According to Merriam-Webster, to “discriminate” means to “mark or perceive the distinguishing features of . . . to distinguish between another like object.” Basically, discrimination is the simple act of telling the difference between things. But wait — discrimination is supposed to be wrong, right? Due to an incident last week in Boston when a protestor mistook an Asian woman for the city’s newly-elected Asian mayor, suddenly it’s racist to not be able to discriminate.
I diligently try to keep up with these rules, but they make it maddeningly hard to be a consistent, devoted racist.
Neither Boston Mayor Michelle Wu nor random Asian Bostonian lady Beth Huang embodies the epitome of Asian female beauty. Both of them are a bit pan-faced and toothy. Beth Huang is a self-described “card-carrying socialist” who attended a press conference on Boston Common last Monday to support election-day voter registration, which proponents say would help bring in more black and Hispanic voters — in other words, she was there to support a policy that was race-specific and intended to give non-whites more voting power. If “racism” were to be defined in sincerely colorblind terms, she was there to support a racist policy.
During the press conference, a male said to be wearing sunglasses and a facemask — but who was not racially identified — allegedly started shouting that the ACLU doesn’t care about minority populations, which would suggest an affinity for non-whites on his part. Then he committed the grievous racial categorization error of mistaking Beth Huang for Mayor Michelle Wu and began heckling her: “You’re a political puppet . . . Why don’t you look into it, Mayor Wu? Look into that — you’ll find the truth, Mayor Wu.”
Mind you, he did not attack Michelle Wu, nor her body double, for being female or Asian. He even expressed concern, however half-assed, for Boston’s minority populations. His only mistake was to commit the eternally comical racial blunder of “they all look alike to me.” This was, of course, enough evidence of poisonous, bare-fanged, rabid racial hatred for the Boston Globe to write, “Monday’s incident appeared to succinctly highlight the sexism and racism Wu, the first woman and person of color elected to serve as mayor, has experienced since taking office in November.” Masslive, almost as if they were receiving talking points from the same person who ghost-wrote the Boston Globe article, said, “the brief incident encapsulated the misogyny and racism that’s been repeatedly hurled at Wu — Boston’s first Asian-American mayor — since she announced vaccine mandates to keep residents and city workers safe from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”
Where is all this racism and sexism? Where? I’ve got a hankering for a buffet-style, all-you-can-eat smorgasbord of racism and sexism, but I can’t even find a frickin’ hors d’oeuvre.
And why is it so offensive to be mistaken for one Asian woman to be mistaken for another Asian woman, especially a high-status one? Would either Michelle Wu or Beth Huang have been more offended if someone had instead mistaken either one of them for a big, fat, mangy, scab-covered black lady?
“If only being a 5’4″ Asian woman imbued in me the powers of being mayor of Boston,” Beth Huang wrote on Twitter, to which Mayor Wu replied, “We should make some good trouble with this.”
Although Wu’s election late last year was seen as “a step toward fixing Boston’s racism,” people also saw fit to carp that she isn’t black. But just as luck and an intransigently racist country would have it, she has been both “flooded with racist comments” and “bombarded with racist comments” ever since announcing that people entering indoor spaces in Beantown needed to be vaccinated starting in January 2022. Wu also told Boston Public Radio that every time she opens her phone, she “receives another dozen hateful messages.” She even referred to the racist blowback as a “national descent of hate.”
Okay, this finally sounds promising. So what did they say?
Dearest readers, I trust you know me well enough that I have spent all the time I could afford to unearth the most absolutely repulsive racial slurs to both “flood” and “bombard” Michelle Wu, but the best I could find were these, and they were from random comments sections and not directly communicated to Wu:
“Communist Wu needs to go back to China.”
“Another oriental in a govermment [sic] position. [I]s it me or are there way more oriental people within all facets and levels of influence . . . Has China already taken over or are they getting situated to take control of everything[?]”
“Michelle Wuhan just crippled people’s businesses. She clearly works for China.”
So they’re saying she’s Chinese and is loyal to the nation from which she is descended. That’s the tamest “national descent of hate” I’ve ever heard.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
According to Wu, her neighborhood has been besieged with noise-making, rabble-rousing, anti-mandate squatters who chanted “Happy birthday, Hitler” outside her house.
Okay, so she’s being compared to Hitler, the most infamous “racist” in history. So they’re calling her a racist, which is clearly not intended as a compliment. But that means she’s the victim of racism here. Again, I’m not even sure whose side I’m supposed to take in order to not be racist. These rules are fucking with my mind something fierce.
In early February, a coalition of Massachusetts pols, including hairless Negress space alien Ayanna Pressley, released a statement in support of Wu’s fearlessly stoic endurance of withering anti-Asian hatred:
Make no mistake, the relentless threats of violence and hateful attacks on Mayor Michelle Wu and her family have no place in our society and are a far cry from the political debate and peaceful dissent that is welcomed and necessary in a healthy democracy . . . To remain silent is to be complicit, and as elected officials of color across the City of Boston, we will not stand by and watch as openly racist, anti-Asian and sexist rhetoric is normalized in our community. . . . This type of vitriol, toxicity and hate is far too common for women of color in politics, and we can’t help but wonder if the same toxicity and vitriol would be directed at a mayor who wasn’t a woman, a person of color, or an unapologetic history-maker like Mayor Wu is.
“Relentless threats of violence . . . vitriol, toxicity, and hate.” Goddamn, that sounds dramatic. This level of teasing borders on cruelty. It’s like describing a seven-course meal to someone who hasn’t eaten in a week.
It’s highly suspicious that none of the news accounts made any attempts to racially identify the masked protestor who mistook one plain-faced Asian woman for the plain-faced Asian mayor. One would suspect that if he had been white, we already would have been informed of it ten times over. Since he expressed concern for minorities, it’s possible that he’s black. It’s almost a sure thing, though, that he isn’t Asian.
Assuming he’s not Asian, it’s perfectly natural that he had trouble distinguishing between two Asian women. Members of all races are more adept at telling the difference between their co-ethnics than they are telling the difference between members of alien tribes. Studies have shown that in police lineups, people are much more successful identifying perpetrators of their own race than they are at identifying those of other races.
This is known as the “cross race effect” or the “other race effect,” and has been replicated in studies going all the way back to 1914. This tendency does not discriminate; all races do it:
For example, there are studies done that compare Hispanic with black and white participants, black with white and Japanese participants, Chinese with Korean and white participants, Chinese with Indian and other East Asian ethnic participants, Turkish and German participants, and finally a study has been done comparing Arab and Israeli Jews. The data from all of these studies have come to the same conclusion. The cross-race effect is evident among all people of all different races.
The cross race effect is thought to be a product of evolutionarily bred in-group favoritism, which would make it more psychologically expedient to classify all members of a competing group as simply one amorphous and indistinguishable blob of protoplasmic “other.” It’s a time-honored way of dehumanizing a competing group. And it’s a strong impulse — humans are said to notice one another’s race quicker than they notice gender, age, or facial expression.
So it is perfectly natural that they all look alike to us for the same reasons it’s perfectly natural that we all look alike to them. In-group preference — AKA “racism” when expressed by Caucasian humanoids — is a collective survival mechanism.
But although Mother Nature has already made it difficult for us to tell the difference between Asian women, the Asian women aren’t helping matters, either. If they, despite their demonstrable economic and social privilege, refuse to stop whining about “racism,” they’re going to make it impossible. They’ll all blend into the same whiny Asian bitch. But at least that will signal the end of discrimination against — or at least between — Asian women.
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“Carjackings in Philly are on a record pace. Officials aren’t sure why.”
” The city has experienced an unusual surge in reports of the crime this year, and…”
“A 12-year-old is charged with murder in the beating death of a 70-year-old man during a carjacking.
Philadelphia police said the boy took part in the beating of 70-year-old Chung Chin,…”
— both quotes from the Philadelphia Inquirer apparently.
Sometimes I come here simply because the regular news is so full of clueless suppositions. The one thing we’re certain of, however, is that Diversity is great for the country and Our Greatest Strength.
Let’s bring in more Mexican migrants with their lips sewn together That’s what we need.
And more to the point of the article I’d have a hard time telling those Oriental people apart.
This Michelle Wu is nothing more than a traitor to her consituents, fighting for vax mandates and continued masking. She’s a true disgrace to her race.
Well I really don’t care too much anymore about mask mandates but it seems that the former U, S of A is considered conquered territory for all world’s people to move in and start taking. Since whiteys are evil and to be dispossessed, that pretty much means that all the political, technical, medical, professional, etc positions in this territory are reserved for non-whites.
The “card carrying socialists” themselves have trouble with “discrimination”. They see Nazis everywhere, the KKK everywhere, white supremacy is everywhere and horrific racist comments everywhere… When they ran out of things you can see with glasses they used a microscope for ‘microaggressions’ and probed the Jungian mind for ‘unconscious bias’. As Jim and others have pointed out (and should continue to do so), the US was almost entirely white as recently as 1970. The cultural commissars have not yet completely distorted the historical record of these peoples (despite endless remakes and ‘colorization’ of earlier films), hence you still see evidence of whiteness around you.
If you add up George Floyd, Travon, Charlottesville, Ahmaud Arbery and Kenosha you get 6 deaths, exactly the same as the Waukesha attack, which we all know hasn’t gotten the degree of news and cultural coverage of even one of those. 11/21/21 might be a good day to inspire an annual protest and day of remembrance of stats on attacks against whitey, which you can also spell as YT, yt folx, wahyt, wypipo, Y.P. Pull, Why Pee Pole, Wipe E. Puh.
@PGage – Just wanted to say Bravo!! That was a truly entertaining and pithy comment by you. Especially enjoyed your description of “microagressions” and “unconscious bias.”
In typical Jim Goad fashion, this article makes a very, very important point while providing the best laugh you’ll have all day!
Back in my multicultural days, an Asian friend referred me to a website all her Asian friends and family were visiting, called alllooksame. It had rows of various Asian faces and asked if you could tell a Thai from a Han from a Korean from a Vietnamese, etc. They all laughed about their very less than perfect scores.
Revealed to me how toxic and anti-White it was that our difficulty in telling other races and faces apart had been made into a shameful felony. After all, who gets upset if you can’t tell a Norwegian from a Dane or a Croatian from a Bulgarian? Once again, it was only the Eeeevil Rayciss Whites who were held (and held ourselves) to this ludicrous designed-to-fail game.
Perhaps Michelle Malkin should just claim that it was acshually the mayor of Boston that spoke at AmRen last year.
It’s so ingrained, so knee-jerk and reflexive the desperation to find racism everywhere that it’s ruined racism forever as a legitimate cause.
I was watching Antiques Roadshow (there’s nothing wrong with that) and a guy brought in a map from the 1700’s. In the margins were a couple Indigenous Native Americans Of Color.
They were just standing there minding their own business decked out in Injun finery.
So far, so good.
The appraiser, a broad (a white one) took the opportunity to point out that the Indians were depicted peacefully, rather than violently as they often were “whether true or not.”
We’re talking map decoration!
Don’t look to anonymous artist renderings in the margins of three-hundred-year-old maps as your only source of historical data.
Or racism.
Any Indian tuned in obviously said to themselves, “Violence? Moi? No record of that, Kemo Sabe.”
Did you know that outside the confinement of Western culture, most people in the world know that those of Chinese extracts whether they be Vietnamese or Singaporean are racists towards brown and blacks people insofar that businesses banned blacks from entering businesses in China and skin bleaching is very popular among communist Chinese dialect speaking countries?
Historically, the communists had no power or majority presence in SE Asia until the West (excluding the Swedes) interlopers favored Chinese expansionism.
Speaking of discrimination….
The cross race effect is interesting.
It would not surprise me to learn that at least some of it is who you are around. After all, there’s a reason that people who don’t like metal (or jazz, or blues, etc) think it all sounds the same. And the plane spotters in WW2 got good at identifying planes at a distance by repetition– exactly what you’ll do when growing up around a certain race.
But I also would not be surprised to find out that some of it is indeed innate. I doubt a human could ever be as good as a penguin at identifying penguins.
Apart from the “other race effect”, another factor is at play in the case of Orientals. In Tokyo, when a line of Japanese schoolgirls trooped past, I was amused to see that, as well as identical uniforms and satchels, they all had the same straight, black hair (like a cute remake of The Midwich Cuckoos).
With (white) British schoolkids, you’d see hair varying between blond, ginger, red, brown and black; curly, wavy and straight.
The gene pool of Japs (and other East Asian races) is smaller than that of Occidentals; i.e., not just the genes determining hair type, but (presumably) those affecting other traits also. As there is less variation in facial features, mistakes will happen.
I apologize on behalf of my people for the export of this dimwitted and incompetent diversity hire nicknamed Michelle Wuhan. I’m deeply sorry and will do everything I can to get all the Chinamen in this country to put her on the next boat back to China as soon as possible.
Well put.
Power must be legitimised, and in a victim culture, power can only be legitimately wielded by the victims. Think of this latest ritualistic torrent of news of alleged ‘hate’ as the woke version of a coronation.
A monarch needed to demonstrate their power, dignity and prestige to shore up their legitimacy before they began exercising power. The Mayor of Boston needs to establish that she is but a powerless, oppressed victim heroically holding it together as the cruel white supremacist mob hurls an unending avalanche of ‘hate’ her way in order to legitimise her latest corona decree.
I find the entire thing nauseating. Even putting aside every other issue, the constant performative victimhood on the part of elites alone is enough to make me despise antiracism.
Jim Goad: “The cross race effect is thought to be a product of evolutionarily bred in-group favoritism, which would make it more psychologically expedient to classify all members of a competing group as simply one amorphous and indistinguishable blob of protoplasmic ‘other’.”
It could just be that people have more practice at discriminating between people of their own race because most people grow up in mostly racially homogeneous, self-segregated communities and mix/socialize primarily with people of their own group.
The test case might be the exceptions – e.g. a white or Asian person who grew up in ‘the hood’, or maybe a white who grew upoverseas in Japan or somewhere.
However, I suppose the two theories aren’t mutually in compatible – in-group favouritism might be the ultimate evolutionary function of the bias, but learning to recognise those among whom you grow up might be the proximate learning mechanism through which this tendency develops:
Michelle Wu’s parents are from Taiwan.
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