In the United States, Black History Month — formerly known as “February” — is, unfortunately, not just about history. It is also an occasion for lies and propaganda to stoke black pride over spurious achievements and white guilt over spurious crimes. To combat this propaganda, we have assembled the following articles.
- Black Invention Myths
- Kerry Bolton, “Apartheid: Lest We Forget (Or Never Knew)“
- Kerry Bolton, “Fifty Years of Cant“
- Aedon Cassiel, “Diversity and the Rape of Justice“
- Aedon Cassiel, “Employers Hate Blacks, but They Love ‘Ebony’?“
- Aedon Cassiel, “An Open Letter to Jesse Williams“
- Aedon Cassiel, “Stop Being Frisky: Why Trump is Right about Stop & Frisk“
- Sam Davidson, “A Deal with the Devil: The Strange Case of Israel and South Africa“
- Sam Davidson, “Nelson Mandela and the Jews“
- Guillaume Durocher, “The Token President: Obama’s Hollow Legacy“
- Julius Evola, “Negrified America“
- Sam Francis, “The King Holiday and its Meaning“
- Jeff Frankas, “Get Out“
- Andrew Hamilton, “Abraham Lincoln: Anti-White Negrophile?“
- Andrew Hamilton, The Birth of a Nation
- Andrew Hamilton, “The Black (& White) Predicament: Harold Cruse’s The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual (1967)“
- Andrew Hamilton, “Jews and Slavery: Three Books by the Nation of Islam” (German translation here)
- Andrew Hamilton, “Let’s Talk About Missouri“
- Andrew Hamilton, “Race in the Early Films of D. W. Griffith“
- Andrew Hamilton, “Revisiting Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic“
- Andrew Hamilton, “Whiteness is More than Anti-Blackness” (Translations: French, German)
- George Hocking, “Ethnic Hegemonies in American History,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Gregory Hood, “Who is Responsible for Ferguson?“
- Greg Johnson, “‘Burn This Bitch Down’: Ferguson, Garner, and the End of Gentrification“
- Greg Johnson, “The Nigger Word“
- Greg Johnson, “Understanding the Charleston Church Massacre“
- Greg Johnson, Interview with Mark Dyal, Part 1, transcript
- Julian Lee, “In Praise of the White Singing Voice“
- Julian Lee, “The White Singing Voice in Rock and Pop“
- Colin Liddell, “Another Dyslexic Demonstrator“
- Colin Liddell, “The Charleston Church Massacre“
- Colin Liddell, “The Dallas Massacre, The Tyranny of Bullshit, & the Pseudo Alt-Right“
- Abraham Lincoln, “Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes“
- Trevor Lynch, “Django Unchained: Another Jewish Wet Dream“
- Kevin MacDonald, “Jews, Blacks, and Race“
- Ava Moretti, Review of Manderlay
- Lawrence Murray, “Antebellum Dindu Adventure: <i>The Birth of a Nation</i> (2016)“
- Michael O’Meara, “The Cold War on Whites“
- Michael O’Meara, “How the Irish Became White,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Matt Parrott, “Detroit’s Downfall . . . and Japan’s“
- Jack Pershing, “Hinton Rowan Helper: Harbinger of America’s New Dawn“
- William Pierce, “Destroying the Past“
- William Pierce, “The Fraud of Black History“
- William Pierce, “Lies for Profit: The Myth of Black History“
- William Pierce, “The Roots of Civilization“
- Michael Polignano, “White Pride and White Guilt“
- Spencer Quinn, “Colin Flaherty on Black Violence“
- Spencer Quinn, “Forgetting Muhammad Ali“
- Spencer Quinn, “My Top Three Non Alt-Right Books“
- Spencer Quinn, “The Negro: America’s Problem“
- Spencer Qunn, “Not Every Day is Christmas“
- Spencer Quinn, “A Scene at the Beach“
- Spencer Quinn, “Thomas Nelson Page’s <i>Red Rock</i>“
- C. F. Robinson, “Does America Need Black Troops?“
- C. F. Robinson, “Heroes & Cowards: Diversity in the Military“
- C. F. Robinson, “The San Francisco Zebra Killings“
- Dylann Roof, “Dylann Roof’s Manifesto (Annotated)“
- Kevin Alfred Strom, “The Beast as Saint: The Truth about Martin Luther King“
- Kevin Alfred Strom, “The Beast as Saint” Video
- Kevin Alfred Strom, “The Case for Skepticism about Martin Luther King“
- Donald Thoresen, “Nicholas Guyatt’s <i>Bind Us Apart: How Enlightened Americans Invented Racial Segregation</i>“
- Donald Thoresen, “Racism, Eugenics, & the Progressive Movement“
- Brian Tobin, “Weathering the Storm“
- Irmin Vinson, “Amy Biehl: A White Liberal on the Dark Continent” (German translation here)
- Irmin Vinson, “Radicalized by Wikipedia?“
- Irmin Vinson, “‘So the Last Shall be First . . .’: Alinsky’s Farting Negroes“
- Frances Cress Welsing, “The War of the Balls“
- “Who Invented Peanut Butter?“
Please link and repost these pieces far and wide.
Greg Johnson
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Havens in a Heartless World
An Obama-Moment for Black History Month
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 626
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 626 Leonarda Jonie
Meritocracy, Entitlement, and Competition
The Wonderful World of Fake Black Inventions
The Book They Dare Not Name
Barack Obama, the Dark Side of Black History
Black History Month: Strangely enough, only made possible by White people’s money, creativity, virtue signalling, and success.
I have observed over the years that a black persons creative ability correlates with the percentage of white genes in their make-up. Pure blacks have never created anything, and they never will.
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