Greg Johnson, David Zsutty, and Angelo Plume (aka Pox Populi: Telegram, YouTube) convened on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss Tucker Carlson’s controversial interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, and also answered listener questions. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: Intermarium
Author’s Note: On October 15, I debated Mark Collett on the Ukraine war. My opening statement is here. After our opening statements, the format was to answer questions posed by the host/moderator Joel Davis. These are my answers to the first five questions. I appended my answer to the sixth and final question to my opening statement. (more…)
As I have written before, while it is an undeniable truth that NATO and even the European Union, which is much worse than NATO, is preferable to the Russian Federation due to the incontestable fact that pro-white organizations can operate more freely in the former than in the latter, my ideal scenario is Eastern Europe breaking away from NATO and forming its own military alliance with its headquarters in Warsaw, consisting of the following countries in no particular order: (more…)
Greg Johnson was joined by Beau Albrecht for an Ask Me Anything session on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
1,197 words
The following is a transcript prepared by Bryan Sawyer of Ruuben Kaalep’s speech at the Etnofutur VI conference in Tallinn, Estonia on February 23, 2022. It was written prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Mr. Kaalep is a politician with the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE).
The world is breaking apart. All systems are collapsing. (more…)
March 10, 2022 Morris van de Camp
Naše slečna v Kyjevě
English original here
Přinášíme rozhovor s ukrajinskou přispěvatelkou Counter-Currents Olenou Semenyakou. Olena se v současnosti nachází v Kyjevě na Ukrajině. Včera (6. března 2022) si udělala čas a poskytla mi rozhovor prostřednictvím e-mailu. Kromě opravy překlepů a drobných gramatických nedostatků není tento rozhovor editovaný. (more…)
2,247 words
Czech version here
Below is an interview with Ukrainian Counter-Currents contributor Olena Semenyaka, who is currently in Kyiv, Ukraine. She took the time yesterday (March 6, 2022) to do an interview with me via e-mail. Apart from correcting typos and minor lapses in grammar, this interview is unedited.
What is it like in Kyiv at this time? Food, water, electricity, and so on?
I am seizing an opportunity to give a short interview to you while there is a temporary slowdown of the military actions in Ukraine. (more…)
1,631 words
To understand Central and Eastern Europe as they are today, we must go back an entire century to the immediate aftermath of the First World War. As old empires collapsed, newly independent nations fought numerous conflicts for territory culminating in the Polish-Soviet War. (more…)
I have known Jaroslaw for a long time. He always impressed me as a highly erudite individual. We are both active in writing articles on the New Right and in various metapolitical organizations. We agreed to exchange interviews, so I will provide an interview for Szturm magazine and Jaroslaw for Reconquista. (more…)
2,928 words
At the end of summer, Ruuben Kaalep came to Hungary at the invitation of the Hungarian nationalist party Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland). Ruuben Kaalep is one of the main advocates for the Intermarium project, a political and geostrategic plan aiming to regroup the Baltic countries, the Visegrád 4, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovenia, Belarus, Moldova, and Romania, forming a kind of a triangle between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Adriatic Sea. (more…)
Greg Johnson joins Fróði Midjord on the latest Guide to Kulchur to talk about Kiev, since they both recently visited that city (although on separate occasions). They discuss their impressions of the country, the city, the political atmosphere, and the people in general, as well as the Intermarium concept for restructuring the Baltic region. They also look back at important changes in 2018 and discuss their plans for 2019. (more…)
Following up on Part I, which was a talk with the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, in this episode, Fróði Midjord is joined by the Ukrainian nationalist activist and intellectual Olena Semenyaka in the latest episode of Guide to Kulchur to discuss the ongoing crisis. (more…)
Editor’s Note:
This is the text of Ruuben Kaalep’s talk from the first Awakening Conference, which was held in Helsinki on April 8, 2018.
Our ancestors knew that we live within a myth. (more…)