Imagine a scenario: You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, and then suddenly, a stranger waltzes up to you and tweaks your nose. You are seized by righteous anger and start pursuing him. When you actually catch him, he has the gall to ask you why you are so angry and even theorizes that you’re not really angry at him, but that you’re angry at yourself and your own shortcomings as a person, shortcomings that you do indeed have seeing as how you’re a human being. (more…)
Tag: will
7,567 words
Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here
1. Introduction: Leibniz and the Completion of Metaphysics
Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von Leibniz (1646–1716) is one of the most extraordinary figures in the history of ideas. A true polymath, he was not only a philosopher but a physicist, historian, jurist, diplomat, inventor, and mathematician. (more…)
6,316 words
Gen. Turgidson: Now, wouldn’t that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?
Dr. Strangelove: Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race.
“Is ‘Short Time Preference’ Really Such a Problem?” by Eumaios, apart from its own considerable merits, was particularly interesting for me — and I suppose some of my Constant Readers — due to his reduplication of a number of the most characteristic formulations of the midcentury Barbadian mystic Neville. [1] (more…)
4,196 words
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
It is with relief that one turns to Neville’s biography; the bright Sun, soft breezes and blue ocean of the Caribbean replace the dark and soggy little Plymouth Brethren colony.[1]
Neville speaks of his father many times – itself a clue – but here is one of my favorites, and it includes much interesting material for our considerations:
March 5, 2018 Greg Johnson
Poznámky k nihilismu
English original here
Často se říká, že nihilismus je jednou z nejvýraznějších charakteristik naší moderní doby – co to ale vlastně nihilismus vůbec je? Nihilismus znamená cosi jako „smrt“ Boha, popření objektivního smyslu a hodnot, rozostření morálních kategorií a hierarchií, rozklad společného světa na individuální náhledy i společné kultury do subjektivních „osobních preferencí.“ (more…)
September 23, 2015 Greg Johnson
Notes sur le nihilisme
3,263 words
English original here
On dit souvent que le nihilisme est l’une des principales caractéristiques de l’âge moderne, mais qu’est-ce que le nihilisme ? Le nihilisme signifie quelque chose comme la « mort » de Dieu, la négation du sens et de la valeur objectifs, l’effacement des distinctions morales et des hiérarchies, la dissolution d’un monde commun en perspectives individuelles, et la dissolution d’une culture commune en « préférences données » subjectives. (more…)
February 17, 2015 Greg Johnson
Notas sobre el Nihilismo
3,318 words
English original here
Frecuentemente se dice que el nihilismo es una de las características de la era moderna pero, ¿qué es el nihilismo? El nihilismo significa algo así como la “muerte” de Dios, la negación del valor y del significado objetivo, la borradura de las distinciones morales y jerárquicas, la disolución de un mundo común a las perspectivas individuales, y la disolución de una cultura común a las “preferencias dadas” subjetivas. (more…)
3,009 words
Translations: French, Spanish, Czech
It is often said that nihilism is one of the leading characteristics of the modern age, but what is nihilism? Nihilism means something like the “death” of God, the denial of objective meaning and value, the erasure of moral distinctions and hierarchies, the dissolution of a common world into individual perspectives, and the dissolution of a common culture into subjective “given preferences.” (more…)