Counter-Currents Presents:
Nationalism on the Ballot with Neil Kumar, April 3
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Time is running out. The Great Replacement is closing in, and white Americans must wake up or lose their country. Neil Kumar, candidate for the United States House of Representatives — aka Our Man in Arkansas — is fighting for the Historic American Nation in the upcoming midterm elections. His main campaign issue: Stop the Great Replacement.
Featured in ADL’s “Extremism on the Ballot” (the ultimate endorsement!), Kumar has walked through the fire of regime media slander, proving himself a worthy leader. Neil earned his credentials as a popular contributor to Abbeville Institute, American Renaissance, Identity Dixie, Reckonin’, and VDARE, never backing down from his anti-establishment views. Join us in Charleston, South Carolina, to meet Neil on April 3.
Other speakers include James Edwards, the fiery radio host of The Political Cesspool, and Sam Dickson, legendary white advocate. Each will explain how to run for office yourself, putting nationalist issues at the forefront of public debate where they belong.
- General Admission: $75
- General Admission + Sunday Dinner Reservation: $120
- VIP: $300 Includes private dinner with speakers Saturday night, VIP seating at event & Sunday Dinner Reservation
Register here to receive an invitation to this exciting event. Space is limited, so sign up now!
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That poster looks great! I wish you all the best, and would certainly attend if present circumstances allowed.
Thank you, James! I wish you could be there, but it will be the first of many more to come!
Sounds interesting.Many of us have been wanting a candidate to run in a GOP primary who espouses strong pro-White views.Kumar is doing just that(in the overwhelmingly White third congressional district of Arkansas) .He is strong on all the issues.Edwards and Dickson have been around the movement for years.It is good to see CC sponsoring this event.
Charleston is great. There is a holiday inn very close to the bay that generally has rooms available and affordable. Also plenty of bed and breakfast available downtown. Make sure you visit the Charleston history museum, it’s the oldest museum in the country.
How could you not try to be there… In Charleston. It’s one of my five favorite cities in the country. We’ll have the time of our lives. See you then.
After the forced isolation of the Chinese Virus, it is time to be out and about and socialize with racially conscious Whites.The speakers sound interesting and Charleston is certainly a great venue.Let’s have a big response.
Thank you so much!
Next event, Mr. Kumar has to bring his dog.
Why don’t Paleo Conservative Civic Nationalists support Russia as it currently exists? It’s no Ethnostate. But it is legitimately a Conservative state.
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