Every country, I suspect, has its classic films that you watch on special holidays. In Germany, one of them is Dinner for One, shown on New Year’s Eve. (more…)
Tag: Clarissa Schnabel
People, have you ever asked yourselves: Is there a switch-out going on right in front of us? Now, you can take it any way you want to. But I’m asking the question: Is there a switch-out? You see, maybe the powers had to wet our whistle and, okay, we get Donald Trump up in there. But toward the end, there’s some special person in here allegedly in the mix. (more…)
I am feeling a bit reflective these days. Perhaps it is because of the research I am currently involved in, or perhaps it is the state of the world in general.
After Sweden recently announced plans to acquire new land for burials in the case of war, it now appears to be Great Britain’s turn. I found the outrage about reusing ordinary graves somewhat curious. It’s certainly a matter of custom. (more…)
Sally Coulthard
A Brief History of the Countryside in 100 Objects
Manchester: HarperNorth, 2024This was the November 2024 pick for Time Team’s Book of the Month. Time Team had been a beloved archaeology series, running for twenty seasons from 1994 to 2012/2013, and it has been resurrected a few years ago as a crowdfunding project with many new features such as monthly archaeology news, podcasts, and a Patreon website. (more…)
Syrians in Germany celebrate the fall of the Assad regime. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
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Syrians in Germany celebrate the fall of the Assad regime. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Genuine love will take no account of what gratifies the other, of what is agreeable to him and gives him joy, but will only direct itself towards what will benefit him, regardless of whether it affords him pleasure or not. That is genuine love and service!
Many people are only brought to an awakening and to activity through suffering. If others help them too soon they slacken, depend upon this help and succumb spiritually, because without some stimulus they cannot remain active. Then they live on aimlessly, often spending their time only in observing what is to be criticized in others instead of looking within themselves, and yet wishing to possess what others possess. A corrupt generation is created by such one-sided giving, worthless for a robust and cheerful life, and therefore harmful to the entire Creation!
– Abd-ru-shin (more…)
The November 2024 issue of Jüdische Rundschau features an interesting article by Julian M. Plutz, titled “Immer mehr Juden erwägen Auswanderung aus Deutschland” (“More and more Jews are considering emigrating from Germany“). This isn’t anything new. Like Iran being just weeks away from developing nuclear weapons, we have heard this narrative for years now. (more…)
Markus Pruss
Lara – Die blonde Rebellin, Volume 1: Lara in Gefahr
Florian Schur, 2024I really had hoped that Spencer J. Quinn’s young heroes of The No College Club had just gotten a German equivalent. But it was not to be – at least not yet. (more…)
I forgot who said it, but it went like this: There is a difference between best movies and favorite movies. You might know objectively that Citizen Kane is the best movie of all time (I happen to disagree), but few people would name it as their favorite movie. A favorite has nothing to do with quality. (more…)
A new project that has been started in Germany by journalist Aya Velázquez is Wir beobachten zurück, “We’re watching (you) back”. The one being watched back is the Verfassungsschutz, short for Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution – Germany’s domestic intelligence service. (more…)
Ysselsteyn War Cemetery. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
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Ysselsteyn War Cemetery. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
I have contemplated writing about this for a while now. “What’s the point?” I thought to myself. “We all know the drill.” But it continues to rankle. Which, I guess, was exactly the purpose. (more…)
Perspectives change in the weirdest ways. Who would have thought a mere week ago that I would find myself defending Klaus Schwab? Certainly not me. (more…)
Perhaps you know the saying: Pessimists always claim to be realists. Well, in my experience, pessimism more often than not is realism. (more…)