1,493 words
If the current regime disappeared, and I were given a free hand to create an ethnostate, this is what I would do. I am going to focus simply on policies and institutions, not practical questions about how we would gain and keep the power to implement them.
1. First and foremost, I would declare that America is the homeland of the American people, a people of European stock. From day one, America would be normatively white — meaning that white standards would be imposed on all — even though its population would be multiracial.
2. Beyond that, only whites would have civil rights, i.e. be able to participate in government. Non-whites would, however, retain all their human rights to life, property, due process, etc. They would be resident aliens.
Then I would get to work on reducing diversity.
3. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Thus I would halt all non-white immigration, legal and illegal. I would, of course, be open to white immigrants, although in small numbers and with the expectation that they would assimilate to American culture and institutions, once they have been suitably improved.
4. Then I would set to work on emigration policy. In the chapter of The White Nationalist Manifesto on “Restoring White Homelands,” I lay out a program for repatriating post-1965 legal and illegal immigrants and their descendants. I would also send Jews and our pre-1965 Asian and Mestizo immigrant populations to their homelands as well. I argue that this can be done in an orderly and humane way simply by reversing the incentives and trends currently leading to white demographic decline, then we let time work for us, for a change.
5. From the territory of the United States, I would create homelands for African-Americans and Hawaiians. Indians and Eskimos would be citizens of their tribal nations alone.
6. I would begin deglobalizing the US economy, to return high-paid manufacturing jobs to the homeland. Consumers would pay more, but be better citizens for it.
7. I would restore the traditional roles of men as protectors and providers and women as wives and mothers. A goal of economic policy will be that a white family with four children could be supported by a single income. I would also strengthen the marriage bond by abolishing no-fault divorce and enforcing laws against adultery and alienation of affections.
8. Since every society encourages either eugenic or dysgenic fertility patterns, I would institute gentle eugenic pressures to increase the fertility of the smartest and healthiest. Even in our circles, there is a reluctance to embrace the more snobbish and statist elements of old-fashioned eugenics. But we are still benefitting — and so will our posterity for all time to come — from the supposedly horrendous sterilization of some 60,000 mentally retarded and mentally ill people early in the last century. Can any liberal humanist policy claim similar success?
9. What sort of government should an ethnostate have? I don’t favor dictatorship, absolute monarchy, or the one-party state. They are too brittle, corruptible, and dangerous. I particularly recommend two books of political philosophy as guides: Aristotle’s Politics and Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. Following Aristotle, I believe the best form of government is a mixed regime with monarchical, aristocratic, and popular elements (see my “Introduction to Aristotle’s Politics“). Following Hegel, I favor clearly delimiting the realms of family, civil society (including the private property economy), and the state. Such a system carves out a large space of individual freedom, but it also recognizes the necessity of limiting individual freedom (especially in the economic realm) when it conflicts with the common good of society. Finally, following the long tradition of republican thinkers from antiquity to the present, I think heredity is a bad way of choosing leaders.
10. If this sounds familiar, it should. Most white societies today have mixed regimes. Moreover, some of the heights of white civilization have been reached under mixed regimes.
But if the mixed regime is a good form of government, why are all our governments today so bad? The answer has less to do with the regime itself and more to do with the people who rule and are ruled. Laws and institutions are just tools. They must be staffed and used by people. If the people are rotten, even the best regimes can be subverted. Thus the real revolution is not a change of regime, but a change of the people, especially the people who staff and use it.
There are patriots who would fight intensely to preserve the American flag but care nothing about the replacement of whites with non-whites. But this can work to our advantage. We can lessen opposition to deep and long-term revolutionary changes if we simply leave the superficial aspects of the system pretty much intact.
11. Governments are tools for attaining the common good of society. Every tool, however, must be used by particular individuals. Every time a tool is used, one has the choice of using it well or badly. Every system of government involves such moments of decision on every level, every minute, every day. This means that a very large government must somehow surmount myriad points of failure every single day. Given that, it is little wonder that any political system can be subverted. The wonder is that any of them produce anything good at all.
Given the boundless corruptibility of laws and institutions, we cannot put our faith in any of them, for they are only as good as the men who staff them, from the cop on the beat all the way to the highest courts and councils of state. Thus the true constitution of any society lies in the character of the people who dwell there, especially those who exercise power. Statecraft is ultimately soulcraft. This is why modern political philosophy is such a disaster.
12. Aristotle believed that good government could be maintained by two forces: virtue and vice. The purpose of the state is to make human well-being possible, which requires cultivating moral and intellectual virtues, including public spirit: an identification with the common good and a willingness to sacrifice oneself to promote it.
But we can’t always depend on the virtues of our fellow men. Thus by empowering the monarchical, aristocratic, and popular elements of government to check and balance one another in order to preserve their own resources and prerogatives, Aristotle also harnesses greed and fear to promote good government.
The error of modern political thought from Machiavelli onward is to think that we can dispense with virtue and build a good society solely on vice, that we can dispense with public spiritedness and rely entirely on private interests. Immanuel Kant expressed this idea best when he said that even a society of devils could enjoy good government if they had good laws. He did not explain why devils would set up good laws in the first place. Thus an ethnostate needs to return to a classical politics of virtue. We cannot privatize morals and education.
13. If a regime can fail at every level, then any ultimate assurance of good government must lie outside the regime itself. To create a pro-white regime, we must create a pro-white leadership caste. There are two elements to this task.
First, there is education, which must be universal and public. A core component should be moral education. We must shape education on all levels, and we cannot confine it to the schools. We also need to recognize the role of the culture as a whole, including the entertainment industry, which must be taken out of the hands of hostile aliens.
Second, we need an organization that finds and promotes the best people from all areas of society and inculcates an ethos of leadership, which requires broadening one’s moral concern to the common good of society, and even beyond that to the interests of the race as a whole. In my essay “Lessing’s Ideal Conservative Freemasonry,” I discuss the German Enlightenment thinker Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s model for such an order. Whenever broadminded people meet to discuss the welfare of the whole, we have Freemasonry in Lessing’s sense. Our nation, and our race, need a guiding intelligence that lies above and beyond all other social institutions. Beyond that, we need to ensure that all key positions in society are staffed by members of that network.
In short, we need to build a “Deep State,” a term coined by Turkish Islamists for the guardians of the Kemalist constitution, which consists of an informal network extending through the Turkish military, intelligence services, judiciary, and bureaucracy, overlapping with elements of organized crime. The Deep State works to thwart Leftists, Islamists, Kurdish separatists, and other enemies of the state. It has even launched military coups. You may dismiss this as a “paranoid conspiracy theory,” but it actually sounds like a good idea to me. Every system needs a prime mover to set it in motion and last line of defense to preserve it from destruction.
So there you have it, from alpha to omega. An ethnostate, if you can keep it.
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I don’t know about #5. Hawaiians have Hawaii. Africans have Africa. What about those who are a result of miscegenation? And those millions of libtards who will fight us? They will lose of course, however, there are millions of them.
A great article. Highlights many of the problems, obstacles to a white ethnostate. I’m not sure I like No. 5, the idea that we should create homelands within the United States of Eskimos, Africans, Hawaiians and various Indian tribes. You didn’t mention Puerto Rico.
I have a modest proposal: Expulsion of our racial enemies. Blacks already have sub-saharan Africa and Haiti. If they want their own homelands, let them there.
Give Hawaii and Puerto Rico independence. Screw them.
The problem with Hawaii is that it will quickly become a province of China or Japan. Not sure that’s in our long term strategic interest.
Indian tribes? They already have reservations. If that’s not enough, screw them. Give them blankets infected with small pox and finish them off, once and for all. They should be grateful just to be alive.
If whites are ever strong enough to once again assert white racial interests, expelling or otherwise, then ridding ourselves of a relative hand full of Muds will not be that tough. We’ve always been our own worst enemies…handing over power to people who hate us, making billionaires out of black women like Oprah Winfrey and billionaires out of Negro athletes and presidents of the US of the Obamas. Ugh.
Our people have no power because most have no will. Sad to say. I like the idea of White Citizens’ Councils, which is a throwback to the 1950’s. Why not? We have black and Jewish and Hispanic citizens’ councils. They won’t have much power, but it’s the idea that counts. You have to start somewhere. Maybe we’ll have a White Legislative Caucus in State legislatures and in Congress. White Student Unions in high schools and colleges. You have to start somewhere.
Very little else to disagree with in this post. I think you got most of it right. I don’t think the political system is as important as most people think. Too much haggling over that. We need to unify around being white. That being said, we badly need to start thinking on the national scale.
Pro-White ethnostates should be conspicuously moral, not conspicuously immoral.
If this is a dream it is a good dream.
An attractive vision.
About #2 and the status of non-Whites as resident aliens who would, however, retain all their human rights to life, property, due process, etc. I offer this article about the situation in Liberia, where citizenship is limited to Negroes. The author argues that this is not “racist; it is protectionary.”
Why? Because the non-citizen Lebanese community, who cannot even own land, apparently control most of the country’s wealth and the power that goes with it.
Non-Whites in a White American ethnostate might require more restrictions in order to prevent this all-too-familiar scenario from repeating.
Ideas about foreign policies?
The Isolationism, maybe.
Nevermore involve in any European conflicts. Ungrateful Europeans are not worth American bleed for them, “saving” poor “victims” of German or Russian aggressions.
If that’s the reason you think the USA regime has had it’s military sent into slaughter houses, for “saving poor victims” then I have news for you.
So far, just this has been used as the official explanation for US interference in foreign affairs. Moreover, such interventions, as a rule, did not benefit either the United States or these very countries. As for interventions in European wars, I would remind you that the Americans are precisely former Europeans, i.e. Europeans who 80, 100, or 200, or 250 years ago did not want to be Europeans precisely so as not to be pawns and toy soldiers in the hands of small European kings and bishops. Therefore, it is extremely strange for them to interfere in inter-European disputes, especially in cases where European conflicts were not a conflict between “good” and “evil”, and when, as a rule, both sides were guilty of wars.
If there is strong pro-White education and if there are real limits on leaders having debts to non-Whites, family attachments with non-Whites, and alliances with non-Whites, such that the foreign policies of White ethnostates reflect pro-White values and the mass interests of White populations, foreign policy will be in a healthier condition.
As Whites our top interests are peace with everyone and above all with fellow Whites, and remaining independent of non-Whites. A well-governed White ethnostate cannot have a ZOG, an antiwhite and unaccountable “blob,” or neocon policies of endless war.
Check out “School Of The West”.
In short, we need to build a “Deep State,” a term coined by Turkish Islamists for the guardians of the Kemalist constitution,
Yes, derin devlet. In this (Türkish) case the Deep State is certainly good, and its enemies are certainly bad.
I’d love to see it happen but I fear there’s been simply too much mixing over the last 50 years that untangling it all now would be impossible.
That’s just a failure of imagination. The only thing that can’t be unmixed are genes, which means that there is an absolute limit beyond which this foolishness cannot be tolerated.
Yes, there has to be an “absolute limit”.
Did some checking in the bible & it is vehemently against lgbt & miscegenation, therefore, for the christians reading this ensure your priest mentions this frequently at your Sunday masses. Frequently because the enemy promotes this 24/7.
It is tiresome when people wrench every thread around to their favorite fixed ideas.
Miscegenation has no doubt increased substantially since around the 1980s, but thankfully, 86% of whites still marry partners of their own race.
About 5 out of every 6 are still undiluted. It just seems higher because of the way it’s over portrayed in the entertainment industry, and with interracial couples being more open in public about it — whereas in the past it was usually secret hotel meetings and whatnot.
Don’t get me wrong though, 14% of all relationships being interracial is still way too high, and it does need to be addressed — otherwise 14% can go to 19% in just another decade or so. Race-mixing was less than 1% of all relationships as recently as the early-1970s. If we could return to numbers like this, we’d be ok.
So if miscegenation was much less frequent in the 1970s, the boomers were doing it a lot less than subsequent generations of whites. Interesting.
So the boomers didn’t race mix but they let their off spring race mix. Still not absolved.
“Absolved”? As my mom used to say, “Who died and made you Pope?”
Generational Astrology is a PsyOp meant to foster division. Don’t fall for it. Under even five minutes of the mildest scrutiny, the entire stupid meme crumbles.
Many of the boomers were raised in segregated schools – remember Brown v. Board of Education only began to be implemented in society in the late 1950s and schools were only definitively diverse by the 1970s, after a slew of further court cases. So this isn’t due to some innate boomer virtue, but simply to their childhood experience of interacting only with other whites.
Ah, I’m too honest, too decent and too loyal to ever be a pope.
“Say what you will about the tenets of national socialism but at least it’s an ethos.”
I love the article. Your long-term visions are always inspiring, and those are especially important to promote if we want to grow this movement.
I find number five problematic, though. A white ethno-state with an enclave of blacks is going to have problems down the line. We would be setting up a ticking timebomb. Our long-term goal should be to relocate the blacks back to Africa. Perhaps we should help them carve out some territory for them to have political dominion over, similarly to Liberia. But this time, they all go. It may well take several generations to accomplish. But with the right economic incentives (many blacks would have a hard time turning down $25,000 in cash to leave) and marketing (promote it as their real-life Wakanda) we could do it.
Yes, #5 would be hard. I can’t speak for Greg, but I don’t think he’s imagining a Black enclave within a White America, but carving out part of the current USA as a completely separate and independent nation for them. That would, of course, require Whites in those areas to cede their land for the sake of racial survival. Very tough. As well, (like an independent Hawaii), “New Afrika” would be a staging ground for foreign enemies.
One advantage of having a Black ethnostate up against the White ethnostate, though, is that it would demand very serious military border protection. This would be dangerous, of course, but it would also provide a reason for the revival of the patriotic martial spirit among White males. As Hölderlin wrote, “Where danger lies, also grows the saving power.”
The loss of that spirit in the illusory search for “peace” has contributed to the sad situation of our men and the loosening of our racial identity. Whatever else you might think of the Israelis, the transformation of the Ashkenazis from physically weak shtetl and urban merchants into the IDF is noteworthy.
Whatever else you might think of the Israelis, the transformation of the Ashkenazis from physically weak shtetl and urban merchants into the IDF is noteworthy.
a) The ancient Hebrews, if we someway believe in the Bible, were brutal, cunning, brave and even merciless warriors.
b) The European Jews in stettls could not serve in the European armies, because it was forbidden to them. So they were not warriors rather because they could not prove themselves in the battles, than because they were cowards, etc. With the emancipation of Jews in the second half of the 19th century and in the early 20th century, some European Jews got the right to serve in the armies, and some of them served bravely in the Great War, particularly in German and Austrian-Hungarian Armies, and even some in Russian forces (but there those Jews were mostly christianized). Also, here it dependend of the circumstances.
c) I cannot tell with some assurance if the Khazar Türks could be used as an example of good Jewish warriors. They were good warriors, surely, but how many of them were Jews, and how many still were Tengrists, it is difficult to say.
I have to think through all the points presented here. I am terribly frightened by the immense numbers of illegal aliens entering our wide-open borders and depositing thousands of new aliens daily. I am sure the White race in this country is now well below the 50% line now, and with no relief in sight.
I can only hope Whites will see the need to create 3 new passions in their lives: One, to get a decent education in Law or Medicine or Banking, in order to have the (two) money to buy a good house, get married and have at least three children. Three — we need to be rich enough to be able to live here or somewhere else with other Whites where we all can be safe.
I can hear the groans from most of our readers this minute. But if we do not have a secure financial life, we will not be able to live properly in a world populated by our enemies — who outnumber us 10 to 1 worldwide — statistically — right now.
A reasonable proposal.
“But if the mixed regime is a good form of government, why are all our governments today so bad? The answer has less to do with the regime itself and more to do with the people who rule and are ruled.”
I would argue this is precisely because we do not have any hereditary rulers with significant power left in the West. We are ruled by a legal system created by Jews and liberals, based among others on the UN treaties and world order created in 1945, and their evolved spawn such as the Civil Rights Act or the European Court of Human Rights. Thus anyone who is a man of virtue and seeks reform for the good of the white folk has the titan of decades of “human rights” law to contend with, and without the hereditary for-life non-judiciable powers and authority a king does have, will inevitably be removed from office without dismantling the liberal Deep State.
Having a hereditary constitutional monarchy, such as that of the UK, however where the King has more power than at present, seems to be the best way to implement mixed government. Even now, while trends in the UK are just as dire as in the USA, anyone would agree its political system is more stable than that of the United States.
Why hereditary?
Hereditary monarchy, as any election that is not nearly unanimous will breed dissension and conflict, weakening the polity. Elections also open the door to corruption – foreign interference (as one can observe most negatively in 1700s Poland-Lithuania), bribery, special interests, even allegations of voter fraud.
A hereditary leader will also on average tend to be more qualified than an elected one due to being trained and educated from birth, and being in his position for life and passing on the position of king to his children, means he has a vested interest in the long-term prosperity of the ethnostate.
In a state founded primarily on bloodlines and race, having a living White bloodline as a royal dynasty will serve as a potent symbol and unity even in the greatest crises the ethnostate may face. Sparta only definitively fell once its two royal bloodlines were extinguished and their rights violated.
All of this is of course with all due respect to the ethnostate’s mixed system of government, so including an elected Assembly and all other elements.
The way I see it, a monarchy is only as good as the king, just as a dictatorship is only as good as the dictator. Other than that, who gets to be king? Let’s say the USA went full-on legitimist and backtracked on the American Revolution. Then all hail, uh, King Charles… Well… In my opinion anyway, the Windsor dynasty makes for some interesting celebrities, but as rulers, they aren’t all that and a bag of chips. If they wielded actual power, things could get – uh – interesting.
“Given the boundless corruptibility of laws and institutions, we cannot put our faith in any of them, for they are only as good as the men who staff them, from the cop on the beat all the way to the highest courts and councils of state. Thus the true constitution of any society lies in the character of the people who dwell there, especially those who exercise power. Statecraft is ultimately soulcraft.”
This is crucial, and not nearly talked enough about in our circles.
On this matter, I wish to note that the roots of leftism are largely biological and physiological. We could potentially prevent the onset of leftist mentality and behaviors in perpetuity if we simply removed their environmental triggers and precursors.
For example: we know from six million studies that intense and competitive physical activity increases testosterone and rightist behaviors/preferences in men. You mandate that kind of activity in males from the age of 10 or so, you make it part of public life, celebrations etc, you make it a requisite of being a male citizen, and you prevent many, many problems before they even have a chance to start, including health problems.
Another example: a large part of the current population are hosts to parasitic organisms (such as tapeworms, roundworms, flukes, etc.), which influence their hosts’ behavior to optimize their own living environment and rate of reproduction. And don’t you know it, many behaviors we typically find most puzzling and disgusting in leftists, behaviors we would describe as degenerate and pathological (such as sexualizing small children and parading them around in costumes), are easily understood under that lens: it’s the worms maxxing out on their reproductive strategy.
That includes the elites’ behaviors and some seemingly malevolent long-term plans, which are anti-human, beyond anti-White.
Parasites exhibit an uncanny ability to communicate and coordinate as whole species, much like a swarm of ants or termites, but on a grander scale. For example: weakened immune systems and nutrient-poor industrial foods are very good for Big Pharma and other industries…but they are also very, very good for the spread of parasites. The same is true for mass immigration of third-worlders into White countries, and of course the spread of LGBT lifestyles/culture, and sexual promiscuity more generally. Many physical ailments and mental illnesses have been linked to parasitic infection as well.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, this rather strange but fascinating document is currently the main source for this hypothesis, and gathers a lot of sources and ideas:
It also throws a different light on the nature of the people we call Jews today.
A popular mainstream source is Kathleen McAuliffe’s This Is Your Brain On Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society.
The point is, this could be another deep layer of prevention. Regularly treating and checking all your citizens for parasites would be easy and cheap, and may just spare us the worst horrors of the future “good times create weak men” phases of the cycle, as well as, again, save a lot of public health resources.
We layer enough of these “deep prevention” measures, and we may even be able to break that cycle for good.
I’d add the following:
There would be no (zero, zip, nada) funding for non-White “studies” departments, for non-White student associations, and (especially) for anti-White “diversity” training on and off campuses. These things are a foundation for anti-White agitprop and advocacy. Instead, fund pro-White studies, students associations, and etc.
All that would be implied by normative whiteness.
I liked these proposals very much. I especially liked the line, “Statecraft is ultimately soulcraft.”
I have reservations about #13, however. I couldn’t help but hear the echo of The Second Foundation.
What is your alternative?
Frankly, I don’t have one because the existence of a purposefully created deep state–as opposed to that which arises organically from the self-interest of elites (like some form of “old boys club”) –has never occurred to me. The organic sort (think Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister) seems sufficiently problematic because of its steadfastly self-interested focus. Additionally, its ideological orientation can shift with the wind, as could the deep state that is purposefully contrived. I suppose you might counter that by saying that if a people are directed firmly and unabashedly toward their own preservation, this ideological drift might not occur.
At the moment I’m more interested in how the ideological bent of the powerful is driving so forcefully toward the destruction of civilization. It beggars belief. I said in an essay for Gates of Vienna, Just How Do They Think Things Are Made? | Gates of Vienna, that “I have no clue why white people have to go. It doesn’t make sense to rid the world of the best civilization-makers.” My point in that essay is that it’s not likely to turn out the way these elites think it will. But more importantly to one who values high culture above all, how did the ideological drive toward dismantling civilization even get a foothold? What kind of elites want to destroy the choice products of the human mind all in the name of–power and control?
No Ethnostate Possible Except As One of Ten-Thousand of Warlord Kingdoms AFTER Mighty Evil ZOG Imperial Collapse
This situation has happened before. Upon the Old Kingdom Collapse of Ancient Egypt after the long rein of Pepi II, the local nomarches ruled for 125 years during the dark age called the First Intermediate Age until the military Neo-Feudal pharaohs of the 11th Dynasty established the Middle Kingdom. Likewise the Chinese have switched from warlord rule to central imperil rule msny times.
This mighty Evil ZOG/Babylonian Empire is NOT going to “give” any importunate whigger or even millions of whiggers an ethno-state, nay more than in the First Civil War they allowed Southrons to simply leave in peace albeit the precious CONstitution had numerous written policies that the states had first say as to what theys’ populations were to do. In fact the CONstipation was the work of the Founding Felons of lawyers and Masons who met in secret to modify the Articles of Confederation set up to get liberated from the British Crown and to replace one tyrant living 3000 miles away with 3,000 tyrants living one mile away.
When the western Massachusetts farmers decided that Boston banksters were overtaxing them and taking their property, they chose former Revolutionary captain Daniel Shays to lead them in a tax revolt, neighboring states like Vermont took in the rebels, and so a unified central government was deemed necessary by the banksters, merchants and lawyers to defend predatory elites. when the southern states likewise decided to leave the centralized state, the first Civil War resulted.
Now mighty ZOG is being defeated militarily and economically all over. White people are being destroyed and dispossessed by ZOG. Rather than whine like pussies about how we ought to have an ethnostate, far better to simply opt out of ZOG like most of the population, not show up to riot and getting jailed because you are so stupid as to believe that you have “rights” from a predatory criminal regime run by jews and simply let ZOG/Babylon collapse as it is bound to do eventually, and in the decentralization and chaos which follows simply band together in private militia groups under strong men while cynically pretending to be a MAGAtard. In short, instead of begging for an ethnosst tate comprised of whiggers, reform under a local theocratic military dictatorship which I call the Ten Thousand Warlords.
Having read your book(s) I greatly doubt that there will be anything like a “slow cleanse” of jews, niggers, and beaners. Rather, I think that it will be more a matter of “warlords’ choice” as to how they be treated. I think that most of them will be simply killed with a simple, “Tough shit, nigger or jewboy.” Or amongst the more moderate a simple pointing out to the beaners, “Mexico is that way, best head out now.” The current form of government is not the natural or normal form of government in that the lies promoted by the CONstitpation of freedumb of speech and of religion are not the normal way of life, and only come about after a period of relentless warfare disposes a majority of the combatants towards peace. In ancient Israel, some general would overthrow the king and exterminate the former king’s family and baal-priests. YHWH himself told Elijah to anoint a Syrian to be the new king and destroy the Israel People, to anoint General Jehu to destroy the House of Ahab, and for Elijah’s successor Elisha to finish off the rest. I Kings 19:15-17. Thus YHWH supports civil war and revolution against tyrants by the People. When the tyrants were overthrown they were not to be given funerals but rather eaten by stray dogs and the crows. When the town council of Samaria were forced to remove the heads of Ahab’s 72 sons, theys’ carcasses were loaded up and fed to the dogs at Naboth’s vinyard in Jezreel 12 miles away. 2Kings 9,10. Later even good king Hezikiah was told that his descendants would be castrated because Hezikiah let Babylonians view his palace, and Daniel and his four friends were castrated decades later after captivity. 2 Kings 2:17.
Or take the sins of modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. The actual sin of Sodom, Gomorrah, Ademah, Zeboyim and Zoar was appointing Canaanite jew judges and then kidnapping travellers on the caravan route from the Red Sea to Mesopotamia with goods from India and China circa 2000 BC. Then these jew judges would rule according to theys’ ‘law’ that these kidnapped persons were to be starved and their goods confiscated. Eliazar, Abraham’s servant given to him by Nimrod, also had this lawfare applied against himself and Lot’s righteous daughter Paltith was judicially murdered. So Jesus Christ and the Archangel Michael were sent and Abraham got them to agree to a regime change if 10 down from 50 would conduct it. However the men of Sodom tried to cornhole these angels, and instead Sodom, Gomorrah, Ademah, Zeboyim and Zoar were destroyed. Jesus Christ predicted that the Men of sodom will harshly judge the Men of ZOG. Which is why Aryan Nations policy is to chernobylize the nuclear power plants around these blue hives, turn Lake Erie into the New Dead Sea, and sell the public lands of South Dakota and Ohio to the Communist Chinese and return Alaska to Russia for taking my inheritance and giving it to Bryan Reo, as with both myself and Rudolf Jewliani ZOG has done away with the First Amendment through civil-lawfare through claiming ‘defamation.’
So with chernobyling the 96 ancient ailing nuclear power plants and forcing regime-criminals to eat theys’ spawn’s nuts and killing a couple hundred millions of ZOGlings, it is quite likely that the remaining traumatized feral whiggers will choose to be ruled over by theocratic military dictators in a destroyed ZOGland in which there no longer is a jewnited Califruitopia, jew Yawk, or jew Joisey but rather a sundry collection of states looking at best like 1904 Alabama or Arkansas.
All Empires Fall, especially if they be Mighty Evil Empires. The question is what becomes of the Mighty Evil Empire’s population when that happens. I think that us ZOGlings will be better off and happier if we devolve to our independent communities of like-minded whiggers ruled by local warlords.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
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