3,276 words
For all their bluster, strutting, truculence, and tough talk, blacks are remarkably thin-skinned. I’m not so sure how they roll in other parts of the world, such as in their African Urheimat, but this is certainly notable in the United States. I only know of one ethnic group touchier than that, but feigned helplessness is their usual approach.
It’s debatable whether or not the “chip on the shoulder” shtick is better or worse than lachrymose passive-aggressiveness, but blacks have the flexibility to do both. When they feign helplessness, they’re capable of groveling and acting miserable. This even includes remarkable fits of surrealism, such as arriving in a mule caravan to protest the Apollo 11 launch. Plus, there is an odd synthesis of the two strategies is their finely-honed art of bellyaching.
All told, blacks offer the full spectrum of butthurt.
Why is this newsworthy?
Exhibit A of the butthurt factor is an article by Hip Hop News. As one might expect from such a fine publication, this one is a doozy: “White man harasses Black man at the gas station for playing his music too loud, accusing Black people of being ‘problems in this country’.” What happened here, other than some journalist making a thunderclap out of a fart? One need read no further than this:
The man was playing his music loudly, which is his constitutional right. However, when this young man was approached by an older man, the older man didn’t care about his rights. Instead, the man began berating this young man, and his entire race.
Although causing a scene is unmannerly and imprudent, if it’s someone’s right to play music, then it’s another person’s right to express the opinion that it’s objectionable. That said, I’m not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure that blasting excessively loud music is considered a public nuisance. If your car has speakers suitable to put on a Mötley Crüe concert, and a 10-farad capacitor so that your ignition system doesn’t sputter out each time the percussion goes thumpa-thumpa, then you might kinda want to think about turning down the noise when other people are nearby.

You can buy Beau Albrecht’s Space Vixen Trek here.
As for being criticized about blacks being “problems in this country,” well, the truth hurts. (If blasting music were their worst fault, things would be so much better.) Blacks should either learn to deal with the criticism, or better yet, stop being problems — or best of all, stop being in this country. What’s the big deal? Every day there are mainstream media talking heads, motormouth “community organizers,” overpaid skintellectuals, and critical theory professors – all usually motivated either by envy or malice – telling white people that we’re responsible for all the world’s problems. Some of us believe it and turn into self-hating leftist pussies, but for most of us, those gaslighting tactics roll off of us like water on a duck’s back.
All told, I handle things rather differently. When the ooga-booga from a fellow motorist’s nasty ol’ rap gets a bit much, sometimes I’ll roll down the window and belt out the choral movement to the Ninth of the Lovely Lovely Ludwig van. (I’ve never tried out for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but maybe I should give it a whirl one of these days.) The point always escapes them, though. I suppose whether or not my approach is more constructive is open for debate, but who can object to Beethoven?
More chitlins, please
Several ethnic groups are distinguished by their cuisine. The African-American variety, soul food, is actually pretty good for the most part. It’s close to traditional Southern cooking, but somewhat different. In fact, this downhome fare is better than the ubiquitous junk food that became the unofficial American national cuisine thanks to the encroachments of globalized mass culture. Even so, blacks are remarkably touchy about soul food, almost as if they were ashamed of it. A case in point is an item from the food webzine Mashed: “Offensive School Lunches For Black History Month Are Already Back On The Menu“:
According to [NBC News] Today, on the first day of Black History Month, Aramark served the students at Nyack Middle School “chicken and waffles‘ with a serving of watermelon for dessert. Needless to say, that did not go over well.
Chicken and waffles for lunch? We have the crime of the century here! More seriously, it’s really not a big deal that a lot of blacks like fried chicken and watermelon. That’s hardly a scandal. Blacks have plenty of faults: they are practically synonymous with urban blight, and consistently underperform in a constellation of socioeconomic and behavioral indices — but soul food is hardly a problem. But the article starts overexplaining why it’s bad to associate fried chicken and watermelon with African-American ethnic cuisine. Then this:
Sadly, this is not Aramark’s first infraction of racial insensitivity. In 2018, the company offered a menu of “barbecue ribs, cornbread, collard greens, Kool-Aid, and watermelon-flavored water” for students at New York University during Black History Month.
That sounds better than some of the chow I was served at my college cafeteria. (The stories I could tell . . .) I’m not sure what happened with all that at NYU, but wouldn’t all the kerfuffle be ironic if it was a black menu planner who decided it would be a nice way to honor his heritage? Whatever the case may be, I have a hard time seeing Hispanics getting butthurt if someone put enchiladas, tacos, and refries on the menu for Cinco de Mayo. They’d probably be happy about it.
Sore losers
Our good friends at HuffPo UK told us the lachrymose tale of an actress and a director who didn’t get the recognition that they believed was their due, “Danielle Deadwyler Addresses Systemic Racism Chinonye Chukwu Within Film Industry After Oscars Snub.” A couple of divas didn’t get an Academy Award nomination? Stop the presses! Che orrore!
The movie was about Emmett “Bobo” Till, a burly teenager who in 1955 got grabby with a white woman in Mississippi. Ever since, Bobo has been a star in the firmament of civil rights martyrs. That’s because the aftermath was about what one might suppose it would have been during that era in Dixie. There was a national furor over the case, but when it was discovered that his father had been a GI executed in Italy for two rapes and a murder, it took the piss out of the uproar. The consensus was that Bobo’s demise had been a positive population adjustment. One might still argue that it was an extreme penalty, but then again, a commenter on an AmRen article about this amorous youth compiled a list of 14-year-old whites murdered by black criminals:
- Ryan Rogers (stabbed to death while riding his bicycle, stabbed numerous times in the head and face were the cause of death), Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, November 15, 2021.
- Steven Wayne Butler III (beaten to death, body found in a ditch), Champaign, Illinois, July 29, 2021
- Daisey “Jupiter” Paulsen (stabbed more than 25 times and strangled while skateboarding), Fargo, North Dakota, June 4, 2021
- Cody Walker (shot to death, skeletal remains found in the woods), Milton, Florida, March 14, 2021
- Ian Wilsey (shot to death in cold blood while walking to the store), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 28, 2016
- David Kohler-Carpenter (shot to death, along with his 18-year-old sister and their father, during a home invasion) Barberton, Ohio, December 31, 2013
- Kelli O’Laughlin (stabbed to death during a home burglary, perp taunted mother with dead daughter’s cell phone) Indian Head Park, Illinois, October 27, 2011
- Lauren Deis (raped, stabbed to death, raped again after death, and her corpse mutilated) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 7, 2010
- Chelsea Porter (raped, stabbed to death during home burglary) Columbus, Indiana, June 29, 2007
- Chelsea Brooks (impregnated during rape, later strangled to death by rapist and an accomplice) Wichita, Kansas, June 9, 2006
- Ashley Nicole Neves (throat slit, face mutilated, and hacked to death, for refusing killer’s advances) Saint Marys, Camden County, Georgia, May 21, 2000
- Jennifer Ertman (kidnapped, gang-raped, tortured, and strangled to death, along with her 16-year-old white girlfriend) Houston, Texas, June 24, 1993
- Jody Lynn Wolf (raped and beaten to death; her nude body was found floating face up in Fresno canal) Fresno, California, August 13, 1985
- Susan Jacobson (strangled to death and her body placed in a 55-gallon oil drum) New York, New York, May 15, 1976
These black-on-white murders typically got little attention in the national press, but if the races of the victims and perps had been the reverse, they would’ve been the talk of the mainstream media for months. Surely Hollywood is going to do a feature film about Cannon Hinnant any minute now, right? When that happens, I’ll think about having a scintilla of sympathy over Emmett Till’s fate in 1955.
For the sake of full disclosure, I haven’t seen Till, and sitting through this guilt-fest isn’t high on my list of priorities. Up to this point, I’d never heard of the film, so I’m guessing it wasn’t heavily promoted for whatever reason. For all I know, it could be the best leftist flick since Battleship Potemkin, but somehow I doubt it. HuffPo quotes:
Following the announcement, Till director Chinonye Chukwu wrote on Instagram: “We live in a world and work in industries that are so aggressively committed to upholding whiteness and perpetuating an unabashed misogyny towards Black [sic] women.”
Would you like some cheese with that whiiiine? Your movie didn’t win; deal with it. Other than that, if she feels that the film industry aggressively upholds “whiteness,” then I ask again, where’s the movie about Cannon Hinnant? For that matter, when will Hollywood commemorate the lives of the other above-mentioned white youths killed by mentally malfunctioning obsolete farm equipment? The lead actress likewise was butthurt about the outcome. She pouted:
During an appearance on BBC Radio 4‘s Woman’s Hour, Danielle was asked about Chinonye’s remarks, and whether they reflected her experiences.
“Cinematic history is 100+ years old. I would dare say the system is deeply, deeply impacted by systemic racism that has shaped our country,” Danielle said.
“And if we’re still dealing with systemic racism in this country that is leading us to the loss of a Tyre Nichols [a Black [sic] man who died in hospital last month, three days after being severely assaulted by police officers], that carries us from the loss of Emmett.
Someone should clue her in that Tyre Nichols was beaten to death by a pack of black cops, not by “systemic racism.” But although Till didn’t win the Oscars, the subject of the movie did win a Darwin Award back in the day.
Mormons say you should love your own kind? Oh, my golly!
I don’t hate on apostates. Actually, the online clashes between Mormons and ex-Mormons can produce much laughter. If I could, I’d monetize it by selling the popcorn. Being part of a cult is a drag unless you can have fun with it. Better yet, ours has some sensible ideas, sometimes.
A recent kerfuffle that got signal-boosted by our good friends at Newsweek is the tale of Channel Achenbach. (That’s a double consonant, unlike Coco Chanel, though pronounced the same.) The story’s heady title is “Black Mormon Told They Can’t Marry White Members Because ‘Seed is Cursed’.” Although her picture from a YouTube podcast shows that she clearly has the genetics that the white race so desperately needs to enrich our woefully unlovely phenotype, it was not to be:
Speaking to the host John Dehlin, Achenbach explained conversations and teachings she received from leaders of the Mormon Church.
She said: “[The leaders] said ‘You know what, we think it is best you get married.
“‘You are older, you have served the mission, you are a great candidate for marriage but you need to find a Black [sic] man.
“I remember I kept asking ‘where am I supposed to find a Black [sic] man?’
“They said ‘It doesn’t matter, you find a Black [sic] man, you convert him or go to an area where there are predominately Black [sic] men.'”
That sounds like perfectly reasonable advice to me. Why get butthurt about it?
On the podcast, she continued: “[I said] ‘say it, I need you to say it. So Black [sic] people and white people aren’t supposed to mix?
“They were like ‘no they’re not.’ I said ‘is there a reason?’”
I can tell you why not: People whose race is capitalized by the mainstream media clearly don’t belong together with people whose race is not capitalized by them. If the capitalization — or lack thereof — is inconsistent and unrelated to grammatical matters such as geography, then whether they admit it or not, publications like Newsweek are making a value judgment and signaling this to their readers. Thus, it’s obviously unnatural for people of a different status to have sex, or especially to interbreed. It’s unethical, too, given the unequal dynamics at play; people have been #MeTooed to hell and back for far less.
More seriously, in previous times the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had some rather provincial doctrines about race. For one thing, there was this business about blacks being conceived through the loins of the Pharaoh, which all told is rather silly. Then there was another Mormon story about a primordial war in Heaven. (We have notions about cosmology vaguely reminiscent of The Silmarillion, and about as boring.) Draft-dodgers during celestial pre-existence were cursed by being incarnated as blacks. Now, that’s a hell of a punishment!
We’ve had to back off on all sorts of doctrines, including those about race, especially since traditional attitudes increasingly clash with modernity. (It’s like the way things are with most churches, in which globohomo always triumphs over the Word of God, given enough time and pressure.) Lately we either pretend these difficult teachings never existed, or if put on the spot, we try to explain them away with the usual sort of casuistry. Let’s face it: Dogmas make sense to those who understand and accept a religion’s theology, but outsiders will often find them to be weird. One pain point of late was Brigham Young’s statement from Journal of Discourses 10:110:
Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
This doesn’t include “thus saith the Lord,” so I suppose one could quibble about whether or not he really was speaking ex cathedra. It’s true that our second Prophet, Seer, and Revelator got rather William Pierce about the topic, but so what? Nearly everyone at the time would’ve concurred with him that race-mixing is wrong. Polls consistently indicated that 99% of the public disapproved of it up through the early twentieth century, until the deluge of Boasian and cultural Marxist propaganda started catching on.
The business about cursed lineages is rather silly, much like leftist rhetoric about “white privilege,” which means basically the same thing, but from the opposite direction. Still, we can accept it in a mythological way, namely that the truth is allegorical rather than literal. More accurately, race-mixing is bad because it will degrade the unique genetic characteristics of the populations involved. If these characteristics include things like high intelligence and a knack for running an enlightened, prosperous society, then trouble is ahead, and Senator Bilbo would’ve concurred. It’s rather strange that so many leftists think it’s an imperative to destroy diversity in the name of diversity.
Although Brigham Young’s statement above and others like it are no longer maintained as doctrine, race-mixing is at least somewhat unofficially frowned upon. So be it. Those who don’t like the rules are free to go elsewhere. I hear the Hare Krishnas have some awesome vegetarian recipes!
Channel further enlightened us thusly:
In another video, where Achenbach also spoke on the podcast, she laid out what she would need from the Mormon Church to stop talking about her experiences.
“First of all you are going to have to apologize to me and everybody else, that is a demand,” she said.
“Number 2, you are going to have to unteach that, meaning actively teach anti-racism.
We’ll be right on it, pronto.
Revolutionary jive

Courtesy of Stonetoss
Although Lox News effectively serves as a controlled opposition media outlet, they sometimes have interesting reading material. One such item is “‘Pan-Africanist’ professor seeks destruction of ‘White’ American economy through a ‘political revolution’.” Three scare quotes in one title; surely we have another doozy!
Melina Abdullah is a professor of Pan-African Studies at California State University. Her role in academia is “intrinsically linked to broader struggles for the liberation of oppressed people.” She co-founded and is active in the Los Angeles Black Lives Matter chapter and is currently suing the national branch for allegedly siphoning off $10 million for a personal consulting agency.
If Pan-African Studies is anything like I imagine it might be, then impressionable students learn from the scholastic imprimatur of an Ivory Tower pulpit that everything about Western civilization sucks and that white people never do anything good. The professor in the meantime draws a salary from an academic establishment funded by a cash-strapped American state with notoriously high taxes, bears the mantle of authority and prestige of a university system that evolved from European monasticism, her ideas are signal-boosted into cyberspace by white people’s technology, and her words are spoken in the English language and printed in Roman letters. (Terrible, aren’t we?) Stuffed full of cultural Marxist ideology, she enlightens us thus:
Abdullah referred to capitalism as an “evil genius” which would be better suited being replaced with socialism. She further claims it is “complicit in the murder of Black [sic] people by the hands of police.”
In a 2020 tweet, Abdullah said, “The violent white-supremacist-patriarchal-heteronormative-capitalism that is pervading our country . . . will only be defeated by courageous vision and a political revolution.”
“The system will unleash all of its weaponry to put down those who dare to challenge its power. And this is why it’s called a struggle,” she said.
“Black economic empowerment has always been one of the greatest threats to White supremacist patriarchal capitalism,” she said in 2017.
In fact, black economic empowerment is fine and dandy. That means not sucking on the welfare tit, right? Like I keep saying, getting a job does wonders for prosperity. Since blacks who do honest work, don’t cause trouble, and don’t have a chip on their shoulders aren’t too objectionable, I’m all in favor of their economic empowerment, since that’s the first step toward becoming decent citizens. Even so, they still need to form their own country.
From looking at the picture, she might be described as black, but not very much so. Her complexion is on the white side of the “paper bag test.” Her hair isn’t much curlier than my golden tresses when the conditioner is working as it should. From what I can tell, it looks like she has green eyes. If not for some slight traces of atavistic physiognomy on the leftist professor’s scowling visage, she could pass for one of us.
Even so, she became an academic barnacle dedicated to putting down the race comprising the majority of her ancestry — at least by the looks of it. All too often, the results of black-white crossings are people who identify exclusively with their black heritage (which by itself isn’t objectionable) and become stridently anti-white. There’s a long history of famous figures like this, from Frederick Douglass to Barack Obama. Could this be self-hatred? Consider the following entry from Ambrose Bierce’s The Devil’s Dictionary:
MULATTO, n. A child of two races, ashamed of both.
On that note, perhaps I was too hasty in dismissing Brigham Young’s quaint idea about cursed ancestry.
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https://cwbchicago.com/2023/02/armed-Another case of stolen fried chicken . I was hoping to find this story in The Worst Week Yet. Just another night on Chicago’s south side.
Through the hostile efforts of Jews, the grace of guilty whites, and even their own hustling efforts, negroes have got into a position where they now have full access to massive mainstream platforms to fire out their retarded grievances, to try to enforce black sensibilities and to hustle people into their dumb black myths.
And I’ve long felt the kind of criminal justice white people developed for themselves is not a good fit for blacks. Blacks require a very different kind, but the system we have prides itself on denying this at any cost.
Appalling black crimes are not really seen by the system as a thing lest they interfere with its powerful myths, feelings of piety and the rotten corrupt foundations these feelings are based on.
Indeed, the real answer is separation which we need urgently, but I wonder if it might be the first time in the history of the world that separation of groups that really are irreconcilably different and hate living together actually causes a massive war.
The way I see it now American and European blacks will not want to give up what they have and will do anything to cling onto whites, including all the ‘systemic racism’ and the grievance culture against whites, without which they have no identity at all.
Even if Jewish influence were tempered, I’m not convinced this will happen peacefully even with massive gibs payouts for leaving.
Something lighter but related: I had no idea until a few days ago that blacks have this whole world of black conspiracy theories. They think every single black celebrity, and sometimes even street black who died, didn’t do so because of other blacks, or because of their own stupid black decisions (shieeeet), but was ‘sacrificed’ in some satanic blood ritual.
They blame what they call ‘the Illuminati’ for this. They think some blacks are involved in this Illuminati, but they seem to switch their views between which blacks are part of the Illuminati depending on their mood.
I’m curious if these themes are something they have absorbed by osmosis from some of our people, but it just underlined to me that blacks as a group are completely incapable of taking any responsibility at all.
This should be a weekly column.
I was so against another forced swallowing of The Gospel That Is Till. Fortunately, His Excellency, DCM (Demented Circus Monkey) Joe Biden was able to eloquently set me straight. Yes, for the magical month of blat history, that month what used to be called February, DCM Biden had a screening of the movie Till in the White House, of all places. The White House issued his entire speech that I encourage you to read. Here’s a sample, the link to his entire introductory speech is posted below:
“You know, folks, lynching is pure terror, enforcing the lie that not everyone belongs in America and not everyone is created equal. Pure terror to systematically undermine hard-fought civil rights. Innocent men, women, children hung by a noose from trees. Bodies burned, drowned, castrated.
Their crimes? Trying to vote. Trying to go to school. Trying to own a business. Trying to re- — preach the gospel. False — false accusations of murder, arson, robbery. Lynched for simply being Black, nothing more. With white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them as postcards.
Hard to believe, but that’s what was done. And some people still want to do that.
You know, as this film powerfully does, it tells the story of a mother’s loss and a young son’s promise, a nation’s reckoning about hate, violence, and power.
You know, before 14-year-old Emmett Till left on his trip to visit his family in Mississippi, Ms. Till, a teacher who knew the history, reminded him: “Be very careful how you speak. Say ‘yes, sir,’ ‘no, ma’am.’ Don’t hesitate to humble yourself if you have to get down on your knees.”
That conversation is not in the distant past. Same talk today. So many Black and brown family — parents have to have that similar conversation with their children, worrying about whether they’ll come home from a walk down the street or playing in the park or just driving their car — like we saw Tyre Nichols, just last month — and becoming a victim to too many acts of hate and violence unleashed on those known and unknown.”
Tyre Nichols? Come on, man! Now we Whites are guilty of murders black police commit!
Now, if that wasn’t bad enough, here’s how he ended his introduction of the Till movie. He said that introducing this lie of a film was maybe the greatest honor since becoming President.
“And now, from the White House, during Black History Month, it’s my honor — and it is a genuine honor — maybe the greatest honor I’ve had since I’ve become President — my honor to introduce the film, “Till.” God love him. (Applause.)”
Regarding Brigham Young, the Brother was not alone in his admonition to not mix the faithfuls’ goodies. I must admit, I agree with these teachings
Spencer W. Kimball, 12th Prophet of the Mormon Church, in a 1976 speech said:
“…we recommend that people marry those that are of the same racial background generally, and of somewhat the same economic and social and educational background …’
Boyd K. Packer, one of the 12 Apostles of the Church, in a 1977 speech to the students of BYU-Hawaii said:
“… We’ve always counseled in the church that our Mexican members to marry Mexicans, our Japanese members to marry Japanese, our Caucasians to marry Caucasians, our Polynesian members to marry Polynesians. This counsel has been wise.”
Russell M. Nelson, the current Prophet of the Church spoke at a Church-wide conference in 1995 with the following words. This same talk has been published in Church media as recently as 2017:
“The commandment to love our neighbors without discrimination is certain. But it must not be misunderstood. It applies generally. Selection of a marriage partner, on the other hand, involves specific and not general criteria. After all, one person can be married only to one individual. The probabilities of a successful marriage are known to be much greater if both the husband and wife are united in their religion, language, culture, and ethnic background. Thus, in choosing an eternal companion, wisdom is needed. It’s better not to fly in the face of constant head winds. Occasional squalls provide challenge enough. Once marriage vows are taken, absolute fidelity is essential-to the Lord and to one’s companion.”
There are other quotes. Of course, Wikipedia even has a section on it:
What I don’t get is that the Mormons, despite many of their top people advising to marry within one’s race, have recently said this:
“In 2013, the LDS Church published an essay entitled “Race and the Priesthood” on its official website. The essay disavowed teachings in the past that interracial marriage was a sin, indicating that it was influenced by the racism of the era.”
I thought that the words of the Prophets was final due to the inspired nature. How can the Mormons say for Caucasians to marry Caucasions in 1977 and now say that these were words of racism? You’d never catch a muslim saying Mohammed’s words were wrong, then, now, and 1,000 years from now.
In 2019, the Church announced donating two million dollars that the Mormons gave to the International African American Museum in Charleston, SC. In 2021 the Church announced a one million dollar scholarship donation per year for three years, overseen by the United Negro College Fund, which will help young black students in the United States. Perhaps these 5 million dollars will be enough penance for the Mormon Church to pay on top of denouncing the words of their once beloved Prophets. I highly doubt it will be enough. Once blood is smelled, more racial sharks will circle. The Mormon savings account is now at 100 billion dollars, I kid you not. If they are folding like a cheap suit now, they’ll probably agree to dole out the 100 billion as reparations.
Here’s a question, one especially applicable in Black History Month:
The Civil Rights movement has been implemented in its entirety. So how can African-Americans claim to be “oppressed?”
African-Americans have been given everything they demanded, and more: voting rights, integrated lunch counters, affirmative action, thoroughfares named after MLK, cushy jobs as black “studies” profs, tons of corporate-government grants, the keys to cities from Selma to Detroit, the destruction of White run South Africa.
Exactly which rights under the US Constitution are African-Americans being denied? None, really. The real issue here is that too many African-Americans can not live up to some basic standards of a civilized society. So they claim to be “oppressed” by nebulous forces labeled “systemic racism.”
And being “oppressed,” etcetera, is part of a verbal formula which allows any amount of race hustling, shakedowns and rioting.
“We live in a world and work in industries that are so aggressively committed to upholding whiteness …”
Well, why is “upholding whiteness” a bad thing?
Whiteness means Constitutional government, schools that actually teach something, pleasant cities, intact families, space travel, upholding civilized standards like keeping the decibel levels down to less than ear shattering levels. Need we compare Detroit under whiteness as opposed to Detroit under blackness?
Might it not be the case that the so-called “oppression” of African-Americans is nothing more than the right of White people to defend their civilization?
Be interesting to see what happens when White people get fed up with the race hustling, shakedowns and rioting.
Because when White people get terrible, they get really, really terrible.
Just some random thoughts in the continuing chaos…
This is a reply to Francis XB (in case this reply gets bumped down).
Exactly right, everything you said, and your succinct explanation of our current situation should be committed to memory. Blacks have been given every chance to achieve an excellent level of success only to be stymied by White supremacy, every time. The amount of covering up for their bad behavior and failure used to border on the ridiculous. Now it is overtly obscene, this hatred of the Whites and White males especially.
Your penultimate paragraph does describe how terrible it will be when those that are constantly shat upon by their own government do finally revolt. They do get really, really terrible. To me, Rudyard Kipling has described exactly what you illustrated in your 2nd to last paragraph. We’ all know and reference Kipling’s poem The Wrath Of The Awakened Saxon. It is beautiful in its description. I am also going to paste another very appropriate for our times poem by Kipling below. This one is called The Stranger. Several excellent reviews of Kipling have appeared on these Counter-Currents pages. Here’s a nice one from Greg Johnson:
based on Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “The Beginnings”
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait.
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show.
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud.
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date.
That the Saxon began to hate.
by Rudyard Kipling 1865 – 1936
The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.
The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wonted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.
The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.
The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.
This was my father’s belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.
If you are still reading this, yet another long post of mine, I wish to say of this particular verse really chills my blood. Why? Because we see it always, Muslims activate a sleeper cell, all foreigners parade around with their flag above ours, foreigners given the great fortune to become citizens and elected officials now openly denigrate the founding citizens and constitution. Here’s the verse:
The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.
Very fun essay.
Ms Abdullah’s nose is a bit of a giveaway, although admittedly not in the same league as the nose featured in the latest ‘Worst Week Yet’.
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