Leftists will accuse white men of fueling “rape culture” for sitting with their legs spread too far apart. But they’ve been excusing non-whites for committing actual acts of rape since well before the mass sexual assaults in Germany in 2016. The Cologne attacks on New Years’ Eve didn’t represent the beginning of these trends—they just exposed to the wider public more clearly something that some of us have already been observing for a long time.
In 2010, for example, a liberal activist in Haiti wrote the following:
Two weeks ago, on a Monday morning, I started to write what I thought was a very clever editorial about violence against women in Haiti. The case, I believed, was being overstated by women’s organizations in need of additional resources. Ever committed to preserving the dignity of Black men in a world which constantly stereotypes them as violent savages, I viewed this writing as yet one more opportunity to fight “the man” on behalf of my brothers. That night, before I could finish the piece, I was held on a rooftop in Haiti and raped repeatedly by one of the very men who I had spent the bulk of my life advocating for.
. . . I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn’t care that I was a Malcolm X scholar. He told me to shut up, and then slapped me in the face. Overpowered, I gave up fighting halfway through the night. . . . Not once did I envision myself becoming a receptacle for a Black man’s rage at the white world, but that is what I became. While I take issue with my brother’s behavior, I’m grateful for the experience. . . . Black men have every right to the anger they feel in response to their position in the global hierarchy, but their anger is misdirected. Women are not the source of their oppression; . . . the as-yet unaddressed white patriarchy which still dominates the global stage [is].
To recap, this woman was upset that women’s organizations were portraying black men as “violent savages” in order to try to receive more aid—but quite literally before she could finish writing out her protest, one of them holds her on a rooftop and beats and rapes her. Afterwards, the takeaway she carries away is that she is “grateful” to have experienced the rage that ought to be directed at “the white world”—specifically, the “white patriarchy.” Ask yourself if you can imagine anyone—whether a liberal in some hypothetical future, or a “mens’ rights activist” today—excusing a white man’s act of raping a woman because he “has every right to the anger he feels” as a result of having his children taken away by an unjust family court system, and merely needs to be taught to direct it at better targets. Ask yourself what the outrage would sound like if someone did.
This disgusting tradition of selective excuses of minorities for severe offenses like actual rape combined with harsh condemnation of whites and men for far more innocent actions has, however, recently hit peak visibility—even after the attempted coverup of mass sex assaults in Cologne on New Years’ Eve, a German refugee activist just admitted to having lied to imply that the three Middle Eastern refugees who sexually assaulted her were white Germans because she didn’t want to fuel ‘racism’. A Norwegian politician took to the press to say that he felt sorry for his rapist due to the fact that he was deported as a consequence of it. An Eritrean migrant who sexually assaulted a woman in a car park and then violently resisted arrest was sentenced to a mere 30 days of community service. A Swedish Left Party politician explicitly stood by the claim that rape is “worse” when Swedes (rather than migrants) do it.
Meanwhile, just after it was revealed that Omar Mateen, the mass shooter in Orlando, was not gay, did not frequent Pulse nightclub, and did not have gay dating apps on his phone—and that the early media reports making these claims were simply lies intended to deflect attention from the real truths behind why this violence occurred—ISIS has actually instructed its members to specifically target white people so that their terror attacks aren’t mislabeled as ‘hate crimes’ by liberals again. Meanwhile, while everyone heard the blatant lies repeated throughout the media that Omar Mateen was a repressed homosexual, far fewer will have heard any discussion about the fact that Mateen was actually radicalized by a member of the New Black Panther Party.
And speaking of hate crimes, Tommy Robinson in the UK was just accused of one for carrying a sign that said “Fuck ISIS.” But screaming “I hate white people” and punching a woman’s tooth out? That’s not a “hate crime.” That discrepancy is, of course, justified by the equation that “racism = power + prejudice”, and of course we all know that all and only white people have “power” and no non-whites have any at all — no matter how many Loretta Lynches, Benjamin Crumps, or Marilyn Mosbys there are; and no matter how many white people are getting their teeth knocked out or being threatened with jail for carrying signs. Do whites in prison still have “white privilege” once they’re already inside prison walls? Is it a “privilege” to be the victim of the vast majority of prison rapes — perpetrated in the vast majority of cases by black perpetrators?
The fact remains that blacks continually and almost exclusively rape whites in prison. . . . Why does this white victim preference prevail? Whites continue to be raped more severely and frequently and at a disproportionate rate than any other racial or ethnic group (in Gones 1967; Bowker 1980; Lookwood 9180). This racial inequality may be the largest in any violent crime committed in the United States. . . . Sacco (1982, p. 91) has also noted a disproportionate number of black aggressors and white victims in studies of sexual assaults in jails and prisons. Even if the minority of prisoners are black, the minority of victims are white (Sacco 1982, p. 91). When Lookwood (1980, p. 28) asked ‘targets’ to identify their aggressors at the time of their rape, most were black (80%), some were Hispanic (14%), and a few were white (6%). . . . Although many causation factors have been suggested for prison rape, they are all overshadowed by the racial categories of the victims and the rapists. Prison rape has been shown throughout this study to be racially motivated by predominantly black inmates specifically against white inmates who in turn are the victims. . . . racial hatred of whites by blacks appears to be the main force driving prison rape.
For all the jokes you’ve heard in the popular media about prison rape, have you ever once been informed that this has been a sociologically documented fact for decades? Of course not. You haven’t been informed about that by the mainstream media, and you haven’t been informed about it by the liberals and feminists complaining about prison rape jokes in the media, either. Is it a coincidence that a political Left made up of people who, after being beaten and raped, literally state that they’re “grateful” to have experienced the rage that ought to be directed at “the white patriarchy,” haven’t cared to inform you about this?
You know damn well that they’d be obsessed with pumping that statistic through the airwaves if it were reversed. For God’s sakes, the mainstream media is repeatedly obsessed with hoaxes that make the claim that some whites, somewhere, raped black women—the Tawana Brawley hoax (), the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax—even though:
Of the 13,463 reported rapes committed by black perpetrators in 2010, 50.2% of these were committed against white victims—and by contrast, the number of white–on–black rapes . . . reported in the NCVS surveys were so infinitesimal, that in each case whites were estimated to have accounted for 0.0% of all rapes . . . committed against black victims in the United States.
Well, “social justice” liberals will claim that rape happens because “Cis male entitlement is embedded in everything in society . . . pop culture, media . . . Even while taking public transportation, you’ll always run into men spreading their legs and taking up much more room than they need.” But when rap contains lines like “I’ll cut your face off, and wear it while I’m fucking your mother” (Black Vikings, Immortal Technique), the liberal response is that suggesting that this kind of content might play any sort of role in the black culture of violence is something only the most ignorant troglodyte could possibly even consider. This writer tells us: “[Rap is simply] artistic expression . . . Yes, rap can be violent and angry, but that’s the nature of art.” Perhaps you think he’s right. Fine—but how the hell can anyone think he’s right and think that the feminists are right about rape being the result of men being given ‘cultural messages of entitlement’ which need to end at the same time?! You can’t.
Actually, Immortal Technique is so popular amongst leftists that Jill Stein even talked about asking him to ber her running mate during the 2016 Green Party Presidential run: “I love Immortal Technique. He has great ideas—we need to hear from more people like him.”
Just try to imagine Immortal Technique rapping those lines on stage, and being celebrated for it, and then riding the train home and being condemned by the same people who were just pumping their fists to those lines for spreading his legs apart too far when he sat down on the train. Of course, the picture is too absurd to take seriously—but in fairness, after all, that’s not how it’s happening. They’re actually celebrating Immortal Technique after rapping lines like those on stage, and then condemning “cis”white men en masse for creating “rape culture” by spreading their legs apart too far on the train.
At least now we can see that it isn’t some perversion of the will to power amongst leftists who support those kinds of disgusting double standards because they think they have something to gain by marshaling non-white energy against whites—at least now we can see that they really do mean it, because now it’s plain for everyone to see that they’re literally taking non-white cocks violently forced into their own assholes and still feeling responsible and guilty at the thought that their rapists should be punished. Non-whites may support these kinds of double standards out of some sort of rationally calculated self-interest, but it’s safe to say that it’s now been established beyond any credible doubt that whites who support those double standards do so because they actually are mentally ill.
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Kerry Bolton’s The Psychotic Left is a very good book. It seems to me that the left has really doubled down on this psychosis. I remember reading (when I was on the left) Eldridge Cleaver’s Soul on Ice where he bragged about raping white women to get at the white man. It occurred to me that that made the white woman nothing. When I voiced this opinion I was told to shut up, blacks were allies. Just one instance that confirmed my thought that I needed to get away from these people. Now white women are not even defending themselves, and writing utter garbage about the poor other. (Stockholm syndrome as moral imperative) Too many people have taken the passivity of Christianity to heart and blame themselves for the problems of others. As you say this is mental illness or to use Freudian terms a death wish. (perhaps unconscious)
I’m not sure if it was an intended irony about ‘manspreading’, because the worst offenders are notoriously black males on public transport not white men. Yet I had a look for the word ‘black’ on the page on the first link. It’s not present.
Blackmalespreading is clearly another form of black display, like the walks, head movements and other stuff. I believe these displays are deeply primitive, and have some loose parallels in other primates.
As to why there is a tendency in society and for victims of black crime to shift the blame away from blackness onto other factors I believe in large part parallels what Dylan Roof wrote in his manifesto, that blacks are held to a lower standard.
I believe a major reason blacks are held to a lower standard is because they are (correctly) perceived across the board (albeit often subconsciously due to antiracism brainwashing) as somehow not as cognitively developed, less cognitively developed than Whites and are therefore less culpable. This is in much the same way that a dangerous dog that bites a member of the public is not held accountable and typically ‘bad owners’ are.
Whites, a lot of them nice and well meaning and where race is still largely taboo, end up doing some mental gymnastics to try to accommodate the behavior of a group that is not cognitively developed, that clearly has visible deficits in sustained morality, future planning and empathy and has serious tendencies to violence.
I also believe a lot of Whites are genuinely scared. They are not adapted for black impulsivity and aggression, they don’t know how to frame it and tend to self-blame. And again, they are not encouraged to do so as the ugly realities of race are generally proscribed.
In both cases the answer that comes out is ‘blame society’.
But of course all that happens when Whites do that is society ends up all the worse for the coddling and denial, even importing more blacks from Africa and Haiti. This is little more than a kind of Russian Roulette to demonstrate how anti-racist and unprejudiced Whites are. The anti-racist platitudes and the statements about ‘commitments to diversity’ go up. Net result is everything else declines further. The problem magnifies.
The problem is so serious that the foundational qualities for White civilization like reason, justice, inquiry, love, including all the liberal ‘civilized society’ values that the left espouses are dragged into the gutter by trying to accommodate blacks.
I came to this view a few years ago. And it was bleak. But it’s just not possible to coexist. All society in this form can do is put blacks in prison, where as you state they carry on their behavior just the same.
The right answer is to squarely face black cognitive deficit, their primitivism and tendencies to violence and to simply drop the moral burden Whites carry about what happens to them.
Blacks need to go and we need to stop caring or pretending to care about their fate.
It is, of course, the Jews who have weaponized black men. They use black men as an attack on white womanhood, the “soft underbelly” of western civilization since women, generally speaking, have the following characteristics:
-they are attractive to men of all races, and potentially attracted to men regardless of race
-they exhibit feminine characteristics like caring and empathy, often at the expense of cold logic, self-defense, and justice
The Jews can’t go after white men directly, they know this. So they instead go after white women. The attack is three-fold:
1) get young, testosterone filled, frustrated black men to lust after and potentially rape and assault white women
2) get white women to shack up with men of different race, and in particular celebrate the black men as being virile, muscular, having large genitalia, etc.
3) throw a bone to feminists with the concept of “strong, empowered” women, but always make sure that fury is directed toward white men, particularly white men of power, and make sure it’s portrayed that way in the media and movies
The goal is to break up white families, make normal relations between white women and men impossible, and introduce the negro into the fold as a threat that can never be identified, because to do so would be racist.
And it works!
It is a testament to the effectiveness of Christianity that young white women such as the girl in the first picture would express such a bizarre, deranged sentiment.
I observed an example of “man-spreading” in the small town in which I live. This is a phenomenon that you usually hear of going on in large cities– the phenomenon of “strolling.” On the street in which I reside, three young black males, and one white female were walking down the street in tandem (side by side). They were spread across the road, and forcing traffic to slow down, or stop, the white female had a little common sense in that was on the outer edge, and walking on the grass. A big, fat black male noted this, and made a comment about her position, at which point she defended her behavior. She did assume a position on the curb, after all, she did not want to offend her lovers.
For full context it should be mentioned that the “German” activist who lied about her rape is actually of Turkish or Kurdish background. This shows that her ethnic and cultural loyalties easily trumped any other concerns.
Immortal Technique is a very common pseudo-intellectual Leftist. He’s a fan of the Utopia Socialism and more than likely sees himself as Che Guevara re-incarnated. HipHop is mediocroacy manifested, ever since it’s inception. In the 80s HipHop was basically horrid pop music. In the 90s it was pseudo-intellectual black people using big words, tacky wordplay, and butchering literary expression. Now it’s literally LITERALLY nothing but: violence, fucking, big fat (cellulite) asses, shiny things, leased cars, and putting money above literally everything. To call HipHop a “culture” is laughable.
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