I’m hardly a hard-liner on the Jewish Question. I have nothing against Jews who are decent citizens, aren’t part of the Zio-mafia, and don’t enable the typical misbehavior of their wayward brethren. Although my patience started to wear thin a year and a half ago, still I prefer to deliver no worse than mild constructive criticism. This time, it’s different, and I’m not holding back for once. To make a long story short, I’m dedicating my enhanced deplorability to the castrati at YouTube’s censorship department, and especially to the busybodies who tattle to them. You know who you are, and this one’s for you.
Normally I’m pretty fair-minded, probably to a fault by our standards here. Since Jews constitute 2% of America’s population, I wouldn’t dream of depriving them of their due 2% of influence over our society. The way things really go, however, is that the tail wags the dog. Every. Single. Time. Long ago, the Anglo-American establishment let them on board, granted these (((neurotic weirdos))) access to the levers of power, and kissed up to the darlings ever since.
Although Zionists elbowed their way into the upper echelons long ago, quite oddly they jump at shadows. That’s hardly the picture of strength and confidence, now is it? What are they afraid of – that people will put two and two together about how they’ve misused the power entrusted to them? They routinely overreact to anyone questioning their agendas, or showing insufficient obeisance. To notice this, one need only read the news online, such as the following stories.
Goldberg, Get Off That Iceberg!
When one thinks of Davos, what usually comes to mind is the W6rld Ec6nomic F6rum, its cast of wannabe Bond villains, and their annual shindigs where hordes of politicians and ultra-rich business magnates fly in to get their marching orders. Last February, the Swiss town also made the news because a ski shop banned Jews. Did an Einsatzgruppe happen to be shopping in the store, and then throw a couple of frightened yiddlers into the street at bayonet-point, barking “Juden raus!” after them? Well, not exactly.
Instead, there was a sign which read, according to The Times of Israel:
“After a series of annoying incidents, including the theft of a sled, we are no longer renting out sporting equipment to our Jewish brothers,” said the sign, put on a window at a counter with helmets sitting on a shelf in the back.
The annoying incidents included littering, “especially by Orthodox Jews.” According to other news accounts, this also included not returning rented equipment. This necessitated the proprietors to go hunt around the snowy mountain in order to retrieve their merchandise.
The polite notice was written in Hebrew, so apparently it’s for the benefit of Israeli chutzpahniks. The local Swiss Jews, say what one will about them, are a rung above that on the evolutionary ladder and don’t consider rudeness to be a virtue. (Thus saith Protocol 13½, “While we’re unfolding our wicked plots, we should try to be gentlemen about it. We have standards, dammit!”) Be that as it may, you know what happens next:
Police in the eastern Graubünden canton, or region, said in an email that they have opened an investigation for possible criminal violation of Swiss law banning discrimination and incitement to hatred.
You got that right. Israeli tourists made pests of themselves by littering, misplacing equipment, and stealing a sled. The store responded to the criminal mischief by banning them. Then they got even by tattling to the cops. As the saying goes, the law is an ass.
This was a big international story, reported on also by the BBC, The Toronto Star, LOX News, etc. Moreover, there are plenty of Japanese stores with signs excluding foreigners, but it’s never a big deal when they want to keep us ugly Americans out. When the Israelis are snubbed, though – stop the presses! What, are these people special or something?
Anyway, I can see you out in the audience snickering about all this and remarking, “Oy, it’s anuddah Shoah!” There were some who commented at the bottom of the article, though, who said something close to that but without the irony. One of these began:
This incident is strange, especially the language used, but the rise of antisemitism, even before October 7, was increasing. The next step is democratically legislated anti-Jewish laws. After that, legal limitation on Jewish business and activities. After that, a Kristalnacht. After that, concentration camps. After that, extermination camps.
Whoa – that’s a slipperier slope than the ski trail on the mountain!
Then there were some sober-minded Israelis who concurred that littering by tourists, especially the Orthodox, was a problem. There have been much worse problems too, which fortunately haven’t become notorious in Switzerland:
Unfortunately, long before Oct 7, Israelis have had a terrible reputation as global travelers. While the vast majority are thoughtful visitors, too many cases of bad behavior (stealing from hotels, gang rapes even here in Israel, paying for one person and sneaking in a second, etc.) have brought a bad name to us all. As a worker in Israel’s tourist industry, I have often been asked by visitors from overseas why we tolerate so much litter. Too bad we don’t teach consideration and good citizenship from early school grades.
Until they learn to control themselves, the Israelis should just stay home!
Hoopla Over the Hoops
Early in 2024, a fateful girls’ basketball game occurred in New York. This was between a Jewish team from The Leffell School in Hartsdale, a private institution, and a black team from Roosevelt High School in Yonkers. For those who have the least bit of familiarity with the demographics of sportsball, putting (((preppies))) up against hood rats sounds like a Bambi versus Godzilla matchup already. According to the story, the Schwarzinnen made this worse by playing dirty and uttering slogans.
The New York Post wrote it up as “NY girls HS basketball game canceled after antisemitic slurs hurled at players.” One of these remarks was “Free Palestine.” By objective standards, it seems like a stretch to construct that one as an anti-Semitic remark – at most, it’s criticism of Israeli policy – but we’re already deep into the Alice In Wonderland world of political correctness and sinking fast. Other remarks were saltier and less ambiguous, though. In a follow-up by the New York Post, the coach of the black team got thrown under the bus for it. In one more New York Post follow-up, the NAACP investigated and said they concluded that nothing happened.
So what are we to make of it? What standard should I apply?
- Of course a black advocacy group will say their people dindu nuffin, while Jews routinely exaggerate anything that happens to them. Therefore, I’m unwilling to take either side’s word for it at face value.
- Normally in any conflict between Jews and urban orcs, I’ll very tepidly side with our Hebrew buddies, but today I’m feeling pretty cynical.
- Cynicism notwithstanding, I couldn’t bring myself even to glare at a Jewish girl. They’ve never done anything to me, and they’re not the ones wrecking society. On the other hand, I do understand that black teenagers can be a bit – shall we say – difficult. Worse yet, they breed.
Based on preponderance of evidence, I’ll believe the Jewesses over the Negresses. The fact that the (((mall rat))) versus hood rat match was called off during the game indicates that something happened. Normally bad sportswomanship would be penalized by technical fouls, so this something surely had to be pretty significant to end the performance prematurely. So it’s unfortunate that these nice Jewish girls got exposed to verbal diarrhea from these ill-tempered blacks. I don’t think the Schwarze coach was responsible or deserved to lose his job over it, though; apparently he’d warned his players to mind their manners, but they mouthed off anyway.
What makes the story odd is that it was considered newsworthy at all. This is about teenagers being rude on a basketball court, which ordinarily would be a nothing burger as far as the national news is concerned. Not only did the New York Post run an ongoing feature about it, the Clinton News Network also put out multiple articles on the developing story. Other media outlets picked up on it too. What, are these people special or something? Now riddle me this. Suppose that a black high school team spouted BLM slogans at opponents from a WASP school – would that make national news too? I figured as much.
Investigated Are the Peacemakers, for They Will Be Called Russian Interference
NPC News bestowed upon us the feature, “Nancy Pelosi seeks FBI probe into protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza,” written by Summer Concepcion. (I’m guessing the name means she’s an Aries, Taurus, or Gemini.) The leading picture shows Nancy Pelosi making an odd gesture with her hands in front of her chest. If I didn’t know better, I’d wonder if she’s asking a plastic surgeon for an upgrade to a 46GG rack, though I doubt it’d make her husband more interested in her.
It would be to everyone’s rational interests for Israel and Hamas to quit while the quitting is good and settle their turf war at the negotiating table. Unfortunately, some Washington types seem to find it objectionable. This brings us to Nancy:
“For them to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putin’s message, Mr. Putin’s message. Make no mistake. This is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine. It’s about Putin’s message,” Pelosi said.
“I think some of these — some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia, and I say that having looked at this for a long time now,” she continued.
Pressed on whether she thinks some of the protesters are Russian plants, Pelosi said she would like to have the FBI look into the matter.
I want some of whatever she’s smoking. Vladimir Putin – or Vladolf Putler, according to certain opinions – has quite enough to do other than assist the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. He’s been embroiled in a proxy war in his back yard, fomented by our Deep State, which ground to a standstill. Thus, to him, it probably was a welcome distraction that the long-standing spit-in-your-eye war reignited between our 51st state and its former inhabitants. However, if Vovochka indeed were plotting to foster peace between the Israelis and Palestinians, that would be a humanitarian act rather than something sinister.
As for Nancy Pelosi, she’s coming across as a one-trick pony – or more properly, a one-trick old nag. She wasted our time for years with the “Russian interference” nothingburger, without a shred of evidence behind it. She brazenly turned Congress into a three-ring circus, and with complete impunity. Now she’s trying to conjure up the Russkies again out of thin air. Pull the other one, Nancy; it plays Jingle Bells.
I wonder, which munchkin on K Street talked her into this? For that matter, what other cease-fire proposal gets spun up into a Russian plot by geriatric politicians, who threaten to send the glowies against peace protesters, which is then written up by journalists who take this crap seriously? This royal treatment wouldn’t be happening if the Israelis weren’t involved, and perhaps their powerful Congressional lobbies. What, are these people special or something? Anyway, the article concludes:
At the same time, the Biden administration is discussing using weaponry sales to Israel as leverage in efforts to get Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to curtail its military assault in the Gaza Strip, NBC News reported on Sunday.
That ship has sailed. Since then, the Bidet junta gave Israel an extra $17 billion in military aid. Sweet! I’m guessing it’s because a few buildings in Gaza were still standing.
Australia to Ban Doxing – (((Guess Why)))!
Ape News published an article, “Australia to ban doxxing after pro-Palestinian activists publish information about hundreds of Jews,” which has been syndicated to everywhere north of Antarctica. This begins:
The Australian government said on Tuesday it will outlaw doxxing — the malicious release online of personal or identifying information without the subject’s permission — after pro-Palestinian activists published personal details of hundreds of Jewish people in Australia.
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the proposed laws, which have yet to be drafted, would involve issuing take-down notices to social media platforms and imposing fines for the intimidation tactic.
Mark Dreyfus happens to be an “early lifer” – strange that he doesn’t recuse himself from this matter, right? It’s strange also that this wasn’t a problem worthy of legislative attention until someone wrote up the Jew list. What, are these people special or something?
As it happens, Jewish foundations and NGOs are among of the worst offenders as far as doxing is concerned. Where are the laws to stop their pestilential “watchdog” outfits from compiling dossiers on their critics? Some (((distinguished journalists))) also perform doxing and are even brazen enough to admit it. I get it why invasion of privacy is bad. The thing is here that the Jews can dish it out, but they just can’t take it.
The Oy Veh League
LOX News gave us the article, “Jewish students from across US describe rampant campus antisemitism at House hearing: ‘Wasteland of hatred’.” This begins:
Jewish students from across the country testified about the rampant antisemitism they are facing at their college campuses at a congressional hearing last week.
Some examples include the following:
“Dirty. Dirty Jew monster. Colonizer. Child killer. These are the names we were given at Stanford. Labels that strip us of our humanity, our dignity and our identity. These are the names a dozen Stanford students hurled in my face one night in November as they surrounded me,” Kevin Feigelis of Stanford University told lawmakers.
“They called my people dirty Jews that were disgusting monsters, that makes them sick to look at me. Me, who has been to Israel only once. Me, who grew up in New Jersey, one of the most diverse states of the country. Me, who was raised in a broken household by a single mother. Me, who had to fight tooth and nail to get where I am today. Why? They know nothing about me besides the fact that I wear a kippah on my head. That I am a Jew,” he continued.
If even half of that is true, I’d say the treatment he got was pretty intemperate. I’ll even concur that he didn’t deserve that.
Still, this campus anti-Semitism business is a self-inflicted wound. Who was it in the 1960s that fought in court to strike down in loco parentis rules and then proceeded to turn colleges into hotbeds of leftist radicalism? That’s right – Jews did that. Who used the university system to unleash an ocean of anti-white agitation? Jews did that too, and I had front row seats to it during the 1980s. Before enrolling, I hadn’t personally known any objectionable Jews. The boys had no more than an average number of foibles, and the girls were nice and respectable. Then it was quite a shock to meet (((insufferable campus radicals))) in person who rubbed my face in cultural Marxism.
So, yeah, I didn’t appreciate it when these types, as well as the minorities on campus they’d riled up, constantly mouthed off about white people, telling us we’re everything wrong with the world and all that. Now that the bioleninist golems are starting to get restless and even turn on their creators, the Jews find themselves unwelcome in the hyper-politicized environment of campus radicalism that their forebears had been building up for the last six decades. It doesn’t feel so good now that the shoe is on the other foot, does it?
Of course, the eternal squeaky wheels are getting the grease. They even get to tell their “wasteland of hatred” woes before a Congressional committee. What, are these people special or something?
Anne Frank and the Soccer Riot
The Washington Examiner featured an article, “Once again, in hiding in Amsterdam,” about an episode of football hooliganism last month. (It’s the sort of thing we Americans would call a soccer riot, if we had any. We reserve our irrationality for other varieties of sportsball.) The author is Michael M. Rosen; surely his ancestors sailed in on the Mayflower.
It soon goes into a long description about Anne Frank’s hideout in Amsterdam. I’ve been there myself. Although the article’s portrayal seems a bit stretched at some points, I won’t quibble too much about the artistic license. Once again, I have no quarrel with Jewish girls. Therefore, it’s quite unfortunate what became of Anne Frank. If I had a time machine, one of the things I’d do is bring Henry Kissinger to Bergen-Belsen and talk the SS guards into exchanging him for her. After freeing her, then to help her photography hobby, I’d give her a Polaroid and some boxes of instant film. The anachronistic going-away present should be a nice companion piece to accompany her magic ballpoint pen.
But wait a minute – what does all this have to do with football hooliganism? The article sharply changes course:
Tragically, in recent decades, the Netherlands in general, and Amsterdam specifically, has become, under the noses of the very elites purporting to stand for liberalism, extraordinarily congenial territory for Islamist, and specifically antisemitic, activism.
Massive immigration from North Africa and the Middle East, coupled with anemic efforts to assimilate new arrivals into Dutch culture, has stoked the fires of hatred of Jews, Israel, and the West in general.
Then it mentions specifics, such as the murder of Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh by Islamist nutcases. After that, finally it gets to the aftermath of the soccer game:
Shortly after Ajax defeated Maccabi 5-0 and fans began pouring out of Johan Cruyff Arena, southeast of the city center, large groups of masked and hooded Moroccan and Turkish immigrants began to attack the Jewish fans, chanting “Free Palestine” and “kankerjoden,” or “Cancer Jew,” a popular taunt in Holland. Jews were thrown into canals, beaten on sidewalks, chased into hotels and restaurants, and kicked in the streets. Dozens of Jewish fans were injured. As many as 10 were hospitalized. Others pleaded that they were not Jewish. Yet others, like Anne Frank, went into hiding wherever they could find shelter.
Does this mean that years later, they’ll emerge from warehouses and publish memoirs about being holed up? More seriously, the Maccabi fans had engaged in plenty of provocative behavior themselves that day, but you’ll have to find a different article to read about that aspect of the incident.
The description of the football hooliganism continues. Urban orcs go on the rampage, with the police doing nothing other than busting the defenders. All told, it seems much like the anarcho-tyranny whites have had to put up with for decades. The difference is that the article calls it a “pogrom” several times, and has a couple of references to Kristallnacht. Very well, but in one white country after another, whose bright idea was it to let in all this Third World flotsam, contrary to the will of the people? Now some of them are beginning to realize they’ve shot themselves in the foot. It’s only when the Jews start getting roughed up themselves that they’re seeing it as a problem. What, are these people special or something?
There’s No Business Like Shoah Business
Once more, this very special episode is dedicated to the censors who’ve inspired me to go well above and beyond my usual. So anyway, what are we to make of all this? Here we have a six pack of stories which ordinarily would be nothingburgers unlikely even to appear in the local news. However, since they involved Jews, they made it into national or even world news. Apparently these people are very special indeed.
In some cases, lugubrious references were made to der Holo, a preoccupation as if this were their sole paradigm for history. Unfortunately, it’ll be very difficult to normalize relations with them until they quit traumatizing themselves with their exaggerated atrocity propaganda. Moreover, according to their viewpoint, every little thing that doesn’t go their way brings them closer to the gates of Auschwitz. Do they have any idea how all that sounds to everyone else?
Finally, the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a contributing factor in these stories, and sometimes the prime mover. (The sole exception was the ski shop incident, in which they have nothing to blame other than their own bad behavior.) First of all, I should say that I don’t have a dog in that fight. Both sides are wrong.
I can understand why the Palestinians are angry, but resorting to terrorism is morally and pragmatically a disaster. Even if half the atrocity stories about them are made up – which is probably so – the other half is abominable. Where did they expect hostage-taking would get them? Jihadi fruitcakes have decades of experience with that tactic and should know it’s very counterproductive.
Meanwhile, Israel does have a right to defend itself. In fact, they’d be negligent not to do so. By now, though, the overkill is far beyond justifiable – positively gruesome. My crystal ball says the big plan is to flatten Gaza and turn it into Israeli Lebensraum. Then after the Palestinians get run off of their own land yet again, they’ll get dumped into Europe; there’s already been discussion of this.
What the Israelis weren’t expecting is that they’ve depleted their remaining moral capital stored up from the Holobunga. After shelling enough apartment buildings, the eternal victim act becomes much less convincing. Moreover, this caused the Jewish “Queen Bee” status over the political left to slip considerably, perhaps irrevocably. The thought of losing control over their pack of bioleninist golems should scare the devil out of them.
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So Long, Jimmy
Fun with Hate Speech, Or Academic Freedom for Me but Not for Thee
Joker: Folie à Deux – the Great White Nope
Review of Critical Daze: The No College Club, Book 2
Why I Wish They’d Stop Talking to White People About Race
Why Historical Guilt Is An Invalid Premise
Pogroms as a Cautionary Tale
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Did I read, “they’ve never done anything to me and Jews aren’t the ones wrecking society” followed by the entirety of the rest of this article? Maybe we are both taking crazy pills.
I was referring just to the girls. They’re not the ones up to the objectionable stuff, so I’ll spare them the obloquy.
I donno, they seem to have plenty of activist lawyers and DAs, and college professor/administrator types, who are steadily eroding the foundations of the West. Or do you mean the girls that are still young and cute, and which haven’t learned to hate whitey yet? There are some cute little black girls at my daughter’s school, too, whose shoulder chips haven’t grown in. (The black boys seem to develop much faster in that department.)
What a weird saying, that. “This idiom traces its roots back to a custom that was known in North America since the early 19th century. There is an 1817 reference by James Kirke Paulding to ‘The boyish custom of knocking a chip off the shoulder’. The New York newspaper Long Island Telegraph reported on 20 May 1830 ‘when two churlish boys were determined to fight, a chip [of wood] would be placed on the shoulder of one, and the other demanded to knock it off at his peril’.”
I mean girls in the strict sense. Sadly, when they go off to college, some of the innocents will turn into journalists, SJWs, or something else nasty.
BTW, the chip on the shoulder tradition was alive and well back in Mark Twain’s day.
You are really soft on the JQ. Maybe should reconsider which side are you on.
I pitched an op-ed column to the Jerusalem Post, but they told me my nose wasn’t big enough.
But you really are blase’ on the JQ, completely milquetoast actually. The nose noggers just have to ‘tone it down’ a bit and everything will again be peachy keen. No matter how much you soft-pedal their malignancy you’re still just another Palestinian in their reptilian eyes!
Well, if they’d cut it out with the treachery, mafia-like characteristics, dual morality, and other nasty behavior, then there wouldn’t be much objectionable about them. The Jews need to realize that their own behavior is the reason people don’t like them. That’s a long shot, of course, but a finessed approach is more likely to work than oven memes.
You mean infinitely long shot! What dictatorship, monarchy, cartel, consortium, mob or tyrant was ever brought to heel by “finesse” ?? None by feeble critiques you can be sure of.
The yids will never repudiate their criminally insane holy books, holocaust hoax, talisman status and ill-gotten gains. Nor will they take responsibility for the millions upon millions of lives lost or maimed by their psychotic brainchildren communism, feminism, protocols, plus all of the succeeding psychoses like gay/tranny rights, wokeness, gun control and their marches through the institutions.
“Oven memes” are just the beginning to a long overdue comeuppance that can only come to fruition when enough people throw down the gauntlet and say ‘no quarter’ !!
When 14 or 15, a neighborhood kid started a fight with me, I gave him a beating. When the police showed up at my house, they told my parents I’d been involved in an “antisemitic” attack. There were twenty witnesses who saw the kid hit me first. As my father was talking to the cops, CBS TV showed up on the block and started doing a story on Nazis. The kid I fought had an Irish last name but the cop told my father the kid’s mother was a Jew. I’ll never forget the old man nodding his head and telling the cop my mother was a Jew, too. The cops looked at him, looked at each other, then left. My redheaded Catholic school Irish mother came downstairs and told my father to never tell anyone she was a Jew again. I believe the colored girls.
Your dad was way ahead of his time.
IKR? Good save!
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