The Five Types of Warfare that China Is Waging on the Western World
F. C. Comtaose3,207 words
In my previous article, I introduced an essay written by a certain semi-official Chinese expert and widely circulated on the Chinese web space which revealed the overarching ambition and pernicious agenda of today’s China vis-à-vis white Western nations. In this article, I’ll focus on the five major types of warfare that China is conducting against the West and discuss in detail the manifestations and insidious effects on Western society of each. I made this summarized classification based on my honest and intimate knowledge about China acquired from long personal experience, including extensive reading and in-depth observations.
Type I: Economic Warfare. During the last 30 years, China has amassed a stupendous amount of trade surplus that continues to this day and will extend into the foreseeable future. It has established predatory trade with the former “First World” countries including the US, Japan, and Western Europe, thanks to the dominant international trade scheme formulated by globalist Western elites. These elites are composed of a purposefully deliberate panda-hugging Jewish political and media establishment; and a greedy, shortsighted, and reckless gentile economic and industrial establishment that worships the “free trade” mantra and market fundamentalism, and is enamored of China’s huge market and cheap labor. These elites have zero concern for the vital interest of the white middle class and working class and the long-term national security of white nations.
The high mark of China’s entry into this game was its monumental 2001 WTO accession, enabled primarily by the treasonous and venal President Clinton and the globalist financiers who stacked his administration. The Western elites — Jewish and gentile alike — courteously offered the best chance of economic and industrial empowerment to China on a silver platter, knowing that the latter would not hesitate to rig, manipulate, and abuse the unsound system of global free trade to fatten itself and further its sinister agenda. They gleefully sacrificed the collective interests of white working Americans and Europeans on the altar of global trade. Note that the rise of China’s trade surplus and concomitant rise in power proceeds in inverse proportion to the status of white Western nations. As the former gains steam with each passing day, we see an ineluctable trend of decline and dispossession on the part of the Western nations evidenced by astronomic trade deficits, factory closures, job losses, an exodus of capital and technology, wage reductions, etc., with white workers bearing the brunt of the damage and suffering.
An emboldened, muscular and jaunty China has started to wage a systematic, aggressive and all-rounded offensive campaign against the West. China uses the huge wealth it has garnered from trade with the West as the basis of its ambitious expansion by constantly increasing its military budget (with double-digit growth annually for the last 20 years) in order to threaten, intimidate, and browbeat other nations — including smaller neighbors such as Taiwan and Vietnam as well as bigger powers such as India, Japan, and even the US now. Showing off its bloated pocket and brandishing a stack of cash, the Chinese also actively buy up real estate in Western societies, and voraciously hunt for high-tech enterprises of the West and precious natural resources — from oil to metals to forests to water — worldwide, by capitalizing on the current financial difficulties of many Western countries. Backed by its tremendous economic clout and crafty commercial and diplomatic maneuvering, China is also marching to Africa and other underdeveloped and resource-rich places in the world with its ravenously expansionist, neo-imperialist, and neo-colonialist policies in order to seize geostrategic advantages, explore its overseas Lebensraum, and exploit local people and resources with virtual impunity and limited opposition. No wonder the Chinese scholar in my previous article could hardly conceal his exaltation when he exclaimed excitedly and bluntly that “among all of these existing world powers, only China is benefitting from the current global structure.”
Type II: Market Warfare. This one can be viewed as a supplement to the previous type, but with its own distinctive features. China frequently brandishes its large consumer market as a weapon to intimidate and blackmail other nations at every turn. For example, when tension arose following the Philippines suing China in the Hague International Tribunal due to China’s unlawful invasion and occupation of Philippine waters and islands in the South China Sea, China bullied its much-smaller neighbor and unilaterally declared trade sanctions on the Philippines with boycotts of Philippine banana imports and other agricultural products.
China pushed its level of arrogance and bullying to new heights during the latest dispute with South Korea over the latter’s decision to deploy the US THAAD anti-missile system. China took unilateral and drastic actions against private Korean companies and civilians with a business presence in China as an act of reprisal on South Korea for an issue of a purely diplomatic and inter-governmental nature. The Chinese government punished the South Korean commercial conglomerate Lotte by various nasty and vicious means such as finding fault with the sanitation and firefighting facilities of the Lotte department stores in various Chinese cities, inciting hundreds of Chinese “red-blooded patriots” to gather outside those department stores in order to make passionate condemnations and to prevent customers from shopping there, forbidding local TV stations to broadcast popular Korean teleplays, and ordering entertainment companies to terminate business contracts with many South Korean entertainers popular in China. As much a lurid and appalling double standard as China’s claim that it was its own inviolable sovereign right to develop and deploy all offensive weapons from aircraft carriers and next-generation stealth fighters to satellite-shattering missiles while denouncing and penalizing other countries for their own purely defensive measures — labeling them as acts of “provocation” and “destabilizing to regional peace and security” — this double standard was completely ignored by the Chinese government and its brainwashed masses.
All these utterly absurd, thuggish, and unjustifiable actions evoke vivid memories of a string of similar events in China since 2005, demonstrated by massive and frenzied protests and boycotts against Western businesses in China including the French supermarket chain Carrefour and the American fast food chain McDonald’s; and culminating in violent riots of Chinese mobs smashing Japanese cars in the street, storming Japanese department stores, and beating up Japanese students and Western journalists, all in the name of Chinese patriotism.
Type III: Resources Warfare. Similar to type II, this one can also be considered an auxiliary or appendage to Type I, albeit not without its own distinctions. The term “resources” includes both natural and human resources. As mentioned before, in an age when Western countries, including the old colonial powers with a heavy historical presence in Africa such as UK and France, are rapidly exiting the African continent — both in terms of business and human involvement — China is making bold strides and charging into Africa with an astonishing speed and scale. China goes to Africa, bringing along huge investment and labor forces of its own to explore and extract African natural resources in a primitive fashion, disregarding environmental protection measures and exploiting both nature and humanity there in a trademark Chinese manner of callous cynicism. China bribes the leaders of African governments, employs some local people to work for Chinese companies under crude conditions and minimal safety standards, reneges on their pay, and turns a blind eye when discontented and defiant local laborers are beaten up. This has predictably resulted in increasing tensions between the Chinese and the local populations and has invited mounting and well-deserved disaffection and resentment from the latter, which China handles by using yet more bribes and brute force to pacify the situation.
Simultaneously, like Jews, the Chinese have the chutzpah and temerity to paint things in its own favor. China spares no propaganda effort to muddle the picture, distort the reality, whitewash its own sins and glorify itself in an unashamedly self-serving and self-celebrating fashion. Lately a new movie was made in China titled “Wolf Warrior II” (战狼2), depicting a former Chinese special forces officer and a Rambo-style lone “hero” who fights his way through hostile terrain and deadly hazards to rescue some Chinese company staff and local employees in Africa who have been seized by a band of vicious mercenaries dispatched by a certain Western state. Of course, the Chinese win gloriously at the end: winning not only the fight, but also the hearts and souls of the African people. What a disgusting fabrication and a travesty of truth! This movie, due to its naked appeal to (warped and bloated) Chinese nationalism, its typical bloody and adrenalin-pumping combat scenes created by numerous stunts and special effects, and the “hero” character played by a famous Chinese kung-fu star, together with its emblematic and grotesquely minatory and catchy slogan — “If you dare to offend our great China, we will hunt you down and destroy you, no matter how far you are from us.” (犯我大汉者,虽远必诛) — gave the Chinese masses a collective orgasm and allowed the film to become a gigantic commercial success in China, sweeping the box office with unprecedented sales, and setting an all-time record in the history of Chinese film (netting a total revenue of over $800 million USD since its release on July 27 of this year).
On the aspect of grabbing and utilizing human resources, China also displays unrivalled zeal and avarice. China uses both money and smarmy talk to attract and recruit some idealistic and ambitious top-notch Western and Japanese scientists to conduct scientific research in fields that cannot be pursued in the West due to being politically incorrect, to the great benefit of the Chinese industrial and military complex. It also uses money and/or deceit to rope in some Western mainstream liberal scholars in the subjects of the humanities to endorse views and parrot official lines of the Chinese government, in order to spread misinformation and attack China’s major adversaries like Japan on issues of history, politics, and international relations. In addition, since the Olympic Games are a huge matter in China — as they are used as an effective tool to galvanize the Chinese masses, highlight “patriotism,” glorify the regime, promote domestic cohesion, and distract the population from China’s entrenched and severe social problems — the Chinese government has long attached great importance to winning gold medals at the Olympic Games. Wielding its fat wallet, China actively recruits many Western sports experts to be coaches, trainers, or technical advisers to its various national sports teams competing in the Olympic Games and sends its own gold medal-crazed athletes abroad to the US, Europe, and Australia to be trained by foreign experts, all to the great advantage of China and the detriment of Western countries. Some notable sports handled in this regard include swimming, soccer, tennis, hockey, boating, and cycling, with swimming topping the list. In all these fields, from the crucial ones like science and technology to the less-important ones like athletic sports, the Chinese monetary offensive combined with Western man’s cardinal mental defect — his self-righteous and self-defeating altruism — have contributed to a continuous beefing-up of China’s strength and chiseling-away of Western advantages.
Type IV: Psychological Warfare. The Chinese, on a par with Jewry, are an exceedingly and habitually mendacious, disingenuous, cunning, and duplicitous people, whose unparalleled capacity for glib and dexterous deceit, deception, and disguise is an innate and intrinsic skill that has been annealed and honed through 4,000 years of ruthless and incessant internal struggle characterized by immense bloodshed and treachery. The Chinese have always thought highly of and attached great importance to psychological warfare since ancient times. They have a maxim which says, “out of a hundred tactics, attacking the mind is the superior one” (攻心为上), affirming the superiority of “psychological manipulation” aka “mind-attack” in Chinese warfare traditions. Hence they constantly use propaganda to lie about both historical and present reality in a manner that whitewashes and glorifies themselves, and smears and traduces their enemies. Moreover, in the arena of government-sponsored propaganda — pervasive and ubiquitous in China, dictating all historical, political, and cultural domains — it is also of no surprise (albeit deeply disgusting and detestable) to see that many foreigners, such as Japanese and Western individuals, due to the combined effect of China’s lobbying effort and their own pathological altruism and pathetic sense of masochistic self-guilt, have willingly assisted the current Chinese regime in its propagandistic effort to falsify or distort historical truths and promote a velvet image of China on the international stage.
For instance, in recent years a few Japanese movie actors have been actively participating in China’s anti-Japanese war movies by playing leading villains such as imperial Japanese officers, in roles where they are ridiculed and smacked by the “heroic” Chinese military. Such films are too numerous to name, to the extent that if you turn on a TV set in China any moment, you’ll literally discover a number of such movies being played on a dozen Chinese TV channels ad infinitum. Recently the range of themes of such films are enlarged from the so-called “14 years of anti-Japanese wars of 1931 to 1945” to include some dubious Chinese-Japanese armed conflicts of ancient times such as a series of low-intensity skirmishes along the eastern coastal areas of China in the mid-17th century. One example pits the imperial army of China’s Ming Dynasty against a loosely-knit, combined pirate force (倭寇) consisting of 30% Japanese samurais and 70% Chinese outlaws, in the quite-new Chinese movie “God of War” (荡寇风云) released in mid-2017 that also features Japanese actors in villainous roles.
On the Western side, many leftist-liberal actors and actresses have also been aiding China’s historical propaganda campaign by voluntarily enlisting themselves in China’s “politically correct” anti-Japanese or anti-Western movies out of their sense of “social justice”. The American actor Christian Bale starred in the flagrantly lying anti-Japanese 2011 Chinese movie The Flowers of War (金陵十三钗), which dwells on lots of lurid and sensational depictions of the phony “Nanking Massacre,” a diehard topic and perpetual fixation of the Chinese, and a “wonder weapon” to demonize, demoralize, and extort Japan just as the Jews use “the Holocaust” on Germany. Some White Nationalists may think white Westerners participating in China’s anti-Japanese movie production is hardly a concern to whites, yet China also makes quite a few anti-Western (read: anti-white) historical movies with the avid participation and cooperation of Western actors. The aforementioned movie Wolf Warrior II certainly falls into that category with its main villain roles, such as the head of the mercenary army and his close aids being played by white Westerners. And the latest example is China’s anti-French war movie The War of Loong (龙之战), just released last month, that portrays the historic Chinese-French War of 1883-1885 in which China lost to France despite winning some battles. However, in this movie with tons of gory and violent battle scenes where blood flows like a river and flesh and guts fly in all directions, China was depicted as the ultimate winner and hero, and the French as the abject and humiliated losers and villains. The French troops featured in this movie, both officers and common soldiers, are played by white Westerners. The leading French general and his adjutants seem to be played by real French actors, while the ordinary soldiers are possibly played by Western students studying in China, all persuaded by China through cajoling, bribing, and/or brainwashing to participate and act in a film that slings mud on the faces of their ancestors.
Type V: Intelligence Warfare. As was mentioned earlier, China is a country that doesn’t hesitate to steal, deceive, and lie in order to get to the top. The technological advancement of China has basically depended on stolen technologies from Western countries including both the white nations and Japan. Chinese industrial spies are prevalent and pervasive throughout the Western world, infiltrating and permeating all major sectors of industry. China is also increasingly using its specially-trained hackers to conduct persistent and coordinated spying and sabotage in cyberspace, in order to steal valuable industrial and military information and effectuate endless damage. Equipped with a powerful and extensive intelligence network that constantly grabs intelligence everywhere, along with a peculiar mentality and an active willingness to operate with no scruples or restraint for the sole purpose of attaining global dominance over all other nations, the Chinese have sedulously advanced themselves in a few avant-garde realms including some research fields disallowed in the West due to Westerners’ attitudes on race and ethics.
China has made large and impressive strides in developing various advanced military technologies, which already rival if not surpass the West’s, thanks to its espionage in the West as well as the unstinting cooperation of Western elites and particularly the State of Israel, by providing China with the latest Western military technologies. The war-changing technological pearls with which China is obsessed range from military drones and combat robots to cutting-edge electronic components, stealth technology, artificial intelligence technology, missile launch control and guidance, engine and propulsion etc., but the most intriguing and tantalizing one China currently pursues is eugenics and genetic technology, a research area unthinkable in today’s self-censoring West besotted and handicapped by political correctness and other ideological red tape. This technology is meanwhile being clandestinely and strenuously researched and developed by the Chinese government with its military-centered, ambition-driven, and purposeful science and technology policy. While the West binds its own hands and feet with self-imposed rules and vacuous and inane moralizations, languishing in lethargy and inactivity, China seizes every moment to carry out eugenic and genetic research with the aim of producing a synthetic breed of superhuman of outstanding intelligence and physical fitness, not merely for winning more Olympic medals but for wining future wars of annihilation and conquest over white people in order to realize its ultimate dream of world domination.
To reflect upon the ever-increasing and ever intensifying all-around Chinese offensive on the white Western world as sketched above, an interesting comparative pattern of similarity and difference between the Chinese and the Jewish styles of war on the West surfaces to mind, which can be perceived by any observant eye. The Jewish style of war on the white race is primarily of a destructive parasitism, of internal domination and control, and erosion, vitiation and degradation of the white societies. To the outside world, Jews opt to masquerade as whites to incriminate, smudge and vilify the white race before the non-white world so as to reap fisherman’s benefits and profit from the hostility and confrontation between whites and non-white peoples.
By contrast, the Chinese living in white societies largely don’t mask themselves with fake white identities but instead act as clear outsiders, which obviously doesn’t stop them from gaining all the benefits and advantages by profiting from the multiculturalism created and advocated by Jews. With their steadily-increasing economic and financial clout, they are also increasingly acting as a Fifth Column for their home country China (analogous to diaspora Jews in their relations vis-à-vis Israel) and hence constitute a time bomb to their host countries in the long run. The thrust of the Chinese menace as a future existential threat to white people, however, comes from the external onslaught on white nations posed by China as a political entity and sovereign state, which are manifested in the above five types of war. China can only be conclusively defeated and defanged by a thorough demolition of the dominant Jewish and globalist stronghold in white nations and a subsequent comprehensive disengagement from China.
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Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy, Rozdział 11: Radzenie sobie z holokaustem
i read a book about business in China a few years ago, the mafia, crime families run everything, everything they do is patriarchal nepotism and illegal… they just bought the an entire Port in Brazil in Paraná, do you think the profits on running a Port are lucrative? No, it is about control, so they can import more junk and export more Brazilian beef while having a tighter grip on the customs process and officials.
Thanks for the comment. Yes, as you pointed out, it’s about control, much more than merely making money. The Chinese nowadays are not really in lack of money, having ceaselessly sucked astronomical amount of wealth away from the Western nations with its predatory trade practice and by extracting inestimable intangible value from the western investment in the past 30 years. Now every move China makes on the international arena, it entails long-term and consequential geopolitical calculations for the unshakable and premeditated plan of advancing its ultimate goal of global conquest and dominance. China always thinks and plots ahead and in a long run i.e. in a time unit measured by decades, which is what makes it a most dangerous existential threat and mortal enemy to other peoples in general and the White people in particular.
Thank you again for this excellent expose of anti-White, anti-Western (and, also, anti-Japanese) Chinese practices. I would like to add that infiltration of White nationalism/”race realism” is another target. For example, the HBD cult that worships the Chinese, and Silk Road White nationalism, which envisions a “West” colonized by Chinese who will enforce borders and enforce order at gunpoint.
Mr. Ted, many thanks to your consistent support for and appreciation of my humble writings. You brought up an interesting and thought-provoking point in your comment, regarding the infiltration of the White nationalism/race realism as its new target. If that is true, which seems so at least tentatively according to the explanation you gave, this makes China all the more resemble the Jewry on the matter of internal infiltration and manipulation of the White resistance movement, something that proves my previously and repeatedly made claim on the similarity of China and Jewry, and merits our closest attention and fullest alarm.
It is indeed ludicrous beyond belief that some people on the Right believe it’s a good thing to let the Chinese colonize and exercise control over the West to enforce border and order at gun point, which reminds of me the similar admiration of some White nationalist elements for the “strong”, “traditional” or “virile” character of the Islam or black nationalism, and hoping them to salvage the White western civilization. It is of course valuable to learn from the strengths of our adversaries, but desiring to be ruled by them is an unmistakable sign of inexorable weakness, fecklessness and cowardice and a sure recipe for ultimate failure and racial and civilization suicide as it is tantamount to giving up on our own identity and independence, rendering the whole idea of White nationalism and White racial survival utterly meaningless.
By the way, much ashamed to admit, but the concept “HBD cult” is a new term to me. Could you please instruct me a little bit on that phenomenon? Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your comment. “HBD” is “human biodiversity” – championed by VDARE and Amren. It is, in my own (scientifically informed) opinion pseudoscientific nonsense that obsesses over “IQ scores” (often estimated from non-IQ exams Chinese cheat on) to make out Jews and Northeast Asians, particularly the Chinese (note the Derbyshire connection here) to be supermen that Whites need to grovel to.
By the way, your description of White Silkers as ludicrous and feckless is right on the mark.
A comment on style rather than substance:
I think your writings would be more persuasive if you toned down the hyperbolic language a bit. You don’t need to describe every Chinese action as ‘sinister’ or ‘nefarious’, or what have you. Overusing such language makes readers suspect you’re someone with an axe to grind rather than a possibly biased but still truthful commentator.
Me thinks the “warfare” China is waging on the West is mainly economic competition.
For a civilization so-called dedicated to the “free market” there seems no greater sin for a non-Western country than winning that competition. That China is also using less than honest means in this competition is par for the course. The West has done that all the time. Remember commodore Perry opening Japan with a gun boat for trade with America ? The CIA has used bribery, fraud, coups and murder to ensure cheap access to resources in the Third World (read : Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins). China’s engagement in Africa is more beneficent for that continent than European colonialism ever was. China pays for the resources it extracts from Africa by building useful infrastructure.
And why should we bother about Chinese historical films (with the usual patriotic distortions) that are only watched by the Chinese themselves ? That is no “psychological warfare” against us.
Stealing military and industrial secrets from other nations is also “normal” in the world. After the defeat of Germany in WW II the US stole many patents from it (read : The Great Patent Heist, by John Nugent) and both the Soviet Union and the US kidnapped German scientists to be used in their own industry and development of rockets.
All in all, China’s greatest “sin” seems to be its greater success in the competition of nations, not its greater “wickedness”.
Mr. FR, you seem to be one of the small number of readers here that are always unimpressed and critical of my essays and their viewpoints. Well, allow me speak with hard facts and their underlying truths in a fashion that calls a spade a spade.
“Me thinks the “warfare” China is waging on the West is mainly economic competition. For a civilization so-called dedicated to the “free market” there seems no greater sin for a non-Western country than winning that competition. That China is also using less than honest means in this competition is par for the course. The West has done that all the time. Remember commodore Perry opening Japan with a gun boat for trade with America ? The CIA has used bribery, fraud, coups and murder to ensure cheap access to resources in the Third World (read : Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, by John Perkins). ”
– This argument of yours seems true on surface, but it rather misses my point. You compared the unscrupulous and nefarious practices of China now in the same context with practices engaged in by the West long time ago. Also, you intentionally understated the degree and magnitude of those of China. Furthermore, you intended to argue from a “fair” and “rational” moralistic position, forgetting your own identity, stance and stake as a White nationalist, which made you more resemble a “conservative” than a true and astute White nationalist with the fundamental interest of Whites in mind. You seemed fail to attach ultimate importance to the White racial survival, but rather chose to “understand” China’s iniquitous and dangerous behavior because “Whites simply didn’t do better”. I myself do not countenance or endorse those acts of CIA, but it is also my firm belief that the wicked and egregious acts of CIA and its like as the functioning apparatus of anti-White regimes of the post-War era never justify or rationalize China’ s equally bad if not actually more sinister and duplicitous maneuvers.
“China’s engagement in Africa is more beneficent for that continent than European colonialism ever was. China pays for the resources it extracts from Africa by building useful infrastructure.”
– Again, you compared what China is doing now in Africa with whatever “awful and appalling” things the West did there two hundred years ago in order to apologize for China, in total disregard of the crucial “time” factor, which seemed to totally escape your logic, never mind the two simply cannot be compared in parallel. “Building useful infrastructure”, eh? Hadn’t the West also built railways, hospitals, schools, sanitation facilities etc. in Africa which directly contributed to the significant improvement of the health and lifespan of the blacks? Taking into consideration the historical fact that the welfare deeds were accomplished by the West in Africa centuries ago as well as the indubitable fact that China did its contributions in Africa all with ulterior (non-altruistic) motives, I’m afraid that your counterargument didn’t strike me as particularly sound or convincing.
“And why should we bother about Chinese historical films (with the usual patriotic distortions) that are only watched by the Chinese themselves ? That is no “psychological warfare” against us.”
– Of course the hyperbolically distorted historical films made by China and presumably “only watched by Chinese themselves” still constitute a “psychological warfare” against the West and the White people. First, the White actors and actresses willingly and insouciantly participating in those films obviously believed the storylines dictated by the Chinese or at least were sympathetic or malleable to them. When they came back home, they would most certainly act as a “poisonous agent” for those Chinese official propagandas and spread them in the western societies to other westerners in their various ways, and their blind fans and other impressionable people (there are a lot of them now), who make up at least a non-negligible portion of the current western population, would most probably feel attracted to those films, inclined to watch them and get inevitably influenced by those phony and spurious historical films designed solely to serve the Chinese agenda in the first place and in which their idolized and adored movie stars played an active part.
Second, even though most spectators of those films were admittedly Chinese, after watching those sensationally chauvinistic and inflammatory films trumpeting Chinese heroism against the much hated “White demons” (洋鬼子) intended to make the viewers feel spiteful and vengeful of, and superior to the Japanese and Whites for falsified or exaggerated historical and current grievances, the Chinese masses would certainly be further stimulated and agitated to hate, detest and despise the Whites and feel more emboldened to rally around China’s expansionist adventurism and challenge and confront the West, thus materially increase the potential danger of the Chinese peril even further. Yes, you may way call those movies “psychological manipulation on the Chinese themselves ”, but due to the above factors I pointed out, they have every reason to be viewed also as a sort of indirect warfare on the West, judging from its effects and consequences. Therefore, I believe your argument in this regard is one that only saw the “tree”, but failed to see the “forest”.
“Stealing military and industrial secrets from other nations is also “normal” in the world. After the defeat of Germany in WW II the US stole many patents from it (read : The Great Patent Heist, by John Nugent) and both the Soviet Union and the US kidnapped German scientists to be used in their own industry and development of rockets.”
– This particular historical event I of course have known for long. But again, two wrongs don’t make one right. You cannot argue with a straight face that because the US and Soviet Union had done the similarly criminal thing on a defeated and prostrate Germany, China has the right to do it now to the western nations. A better, more cogent and more substantive perspective of viewing things should be that the Whites should wake up and act resolutely to deny China of the opportunities to steal vital western high-techs and knowhow because such practices of China fundamentally undermine, threaten and endanger the long term security of the White people. The example you cited about the US and Soviet precedence to make the rampant and pervasive Chinese espionage look as if they were painted with crayons is but an utter irrelevancy and distraction to what really matters here.
“All in all, China’s greatest “sin” seems to be its greater success in the competition of nations, not its greater “wickedness”.”
– I never said that the success of China was solely attributed to its “wickedness”. In fact the “greater success” of China could have never happened without the generous and unstinting support from the Western globalist establishment with its Jewish core deliberately aiding and assisting China to the grave detriment of the wellbeing and safety of the ordinary Whites. The success story of China was a combined result of the above massive help from the Jewish enemy and the White traitors and China’s own wicked and vaulting ambitions for global dominance and its purposeful, determined and ruthless calculations to seize and capitalize on the golden opportunity presented to it on a silver platter by the western elites.
Well I agree with you in the sense that the major threat of China lies not in the Chinese themselves but in the treasonous elite of the West (manipulated by Jews) that facilitated this development in the first place. Never the less, I don’t care if China or any other non-White country becomes wealthy as long as they keep their population in their own country. Mass immigration of non-Whites into our countries is our major problem, but here again it is our own elites that are to blame. I don’t see China to have real territorial ambitions (except “reunification” with Taiwan). They seem only to have economical ambitions. Creating military bases on artificial islands in the South China sea is only for the protection of trade routes. The Chinese have the growth of their population under control. They don’t need territorial expansion. Their only real threat to us is immigration into our countries, and as I said for that our elites are to blame.
The crux of the problem is that contrary to your speculation, China’s ambition is vast and implacable and won’t be satisfied merely by staying in its own place to enjoy a wealthy life, it will seek expansion and dominance as a sovereign geopolitical power, besides exporting its surplice population to the West as a coordinated move to serve its strategic objective. Certainly the western elites have played a major enabling role in mass non-White immigration into western societies, but they are not the only one to blame, as China is also deliberately and purposefully encouraging and exploiting the situation to advance its premeditated agenda described above.
A lot of superficial and smattering scholars and observers on Chinese affairs in the West like to claim that China has no or very limited territorial ambitions by using shallow and specious arguments such as “the Chinese is traditionally an inward-looking agrarian nation”, “China historically only cared about managing their own things and had invaded few lands not of their own” etc. as a rationale of their fallacious claim, which however can’t justify the historical fact that the Han Chinese that is the political, economic, cultural and demographic core of China only occupied about half of the present Chinese geographic territory in the past and had used deception and brute force to acquire the other half (Manchuria, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Eastern Turkistan and many Southwestern remote domains all were not Chinese historically, culturally and ethnically but were all conquered and annexed by the majority Han Chinese in the long history). Those western experts also ignored that China is still regularly and adamantly claiming for other peoples’ lands right now such as Okinawa, Russia’s Far East territories, Northern India etc. 24/7 in its official domestic media and school educations. Since most Western people know little about the real China and don’t read Chinese themselves, they tend to swallow the words of the western experts credulously without questioning and thus fail to see the real and hidden intent behind the Chinese strategic agenda.
Again, China does have territorial ambition, not just economic one. And China does not have the growth of its population under control and actually doesn’t plan to do so as you confidently claimed. Admittedly, in the past thirty years, China actually has managed to control its population growth with its family planning “One Child” policy simply because it was still poor and weak and could hardly afford to sustain an unlimited population growth which was a standard practice of China from the ancient time to until 1970s. But that policy is a bygone one. To note a new factual change, with China’s exponential economic growth and its increasingly outward-looking and expansionist foreign policy, it has just scrapped that population control policy and now decided to allow more than two children for each fertile couple, which will inevitably lead to external territorial expansion as a solution, and the conscious demographic policy change to deliberately encourage more child births can only be reasonably interpreted as something that is tailored for the Chinese territorial ambition in a long run, considering the already severe and still worsening environmental conditions in China such as massive land erosion, water and air pollution, resource depletion etc. which will make China’s population growth unsustainable without conquering or colonizing new lands outside the current Chinese domain. This is a new and dynamic move on the part of China that is bound to have very significant and consequential results in years ahead, which unfortunately didn’t arouse sufficient attention and alertness from many western people. It’s time we start looking at the matter with dead seriousness.
Even if it is true that China has territorial ambitions as you say, then one wonders into what direction. Already densely populated India or South East Asia are excluded. Remains Siberia or Australia. But for that to succeed China will have to wage war against heavily armed Russia or against the US that will surely help Australia. That means a nuclear WW III. I doubt the Chinese will be that crazy.
As for the Han having been “expansionist” all along, it is a normal phenomenon that what we today call “countries” are often in fact local empires that have been colonized by a local dominant ethnic group. That doesn’t necessarily mean that once such a country has been established by that local expansionist ethnic group, it in its turn will become expansionist toward the rest of the world.
What China is now going through is a reassertion of its national pride, after deep humiliation by the West and catastrophic Communist misrule. Some Chinese leaders may have become reckless in their ambitions due to their meteoric economic success, they will soon realize that there is little opportunity for territorial expansion on this already overpopulated planet.
I maintain that China will only become a tough economical competitor, but not a military threat to the West. The Chinese as a demographic threat can be met with immigration restrictions, and that – we all agree – is a matter of replacing our corrupt elites.
The Chinese need mass immigration to the USA. That means more consumers spending US dollars, the Chinese currency manipulation is a huge problem. It is more profitable for the Chinese to sell their product to Americans for dollars than it is to sell them to Nigerians or Mexicans, the solution for the Chinese is to make those Nigerians and Mexicans American citizens. So I agree with you that immigration is the biggest problem effecting the country but it is being brought about by the Chinese mafia as much as it is being pushed by the jews and elites in the states.
A very important and well written article from the perspective of Australian nationalists.
The we-are-part-of-Asia lunacy started by Paul Keating and venerated by all PM’s thereafter suits the ‘right wing’ corporate agenda for a bigger GDP and profits uber alles. Our oligarchy is happy to sell off the farm (vale Rex Connor) for short term profit at the expense of our children. Vultures.
I have Chinese friends and a great respect for Chinese culture, but truly, we must assert our sovereignty over our land and resources or end up as serfs in our own land. Old Labour leaders like Arthur Calwell understood all this implicitly.
Thanks Riki-Eiki for another great article
I share your point of view–admiration for Chinese and their culture–but concern regarding their ability to out compete our own people. Actually, I’ve had a large percentage of Chinese friends too.
However, white displacement by Chinese becomes a noticeable effect as one moves toward the west coast, particularly in Canada. I have a Canadian friend whose parents own a home in British Columbia just east of Vancouver. The value of the property has rocketed over a million dollars in recent years. Reason? White flight from Chinese overcrowded Vancouver! Obviously, in this case high crime rates cannot be the explanation, as with whites from blacks, since Chinese actually have marginally lower crime rates than whites. I hypothesize that whites want to raise their children where they are not easily outcompeted in schools and business (little johnnie would be valedictorian in a white school but not even scholarship material against the Chinese!). Also, perhaps it’s simply true that people like to be among their own kind for the most part.
In Science, Strategy and War: The Strategic Theory of John Boyd (London: Routledge, 2007), Frans Osinga touches upon the scope of Chinese aggression when he writes (p. 254):
“. . . two serving senior officers of the Chinese armed forces unveiled their view on how to counter the Western style of warfare in their book Unrestricted Warfare. Based on a thorough examination of the way the West, and in particular the US, has fought wars in the past decade, they formulate a strategic response that is multidimensional and deliberately not confined to the military dimension. . . .
“They advocate non-military means such as Information Warfare-related concepts, such as the use of hackers, the mass media and financial information terrorism. Rules and conventions, such as the Laws of Armed Conflict, are not adhered to, while the West’s political, moral and military restraints that fighting according to these rules implies, are fully exploited.
“More philosophically, the authors turn the West’s perception concerning the nature, the meaning and purpose of war against itself. War is not identical with violent military clashes, instead it must be understood as constant contest or struggle. The authors deliberately redefine the meaning of war and stretch it far beyond what most western societies consider the current meaning of war. Thus, academically they open the possibility of being engaged in a war, employing non-military methods to achieve their aim, while the West would not recognize that it was engaged in one.”
Osinga provides a table (p. 254) listing the fields in which war can be waged, according to the authors of Unrestricted Warfare, given below as three sets of lists:
Military war
Beyond military war
Information Ops
High Tech
Non-military war
Natural Resource
Economic Aid
Law and Regulations
Media War
This is a good article. I shared it with my Congressman.
A congressional staffer told me when I was working for immigration reform that every letter ultimately shaped politics.
Make metapolitics meet politics.
I happened to notice that more than one commentator here mentioned that they have Chinese friends in their life with whom there exists a positive and pleasant relationship with some exchange of views on major political and international issues. This is of course nothing bad as there is indeed a minority of Chinese who are not only bright and successful in the western societies but also enlightened to the diabolic peril that is the current Chinese regime and the dire menace it poses to the western nations. However, here is my good-faith caveat: Most Chinese seldom if ever reveal their true opinions or feelings to foreign outsiders even if they are ostensibly your friends. Disguise and duplicity are their historically distilled and trademark traits. Unless you live among them, which I mean within their communities and even in their close circles for a considerable period of time, you never know what they truly hold in their mind. Of course there are exceptions among the Chinese who somehow choose to be honest with and speak their mind to you, but that is a rare case and depends on circumstances and motives.
I myself live and teach in China primarily because I want to thoroughly study the political, economic, social and cultural lives of the nation and constantly keep myself abreast of the latest developments through first-hand experience. I also have an intention to educate, illuminate, awaken, persuade or proselytize some Chinese, the ones whose integrity and honesty have yet to be completely corrupted or crippled by the system and have the potential to be moved to see the truth and light through sincerity, earnestness and proper means, in another word, the exceptional ones that are the cream and conscience of a wretched and amoral nation and who will probably become the real hope for China. In my opinion, and as a guidance of my own practice of approaching and befriending Chinese, which I hope could be of some referential value to White nationalists interested in knowing China and understanding Chinese, here are my two principled, fundamental and indispensable rules in judging whether a Chinese can be trustable and friend-worthy, regardless of being in China or overseas in a Western society. First, he must be sincerely, resolutely and demonstrably against communism and the current Chinese regime; Second, he must prove himself to be devoid of any trace of influence or mentality of the Chinese supremacy and Chinese imperialism. But again, due to the very characteristic of Chinese proclivity to dishonesty and mendacity, obtaining an indubitable and indisputable proof in this regard is not easy and requires a long and patient observation and keen discernment on the part of the White person of the words and deeds of that particular Chinese individual.
I have always liked and approved a saying which goes: “Rush not to judge a person by his race, but always judge a race by its persons”, which I believe can be perfectly applied to viewing and assessing any Chinese person. To approach and deal with an individual Chinese as an ethnical member of his vast and seriously flawed people of notorious, inveterate and prevalent vices and turpitudes, you always need to possess a sound and coolheaded sense of precaution and guardedness, a necessary wariness and wisdom of “prejudice” in order to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that Chinese individual’s exceptionality. To put it bluntly and unceremoniously, assume he is a bad seed until he is proved (proves himself) a good one. In my subjective and candid estimate based on my knowledge and experience acquired through many years of studying, observing and analyzing the Chinese, out of a total of over 1.4 billion Chinese worldwide that include both the Chinese living in mainland China and those in overseas, at present, a rough number of 1 to 5 million can be safely regarded as the genuinely enlightened and superlative Chinese in possession of noble characters who satisfy the two conditions I listed in the previous paragraph and can be safely counted as reliable friends and even comrades by White nationalists. With our dedication of proactive and tireless effort to educate and edify, the number has the potential to increase, but perhaps not by a large margin.
The USA needs to end all importation of foreign product and produce all it needs and consume all it produces. Then, nationalize the ownership of land; no more Chinese, Japanese or Rothschild bankers owning America. Although China would still be a threat with its humongous excess population (perfectly made for colonizing other continents) it would at least be cut off from its main source of wealth; USA consumer markets.
Honestly, the USA does not need all these electronic gadgets made overseas by cheap labor. These iphones are making AMerican youth a bunch of zombie drones.
USA needs to remove every person of oriental ancestry from the national security establishment, defense industry as well as tech industry. Plus, do the same to anyone with any jewish ancestry.
I’m sure this would only happen after a civil/race war. No way it would happen currently with the jews in charge of all MSM.
The Jews are the “Jews” writ large; the Chinese are the “Jews” writ small.
Since you reside in China, have you ever come across the rumor that the Chinese skin animals alive for their fur industry? I came across it on the internet, and it bothers me. The Chinese like their cousins the Jews have a penchant for being cruel to animals.
Yes, that rumor is definitely true. They do skin animals alive for their fur. They also skin dogs and slaughter donkeys openly in the street and cook them for meat. They even buy and eat human placenta and stillborn human fetus (some hospitals sold them at high prices to the interested customers). Though being a rare phenomenon now, in remote and backward countryside, some peasants scavenge human bones in tombs to cook them for soup for its alleged “tonic” effect. I once encountered one such peasant myself holding a human skull and several pieces of bones found from a ruined and desolate grave. I asked why he wanted such dirty, scary and ominous objects, he answered me that he believed it was a sort of “elixir” and planned to make a soup with it. I simply couldn’t believe my ears when I heard his words. This was all true and not some fantasy story.
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