The Seer Alois Irlmaier & His Great Prediction
Clarissa Schnabel2,305 words
If you have visions, go see a doctor! — Helmut Schmidt
First comes prosperity like never before.
Then follows an apostasy like never before.
Then comes an unprecedented corruption of morals.
Then a great number of foreigners come into the country.
There is high inflation.
Money loses more and more of its value.
The revolution soon follows.
Then the Russians invade the West overnight. — Alois Irlmaier
Oh, boy, am I going to catch flak for this one. But I’m not asking anyone to believe anything; at worst you may get some entertainment out of it, at best I may save your life. You’re welcome. Thank me later.
It feels like we live in eventful, crucial times; some even call them apocalyptic. Whatever your idea of an apocalypse is, this feeling has certainly sparked renewed interest in European prophecy. When the Gaza conflict broke out, my blog registered a sudden, enormous influx in visitors; I think it was about six times the normal numbers. What were all those readers so interested in?
In April 2022 I had translated the global — i.e., non-Bavaria-centered — parts of Alois Irlmaier’s prophecies from the mid-1940 to 1950s, and one of them named a new conflict in the Middle East, with Israel as a participant, as one of the signs of an upcoming World War III. I had considered the Irlmaier prophecies a very fringe topic — the main focus on my blog is biographical research — that nobody would pay much attention to, but they have quickly become one of my two top-rate series. They have even been linked to by a Czech newspaper.
Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) was a Bavarian well-builder and dowser who became famous for his abilities as a seer. Already during the Second World War he had gained local popularity because he was able to predict when an air raid would occur and even where bombs would hit. Irlmaier saved several people’s lives that way. But it was after the war that his fame really spread, mostly because he could tell desperate families whether their husbands, fathers, and sons were still alive in captivity, or dead. He never took any money for this. More than a hundred people queued up to see him in his office in Freilassing every day, to the point where the authorities got involved. Intriguingly, Irlmaier also seems to have been consulted by members of the American occupation forces, most notably General Lucius D. Clay.
As an aside, Savitri Devi was passing through Freilassing in 1953, according to her book Pilgrimage, and she fretted about being stuck there for an hour and a half if she missed her train. Little did she know that the man who could have answered her burning question of whether Adolf Hitler was dead or still alive somewhere was living there. History is full of ironies.
Irlmaier is best known today for his prophecy, or rather prophecies, of a very destructive future conflict in Central Europe. People of course call it World War II, even though Irlmaier himself never did. On one side of it, according to Irlmaier, will be Russia; the other side is actually not quite that clear. It’s “the West,” obviously, but the European military doesn’t appear to be very effective (no surprise to anyone today), and American forces are not really involved — unless they are the ones who unleash a devastating chemical warfare attack via drones on the Russian troops in Europe. Most Irlmaier interpreters take that for granted, but nowhere in the prophecies does it actually say that. The only clues are that these unmanned “birds,” with their “eggs of death,” come from the “African desert,” and the US will win the conflict. But those are not necessarily the same things. The war will actually be decided at the Rhine not so much by military might, even though there are going to be some epic battles, but by a cosmic event known as the “Three Days of Darkness.” It is without a doubt the essential European prophecy — not just by Irlmaier, but by just about every European seer worth his or her salt.
This is as far as I had gotten with my essay when the news of Alexei Navalny’s death came — and I thought to myself: Yep, you’re definitely going to finish this! Irlmaier predicted the murder of three well-known persons, with the assassination of the third one acting as the trigger for said military conflict. He variously referred to those persons as “great ones” and “freedom fighters” and, according to one source, named the United States President as the third man. I don’t know whether Navalny is Number One or Number Two, but he is one of them, of that I am sure. The timing is just too perfect.
Now, I’m not going to repeat all of Irlmaier’s prophecies here. If you are interested in the details, I’ve got a six-part series on my blog. What I do want to quote is the document known as the Kurier-Text. It is not certain that the text is authentic, but Stephan Berndt, Germany’s leading expert on European prophecy (yes, really), has looked into its history and considers it genuine, even though there are still a few unanswered questions about it. At any rate, for the skeptical reader out there: The text was first published on March 28, 2002. That much has been proven. So what prompted the keepers of the document, dated October 12, 1945, to publish it at that time? Or, alternatively, what had prompted someone to forge an Irlmaier prophecy at that time?
Both possibilities are easy to answer: 9/11. “I see the skyscrapers collapsing. America will wage war in the East all the time and never again win,” says the Kurier-Text. Of course, it’s not very convincing to make a prophecy public for the first time after it has already been fulfilled. Unfortunately, it’s often only after the fact that people realize what a prophecy was all about. But if we assume the text to be a forgery, it gets even more interesting, because in that case the forger would have to be a seer himself, or at least a pretty awesome guesser. Here’s the full text (my translation and annotations):
As great as the need is now [he speaks from the perspective of October 1945 — thank you, Mr. Morgenthau], so great will be the abundance in 20 years.
Lard and butter will spoil, bread will be discarded, as will be the sausages. The grocers stand under the door and call, buy something.
The rivers will be taken from their beds, because their strength will be needed for a while.
People will become more and more arrogant and want to take all honor from the Lord God. For example, false stars will be pushed under the real ones. [Satellites] Young people will have to hold fast to their hearts so that they are not robbed of them for money.
The great ones of the world will change quickly. A holy Pope will pass briefly over the Earth. [Probably John Paul I.] They will want to break through all order.
An iron fence will go through Germany, right through the middle, whoever comes to it will die.
Everyone in the West will be disobedient to God, the bishops will quarrel among themselves and with the Pope. The clergy will go to the dogs in many cases. [Vatican II and its fallout, if you believe traditional Catholics.] In the East, much martyr’s blood will flow and much, much prayer will be said in the cellar; many will kneel in the cellar and pray about whom they consider an enemy of the faith.
Prague will have to go through a lot, like the Hungarians. But Prague will disappear completely in smoke and flames.
Roads will be built and every apprentice will have a car. The petrol, the oil will be sucked out of the Earth, so it will be dry and cracked inside. I see many earthquakes.
The devil will create whole governments.
Pray, keep the commandments, God is near. On a day like any other I hear his step —
America will assassinate her own presidents. [Note the plural.] The blacks will get the power who have been in the dust for so long. Immorality, crime will be called originality over there. I see the skyscrapers collapsing. America will wage war in the East all the time and never again win. God has turned away.
Russia’s people are always praying for change, Beelzebub is moving to China.
People will visit all the planets to say God does not live there. But the planets spit them out. For it looks there like the world before God made it.
The Redjackets come over Bohemia, into Europe. [An old name for soldiers (think Redcoats), found in several European prophecies.] Three armies meet in western Germany. They come at intervals from the East. There they stand man to man.
First the city with the iron tower will set itself on fire and revolt with the youth. [Paris, obviously.] The trouble goes round the world.
At Aachen is the greatest battle in the history of the world. The soil in western Germany is burnt ten meters deep by a force. From the sands of the African desert the great birds rise with eggs of death without men.
A robber prince in the south will go against Russia and do great damage. [Has been interpreted as Volodymyr Zelensky.]
The Mother of God will come often and warn.
Plagues will be that no one knows and can help.
In Asia, in India, and in Latin America there will be famine without bounds, people will be exterminated by a foreign power.
Many good leaders will be murdered until the war, for only God wins.
England will be punished for everything. I see a big black box, there is no one inside, then fire, then smoke, and it was England. [Irlmaier talks about this in other prophecies. It is in all likelihood a nuclear bomb that will be dropped over or into the North Sea. The Swedish seer Anton Johansson foretold the same thing; according to him, Scotland will continue to exist. Just in case any of you British folk out there consider moving . . .]
The famine will be terrible, but not long. See that your windows and doors close well, for you cannot let your best friend in, or the poisonous smoke and breath will come in. The dead will lie in heaps in the streets. The barns will be empty and the cattle will roar because no one waters them. [Again, Irlmaier talks about this at length elsewhere. It is the Three Days of Darkness.]
On a freezing night thunder will sound, then close door and window, it will remain dark for three days as in the deepest night, the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Have a consecrated light at hand. The old and the terminally ill will regain their health if they have complied with God, the others will die.
Now all is destroyed by the bombs [again, from the perspective of 1945], then towards the end, the new houses will spring up like mushrooms, but they will all be empty [he means they will become empty through those events], it will be teeming with young devils whom they call children. [Those we all know by now: the “unaccompanied minors” we have to take into our countries. And yes, the media love to call them “children”.]
Go straight the way, when America
Here the text ends abruptly, and it’s not clear why. “Then confiscated” is what, according to Stephan Berndt, had been added at the end of the handwritten text — whatever that means. The text had been copied from a Kurier, a publication that has not been identified yet; maybe one of the newsletters that were in circulation shortly after the end of the Second World War, or a leaflet of some sort.
While Irlmaier never said what the future would ultimately hold for the world outside of Europe, in these parts it’s supposed to look rather fine — you know, after an invasion, chemical warfare, floods, deadly cosmic dust, starvation, and looting. But if you manage to survive all of that, things will be great. Monarchy will make a return in Bavaria, Hungary, and Austria, apparently, so it seems unlikely the US will be able to continue its hegemony in Europe. There will be peace with Russia. This is not found in Irlmaier’s prophecies, but according to a number of other European seers, the “great number of foreigners” that Irlmaier foresaw coming into Germany will leave. I can get behind that.
Greg Johnson spoke in a recent livestream about “eternal glory” for the person who would save the white race. Well, if you know anything about European prophecy, you know that Nostradamus and other Catholic seers already foretold that person centuries ago. He is known as the “great monarch.” Irlmaier, I’m sad to report, does not mention him; but there is one quote that speaks of an “emperor” who will be crowned by the pope. While the patriot Nostradamus expected that man to be French, of course, he described him as having “a German heart,” which I think is interesting. A little-known prophecy by Abd-ru-shin (Oskar Ernst Bernhardt) likewise makes mention of a German general who will save Western civilization. I don’t see that happening at the moment, but should it come to pass, I’ll be the one cheering the loudest.
So whatever your views on prophecies in general and Alois Irlmaier in particular, it is an incredibly optimistic future he foretold for white Europe — long before there was even a non-white Europe. I don’t know if it will come true. So far we appear to be on the right track, but who knows? But it is a message of hope, and in these times, I’ll take what I can get.
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Thanks for this translation. I recognize parts of it as being spoken by the seer character Hias in Werner Herzog’s 1976 film Herz aus Glas. In interviews and the DVD commentary, Herzog claimed that the prophecies were taken from those of the eighteenth-century Bavarian seer Mühlhiasl, and perhaps some of them are, but he was clearly drawing on Irlmaier as well — which is unsurprising, given that Herzog himself was a child in Bavaria during the 1940s. But it’s curious that he only credited the older seer. Is there any known connection between Mühlhiasl and Irlmaier?
Both were Bavarians, of course, and I’m reasonably confident that Irlmaier knew of Mühlhiasl’s prophecies, or the words attributed to him. It’s actually a bit unclear who Mühlhiasl was. There are different theories floating around, whether he and the Stromberger (also Stormberger) were the same person or two different seers etc. But yes, there is some overlap. For example, the prediction of the sudden invasion, with the people sitting in the pub over their beer while enemy soldiers are peering through the windows, can be found almost verbatim in several Bavarian prophecies, not just Mühlhiasl and Irlmaier.
Coincidentally, I’ve also a translation of Mühlhiasl’s predictions on my blog, if somebody is interested…
Another German prophet who’s long fascinated me is the Revolutionary of the Upper Rhine, who seems like a sort of medieval national socialist. If you ever feel like translating anything from the Book of 100 Chapters, that would be interesting.
Shame on me – I’ve never even heard of that guy before. I’ll definitely check him out. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for the translation of Mühlhiasl, by the way. I previously thought I’d never get to read the prophecies.
Here’s the Wiki entry on him:
And here’s an early presentation of the text:
Just ordered the 1967 book. 🙂
I’ll be watching your blog for your reaction!
Also, Josyp Terelya (1943-2009), Ukrainian Catholic mystic, religious dissenter, and prophet, had some interesting prophecies, some of which seem to be correct today.
There is one problem with all such prophecies in all times. They are formulated in rather vague terms, so that if you wish, you can find their confirmation in history after the fact. But these same prophecies can also be interpreted in another way, and then they turn out to be unfulfilled or fullfilled, but in a different way. Especially if the prophecies are not tied to a specific time period. For example, if Herr Irlmaier says that the United States will fight a war in the East and cannot win, this could be not only about the Middle East, but also about the Vietnam War. Or about a possible future war with China. The robber prince from the South may not be Zelensky at all, but the Georgian Saakashvili, or it may even be the Afghan Mujahideen of 1980’s, or we are talking about the Chechen wars, or something completely different, which has not happened yet.
I would add here, that the robber prince from the South could be even Gorbachov, who has disbanded the Soviet Union. He has come from the South, because the Northern Caucasus is in the South of Russia.
I’ve observed the same with Nostradamus. I saw a dual language edition once, and since I know French, I saw that the translators were being pretty generous.
To call Navalny one of three great men is a laughable stretch, considering he didn’t really do anything outside of dying in prison and people barely heard of him until recently. Why not Prigojin, Soleimani; or the probably dozen or so remarkable individuals who saw an untimely death in the last decade?
Associating “devil children” with the brown filth invading Europe rn. is equally a stretch.
You don’t need a seer to predict that Arabs and Jews would be at eachothers throats in 1945 and you sure as hell don’t need a link to the metaphysical to have heard of one of the better known laws of history.
I wasn’t expecting much but still got disappointed.
Interesting article.
In general, I don’t like to talk about religion and even less about the occult, because it’s easy to be labelled as a crackpot. And it is private.
But this article gives me the opportunity to talk about my interest in cyclical calculations.
To give an idea of how this works, Hitler himself was attached to the same cycle as Napoleon ( which makes sense, but in reverse mode : one emancipated the Jews who infested the whole of the West, the other tried to drive them out ), both also belonging to the same cycle as the Holy Roman Empire. Yes, even Hitler.
This is why a new imperial figure is expected.
In France, it’s the Grand Monarque. But the Antichrist (or his equivalent in other traditions ) will ape this liberating figure and pretend to be him. Many will be fooled … you know : ” so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” )
Personally, I see all of this more as symbolic..
( ps : I don’t think that the non-entity Navalny is of great importance )
I don’t mind being called a crackpot – I’ve been called worse. 😉
As for Navalny, I don’t think Irlmaier meant the three “great ones” or “freedom fighters” etc. (like I said, he used different terms) would necessarily be of great importance per se – it’s simply that they are well-known people. He could have meant some Hollywood actor, for all I know. The only important murder would be that of Number Three, because it would trigger the “Third World War”.
Those Three Great Ones could be simply anybody, incl. Kennedy+Kennedy, MLK+Malcolm X, Trujillo, Noriega, Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, Al-Qaddafi, at your choice. And here I listed only politicians. (Vielleicht im Deutsch ist es mehr verständlich und klar geschrieben?) But this is the problem with all those prophecies and all those prophets. If you want, you always can find “evidences” of the truth, and say that this or that prophet was right, if you do not, you also can find “evidences” of their blunders, and say that the prophets were wrong. Here I would better rely on the really Great One, Prof. Revilo Oliver, who was very sceptical to all this mysticism.
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