Some diseases have different names but the effect is still the same. German Measles, for example, is also known as Rubella, which sounds as though she might be a bad girl from a sci-fi movie. (more…)
Tag: ethnomasochism
2,717 words
They [the Black Panthers] exist as a continual barometer to measure ourselves against — both in terms of lessons that have been garnered as well as challenges in terms of where we can improve and deepen our analysis. — Ainslin Pulley, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago
The place had sunk back into its wonted quiet. The blended murmur of the unceasing city, which during the party had been shut out and forgotten, now penetrated the walls of the great building and closed it once more upon these lives. (more…)
June 25, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy
Rozdział 11: Radzenie sobie z holokaustem4.679 słowa
English original here; also Spanish
Część 13 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 10, Rozdział 12)
Biali nacjonaliści muszą radzić sobie z holocaustem tak, jak musimy radzić sobie z całym problemem żydowskim.
Jałowym jest skupianie się tylko na obronie interesów białych i ignorowanie Żydów po prostu dlatego, że Żydzi nie odwdzięczą się za tę przysługę. Może nie wybrałeś sobie Żydów na wrogów, ale oni wybrali już ciebie. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “The Only Reason White Women Shouldn’t Hate Themselves.” (more…)
Since growing up cocooned in economic wealth is far likelier to shield a person from life’s harsher realities than merely growing up white, writer Nellie Bowles is spoiled to the point where she stinks. She’s descended from Henry Miller, but not the softcore porno novelist — the Evil White Male who helped bankroll Bowles’ charmed and risk-free life was the “Cattle King of California” who “was at one point one of the largest landowners in the United States.” Bowles inherited everything except a pretty face. (more…)
December 26, 2023 Greg Johnson
Nueva Derecha vs. Vieja Derecha
Capítulo 11: Lidiando con el Holocausto5.634 palabras
English original here, Polish translation here
Capítulo 1 aquí, Capítulo 10 aquí, Capítulo 12 aquí
Los Nacionalistas Blancos necesitamos abordar el Holocausto, como también necesitamos abordar la Cuestión Judía en general.
Es inútil enfocarse únicamente en la defensa de los Blancos e ignorar a los Judíos, sencillamente porque los Judíos no nos devolverán el favor. (more…)
1,966 words
The struggle against every form of anti-Semitism — from the Left and Islamically motivated — it is our governmental and civic obligation . . . Der Kampf gegen jede Form von Judenfeindlichkeit — von rechts, von links und islamistisch motiviert — ist unsere staatliche und bürgerschaftliche Pflicht . . . (more…)
2,408 words
Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
Expresión de tu vida nos da.
Bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo
Blanca y pura descanza la paz.Noble homeland, your beautiful flag
Expresses for us your life.
Under the limpid blue of your skies
Peace reigns, white and pure. (more…) -
Deep ecology represents a significant shift in the way humans understand and interact with the environment. This movement is rooted in the belief that our current models of human engagement with nature are unsustainable and destructive. Arne Naess, a Norwegian philosopher, first developed the concept of deep ecology in the 1970s, and it has since grown into a powerful environmental and philosophical movement that has inspired many to adopt a more holistic and sustainable approach to environmental issues. (more…)
3,695 words
Part 3 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here)
We aren’t actually that nice
Up to this point, I’ve been reminded at times of Nietzsche’s classic definition of humble-bragging from Human, All Too Human: “He who humbles himself wants to be exalted.” This chapter is different. Snowflake takes a break from the Socratic humility about not having all the answers and her eternal quest for enlightenment. (more…)
3,797 words
Part 2 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
There is no choir
The quote heading the third chapter is from the author Anika Nailah, a Person Of Capitalization who (prepare to be surprised) writes about the black experience:
Being with white progressives is like being a driving instructor and having someone who does not know how to drive but thinks that they do get in the car with you. (more…)
Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
Robin DiAngelo, a professor and diversity mystagogue, wrote some books about race relations, heavily promoted by the usual suspects. Snowflake’s fourth ethnomasochistic tome is Nice Racism: How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm (Boston: Beacon Press, 2021). Liberals are typically people who pride themselves on niceness, and in actual fact are already too nice for their own good, but the book lambastes them for failing to live up to their standards of niceness. Does this book deserve a nomination for a Theodor Adorno Culture Distortion Prize, or what? (more…)
Ever since Rachel Dolezal became famous for pretending to be black in 2015, her story has fascinated me. On the one hand, she is a traitor to her people and an unstable basket case. On the other, she is a talented white person who has been failed by modern Western society. She has an artist’s temperament and, like the proverbial “canary in the coal mine,” is acutely sensitive to the rootlessness that plagues white people today. (more…)