The Left, the media, and the political establishment (but I repeat myself) are blaming the ongoing race riots in the UK on the “far Right.” This is largely untrue. I know quite a bit about the far Right. I am a fairly prominent American White Nationalist. Indeed, I wrote The White Nationalist Manifesto. I am also fairly well-networked in the White Nationalist scene around the world, including the UK. Nobody was more taken by surprise by the recent events in the UK than far Rightists like me, including all my far-Right friends in the UK.
Frankly, the UK is the last place I expected this to happen, behind even Germany. There’s a reason why Great Britain is widely referred to in movement circles as “Cuck Isle.” Despite the heroic efforts of British nationalists, the UK has some of the most totalitarian Leftists, supine conservatives, and dispirited ordinary white people in the world.
So once the protests and riots kicked off, I started asking my friends in the UK (who are also extremely well-networked) if they knew who was behind them. To a man (and woman), they did not know. They had speculations, which they were willing to share. But soon it became apparent that they are just as in the dark as I am. If they are in the dark, then it goes without saying that the establishment doesn’t have a clue either.
Thus, the most plausible explanation is that these protests are spontaneous, grass-roots, and viral. They are very much like the Yellow Vests in France, which took the French far Right by surprise as well.
Just at a glance, the protests don’t have the marks of organization. For instance, men who should be wearing masks aren’t. Protesters are also sharing footage and photos of one another’s faces. The fact that people are engaged in apparently random vandalism and looting doesn’t indicate a clear sense of mission. Beyond that, the protesters are making no real demands.
Technocrats have a prejudice towards “top-down” explanations of everything. So do the elitist and conspiracy-minded dissidents who think like technocrats (and often work as their press agents by puffing up the technocrats’ power and prescience to God-like levels). They believe these protests are happening because someone—or a select few—somewhere made them happen.
As a populist, I think that is naïve. Spontaneous, organic populist protests do happen. They happen because: (1) widely scattered people can draw the same conclusions as we do from the same data, and (2) to the extent that we have any influence at all, it is because our memes have now saturated the popular mind. In such a situation, all a spontaneous protest movement needs is a spark, and given the nature of multiculturalism, sparks are in plentiful supply.
First, there was the butchery of three little girls and the wounding of several more, plus two adults, by a second-generation non-white immigrant. Although it was a monstrous crime, it might have ended with candlelight vigils, heaps of flowers and teddy bears, and tearful parents telling the world not to make this about race.
But the media and political system covered up the identity of the assailant (which usually indicates a nonwhite). This allowed rumors and disinformation to circulate. This led to protests outside a mosque, which may not have happened if the establishment made it clear right away that—in this case at least—the child-stabber was not a Muslim. The protest got heated when someone brandished a knife, and the crowd naturally assumed it was another stabby Muslim.
But it might have ended there as well, were it not for fresh provocations from Muslims and Leftists. Armed mobs of Muslims started roaming the streets, attacking random whites, while Muslims online promoted hate propaganda against whites. Prime Minister Keir Starmer addressed the nation, blamed the protest on “far-Right thugs,” threatened a hard totalitarian crackdown on free speech and assembly, and said nothing about the decades of legitimate grievances that white Britons have against the government and the non-white “communities” that it coddles. Leftists in the media took up Starmer’s message, pouring contempt on white Britons, fawning over non-whites, and demanding censorship and crackdowns. Nick Lowles, head of the odious organization Hope Not Hate, spread wild misinformation when he tweeted that Muslim women were being attacked with acid, and not by their husbands this time, but by those “far-Right thugs.”
It was astonishingly stupid and self-defeating, immediately galvanizing spontaneous white working-class protests around the country. Since the provocations are now coming from two groups who seem genuinely incapable of self-reflection and self-control—namely Muslims and the Left—it seems unlikely that the protests will die down any time soon.
Indeed, because the enemy is doubling down on their provocations, the only rational response from the protesters is to double-down as well. The only chance they have is to escalate, for the more people who protest, the less chance that any particular protester will be harmed by the system. Beyond that, the more people who protest, the more likely the regime will take a knee and placate them.
Already, there are signs that the protests are working. Donna Jones, the UK’s most senior police commissioner, released a statement that the underlying cause of the unrest is uncontrolled illegal immigration and failure to uphold British values. She also argued that the government needs to address the causes of discontent rather than simply repress the symptoms.
Nigel Farage also released a statement arguing that both legal and illegal immigration are to blame and affirmed that Britian does have a two-tier policing problem, wherein white discontent is repressed and non-white discontent is coddled.
Millions of white Britons are sick of the present situation. If they make their voices heard, and soon, they will get more and more concessions.
A Machiavellian like Tony Blair would have given the protesters a way to retreat. The bumbling ideologue Starmer has backed them into a corner. Now they must fight.
Imagine if the January 6th protesters were told what awaited them before the protest. Most of them would have stayed home. Imagine, however, if they were told what awaited them in the middle of the protest, when they couldn’t back out. Obviously, that would give them every incentive to make it into an actual insurrection. This, in effect, is the incentive that Starmer’s threats have created.
Our Message
What should be our movement’s message on these protests?
First, we don’t deserve any credit for organizing them. These are not our people. These are not, for instance, members of Patriotic Alternative. I seriously doubt that these protesters follow Morgoth, Millennial Woes, or Edward Dutton either.
Second, we may not deserve any credit for inspiring these protests. After all, everyone sees the downsides of multiculturalism and can draw their own conclusions. At best, some of our memes might have gotten through.
Third, if our movement had organized or inspired these protests, they would have happened very differently, since we don’t advocate violence. And, of course, if people had listened to our movement years ago, none of this unrest would be happening. After all, there would be no racial unrest in the UK if the UK were a monoracial society.
Fourth, we should not be disavowing these protests just because they aren’t unfolding as we would prefer. The cause is, after all, just. There are bound to be mistakes and growing pains. If the UK establishment wants the opposition to stop throwing rocks, maybe they shouldn’t have imprisoned people like Sam Melia for putting up stickers. If there are some things we can’t condone, at least we can say that we understand. Or we could just shut up. Since the last thing these protests need is de-escalation, I will say nothing that might de-escalate them. But I do have some constructive advice later on.
Fifth, to those on the Right whose first instincts are to disavow and denigrate these protests, I must ask: What did you think this was going to look like? Did you think this was all an online game? Did you have the hubris to think that history would unfold according to your preferences?
Sixth, we must put the blame where it belongs: on the multicultural policies imposed by the British elites. Multiculturalism is an inherently violent ideology. Diversity increases alienation, resource competition, distrust, resentment, and violence. Moreover, the establishment has routinely covered up heinous multicultural violence against whites, including the mass rape of British girls by foreigners. The British establishment is not actually trying to foster many races and cultures, which is what multiculturalism sounds like. Instead, it is working to replace the white race and white culture with non-white peoples and cultures. There is systematic anti-white discrimination on all levels of the British system, not just “two tier” policing.
Did these fools think they could get away with this forever? A backlash was inevitable.
Seventh, as far as I am concerned, none of the protesters should be held responsible, even for violence and looting. They have been put in an intolerable situation. They have been betrayed. They have been lied to. And they are fighting back the only way they know how. All blame must be placed on the multicultural system, not its white British victims. In main, the protesters deserve the gratitude of the nation, plus a blanket amnesty for any regrettable blunders and excesses. Since the government’s policies made these protests inevitable, the government should make good all property losses.
Finally, since the establishment is determined to blame the UK’s “far Right” rather than themselves, actual British far-Right groups, activists, and commentators should probably sit this one out. Even if you try to prevail upon the protesters to take a less violent and more effective path, no good deed will go unpunished. Let your friends in freer countries dispense advice and encouragement for you.
This is my advice to the protesters.
First and foremost, avoid loss of life. Don’t be sparing of your own lives but be very careful not to kill your enemies. When the first migrant hotel goes up in flames with people inside, that will be the end of your movement. It is the height of folly to target innocent people, especially when there are so many guilty ones. It is good that there are so few guns in Britain. In America, we could not have gone on this long without gunfire.
Second, you should adapt the “Color Revolution” model for your protest campaign. You can read about it here in Patrick LeBrun’s series “The Color Revolution Cook Book.” You should particularly include calls for mass strikes and economic boycotts.
Third, you need to make demands. Here are some suggestions:
- Stop the boats tomorrow and repatriate all recent arrivals. Don’t let the regime fob you off with claims that they are bound by international treaties. Covid showed us what they are capable of when they declare an emergency. This is an emergency.
- End two-tier policing. In 2020, Keir Starmer and countless British police took a knee to placate BLM rioters. Until Starmer and the British police kneel to placate white Britons, two-tier justice will be undeniable.
- Stop all non-white immigration and institute a voluntary repatriation program.
- End multiculturalism by declaring that the UK is the homeland of the original white peoples of the Islands (English, Scots, Welsh, Irish), that their cultures are normative, that any outsiders must accept that, and that the British peoples will not be replaced in their own homeland.
- Amnesty for the protesters and an acknowledgement that the system and its policies are to blame.
Finally, don’t de-escalate. Don’t lose momentum. The only way to prevent the system from crushing you is to make the protests so big that they can’t arrest everyone. The larger the crowds, the safer any individual will be. There is no way out but through. There is no way through but together.
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Sympathies to the native English. I don’t disavow, I understand.
Reminds me of the two left wing parties enraged on campus here re Israel and Gaza. These were far from being organic but they were entertaining to watch. To see the Gaza side make some outrageous demands was hilarious. The Brits have a real opportunity for some change if they can play this right. It’s not like minorities are much of a sympathetic victim there. Trouble is all the minority leadership is loath to admit the failure of multiculturalism and how they really don’t belong. They need to remain nonviolent as possible and allow the minority gangs to stand out. I’m curious to see how it shakes out.
I hope that your prediction of further action is correct, although I remain skeptical.
God be with these brassed off protestors.
Horses for courses but I am proud of them.
“When the first migrant hotel goes up in flames with people inside, that will be the end of your movement.”
I fear it’s only a matter of time before agents of the ZOG state do something like this as a false flag to bring the hammer down on these protests/the movement in general
What ‘the Racial Right’ should be doing is constructing the justifications for such an event.
What we need to feed to the protesters is the idea that Whites have been casualties of a race-war against Whites. No White need care about non-White causalities.
A race war is going to have causalities. It’s time those casualties were non-White.
They certainly aren’t going to self deport or stop coming if we keep treating them with kid gloves.
We cannot lose focus on our goal of reclaiming Our Homelands from Evropa to Australia, total & complete remigration, bring those traitors responsible for this invasion to justice. During the fog of war shit happens because there is chaos, however, nothing can deter from our goal.
The ones responsible for this invasion is every member of our congress, representatives, government in general, that did and said nothing. It still an ongoing problem and will be until all immigration is stopped. Legal and illegal.
New Labour and Blair, is the genesis of all we are being force fed and ultimately are being subjected to right now. If that loathsome abortion was delivered as a result of 18 years of Conservatism being ushered in 1997 was the political future, then I was going to be the opposite. The incoherence that followed Herr Blair’s success was never fully understood or given substantial scrutiny. As soon as they could express such a sentiment they didn’t hesitate, an insidious cultural assault became clear from Andrew Naether when he spouted Blair’s government would “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”
The elite have been fomenting death and division for decades and the reality oscillated between the two to abuse and confuse the public and that suited the parasite class for a long time. This week they have succeeded. Both objectives appeared and were executed simultaneously. We are at an unique stage in history. When the iron curtain evaporated in 1989 pretty much overnight it delivered a decade or so of a unity in the West, seemingly. Defeating the biggest foe in a bi-polar world, wasn’t enough, though. This is the macro result.
It delivered the catalyst for modern politicians. As Goethe says “misunderstanding and neglect [of fact] create more confusion in this world than trickery and malice”. This is very significant. Significant because, the lack of facts and clarity from the authorities in the aftermath of children being slaughtered is exactly a tactic of confusion when withholding information to discourage people in the local community from asking questions. The information vacuum managed by the ruling elite fails to comprehend the stress and focus of life. Most people with a job or jobs, a husband or wife and kids or dependents in some shape or form, understand this intuitively. Not, it seems, modern politicians.
The parasites that rule over us are disconnected. So disconnected that they do not inhabit the same reality that we do. Our reality; babies are being stabbed to death. Elite reality is thus; the far right are a threat to democracy and social cohesion. They expect us to conform in an entirely different way. They assume the extremes. Anything ranging from a ‘quiet word’ all the way through to police in full riot gear, except of course if you are Muslim – then you get a free pass and amnesty from prosecution. They assume it means varying forms of applying the whip to exact conformity.
These bastards cannot comprehend anyone having different values, passions and priorities that are alien to them. Be it, insisting that a man with a cock is a man or that the countryside is racist. These are literally the ideologies that we have been presented by these lunatics. This makes no sense and appeals to no one but themselves. In any other walk of life it would be ignored or mocked.
Things do not fit universally. The French revolution was the end of Europe as we know it today. Equality is an unachievable ideology. You cannot scale up or down in any meaningful sense that which is the solution for a particular community in place and time. The parasitical elite are trying to ensure that their ideology of everything provides the solution (not for us) for them. It’s unworkable, unachievable and most importantly ungovernable.
The managerial class are obsessed with implementing their dogma. They have no sense of self awareness nor limitations of their actions. These maniacs (when they are not destroying UK society or facilitating the murder of innocents) actually believe they can defeat death. This is how deranged they have become. The end of society, community and nations – one world government with soma induced deracinated, demoralised and atomized individuals controlled by people who want to experience the ‘singularity’. They are fucking nuts. Anyone who dismisses the third world savagery on our streets and then instantly proclaims safety for the Muslim community and mosques given the reality of 3 slain babies; is fucking nuts.
Violent, tribal communities with low IQ is not the foundation of a sound society and everyone with any notion of altruism towards their own race knows this. That’s why people are against this, the ruling class have installed generations of uncertainty, thuggery, rape and murder. Britain is (still is, just) a patchwork of beautiful countryside, coastline, dialects, counties, eclectic eccentricities and a true union of kingdoms. It’s ancient, special and utterly unique. Not perfect, but nothing is. However we have an over representation of self loathing white people and ethnics whose ideology is the new religion and they will not move an inch on this despite taking towns, cities, land, lives, virginity and security from a whole generation. They are obsessed with conquering the human condition (to live forever, uploaded to a digital hellscape). All of what confronts us now as Britons is being inflicted upon us by people who simply refuse to leave us alone. They are never satisfied, even in relatively peaceful times, immediately after the fall of the Berlin wall. They have no right to stress, insult, agitate and demoralise us – no such version in a so-called democracy exists for them to implement. There is no justification for the barbarity being inflicted upon us, yet, this is exactly where we find ourselves.
Blair is the perfectly loathsome focal point of this outrage, from all sides, left and right. Sure he was Labour, but basically a carbuncle on the ass of the Neocon Bush, who aided him in the myriad slaughters in the Middle East and the bombing of innocent Muslims. Some leftist. Neoliberal centrist globalists are the Great Evil – time for both the left and right to gobble them up and divide their resources amongst themselves.
Focus in individual felons is ineffective. In order for it work, someone like Blair would need to feel shame for their actions and terror at retribution. Blair (and the rest of the anti-White ruling class) will never feel the former emotion and can only be made to feel the latter by gaining power and using it.
The great mass of non-Whites in the West are soldiers in the anti-White army of the ruling class anti-Whites.
It’s not possible to wage war without ‘soldiers’ suffering casualties.
And we shouldn’t even try.
Blair is not a valid target because he’s an unreachable target.
But the curry vendor down the street is reachable.
I was falsely accused on another post of “seeing Jews everywhere”, whereas I only see them where they are, and unfortunately in many places where they shouldn’t be in a healthy society.
But you are amusing with your ” elites ” (which elites? Better say kakistocracies)… Who were the enablers of the hated Tony Blair?
And the disgusting Starmer?
Corrupt politicians and parasitic aliens go hand in hand.
Elites, parasitical class, managerial class. Whomever, it’s collective term like woke, liberal and so on. It’s not meant to be a euphemism for Jews. If Soros, Mayorkas or any other high profile Jew does something then name them. I named Blair because it’s demonstrable the role he played. There are many others too, however the line starts from him and his office for this generation. Producing a stakeholder map for every influencer (above Blair, as you put it) as evidence for this shit show we are engulfed in is not something I’d produce for a post on CC. Neither do I know who they are, and if I did, don’t have the time nor energy.
Here is a good article which talks about the power behind Blair (Lord Levy) and the Jewish UK lobby in general.
Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to share this with me.
“You should particularly include calls for mass strikes and economic boycotts.”
There are some local authorities here in the UK that have a high proportion of people who “don’t belong”. These areas are struggling to get residents to pay their council tax. The local authorities quite often end up playing cat and mouse with non-payers; this can go on and on. I personally know one or two people on our wave length who’ve made a decision not to pay their council tax.
The only quibble I have is with this: “Since the government’s policies made these protests inevitable, the government should make good all property losses.” That means it would come from tax money. However, it would be more fitting if it came from the personal pocketbooks of the traitors (and of course their handlers) who enabled the immigration disaster.
Other than that, finally the Powers That Be are seeing what happens when they run constant destabilization strategies on a country they already control. That sort of thing doesn’t end well.
They can’t say they weren’t warned. As JFK put it, “Those who make peaceful you-know-what impossible will make violent you-know-what inevitable.”
Ca ira…
Well said, Beau. Not for the first time, you took the sentiment right out of my mouth.
But in addition to the traitors responsible being forced to pay for riot damages – something, however, I think highly unlikely until such time as Britain has been liberated after a true war of national liberation, at which point I think traitors will pay, and with more than their bank accounts – why shouldn’t there be assessed a per capita tax on immigrants alone, so that they can pay for the damages that their unwanted presence and, collectively speaking, vile behavior have incited?
I genuinely believe that imposing a tax on immigrants alone would have a better chance of Parliamentary enactment than getting the politicians to impose one on themselves.
What I’m envisioning is more ambitious than the current batch of crooks merely being pressured to penalize themselves. What I’d like to see is them removed from office, held accountable for what they’ve done, and divested of their fortunes. For the ones who are very lucky, eventually they’ll be released and maybe even permitted to become assistant managers at Wimpy’s or something.
A race war is part and parcel of living in a multicultural society.
Two can play that game.
“If the UK establishment wants the opposition to stop throwing rocks, maybe they shouldn’t have imprisoned people like Sam Melia for putting up stickers.”
There’s a picture going around showing a picture of him with a caption of him getting 24 months for putting up stickers. To the left of him another white guy who got a couple weeks for posting something offensive. The on the right the picture of a rapist who got community service.
I think Greg here threaded the needle not endorsing or encouraging violence but also point out, “what did you expect?” what with the UK government bending over backwards for “Asians” and all the more so with the scandal beneath contempt of the grooming gangs. The UK is more concerned about looking racist than going after rapists.
“They have been put in an intolerable situation.”
Yes. I think a lot of people don’t really appreciate this enough. In Britain the invasion caused crime and other intolerable aspects of life to shoot through the roof, yet whites have not been allowed to even speak openly about this. In America the Constitution is often violated, but the First Amendment still puts a brake on some threats to free speech. The British don’t have even this. Matthew Goodwin and others got the process started for a bill in Parliament to enforce free speech in universities, but I think this was recently thrown out.
The Powers That Be in Britain might end up forcing something like a 1381 Peasant’s Revolt onto the people. I’m sure that Starmer and his advisers don’t know enough history to understand this, and they are very lucky that such an uprising hasn’t really happened yet. The powers that a state has today, with widespread surveillance, policing abilities, etc., weren’t there in the 14th century obviously, but I don’t think the likes of Starmer can hang onto their lofty positions forever. Things might quiet down for a while, but more Britons can clearly understand the nature of their system now, and how it works relentlessly against them. And the constant browbeating against “the far right” might nudge some apolitical people in a rightward direction. The two-tier policing is real, and very easy to see.
In the early 1980’s in Poland, huge numbers of regular working people stood against the Communist government with “Solidarity.” Martial law tamped things down for a while, but the regime collapsed around 1989. In England there are aspects of class that are affecting what’s happening. A lot of the whites on the streets are from the working class, with some exceptions, and a lot of their harsher critics are from the middle and upper classes. Some people argue that lasting change can only result from a change in the group of “elites,” but I think the working-class aspect of this gives strength to the protests. If the protesters can broaden their composition, it might have an effect like in Poland, although the migrants will still be around.
As some commenters elsewhere have said, the establishment has basically created another situation of sectarian conflict. In this case, though, there’s the added element that it is completely different peoples in conflict, not just Catholic vs. Protestant, which was bad enough in how things played out. It took a long time for the violent conflict in northern Ireland to die down, and until recently when we saw a few Unionists and Republicans joining arms in Belfast, it hadn’t completely gone away.
Americans had better not think that they’re in a much better situation. Yes, they have guns, but what good has that done so far in stopping the creeping totalitarianism?
“Americans had better not think that they’re in a much better situation. Yes, they have guns, but what good has that done so far in stopping the creeping totalitarianism?”
I don’t really want to detract from your otherwise fine post, but this is a frequently-encountered Straw Man argument.
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is personal or household self-defense, and firearms are a big equalizer, capable of besting the strongest thug or even a small coterie of thugs until stronger regular forces can be brought to bear.
As the Western saying goes, “God did not make all men equal. Colonel Colt did.”
It is important to note that all or nearly all governments do and have allowed some level of self-defense, at least amongst citizens of equal rank.
Otherwise, governments always do monopolize force. The 2nd Amendment does not change this and was never intended to.
However, having an armed citizenry does allow a pool of citizen manpower to potentially be brought forward in case of insurrection or unrest, i.e., when the State either gets caught with its proverbial pants down or it has dropped the ball entirely.
Without a functioning State, it is “war of all against all ─ and life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
In the case that the State has ceased to function properly, citizens who have been permitted to own and bear arms can theoretically, AND WITH GOOD LEADERSHIP, step up to muster the ranks for a “well regulated militia” to alleviate this hopefully-temporary deficiency in statecraft.
In an extreme case where the State has utterly failed and has actually resorted to turning its own considerable force upon the citizenry, it is still possible for an armed citizenry to concertedly resist, and hopefully even to overthrow the regime.
However, there are not many successful examples of this ─ at least not without an external superpower arming, provisioning, and directly assisting the insurgents.
Such examples could be France assisting the Americans during the War of Independence, or the Soviet bloc arming and supporting the Viet Cong in Indochina. England supporting Spanish guerrillas against Napoleonic French occupiers. The American government either supporting or countering guerrillas in various banana republics, or the Allies during World War II arming partisans in places like the Philippines and the Balkans under Axis occupation.
I can hardly conceive of any scenario where a creeping Totalitarianism is resisted successfully by force alone.
That usually plays actually into the hands of catalyzing a decision ─ one where the offending regime likely has the superior force, if not the galvanization of will necessary to utterly crush its dissent.
However, if there is going to be unrest and revolt, why not make sure the figureheads of the regime bear a high personal cost directly from that chaos? Everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time ─ Kings, Emperors, Prime Ministers, their Bankers, and don’t forget their court peddlers of Hate. Why can’t shïtbirds like Mo Dees or Mark Potok, or the apparatchiks of LICRA and the ADL, be sued into oblivion if not lynched?
It’s playing with fire, and will likely fail, but after “a long train of abuses,” why not “water” the Tree of Liberty with the fresh blood of traitors?
No healthy state makes concessions to chimpanzees destroying police cars like buck-wild Negroes in a zoo. The important thing is, however, to make sure that the populace understands the stakes of the conflict ─ meaning that a decision is forced on the basis of successful propaganda, which necessarily puts everyone into one camp or the other. Much mischief will be forgotten and forgiven once a conflict finally becomes decisive. On the other hand, some people step on landmines through no fault of their own.
Withough the compelling propaganda, however, you just have crazy Bostonians at best who don’t like paying too much taxes for imported tea and like to LARP in Noble Savage costume ─ which either does or does not make a good story for future generations. LARPers like Dylan Roof and Thomas Matthew Crooks can show off destructively with “adult toys,” and thereby get some otherwise unwarranted attention.
But LARPers don’t lead movements.
Very good points, Scott. I do think that the U.S. Constitution still provides a sometimes effective stumbling block for those who are trying to take away freedoms. It’s frequently, shamelessly violated, but there are still recent cases in which Americans’ freedoms have been maintained and restored because of it. And I believe that the Constitution still provides a good model for a system that can be very successful with a population that mostly shares the same culture.
I think my main concern is with Americans who glance at what’s happening in Europe, are complacent because of their own guns, and think, “it’ll never happen here.”
On the other hand, when it does really “hit the fan” in America, gun owners on the right will be a real cause for concern for their enemies, especially with the possibility of a foreign power involved, as you described.
Thank you, Scott, for your interesting, valuable comments.
That’s an excellent point. I think far too many “patriotards” spout perfuctory nonsense about Liberty and muh gun collection. This does not make the gun ownership wrong. But it is not a replacement for the necessity of well-reasoned and courageous leadership either.
Both are needed, and especially the latter.
Islam’s relationship to the brown child-stabber is like our relations to White English people who object to children being stabbed. These protesters are not our people but we are on their side. The child-stabber was not a Muslim but Islam is on his side.
It is not really about Islam it is about race. Anyone who is not British or EuropeN needs to go back or go away. Simple as.
@Joe Gould
The child-stabber was not a Muslim but Islam is on his side.
Wrong !!
It can be rephrased as follows:
The non-White child-stabber was not a Muslim but the confrontation between White protesters and non-White Muslims created a false impression that non-White Muslims were on his side.
Our Christian clergy have betrayed us. They help bring in the murderous brown hordes, and then they demand we be “tolerant” in a situation where that is racial suicide.
We need some other moral foundation, and it won’t be coming from the universities, where Greg Johnson wouldn’t even be allowed in the door as a teacher.
If Islam was really a force of moral strength that could make our race healthier I think that in time it would have become popular with Whites. Many people have an almost physical need for religious and ritual support for their morality, and they won’t be getting that from Pope Who-am-I-to-judge?
IF Islam had been something that could be healthy for Whites. IF. But clearly it isn’t.
Historically Whites don’t flourish under Islam. That’s a warning that should be taken seriously.
Now we see a reason why that might be the case. We are being colonized, as Palestine was colonized by the Jews. This is our disaster. We know which side Judaism was on, and we can see which side Islam is on.
Islam is not a healthy option for Whites. Islam is not a source of firm moral foundations and strength, available to our race as to all other races. Islam pretends to be that, but Islam is not that.
Islam puffs up false and crooked moral confidence in brown thugs who are our most obvious non-White, violent, self-organized enemies. “Allah Akbar!” is the war cry of the nail-bombers and the child-stabbers and the child-rapists and those who are on their side.
The true conflict is racial and not religious. Islam is not the true enemy. Anti-Whites are the true enemy.
But Islam obviously has a side. Islam is on the side of the brown hordes against the Whites.
We cannot be friends with Islam on these terms and these are the terms Islam sets.
You can say anything you like but we can see the people screeching their hatred of Whites who want to defend White children from pollution and knife attacks, and a lot of these people are yelling “Allah Akbar!” It’s one of the war cries of the enemy.
@Joe Gould
1) Since when does Islam consist of whatever Muslims do?
There are Muslims who display rowdyism and thuggery, and, at the same time, there are those who act like grown-ups and behave themselves.
Therefore, either one must conclusively demonstrate that it is Islam and its doctrines that mandate Muslims to create mischief for others, or one should try a different, reasonable line of argument.
2) Islam puffs up false and crooked moral confidence in brown thugs who are our most obvious non-White, violent, self-organized enemies.
I am not White.
I am a Muslim.
Islam is the ultimate source of my morality.
Why don’t I experience that “crooked moral confidence” in me?
I support Whites seeking an honorable life for themselves and their progeny because of Islam not in spite of Islam.
3) There are already indigenous Europeans who adhere to Islam. Hence, it is a bit late in the day to argue that Islam is an exclusively brown phenomenon.
4) You can say anything you like but we can see the people screeching their hatred of Whites who want to defend White children from pollution and knife attacks…
Indeed, one should be severely condemned if he/she attacks or abuses those defending their hearth and children.
However, I don’t see how does kicking written copies of the Noble Qur’an serves the aforementioned purpose.
I respect you. You are straight, you live in your own country, and you ask for things that are clearly moral, like sympathy for Palestinians who are being genocided in their own land and respect for those who are fighting back.
What we are encountering and what we have to respond to is something else.
I have nothing else to say.
I have another argument even though I think the one I presented should be sufficient.
To save our race we will need spirited men, that is men of high spirits, of honor, and energy, and courage. Our race will not be saved entirely by spiritless, broken wretches yearning for an easy way out.
Will the spirited man, the man of valor and high spirits, readily agree to be a slave of the god of the brown brutes who are knifing, raping, and nail-bombing the children of his race? I don’t think so.
The claim that we only reject a god of our enemies out of stupidity and confusion is false.
There is a degree of spirited combativeness that we need, and men who have enough of this temperament will not accept submission on these terms. That’s not stupid. It can be made to sound stupid but it’s not. It’s necessary.
Thank you Greg for fully backing these protesters and not making bizarre claims that they are all being manipulated by Tommy Robinson/Israel like the idiot Nick Fuentes.
It’s clearly an organic phenomenon rising up in multiple locations with no central authority. I hope it continues for the rest of the summer!
Fuentes said he also believes it’s organic but that it’s being co-opted by Robinson & co., whose goal is to redirect the energy and make it an anti-Islam movement rather than a nativist one. I don’t know how true that is but that’s what he said.
There is some truth in This. Zionist agents like this Robinson can be used to derail a movement. But as usual, an isolated fact allows some nutjobs to see Zionists everywhere and demoralize the troops.
A much needed article. Thank you. I am confused, however, with this statement:
“actual British far-Right groups, activists, and commentators should probably sit this one out.”
To what end is the reasoning?
Why would the British far-Right groups not WANT to help their folk? These men (and women) most likely have the acumen to make the demands suggested, whereas the protesters are probably not skilled in negotiating. Why is this not the time for us to move forward? What are we waiting for?
Why not use the current momentum for all White Nationalist leaders to stand together as a strong coalition and make demands? We have great leaders on every White continent and in every European country.
The suffering British have brought forward momentum, why not use it for the good of all?
Good points.
Yes. We recruit by being of service to our people. This is a moment where leaders step in and make demands and show them that they are not alone. Great thinking.
Respectfully, I disagree. The role of the White racial vanguard should be to feed the justifications for violence to the protesters. Let the ruling class figure out what they have to do to ‘stop the violence’. Stop holding the hands of our enemies by giving them a ‘solution’, force them to use up ‘cpu cycles’ figuring out how to make things stop.
‘Making demands’ is a good way to transfer the raw physical energy of ‘protest’ into mere ‘dialog’.
The time for ‘dialog’ is long past.
Force our enemies to figure out what concessions are needed.
It’s not our job to be the ‘think tank’ for the ruling class.
It’s our job to be the ‘think tank’ of the protesters and give them the justifications they need to go on fighting
Hamburger, perhaps you can communicate with the boots on the ground folk and help them organize in the manner you explain. As a top commenter your experience could presumably help.
Will a group of knowledgeable WN Americans go to England to help our folk? Or are we just watching on the sidelines, bloviating for “the right time” of which will never come. NOW is the right time!
My points are for more White leaders (and others) to join the fight. How this is to be done is not my bailiwick, especially since I know very little about revolutions and war. (I like the idea of boycotts along with protesting. Cripple the invaders while our folk save money.) But sitting on the sidelines and commenting on articles without action is getting quite old and stupid.
I believe you and I are expressing something similar. Still, we are past the point of “respectfully disagreeing.” We need the minds and hearts of all the willing to be open to work as one cohesive unit to make a change.
Who cares how the job gets done? It’s immaterial at this point, just get the job done in the best way possible so we have our dignity and lands back, free of invaders!
Our disagreements must be quickly massaged for a unified force for freedom of ourselves as part of the White race.
The UK regime doesn’t seem to understand that they are facing a disorganized populist outburst of normies who were radicalized by life. If the regime is shaken to its core by them, they won’t be able to handle the actual ‘far right extremists’ and/or an organized response with strikes etc.
It will be interesting to see which side the armed forces will take. I have read that some police refused to arrest some of the protesters.
Attacking mosques, desecrating Mushafs, smashing headstones etc., were all utterly stupid acts.
Had these protests been directed by more sober and grown-up individuals, these self-goals, perhaps, would’ve been avoided.
As Vauquelin says:
“A race war is part and parcel of living in a multicultural society.
Two can play that game.”
The idea is to make you feel unwelcome, even terrified. You know, like Muslims do to Christians in the Middle East and Africa.
@Kilo 4/11
The idea is to make you feel unwelcome, even terrified. You know, like Muslims do to Christians in the Middle East and Africa.
I do not reside in Europe. Nor do I intend to expend my resources to reach its shores.
Thankfully, my feet are on my ancestral soil.
Secondly, notwithstanding its lack of depth, still, the reference to Middle East is nonsensical because the issue is ethnic/racial not religious.
Lastly, if you think vandalism will “terrify” your political adversaries and force them to pack up their bags, then, what can I say? Good luck with this “strategy”.
Not religious but ethnic/racial
Just a coincidence that the targets are Christian? Surely you don’t expect anyone to believe that.
“If you think vandalism will terrify your adversaries and force them to pack their bags”…
I am not proposing “vandalism”. What I propose would make my enemies (not “adversaries”) wish they only had to face vandalism. And if they don’t pack their bags they will at least learn to fear us and curtail their attacks. And if they continue attacking then so will we, and we outnumber them …
Muhammad Aryan (sounds like a contradiction, though there are still some tall, fair, good looking Persians) writes:
“Lastly, if you think vandalism will “terrify” your political adversaries and force them to pack up their bags, then, what can I say? Good luck with this “strategy”.”
I respond:
I see you included a typical off the cuff insult of our/my Germanic people saying
“Vandals, Vandalism” was being done to Islamic places, people in not so Merry Old England.
If you know true European history, you would know that the “Vandals” were a 5th Century Germanic tribe that had very good military success against the then corrupt, weak, Judeo X’tian Roman Empire (this was ~ 150 years before the start of Islam, but an alien, non White religion, cultural, cult)
The Vandals defeated the Romans in fair combat and went on to establish a Vandal Kingdom in North Africa and one can still see their genetic presents in (sadly) just a few fair skinned like eyed Berbers remaining in this area.
The ethnic slur “Vandals did this”, “Vandalism” it gets thrown up about as a racial, ethnic slur against our Germanic people, it’s used everywhere in the now English speaking world including here on the South Side of Chicago where all the “Vandalism” is done by Black African American “youths”.
Please recognize this error and try not to slander our/my people with lies like this or the 6 Million Gassed Innocent Jews Holocaust Hoax or that ridiculous J ethno centric story/fundamentalist myth from the J Old Testament Bible about the Parting of the Red Sea.
Thank you sir.
Very good post. Sober, thoughtful and well reasoned.
The British Isles, quite obviously, are not large, nor are any of the European countries, really. I have always felt that that actual Britons could just bum rush the police in instances like this and just hope that enough rank and file in the military would defect and stand up for those who rightly belong in England. Same applies to places like Sweden. Germany is a little different given the foreign occupation. Britain has Americans too, but it is different.
It seems grassroots to me. You can tell when something’s top down or instigated, because the predicate will be fake or ginned up greatly, as in George Floyd and the BLM riots. Not so in this case.
If you’re observant, though, you get the sense that there is an unrest among the uneducated classes in Britain about nonwhite immigration. Like remember that woman on the bus “somebody has to speak out” about the immigrants. But they’ve been silenced by establishment pressure, as those who do speak out are ruthlessly jailed. The crowd’s memory is short, sadly. I expect it to blow over.
Every crisis is an opportunity. I suggest that a sizable amount of “unrest” participants are right of center “normies”. They ought be embraced and respected as having their own perspectives, but they certainly seem like they have a few things in common.
It’s a giant wake up call to the progressive left. No one dares critique Muslims or Blacks because they fear beheading and rioting/looting. Maybe white citizens have been taking it on the chin a bit too long and are showing their mettle.
I accept the analysis but do not fully concur with the remedy.
I would deny that there are any ‘innocent people’ in a race war.
Just as every White suffers from the race-war against Whites, so every non-White gains from the race-war against Whites.
I also think that ‘making demands’ is a mistake.
History is replete with ‘protests’ that get side-tracked into ‘negotiations’ over ‘demands’ and lose all momentum, eventually being co-opted by the ruling class.
However it comes about, only terror is understood by the ruling class. Because they deploy it, it’s the only ‘language’ they understand.
Demand nothing.
Destroy that which you cannot control.
In the end, it is better for the White race to stand without non-Whites among the ruins of their civilization than to compromise with those who despise you for a few political crumbs.
This was a needed statement.
I would like to think that Patriotic Alternative has a great opportunity here. I do not know the local laws or the native customs, so I am reluctant to make any suggestions beyond the obvious: fixing the names of these political prisoners in the public consciousness.
Some of them may be unaware that they are political prisoners. It may also be that there is a future leader or two out of the hundreds now facing the power of an illegitimate regime. This is an internationl struggle. Would messages of support from outside the UK help?
It is a shame Bowden is not here to address all of this.
Fantastic article, Greg! Your message to not de-escalate is right on the money.
Fifth, to those on the Right whose first instincts are to disavow and denigrate these protests, I must ask: What did you think this was going to look like? Did you think this was all an online game? Did you have the hubris to think that history would unfold according to your preferences?
Amen! Conflict is inevitable and is coming sooner or later for all of us. I wish the White Britons victory in their struggle. Seeing the Union Jack and the Irish tricolor flying together in common cause is joyful to behold.
People must understand that the fall of the ‘neoliberal order’ is inevitable, must turn out in the streets without fear. It will be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as in the fall of the Eastern Bloc, the shattering of the veil of forty years of silence and terror. The English people will not stand for mass arrests of peaceful protesters, when the facts are plainly available. Let Starmer block Twitter and dig his own grave.
The British protests may be a case of Open Source Warfare. This is where numerous autonomous groups work together without a formal hierarchy. They instead use social media and amorphous networks to initiate actions towards common objectives ala swarm tactics.
The opening up of Twitter/X is a major factor in this networking.
There’s a transnational aspect here – Global Guerrillas and all that sort of thing. The worldwide anti-Covid lockdown protests are one example. Perhaps the British and Irish protesters can network with the Yellow Vests, Generation Identitarians, and even Trump folks (who can get people into the streets). Also need to look at the massive reaction against the Olympics pre-games clown show (said reaction being a manifestation of a wider antipathy against “wokeness”). Perhaps there is a transnational movement brewing.
John Robb pioneered the analysis of Open Source Warfare in his book, Brave New War. Might be worthwhile for C-C to present an article or three about all this.
Winston S. Churchill wrote a 6 vol. history of WW1 entitled , The World Crisis. This is what he said regarding cultural diversity in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the even of WW1 in Vol. 5, (1931) p. 21:
“Each race in the Dual Monarchy indulged its separatist tendencies to the full, and reviving ancient, even long-forgotten tongues, used them as weapons in ever-extending hostilities.
“Vain to assemble such contrary elements in an Empire Parliament house. Vain to suppose that the processes and amenities of English House of Commons procedure would afford expression to such bitter divergencies. Parliaments can only flourish while fundamentals are agreed or at least accepted by the great majority of all parties. In the Parliaments of the Hapsburgs bands of excited deputies sat and howled at each other by the hour in rival languages, accompanying their choruses with the ceaseless slamming of desks which eventually by a sudden crescendo swelled into a cannonade. All gave rein to hatred; and all have paid for its indulgence with blood and tears.”
This was published in 1931. Churchill well understood then, decades before the open borders immigration policy of post-WW2 Britain what would be the eventual outcome. Even so, he let it happened without a flicker of protest.
Sinope Cynic: August 7, 2024 Fuentes said… [“all non-Christians will be exterminated when my crew takes over]” I don’t know how true that is but that’s what he said.
Who cares whatever else the boy has to say?
That image of the cop and the muzzie is painfully brilliant.
Where the hell is King Charles? I mean I know he’s a figure head and has just recovered from some kind of cancer, but he has been out and about in recent months. I guess this is wishful thinking on my part, but I’d just love it if he could make a public statement saying something like: Upon reflection, I’ve come to the conclusion that this diversity project has been a gross mistake. I support a Commonwealth of nations, but that means everyone should stay in their own bloody nation. The time for repatriation has come.
But he seems more interested in his organic plants than he does with his own people.
When has the House of Windsor been of any use to the native British people in the last 75+ years? The sainted Queen Elizabeth II was a close chum of Nelson Mandela. The Windsors have ranged from saying nothing to allowing one of their princes to marry a mulatta. Worse than useless: emblematic of the collapse of England.
I know, I know. I was just hoping he had a bit of his father’s outspokeness. I mean at this stage of his life what does he have to lose? But maybe he is a complete boob and thinks he’s on the right side of history.
Regardless, it’s up to the people to say enough is enough and we’re not having this. I know deep down that this current bunch of royals are dim witted, out of touch Eurotrash.
Charles was the ass who made it a point to style himself “Defender of the Faiths“, as opposed to the traditional “Faith”. He did so to suck up to his “British” subjects of the Islamic faith, a religion he has repeatedly praised.
The plain oppressed people of the UK – especially England – have been abandoned and betrayed by ALL their major leadership (except for a few moderate populists and patriots like Farage). The main parties, the churches, all large corporations, all major media, the police, probably the military (though I’ve heard a few good things there, but perhaps it was all wishfulness …) – all have embraced diversity and shived the indigenous.
The oppressed must be their own liberators. The whole regime must be overthrown and reconstituted from the bottom up. All leading persons, in every institution, must be sacked, and their positions replaced by nationalists. Serious consideration should be given to ending the disloyal and parasitical monarchy as well.
If Prince William were canny, he would say some positive things about the oppressed indigenous and offer some ‘understanding’ of the rioters and their legitimate grievances, if only for his own future monarchical survival (though one hopes he would do so for England!). If he really had some guts, the kind that make history, he would put on a helmet and flak jacket, and go out in person to stand with the righteous rebels.
Where is King Charles? How about where is Taylor Swift? It was her little dance party that got stabbed up.
Time to sober up. Wishful thinking is not going to lead to King Charles making some sort of anti-diversity statement. No doubt many groups are urging him to start going on a tour condemning the protests and championing immigrants as new Britons. Charles being indisposed and delayed is nothing but good news, the best one could hope for. It is no accident when you consider the royals have plenty of public relations staff that can whip up a statement in 10 minutes and get a verbal “OK” to release it.
However, Taylor Swift merely said she’s “in shock“…. and a week later there is all sorts of speculation she is soon to endorse Kamala Harris (having endorsed Biden/Harris the last election).
I am not really in touch with current pop music, but I understand Taylor Swift is an influential singer. I heard just yesterday that her concerts in Austria were canceled due to some terror plots. I am not sure who is more anti-White, Swift or King Charles, but I wish someone with power and influence would speak up loud and clear on behalf of our interests as a race.
Does anyone know what the “when the Saxon began to hate” is originally referring to?
It’s a poem by Rudyard Kipling. I don’t know anything about the context in which it was written (the more learned folks around here will do I’m sure).
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
The poem is called “The Beginnings,” and in its original form, the word “English” rather than “Saxon” was used. My best guess is that someone on the Internet changed it to “Saxon.”
Good to know, thanks.
According to ye olde Wikipedia, the context was anti-German sentiment in Great Britain during WWI.
X: “Muslims with knives in their hands in Croydon, London are shouting Allah Akhbar. Where’s the police??”
Dear Allah,
We see your missionaries and we don’t like their sermons. We know what they want for our children; we see it in their hands.
Don’t bother sending smoother liars. You’re sprung.
Love, White people.
Hi Greg. You and I met in-person once.
I’d just like to point out that at least one lad from Patriotic Alternative was involved in the initial Southport flare-up, although they have publicly denied this. One (obviously former) member of National Action was there as well.
8% of Britain support the rioters and a further 1-in-3 people here share their grievances but don’t agree with the violence. What has happened is not surprising to me at all.
I would not be surprised in the slightest if it continued.
This could, of course, be disinformation. But thanks anyway.
Since I don’t live in a free country, I need to be careful what I say, but I can confirm that Greg is spot on when he says that the riots were a spontaneous outpouring of popular rage, aggravated by the secretiveness of the British establishment about the Southport monster’s antecedents. No-one was expecting what happened. The so-called “far right” (whether committed to democratic legality (as I am) or disdaining it) were no more expecting these riots than were the Police or the government. There is no organisation behind them, which makes them difficult to suppress (you can’t simply cut off the head of a hydra, as it has so many heads). On the other hand, they are likely simply to fizzle out with time. But England will not be the same after them. The fragility of our society has been thrown into stark relief and more bad things are bound to happen given the fault lines in our society. Like the Roman I have seen the River Tiber foaming with much blood . . .
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