Leaping into Delusion, Death, & Personal Destruction
The Price of Tolerating Transgenderism
Richard Parker
Soon after the Superman movie was released in 1978, a small boy named Charles Green, after having watched this film, convinced himself that he, too, could fly like Superman. After having attempted to fly by jumping off tables and whatnot, at one point he went to a window in the multi-story apartment building in which he and his family lived and, on the strength of this deluded belief, leapt out the window, falling to his death. Over the years, there have been several such instances, including this death in 2001.
It is unclear how often children entertain such an idea, and more particularly how many merely test the theory by jumping from a desk, table, a jungle gym at a school yard, and so on, where the inevitable fall is not fatal or serious. Doubtless many small children must imagine the possibility, only to be dutifully corrected by responsible, loving parents or family members. A child who tests the theory by jumping off a jungle gym arguably does not truly believe he can fly like Superman and, although limited by the reasoning and cognitive abilities of a child, correctly hedges his bets by making the attempt at a more or less safe height, where the cost of such folly is a scraped knee or at worst a broken bone.
Notwithstanding these caveats, the stories of children who, after having watched any of the Superman movies, jumped to their deaths on the ludicrous, deadly belief that they can fly are instructive as to the true nature of the transgender menace that has gripped society and more particularly instructive as to those adults, whether parents or teachers, who preach the tenets of transgender ideology to children, or to anyone. This is particularly so given that some parents have “transitioned” children as young as four, as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) materials have been leaked urging transition as young as three. Comparing and contrasting this “Superman delusion” with transgender ideology further informs just how tepid and inadequate mainstream establishment conservatism has been in response. By failing to call for absolute and uncompromising intolerance of the utter madness and delusion that it is, mainstream conservatism has failed to offer any meaningful resistance to this menace, as it always fails in relation to any topic of importance.
First, one must consider how closely the tenets of transgenderism resemble the deadly delusion that would compel children to leap to their death under the insane delusion they could fly like Superman. Despite the adamant insistence to the contrary by the advocates of this sick ideology, transgenderism is no less fantastical. Either belief should be regarded as no less insane than the ramblings of an acute paranoid schizophrenic who believes he is being hunted by agents who can physically leap through a television screen. No person can change sex or gender, and the consequences of being deluded into such an insane belief are as wide-ranging as they are disastrous, both for that individual who comes to identify as transgender and society at large.
All of this is self-evident, and yet mainstream conservative types hem and haw as they equivocate at the prospect of embracing a more enlightened position of uncompromising intolerance. Many such mealy-mouthed conservative types limit their opposition to transgenderism not as it relates to children and minors, but as it relates merely to the prospect of administering puberty blockers, mastectomies on young girls, and other horrid manifestations of so-called “gender affirming care” to children and minors. They balk at the prospect that child protective services should remove children from parents who inculcate their children with transgender ideology, even as our ideological enemies have no qualms about removing children from parents who seek to protect them from such harmful beliefs and ideas. And once someone turns 18, these people think such deluded individuals should have free rein to destroy their bodies by way of so-called “gender affirming care.”
First and foremost — among a wide range of horrible maladies and outcomes resulting from transgender delusion — is the astronomically high rate of suicide ideation and deaths by suicide. 41% has become an internet meme, signifying the suicide rate of so-called “transgender people,” with some reports indicating that the suicide ideation rate is higher. Advocates for transgenderism will insist this is because society does not accept their insane delusions. To the contrary, with very rare exceptions,[1] transgenderism is a craze, a social contagion that would be nearly non-existent if this ideology was not circulated in our cultural milieu, to the extent one can claim we have any culture at all. This is evidenced by how rare of a phenomenon transgenderism was before those advocating for it infected public discourse. The recent Cass Report has demonstrated that much of what has been touted about so-called transgender youth has very little basis in fact, as many countries have implemented important reforms scaling back such life ruination, although no governing authority has gone nearly far enough. In addition, there is also at least one study showing that the vast majority eventually desist from this delusion despite the social contagion or craze aspect that has given risen to such a sharp rise in young people entertaining it.
The high propensity for suicide is just the beginning of a wide range of life-ruining maladies that transgenderism inflicts on those who embrace it. So-called gender affirming care runs a gambit of assorted mutilations of the body and the genitals particularly. For women and young girls, these range from mastectomies to the surgical procedures that create a so-called neo-penis, known as phalloplasty and metoidioplasty. A so-called vaginoplasty for men is no less a horror. Euphemistically referred to as “complications,” the true horrors associated with these barbaric procedures are many and are well documented in trans-skeptical websites and media.
The Internet is rife with tales and accounts of “transgender people” being frustrated at the nearly universal rate of romantic or sexual rejection they invariably face from normal people. This nigh-universal rejection is an invariable consequence from what an abhorrent affront transgenderism is to human sexuality and, indeed, the mammalian essence. A transgender “woman” — i.e., a man pretending to be a woman — either has the penis and testicles he was born with, or a so-called neo-vagina. To any such person who even entertains such folly that a “transgender woman” is a woman for the purposes of sexual relations or otherwise, this harrowing account should offer a word of caution:
This account is in fact somewhat benign in comparison to even worse horror stories. The odor described as if it were from a “permanent case of bacterial vaginosis” is obviously the distinct smell of excrement that is often associated with the “neo-vagina,” hence its moniker as a “stink ditch” in Internet parlance.
Very simply put, straight men and lesbian or bisexual women want actual women, with a woman’s body and biology, including female pheromones, women’s breasts, woman’s hips, as well as a fully-functioning vagina and uterus. The simple juxtaposition of a Penthouse centerfold from back in the day, or any image of an attractive nude woman, with any image of a troon, especially one depicting what is between that individual’s legs, demonstrates this is irrefutably so.
Similar considerations apply to so-called female-to-male transgenders, or “pooners,” as they are known in Internet parlance. Whether endowed with the vagina that God or the universe gave them, or a “rot dog,” the same considerations apply. Gay men and heterosexual women alike desire other men — not women pretending to be men, but men — endowed with an actual functioning penis, the broader shoulders, generally greater height, and denser skeletal frame of a man, not women who have mutilated themselves with mastectomies and sparse beards that beget acne and ingrown hairs because the facial pores in women’s skin are not designed for facial hair, as well as a “bonus hole” or rot dog between their legs, among so many other grotesque horrors too numerous to enumerate fully.
These and other such life ruinations seem nearly as inevitable as the death or serious bodily injury that follows if one acts on the mistaken belief he can fly like Superman. So why do so many milquetoast, mainstream conservatives balk at the suggestion of acting on this assessment? Whereas no one would balk at the prospect of taking a child away from a parent who encouraged the deadly belief that his child could fly like Superman, few regard teaching children transgenderism as the child abuse it unquestionably is. Why do they not see that the deluded belief that one can change sex — or gender[2] — is very much the same sort of insane delusion?
Many of the horrors associated with transgenderism are immediately apparent, although there is a gradual timeline from the onset of this manic social contagion to when any such doomed soul crosses any number of the “points of no return” offered by so-called transgender care. Those points of no return include genital mutilation, mastectomies, removal of ovaries to destroy the female body’s ability to menstruate, and permanent damage from hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and puberty blockers, among other things. Images associated with these horrors should convince anyone to embrace a more enlightened view of intolerance and that authoritarian ethos that implores us to act on moral conviction when the political power to do so has been obtained.
Even so, the timeline between the onset of transgender delirium and that period when irreparable damage is done is a somewhat long, attenuated one, and thus different in that respect as compared to a child’s belief that he can fly. Similarly. the process by which a victim of transgenderism decides either to detransition as best one can in the face of irreversible bodily damage or commit suicide can be many years, whereas the time between the decision to jump out a window under the “Superman delusion,” and the most likely fatal consequence, is instantaneous. Stated another way, transgenderism has a delay of months or more likely years between the moment a body has been destroyed and the moment the victim has that epiphany that a terrible, life-ruining mistake has been made, whereas there is no delay between the injury and death and any such cognitive understanding thereof when an individual leaps to his death. This could be a big part of the problem as to why many confuse themselves on this matter, but it really should not be such an intellectual stumbling block for any clear-thinking person.
Just because there is a delay of months or years between embracing transgender lunacy and both reaping such a bitter harvest that invariably results and discerning such disaster correctly should in no way cloud anyone’s judgment on the peril that transgenderism — as an idea, such as it is — presents to the individual and society.
For illustrative purposes, let us liken the differences between the error of jumping out a window under the suicidal delusion that one can fly and the latent effect of the dire consequences of transgenderism with two poison pills or “candies”: the first pill, or “candy,” representing the Superman delusion, kills or seriously maims 100% of the time and does so more or less instantly; and the other, the “transgender” one, afflicts any person who consumes it with a suicide ideation rate of about 50% some time down the line, along with the parade of horrors listed above. No sane person would suggest that the first pill should be banned while the other should be tolerated, and yet this is precisely what we see on mainstream conservative platforms. The resolution and will — the will! — to take action against the second “candy” becomes even clearer when one merely considers that those monied interests which stand to profit off the consumption of such an insidious product are promoting it, as so-called transgender clinics and other rogue elements in the medical profession profit handsomely off propagating and peddling so-called “gender affirming care” and other services. By one account, the cost of a vaginoplasty costs between $45,000 and $65,000 for the “neo-penis” surgeries, on top of the wide range of costs associated with a lifetime of medical care to which any such person is condemned. This is, of course, on top of the well-financed LGBTQ Yuck lobby.
That so many mainstream conservatives allow themselves to be so confused is yet another indictment, another testament to their utter lack of fitness due to a lack of moral conviction as well as being so intellectually moribund. None but the worst sort of charlatan would deny that a parent who encouraged his child in the belief that he could fly would be guilty of child abuse and, in the event of death, possibly manslaughter. Parents have a custodial duty of care for children under their care. This creates an affirmative duty whereby any parents who fail to correct — not encourage, but simply fail to correct — a child deluded by such belief should similarly be held liable for child abuse, neglect, and even potentially manslaughter if that child indulges that belief for any period of time, and particularly so if that child acts on such a belief, resulting in injury or death. Conservative apologists might object to this analogy, as they oppose so-called gender affirming care for children and minors, but not the general propagation of such an insane and insidious ideology. Does the more precise analogy of encouraging children that they can fly, all while insisting that the decision to jump out a window must wait until one reaches the age of 18, really make that much of a difference? After all, while it is admittedly preposterous to suppose such a child would still entertain the Superman delusion until he was 18, the improved reasoning and cognitive abilities of young adults as compared to a five-year-old such as Charles Green do not always seem sufficient to protect them from the delusions of transgenderism. The deep delusion and irrational fervor of the cult of transgenderism is just that powerful, such that it has compelled a generation of zealots who have castrated themselves or otherwise mutilated their bodies and genitalia — a modern perversion and distortion of Origen of Alexandria.
Similarly, few of these hand-wringing mainstream conservatives would object to having parents who — in other contexts beside indoctrinating children with transgender nonsense — are found to have Munchausen by Proxy held either criminally liable if harm is done to a child or having child protective services intervene if this disorder is discovered before the child in question has been harmed. Why, then, in relation to parents exposing their children to transgender ideology, do these ineffectual pushovers hem and haw about whatever nonsense they tend to carry on about while looking for any excuse they can not to take a stand, whether it is the insistence that “people have rights” or whatever the case may be? Libertarians blathering on about the so-called “non-aggression principle” might be the most preposterous of all, and certainly the most offensive. Parents do not have the right to encourage the belief that a child can fly, and they similarly should not — and really do not — have the right to encourage the fantastical and life-ruining belief that a boy can become a girl and vice versa.
But how do we know? What moral authority informs us this is so? If it is not God or a higher power, what informs our moral conviction? The intellectual exercise likening the evils of transgender lunacy to a child who leaps to serious injury or death is elementary for anyone who not only possesses the faculties of reason, discernment, and discrimination, but also refuses to dull or soften either his moral conviction or his cognitive discernment with the sickness of moral relativism or other such pseudo-intellectual obfuscation. Contrary to the insistence that any moral conviction must come from God, or more accurately the Bible, appeals to religious conviction — or more aptly stated, religious dogma — have only been ineffective in the past, and have no sway with those correctly rooted in secularism, either from atheism, agnosticism, or simply a commitment to consider any matter of import with intellectual rigor and curiosity. Our faculties of reason and discernment inform us of that which is unequivocally harmful to the individual and society, from the evils of the transgender menace, to vices such as sports gambling, pornography, and the like.
We may not yet have the political power to act on these convictions, and may not for some time, if ever, but every problem starts with an intellectual understanding of the nature of that problem and the willingness — the will! — to take whatever action will remedy that problem when that opportunity presents itself. Equipping a critical mass of people with this intellectual framework and moral conviction begins by confronting and refuting this paralyzing moral and intellectual equivocation wherever it is found or uttered. Do not let cowards equivocate about what transgender ideology is or what it does. Do not let anyone suggest that it should be tolerated or countenanced in any way. Do not allow them to further disrupt that call for uncompromising intolerance.
Please see the author’s Substack, The Raven’s Call, which features additional writings from a hard-Right perspective.
[1] Abigail Shrier and others insist that bona fide gender dysphoria occurs in about one in 10,000 young boys. See generally Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. This author is skeptical, but in any case an aberration existing in one out of every 10,000 persons is no reason to change so many aspects of our daily lives, from the language we use, to public accommodations for restrooms, locker and dressing rooms, and the like.
[2] As this author has articulated before, the term “gender” is properly understood and defined as effectively synonymous with sex. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary of Historical Principles defines the word gender, in its most pertinent part, as follows: Gender n. LME. 3 The state of being male, female, or neuter; sex; the members of one or other sex. Now chiefly colloq. or euphem. LME b Sex as expressed by social or cultural distinctions. (emphasis added). Source: The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, 1993 edition, p. 1072.
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“…absolute and uncompromising intolerance…”
Conservatives must stop “haggling” over issues like this and simply refuse to buy.
I’m glad you took the time to write on this timely topic and uncompromisingly so.
This was a very thoughtful article, and I think the analogy is (mostly) a fair one. However, an important difference I see between the Superman delusion and transgenderism is that there is no support coming from the medical establishment for the former. I do have some sympathy for the parents of these troubled boys and girls.
Most parents have no expertise in medicine, and naively trust that the so-called experts in that field are, first and foremost, concerned with the safety and wellbeing of their children. They also that “the experts” wouldn’t dare act recklessly and suggest unproven or highly dubious treatments. But there is a long and tragic history of misguided treatments, including leaches, lobotomies, circumcisions, and the over prescription of dishonestly-marketed opioids.
I’m not going to be too harsh in judging a parent who listens to the advice of doctors when making medical decisions for their child. I don’t consider a parent who agrees to circumcise their son (which is genital mutilation), or a parent who agrees to give their child opioids prescribed by a doctor after a surgery, to be guilty of child abuse. Should they have known better? Certainly. But they didn’t know better, were only doing what the “experts” suggested, and would have made different decisions had they known the truth.
Parents whose children claim to be trans are told that they are putting their child in danger by not consenting to let them undergo “gender affirming care”. They are made to feel afraid that their child will harm or kill themselves if they don’t agree to do what the doctors say. Considering that these children often have severe mental illnesses besides their trans delusion, and are often suicidal, this is seen by the confused, terrified parents as a very real possibility.
My family is close friends with a family whose daughter is now called their “son”, and they have done the politically correct thing and “supported” the transition. Here is what happened:
Their daughter was suicidal and had mental health issues beginning in her pre-teen years. They sent her to therapy.
The daughter told the therapist about wanting to be a “boy” and the therapist encouraged this. The parents were never told.
Once she started high school, she began using a male name and male pronouns at school. All of her friends and teachers knew. The parents were never told.
Their daughter finally “came out “to her parents at 15 or 16. They were confused and alarmed at first, and weren’t immediately supportive of the “transition”
Their daughter began to cut herself and talk about suicide. She missed school, spent time in the psych ward, and was in therapy several times a week. The terrified parents made the mistake of listening to the experts, and ultimately decided to agree to put their daughter on testosterone, call her their son, and use the male name she picked.
There are countless stories like this, and some states are considering laws to take children from their parents if they refuse to play along with their kids’ delusions. The parents do deserve some of the blame for not knowing better, but a corrupt medical establishment, pharmaceutical industry, and spineless politicians are also culpable.
The psychiatrists, therapists, endocrinologists, surgeons, and drug companies that enable and profit off of these delusions have blood on their hands. To me, they’re the real criminals.
I think another aspect of this is modern parenting where parents give in to almost anything and everything the child wants. I see it in parents all the time. The kid doesn’t want to do homework, so they pull him out of any class with homework. A girl is scared to ride a bike, so they never teach her. A kid wants to tear up his book and break some pencils rather than doing his work, “but that’s okay”. My own wife, after listening to “the experts”, insists that we never force our kids to do or eat anything they don’t want. It’s all bunk, but it’s all the rage. It’s a result of the feminization of society.
A parent’s job is to give children what they need, even if it’s not what they want, and to teach them how they should act, even if it’s not what comes naturally – using force if necessary. A parent’s job is to make his kids eat healthy food and not let them eat cookies and chips all day. If you love your child, you should want the best for him, and the best comes from giving him what will bring long-term well-being, not immediate gratification.
Something tells me it’s the spoiled kids that are most susceptible to irrational craziness.
Irreversible Damage documents how it is a craze pretty much exclusively with well to do elite, white. Also Jewish but she is not explicit about that.
This article is also instructive, which I believe I included a link to.
You’re definitely on to something there. Ann Coulter wrote a good piece about the demographics of parents of transgender teens a few years ago, where she said that “All I needed to know about the transgender craze was that in a massive survey of the parents of transitioning teens, the parent-respondents were 92% female, 71% had a bachelor’s or graduate degree, 86% favored gay marriage and 91% were white.”
It’s White, educated, affluent, liberal moms who seem to be the ones who fall for this.
Or AWFL’s(affluent white female liberals) as they are called.
A parent’s job is to give children what they need, even if it’s not what they want, and to teach them how they should act, even if it’s not what comes naturally – using force if necessary.
This kind of drive for domineering behavior is a why no-one wants any ‘right wing’ solutions in their lives.
It’s also why ‘the right’ is 100% in emotional collaboration with ‘liberalism’.
To wit:
A ruling elite’s job is to give the Dirt People what they need, even if it’s not what they want, and to teach them how they should act, even if it’s not what comes naturally – using force if necessary.
Members of the Right are so busy indulging their petty sadisms, they make the arguments for the liberals for them.
‘Permissiveness’ isn’t the problem, not really. The problem is that Whites are not loved, not even by their own people. Both ‘the Right’ and ‘the Left’ are always looking for reasons to exercise their will to sadism on White people, especially White children.
We don’t need more domination, we need more affection.
Do you have children who are older than babies? Asking nicely is all well and good, but when the kids say “no”, what do you do? You can try to explain why it’s in their best interests to brush their teeth or eat their vegetables or do their homework or take a nap – and you should! – but most kids are highly resistant to logical explanations that don’t jive with how they feel in the moment. Perhaps you’ll threaten to take away some privileges, but kids will often choose immediate gratification at the price of future deprivation. Will you bribe them with treats or promises? That sets up a dynamic where they’ll expect to get paid to do things. And what if they don’t take the bribe? Sometimes there is a conflict of wills and only one can prevail. Who will it be? It should be the parent, assuming the demand is really in the child’s interest.
There’s no inherent conflict between force and affection, where using one precludes use of the other. I give most of the affection in my family and I also use force on rare occasions. It’s rare, like once or twice per year now, because they’ve learned.
Law is rules backed by force, and the government/citizen/law dynamic is closely analogous to the parent/child/household rules dynamic. Are you also opposed to law? Force and law can be just or unjust, fair or unfair. Abusive force is bad, but corrective force can be good.
I can contrast my approach to that of my wife. The kids don’t really listen to or respect her, because they know that if they’re stubborn she’ll always give in and the worst she’ll do is use words. They know she’s all bark and no bite and they act accordingly…
You call it ‘discipline’ but what you really mean is ‘punishment’. And ‘punishment’ and ‘affection’ do seem contradictory. The analogy to ‘law’ and ‘force’ is interesting as it exposes your argument to the reality of unjust laws and their relationship to unjust punishment.
Yes, and the (hopefully slim) possibility of unjust punishment does not preclude the utter necessity of just punishment. All civilization is organized around this principle.
There is no such thing as a Libertarian or Anarchist Paradise (apart from Fiction).
P.S. Although I disagree with excessively-permissive parenting, I wasn’t talking above about parenting here. That requires a completely different kind of discipline and is therefore a poor analogy with societal discipline and statecraft.
Well, it would likely be counter-productive to be affectionate at the same moment one is punishing a child, but punishment doesn’t preclude affection at other times.
“The analogy to ‘law’ and ‘force’ is interesting as it exposes your argument to the reality of unjust laws and their relationship to unjust punishment.”
Certainly parents can be unjust and abusive. Some parents are bad. But that doesn’t mean force is necessarily bad. And unlike the government which simply punishes, when faced with disobedience most parents go through a long sequence of gentle asking, explaining, telling, demanding, threatening, and finally some ultimate resolution of the conflict, whether that be giving in, bribing, or punishing. I think the problem is that many parents today give in, resulting in spoiled kids who always expect to get their way, or bribe them, resulting in irresponsible kids who expect to be paid to do things they should be doing as a matter of course. Both put the kids in charge and neither is conducive to maturing them into responsible adults.
Expectations and punishments should evolve with the child; an infant is too young to have duties or understand a spanking, and if you’re still spanking a 16-year-old something is wrong. Children should have gradually increasing mental abilities that justify gradually expanding freedom and responsibilities and rising expectations, ultimately culminating in them being a free, responsible, and capable adult. Those increasing mental abilities let you communicate and reason with them on a higher level, but there is a window of time when they’re young when reason and logic are mostly ineffective but force is highly effective, and in that window I think it’s a perfectly appropriate tool when used wisely.
Western civilization was built by adults who had endured at least the palpable threat of corporal punishment and it is being allowed to collapse by children, who haven’t. The inescapable reality of superior force is just an outdated patriarchal construct to the last generations of Europeans.
The problem is that Whites are not loved, not even by their own people.
Couldn’t agree more. I keep returning in my imagination to a world where White people cherish each other; where laughter, relaxation and well-being abound.
People who aren’t good dog owners don’t usually make good parents.
Progessional dog trainer Stonnie Dennis contends that people too often don’t make sufficient time for their dogs. No doubt this is also true too often for parents in regard to their children. As a dog owner, the main points are to make yourself an interesting person, and spend the (quality) time with the dog. Same surely holds for a child. A system of rewards and/or punishment are used only for a very brief time in a dog’s training. Same would be true with children. And on this last point, Stonnie says, if you opt for a system of reward, you’ll get others to support you and help you. But if you opt for punishment, you won’t get any help.
I guess Kristi Noem found that out.
Sounds like you might be in the wrong pub!
The profiteers will get theirs, sooner or later. When the kids grow up and realize what’s been done to them, it’s going to be the biggest lawsuit bonanza since asbestos, or maybe even more than that.
I believe that’s true and I look forward to it, but when I see all the beautiful children destroyed, I can’t help but feel that no fine could possibly be big enough.
(edit-this was intended as a replay to the Dave Chambers comment at 12:58, this response was posted on my phone).
I address that in this excerpt:
The resolution and will — the will! — to take action against the second “candy” becomes even clearer when one merely considers that those monied interests which stand to profit off the consumption of such an insidious product are promoting it, as so-called transgender clinics and other rogue elements in the medical profession profit handsomely off propagating and peddling so-called “gender affirming care” and other services. By one account, the cost of a vaginoplasty costs between $45,000 and $65,000 for the “neo-penis” surgeries, on top of the wide range of costs associated with a lifetime of medical care to which any such person is condemned. This is, of course, on top of the well-financed LGBTQ Yuck lobby.
Indeed, people do not make money out of instances like the Charles Green tragedy.
It seems to me the thing is to build resiliency in children. That surely begins with giving them our love and our time.
There’s an old proverb that goes, the best thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother. How do we know children don’t learn disrespect for their mother from their father?
As for the larger “civilizational” questions, I would have said the most remarkable thing about Adolf Hitler was that he loved the German people. There’s nothing worth salvaging of the NSDAP if he didn’t.
Decorated WW1 veteran and the last century’s greatest Classicist, Robert Graves, once said the most sustaining thing in his life was the knowledge that his mother loved him.
Who would have thought the proposition that White people should begin and end with love for themselves and each other would prove such a hard-to-grasp and revolutionary idea?
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