satire from the Babylon Bee or The Onion. I have to wonder how Jane ended up in California’s hoosegow for two decades. (What did she do, misgender somebody?) Further down:
The lack of products appropriate for natural hair is just one example of how people of color experience hair-related discrimination in the prison system. Current California grooming regulations mandate that any inmate “with hair/facial hair styles, including but not limited to braids, cornrows, ponytails, or dreadlocks, shall be required to unbraid, undo, or take down their hair, as applicable for thorough inspections,” a rule that Nepomuceno [director of Beauty Behind Bars, which sponsored the bill] says applies almost exclusively to Black and Brown members of the population.

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s collection The Cultured Thug here.
Blacks are the only People of Capitalization very likely to benefit from the proposed legislation. That means this is about establishing yet another special right for America’s most pampered race of underperformers. The bill nevertheless sells itself as an even-handed measure, styled “the Culturally Competent Hair Care Act.” Section 2, which specifies the measure’s purpose, begins by citing the CROWN Act, a federal law that protects one’s right to have nappy hair that was passed in 2022 after a law with the same name and intent had been adopted in California in 2019. Looks like the camel got his nose under the tent with that one!
The meat of California’s new bill is in Section 3. There are some other riders, such as tweaks to the inmate welfare fund. For example, prisoners who sell their handcrafts will incur a special 10% ding. (Establishing a special levy on destitute inmates trying to earn some pocket change to benefit those who aren’t making themselves useful: How very California! The Golden State’s 10.3% income tax bracket usually kicks in at $349,138.) The major business, though, amends an item in the penal code (emphasis mine):
The sheriff of each county may establish, maintain and operate a store in connection with the county jail and for this purpose may purchase confectionery, tobacco and tobacco users’ supplies, postage and writing materials, and toilet articles and supplies and sell these goods, articles, and supplies for cash to inmates in the jail. Commencing January 1, 2028, the store, if established by the sheriff in a county, shall sell sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, curl creams, and gel.
Cool deal: Convicts will be able to buy zam-zams, ciggies, and eventually sulfate-free hair products! But why go through the hoopla of legislation to codify this picayune special right for blacks? All it would take is for the Governor to request some new inventory items on a memo to the prison system’s procurement department, and they could set things in motion by that afternoon. Still, I have to wonder, if it was a big enough deal to write up a bill just to put sulfate-free options on jail shelves, then why make nappy-haired People of Capitalization wait until 2028?
Putting it another way, how are they surviving without their favorite hair goop now? Ah, California! Someone needs to tell them that prison is punishment, not funishment. Austerity is a part of the program; incarceration is designed to suck. There’s a wise proverb: Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. The good news with all this is that if one’s right to sulfate-free hair products in prison is the newest civil rights cause-du-jour, then surely blacks finally have little to complain about, right? Well, hold that thought . . .
The military-industrial complex is running low on cannon fodder
GistFest recently came out with the feature “Controversy Erupts As U.S. Army Anti-Woke Ad Fuels War Talks.” I’ll have to credit them with not being as slanted as the previous two items were, and for actually representing some balanced perspectives. Still, yuck! The big deal is over a military recruitment ad featuring lots of white males, and only two precious People of Color.
This is, of course, much in contrast to the infamous “Heather Has Two Mommies” recruitment ad. In fact, if you’re on YouTube and search for heather has two mommies army recruitment, it will pop right up! Is YouTube brilliant, or what?

Interestingly, the GistFest article actually does include a portrait of Emma (“Heather”) herself! Another photo that will surely strike fear into the hearts of the Russkies shows three smiling black women in uniform. Although actually, even though they’re not my type, they do look rather charming, and I’m not being my usual ironic self here. If they weren’t in camo, I’d suspect they were young church ladies headed to a gospel recital.
So what’s up with the new ad?
The video, posted on the social media platform X (Formerly Twitter), went viral for all the negative reasons shortly after the account posted it. X users took to the quotes and comment section to express their displeasure at the ad, claiming it wasn’t promoting inclusivity.
Good one! Again, this isn’t from the Babylon Bee or The Onion:
On paper, this ad sounds like a regular video to encourage people to join the force. However, that was different from how the public interpreted it. This is because the ad featured predominantly white males, excluding women and people of color.
As the U.S. army does not consist only of white males, it is easy to understand the need for representation across all boards.
Yeah, where are all the non-binary Chinese lesbians, right? Sargon of Akkad, the God of the Purple Pill, weighed in with “Where is the diversity?” Hopefully that was meant to be ironic . . . An unambiguous take was the following:
An X account (@BIPOCracism) wrote: “Y’all really think you could treat us (White men) like garbage, enforce diversity quotas, put black women in positions of authority because they’re black women, and expect us to look kindly upon you? The U.S. Army is a trash organization that needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.”
A little after that, the article’s author complains:
Without a doubt, the video has already done a lot of damage to society. Its comment section is filled with users complaining about the lack of diversity and opting out of enrolling in the Army.
A user commented, “It’s too late for this marketing campaign to work,” while another wrote, “We’re not fighting your Zionist wars.”

You can buy Beau Albrecht’s Righteous Seduction here.
You know, that sounds like a right good idea to me. There’s more to it, including a cute quote from Army Secretary Christine Wormtongue, but I’ll leave it at that.
One thing that the article doesn’t address, but which has been discussed on our side, is that an apparent reversal of course following over a decade of woke nonsense imposed by the top brass might mean someone is planning something big. Let’s hope not. If Napoléon and Hitler couldn’t take over Russia, then Resident Bidet — a Commander-in-Cheat who poops in his pants and takes orders from the Easter Bunny — isn’t quite up to being a conqueror who tames the bear. The very idea would be a lot funnier if nuclear war weren’t a possible outcome.
More black bellyaching
The Associated Press, for its part, blessed us with a gem concerning a report by the Urban League called “The State of Black America.” Does it say that everything is going great? Does it say they’re thanking the Lord that they’re in the United States rather than Haiti? Well, not really. The article is called “Black Americans’ significant economic and civil rights progress threatened, report says.” For one thing:
Black Americans have endured considerable injustices and barriers to prosperity and equality throughout U.S. history. But their social, economic and political advances in the 60 years since the enactment of major civil rights legislation have been unsatisfactory, according to a new annual study on racial progress.
Who would’ve guessed that they’re complaining yet again? But wait! There’s more!
Despite significant economic advancement over several decades, the report also highlights numerous barriers to economic advancement. The result, the report’s authors write, is persistent economic and political disparities. The racial income gap has been virtually unchanged for more than 20 years, with Black [sic] Americans making on average 64% of the income of white people, the report notes.
Amidst all the bellyaching by these People of Capitalization, there’s no discussion about the elephant in the room. Specifically, there’s an IQ gap of two standard deviations below the mean, or about 15 points. In a technological society in particular, that’s going to be a problem. (Asians don’t suffer from a racial income gap relative to whites; did we forget to oppress them or something?) Unless this is acknowledged, the go-to explanation for their economic outcomes and constellation of social problems is that we’re always holding them down.
Commonly-held bad attitudes by blacks can be a barrier to average career prospects as well, such as rebelliousness for its own sake, criminality, out-of-control substance abuse, and the general idea that society owes them a free ride. The good news is that, unlike their average IQ, they can do something about those attitudes. The problem is that it’s not going to happen so long as they continue to blame Whitey for everything. This is even after they’ve had legally-sanctioned preferential treatment since the 1960s, countless public and private socioeconomic levelling schemes, as well as trillions of tax dollars lavished on them. Why, there’s even a legislative initiative in California to ensure that black inmates have access to sulfate-free hair products!
The fact is that blacks are never going to be happy here. Then why bother trying to pamper them and continue bulldozing more heaps of tax money into a bottomless pit? It’s long past the time to call it quits with the failed social experiment of multiracialism. Like I keep saying: Stop the hate, separate!
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“Still, I have to wonder, if it was a big enough deal to write up a bill just to put sulfate-free options on jail shelves, then why make nappy-haired People of Capitalization wait until 2028?”
As anyone who has had to sit near blacks in a theater or plane knows, their hair can have a very strong, unpleasant odor. It smells dirty. California prisons are going to be smelling horribly if they won’t be using products that actually clean that hair. It would be miserable working in such a place.
Their hair conditioner can be pretty powerful. I’m not sure if the sulfate-free stuff will be any different from what they already have. That said, California could’ve done a cut-over to non-sulfate hair product for everyone in the hoosegow, which would be a simple inventory procedure, rather than all the racial grandstanding.
I truly, actually had to check it wasn’t April 1 yet…
I do have an upcoming feature, so stay tuned!
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As a philanthropic humanitarian, the plight of the presumably unjustly incarcerated, hair-stylistically challenged Melinated People has touched me deeply and moved me to take action. I’ve purchased an entire case of Gorilla Glue for them so if anyone could help me out with the location I’d need to drop off this vital BIPOC haircare product as a donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
Good one! I remember Gorilla Glue Lady. Ever since then, I’m glad for the reminder not to style my golden tresses with construction adhesive.
Re Texas, anytime I’m told that a person, place, or thing is the next big wave of awesomeness for white nationalists and fascists and all other forms of 21st century demonic energy, it turns out to be a huge tease. The most obvious example is Donald Trump, but others include the Proud Boys, voter suppression (i.e. applying the same set of voting laws to the Sacred Ones as they do to us cream-colored folks), Alex Jones, Kanye West, and milk. Typically what happens is globohomo suffered a temporary minor setback as a result of one of these things and they overdo their retaliatory rhetoric. I can’t imagine Texas is going to turn out to be any different.
The way I see it, they have to react to every little thing with a big pearl-clutching tizzy. If they didn’t, The Narrative eventually would fall down like a house of cards, perhaps from being mocked to death. In the case of the Salon article, though, I figure that was just some journalist cranking out a boilerplate scare story in order to meet a deadline.
Simple proposal for inmates: use the shampoo available or shave your head? They may now rescind the bill. It was bound to be such wasteful spending and not very inclusive. Next thing you know they will want racially segregated cell blocks. Oh wait they already have those? Maybe racially sensitive food choices? More mac and cheese and less mashed potatoes? California used to be the land of milk and honey. I don’t know what we could call it today. Land of fruits and nuts as dear old pop used to say. Still applies.
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