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The Internationalist Perspective of Communism
Volkogonov writes that Trotsky was fixated on the coming of a ‘world revolution’. Not unrelated was Trotsky’s thesis that, “The Jewish question, as a result of the whole of Jewish history, is international . . . The fate of the Jewish people can be determined only by the complete and final victory of the proletariat.” Beneath all the universalist rhetoric lay tribalist concerns.
Trotsky wanted to see a United States of Europe and eventually a United States of the World. In The American Hebrew, Oct. 9, 1920, Trotsky stated, “What Jewish idealism and discontent so powerfully contributed to accomplishing in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries,” presumably with a similar outcome in mind. Trotsky’s was a pan-European outlook; Russian history, culture and distinctive values barely figured at all in that outlook. A great proportion of Russian Jews felt likewise. In fact, as Pipes relates, even Lenin cared little for Russia, a mere stepping-stone to global revolution, its initial spark.
On Oct. 30, 1918, the German Navy ordered a desperate assault on the Allies’ starvation blockade. However, Kiel port sailors mutinied and were arrested. Then workers of Kiel led by Communists came to their rescue. A General Strike ensued, then a march on the town hall. There they established a Soviet or ‘Workers and Sailors’ Council’. This Jewish-propelled movement spread throughout Germany. The Ruhr Valley was next. These Soviet-like Councils took over factories, army units, and whole towns. Facing defeat without and revolution within, the Kaiser abdicated, much as his cousin Czar Nicholas had a year and a half earlier. The old guard then turned to the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The SDP declared a German republic. The Provisional Government included the far-left Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD) led by the Jews Hugo Hasse (Allerstein) and Karl Kautsky. The USPD included Communists, however it disintegrated, spinning off the proto-Communist Comintern-funded Spartacists, co-led by the Jewess Rosa Luxemburg and non-Jew Karl Liebknecht. These Spartacists were Berlin-centred.
The Bavarian monarchy fell on Nov. 7, 1918. Jewish journalist Kurt Eisner became the self-proclaimed ‘Minister-President’. However, he was assassinated after three months in power, at which point the Communists and anarchists seized control. They declared a Soviet Republic but it fell apart within a week. Eugene Levine, Jewish, took over and formed his own Red Army. However, 9,000 German soldiers and 21,000 Feikorps units consisting of demobilized soldiers stormed Munich, killing a thousand Red Army soldiers. Levine was among the 700 who were then executed. The government moved to Weimar. There, pitched street battles and strikes took place. The government arrested Old Guard officials. Princes and kings abdicated, fleeing into exile. Mercifully the Communists were defeated by August 1919, at which point the SDP inaugurated the Weimar Republic. Absent the non-government assistance of the Freikorps, the Communist revolution might have succeeded. Its identification with Jews couldn’t help but increase anti-Semitism in Germany. A similar scenario began to unspool in Italy, but Mussolini formed his Fascist party to oppose the Communists, and Italian Jews rallied to the Fascist cause.
The revolution in Germany in November 1918 shattered the Hohenzollern dynasty. It also nixed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty. This revolution came as a surprise to Trotsky, but doubtless the Bolshevik revolution had served as its inspiration. However, it was something of a treasonous revolution, in giving up all of Germany’s war gains. After all, Hitler’s entire foreign policy would consist of regaining most of what was taken away from Germany by the Versailles Treaty and the demise of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.
Bela Kun, a Jew, led Hungary’s Communist government between March and August 12, 1919. After fleeing, he became the organizer of the Red Terror in the Crimea, and a top official of the Communist International. Kun’s version of the Red Terror in Hungary provoked a reaction after his regime was toppled. The heretofore philo-Semitic Hungarians conducted massacres of Jews across the country.
This was not ‘just’ a Civil War, but a War of Conquest
Imperialism was formally disdained and informally adhered to by all the major powers of the era. For example, fired up by victory in the Civil War, the Red Army harbored no qualms about re-conquering 14, yes 14, independent nations from Ukraine and Byelorussia to the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia and even Outer Mongolia, and turning them into republics of the USSR. All were former Czarist provinces that had had the audacity to reject Russian rule. A generation later, once Poland and Finland were subdued, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania—all sovereign members of the League of Nations—were the last ones left, but they too would fall into the Soviet orbit.
So: the Russian ‘civil war’ is a misleading term. In 1920, the bona fide civil war turned into one international war after another between Soviet Russia and the states freed by the collapse of its Imperial order. Only after all internal and external enemies were defeated was the USSR as such brought into being: on January 1, 1924. A tragic irony is that the Bolsheviks had portrayed themselves in 1917 as the only government that would pull Russia out of the ‘Great War’. It did do that, but while ending a hated 3½-year war, it plunged Russia into a second 3½-year war. The Polish-Soviet war, which began concurrently with the civil war in February 1919 and didn’t conclude until-Mar. 21, 1921, was a huge war. But Trotsky was only interested in establishing a ‘Red Bridge’ through Poland to Germany, where the real future of Communism lay. A decade and a half later, Hitler would be wanting to establish a ‘Black Bridge’ through Poland to attack the USSR, the ‘road not taken’ that would have mercifully left Western Europe, Britain, the Commonwealth and the U.S. out of ‘World’ War II.
In the 1920s, in France and Italy, the worldwide revolutionary movement had impressive support, but it was “still stronger in Germany.” “[I]n Germany, the Nazi Party was able to gain a hold on the country by acting as a counterweight to the German Communist movement, which in the early interwar years had seemed markedly more dangerous. The German Communists were threatening to join forces with the Soviet Communists to launch a Europe-wide revolution, and in 1920 they had come within an ace of doing so.” Few in that era noticed the totalitarian parallels. Who dreamt that the two coming together would launch a Second World War? In any case, Communism, so Jewish in its origins and development, was the progenitor of ‘Fascism as Communism’s foe, and of Nazism as Communism’s nemesis’.
Tragically and ironically, most of the Second World War in Europe was fought on ‘the blood-lands’, in nations like Belorussia and Ukraine that had opted for independence before and would do so again in the 1990s. In the interim they would suffer and suffer and suffer some more as they were fought over by two totalitarian powers they loathed about equally and for good reason.
The Internationalist Perspective on Communism
A British White Paper dated April 1919 declared that it was no secret that the Russian government’s overthrow and replacement by Bolshevik radicals, with grave implications for the world at large, was largely the work of international Jewish revolutionaries. A Netherlands representative told Lord Balfour that Bolshevism “is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” ‘“The report noted that 90 per cent of the Russian people opposed Bolshevik rule and that as soon as the Bolsheviks achieved power, they abandoned their communist principles by forming a “relatively small privileged class.”’
Romanovs biographer Robert Wilton wrote caustically: “The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The murder of the Tzar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov and carried out by the Jews Goloshekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yurovsky, is the act, not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.”
Estonian author Juri Lina in Under the Sign of the Scorpion (1998) recounts “a deluge of Bolshevik acts of savagery, which included dismemberment, boiling, flaying, burning and burying people alive, mass shootings, hangings, drownings and poisonings, and horrific torture.”
Churchill ‘“described Lenin as an “arch-miscreant and villain” who destroyed Russia for the sake of his theories.”’ He pointed out that, “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheist Jews. It is certainly a very great one, it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin [he was, nonetheless, 1/4 Jewish], the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin [?] or Radek—all Jews . . . In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even astounding. And the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution (Cheka) has been taken by Jews . . .”
Churchill continued: “[T]his same astounding race [the Jews] may at present be in the actual process of providing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. This movement among the Jews is not new. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair on their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
Claire Sheridan, a sculptress who went to Russia to sculpt busts of leading Bolsheviks, said, “The Communists are Jews, and Russia is being entirely administered by them. They are in every government office. They are driving out the Russians.” This was an over-generalization, to be sure, but more than a half-truth. Author Adriana Trykova-Williams in 1919 wrote that Bolshevik higher-ups included “a great many Jews. They spoke Russian badly. The nation over which they had seized power was a stranger to them, and . . . they behaved like invaders in a conquered country. Throughout the revolution generally and Bolshevism in particular, the Jews occupied a very influential position.”
The French journal L’Illustration on Sept. 14, 1918 noted: “When one lives in constant contact with the functionaries who are serving the Bolshevik Government, one feature strikes the attention, which is that almost all of them are Jews. I am no anti-Semitic; but I must state what strikes the eye: everywhere in Petrograd, in Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets, I have met nothing but Jews and again Jews.”
Were all these observations exaggerated and inflamed by anti-Semitism? Prior sections in this book suggest not.
Solzhenitsyn makes the point: “Would it have been possible for Hitler to preach hatred of ‘Jews and communists’ in Germany so easily and successfully, to claim Jews and communists are the same, if the Jews had been among the most prominent and persistent opponents of the Soviet regime?” Instead, Jews made it easy for Hitler by being among the most prominent and persistent proponents of the Soviet regime.
Zinoviev as Worse than Hitler in Intent
Zinoviev asserted that as for the 10 million people of Russia that probably could not be won over to Communism, “we have nothing to say to them; they must be annihilated.” If he does not mean by ‘annihilated’ — mass-murdered — what does he mean? That’s about double the body count for the Jewish Tragedy, and indeed Lenin and his successors would kill 20 million Soviet citizens, not ‘just’ 10 million.
Volhoganov suggests that Trotsky had devoted his entire adult life to heating up the ambient revolutionary temperature to the point where the vilest features of the state would melt away. But where did he get the idea of the permanent revolution? He got it from Alexander Helphand (aka Parvus): Russian Jew, international financier, world revolutionary and soon-to-be agent of the German government. Parvus embodied the dual reputation of the Jew as capitalist and the Jew as revolutionary. He got rich delivering pharmaceuticals from Scandinavia to Germany during World War I. But he developed the idea of the permanent revolution from Marx and Engels. It was perhaps the most insane inhuman social theory that the human mind has ever devised.
Parvus provided the Bolsheviks with crucial financial support. For example, Lenin’s trusted agents, Ganetsky and Kozlovsky, received sums from Parvus large enough to maintain 17 daily newspapers with a total circulation exceeding 300,000. (A Zionist parallel in the same era was the Jewish billionaire-patriarchs who sustained Jewish Palestine.) One such newspaper was the Mensheviks’ Nachalo. Taken over by Trotsky and Parvus, it assumed a Bolshevik character.
Parvus served as intermediary between the German High command and the Bolsheviks. Most importantly, it was Parvus’ brainstorm to transport Lenin through Germany to Russia in a ‘sealed train’. The German government hoped thereby to undermine the Russian war effort. If Russia dropped out, the German army could focus entirely on the western front, a pressing need, given the imminent injection of American troops on the Allies’ side.
As we have seen above, the extended nature of the ‘Great War’ owed greatly to the Herculean efforts of Jacob Schiff and Fritz Haber. It obliged the Germans to help the Bolsheviks take Russia out of the war, Parvus playing a key role in dispensing that help. And the reason Germany felt it had to resort to such subversion was that America had been drawn out of its seemingly impenetrable isolation to hopefully generate a break-through for the Allies on the Western front. We shall later see how Zionism was an indispensable agent in ending that isolationism. Voilà — the two worst ideas of the 19th century conflating with the effect of completely transforming the outcome of the Great War, ultimately more to the detriment of European Jews, proportionately, than to any other group.
Lenin/Trotsky to Stalin a Natural Transition
Lenin and Trotsky bequeathed to Stalin a finely-tuned police state.
Alain Brossart observed that under Lenin [and Trotsky and Co.], the “value of human life collapsed.” Adds Martin Amis, “And that was the end of the matter, for the next thirty-five years.” This was unlike Europe, where a similar collapse in the context of inter-state war was followed by a revulsion against the barbarity of war, a revulsion that ill-prepared Europe to snuff out Hitler’s Third Reich in its infancy.
In Bolshevik Russia, the independent press was destroyed, the penal code was rewritten as an instrument of state terror, forced food-requisitioning became the norm, a secret police (Cheka) was institutionalized practically overnight, and the extermination of social or ethnic categories (i.e. kulaks and Cossacks) was underway, setting a vile precedent for the Nazis come 1939. That’s when Hitler began arranging for tens of thousands of physically-handicapped or mentally-ill or otherwise ‘defective’ German citizens to be asphyxiated with gas, itself a vile precedent for what would be done to the Jews.
Indeed, there were no qualitative differences between Leninist and Stalinist regimes. The differences were quantitative. And the vilest of vile Bolshevik quotes sustaining that Lenin/Stalin worldview emerged from Trotsky: “We must put an end once and for all to the papist-Quaker babble about the sanctity of human life.” Nothing that Hitler said or wrote would ever match these words in sheer unmitigated evil.
And listen to Lenin in 1918: “The dictatorship . . . means unrestricted power based on force, not on law.” And in 1922: “It is a great mistake to think that the NEP [the liberalized New Economic Policy] put an end to terror. We shall return to terror and to economic terror . . .” Only Lenin’s premature demise made that terror Stalin’s rather than his own. Soon Trotsky would exit the picture and be writing his History of the Revolution, in Martin Amis’s words, “worthless as history . . . After a while the reader is physically oppressed by the dishonesty of his prose.”
Power was passed on to Stalin by the pre-established would-be dictatorship of the proletariat, a concept that should never have been invented. This was possibly the most evil concept in all of political thought, since the supposedly-righteous ultimate end was thought to justify any and all evil means. Moreover, that end was entirely illusory, as impossible as it was undesirable. No proletariat ever ruled the Soviet Union, thank heaven. The intelligentsia that did rule in its place was horrible enough.
Famed Russian novelist Dostoevsky had foreseen it all. He wrote that the attempt to implement the aims of revolutionary socialism would shed “such darkness, such chaos, something so coarse, so blind, so inhuman that the entire edifice would crumble away to the accompaniment of the maledictions of mankind, even before it would finally have been constructed.” Unfortunately, Dostoevsky’s prophecy, otherwise deadly-accurate, was also over-cautious. Revolutionary socialism in power would be so awful that, understandably, its nemesis would arise.
Quote References
– — In Poland and the Pale, writes Shahakm, Jews “were employed as the direct supervisors and oppressors of the enserfed peasantry — as bailiff of whole manors (invested with the landlord’s full coercive powers) or as lessees of particular feudal monopolies such as the corn mill, the liquor still and public house . . . or the bakery, and as collectors of customary feudal dues of all kinds.” Shahak P. 63
– — “[I]n all the worst anti-Jewish persecutions, that is, where Jews were killed, the ruling elite — the emperor and the Pope, the king, the higher aristocracy and the upper clergy, as well as the rich bourgeoisie . . . were always on the side of the Jews . . . .[T]he fact remains that they did defend the Jews.” Shahak P. 64-65
– — In fact, “even more horrible atrocities and ‘counter-terror’ [were committed] by the Polish magnates’ private armies [upon Chmielnicki’s forces].” Shahak P. 66
– — Continues Shahak, “Everywhere, classical Judaism developed hatred and contempt for agriculture as an occupation and for peasants as a class, even more than for other Gentiles — a hatred of which I know no parallel in other societies. This is immediately apparent to anyone who is familiar with the Yiddish or Hebrew literature of the 19th and 20th centuries.” – — Many “east-European Jewish socialists . . . were themselves tainted with a ferocious anti-peasant attitude inherited from classical Judaism.” Shahak P. 53
– — “to promote the most shameless exploitation of the Jewish poor by the Jewish rich in alliance with the rabbis, and to justify the Jews’ role in the oppression of the peasants in the service of the nobles . . . ” Shahak P. 63
– — “the ferocious resentment built up in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries against the Jewish agents of the Polish landlords who exploited and oppressed them,” Cantor P. 332
– — “The Jews, once emancipated and given the opportunity for mobility were genetically so superior that market capitalism could not accommodate some of this superior species, and . . . [they] reacted to this rebuff by becoming . . . reds.” Cantor P. 277
– — “Trotsky’s was the mind of an apocalyptic Cabalistic visionary transformed by modernity into a completely secular and materialist millennial prophet,” suggests Cantor. Cantor P. 280
– — the data does support the contention that Jews were both capitalists and communists, something that French and German critiquers of the Jews pointed out in the 1920s and 1930s, to the scorn of Jewish intellectuals, writes Cantor. Cantor P. 274-275
– — Blackwell Companion to Jewish Culture says of Marxism: “There is no precedent for the direct impact that this intellectual edifice has had on world history . . . [Marxism] exercised a powerful hold upon actual and potential followers . . . because it had more in common with the Old Testament-like prophecy than modern social science . . . [Marx’s] tone was one of rage and fury . . . . . . [This dovetailed with] the deep-seated Jewish revulsion of Gentiles . . . Jews would not have had the impression of truly changing their intellectual code in joining the Marxist stream . . . [Jewish Marxists found] themselves mainly in the German and Russian Social Democratic movements, and were even largely instrumental in the formation of these movements . . . For example, most members of the first Russian revolutionary group, the ‘Emancipation of Labor group’ were Jews . . . [A] large proportion of Jews figure among the founders of the Marxist tradition, and . . . many Jews have found their places, following Marx himself, within the revolutionary movement, in communist parties and Trotskyite groups . . . [Theirs was] a rejection of the world as it existed and the search for a radical-revolutionary solution by destroying the existing world and building a better one in its place. This desire for destruction in turn contributed not a little to fanning the flames of antagonism between the frustrated Jew and the rest of the world.” Blackwell Companion to Jewish Culture P. 490-491
– — “[I]s there not . . . a discernable path between Marx’s formulation of a social absolutism and the concentration camp of National Socialism?” Misplaced Source, Will Find
– — Sidney Hook remarked in the year of Kristallnacht (1938), “It was from Stalin that Hitler learned the art of uprooting and wiping out whole groups and classes of innocent citizens.” Misplaced Source, Will Find
– — Greenberg: “Marx and other emancipated Jews tried to hurry the Messiah by looking for him in Gentile history and foreseeing the immanent conversion of the Gentiles—not exactly to Judaism, but to a community to which Jews could assimilate themselves.” Misplaced Source, Will Find
– — “None of the social democratic leaders doubted that the dictatorship of the proletariat would come in due course.” P. 37 Volkogonov
– — Jewish Communal Register of New York City (1917-18) conceded that, “[Schiff] financed the enemies of the autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia away from the money market of the United States.” Bradberry P. 75
“[T]sarist Russia was . . . less able to mobilize its forces . . . Recruits were sent into battle without ammunition, adequate clothing, or sufficient food,” writes Lindemann. Lindemann P. 396
– — “He not only pushed forward the research on and development of the chemicals used but also exerted considerable influence on the engineering technology for turning them into weapons and advised on their use in battle.” Stoltzenberg P. 133
– — “[T]oward the end of 1915 the intensive work directed by Haber . . . made chemical warfare a reality.” Stoltzenberg P. 133
– — “There is no question,” writes Haber’s biographer, “that Fritz Haber was the initiator and organizer of chemical warfare in Germany. He never denied this.” Stoltzenberg P. 133
– — the Red Cross’s main objection was that in a combined attack, “incendiary and high-explosive bombs can render ineffective every conceivable protective measure against chemical weapons.” Stoltzenberg P. 169
– — Laments Stoltzenberg, “It is indeed macabre and tragic that the Zyklon process started in Haber’s laboratory was used to kill countless Jews . . . during World War II.” Stoltzenberg P. 235
– — Writes Solzhenitsyn: “[N]o, the February Revolution was not something the Jews did to the Russians, but rather it was done by the Russians themselves . . . True, there were already many Jews among the intelligentsia by that time, yet that is in no way a basis to call it a Jewish revolution.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P.8
– — “On the very heights, in the Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, invisibly ruling the country in those months, two leaders distinguished themselves: Nakhamkis-Steklov and Gummer-Sukhanov [N-S and G-S]. On the night of March 1st to March 2nd they dictated to the complacently-blind Provisional Government a program which pre-emptively destroyed its power for the entire period of its existence.” Solzhenitsyn implies that both N-S and G-S were Jewish. Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P. 8
– — In the greatest irony of the 20th century, ‘“The Jewish society got everything it fought for from the Revolution, and the October Revolution was altogether unnecessary for the Jews, except for a small slice of young cutthroat Jews [such as N-S and G-S], who with their Russian internationalist brothers accumulated an explosive charge of hate for the Russian governing class and burst forth to “deepen the revolution.”’ Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P. 8
– — Solzhenitsyn elaborates: “The February Revolution was carried out by Russian hands and Russian foolishness. Yet at the same time, its ideology was permeated and dominated by the intransigent hostility to the historical Russian state that ordinary Russians didn’t have, but the Jews—had. So the Russian intelligentsia too had adopted this view . . . And so this intransigence overcame moderation.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P. 9
– — “[T]he Executive Committee of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, which was formed within hours of the Revolution, appears very different [from the ethnic Russian cast of the February Revolution]. This [very unRussian] Executive Committee was in fact a tough shadow government that deprived the liberal Provisional Government of any real power, while at the same time, it criminally refused to accept responsibility for its power openly. By its ‘Order No. 1,’ the Executive Committee wrested the power of the military and created support for itself in the demoralized garrison of Petrograd. It was precisely this executive Committee, and not the judiciary, not the timber industrialists, not the bankers, which fast-tracked the country to her doom . . . The Executive Committee quite purposely destroyed the army in the middle of a war.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P. 9
– — “[M]any members of the Committee concealed themselves from the public eye behind pseudonyms: who was ruling Russia? No one knew.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P.11-12
– — Apart from a dozen soldiers there just for show, “From the other thirty . . . who actually wielded power, more than half were Jewish socialists . . . Less than a quarter were Russians.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P. 9
– — “with . . . disdain for the entire Russian historical heritage, all that internationalist ilk — Gummer-Sukhanov and his henchmen from the malicious Executive Committee — steered the February Revolution.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 10
– — “above . . . all of Russia . . . stood the power of one body—and it was not the Provisional Government. It was the powerful and insular Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet, and . . . after June, [its] successor the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (CEC)—it was they who had in fact ruled over Russia.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, Page 9
– — “The Presidium of the first All-Russian CEC of the Soviet Workers’ and Socialists’ Deputies (the first governing Soviet body) consisted of nine men. Among them were the Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) A. Gots and M. Gendelman, the Menshevik, F. Dan, and the member of the Bund, M. Liber . . . .The prominent Bolshevik, L. Kamenev, was [a member].” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 9
– — “the restrictions on Jews were nowhere near as oppressive and unreasonable as claimed by Jewish activists . . . ” alt. Slezkine P. 154
– — ‘“The favorite slogan of 1917 was “Expand the Revolution!”’ Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, Page 8
– — “it was Zionism that became the most influential political force in the Jewish milieu,” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 2
– — not the “already impotent Provisional Government but the Bolsheviks true competitor—the Executive Committee.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 13
– — “Yet they were debilitated by their socialist views,” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 16
– — “[T]wo famous trains . . . crossed hostile Germany without hindrance and brought to Russia nearly 200 prominent individuals, 30 in Lenin’s and 160 in Natanson-Martov’s train, with Jews comprising an absolute majority (the lists of passengers of the ‘extraterritorial trains’ were for the first time published by V. Burtsev.) They represented almost all Jewish parties, and virtually all of them would play a substantial role in the future events in Russia.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 5
– — “former emigrants, revolutionaries, and draft escapees—now they were all ‘revolutionary fighters’ and ‘victims of Tsarism’.” Investigation in Canada found that “Trotsky travelled not with flimsy Russian papers, but with a solid American passport, inexplicably granted to him despite his short stay in the USA and with a substantial sum of money, the source of which remained a mystery.” “Among the returnees were the famous V. Volodarsky, M. Uritsky and Yu. Larin . . . author of the ‘War Communism economy’ program.” “Similarly, members of Trotsky’s group . . . the jeweler Melnichansky, the accountant Friman, the tyropgrapher A. Minkin-Menson, and the decorator Gomberg-Zorin . . . respectively [would head] Soviet trade unions, Pravda, the dispatch office of bank notes and securities, and the Petrograd Revolutionary Tribunal.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 5-6
– — “ . . . Doctor of Biology Ivan Zalkind [who] actively participated in the October coup and then in fact ran Trotsky’s People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs. Semyon Kogan-Semkov became the “political commissar of Izhevsk weapons and steel factories” in November 1918; that is, he was in charge of the vindictive actions during suppression of a major uprising of Izhevsk workers known for a toll of victims in the thousands . . . [including] 400 workers . . . gunned down . . . in a single incident.” “Tobinson-Krasnoshchekov later headed the entire Far East as the secretary of the Far East Bureau and the head of local government. Girshfeld-Stahevsky under the pseudonym “Verhovsky” [would command] a squad of German POWs and turncoats. That is, he laid the foundation for the Bolshevik international squads; in 1920 he [would head] clandestine intelligence at the Western front; later in peacetime, he would, on orders of the Cheka Presidium, organize an intelligence network in Western Europe.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 6
– — “ . . . Yakov Fishman, a member of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the October Coup . . . participat[ed] in the Left Socialist Revolutionary insurrection in July 1918 . . . [He would be posted with] the Military Intelligence Administration of the Red Army.” Returnee Yehim Yarchuk was “ . . . an Anarchist Syndicalist . . . [soon] delegated by the Petrograd Soviet to reinforce the Kronstadt Soviet; during the October coup he . . . [would bring] a squad of sailors to Petrograd to storm the Winter Palace.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 6
– — Though Jacob Schiff “provided substantial credit to the Kerensky government,” writes Solzhenitsyn, the damage wrought by his anti-Russian alliance of bankers throughout the war was decisive. Solzhenitsyn Ch. 13, P. 6
– — By April 1917, “ . . . Russian finances . . . were on the brink of total collapse.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 1
– — “From the first day after the February revolution, central newspapers published enormous numbers of announcements about private meetings, assemblies and sessions of various Jewish parties, initially mostly the bund, and later Pale Zionists, Socialist Zionists, Territorial Zionists, and the Socialist Jewish Workers’ Party (SJWP). Already by March 7th we read about an oncoming assembly of the All-Russian Jewish Congress.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14 P. 1
– — “These Jewish activities are all the more amazing given the state of general governmental, administrative and cultural confusion in Russia in 1917.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 4
– — “Did they not understand that Russian soldiers would hardly follow such officers?” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 4
– — a Democratic Conference in Petrograd for those committed to government via dialogue not violence “ . . . included all the socialist parties and the liberal Constitutional Democrats (Kadets). It might conceivably have succeeded had the [largely Jewish] Mensheviks and SRs [Social Revolutionaries] not wavered and finally opted for a compromise with the Bolsheviks in preference to a coalition with the Kadets.” Volkogonov P. 74-75
– — “It is not given to every intelligent or even talented person to strike a spark from a crowd, to make the crowd believe in a slogan, or to be able to divert hundreds and thousands of people by a few passionate phrases and to convince them to follow an idea. Trotsky was thus gifted, capable of using theatrical ploys, not as an end in themselves, but in order to make the fundamental truths of the revolution clear to the crowds. He was the orator-in-chief of the revolution.” Volkogonov P. 83-84
– — “His influence, both on the masses and at headquarters, was overwhelming.” Volkogonov P. 84
– — he was “also capable of expressing a clear and precise radical political position. For this he earned the title ‘the Danton of the Russian revolution’.” Volkogonov P. 86
– — “In July he nearly succeeded but inexplicably lost his nerve at the critical moment . . . [P]ower was his for the asking, yet he faltered.” Pipes P. 47
– — Solzhenitsyn concurs: “ . . . Trotsky was the autocratic genius of the October revolution . . . Lenin hid himself in a cowardly manner and played no essential role until after the revolution . . . ” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 5 P. 2
– — With Lenin in hiding, “The October coup was, therefore, planned and managed by his associates . . . Trotsky . . . adopted a more cautious tactic, calling for physical force being concealed behind a smokescreen of Soviet pseudo-legality.” Pipes P. 47
– — “Trotsky was far more courageous [than Lenin] and very much in evidence during these critical days, haranguing crowds, taunting the government, and helping in other ways to set the stage for the coup.” Pipes P. 56
– — Summarizes Slozhenitsyn, “[T]he October coup [was] under general command of Trotsky and with energetic actions of young Grigory Chudnovsky [also Jewish] during the arrest of the Provisional Government and the massacre of defenders of the Winter Palace.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 16
– — Stalin: “All the practical work of organizing the uprising was done under the direct leadership of Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet Trotsky . . . [as was] the rapid move of the garrison onto the side of the Soviet and the capable handling of the work of the Revolutionary Committee.” Volkogonov P. 81
– — Writes Conquest, “Lenin only got his chance through a series of historical accidents, and thereafter barely held on.” Conquest P. 85
– — Early on it was “clear that had Lenin resigned, Trotsky would have been the chief candidate to succeed him.” Volkogonov P. 115
– — I.O. Levin writes: “There is no doubt that Jewish representation in the Bolshevik and other parties with respect to general Jewish membership and Jewish presence among the leaders, greatly exceeds the Jewish share in the population of Russia. This is an indisputable fact . . . [I]ts factual veracity is unchallengeable and its denial is pointless.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14 P. 8
— -“At the All-Russian Congress of Soviets in June 1917, at least 31 percent of Bolshevik delegates (and 37 percent of Unified Social Democrats) were Jews. Solzhenitsyn relates: “V. D. Nabakov, hardly known for anti-Semitism, joked that the meeting of the foremen of the Pre-Parliament in October 1917 “could safely be called a Sanhedrin”: its majority was Jewish; of Russians [we were only four].” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 13
– — “The first Bolshevik commandants of the Winter Palace and the Moscow Kremlin were Grigorii and Isakovich Chudnovsky and Emelian Yaroslavsky (Minei Izraelovitch Gubelman), all Jewish. Yaraslovsky was also the chairman of the League of the Militant Godless. The heads of the Soviet delegation at the Brest-Litovsk negotiations were Adolf Ioffe and Trotsky. Trotsky was the face of the Red Army.” Lindemann P. 176
– — “The Left SRs and Mensheviks-Internationalists were . . . prepared to collaborate with the Bolsheviks on social issues . . . ” Volkogonov P. 91
– — “[J]ust before the uprising, Natanson, Kamkov, and Shteinberg on behalf of the left Socialist Revolutionaries had signed a combat pact with Bolsheviks Trotsky and Kamenev.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14 P. 16
– — ‘“Some Jews distinguished themselves among the Bolsheviks in their very first victories and some even became famous. The commissar of the famed Latvian regiments of the 12th Army, which did so much for the success of the Bolshevik coup, was Semyon Nakhimson. [Wrote Aron Abramovich:] “Jewish soldiers played a notable role during preparation and execution of the armed uprising of October 1917 in Petrograd and other cities, and also during suppression of mutinies and armed insurrections against the new Soviet regime.”’ Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 16-17
– — “For many Russians, from commoner to general, this sudden eye-striking transformation in the appearance among the directors and orators at rallies and meetings, in command and in government, was overwhelming.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 10
– — “the October coup snowballed into a fierce three-year-long Civil War, which brought countless bloody calamities to all the peoples of Russia.” Solzhenitsyn Ch.16, P. 1
– — “The February Revolution was a Russian revolution [that] did not aspire to burn down the entire pre-existing life, to annihilate the whole pre-revolutionary Russia. Yet immediately after October, the Revolution spilled abroad and became an international and devastating plague, feeding itself by devouring and destroying the social order wherever it spread—everything built was to be annihilated; everything cultivated to be confiscated; whoever resisted was to be shot. The Reds were exclusively preoccupied with their grand social experiment, predestined [in theory] to be repeated, expanded and implemented all over the world.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 1
– — True, “everything Russian among which he grew generated inside him: hatred.” But he is nonetheless Russian and “we can in no way renounce him.” (Of course, isn’t it just possible that his hatred of the Russian derived mainly from the Jewish quarter of his grandparentage?) “We must accept him as a creation completely Russian since his national character—that which infused his spirit—was intertwined with the history of the Russian Empire.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 1-2
– — “We know about the Russian otshchepentakh . . . But how widely and actively did Jews participate in strengthening Bolshevik authority?” Very widely and very actively, is the only honest reply. While this reply is denied today, it was embraced at the time. Continues Solzhenitsyn, “The question is one of whether the people renounced their [otches], and whether the renunciation that did occur reflected the sense of the people. Did a people choose to remember or not to remember it [otchs]? In answer to this question, there can be no doubt: The Jews chose to remember. Not just remember the individual people, but to remember them as Jews, so their names may never disappear.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 1
– — “Jewish participation in the Russian turmoil had astonishingly suicidal overtones in it; I am referring not only to their role in Bolshevism, but their involvement in the whole thing. And it is not just about the huge number of politically active [Jewish] people, socialists and revolutionaries, who have joined the revolution. I am talking mainly about the broad sympathy of the [Jewish] masses it was met with . . . [T]hey were still able to reconcile foreboding [of pogroms] with an acceptance of revolutionary turmoil which unleashed countless miseries and pogroms . . . [and] attracted Jews like moths to the annihilating flame . . . S]trong motives push[ed] the Jews in that direction, and yet those were clearly suicidal . . . ” Jews were acting like Russians; however, Jews as “city-dwellers, merchants, artisans, intellectuals” were inevitably “different from the . . . peasants, landowners, officials.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P.15
– — “In the first council of People’s Commissars there was, true, only one Jew, but the influence of this one Jew, Trotsky, Lenin’s second [in command], exceeded that of all the rest.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 5
– — “[T]here is no doubt that these Jewish otshchepentsy for several years after the revolution dominated Bolshevism, headed the belligerent Red Army (Trotsky), the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Sverdlov), ran both capitals (Zinoviev), the Komintern (Zionviev), the Profintern/Red Trade Union International (Dridzo-Lozovsky) and the Komsomol (Oscar Ryvkin, [with Lazarus Shatskin, also Jewish, his successor]).” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 4-5
– — “During the first years after the October revolution . . . the power of this enormous land was effortlessly slipping into the hands of those clinging to the Bolsheviks,” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 2
– — “This was performed in large part by Jewish social security agencies and philanthropic organizations,” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 3
– — “[A] special people’s commissariat [was created from] the embers of the Jewish commissariat . . . ” relates Solzhenitsyn. Why? For Lenin, the revolution survived “because of the role of the large Jewish intelligentsia in several Russian cities. These Jews engaged in general sabotage, which was directed against Russians after the October Revolution and which had been extremely effective. Jewish elements . . . saved the Bolshevik Revolution through these acts of sabotage. Lenin [even] emphasized this in the press. He recognized that to master the state apparatus he could succeed only because of this reserve of literate and more-or-less intelligent, sober new clerks.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 3
– — “Thus the Bolsheviks, from the first days of their authority, called upon the Jews to assume the bureaucratic work of the Soviet apparatus—and many, many Jews answered that call. They, in fact, responded immediately. The sharp need of the Bolsheviks for bureaucrats to exercise their authority met great enthusiasm among young Jews . . . And this was in no way compulsory for these Jews, who were non-Party members and who had been previously completely non-revolutionary and apolitical. This phenomenon was not ideological but a phenomenon of mass calculation by the Jews . . . [They] gushed out of their ghettos to join the Bolsheviks, seeing in them the most decisive defenders of the revolution and the most reliable internationalists, and these Jews flooded and abounded in the lower layers of the Party structure.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P.3
– — However, even Lenin did not foresee the extent to which “Jewish power within the Bolsheviks would lead the Jews, as a result of war scattered throughout Russia to take control of the apparatus of the Russian state during the decisive months and years . . . ” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 2
– — The notion “that Jewish young people joined the communist party in response to anti-Semitic pogroms conducted in White-controlled areas in 1919 has no basis in reality. (my emphases) The mass inflow of Jews into the Soviet apparatus occurred in 1917 and 1918 . . . [T]he pogroms of 1919 strengthened the allegiance of Jews to the communist party, but in no way created it.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 3
– — organization of Bolshevism “was created through the activity of Jewish commissars . . . The transfer of the Russian Revolution from the destructive phase into the building phase was seen as an expression of the ability of Jews to build elaborate systems based on their dissatisfactions. And after the successes of October, how many Jews themselves indeed spoke about their role in Bolshevism with their heads held high.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 4
– — “the Jewish division of the nationalities commissariat. In 1918 it was converted into a separate commissariat of its own.” In March 1919 it was folded into the Party “in order to integrate it into the Communist Internationale, and a special Jewish section was created in the Russian Telegraphic Agency.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 3
– — “after finding that the revolution granted them complete freedom, and that it welcomed a bloom of Jewish activity in the public, political and cultural spheres, the Jewish population threw themselves into Bolshevism; [especially those Jews with] a surplus of cruelty.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 4
– — G. A. Landau, himself Jewish, recalls being “amazed by what we had least expected to encounter among Jews: cruelty, sadism, and violence that had seemed alien to a nation so far removed from physical, warlike activity . . . [They] are now found among the executioners and cutthroats.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 10
– — “was established in December 1917. It instantly gained strength and by the beginning of 1918 it was already filling the entire populace with mortal fear. In fact, it was the Cheka that started the ‘Red Terror’ long before its beginning was first announced on September 5, 1918. The Cheka practiced terror from the moment of its inception and continued it long after the end of the Civil War. By January of 1918, [as Hitler’s SS would], the Cheka was “enforcing the death penalty on the spot without investigation or trial.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 5
– — “The headcount of the ‘Cheka’ staff varied between 150 and 300 . . . percentage-wise, there was 75 percent Jews and 25 percent others, and those in charge were almost exclusively Jews. Out of twenty members of the Commission, i.e., the top brass who determined people’s destinies, fourteen were Jews.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 11
– — “It was a targeted, pre-designed and long-term terror.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 6
– — It has been described as an “unrestrained orgy of rape, torture, summary executions and murder all over Russia . . . of independent farmers known as the Kulaks, ethnic minorities, the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, the landed gentry, senior military officers, intellectuals, artists, clergy, opposition members and anyone who aroused the slightest suspicion.” Bradberry P. 93
– — During the Red Terror, the Jewish head of the Ukrainian Cheka, Martin Latsis, declared: “We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class.” Black Book of Communism P. 8, Bradberry P. 93
– — Richard Pipes in 1990 wrote that “three quarters of the staff [of the Cheka] were Jews, many of them riff raff, incapable of any other work, cut off from the Jewish community, although careful to spare fellow Jews.” Pipes, R. The Russian Revolution. NY: Knopf, 1990. (P. 823-824), Bradberry P. 94
– — ‘“the Jews are quite noticeable, especially among “major and active officials,” i.e. commissars and investigators. For instance, among the “investigators of the Department of Counter-Revolutionary Activities—the most important Cheka department—half were Jews.”’
– — Felix Dzerzhinski, also Jewish. Historian Niall Ferguson cuts through all the nitpicking objections and labels him as Jewish. Ferguson P. 156
— -‘“[T]he country saw the snatching of hundreds and later thousands of absolutely innocent hostages, their mass execution at night or mass drowning in whole barges. Historian S. P. Melgunov (in Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923) writes: “There was not a single town or district without an office of the omnipotent Cheka, which from now on becomes the main nerve of state governance and absorbs the last vestiges of law . . . There was not a single place in the Russian Federation without ongoing executions . . . [A] single order of one man (Dzerzhinsky) doomed to immediate death many thousands of people.”’ Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 6
– — And this was not yet a civil war. Again Solzhenitsyn quotes Melgunov: This was “just physical liquidation of a former adversary.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 6
– — the “social class he belongs to, what his descent is, upbringing, education and profession. It is these questions that should determine the suspect’s fate,” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 6
– — “Old foundations of morality and humanity invented by the bourgeoisie do not and cannot exist for us . . . ” Misplaced Source, Will Find
– — A certain Schwartz writes therein: “If physical extermination of all servants of Tsarism and capitalism is the prerequisite for the establishment of the worldwide dictatorship of the proletariat, then it wouldn’t stop us.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 6
– — “Entire wards of prisoners are escorted out and every last man is executed. Because of the large number of victims, a machine-gun is used . . . ” Sparing only the very young, “they execute 15-16-year-old children and 60-years-old elders.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 6-7
– — Typically “a special shed was fitted for executions at the local Cheka headquarters. An executioner and sometimes an assistant “escorted a completely naked victim into the shed and ordered the victim to fall face-down on the ground. [Revolver in hand] he finished the victim off with a shot in the back of the head . . . skull explod[ing] into fragments . . . The next victim . . . similarly escorted inside and laid down nearby . . . [At overcapacity] new victims were laid down right upon the dead or were shot at the entrance . . . [u]sually without resistance.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 11, P. 11
– — Solzhenitsyn laments that it is unfortunately a “harsh certitude: incredibly-enormous power on an unimaginable scale had come into the hands of those Jewish Chekists, who at that time were supreme (by status and rank) representatives of Russian Jewry.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 10
– — Psychologist Kevin Macdonald summarizes that “when Jews achieved power in Russia, it was as a hostile elite with a deep sense of historical grievance. As a result they became willing executioners of both the people and the culture they came to rule . . . ” Bradberry P. 106
– — “the Ukraine, the Cheka leadership was overwhelmingly Jewish.” In Kiev the figure was 75 percent. A Cheka defector recounts that “in the autumn of 1918-1919 the Chekists in Kiev went on a rampage of random violence, rape, and looting . . . ” Lindemann P. 442
– — Lindemann writes that, “the extent to which both Cheka and Gestapo leaders prided themselves in being an elite corps, characterized by unyielding toughness—unmoved by sympathy for their often innocent victims and willing to carry out the most stomach-turning atrocities in the name of an ideal—is striking.” And the former preceded the latter by a generation. Lindemann P. 443
– — “In some countries Jews became the leading element in the legal and illegal communist parties and in some cases were even instructed by the Communist International to change their Jewish-sounding names and pose as non-Jews, in order not to confirm right wing propaganda that presented Communism as an alien, Jewish conspiracy.” “[Jews took up] many responsible positions in all branches of the party and state machinery at the central and local seats of power.”
Encyclopedia Judaica (online, from chapter on communism)
– — Martinez cites a “Dec. 20 1922 New York Times article . . . detailed the activities of a ‘Jewish army’ made up of 500,000 men that was established by Lenin’s Bolshevik regime to do its bidding in Ukraine.” It was “a supreme force in some cities.” Martinez P. 133-134
– — These “were already staffing the Cheka in 1918, whereas Petliura’s pogroms only gathered momentum during 1919.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 12
– — “At that time, nobody could imagine that the Civil War would ignite enormous Jewish pogroms, unprecedented in their atrocity and bloodshed, all over the South of Russia.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 2
– — “The Ukrainian government and the leaders of Ukrainian parties were evacuated . . . but the Jewish representatives did not follow them.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16 P. 15
– — “was no shortage of Jewish names among the top Bolsheviks . . . in such centers as Odessa and Ekaterinoslav.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 15
– — The Jews “emphasize their knowledge of the Russian language and ignore the fact of Ukrainian statehood . . . Jewry again has joined the side of our enemy.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 16
– — “The largest pogrom happened on February 15, 1919, in Proskurov after a failed Bolshevik coup attempt.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 17
– — “The politically active part of Russian Jewry, which backed the Bolshevik civic regime in 1917, now just as boldly stepped into the military structures of the Bolsheviks” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 2
– — “ . . . In 1918, “Lev Trotsky, with the help of Sklyansky and Jacov Sverdlov, created the Red Army . . . Some units were entirely Jewish, like . . . the brigade of Josef Furman . . . The Jewish share in the command corps of the Red Army became large and influential and this trend continued for many years even after the end of the Civil War.” Solzhenitsyn Ch 16, P. 2
– — “political department was headed by I. I. Mintz (by Isaac Greenberg in the Second Division) and S. Turovskiy ruled at Headquarters. A. Shilman was head of the operative section of the staff, S. Davidson managed the division newspaper, and Ya. Rubinov was in charge of the administrative section of the staff.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 5
– — “Orchestrating a bloody war on the vast plains of Russia, he was absolutely untouched by the unprecedented sufferings of her inhabitants, by her pain. He soared aloft, above it all, on the wings of the international intoxication of the Revolution.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 1
– — “The motherland has been conquered by Yid Commissars . . . They’re saying the Communist regime is being supported by Jewish brains, Latvian rifles and Russian idiots.” Volkogonov P. 23
– — “It was a turning point in the Russian civil war — and an ominous sign of how the Bolsheviks would behave if they won it,” remarks Ferguson. Ferguson P. 148
– — “Jews must secure the gains of revolution by any means . . . without any qualms. Any necessary sacrifice must be made. Everything is at stake here and all will be lost if we hesitate.” (my emphases) He felt certain that mass executions of Jews would take place in vengeance if the revolution was lost. [Therefore] the “filthy scum must be crushed even before it has had any chance to develop in embryo. Their very seed must be destroyed . . . ” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 7
– — “[It] was already pretty much the Bolshevik program, though expressed in the words of the Old Testament. Yet whose seed must be destroyed? Monarchists. But they were already breathless; all their activists could be counted on fingers. So it could only be those who had taken a stand against unbridled, running-wild soviets, against all kinds of committees and mad crowds; those who wished to halt the breakdown of life in the country — prudent ordinary people, former government officials, and first of all officers and very soon the soldier-general Kornilov. There were Jews among the counter-revolutionaries, but overall that movement was the Russian national one.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 14, P. 7
– — “It looked as though not only Bolshevik Jews but all of Jewry had decided to take the Red side.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 12
– — Macdonald, ‘“Solzhenitsyn sees the writer [quoted above] as seeking the annihilation of the Russian national movement that was attempting to tame the excesses of the period, and he is analogizing to the genocidal accounts of the Old testament: “So Joshua smote all the land, the hill-country, and the South, and the Lowland, and the slopes, and all their kings; he left nothing remaining; but he utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded.” (Joshua 10:40) The Jewish writer of the Red Terror/Civil War era is advocating a genocidal war (crushing their very seed) of the Russians on the basis of Jewish religious thinking — a war actually carried out by the Bolsheviks with Jews as willing executioners.”’ Macdonald review of Solz Ch. 14
– — Relates Volkogonov, “One of the most significant sources of armed support for the White cause came from the Cossack population, encouraged no doubt by the policy of terror pursued against them by the Bolshevik regime as ‘the social base of the counter-revolution’. Moscow sent plain instructions “for the complete, rapid and decisive annihilation of the Cossacks as a distinct economic group, the destruction of their economic foundations, the physical destruction of Cossack administrators and officers, in general of the entire Cossack leadership.” Instructions “for the complete, rapid and decisive annihilation of the Cossacks as a distinct economic group, the destruction of their economic foundations, the physical destruction of Cossack administrators and officers, in general of the entire Cossack leadership.” Volkogonov P. 155-156
– — One Cheka announcement read: “Cossack villages and settlements, which give shelter to Whites and Greens, will be destroyed, the entire adult population executed, and all property confiscated.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 7
– — That policy led directly to “genocide on the river Don, when hundreds of thousands of the flower of the Don Cossacks were murdered.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 11
– — “Victory in the Civil War was a near thing, and more than once the Leninists felt that all was lost.” Conquest P. 91
– — “The largest pogrom happened on February 15, 1919, in Proskurov after a failed Bolshevik coup attempt.” Solz Ch. 16, P. 17
– — D. O. Linsky, looking back declared, “Jewry was possibly given a unique chance to fight so hard for the Russian land, that the slanderous claim that for Jews Russia is just geography and not Fatherland, would disappear once and for all.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 22
– — “Jewry was pushed from the Russian cause, yet Jewry had to [but did not] push away the pushers.” Despite everything, writes Linsky, it was “a great movement for the unfading values of [upholding] the human spirit.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 22
– — “In 1919, the official Soviet press provided texts in three languages—Russian, Ukrainian and Yiddish.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 25
– — Jews among the Reds, where “they often occupied the ‘top command positions’.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 22
– — Fittingly, “In 1919, the official Soviet press provided texts in three languages—Russian, Ukrainian and Yiddish.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 25
– — And “during the Civil War, national and socialist Jewish parties began merging with the Reds,” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 25
– — “take uncompromising measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement out by the roots. Martinez P. 135
– — “The White Army was hypnotized by Trotsky and Nakhamkis [an agent of the Bolshevik Central Committee] . . . ” and “perceived Russia as occupied by Jewish commissars.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 20
— -So hated was Trotsky’ among the Whites [and Ukrainian] soldiers, [that] almost every pogrom went under the slogan ‘This is what you get for Trotsky’.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 21
– — “[M]any Whites rejected sympathetic and neutral Jews but because of the prominent involvement of other Jews on the Red side, mistrust and anger was bred among the White forces.” Sadly, “appeals by the Volunteer Army were mostly ignored, yet whenever the Bolsheviks showed up and demanded money and valuables, the population obediently handed over millions of rubles and whole stores of goods.” And, “When former prime minister (of the Provisional Government) prince G. E. Lvov, begging for aid abroad, visited New York and Washington in 1918, he met a delegation of Jews who heard him out but offered no aid.” Solzhenitsyn Ch 16, P. 19
– — Kadets “during their 1919 conference in Khartov . . . demanded that Jews ‘declare relentless war against those elements of Jewry who actively participate in the Bolshevik movement’.” They also “emphasized . . . that the White authorities do everything possible to stop pogroms . . . ” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 21
– — “[The civil war] was literally a chaos which released unbridled anarchy across Russia [a guarantee of pogroms] . . . Anybody who wanted and was able to rob was robbing and killing whomever he wanted . . . Officers of the Russian Army were massacred in the hundreds and thousands by bands of mutinous rabble. Entire families of landowners were murdered . . . estates . . . were burned; valuable pieces of art were pilfered and destroyed . . . [and] in some places in manors all living things including livestock were exterminated.” He quotes S. Schwartz: “Mob rule spread terror . . . on the streets of cities. Owners of plants and factories were driven out of their enterprises and dwellings . . . Tens of thousands of people all over Russia were shot for the glory of the proletarian revolution . . . ; others . . . rotted in stinking and vermin-infested prisons as hostages . . . It was not a crime or personal actions that put a man under the axe but his affiliation with a certain social stratum of class. It would be an absolute miracle if, under conditions when whole human groups were designated for extermination, the group named ‘Jews’ remained exempt . . . The curse of the time was that . . . it was possible to declare an entire class or tribe ‘evil’ . . . So, condemning an entire social class to destruction . . . is called revolution, yet to kill and rob Jews is called a pogrom? . . . The Jewish pogrom in the South of Russia was a component of the All-Russia pogrom.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 26
– — Bikerman, insisted that “murders, pillage and rape of women were not faithful companions of the White Army, unlike what is claimed by our [Jewish] national Socialists who exaggerate the horrible events to advance their agenda.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 21
– — His co-critic Shulgin added: “For a true White, a massacre of unarmed civilians, the murder of women and children, and robbing someone’s property are impossible things to do. Thus the ‘true Whites’ in this case are guilty of negligence. They were not sufficiently rigorous in checking the scum adhering to the White movement.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 21
— -“A. I. Deniken . . . sought to stop the outrages perpetrated by his troops. Yet those efforts were not effective.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 20
– — Solzhenitsyn concedes that all too often, “The most populous and flourishing communities were turned into deserts . . . ” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 18
– — “the most atrocious pogroms were carried out by the [Reds’] First Cavalry Army during its retreat from Poland at the end of August 1920.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 25
– — “Such was the woeful acquisition of all the peoples of Russia, including the Jews, after the successful attainment of equal rights, after the splendid Revolution of [February 1917, which was not a Jewish-made revolution], that both the general sympathy of Russian Jews toward the Bolsheviks [despite the mass slaughter of the Red Terror] and the developed attitude of White forces toward Jews [deplorable but understandable] eclipsed and erased the most important benefit of a possible White victory—the sane evolution of the Russian state.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 26
– — “Alas, the resistance of the Russian population to the Bolsheviks (without which we wouldn’t have a right to call ourselves a people) had faltered and took wrong turns in many ways, including on the Jewish issue. Meanwhile the Bolshevik regime was touting the Jews and they were joining it, and the Civil War was more and more broadening that chasm between Reds and Whites.” “If the revolution in general cleared Jewry of suspicion in [pro-capitalist] counter-revolutionary attitude, the counter-revolution has suspected all Jewry of being pro-revolutionary.” And thus “the Civil War became an unbearable torment for Jewry, further consolidating them in the wrong revolutionary positions,” from which they would “fail to recognize the genuine redemptive essence of the White armies.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 26
– — Writes Ferguson, “Only their decisive defeat by the Polish army on the banks of the River Vistula halted the spread of the Bolshevik epidemic.” Ferguson P. 149-150
– — notes Ferguson, “Soviet-style governments were proclaimed in Budapest, Munich and Hamburg.” Ferguson P. 145
— -“Marxism in Russia developed in three stages: Leninism, Trotskyism and Stalinism.” . . . Volkogonov P. P. xxxv
– — “N. Margolin [Jewish], commander of a grain confiscation squad, was famous for whipping peasants who failed to provide grain. (And he murdered them too.)” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 10-11
– — “The years 1920-21 witnessed massive resistance to the new regime,” writes Pipes. “[T]he true civil war started only after the White armies had been crushed. It was a war pitting millions of peasants against millions of Red Army troops . . . ” Pipes P. 61
– — “[W]hen Moscow took the suppression of the uprising into her own hands in February 1921, the supreme command of the operation was assigned to Efraim Sklyansky [Jewish], the head of the ‘Interdepartmental Anti-Banditry Commission’—and so the peasants, notified about that with leaflets, were able to draw their own conclusions.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 11
– — Amis: “reduced her to beggary.” Amis P. 31
– — “Famine, he explained, in destroying the outdated peasant economy, would . . . usher in socialism . . . Famine would also destroy faith . . . in God . . . ” Amis P. 30
– — Soviet deputies everywhere must “take uncompromising measures to tear the anti-Semitic movement out by the roots. Pogromists and pogrom agitators are to be placed outside the law.” Otherwise it would be “fatal to the revolution.” Fatal? Trotsky told interviewer Herman Bernstein that the very first order of the revolution was to shoot anti-Semites “on the spot without trial.” Jews must have been incredibly important to the revolution for the regime to insist on such draconian measures to protect them. Molotov once insisted that, “in the Soviet Union actual anti-Semites are shot.” Even as late as 1941, both the Jewish Voice and Jewish Life publications of New York made this self-incriminatory inference, telling readers that “Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism” and “Scratch a professional anti-communist and you will find an anti-Semite.” Martinez P. 135
– — Ferguson: “Those who are innocent today might be guilty tomorrow.” Ferguson P. 177
– — “the new regime did turn out to mean not just emancipation but unprecedented opportunities for social advancement for Jews in Russia.” Ferguson P. 155
– — “Large numbers of . . . Jews assumed, for the first time in modern history, a major role in the government of non-Jewish peoples.” Lindemann P. 438
– — Recalls Berdyaev: “The Russian revolution spelled the end of the Russian intelligentsia.” Volkogonov P. 224
– — The Russian novelist Nabokov lamented that American commentators “saw us merely as villainous generals, oil magnates, and gaunt ladies with lorgnettes . . . ” Amis P. 43
– — Amis: “The net result of War Communism was the obliteration of the industrial base and the worst famine in European history.” Amis P. 29
– — Norman Cantor begs to differ: “In the first half of the twentieth century, Marxist-Leninist communism ran like an electromagnetic lightning flash through Jewish society from Moscow to Western Europe, the United States and Canada, gaining the lifelong adherence of brilliant, passionately dedicated Jewish men and women [akin] to the Sabbataian messianic movement . . . [T]here was an unquestioning compulsion of many thousands of morally committed energetic Jews to devote their lives to it and sacrifice their well-being and that of their families for it . . . Stalin drew to Moscow fervent Jewish communists not only from all over the Soviet Union but from Central and even Western Europe and a few from America.” Cantor P. 281
– — Ronald Hingley observes that, “ . . . the real prowess in wrong-headedness, as in most other field of endeavour, presupposes considerable education, character, sophistication, knowledge, and will to succeed.” Conquest P. 9
– — writes Slezkine, “had an advantage over the non-elite Apollonians [farmers or descendants thereof] because they were converting from one highly literate culture to another, from one debating society to another, from one chosen people to another, from traditional Mercurianism [the culture of nimble traders or descendants thereof] to the modern kind. In all the revolutionary parties. Jews were particularly well represented at the top, among theoreticians, journalists, and leaders.” Slezkine P. 155
– — “Israeli socialist S. Tsiryul’nikov has stated that from the beginning of the revolution Jews served as the basis of the new communist regime.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 15, P. 4
– — “Comrades. Let’s not go to the front, it is all because of Yids that we fight.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 11-12
– — Jeff Schatz, “Those who enjoyed the highest respect knew large portions of the classical texts [like Marx’s/Engels’ Das Capital] almost by heart.” They deployed a “hair-splitting quality of analysis that many respondents themselves today call ‘Talmudic’.” Slezkine P. 95-96
– — Marxism’s “overwhelming claim of the collective to the individual’s allegiance,” observes Conquest P. 62
– — “a ghastly historical aberration . . . not to be understood by accepted methods.” Conquest P. 85
– — “the profanation of its religious beliefs, the closing of the houses of worship, and the mistreatment of the clergy.” Amis P. 184
– — “In one of their eerily postmodernist convulsions, the Bolsheviks deployed the weapon of orchestrated mockery: blasphemous and semi-pornographic street carnivals, with cavorting Komsomols garbed as priests . . . ” Amis P. 185
– — “The reason for the current anti-Semitism in Russia is the tactlessness of the Jewish Bolsheviks . . . [Some] have turned churches into movie theaters and reading rooms . . . The Russian peasant . . . will harbor hatred for the Jew who raised his hand against his holy places . . . [T]he Jews should have refrained. They should have realized that their actions would poison the soul of the Russian people.” Slezkine P. 186
— -“The head of the government-supported Russian Society of Atheists was a Jew, Emilian Yaroslavsky.” Lindemann P. 445, Alt. Slezkine P. 176
— -“It was Trotsky who personally organized and led the armed uprising which actually overthrew the Provisional Government and placed the Bolsheviks in power. It was Trotsky who created . . . .the Red Army, and who ensured the physical survival of the new Communist regime during the Civil War . . . ” Lindemann P. 448
— -“White Russian forces seeking to restore the old regime; German forces supporting efforts by the Baltic states to secure their independence; a Polish army dispatched to promote Ukrainian independence; British, French, and American troops sent to support the White Russians; an anti-Bolshevik army of former Czech and Slovak war prisoners; and a variety of dissidents and brigands who took advantage of the chaos to seize control of bits and pieces of territory.” Ginsberg P. 11
— -“tactlessness, arrogance, unshakable self-confidence, rigid moralism and fanatical idealism fit . . . anti-Semitic stereotypes.” Lindemann P. 448
– — Conquest, “The Mensheviks . . . were themselves (by any usual standard) on the extreme, and doctrine-dazzled, left.” Conquest P. 76
– — S. G. Svatikov claimed that “at least 99 (62.3 percent) of the 159 political émigrés who returned to Russia through Germany in 1917 in sealed trains were Jews. The first group of 29 that arrived with Lenin included 17 Jews (58.6 percent).” Slezkine P. 152
– — Jews “were also the best at being revolutionaries.” Slezkine P. 154
– — Writes Leonard Shapiro: “[They] organized the illegal transport of literature, planned escapes and illegal crossings, and generally kept the wheels of the whole organization turning.” Slezkine P. 154
– — Ginsberg concedes, “By the 1930s, Jews had also become the backbone of the Soviet bureaucracy . . . ” Ginsberg P. 10, P. 35
– — “The Red Army was the only force that stood earnestly and consistently against the Jewish pogroms and the only one led by a Jew. Trotsky . . . was the living embodiment of redemptive violence, the sword of revolutionary justice . . . ” Slezkine P. 169
– — Lindemann notes that there were many Jewish Bolsheviks at the very top of the party. “And there were even more in the dreaded Cheka, or secret police, where the Jewish revolutionary became visible in a terrifying form.” Lindemann P. 425
– — Lenin declared that, “[T]he Cheka is directly involved in bringing about the dictatorship of the proletariat, and for that reason its role is invaluable.” Volkogonov P. 176
– — That said, writes Ginsberg, Jews “quickly came to play major roles in the ruling Communist Party and the Soviet state. Jews were among the few supporters of the revolution with even a modicum of education and literacy. Thus they soon assumed positions of leadership in areas requiring such skills—foreign affairs, propaganda, finance, administration, and industrial production.” Ginsberg P. 9
– — Lindemann: given “the assertiveness and often dazzling verbal skills of Jewish Bolsheviks, their energy, and their strength of conviction.” Lindemann P. 429
– — “[I]t seems beyond serious debate that in the first twenty years of the Bolshevik Party the top twenty leaders included close to a majority of Jews. Of the seven “major figures” listed in The Makers of the Russian Revolution, four are of Jewish origin, and of the fifty-odd others included on the list, Jews constitute approximately a third, Jews and non-Russians close to a majority.” Lindemann P. 429-430
– — “demonic in effectiveness.” Lindemann P. 430
– — Uritsky. He was “notorious as the chief of the Cheka in Petrograd, where the Red Terror raged with special brutality.” Lindemann P. 431
– — “Jews were especially prominent in the security services . . . [They] were prepared to staff and direct the security instruments upon which the state relied to control its citizens. (my emphases) Genriikt Yagoda, for example, served as head of the secret police during the 1930s. Yagoda had been a pharmacist . . . and specialized in preparing poisons for his agents to use in liquidating Stalin’s opponents.” Ginsberg P. 9
– — To the Jews of All Countries!, declaiming that “overly zealous participation of Jewish Bolsheviks in the oppression and destruction of Russia . . . is blamed upon all of us . . . Soviet rule is identified with Jewish rule, and fierce hatred of Bolsheviks turns into the equally fierce hatred of Jews . . . [We] firmly believe that Bolshevism is the worst of all possible evils for the Jews and all other peoples of Russia, and that to fight tooth and nail against the rule of that international rabble over Russia is our sacred duty before humankind, culture, before our Motherland and the Jewish people.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 13
– — Solzhenitsyn, “Yet the Jewish community reacted to these declarations with great indignation.” Solzhenitsyn Ch. 16, P. 13
– — Moreover, “The stormy participation of Jews in the Communist revolution drew cautious statements of concerns about world Jewry that were quieted, their evidence concealed, by communist and Jews worldwide, who attempted to silence it as extreme anti-Semitism.”
– — M. Bikerman cites the “disproportionate and immeasurably fervent Jewish participation in the torment of half-dead Russia by the Bolsheviks.” Slezkine P. 183
– — “We do not like the fact that you took too prominent a part in the [October] revolution, which turned out to be the greatest lie and fraud. We do not like the fact that you became the backbone and core of the Communist Party. We do not like the fact that, with your discipline and solidarity, your persistence and your will, you have consolidated and strengthened for years to come the maddest and bloodiest enterprise that humanity has known since the days of creation. We do not like the fact that this experiment was carried out in order to implement the teachings of a Jew, Karl Marx. We do not like the fact that this whole terrible thing was done on the Russian back and that it has cost us Russians, all of us together and each one of us separately, unutterable losses. We do not like the fact that you, Jews, a relatively small group within the Russian population, participated in this vile deed out of all proportion to your numbers.” Slezkine P. 181
– — “The Jewish question, as a result of the whole of Jewish history, is international . . . The fate of the Jewish people can be determined only by the complete and final victory of the proletariat.” Volkogonov P. 23.
– — In The American Hebrew, Oct. 9, 1920, Trotsky stated, “What Jewish idealism and discontent so powerfully contributed to accomplishing in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries,” Bradberry P. 106-107
– — the worldwide revolutionary movement had impressive support, but it was “still stronger in Germany,”“[I]n Germany, the Nazi Party was able to gain a hold on the country by acting as a counterweight to the German Communist movement, which in the early interwar years had seemed markedly more dangerous. The German Communists were threatening to join forces with the Soviet Communists to launch a Europe-wide revolution, and in 1920 they had come within an ace of doing so.” Alt. Ferguson P. 237
– — “is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” ‘“The report noted that 90 per cent of the Russian people opposed Bolshevik rule and that as soon as the Bolsheviks achieved power, they abandoned their communist principles by forming a “relatively small privileged class.”’ Martinez P. 138
– — “The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion. The murder of the Tzar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov and carried out by the Jews Goloshekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, and Yurovsky, is the act, not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader.” Martinez, P. 139
– — “a deluge of Bolshevik acts of savagery, which included dismemberment, boiling, flaying, burning and burying people alive, mass shootings, hangings, drownings and poisonings, and horrific torture.” Martinez P. 139
– — Churchill ‘“described Lenin as an “arch-miscreant and villain” who destroyed Russia for the sake of his theories.”’ He pointed out that, “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheist Jews. It is certainly a very great one, it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin [he was, nonetheless, 1/4 Jewish], the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek—all Jews . . . In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even astounding. And the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the extraordinary Commissions for Combatting Counter-Revolution (Cheka) has been taken by Jews . . . ” Bradberry P. 89
– — “[T]his same astounding race [the Jews] may at present be in the actual process of providing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. This movement among the Jews is not new. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair on their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” Bradberry P. 87
– — “The Communists are Jews, and Russia is being entirely administered by them. They are in every government office. They are driving out the Russians.” Bradberry P. 88
– — “a great many Jews. They spoke Russian badly. The nation over which they had seized power was a stranger to them, and . . . they behaved like invaders in a conquered country. Throughout the revolution generally and Bolshevism in particular, the Jews occupied a very influential position.” Bradberry P. 89
– — “When one lives in constant contact with the functionaries who are serving the Bolshevik Government, one feature strikes the attention, which is that almost all of them are Jews. I am no anti-Semitic; but I must state what strikes the eye: everywhere in Petrograd, in Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets, I have met nothing but Jews and again Jews.” Bradberry P. 89
– — “Would it have been possible for Hitler to preach hatred of ‘Jews and communists’ in Germany so easily and successfully, to claim Jews and communists are the same, if the Jews had been among the most prominent and persistent opponents of the Soviet regime Solzhenitsyn Ch. 17 P. 13
– — “we have nothing to say to them; they must be annihilated.” Martinez P. 140
– — Alain Brossart observed that under Lenin [and Trotsky and Co.], the “value of human life collapsed.” Adds Martin Amis, “And that was the end of the matter, for the next thirty-five years.” Amis P. 34
– — “We must put an end once and for all to the papist-Quaker babble about the sanctity of human life.” Amis P. 35
– — Lenin in 1918: “The dictatorship . . . means unrestricted power based on force, not on law.” Misplaced Source, Will Find
– — And in 1922: “It is a great mistake to think that the NEP [the liberalized New Economic Policy] put an end to terror. We shall return to terror and to economic terror . . . ” Misplaced source, Will Find
– — in Martin Amis’s words, “worthless as history . . . After a while the reader is physically oppressed by the dishonesty of his prose.” Amis P. 35
– — Dostoevsky had foreseen it all. He wrote that the attempt to implement the aims of revolutionary socialism would shed “such darkness, such chaos, something so coarse, so blind, so inhuman that the entire edifice would crumble away to the accompaniment of the maledictions of mankind, even before it would finally have been constructed.” Misplaced Source, Will Find
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Martin Latsis was ethnic Latvian.
I’d like to get this book when it comes out.
Any time line on publication??? Thanks.
Not yet
Karl Kautsky wasn’t Jewish.
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