This is the video of Millennial Woes’ talk from the Scandza Forum in Copenhagen last Saturday, in which he discusses the various types of positive and negative narratives that are promoted by social elites in order to either benefit the people they govern — or only to benefit themselves.
Video of the Day Regenerate Against the Machine
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Copenhagen is clearly (((occupied territory))) and has been for some time. Creepy place but it must have been wonderful before the bankers took over.
Brilliant speech! I’ve listened to it three times already.
Looks like Red Ice has been deleted. The Skandza forum review yesterday (was that Frodi?) must have put the censors over the top. Probably his complement about how influential Red Ice has been at the end is what did it.
This is by far the biggest banning to date. It seemed as though the powers that be were content to ban the YouTube “minor leagues” while leaving the big operators–such as Red Ice–in motion. If you had any such illusions, ’tis no more
I regularly follow the The Duran for geopolitics, hopefully they will remain untouched by the YouTube censors. They perhaps cravenly steer clear of racial issues, but their geopolitical analysis is spot-on
Counter-Currents is probably not the place to argue the merits of The Duran. But if you ask me, their analysis of world affairs has been spot-on, from Syria on down the line. Yes, they are pretty pro-Russia, but Russian statesmanship has been far better than our own in recent decades.
Certainly the West would be better off had we not driven Russia into the arms of China, and we shall see which country gets the better of the Sino-Russian alliance (I wouldn’t be too trusting of the Chinese if I were Putin). But perhaps the West is no longer a desirable partner, as our collective path is to become so many Lebanon’s writ large.
Or Andris, allowing that I am sheltered and benighted, please point me in the direction of a better commentator than Alexander Mercouris. I would be happy to tune-in for a listen or two
The longer the lies and subversion of global progressivism is tolerated the harder it will be to bring about change….Their system is a system of indoctrination and every generation they indoctrinate is a generation we lose..
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