1,424 words / 9:56
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It was about thirty years ago when I first noticed that the greeting “Merry Christmas” was being replaced by the bland, neutral “Season’s Greetings” and “Happy Holidays.”
I asked a school teacher of my acquaintance, a benighted liberal who is an infallible barometer of the latest currents of political correctness, why this was happening. I was answered with another question: “If you were Jewish, wouldn’t you feel offended if someone wished you a Merry Christmas?” The tone communicated that this was self-evident, that we must avoid giving such offense at all costs, and that I was stupid for even asking. Obviously, she had spent too much time talking down to students.
I thought to myself, “I would not be offended if a Jew wished me a Happy Hanukkah. That would be small-minded. So why should a Jew be offended if I wished him a Merry Christmas? What makes Jews different? Why do people cater to such small-mindedness?”
I also thought to myself, “Wouldn’t a pluralistic, liberal attitude imply many different holiday greetings, rather than one bland, characterless, homogeneous one?”
I also began to notice the proliferation of the abbreviation “X-mas,” even in greetings cards, store displays, and advertisements. Abbreviations are perfectly OK in hand-scrawled notes and emails. But they are gauche in more formal contexts, so I wondered what was driving this lapse in taste and style. Why are people literally “X”ing “Christ” out of “Christmas”? Is it merely another symptom of the secularization and commercialization of Christmas? But who is behind that trend? And is there some anti-Christian malice at work here?
Recently, there has been a proliferation of news stories about the destruction of Christmas in England and the US to cater to the tastes of anti-Christian minorities. For instance, in 2002 in Mobile, Alabama, the annual Christmas parade, celebrated since 1945, was to be renamed “The Jolly Holiday” parade. According to the organizers, “They said they wanted a name that was more inclusive, since the parade this year would include Hanukkah and Kwanzaa floats along with the usual Christmas fair [sic].”
Are we losing Christmas to pander to celebrators of Kwanzaa? The answer is no.
Kwanzaa is the ersatz African holiday invented in 1966 by an American Negro who goes by the name of Maulana Ron Karenga. Kwanzaa is supposed to be a Negro alternative to Christmas. It is a seven-day feast, celebrated from December 26 to January 1. Each day of Kwanzaa commemorates a different concept: unity (not diversity; unity is for them, diversity for us), self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.
Up to this point, most people will give Kwanzaa a respectful hearing. But wait: To commemorate each day of Kwanzaa, a candle is lit in a seven-branch candelabrum called the “Kinara.” Now “Kinara” is supposed to sound like “Menorah,” but with a “k” for Kwanzaa. Get it? (I know, you thought that the Kinara was a rank in the Ku Klux Klan, somewhere between the Kleagle and the Kligrapp.) The Kinara reveals just how infantile, contrived, and derivative Kwanzaa really is. Even the most patronizing liberals roll their eyes.
But stupidity is no bar to advancement in today’s America, so Kwanzaa is slowly on the rise. In 1997 the US Post Office released a Kwanzaa stamp. Merchandisers see the potential for Kwanzaa profits, and so do politicians. Bill Clinton began issuing annual Kwanzaa proclamations, a practice continued by the “conservative” president George W. Bush.
But Kwanzaa is not destroying Christmas. Most Americans still have never heard of it, and no white American can think of it without embarrassment. Even white liberals probably prefer not to think of it at all, so it is not likely to be in the back of their minds when they wish you a hearty “Happy Holidays!” Besides, most blacks who celebrate Kwanzaa probably celebrate Christmas too, so it is unlikely that they would bristle to the defense of Kwanzaa if wished a “Merry Christmas!”
No, it is the Jews who stole Christmas. Kwanzaa merely apes Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a minor Jewish holiday that celebrates, like most Jewish holidays, the massacre of tribal enemies. It is primarily in the US that Hanukkah has been promoted as a Jewish rival to Christmas.
The motives for this are unclear. One may be crypsis, the desire of some Jews to blend in among their host populations. Crypsis is certainly a motive in Reform Judaism. Reform synagogues have even adopted stained-glass windows and organ music to give the impression that Judaism is just another “Judeo-Christian” denomination.
Another motive may be rivalry: Jews recognize the appeal of Christmas, and want to keep their children busy doing something else during the Christmas season.
Malice probably also plays a role.
First, there is the resentment of the eternal outsider trying to make himself feel comfortable by breaking down the distinction between inside and outside. To do this, he has to efface the host culture’s defining symbols. A Jew feels outside when you say “Merry Christmas,” but he feels comfortable when you say “Happy Holidays.” Indeed, he feels pleased with this concrete token of his cultural and political power.
Then there is the particular resentment that Jews nurse toward Christianity. There are at least three reasons for this. First, Jesus was an apostate Jew, and nobody likes an apostate. Second, Jesus rejected Judaism for its tribalism, inhumanity, and intellectual dishonesty, and the truth hurts, so Jews hate Jesus as a bearer of bad news. Third, although today Islam is the religion most resistant to Jews and Christianity the most embarrassingly apologetic and subservient, this has been the case primarily since the foundation of the state of Israel. Before that, Jews lived securely in Muslim lands while they were being expelled from virtually every Christian country in Europe. Chapter 5 of Israel Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years contains an eye-opening discussion of Jewish attitudes toward non-Jews, including a comparison of Jewish attitudes towards Christians and Muslims.
Philip Roth is the author of dreadful novels that are nonetheless extremely revealing of the operations of the Jewish mind. In Operation Shylock: A Confession, he gloats, “God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and then he gave Irving Berlin ‘Easter Parade’ and ‘White Christmas,” the two holidays that celebrate the divinity of Christ — and what does Irving Berlin do? He de-Christs them both! Easter turns into a fashion show and Christmas into a holiday about snow.”
So how do we take back Christmas? First, let me say something about my motives. I was raised a Christian, but it never took. I would prefer to keep Christianity out of politics, and I would hate to live in an intolerant Christian society. Frankly, I wish that our ancestors had held onto their old pagan religions. Indeed, Christmas incorporates many old European pagan elements, but note that multiculturalists make no attempt to cater to the celebrants of Yule, Saturnalia, and the birthday of Mithras. Nothing white is promoted by the multiculturalists.
But, still, I like Christmas a lot. When the days grow short and the weather gets bad, it is nice to create an environment of cheer and goodwill. At bottom, my objection is not religious, but cultural. I hate to see the homogenizing, secularizing, leveling forces of modernity at work, even on a religion that I do not profess.
So what is to be done? First, although Jews are the driving force behind the destruction of Christmas, they are a tiny minority, unlovable and unloved, and all the pushiness in the world would not have triumphed if whites were not such pushovers. Second, the Mobile “Jolly Holiday Parade” incident is instructive. The gentiles pushed back: “citing e-mail and telephone threats from residents opposed to a parade without the word Christmas in its title . . . Mobile Christmas Parade Inc. . . . announced there would be no parade this year. . . . Three hours later, volunteers with Main Street Mobile, a city-staffed organization formed to promote downtown, announced that a parade will roll . . . . It will be called the Mobile Christmas Holiday Parade.”
This year, I have been pushing back in a subtle but steady way. Every chance I get, I wish people a “Merry Christmas,” most pointedly when I am wished “Happy Holidays.” I have even been wishing a “Merry Christmas” to the atheists and Odinists I know.
So, with that long preface in mind: from one infidel to another, “Merry Christmas!”
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Ahh, the early-1990s. I was young, but I remember them well.
They were definitely a high dive into white guilt and insanity, as well as very noticeable differences all over America that seemed “wrong” to me. I still remember my grandfather loudly saying back in the summer of 1991 “What’s wrong with this country? This is not the America my ancestors built. I don’t like this.”
We had the Rodney King Riots. We had uptight Liberals who would do silly things like Dr. Johnson points out about political correctness. We had the immigration-loving George H.W Bush, and the emerging anti-white Bill Clinton. Open homosexuality was increasingly in your face, pride flags were becoming mainstream, and popular music was anti-white and very nihilistic. Television was littered not only with trashy and deviant talk shows (that were also anti-white) but TV shows and movies were becoming very “diverse” and much less white. I remember just about every nickelodeon show at the time was multiracial (Salute Your Shorts, Gullah Gullah Island, All That, etc) and interracial romances were becoming mainstream with shows like Saved by the Bell and Boy Meets World, and movies like the Bodyguard. Shows like the Cosby show and Family Matters were continuing to brainwash whites into thinking that black families were “just like us” behind the scenes. Need I even mention all the non-white sports stars like Michael Jordan whom everyone was worshipping like he was one of us?
Every time I’d go shopping with my grandma in the early-90s I’d see Guatemalans and Muslims at Walmart and the mall, and I’d have to ask my grandmother who “those people were” because they looked so funny to me, and they didn’t smell nice. I even remember my pastor preaching a sermon back in 1992 that he felt like the USA was “in very serious trouble.” They were truly daunting times, and my regularly hearing the adults around me say things about the country that were concerning them made me very afraid inside. By the middle-1990s, I felt like I was living in a foreign country.
I respect Dr. Johnson’s position on Christianity, but I don’t think Christianity in and of itself is the problem. I think what happened to Christianity is. Most white Christian’s prior to 1955 had a pretty clear understanding of race and demographics, and men like Calvin Coolidge signed an immigration law that reflected this understanding. Christianity really didn’t become anti-white and Zionist until the Civil Rights movement. Atheists and Agnostics were able to live comfortably in a mostly Christian society back in the day. I think they could again.
But yes, from yet another infidel to all, Merry Christmas!
Hear, hear! I feel the same way.
The most egregious instance I can recall of the war on Christmas – which I didn’t put much stock in until it really got blatant – was the sudden transformation of a “Christmas tree lighting ceremony” and concert that had taken place annually for over 100 years in California into a generic “holiday tree lighting ceremony”. (C’mon, what late December holiday other than Christmas features a lit tree?!)
But they didn’t just make it “inclusive” of other faiths. They completely expunged all mention of Christmas. Neither the website nor any of the speakers or performers said the word “Christmas” in the entire three-hour event. All the Christmas carols were replaced with generic “holiday music”. But that’s not to say they removed all the religion. No, they invited “faith leaders” – a rabbi and an imam, and maybe one other, but no representative of Christianity! – on stage to tell us “what the holiday means”.
I’m not religious myself, but I love the old music of Christmas (O Holy Night and all the others), and to see such a venerable Christmas tradition trashed – not just discontinued but completely perverted from its purpose – really rankled me.
The people removing Christmas from school calendars, on the basis that “not everyone celebrates it” or “it’s religious” (despite it having a secular form and being celebrated by 95% of the country) are the same people who celebrate the addition of explicitly religious Muslim and Hindu holidays to public school calendars. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s that kind of hypocritical intellectual dishonesty.
Oh, and one more thing: Merry Christmas!
Amen. Inclusion, like all the other pseudo-virtues of the Woke, always has the same effect: the diminution, exclusion or erasure of a White cultural practice, field, space or time. Any win for non-Whites is always a loss for us.
All their holidays or heroes, etc. remain intact and remain theirs. Only ours must be “shared” so that we may not claim ownership of them.
Not accidental.
And a Merry Christmas to you.
Thankfully we haven’t reached that level of malevolent culltural suppression here, although giant menoras are on the march. Local churches organise family Christmas carols in a park, usually around mid-December. It’s probably the only large gathering involving religious singing which most will attend in the whole year, so its loss would be very significant, an as yet unbroken link with a far distant past. They’d love to sever it.
The thing is, the ‘Christmas tree’ isn’t a feature of Christianity at all. It’s an indigenous White European practice that existed well before Christianity and, with any luck, will exist long after this how Chosenism nonsense has passed out of White member.
It’s true that Christianity ripped off many European pagan traditions, but it’s also beside the point. The point is that they’re attacking America’s holiday traditions because they’re ours. They don’t publish articles about how Jewish, Muslim, Mexican, Hindu, or other holidays are shameful and racist, no matter what the history is behind them. I know you’ll be glad if Christmas is expunged, but surely you know they won’t stop there…
In Spain the nativity scene (Belin as they call it) is a major feature of the pre-Christmas period. Many of the scenes show the Christ child in his crib with Mother Mary leaning over him and St Joseph standing protectively over the pair of them. I don’t know the history of this motif but its message is fairly clear.
The ‘divine mother and child’ is a pre-Christian tableu.
Innana, the ‘mother’ figure in the Egyptian pantheon was called ‘The Queen of Heaven’, just like Mary. The Christians created nothing new of value to White spiritual culture and destroyed much of value.
And your response is one good reason why White Nationalists shouldn’t have anything to do with supporting Helleno-Judeans in their struggles with their ‘woke’ bretheren.
If ‘Christianity’ is good for White Nationalism, then Christian denominations would be advocating for White Nationalism.
But they don’t.
Not a single major denomination of any kind advocates for the unique and specific interests of Whites.
Helleno-Judaism destroyed nearly all indigenous White spiritual traditions the enterprise could identify and isolate. What the enterprise could not outright smash or burn or kill its way to ‘victory’ it co-opted. Hence your interpretation of the very ancient tableau of the Divine Mother and Her Divine Child.
There’s a guy whose name is Kuhn and he wrote a number of books on the ways in which Helleno-Judaism destroyed through corruption the ancient beliefs of White people and transformed them into worship of an alien god. One of his major works is called ‘The Lost Light’. Over hundreds and hundreds of pages, he details how Helleno-Judaists repurposed the primordial spiritual beliefs of Whites.
But, really, I’m not that interested in hashing over the anti-White cultural depredations of Helleno-Judaists.
My interest is in ‘How is White Nationalists taking a side on the ‘war on Christmas’ good for Whites?’
So far, the answers to that question have been pretty weak in my view. Certainly no compelling case has been made that fighting the ‘war on Christmas’ benefits Whites as a whole, especially since there are Whites on both sides of the war. In fact, it looks to me like there are Christian denominations on both sides of the ‘war on Christmas’.
I sent my two year renewal a couple of weeks back by mail, but I still do not have my special powers back yet. I would request the additional power of downvoting comments.
Try using the contract page. Sometimes these things slip through the cracks…
Why would you want a ‘downvote’ capability, I wonder? What would be its utility to the movement of White Nationalism? Instead of a ‘downvote’ option, perhaps you could just make your argument against the poster?
Kidding, of course.
Yeah, I like the Like or “upboat” capability, but a “downboat” capability turns a comment section toxic mighty fast.
If downboat ratios are all that the commentariat has for arguments, then it is going nowhere at warp speed.
“Last Christmas most people had a hard time finding Christmas cards that indicated in any way that Christmas commemorated Someone’s Birth. Easter they will have the same difficulty in finding Easter cards that contain any suggestion that Easter commemorates a certain event. There will be rabbits and eggs and spring flowers, but a hint of the Resurrection will be hard to find. Now, all this begins with the designers of the cards. And even in this business one comes upon that same policy of declaring Anti-Semitic everything that is Christian. If Rabbi Coffey says the New Testament is the most Anti-Semitic book ever written, what must be the judgement on an Easter card that is truly an Easter card?” (Henry Ford: The International Jew)
Until recently, I had no idea the whole thing had started even in Ford’s time. He had a lot to say on the matter, incidentally.
I don’t care about the ‘war on Christmas’.
What exactly has Christianity done for Whites that would make it worthwhile for White Identitarian Nationalists to take their side?
The celebration of Christmas, whether we want Christ or not, is one of the defining overt aspects of many European cultures, including American culture.
The dutiful expungement of any mention of this holiday from the public sphere and its replacement by the anodyne and cowardly ‘Happy Holidays’ is an attack on the distinctive features of White societies.
This ‘country’ is not a country at all, but an economic zone, where the authorities welcome all races and religions. Hindu temples are built with alarming regularity; in Jackson, Mississippi, Interstate travellers are accosted by the ostentatious white and gold facade of a certain GURDWARA SAHIB.
It is undeniable that the conspicuous presence of such foreign elements, which compete with native architecture and native culture, undermine the character of the country – it is also undeniable that the corporations and media which seek to denude the public sphere of any distinctive cultural expression undermine the character of the country. In either case, the native forms are disempowered, hidden, oppressed. The television screens proclaim Happy Holidays, with one voice. The White family, who pass under a printed banner announcing a HOLIDAY FESTIVAL, which hangs over them like a triumphal yoke, are reduced to whispering the name of the forbidden holiday.
I don’t like the Jew-god and the Jew-book any more than you. But I would much rather live in a healthy White and culturally Christian society, than in whatever one might call America as it is now. And when we insist on the open celebration and acknowledgment of Christmas, we are not defending the Jew-god. We are seeking to restore the White country, which once was …
‘Christianity’ was the foremost destroyer of White culture until the modern era.
Its ‘traditions’ are not ones that move me or ones I’m interested in perpetuating.
White traditions of the Yule log and tree and gift exchange and coming together to imbibe in good cheer and just ‘cheer’ existed long before the Helleno-Judaic ‘Christians’ began to destroy White culture.
Besides, pro-Whites get nothing from pandering to anti-White conservatives and ‘Christianity’ is in the process of being completely transformed into Wokeianity.
Christians cannot even save their own religion from destruction by hostile racial aliens, what good are they going to be at saving the White race (who they don’t consider worth saving except on their terms).
If White Nationalists support ‘Merry Christmas’ as a greeting, what are ‘Christians’ offering in return?
So far as I can tell, nothing.
I hear you. Modern Christianity plays a role in our downfall. But Christmas is more than just the celebration of Jesus’ alleged birth. It’s a big part of our culture that has, for centuries, been a driver of family reunion, community get-togethers, beautiful music, fun for kids, and more.
Christmas is under attack because it’s ours. It’s the same with all our other celebrations: Thanksgiving is steadily being rebranded as a source of guilt. So is July 4th, and Columbus Day. I even saw articles saying that decorating with pumpkins for Halloween is racist. Statues are being pulled down and streets, parks, and schools renamed to “decolonize” everything and “decenter whiteness”. Even statues of Northern heroes like Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant have been pulled down.
I don’t want to give them an inch in these culture wars. I’m not a believing Christian, but I don’t want my enemies trashing my heritage.
It’s not my culture war. All sides are anti-White.
Just use the word Yol or Yule, rather than Christmas, and everything would be OK.
My view is that it’s courteous to lead with ‘Happy Holidays’. If someone greets me with ‘Merry Christmas’ I respond the same. What I find discourteous is when I lead with ‘Happy Holidays’ and someone makes a point of saying ‘Merry Christmas’. That’s an intentional microaggression against non-Christians and a disvisive provocation between Whites.
Our racial enemies are on both sides of the ‘War of Christmas’ controversy because it serves their interests, not Whites.
Neither side of the ‘War on Christmas’ is pro-White because they’re perpetuating a division between Whites on the basis of a sub-racial-solidarity issue.
If Christians want the support of White Nationalists (and they do not), then they’d have to offer something in return for our support.
Which they do not.
Christianity needs White Nationalism more than White Nationalism needs Christianity.
White Nationalism and White Identitarianism is the only viable future for Whites.
Christianity has already failed to protect Whites and, in fact, was a critical factor in undermining White territorial integrity for the last 200 years.
The proper etiquette among Whites should be to respond to a holiday greeting using the same greeting. If that greeting is ‘Merry Christmas’ then respond with ‘Merry Christmas’. If that greeting is ‘Happy Holidays’ or ‘Mot Yule’ or similar, then respond with the same expression.
It more or less kept the Jews under control for fourteen centuries and inspired incomparable art, architecture, music and song. It tempered our competitive and outward spirit with socially-enforced compassion which only became dysfunctional in the last two hundred years. It coincided with our Western empires bestriding the globe, while the eastern marches bore the brunt of the Asiatic hordes. It has in the last century been thoroughly subverted.
‘Christians’ (Helleno-Judaists) like to take credit for ‘Western civilization’ but ‘Christianity’ (Helleno-Judaism) has been in Africa and the Southern America’s for at least 600 years. Wheres the comparable accomplishments among the darkies that ‘Christianity’ is supposed to have been the catalyst for? I don’t see it.
‘Christians’ destroyed more White culture than they created.
Christian ‘accomplishments’ are all White accomplishments.
Without Whites, Christianity is nothing.
I see nothing to choose between Christianity and Wokeanity.
I’m not claiming that Christianity makes any race capable of building civilization. I’m only advocating according it some respect and even affection as the faith of our most recent ancestors, going back one or two thousand years. There is no way of knowing whether any of us would still be here without it.
This is where being a person of the Left has an advantage over a person of the Right: I don’t have to respect ‘tradition’ because it’s ‘tradition’. I can chuck it all overboard in the interests of moving the ball down the field. I don’t have to look backward or to retain any cultural or mnemonic baggage that doesn’t serve the interests of moving the ball down the field.
I have attended to the Bible enough to gather up the more valuable nuggets of ‘folk wisdom’ that exist there. But what I don’t find useful, I simply reject. It’s easy. You just do it and not really look back.
I realize that many people cannot do this. But the more that a person can simply walk away from any part of their past that does not facilitate their movement into the future, the happier they’re going to be.
Whether we actually have ‘agency’ or not, White advocates should treat the world – should act – as though they do.
The more one retains dysfunctional values or idea, the more one retains self-sabotaging beliefs, the less useful one is to the race.
And, in the end, the White Vanguard’s sole justification is our utility to the race, our dedication to advancing the realization of the World of the Fourteen Words.
The only morality is tribal morality.
The standard of ‘tribal morality’ is ‘Is it good for the tribe?’
If a ‘Christian’ is given the choice between doing what is ‘good’ for the White race or doing what is ‘good’ in terms of their religion, and they choose their religion, they’re not an asset. What I see is that ‘Christians’ in the movement spend a great deal of their time trying to recuperate Christianity in a ‘White Nationalist’ context and do not add that much to the culture of White Nationalism.
Christianity needs Whites more than Whites need Christianity and like every other belief system that is not directly a result of White Nationalist though or morality, it needs to justify its participation by making a positive contribution to the primal act of moving the ball down the field.
The agency of the White Vanguard needs to direct itself toward advancing the interests of Whites. We do that by raising the racial consciousness of Whites and directing that consciousness towards the long-term goal of permanent, sustainable, defended homelands in which White rule exists solely to promote the interests of Whites.
What does taking a side in the ‘war of Christmas’ gain for the White Nationalist movement? If the goal is to attract more ‘Christians’ to the movement, then it needs to be explained why this is a good thing given that the existing crop of Christians seem more interested in defending Christianity than defending the interests of Whites.
Whiteness should be the religion of Whites. It’s truly what binds Whites to each other. All other systems of supernatural belief are, at best, ‘local color’ for those communities that adhere to them.
TL;DR. So you’re a Jacobin with logorrhoea. I don’t look forward to people like you being in charge. Although I agree with you on this point, to a large extent the religion of Whites should be Whiteness. But why you see undermining the celebration of a millennia-old European festival as your job, in concert with our enemies, I still can’t understand. I’m not feeling your inclusive love for all whitefolks.
Just use the words Yule, Jol, Jul instead of Christmas, and remember that the Christmas Tree is an old Germanic habit from the times when Europeans believed in Odin-Wotan, Thor, Baldur and Freya.
My policy is to say ‘Happy Holidays’ if I initiate the greeting/well-wishes or reflect whatever the person says. If that’s ‘Merry Christmas’ I respond ‘Merry Christmas’. I don’t go out of my way to weird out ordinary White folks. We want them to think well of their people.
An interesting book by Karl Dreschner called, “Christianity’s Criminal History” 4 volumes. Another one is by, Catherine Nixey, “ The Darkening Age”. They both descrine the criminality of this Jewish inspired religion and it was the ISIS of its day..a total disaster for Western civilization, which has caused so much grief and evil in the world!
Also Revilo Oliver wrote many books to the topic. Or German writer and ex-pilot Erich Glagau (Die Grausame Bibel und Oh Schreck, ich habe geglaubt), or even old Frenchman Leo Taxil with his La Bible Amusante, or Russian writers Vladimir Avdeyev with his book Preodolenie Christianstva, and Vladimir Istarkhov with his “Udar Russkikh Bogov”.
@Antipodean We ran out of threadspace.
Translation: I’m lazy.
So you’re a Jacobin with logorrhoea.
What do you even mean by ‘Jacobin’? If you’re a White Nationalist, then you’re somebody’s Jacobin yourself.
As for ‘logorrhoea’ I assume that means you don’t actually expect to have someone respond to your snark with something other than snark. Not my problem.
I don’t look forward to people like you being in charge.
Why? Because I don’t pander to the tender sensibilities of all-important-but-simultaneously-utterly-helpless ‘Christian community’?
If I had all the power necessary to implement a White Nationalist Utopia, I’d be very careful about how I used that power. My model would be the Taoist Ruler, not Uncle Adolf.
Although I agree with you on this point, to a large extent the religion of Whites should be Whiteness.
Honestly, comrade, you should have led with that.
But why you see undermining the celebration of a millennia-old European festival as your job, in concert with our enemies, I still can’t understand.
I’m not undermining the celebration. I’m not undermining anything. I’m just pointing out that allowing ‘Christian’ issues to be piggy-backed on White Nationalist sentiments isn’t obviously in the interest of White Nationalism. And I’m saying why I think it might not be.
If that’s ‘undermining’, then so be it. But I don’t think it is. I think it’s restoring the Original Meaning of The Winter Holidays of the White European Peoples(tm) which had nothing to so with ‘saviors’ of any kind. It had to do with loving ourselves and our ways and celebrating the generations living today (versus All Hallows Eve, which concerned the generations passed).
I’m not feeling your inclusive love for all whitefolks.
Not sure why. Christians did everything in the power to destroy White indigenous spiritual culture and erase White indigenous holidays. When they couldn’t successfully forbid the celebrations, they interpreted them to be ‘Christian’. So, really, the lack of love for White folks started with ‘Christians’, not people like me.
Whenever you pick a side in ‘the culture war’, you make enemies of the side you didn’t pick.
Is the ‘Christian’ version of Christmas really worth defending?
What does the pro-White movement get in return for defending ‘Christmas’?
Nothing so far as I can see.
Just because some position ‘goes against the mainstream’ doesn’t mean that it’s in the interests of White Nationalism to take up that position.
White Nationalism isn’t just some dissident movement where dissidence for it’s own sake is the primary purpose.
White Nationalism is trying to secure the existence of White people and a future for White children.
And that’s what we ought to focus our energies and attention on.
If a bunch of White Christians want White Nationalists to assist them in defending their version of celebrating The Winter Holidays of the White European Peoples(tm), then let them do so openly and provide something of value in return.
I don’t see ‘Christians’ standing up for White people as White people, so I don’t see why pro-White Whites should stand up for specifically Christians customs.
Interesting article, with interesting reader responses. Here in England, the mercantile Christmas tv adverts have begun, selling their shiny baubles, schlock and tat. Yes, Xmas has indeed ‘Xed’-out Jesus and God, no mention of them at all. Why spoil Xmas by bringing them into it. And not a word from any of the Christian denominations; what has become of the Church Militant? This trend, in my view, started way back before the mass influx of immigrants professing Islam.
Greg: Kwanzaa is supposed to be a Negro alternative to Christmas. It is a seven-day feast, celebrated from December 26 to January 1.
Good. Let ’em have their alternative, even phony Reverend Drs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and others of their ilk. We separatist racial nationalists could not care less what they celebrate.
Europeans have had an alternative to Xmas long before 1966, long before the supposed birth of Jaysus, “king of the Jews.” and it comports with Nature’s laws.
Jew-owned Britannica <nationalvanguard.org/2022/06/wikipedia-and-britannica/> tells us:
Yule, festival observed historically by Germanic peoples… coinciding with the winter solstice (December 21–22 in the Northern Hemisphere… The pre-Christian festival originated in Scandinavia and was later subsumed, along with other pagan celebrations, into the Christian holiday of Christmas. Some modern celebrations of Yule attempt to re-create ancient traditions… Like most winter solstice festivals, themes of light, fire, and feasting are common threads….
I and a few friends in our Cosmotheist Community will gather on 21 December again this year to celebrate together the spiritual significance of the return of longer days with a shared feast and our traditional bonfire. Gifts will be exchanged, but there will be no singing about some little town of Bethlehem or the king, born of Israel.
Jews will gather around their cash registers, as usual, on Xmas eve, and sing “What a friend we have in Jaysus.”
Greg: This year, I have been pushing back in a subtle but steady way. Every chance I get, I wish people a “Merry Christmas”… I have even been wishing a “Merry Christmas” to the atheists and Odinists I know.
“Happy Yule and a Bright Solstice” will do for the rest of us non-Christian Europeans, thanks.
“Happy Yule and a Bright Solstice” will do for the rest of us non-Christian Europeans, thanks.
Mr. Williams, I must share with you–
This is what I find incredibly overwhelming about even becoming involved socially with National Alliance. I have privately been agnostic since age 7, yet for half a century on this planet, I have found serious enjoyment in American *Christmas* traditions: Decorating & lighting up a breathtaking *Christmas* tree, baking sweet *Christmas* recipes, wrapping presents & baked goods in gaudy metallic red, silver, green & gold fancy *Christmas* wrapping papers, driving through nice neighborhoods to gawk at outstanding, & over the top *Christmas* light displays. Listening to a great stirring versions of (Christmas) ‘Carol of the Bells’, watching kids act out Charles Dickens ‘A *Christmas* Carol ‘ , overhearing the *Christmas* lullaby ‘Silent Night’ which was the only song guaranteed send my oldest infant into slumber, performing *Christmas* piano concerts that would bring down the house at local nursing homes, making crafty presents as a kid at church *Christmas* bazaars, selling *Christmas* trees to raise funds for our scouting troops, etc., etc.
Would I receive a scoldy stink-eye from you guys if I accidentally uttered the X-mas word in your presence? On a personal note, I no longer have any interest in shopping for a new religion. And as much as I love & respect Dr. William Pierce, I’m uncomfortable with Cosmotheism. I’m not personally spiritually inclined enough for it. And though I do like mythology in small doses, it’s too overwhelming to keep track of all the various pagan gods & goddesses, & all their back-stories. It’s a social hindrance. I feel like I’m not well-studied enough in ancient mythologies that don’t really capture my interest, and it’s exhausting to politely fake continuous attention to the 80+ character ancient soap opera cast.
Kim: December 5, 2024 Mr. Williams, I must share with you– This is what I find incredibly overwhelming about even becoming involved socially with National Alliance. I have privately been agnostic since age 7, yet for half a century on this planet, I have found serious enjoyment in American *Christmas* traditions:…
Would I receive a scoldy stink-eye from you guys if I accidentally uttered the X-mas word in your presence? On a personal note, I no longer have any interest in shopping for a new religion. And as much as I love & respect Dr. William Pierce, I’m uncomfortable with Cosmotheism. I’m not personally spiritually inclined enough for it. And though I do like mythology in small doses, it’s too overwhelming to keep track of all the various pagan gods & goddesses, & all their back-stories. It’s a social hindrance. I feel like I’m not well-studied enough in ancient mythologies that don’t really capture my interest, and it’s exhausting to politely fake continuous attention to the 80+ character ancient soap opera cast.
Enjoy Xmas, Kim. It means a lot to you.
Your characterization of Cosmotheism is totally unfounded. You seem to relate it to pre-Christian European beliefs — “ancient mythologies” — that at least more represented our heroic character than does the slave religion of mythological Christianity, based in guilt, shame and fear.
Some things for others to consider about Yule or the midwinter Solstice: The Winter Solstice: Celebrations for White Families and Households | National Vanguard
For those so inclined to learn about Cosmotheism, there’s this that can be understood even by some children who have rejected Christian spookcraft: Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future | National Vanguard
Or this simple explanation in Dr. Griffin, a Christian, in his biography of William Pierce: Discovering Cosmotheism | National Vanguard
Mr. Williams, thank you for your reply. I probably should have started a new paragraph w/ “And though I do like mythology in small doses, it’s too overwhelming to keep track…” because I wasn’t actually referring to Cosmotheism from that point on– I was just referring to other religious/inspirational/ancient mythological angles I’d seen other modern White nationalists happy to embrace.
Several months back, I initially read, “Cosmotheism is the Meaning of Life” at NV which I happen to disagree with right off the bat. (I think that the meaning of life is the meaning that we humans assign to it. For example, we can decide to make sex special, by waiting til marriage. Otherwise, it is an ordinary & meaningless act. Likewise, we choose to elevate the primal act of eating food, by our disciplined behaviors, by waiting until everyone is gathered & seated together, then saying grace, before taking the first bite of dinner, etc.)
I just read all 3 of the NV articles you recommended. Meshing reason with the soul is too abstract a concept to be practical for me personally. “Our destiny is Godhood” simply overwhelms me. (I’m not looking for that level of responsibility; and it strikes me as rife with potential for abuse by narcissistic individuals.) And I don’t think I’m high-IQ enough to mentally convene the natural & supernatural into 1 cohesive & complementary state.
I almost didn’t have kids until I had absolutely everything existential figured out. My church-going Christian husband convinced me otherwise, and I’m glad he did. I’m still in “religious limbo.” Soo, season’s greetings to ALL, & merry Christmas to those who are celebrating!
No Christmas is complete without “Merry Christmas, Infidels”! We know who the Grinch is.
Merry Christmas to all my friends at Counter Currents!!
Merry Christmas, Fred.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. You’re a good writer, and I’ve been heartened to see the increasing collaboration between Counter-Currents and AmRen. I wish you all the best.
P.S. It may have been a fluke but I recall once long ago when Henry Wolff subbed for Jared as the host of the weekly podcast and I was impressed. I’ve hoped to hear more from the guy ever since, but he remains quietly beavering away behind the scenes…
Hi AdamMil,
Hopefully Kevin DeAnna (aka “James Kirkpatrick”) will see your kind words here. I’ve only seen him a few times in real life, but if/when we cross paths again, I will convey them to him.
You see, at my birth many years ago my parents stole Mr. DeAnna’s pseudonym and gave it to me. I’ve been using it ever since, confusing his admirers at every turn.
My intentions were good (be unashamed of my beliefs and live them IRL), but given how often this happens I’ve decide the only sane thing to do, ironically, is to start using a pseudonym myself; I’m thinking, “Gregory Hood.”
Jesus was Jewish. Renaming Yule to “Christmas” is like renaming Easter to “Weinsteinmass”. Why should we insist on celebrating our oppressors? Don’t be a conservative just to conserve something bad. Instead, call it Yule. If you want to be conservative, then call it “Yuletide”.
The Easter is just another name for Nowruz, Aryan New Year on the Spring Equinox in March.
False. Easter is named after a Germanic goddess.
Ostara, yes, but the day itself is a common Indogermanic habit. All Indogermanic peoples have originally had their New Year in March, not in January. Iranians kept this tradition, even under Muslim repressions and the Tuerks took it over.
If Ostara is relative to Astarte, I do not know, but it is possible.
I wouldn’t get too much into this “Indo-European” nonsense. We have nothing in common with Iranians or Indians today, and I doubt that there ever was any unity or identity based around a concept of “Indo European”, since the Indo-European migrations took thousands of years.
“I was raised a Christian, but it never took. I would prefer to keep Christianity out of politics, and I would hate to live in an intolerant Christian society…”
Fair enough..so keep Christianity out of politics (& Christians, too?) but by the same token keep infidels (including Jews) out of our holidays! Christmas is a Christian holiday, would you prefer to keep us out of Christmas, too? You celebrate Xmas, we’ll celebrate CHRISTmas!
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