I am communing in my office with a sufficiency of Wild Turkey, the whiskey of the great Hunter Thompson. With its help I think curmudgeonly thoughts about America, which is over, done, surrounded by feeding leeches, ticks, hag fish, lampreys, and corporations. And Joe Biden. I find this deeply satisfying. (more…)
Month: December 2023
Ayo H. Kimathi
Jews are the Problem, second edition
Crestview, Fla.: Money Tree Publishing, 2023Ayo H. Kimathi received considerable scorn in the mainstream media for his Black Nationalist racial activism while working as a contractor for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2013. At the time, he was making many anti-white statements that would have been tolerated during the Summer of Floyd in 2020, but weren’t tolerated in 2013. (more…)
All the things that they’re saying and doing
When they pass me by,
It just fills me up with noise.
It overloads me.
I wanna disconnect myself.
— Rollins Band, “Disconnect” (more…) -
Grzegorz Braun. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Grzegorz Braun. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
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Now there is a Pole memed round the world . . . On the December 12, 2023, Polish MP Grzegorz Braun used a fire extinguisher to put out the lights on a hanukkiah (incorrectly referred to as a menorah in most reports) in the Polish Parliament. The questions everyone on the dissident Right is asking are how did that happen, and is Grzegorz Braun our guy? Just to spoil the fun for everyone right away: no, he is not our guy, and his intentions were not 100% “red-pilled.” Probably the best comparison we can make to anglosphere politics is to say that Braun is a “Catholic Alex Jones” of sorts. (more…)
In December of this year, Ilya Somin reviewed Christopher Zurn’s book Splitsville, USA: A Democratic Argument for Breaking up the United States, which was published in May. Somin offers several good-faith critiques of Zurn’s position on national divorce, and even praises Splitsville as “. . . the most significant, fully developed, and intellectually respectable, defense of the claim that breaking up the union is actually a good idea.” Somin’s main concerns are the feasibility and effectiveness of a national divorce. As a staunch proponent of national divorce myself, I would like to reply to Somin’s counter-arguments. (more…)
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One of America’s oldest missing-person mysteries was solved this past July in Texas. DNA tests identified the remains of a woman who’d been murdered in Colorado County, Texas, most likely in 1975. The dead woman had a sister, the sister finally came forward, and forensics found a match. (more…)
December 19, 2023 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 563
Introducing the White-Papers Policy InstituteGreg Johnson and David Zsutty were joined by James Karlsson and Cyan Quinn of the White-Papers Policy Institute (Telegram, Substack). The Institute is a small, professional team of pro-white advocates centered on a single mission: bringing a pro-white perspective to the analysis of both foreign and domestic policy. The recording is now available for download and online listening.
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Boston’s Slant-Eyed Mayor Refuses to Apologize for Hosting a No-Whites-Allowed Christmas Party
When the unlovely little twig of a woman named Michelle Wu was first elected as Boston’s first non-white, non-male mayor two years ago, people were griping that she wasn’t black. But the night she was elected, she strode defiantly toward the microphone to tell Beantown residents that she welcomed them all with her skinny yellow arms: (more…)
Note: There will be mega-spoilers in this article. A lot of the critical messaging of Leave the World Behind comes at the end, and requires me to give away the ending.
I first heard about Leave the World Behind on Twitter/X. The tweet informed me that it was a new Netflix movie made by Barak Obama’s production company, High Ground Productions; had something to do with the end of the world, when technology stops working; and had some anti-white overtones about white people not being trustable. I decided to watch based on that tweet. (more…)
Jim Goad’s annual karaoke performances are among the highlights of the Christmas season for Counter-Currents readers. From now until New Year’s Eve, Jim is offering his karaoke talents to help us get closer to our fundraising goal of $300,000. (more…)
Taylor Caldwell
The Strong City
Originally published in 1942; republished by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. (New York: 2018)This has taken me much longer to write than originally planned. I blame annoying love stories for the delay.
The way I find new books to read is sometimes convoluted. This time, it was via Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal (1983), a collection of statements by high-ranking officers, politicians, diplomats, and other public persons on the 1946 trial that condemned Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, the Reich’s last head of state, to ten years in prison. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “The Punk Rock Roots of Punching Nazis,” on how punk went from toying with Nazi imagery to becoming intensely anti-fascist — and becoming a lot less interesting in the process. (more…)
December 16, 2023 Greg Johnson
Today on Counter-Currents Radio
White-Papers Policy InstituteToday on Counter-Currents Radio, Greg Johnson and David Zsutty welcome James and Cyan from White-Papers Policy Institute to talk about White Papers (Telegram, Substack) plus, of course, your questions.
The stream will start at noon Pacific, 3pm Eastern Standard Time, 8pm UK time, and 9pm Central European Time on: (more…)