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With Monday’s acquittal, Daniel Penny is a free man. His prosecutor, the effusively Jewish Dafna Yoran, botched her mission to have him locked up.
Born and raised in Israel, Dafna Yoran—whose name sounds like some sort of Talmudic gynecological procedure—reeks of Jewish identity. Her face looks as if it was sculpted from a rotted mound of chopped liver.
Her father, Shalom Yoran, wrote a book called The Defiant: A True Story of Jewish Vengeance and Survival.
Yoran boasts in her basso profondo voice that the reason she first became a prosecutor was because her dad was one of untold millions of Holocaust survivors. Her Bubbe and Zayde, though, weren’t so fortunate:
Thinking about what it is that I’ve been doing all these years, it’s actually very clear why I became a prosecutor. My father was a Holocaust survivor and his parents were murdered. And so I grew up with somebody whose parents were murdered and all the emotional implications that go along with that. Now as a kid, learning a lot about the Holocaust and knowing about my family’s experience, something that really, really bothered me was that nobody was ever held accountable for what was done to my grandparents and everyone else. And I remember a story that was being told when I was a kid. It was about this woman that right before she was shot into a pit that she herself had to dig and killed, she yelled out to the Nazis and said, “You will be held accountable! One day you will be held accountable. You’re going to pay for what you’ve done.” […] I hold people accountable for killing other people.
Finally, someone’s holding the Nazis accountable. Those scoundrels had been romping unhindered and unpunished since 1933 until the walking lump of gefilte fish named Dafna Yoran flew from Israel to New York and began holding them accountable.
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The bullishly dykey Ms. Yoran is gay-married to Peruvian artist Ana De Orbegoso and brags that she was “the first woman [prosecutor] to wear a pants suit [sic] on trial in New York County.”
According to a fawning profile of Yoran published earlier this year in what describes itself as “the nation’s most widely read free lesbian publication”:
In 2019, she had the opportunity to prosecute Neo Nazi James Harris Jackson, a Hitler fan who said he came to NYC with the intention of killing Black [sic] men, and murdered Timothy Caughman. It was the first time a white supremacist was prosecuted as a domestic terrorist in the U.S.
“This prosecution closed a circle for me: I got to hold a Nazi accountable for killing an innocent person,” the Senior Trial Counsel says.
Jewish vengeance in action!
Although I can’t read Dafna Yoran’s mind and my flesh crawls at the thought of having to spend even a few seconds inside her head, maybe to her, all homeless black men are innocent and all blond-haired white male veterans are murderous Nazis.
Like Jordan Neely, Timothy Caughman was a homeless black man. He’d been arrested “11 times for assault and marijuana possession.” It’s not as impressive as the 42 arrests that Neely racked up, but he was hardly “innocent.”
Like golden-haired former Marine in his 20s Daniel Penny, James Harris Jackson was a blond white man in his 20s who’d served in the Army. But Penny never wrote a manifesto that began, “The Racial World War starts today. God has ordered us to eliminate the Negro races from the face of the earth for the good of all mankind.”
Granted, walking up from behind to put a homeless black man in a chokehold on the subway sounds less malevolent than repeatedly stabbing a homeless black man with a sword and telling police you came to New York from Maryland to kill black men. But we’re splitting hairs here.
There are some perpetrators for whom Dafna Yoran, the Angel of Jewish Vengeance, feels empathy—the ones who don’t look like Nazis. In 2019, she sought reduced punishment for a black man named Matthew Lee, who’d walked up from behind and struck elderly Asian college professor Dr. Young Kun Kim in the back of the head, killing him. During the same online seminar where Yoran explained that she became a prosecutor to hold Nazis accountable, she describes why she sought a reduced sentence for Matthew Lee:
So I’m going to give you an example of something that I did with a recent case of mine, and this was never, has never been done in my office. I had a murder case where the defendant did not intentionally kill the victim. He went into an ATM on the Upper West Side and tried to rob an individual. He was 86. And in the course of the robbery, he fell to the ground. And as a result, he died. This is, under the law, a felony murder, which is akin to intentional murder. However, when I first got the case, I learned, I took the time to learn about the defendant. And it was a strong case, so it wasn’t about a whodunit. I knew immediately who did it. I could prove it. I could take it to trial that day and win it. But it wasn’t about that. It was that the more I learned about the defendant and his life and the circumstances…that one should take into account the trauma of that individual. I really felt incredibly sorry for him that he had gotten to that point in his life where he felt like there was no other choice but to commit this robbery.
Yoran arranged with the victim’s family to “see the defendant as a human being, not the monster they imagined,” and she “successfully spearheaded the first Restorative Justice case in a NYC homicide.”
Dafna Yoran is a woman of firsts. Although these claims are all unverified and come straight from a queer publication, she’s the first female lawyer in Manhattan to wear a pantsuit, the first in the USA to successfully prosecute a white supremacist as a domestic terrorist, and the first to apply the concept of Restorative Justice to a New York homicide case.
And now that Daniel Penny is free, she’s also the first Jew who couldn’t hold onto a Penny. He was the one who slipped out of her clutches. She couldn’t hold him accountable.
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There is a great deal we can learn from this case. For instance, the pronunciation of Yoran sounds almost identical to ‘urine’. Apparently during the trial, the prosecution repeatedly referred to Penny as “the white man”… Was her grudge more against whiteness, or men? Sadly Penny will still need to defend himself against a civil lawsuit by Neely’s father, Andre Zachary. There doesn’t seem a lot out there about what steps he did to get his son off the streets, off drugs, on medicine or in a hospital.
Alvin Bragg is Yoran’s boss, and the prosecution was instigated and greenlit by him. He is still busy trying to get Trump sentenced on the hush money show trial, vs. postpone sentencing to keep the future opportunity indefinitely ‘alive’. Have Bragg or Yoran commented on BLM reacting to the verdict by demanding “we need some black vigilantes”. No word yet if any first degree vigilante crimes are eligible for Restorative Justice. Perhaps BLM may consider housing some of Mr. Neely’s homeless, drug addicted peers in their multimillion dollar mansions.
If I were Penny’s defense counsel I would have objected immediately to the witch describing Penny as a white man or describing the deceased by race. This was allowed to go on throughout the trial and Penny may have been lucky to walk free despite this mistake.
“It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf.”
– The American Crisis, No. 1, December 23, 1776
Awesome username. Bukowski was a degenerate drunk but at least he wrote some good poetry and had an Iron Cross hanging from the rearview of his VW Beetle plus in either “Ham On Rye” or “Women” he spoke disparagingly of a happy merchant classmate he had as he recollected his school years.
I just couldn’t help myself. I had to find a picture. Oh dear… By comparison, that creature makes Rachel Levine look like a woman!
Her soul is even uglier than her face. A few years ago an 87 year-old Korean named Dr. Young Kun Kim was murdered by a black man at an ATM and she sympathized with the black, calling for “restorative justice”! She reduced the charges from murder to manslaughter so the perp only got a 10 year sentence for cold-blooded murder. By comparison, she was seeking a longer sentence for a hero who was protecting the public. Total psychopath.
Growing up in a Boston suburb it was very typical to see pennies thrown at the Jewish kids but I never saw an actual Jew thrown at a Penny, until now. This curly haired little shekel dodged a serious bullet aimed right at him. That’s my idea of restorative justice.
How was copper wire invented?
2 Jews fighting over a penny.
I had to laugh when I came to the phrase “the nation’s most widely read free lesbian publication.” Wow, that must be a crowded field of competitors.
It makes sense that Jews would hate Daniel Penny. Daniel Penny looks like an Arno Breker statue.
None of us can expect justice from a race that hates us on sight.
“And in the course of the robbery, he fell to the ground. And as a result, he died.” Yoran is lying by omission of the fact Mathew Lee struck the elderly man in the head. No telling how many white men from her jurisdiction sit in prison today with disproportionate sentences or wrongful convictions.
‘ “Yoran arranged with the victim’s family to “see the defendant as a human being, not the monster they imagined,” ‘
Why doesn’t she go back to nazi Israel & arrange to get those monsters to know Palestinians as human beings
Please don’t compare her Israeli kin to Nazis.
It’s unfair to Nazis, and reinforces “Holocaust” mythology.
I only hope that Danial Penney finds a lovely white woman, gets married, and has 5 0r 10 lovely kids to enrich our gene pool. And I bet there are about a million ladies out there hoping to be ‘the one’.
Jared Taylor spent eleven minutes on the verdict but for some reason never mentioned the prosecutor.
I know you don’t like intergenerational infighting, but the old lords of the old new right manor need to take a page from Trump and get ready to hand it off to people under 55 who actually get it.
Well, Mr. Goad, who brought the (((prosecutor))) to our attention, is a bit past the age 55 Senior discount. The JQ really isn’t anything new. Unfortunately, its resolution may outlive us all.
Vegetius: December 14, 2024 Jared Taylor spent eleven minutes on the verdict but for some reason never mentioned the prosecutor.
I know you don’t like intergenerational infighting, but the old lords of the old new right manor need to take a page from Trump and get ready to hand it off to people under 55 who actually get it.
Those are 11 minutes of “news” that you might just as well have caught on the electronic Jew.
Thank you, Mr. Goad, for revealing hidden facts about this loathsome 4-time loser, Ms. Urine (Jew, queer, anti-White, Bragg assistant).
You’ve got to be kidding, thinking Trump would get anywhere near stating the facts learned here about Mr. Perry’s prosecutor.
White loyalty is generational unless irresponsible older Whites fail to inculcate racial loyalty in their younger ones.
I recently learned that Mrs. Taylor purchased NA’s Saga of White Will comic book from an Alliance table set up at a recent pro-White gathering: Good. New World Order Comix #1 The Saga of… White Will! by William Pierce – Cosmotheism
I think it’s important to understand the JQ. And it’s worth naming them. But at the same time, I think it would be possible to have a movement that essentially resolved the matter without being explicit on it. If you just succeeded in removing all anti-white people from power, you would find the Jews dispossessed even if they had never been named. I still think Taylor’s work is productive.
I found the prosecutor’s decision to request dismissal of the more serious (and arguably stronger) of the two charges while the jury was still deliberating baffling, and evidently so did many others. It often feels like our enemies, as a group, are gradually becoming either dumber, significantly more neurotic or both. Either way, something seems to be affecting decision-making in their camp in recent years. I believe Dutton has termed this the “Rayner Effect.”
Outstanding headline!
Of course the concern is they never give up their pursuit of our pennies.
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