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There is a certain type of story that has been coming out of the liberal press lately in which they discuss White Nationalists saying nice things about Islamic fundamentalists. There were several of them a couple of months ago, when the Taliban overthrew the government in Afghanistan.
VICE in particular has been very keen on running this type of article. They ran one in August called “The Far Right Is Celebrating the Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan.” In 2019, they ran another entitled “Neo-Nazis Are Glorifying Osama Bin Laden,” which is absurd on its face. You have to look far and wide to find a White Nationalist who believes that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. The article itself was about Atomwaffen, whose antisocial-for-the-sake-of-antisocial propaganda made use of ISIS imagery.
Running such articles when the Taliban was a big news story is understandable. White Nationalists are surefire clickbait, and if a journalist can find a way to shoehorn it into any news story, it behooves them to do so. But the funny thing is that they are still running these articles even when it is no longer topical. On October 18, VICE put out another article called “‘Hard Not To Respect That’: Why White Nationalists Are Toasting the Taliban”.

Rather than clickbait, this one appears to be part of a larger campaign.
The VICE article is, predictably, garbage. Only one “far Right” figure, Nick Fuentes, is mentioned by name. Most of the evidence they draw on comes from anonymous Telegram accounts — which could be run by the journalists themselves, for all we know. And it wouldn’t be a VICE article without references to Atomwaffen. There’s also a bit of projection, such as when they say, “They both embrace a perception of the world that clearly divides humanity between good and evil . . . and nothing in the middle.”
I certainly understand the propaganda’s motive, and it’s been a long time in the making. Racial egalitarians have had a hard time with the issue of terrorism, because for a while only one group was doing it. They wanted very much to be able to say that we’re all the same and that whites were just as prone to terrorism as this other group. The only white terrorist anyone could think of was Timothy McVeigh — and you could only invoke his name so many times against the mounting numbers of Islamic terrorist attacks.
For a period, “terrorist” and “terrorism” were terms with exclusively negative connotations and were almost exclusively applied to non-whites. The egalitarians didn’t like that. They believed that “terrorist” was a de facto racial slur. They liked to complain about school shooters or the Sandy Hook guy not being labeled as terrorists. You may remember the refrain, “How come when a person of color kills a bunch of people, they’re a ‘terrorist,’ but if a white person does it, they are mentally ill! That’s racist!” The obvious answer is that school shootings do not meet the definition of terrorism.
Since the advent of the Alt Right, there have been a handful of actual white terrorists. There’s the New Zealand guy, the guy who shot up the black church, the one who shot up the synagogue in Pittsburgh, and that other guy who sent the mail bombs. And yet that still wasn’t good enough for the egalitarians. They had to expand the definition of “terrorism” to produce a statistically significant number of white terrorists — and lo and behold, the January 6 protestors are now the equivalent of ISIS head-choppers.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.
This current line of stories imploring us to “look at these Nazis praising the Taliban!” serves two purposes.
First, it is part of the process of creating a moral equivalency between whites and non-whites. Terrorism isn’t a Muslim problem; it’s a human problem. They have terrorists. We have terrorists. And look at how much our terrorists and their terrorists have in common! They both hate liberalism and freedom for women! Look, they even both hate Jews!
Basically, they are trying to West Side Story us. White Nationalists are the Jets. The Taliban are the Sharks. Different names, but basically the same.
Secondly, there is guilt by association at work. Are they demonizing White Nationalists by associating us with Muslim extremists, or are they trying to demonize Muslim extremists by associating them with us?
The answer is probably both. If you are a normie FOX News viewer who has been stewing in anti-Muslim propaganda for 20 years, this turn may give you a less favorable opinion of White Nationalists than you might otherwise have. If you are a liberal, associating the Taliban with White Nationalists might make you think less of brown people you might otherwise be sympathetic towards.
There was a time during the Bush years when anti-war Lefties would not necessarily try to justify Islamic terrorism, but try to empathize with the terrorists. “The United States has been bombing countries in the Middle East, propping up tyrannical dictators, meddling in their internal affairs,” the argument would go. “Terrorism is wrong, but you can at least understand why they would be angry!”
It seems as if the Left is now flipping that around. It is now a moral failing to sympathize with the plight of Muslims.
Our establishment is explicitly anti-racist, but there is an asterisk when it comes to Muslims. When it comes to Islamophobia, they shoot for this elusive sweet spot. They want just enough Islamophobia that people will support wars in the Middle East and elsewhere, but they don’t want so much Islamophobia that people start going nativist and ethnonationalist. As a result, people end up getting a lot of mixed signals about Muslims. “Muslims are great! But some of them are really, really bad! But don’t worry! The bad ones are a small minority. But there’s still a significant minority who must be destroyed! But you shouldn’t worry about Muslims moving into your neighborhood, because most Muslims are peaceful. But only because we are fighting them over there! If we don’t fight bad Muslims over there, then the Muslims over here will become bad, too!”
This is quite different from how whites are portrayed. The establishment narrative on whites is that we are all evil. There are no good ones. White Nationalists are merely the worst of the worst of an already bad bunch.
Another thing I found interesting about these stories is that they generally avoid the Palestinian issue. They will write articles saying “neo-Nazis support the Taliban,” and less frequently that “neo-Nazis support ISIS,” but very little attention is given to White Nationalist support for Hamas and the Palestinian cause — which is not inconsiderable. Some Jewish outlets have noticed it, but not VICE. I don’t know if that would show White Nationalists in too sympathetic of a light, or that it would attract more attention to the issue than Zionists want. But it is a curious omission.
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LeBlanc’s breakdown on how the establishment targets a “Muslim sweet spot” is particularly instructive. The Muslim issue, along with other supposed issues like sexism and transgenderism, are being played like a fiddle in the western consciousness to achieve certain desired effects in a permanent “strategy of tension” designed to soften us up for mass migration and foreign wars, and ultimately break us. And by all accounts, sadly, it’s working. The Muslim issue in America is primarily for the stimulation of military ventures on behalf of Israel and some “refugee resettlement”, but in Europe, the situation is far more serious and impactful. Hispanic migration to the U.S. is functioning in rough comparison to Muslim migration to Europe, as respective lead actors, but obviously, all of the Third World is welcome to wherever they can most effectively stamp out White existence.
“The Right loves the Taliban” is just the latest in a long line of false narratives and false memes meant to smear us. Though it doesn’t help in chat rooms and forums when apparently emasculated men mistake Muslim aggression towards women for White well-being. To the extent any of these actors are real and not agents provocateurs, I would consider it only another sad symptom of lost White men deprived of a healthy and normal sense of White masculinity; and it’s probably been this way their whole lives at this point. To those who taken this mistaken path, I say, the Taliban are not your friends; they live by a totally different code, and would not be happy to see you in their neighborhood. It recalls the infamous seen in “Gran Torino” where Walt, played by Clint Eastwood, pulls a gun on two Black hoods harassing a young White male (dressing and acting like a Black) and his Asian female interest. Walt scolds the young man for trying to be nicey-nice with the hoods in a vain attempt to escape the inevitable: “What’s all this “bro” sh*t anyway?… These guys don’t want to be your bro and I don’t blame them”.
It is true that in some pro-white and pro-men “right” wing circles that the failure in Afghanistan is mocked and the Taliban has been turned into an anti-imperialistic meme.
While I understand and sort-of empathize with these guys for looking toward Muslims as antiheroes simply for damaging ZOG, it is definitely misguided. It’s the same phenomenon as white men looking toward black street culture as a role model for masculinity. Sure, perhaps it is true that blacks are more free to express instinctive behaviors that are associated with high testosterone, they still nonetheless behave like adolescents in many cases and their behavior isn’t desirable to emulate on any level for white men.
The real travesty is that our culture has totally abandoned any and all positivity toward white men. Even pro-white and pro-male people are sometimes lost in the wilderness in trying to form a positive identity.
This is an excellent and insightful comment, as is Reed Johnson’s above. Thank you for summing up so well what has been one of the more vexing memes to rear it’s mixed-up head lately. The ironic (?) embrace of the Taliban by some of “our guys” is to me akin to the buffoon-like embrace by some (too many) on the mainstream and dissident Right of the Nikki Minaj female when she countered the COVID narrative in that uniquely Negro way. It speaks to how pathetically desperate Whites are for legitimacy, however false.
“It speaks to how pathetically desperate Whites are for legitimacy, however false.”
Agreed. If we’re reduced to “based minorities” as proxies to express any kind of half-baked White identity, then it’s pretty much game over. We must be ourselves, as ourselves, come what may.
“Sure, perhaps it is true that blacks are more free to express instinctive behaviors that are associated with high testosterone, they still nonetheless behave like adolescents in many cases and their behavior isn’t desirable to emulate on any level for white men.”
I couldn’t have said it any better myself. They’re also increasingly free to express their criminality and be openly aggressive and violent towards Whites.
“Even pro-white and pro-male people are sometimes lost in the wilderness in trying to form a positive identity.”
I’d even go so far as to say, that it’s like they’re almost trying to reinvent the wheel. And it’s understandable, if you believe they may lack, and have been intentionally deprived of any positive point of reference.
There are indigenous white masculinities such as white athletes, leaders (mostly of the past) or sex symbols but white men being masculine is against the wishes of the current zeitgeist.
“white men looking toward black street culture as a role model for masculinity. ”
Therein lies the right’s negrophilia, blacks or some other select nonwhites are “masculine” and “militant” and this deserves praise. They should even be emulated! They have such strong and virile culture!
Trying to emulate blacks or other nonwhites as role-models for masculinity essentially says you believe they are superior in masculinity, while certain rightists such as Steve Sailer on occasion may have no qualms with openly endorsing such as belief (got to cushion the low black IQ somehow) I and other self-respecting white men should shun it.
Black street masculinity is not a good masculinity either, cowardly and juvenile behavior are rampant, senseless violence and hedonism is the peak of manhood etc…
Much of the stupidity of mainstream culture is due to it.
When the accusation of “domestic terrorism” is dropped on right wing dissidents, all I can think of is the “Symbionese Liberation Army” and the shenanigans they pulled when they kidnapped Patty Hearst.
To this day they are low-key lionized by “progressives” who believed their actions to be justified and their cause to be morally worthy.
The participants in that saga were all basically the same people who we now call “ANTIFA.” They were a proto-BLM, a communist underground guerrilla group for whom the only difference with modern leftists is that they weren’t able to operate so openly and had also ran afoul of big media (who otherwise would have been sympathetic) by kidnapping the granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst.
It’s all just noise. Leftists do not believe in anything based on universal principles. They simply believe in ideology and will not hold competing ideas to any kind of morally equivalent standard. (Which goes without saying in our circles)
I find the premise of this article to be incorrect.
It wasn’t a campaign cooked up by the left. Our people were cheering the Taliban. Anyone who glanced at Twitter or Gab could see that.
So are these people all feds and ADL plants? I don’t think so. Many of our folk thought the Taliban beat ZOG, that was good enough for them.
I wasn’t really one of those people who believed that the Taliban ‘beat’ them exactly. It was quite clear the US was reframing its interests and the Afghanistan campaign’s objectives had become a mess and the whole thing had run its course.
What WN supporters of the Taliban didn’t think about was what the Taliban had endured to stay the course, which were enormous losses over time.
But yeah ok there is a bigger picture about WNs having some common currency with Muslims. You can go back in time and find the ADL complaining about White nationalists and Muslims sharing stories and anti-semitism and so on. It is some source of concern for Jewish groups probably.
I don’t see that pro-white mouthpieces on gab, tweeter, trs, or any other platform were at all praising the taliban as they were expressing schadenfreude for globohomo’s humiliation. We didn’t garner any new admiration for brain cancer just because what happened to John MacCain.
You need have looked no further than Nick Jeelvy’s article on this site. https://counter-currents.com/2021/08/kabul-kaputt/
Right. Very illuminating. Must have missed that article at the time.
There’s two realities going on here:
One, where some people want to be seen to dispel the allegation of the white right becoming animated, or having some sympathy for the Taliban as the US exited Afghanistan at any cost.
I’m getting the impression these people believe reality is decided like reddit, where you just keep upvoting and replying to posts with the intention to make your preferred position more real.
The other, is where we just accept some right wingers expressed sympathy and admiration for the Taliban’s position in that moment, in that context.
But it’s going to be hard to have an honest discussion about this if we cling to the former, or to try pass off our individual preferences for what should have happened as what actually occurred.
I couldn’t explain it better than this. Thank you.
In a war between the big, gay globalist empire and a tribal, deeply religious people, the Muslims are the good guys. I’m happy anytime that rainbow/BLM flags get torn down and George Floyd murals get painted over. The Taliban has done just that and should be applauded.
They are also brown Muslims who hate you.
Was Chappelle “based ” too?
They sure are. I have no desire to live anywhere near them. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re absolutely right about the woke insanity.
Again, nope. But he gets a lot right about the psychos on the left.
Crawl out of that binary world view of yours. This conflict is waaay more nebulous than that.
There’s also a sartorial angle.
Che and Fidel with their beards, cigars and army fatigues became style icons. The Cubans were well aware that they were projecting a cool image to the western ‘kids’ of the New Left.
The dress of these ‘modern’ insurgents has a not dissimilar effect. A black Afghan turban is archaic and exotic (so it’s not for us!) and clearly signals the division between the Taliban and decadent westerners with their ubiquitous tracksuits, Nike sneakers, and backwards baseball caps.
Haha good point! Never underestimate the power of Sartorial imagery. Half of SS appeal, in my opinion, is due to their killer uniforms.
The Taliban, the far right and lone-wolf terrorists are united by a violent terror of Jews and Women. Alongside slavery, transphobia and punctuality it’s another toxic legacy of whiteness that People of Colour are simply too exhausted to have to explain.
Every tragic incident shows the lack of safeguards against the right’s weaponisation of online savagery. And that’s not all: as the Guardian points out today, a stranger’s hand unceremoniously shoved up your skirt on a night out has become almost routine for young women.
That’s not to say we shouldn’t look to reclaim Women’s bodies from the growing assault of mansplaining what a vagina is. But where complex and challenging matters are best handled by the experts we should every one of us be ready to stand firm and stamp out the voices of hate.
Was this a quote?
Yes indeed.
I got a kick out of the run on sentence about good and bad muslims. It reminds me of how whites will plead that they aren’t racist because of all their black friends, despite not really wanting to live near or associate with blacks on a regular basis. What I don’t believe I’ve ever heard is the opposite. A black laying claim to a bunch of white friends to show how tolerant they are for racist whites. They also never volunteer to help white areas in need. After a flood or tornado around here there’s never going to be a black caravan from Los Angeles to come help rebuild. Whites do it all the time. I’m not holding my breath on this one.
> “You have to look far and wide to find a White Nationalist who believes that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. ”
That I am vociverously and adamantly anti-moslem was initiated in part by September 11. I am partly slavic, so one might say 9/11 was a rude re-awakening. It was made immovable by readings of the Quoran, the Hadith and classic texts such as “reliance of the traveller”.
I haven’t studied the false flag theories of 9/11. No doubt other parties were thoroughly aware in advance of what was going to happen. The theory that Bin Laden or Muslims did not carry out the attack on that date stretches the bounds even my considerable credulity.
The “micro-thermite” idea? Close friends and their associates have centuries of experience with senior positions in structural engineering. “Demolitions” conjectures are distinct from “false flag” theories, but they are firmly wedded in the minds of many proponents. That impugns their credibility, at very least.
I know enough specifics of local groups to realize they are extremely dangerous people who say what they mean. I live among them. They don’t belong here. They are always and everywhere a danger whenever our races and civilizations meet.
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