Author: Michael O'Meara
3,164 words
Reprinted in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising.
‘But where can we draw water,’
Said Pearse to Connolly,
‘When all the wells are parched away?
O plain as plain can be
There’s nothing but our own red blood
Can make a right Rose Tree.’
—W. B. Yeats -
2,392 words
Corrected October 30, 2011; this is a review of the French edition.
A propos:
Dominique Venner.
Le choc de l’Histoire. Religion, mémoire, identité.
Versailles: Via Romana, 2011.“The future belongs to those with the longest memory.” — Nietzsche
Conservative thinking, Karl Mannheim notes, is essentially historical thinking (more…)
June 6, 2015 Michael O'Meara
Trzecia Teoria Polityczna
English original here
„Trzecią teorią polityczną” (w dalszej części artykułu określaną skrótem 3TP) Aleksander Dugin, w swojej „Czwartej Teorii Politycznej” nazywa faszyzm i narodowy socjalizm [1].
Według Dugina, narodowosocjalistyczne Niemcy i faszystowskie Włochy zostały nie tylko militarnie, ale również ideologicznie pokonane w II Europejskiej Wojnie Domowej (1939-45) – stały się ofiarami „morderstwa” lub być może „samobójstwa”. (more…)
October 2, 2014 Michael O'Meara
La Tercera Teoría Política
English original here
“Marcharemos para luchar por la Santa Rusia /
Y derramaremos nuestra sangre como un solo hombre por ella”
— Canción del Ejército Blanco.La “Tercera Teoría Política” (3ªTP) es lo que Alexander Dugin, en “The Fourth Political Theory” (2012), llama Fascismo y Nacionalsocialismo [1].
June 29, 2014 Michael O'Meara
Evolův antisemitismus
English original here
V době, kdy jeden z předních kritiků židoliberální civilizace Julius Evola formoval svou rasovou teorii – tedy ve 30. letech 20. století – byly nejrozšířenější inspirací pro antisemitské myšlenkové proudy Protokoly sionských mudrců.
Protokoly byly – údajně z tajné lóže odcizeným – záznamem 24 tajných setkání vůdců mezinárodního Židovstva, na nichž se pokoušeli vypracovat plán na ovládnutí světa. (more…)
October 18, 2013 Michael O'Meara
Now In Stock!
New Culture, New Right:
Anti-Liberalism in Postmodern EuropeSecond, Expanded Edition
London: Arktos, 2013
288 pagesNew Culture, New Right is the first English-language study of the identitarian movements presently reshaping the contours of European politics. (more…)
US hegemony may be approaching its end. Once the world refuses to acknowledge the imperial authority of its humanitarian missiles, and thus stops paying tribute to its predatory model of the universe (more…)
The empty-suit occupying the cockpit of American power has just suffered a massive defeat in the courts of international and domestic opinion.
2,157 words
A propos of Dominique Venner
Un Samouraï d’Occident: Le Bréviaire des insoumis
Paris: PGDR, 2013In his commentaries on the Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar claimed the ancient Celts were ruled by two principles: to fight well and to speak well. By this standard, the now famous essayist, historian, and former insurgent, Dominique Venner, who frequently identified with his Gallic ancestors, was the epitome of Caesar’s Celt—for with arms and eloquence, he fought a life-long war against the enemies of Europe. (more…)
“For us there is but one crime: to be untrue to ourselves.”
— Francis Parker Yockey, 1953
A propos of . . .
Dominique Venner
Frontier Pistols and Revolvers
Edison, N.J.: Chartwell Books, 1996Dominique Venner
Le coeur rebelle
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1994Of the 50 or so books written by the now world-famous Dominique Venner, Frontier Pistols and Revolvers is the sole one to have been translated into English. (more…)
“We will march to fight for Holy Russia/
And spill as one our blood for her.”
—White Army songThe “Third Political Theory” (3PT) is what Alexander Dugin, in The Fourth Political Theory (2012), calls Fascism and National Socialism.[1]