The delusion that one can “transition” to another gender has been a scourge on public sanity and a bitch-slap in the face of reality for what seems like forever. But it hasn’t been very long at all.
Transgenderism is based on the flawed idea that one can cleanly sever “sex” (a biological fact) from “gender” (a construct rooted in that biological fact) and toss it in the wastebasket like an unwanted appendage.
As silly as it is, the misconception that you were born with the wrong genitalia has gained the tyrannical force of unquestionable social truth. This never happened with “transracialism,” which is still rightly mocked, and the much lesser known “transableism,” where those afflicted feel tortured by having a limb that their brain tells them shouldn’t be there, so they wind up craving amputation to become their “real selves.”
When this whole rotten transgender charade started snowballing about 13 years ago and public pressure forced people to deny chromosomal reality, I referred to the phenomenon as “The Emperor’s New Body.” Saying “that’s a woman” or “that’s a man” doesn’t make it so, especially if you’re only saying it to cave to public pressure and avoid being fired or getting your eyeballs stabbed out by someone who’s gone hormonally haywire. The transgender delusion has been used as a form of mental hazing, of forcing people to bend his or her knee to what Theodore Dalrymple once referred to as “an obvious lie” in the service of building “a society of emasculated liars,” and it has swept through public discourse with a terrifying quickness.
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It seems as if I blinked one day around 2011 and suddenly all of our national institutions—the press, academia, government, and the corporate world—flipped the script and declared that anyone who questioned the warped idea that someone can board a chaperoned ferry in the gender-identity underworld and cross the River Sex was the reality-denying pervert, rather than the weirdo in the imaginary riverboat.
Although it will never be as heated as the issue of transgender children, the subject of trannies in the military became a hot topic again this week—specifically, the idea of shoving them all out of the US Armed Forces.
The fact that this is even an issue would have been inconceivable back in those golden years when men would sometimes dress as women to avoid military service. Back then, a man could be tagged as “mentally unfit for service” and get a Section 8 discharge for, among other things, wearing women’s clothes. The most famous pop-culture expression of this was Corporal Max Klinger in the TV sitcom M*A*S*H. Klinger tried (and failed) to get discharged based on the notion that any man who wore women’s clothes was crazy.
As recently as July 2012, toward the end of Obama’s first term, the Department of Defense still upheld a prior rule that potential military enlistees, appointees, and inductees should not have “[c]urrent or history of psychosexual conditions, including but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias.”
Despite the ban, a redhaired, freckle-faced biological male who’d been enlisted in the Army since 1993 but had left for the Reserves in 2012 to have gender-reassignment surgery was ordered back to active duty in 2013. Say “hello, dear” to Captain Sage Fox. “Sage” became the first “openly transgender person serving in the military,” but it lasted only two weeks until he was placed on inactive reserve.
In March 2015, yet again bucking the ban, a doctor in the Army Medical Corps gave himself a name change and had a sex change, reemerging as Major Jamie Lee Henry, snagging the dubious honor of becoming “the first active-duty service member to have a name change and gender change within the United States Armed Forces.”
In June of 2016, toward the end of Obama’s second term, the Department of Defense announced that “Transgender service members in the U.S. military can now openly serve their country without fear of retribution.”
But in April of 2019, the Trump Administration banned new applicants who’d received surgical sex changes from enlisting, as well as anyone who’d been diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” if they hadn’t demonstrated three years of “stability.” Members already in the military could continue to serve, but only under their “gender assigned at birth,” i.e., their real sex. Critics blasted the policy as the trans version of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy regarding gays in the military that had lasted from 1994-2011.
Then, only five days after his inauguration in January 2021, Joe Biden impudently overturned Trump’s ban, enabling such grotesqueries as the man born as Richard Levine, who’d changed his name to Dr. Rachel Levine, to openly and unashamedly rise to the level of a four-star admiral in the US Navy.
Now come murmurs that Trump, full of vim and vigor after his reelection, is promising to boot all trannies out of the military.
“Donald Trump ‘to kick transgender troops out of US military,’” blared Monday’s headline in The Times:
Donald Trump is planning an executive order that would lead to the removal of all transgender members of the US military, defence sources say.
The order could come on his first day back in the White House, January 20. There are believed to be about 15,000 active service personnel who are transgender. They would be medically discharged, which would determine that they were unfit to serve.
If those unnamed “defence sources” are correct, this would be a huge expansion from Trump’s 2019 policy, which forbade new transgender enlistees but allowed the gender-psychotic rainbow salamanders who had already slithered into the military to keep their jobs so long as they didn’t deny their biological sex.
I asked an unambiguously male former airman I know for his opinion on Trump’s rumored tranny purge:
This, combined with using the military for mass deportations, is very important because it will be our equivalent of a litmus test for a purge like COVID was for the left. You could not imagine the open insubordination, attitude, and resentment even in 2017 when I got out.
People were openly mocking or insulting Trump. Like, joking about him being blown up and his orange toupee being the only thing left.
The base newspaper did a whole thing fawning over this trans creature while of course passing over the nameless maintainers who are mostly white men fixing the planes in zero-degree weather with 30 MPH winds on the flight line.
Something like one-third of trans are veterans because they go in just to get their procedures for free while being allowed to do whatever. If Trump is smart and strong, he will offer discharges to anyone who wants to leave over this or the deportations just to purge them and send them on their merry way to the GI Bill, which is probably the only reason they signed up anyways. And set up a hotline for guys to report on insubordination, especially in the brass, where it will be an epidemic.
It all sounds good to me.
According to Monday’s article in The Times, though, this is only a rumored purge. At the article’s end, it trots out Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s newly appointed White House Press Secretary, to confirm that the rumor is unconfirmed:
These unnamed sources are speculating and have no idea what they are actually talking about. No decisions on this issue have been made. No policy should ever be deemed official unless it comes directly from President Trump or his authorized spokespeople.
Back on July 26, 2017, the idea of such a purge came not from unnamed “defence forces,” but directly from then-president Trump when he tweeted:
After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military…. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail…. Thank you.
They can’t serve “in any capacity.” Sounds like a full-blown purge. For whatever reason, Trump didn’t deliver on his promise the first time around. Let’s hope it happens.
I support a thorough detransitioning of the US Armed Forces. It’d be one small step for sanity, one giant leap for unambiguous mankind.
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They supposedly used to not take gay men, not just trans. In Iggy Pop’s “I Need More: The Stooges and Other Stories by Iggy Pop with Anne Wehrer,” he relates being inducted during Vietnam late 1966 and getting out by acting gay in an OTT fashion: when they ordered Pop and his fellow inductees to strip down to their underwear for a medical exam, he got naked and presented an “11 x 1 3/4 inch at an approximately 94-degree angle” erection and started crying and saying he was aroused by so many semi-naked men that he couldn’t help himself. So they got disgusted and rejected him from the draft and told him to leave and go home.
Note that the subtitle of Pop’s book says “stories” and who his coauthor is.
I mentioned the website in a previous post. It was in reference to the article “The Military recruitment problem is as plain as the nose on your face”. In that article is a text exchange between a high school student and an army recruiter. It doesn’t say what race the student is. I’m pretty sure he is white based on his response. He states at one point that he doesn’t want to serve with a trans mental case. At least some young people get it.
Rachel Levine is an admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, not the US Navy. The USPHSCC wears naval style uniforms, hence the confusion . This is why the US Surgeon “General”, titularly the head of USPHS, also wears a naval style uniform, instead of a military one.
At the rate the U.S. military is going, it wouldn’t surprise me if the navy has a transgender admiral in the not to distant future.
Agreed. When Trump announced his ban on transgender troops at the beginning of his first term, his Secretary of Defense, “Mad Dog” Mattis, the fearsome, macho-tough retired Marine general, as well as many active-duty generals & admirals, said it was wrong to “deny our fellow American citizens who ‘happen to be’ transgender the opportunity to serve their country,” but they did not officially oppose the ban, since that would be open mutiny.
Our generals & admirals are largely woke, utterly corrupt, & should be purged. In fact, our entire Global American Empire military establishment is so far gone in that direction I think it would be better to regard it as an enemy institution to be gradually infiltrated, subverted, & taken over by our side – a decades long project.
“Naval style” uniforms and titles like “Admiral” almost suggests a deliberate attempt to impersonate naval officers. Does anyone know why the Public Health Service is associated with the Navy, rather than say, the Marines or Coast Guard?
If I wore a “naval style” uniform and insisted on being called “Admiral” they’d lock me up (or would in the old days, who knows now, perhaps it’s one of my new “freedoms”), so looney Dr. Levine’s pretense seems quite appropriate.
I am reminded of Bush II’s Attorney General, John Ashcroft, who although presumably a law school graduate, thought that his title, rather than a law-French leftover from the Norman Conquest, (like estates general, voir dire, oyer et terminer, etc.), meant that he was a general, and he required his staff to address him as “General Ashcroft.”
Well, the Coast Guard and the Marine Corps are part of the Department of the Navy, in spite of people often pretending that the Marines are a separate branch of the Armed Forces like the U.S. Air Force is. The Marine Corps does not even provide its own chaplains and medics/corpsmen; the U.S. Navy provides those.
So the Marine Corps is no more a separate branch than the U.S. Army Signal Corps is (of which I was a part) or the former U.S. Army Air Corps (the Army Air Service at one time actually being part of the Army Signal Corps in fact).
The services also have various “auxiliaries,” like the Civil Air Patrol in the case of the Air Force. (I was a cadet officer in the CAP as a teenager. And “Seniors” (adults) in the CAP who were instructors and like scout masters for the cadets, were sworn in as commissioned officers in the USAF and wore their rank.
Anyway, I don’t really know why the U.S. Public Health Commissioned Corps uses naval uniforms and commissioned ranks over the Army, but it probably has to do with tradition in that the Founding Fathers were historically wary of standing armies.
Although Federalists like Colonel/General Alexander Hamilton and President John Adams believed in nationalism and isolation, or peace through strength, Democratic-Republicans like Marse Jefferson believed that you could just buy territory instead of fight for it ─ and if sailors and citizens were being impressed and even enslaved by foreign sea powers, you could avoid war with trade embargoes. Both views have merit but the War of 1812 came just the same.
In practice, it was easier to neglect a professional Army unlike the Navy, because while the United States of America had overseas interests, and some trade routes to protect, it was fairly easy to defend the continent even with a small professional Navy, and it was rarely necessary to actually raise an actual Army other than some state militias.
Furthermore, naval infantry (i.e., the Marine Corps) have always had the role of guarding overseas embassies (maybe not doing so great a job at Teheran in 1979 with Mr. Peanut in charge).
So that is my theory as to why various auxillaries like Public Health Commissioned Corps followed naval traditions rather than any other branch of the service. The same is true of the civilian (1958) space agency, NASA. Almost all astronauts have either been from the Navy (including the USMC) or the U.S. Air Force.
When the U.S. Department of Defense was created in 1947, it gifted nearly all Army aviation assets to the new U.S. Air Force, and also specified that space exploration and travel would be handled by the U.S. Navy.
However, the Navy had very little experience (or success) with rockets unlike the U.S. Army. The Navy’s Vanguard space program speaks for itself.
Initially the U.S. Air Force was run by the so-called Bomber Mafia, but later became interested in rocketry for intercontinenal ballistic missiles (ICBMs). Notable was an ethnic German from Texas, Gen. Bernard Adolph Schriever, the father of the U.S. Air Force’s rocket program, which is why NASA’s Mission Control is in Houston today.
Very few American astronauts have been from the Army ─ in spite of the Army post-WWII developing modern rocketry with the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) at the Redstone arsenal in Alabama and the White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico. The poached German rocket engineers were taken to Fort Bliss, Texas after the war, such as Dr. Wernher von Braun, who designed the A4/V2 rocket at the Peenemünde testing station on the Baltic coast under the tutelage of Gen. Dr. Walter Dornberger of the German Army Artillery branch.
Gen. Dornberger was initially accused of War Crimes, but was also brought to the United States and worked for Bell Helicopter, which branched into Systems engineering and Aerospace, and helped develop things like the X-15 rocket plane and various aspects of the Apollo space program. My Dad and my Uncle were both aerospace engineers for Bell and Thiokol starting in the 1960s.
Anyway, I find the idea of transexuals wearing the U.S. uniform particularly revolting. In my day, homosexuals were not even allowed to join the Army, and if Negroes were caught by the fire guard doing something egregious in the communal shower, off they went with the Military Police, never to be seen again. Why mention “Negroes,” well Gay or Straight is a White concept, and the same with monogamy in general. Plus they have no problem lying to “the Man” about this and many other things.
Wilburn Sprayberry: November 29, 2024 Rachel Levine is an admiral… hence the confusion….
Confused? Not I. Rachel Levine is a Jew sexual freak and belongs in a sideshow somewhere or back in the closet from which it emerged as somehow “normal.”
You can “detransition” but you’re still maintaining the surgically inflicted horror of your own inverted genitalia. Time to die.
As for individuals so for the institutions that have tolerated “gender theory” and “gender affirming care.” They are beyond redemption. They should cease to exist.
Transgenderism may be even stupider than the idea that “all men are created equal” and that’s saying something! Most people are fed up with this bizarre and disgusting nonsense, but as always, most people don’t want to be seen as “mean” or “hateful.”
That is an accurate assessment from Dave Chambers.
A US military DEI-weakened vis a vis other nations will still be one powerful enough to destroy American whites, at least awakened ones (the rest of our “sheeple” will do nothing to resist their genocide). The proper path is not for awakened whites to avoid the military, but rather, for them to enter it so as to regain control of it and de-woke it. Of course, de-woking is too “civnat” and therefore ultimately inadequate (though it’s a start). Under the guise of “de-affirmative actionizing” the military (which is far more important than merely de-woking it, and this is true even if one’s sole purpose were de-wokification: diversity drives and undergirds wokery), we can begin the greater task of de-POCing it (ie, making it more white, as well as conservative – and of course these two goals considerably overlap).
If Trump were a WN (which I doubt, though a few of his adjutants and sub-lieutenants might be), his main concern wrt the military should be to figure out how to make it more white and more Right (without saying so, of course). The way to accomplish this is to: 1) raise IQ/AFQT requirements across the Services; 2) have Congress pass a bill banning affirmative action in the military; 3) demote or discharge as many affirmative action and/or wokester senior military personnel as possible (I don’t think the Commander in Chief can simply fire people from the military, but he has considerable latitude in promotions and demotions – and, for pension and prestige reasons, most senior personnel would rather retire than be demoted); and 4) gradually shrink the lower-IQ (infantry) positions in number, replacing much of the Army and Marines with smaller Special Forces, which are whiter and over which the President has somewhat greater authority. An additional advantage of shrinking the Army and Marines is that it will make it more difficult for future Presidents to engage in foreign wars and nation-building exercises (Trump + Congress also must pass a law forbidding the use of state National Guard units overseas, which will make future land wars even more difficult to execute, and thus less likely to be undertaken).
I’ve seen multiple posts here (on different articles) arguing that whites should avoid the military because it is too DEI focused and the like. DEI is now waning but will likely not go totally extinct… it will change its name to IED or something else.
But there are advantages to prior military service, such as increased availability of jobs that prefer veterans (even those who saw no combat). Even guys with a lot of ‘baggage’ and difficult to employ have found jobs in the VA system after a short stint in the military. Given that Trump is less likely to wind up in a war than his predecessors, this might not be a bad to consider enlisting, especially guys finding it hard to find a decent job.
I don’t enjoy saying this, but…
Another advantage to prior military service is military experience.
Do we really want a 100% woke military?
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