Editor’s Note:
The following text by Michael O’Meara appears in his book Toward the White Republic.
French translation here
“Je crois à la Révolution dans la mesure où je ne crois ni à la durée ni à la valeur de la Société qui m’entoure.” —Pierre Drieu La Rochelle
Almost as depressing as the thought of our people’s extinction is that of the white opposition to it.
It’s not just that this opposition is minuscule in number, confined to the internet, has a negative rather than a positive understanding of what needs to be done, lacks consensus as to its common aim, and attracts a great many asocial, dysfunctional types incapable of sustaining any sort of nationalist resistance.
Worse, it seems at times not even to know the enemy. Whether racial conservatives endeavoring to stem the rising tide of color and get back to the high ground of pre-1965 America or white nationalists “who are not revolutionaries, but paleoconservatives who don’t want to change the system, but to make it work for them,” the white opposition fixates on media (i.e., the internet), on consciousness raising, and on political policies aimed at reforming a system that is inherently anti-white.
Worse still, its Sisyphean activities are engaged in the belief that the old white America, dedicated to money-making and happiness, can be won back and is worth winning, that this can be done through ideas, in the form of media-conveyed information, exposés, and arguments, and through existing institutional channels, like the courts and the electoral system.
If only it were that simple.
Our people face extinction not because the Jews or the liberals monopolize the media, force feed us anti-white ideas, control the leading institutions, and wield all the power and influence. This is a big part of it, to be sure, but to see things solely—or principally—in these terms is to overlook the last two or three centuries of Western history.
The threat to white existence is profound, rooted in the civilizational, ontological, and spiritual disorders undergirding the Judaification presently pervading our daily lives.
When Yuri Slezkine boasts that the modern age is the Jewish age, he gets to the heart of this in a way few white nationalists ever do. Based on the Levantine behavior of “rule breakers, border crossers, and go-betweens,” the entire course of the modern Jewish age works, in effect, toward our collective de-Aryanization.
Since its advent, with the liberal-democratic revolutions of the late 18th century, the Modern West, unlike its Medieval and Ancient counterparts, has shed all sense of tradition, transcendence, and fidelity; it violates the natural order of things; it pursues a purely practical, economic course geared to the lowest order of existence; it can’t see the higher points of reference; and it replaces the “rights” of blood and heritage with false creeds and material acquisitions.
Whether the modernization spurred by the liberal-democratic revolutions was inherently Judaifying or not (the anti-Semitic tradition is divided on the question) is irrelevant to the fact that Judaification and modernization—what Kevin MacDonald calls “the rise of Jewish power and the disestablishment of the specifically European nature of the US”—happened in tandem, being obverse expressions of the same historical phenomenon.
With the advent of modernity’s Judaification, the Aryan spirit that gave form to our race at the dawn of history and accompanied it through every subsequent stage of its Greco-Roman, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and European growth was exiled from the world.
Our people face extinction, it follows, because the entire structure of Western life—culture, civilization, economy, whatever you want to call it—betrays the defining essence of their being.
What is to be done?
The development of alternative media, consciousness raising, various local activities to defend white existence must, to start, give no credence to the reformist snare that the system can be made receptive to white interests. This illusion is the greatest treason. For it is the system itself, communicating vessel of the Jews’ lunar spirit, that de-Aryanizes us, contaminates our blood, and seeks our destruction. It is the enemy. It cannot be reformed, only abandoned—if we are to live. All talk of working through it is but Utopian chatter, better left to sheenies, darkies, and schoolteachers.
The notion that racialists follow the left’s Gramscian “march through the institutions” is equally unserious. Covington’s Northwest Volunteer Army is a hundred times more realistic than the thought of re-establishing the integrity of white life through elections or an expanded media.
Of necessity, our course must be Aryan, not American. The old America may have been racially conscious, but in a typically liberal way, privileging the lower functions of production and reproduction—which fated it to become “capitalist, cosmopolitan, and anti-national.” Its racialism was thus not the blood consciousness native to the warriors who sired our race, just as its upper world of wheeling-dealing money men, bought politicians, and leading families is but the respectable verso of its criminal underworld—alien to traditional Aryan standards of hierarchy, form, virility, transcendence, authority, and sovereignty.
As for the white masses—whose vegetative existence is lived unconscious of the higher forces governing them and oriented to the materialist and family concerns of the lower orders—they’ll never be moved by ideas and principles openly challenging the existing order. Only a social crisis set off by some cataclysm that makes their normal way of life impossible will cause them to look for alternatives. And at that point, what matters most will not be ideas and principles, but men and organizations whose exemplary stature instills in them the confidence for decisive action.
What need, then, have we for more education, more programs, more market strategies, more media, more time in the Gay Old Party to make the existing anti-white system work for us? Any self-respecting white man who wants to know what’s going on or what to do doesn’t have far to search. All the answers are already there, waiting for the taking.
In any case, the increasingly totalitarian character of contemporary liberalism, not to mention the plantation of a hundred million muds on our soil, makes the entertainment of such reform an exercise in folly.
The white race will be reborn, then, not by electing Congressmen, hiring lobbyists, and participating in a system that seeks its destruction, but by returning to its original self—and to the challenge of creating a new elite, a revolutionary vanguard morally and organizationally armed to stand against the Jewish age—so that when the foul system supporting it collapses in decay, there will be someone around to fight for our fair share of the spoils.
It’s in this way that the nobles of blood and spirit are born and come to rule.
All the ancient Aryan civilizations arose, in fact, from “a race of conquerors who overcame lands and peoples on the basis of a higher calling and qualification”—a higher calling and qualification modeled on the Aryan Doctrine of Battle and Victory. Hierarchy, order, courage, and a solar universality came, as a result, to inform white life.
If our people are to restore European America (in the Pacific Northwest or elsewhere), it will be in the Aryan way, through a return to the ancient practices that formed us in the beginning and made us who we are. It will not come about through a process dependent on all that is the root of our present humiliation.
Vanguard News Network, September 24, 2007
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O’Meara is definitely the best English speaking author of the New-Culture (I don’t like the term new right). This scapegoat culture shared in so many “movements” being conservative, revolutionary etc leads nowhere it just makes these “militants” prisoners of they’re own ghettos, which ultimately is a typical jewish attitude, being the eternal victim.
People who consider themselves victims deserve to be.
The art of semantics is a difficult one, therefore I won’t judge Greg Johnson harshly for his altogether not so bad choice of New Right. I am not fond of it, though, since it implies on a subconscious level an ideology or a political doctrine, things that affirm, while we are all about empiricism, about noticing.
Excellent essay. O’Meara always penetrates to the core of the problem. I don’t see much if anything from him for a year or more. Does he still write and speak at gatherings? I would love to meet him one day.
Good essay. One thing I’d like to see more energy devoted to is, essentially, trying to get inside the heads of groups to whom tribal thinking is second nature. Aryans are accustomed to either living amongst themselves in isolated, homogeneous communities (the yeoman farmer ideal) or as conquerors, subjugating other peoples (the noble ideal). Levantine tribes, on the other hand, have lived on top of one another for millenia. With many different tribes inhabiting the same cramped space, ingroup/outgroup thinking becomes second nature.
To my mind, immigration trends since the 60’s have a simple goal. Transform the US/Europe into something resembling the cramped, levantine patchwork quilt of tribes as closely as possible. The greater the multiplicity, the better for any group accustomed to operating in close proximity to rivals.
Aryans were never yeoman farmers, that’s a misguided fantasy. In fact, it’s typical of Old European culture to have closeness with nature, matriarchal religions, societies based on farming, and so on.
Aryans were always patriarchal nomads – they were fundamentally knights, chevaliers, caballeros, rittern. In their eyes, peasants were an inferior caste and not real men. The treatment of medieval serfs in Russia and of “Sudras” in India is basically how Aryans viewed the farmer.
European culture is basically a synthesis of Aryan and Old European, with elements of both. However, the Volkisch idealization of the yeoman farmer is very much an Old European trait.
I made three exploratory trips to the Northwest. Experience tells me the FED’s are keeping close tabs on any potential for violent resistance out there, political organization activity or even community building. Not that it’s impossible but no one seems to have the proper security screening procedures in place.
There was an attempt to entice me by one “white activist” out there to engage in the federal crime of marrying an East European woman for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining her a green card. This guy was a three time convicted felon with a federal bi-polar “mental disability pension.” Can you spell convicted felon paid under the table fed recruit?
I’ve also learned that the WASP elite is now awake to Jewish plans. The WASP elite shows every signs of doing what the White Elite have always done in the end, downsizing Jewish power.
They even eventually took the Jews down a peg in the Soviet Union. That’s why Sharansky and most of the other Soviet dissidents of the 1960’s were Jews. Their ethnic ox was getting gored.
That’s why Sen. Jackson had to lobby in the 1980’s for Jewish refugee immigrant status from the Soviet Union. Jews began leaving in mass in the 1980’s.
These facts should effect our calculations.
Want more data points? Could you have imagined 15 years ago men like Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen making anti-Semitic rants or close to it then going on to make more movies or star in their own sitcoms?
You are starting to see “smart hip ” white guy adds in progressive auto insurance “The Messenger” series.
Resistance among the enforcer class began with the Green Beret Underground twenty years ago and has progressed to the Oath Keepers movement run by constitutional lawyer Stewart Rhodes.
And there’s Sheriff Mack and the constitutional Sheriff movement.
Mack is currently supposedly suing the SPLC for defamation of character.
Then there was the full page add by the Family Research Center and a dozen other social conservative orgs attacking the SPLC in December 2010.
The WASP elite will not allow a Jewish-left dictatorship to arise so we will continue to be able to awaken, recruit and culturally organize whites though out the U.S.
We should take advantage of our breathing space and form consciously pro-white communities of activist through out the U.S., not just in the Pacific Northwest.
The WASP elite will save us from total Jewish domination and near term extermination, but they will not fully free us from Jewish influence. They haven’t the intestinal fortitude to follow the logical conclusion of their own knowledge, or perhaps they feel somewhat constrained. Whatever the short falls of the WASP elite, they are giving us breathing space.
WASP elite probably have four goals:
1. Keep the U.S. from fragmenting like the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia
2. Prevent a bloody white revolution/civil war partly by reforms such as ending immigration.
3. Prevent the rise of a dictatorship
4. Keep the Jews from being pogromed, while downsizing Jewish power.
Instead of just debating, how bout we do some on the ground experimentation?
I’m moving from Florid to organize in the Midwest. If anyone wants to help recruit and form a pro-community anywhere, check out the Pioneer Little Europe movement on storm front.
@ phil white
WN’st promote fragmentation as the last resort…because we have no other resort; White revolution is inevitable, and it will start with a civil war, or something close to it; WN’st propose a strong racial Leader, however much this may not appeal to the mass, at this time; WN’st do not want a pogrom, as such, as this would further split up the racial family – but something has to give, and if it is not ‘in their face’, what would an intercine war benefit us as a whole?
I like the Oathkeepers – but do they like us?
Sheriff Mack is good, I have heard him, but does he support us?
White Nationalists, or segments of this ideation must become the Sinn Feinn of the twenty-first century, if we are to reach the masses. Conservatives are a thing of the past.
My take on fragmentation is that if we want to exist as a race 500 years from now, we will have to partition the U.S., because we are not going to remove the blacks from this continent.
My gut feeling is that even if every pro-white dissident activist were to die tomorrow, the white masses will be fully awake shortly on thier own, and yes, there will likely be something at least close to civil war.
I’m for peacefull, gradual seperation but my instincts tell me this thing is going to spin out of everyones control. It ain’t like I didn’t contribute $500 to Buchanans 1992 campaign that featured an immigration reduction platform. And some people seem to think I’m just a backward unthinking bigot.
I’m one of those characters Machiavelli wrote of who see problems far off but can’t get the more ordinary people to listen till it’s just too damn late.
Robert Prechter, in his 2002 book made a comment that to me indicated he had read Tom Chittums 1995 book “Civil War II”. Prechter is a stock analyst with his own company and is certainly an elite. I’m guessing Prechter is a little more realistic in his private thoughts than the usual run of our technocrat managerial class.
Oath Keepers is trying to be PC and keep both blacks and whites and all colors aboard as members in their drive to prevent a dictatorship, but again my gut feeling is they will fail.
WASP elites aren’t monolithic, and many may think like Prechter presumably does.
Joel Skousen of “Strategic Relocation” has said he has built many bunker type big homes for elites in safe white rural areas. In “Strategic” Skousen says you have to consider the higher criminality of many minorities in the event of a SHTF scenario, even if it is un-pc to say so.
I think the low level “soldiers” of the white elite “Mafia” will ideologically jump ship once they realize that their “Don’s” are planning their own escape.
BTW, Mr. O’Meara’s sentiments are always something to ponder. I sincerely hope he is well, and his fans are many.
This is all true, but we must take into account certain advances from which there are no turning back. We have been cajoled and ruined essentially by the invention of television. The other major invention that we need to ‘get control’ of is nuclear weapons. If the US collapses or fragments who will be in control of this ultimate weapon? It is due to this specifically that we cannot quite return to a past that was, but must find a new way forward with the old spirit.
Joel Skousen of “Strategic Relocation” has said he has built many bunker type big homes for elites in safe white rural areas. In “Strategic” Skousen says you have to consider the higher criminality of many minorities in the event of a SHTF scenario, even if it is un-pc to say so.
I think the low level “soldiers” of the white elite “Mafia” will ideologically jump ship once they realize that their “Don’s” are planning their own escape.
What a den of vipers “our” people are! I would rather live next door to a decent, hardworking family of Negroes or Asians than billionaire white scum in their g.d. bunkers.
Michael O’Meara in blockquote:
Singularly important.
For those who wishfully wish otherwise, note that the Queen of England met with, smiled, and shook the hands of, Martin McGuiness. This aroused no shortage of comments in the British media, with the Daily Mail cutting off comments at something like 800 plus.
This is a singularly breathtaking event, on the scale of what Covington imagined at the Longview Conference on his Northwest Republic novels. I was amazed that Adams could sit in Stormont, a safe distance from New Londonistan. That The Queen CAME to Northern Ireland, and shook Mr. McQuiness’ hand, speaks volumes as to a new day dawning for the European social order.
The writings of Ludovici on developing and sustaining aristocracies offer useful guidance in this area.
Notice how, during the First Great Depression, the ancestral aristocracies were portrayed as bumbling half-wits, who needed people who had “good old common sense” to keep The System running. This was a masterful camouflage, and kept the starvelings feeling morally superior to those who were consolidating their wealth at the expense of those with “good old common sense.”
Truly effective, Third Way alternatives, such as Upton Sinclair’s EPIC Program, were belittled and undermined by the status quo at all possible points. Note that Sinclair directly addressed wealth creation that was beyond the controls of the Lord of Financial Capitalism. His campaign for Governor of California, incidentally, is considered by some to be the first modern political campaign that posed an effective threat to the status quo by those who made The System run. Immense media sophistication was used to undermine his effectiveness at all points. All that Sinclair tried to do he did, of course, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Weren’t taught about EPIC in school, were you?
Drinking from the poisoned well will only cripple us even further. The “ancient practices” must be called forward and transformed into a modern, effective form. A Restatement of Christianity offers fascinating opportunities.
This can be done.
Faustus in blockquote:
Most correct. See above re Martin McGuiness.
And when hasn’t conservatism been anything other than “a racket to bluff the Fools?” (HT: Savitri Devi)
Harold Covington has long spoken of the various Irish organizations that have dealt with various issues in various manners. His focus on strict legality, particularly for leaders of the (newly and permanently dispossessed!) masses, is based on his painfully gained experience with the hard lessons of history.
Yet, as Covington noted at the beginning of “A Distant Thunder,” this is about how the stilled wheels of history began turning again, at OUR behest, as a result of OUR efforts.
We must consciously focus on developing the Aristocratic Principle within our own souls.
Thanks to Michael O’Meara, as always, for reminding us of the metapolitical imperative we face, and our Duty to resolve conflicts in OUR favor.
The Captain said that the New Elite will be forged in the fire of the Revolution itself. And Covington always emphasizes the inevitable confrontation to come. Do you disagree with him about this? Or are you being phase specific in your apple pie?
Jaego in blockquote:
Most people, particularly White Nationalist “thinkers” other than Harold Covington, hold to the trite fantasy that they will be able to successfully use arms against the greatest concentration of military and intelligence power in the history of the world. To extend the model developed by Greg Johnson, these are simply nihilists, and stuningly inept nihilists, at that. Having
failedbeen less than successful at everything they have done in life, they now seek the grandest overcompensation of all.Let’s not mince words.
Constantine recognized it was easier to control a province with one repeat ONE man who the populace had the power to remit sins, and thus control your access to the Kingdom of Heaven, than thousands of very expensive armed forces, which are both expensive to maintain, and stand as visible reminds of the true state of affairs between governor, and governed. With such a priesthood in place, guess who won the hearts and minds of the conquered people, who, in time, came to adopt the Conqueror’s values as their own.
Today, the Chinese, upon taking their wish to retake Tibet seriously, made televisions available for virtually nothing to the people in the cities, after installing television broadcast systems. Guess who is winning the war for the hearts and minds of the Tibetan people?
The easiest way to stop rebellion is to short-circuit the inevitable predecessor or rebellion, widespread hunger to the point of starvation. EBT/TANF took care of that. Internet access, and thus, access to cheap porn, and lots of it, took care of that, and so much more.
We have had a slow decline in the standard of living in America for forty years, and this drop was so skillfully managed as to be easily, constantly, adjusted to. New and much more effective prescription tranquilizers act as another circuit breaker on activities of all sorts.
THAT having been said, a truly effective revolution – in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way” – requires a new way of Thinking about things. “Reform” simply redefines ineffectiveness.
The Deep War – which, for the most part, has effectively demoralized us beyond effectiveness – can only be won by starting from a metapolitical perspective. In the case of the IRA, it was a devout religious belief that was at odds with the central government’s metaphysical foundations, and thus challenged the foundations of the government’s legitimacy to govern.
In the case of the Northwest Republic, it has the best chance, over time, with a Restatement of Christianity, along the social lines suggested by North’s theonomists, with a much more substantial Patriarchal foundation, which might have a great deal in common with a philosophy called COSMISM. Cosmism lends itself well to where Mankind is going; see the Cosmist Manifesto for more on this idea. As Covington noted, you can do amazing things with a religion. Look at the Orders of the Warhammer 40K universe, particularly the Orders Militant. I would extend that comment to simply add that a new Christianity could build over the burnt-over foundations of Institutional Christianity, creating a Living Foundation for the metapolitical foundation of the new nation.
Development from nation into nation-state is a matter of time, and intelligent effort.
I am not foreclosing any form of legitimate self-defense, particularly against the packs of opportunistic Raiders described by Ayn Rand as an organic development of the outworking of the Collapse Function applied to the social order.
I am saying that apple pie requires apples, and apples require apple trees. We must plant the seeds for them, and nurture them, very carefully. THAT is “phase specific,” indeed.
Covington has the Gift of Prophecy, which bears as its Shadow the Curse of Being Ignored. In this case, it’s because too many of us are not strong enough to stand in the bright Light he has shone before us. That is the Work of lifetimes. Adams in Stormont? Mcguiness shaking the hand of The Queen? Unthinkable, in the days of the Provos, save for the maddest of dreamers.
And yet…
Remember, Covington’s works of fictions bear in them, as works of pure fiction, a series of fictitious Plans, and Choices. He has written textbooks and cookbooks, but it requires the Inspired Discretion of Patriarchs (in Training!) to organize these, and achieve the greatest of Ends, the day our Posterity walks Among The Stars. (HT: Kevin Alfred Strom)
I deserved that. Mum’s the word – goes with Apple Pie. As Checkov used to say, Gott itt!
Of course, I’ll continue to rant but I’ll leave you out of it. Good points – imagine people starving but still having access to porn – what a unique scenario.
Many Tibetan refugees have joined the Indian Army – as paratroopers. Imagine them invading if China collapses – and young Tibetans just yawning in boredom and incomprehension. Tibetan Buddhist Robert Thurman says that Nature will defeat the Chinese – very high rate of miscarriage and infant mortality due to the elevation. But as you say, what if the Tibetans become Sinified?
Jaego in blockquote:
Addictions are supported by The Owners as a very safe, effective means of controlling the population. Porn can easily create a thirst that can not be slaked, but requires greater and greater amounts to have the same response it did when it was first used.
That ties it back to the failure of the Reformists. The Chinese have a multi-tiered strategy to control Tibet.
Porno is very demoralizing. You see fit, lithe, attractive bodies, and you look at your self, and your partner. Suddenly, the external standard – a manufactured Illusion – controls your mind, shapes your persona, and destroys your relationship with a real Companion.
Their demographic strategy is what wins First Prize. They have built the railway to Lhasa, and are importing Mongolians, giving the husky Mongolian men all of the local, well-paying jobs. All too often, women have the morality of water, and their Rationalization Hamsters don’t have to turn the Wheel very far to shift relationships around dramatically. The women of Tibet are seeking out the well-paid Mongolian men.
I suspect when the Tibetan Leadership-In-Exile speaks of the” genocide” of the Tibetan people (RACE), they are allowing one and all outside of themselves to see the military conquest. AMONG themselves, they use the term “genocide” in the same meaning Bob Whitaker’s people do, and rightfully so.
The possibility of “reform” is a demographic impossibility. The cancer has spread, and metastasized. You can not “reform” cancer. The old body is dead; it simply does not realize it yet.
The need for a new body is obvious, even to the willfully oblivious.
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