The last website I was paid to write for was funded by a sole wealthy benefactor. The site bore his name. I never had even the hint of a problem with him nor a single misgiving about him. I only met him once, and he was so amiably well-oiled that night that he gave me a raise. After that single brief meeting at a bar in Upper Manhattan, I never communicated with him again.
The site also took in some ad revenue from clicks and a bit of cash from people willing to pay for the “privilege” of commenting behind a paywall, but I’m reasonably certain that most of its funding came from that benefactor.
My main grievance about writing for that site — and it was a grievance that had simmered for a decade to the point of metastasis — involved having to deal with an editorially challenged and socially graceless editrix whom I always assumed was forced into the position as some sort of punishment. I could be wrong about this assumption — she made it nigh impossible to confirm my suspicions by never making it evident how I might go about contacting the benefactor — but at least she acted as if she took no joy in her role, and it seemed bleedingly obvious that she didn’t much care for politics, especially those of the “racist” sort that may have been considered gauche at well-heeled cocktail parties.
Almost exactly a year ago, while I was exhausted beyond tolerance at having my writing neutered and I was facing a brief but grim health scare, Greg Johnson offered to pay me exactly what I was getting paid at the other site if I decided to jump ship. To my limited knowledge, there are only a dozen or so sites on the planet — probably fewer — where one can traffic in these ideas and get paid enough to keep oneself awash in foodstuffs and clean socks.
As anti-social and difficult as I may seem, I’m not above the occasional bout of self-interested networking. I’d had nibbles from a couple other sites — nothing definite — but Counter-Currents is by my estimation the most literate of them all and the only one that trafficked entirely in original material. Whatever our aesthetic or philosophical differences, there’s no writer on the site I consider to be dumb or a mediocre wordsmith. And the commenters, despite the occasional grouch, keep the discourse at a higher level than can be found at almost any other generally likeminded site. Reading Counter-Currents is like taking a free college class in this very specific area of knowledge. Even better, it’s like a free college class where you also learn something from the students.
But nothing’s really free, is it?
Unlike the previous site, Counter-Currents takes enough ideological risks that it has faced persistent financial and social-media deplatforming. Greg — who takes a smaller cut for himself than he allots to his writers — was infamously arrested in Norway in late 2019 on some half-baked charges of supporting terrorism because he’d once written something positive about Anders Behring Breivik. If you’ve noticed that the site has been slow to load for much of this year, it’s because someone somewhere finds its ideas troubling enough to launch relentless DDoS attacks against it.
Also unlike the previous site, Counter-Currents gets zero revenue from traffic. The subject matter is too risky to garner any click-generated ad money. We don’t have a primary benefactor, but there are several donors who toss money our way in the form of matching grants and suchlike. The rest comes from paying subscribers and the occasional lemon, ice cream, and ninjaghini during livestreams.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.
I’ve been alive long enough to witness what was once known as the “counterculture” gain enough power to where it’s simply now “the culture.” In fact, the counterculture of the 1960s and ‘70s seems tepid compared to what passes for mass-produced reality today.
I’m slow to pick up on some things, and it wasn’t until today that the word “Counter” in this site’s name signals that the subject matter in which it dabbles represents something that abrades viciously against the mainstream narrative. Given the modern state of things, even “countercultural” seems far too tepid. At any given moment, we only seem a week or two away from samizdat status.
Times have never been crazier. Things have never been direr. Therefore, sites such as this one have never been more necessary.
You alone can decide how much that’s worth to you. In these times, can you place a price on the solace of knowing that there are kindred spirits somewhere, anywhere?
With barely over two months left in the year, the site has taken in roughly 60% of its yearly fundraising goal. Until now, only Greg has taken up the white man’s burden of rattling the tin cup and asking for donations. I’m playing against type here, but it’s time for me to smear on some blackface and do my best Mr. Bojangles soft-shoe dance for cash contributions.
And so I beseech ye: Can you spare us some cutter, me brothers?
I hate to get all Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association Telethon on you, but it’s that time of year. I hate to get all Blanche DuBois on you, but this site has always depended on the kindness of strangers.
Besides bequeathing a massive cash donation to the site, the best way you can help us push this juggernaut past the finish line is by becoming a subscriber. Besides the immense personal satisfaction you may get by knowing you’re providing a lifeline for a particular strain of thoughtcrime that is borderline illegal at this point, the main perks of being a yearly subscriber is that you get first peek at the paywall articles — there is typically one a day every weekday, and non-subscribers don’t see them for a month — and first listen to the paywall podcasts.
But beyond that, and for a limited time, I am putting some of my own white skin in the game here. If you purchase a yearly Counter-Currents subscription between now and December 31, you will receive a FREE BOOK of your choice from the home page of my website. Hopefully by the time this article goes live, our HTML fella will have encoded a little box where you can enter a code for special subscription deals. For this deal, type in the word “goad.” Then you can email me (jg AT jim goad dot net) with your address and book selection. Once I confirm that you’ve subscribed, I will send you a signed book along with an email featuring your tracking number. (This applies to orders within the crumbling nation still known as the United States of America. International prices are so insane, you’ll have to pay for the postage if you’re ordering from outside of the US. You still get the book itself for free. Again, use the “goad” code on the subscription form for a free book of mine.)
For contributions of $500 or more, I will vigorously perform any karaoke song of your request and post it on my YouTube channel. (If I don’t think the song is within my massive octave-and-a-half baritone range, I will gently suggest another tune.)
For the right price, I will also arm-wrestle any one of you (left arm, my strong one, I’ve never lost with my left arm) for charity. Beyond that, what else can we do to raise funds and meet our goal? Spaghetti wrestling between different “Dissident Right” luminaries? We can get creative with this and make it fun.
It is, of course, ultimately up to you. Should the mood strike you, help us keep this tugboat sailing boldly into the thickening fog.
* * *
Counter-Currents has extended special privileges to those who donate $120 or more per year.
- First, donor comments will appear immediately instead of waiting in a moderation queue. (People who abuse this privilege will lose it.)
- Second, donors will have immediate access to all Counter-Currents posts. Non-donors will find that one post a day, five posts a week will be behind a “paywall” and will be available to the general public after 30 days.
To get full access to all content behind the paywall, sign up here:
Paywall Gift Subscriptions
If you are already behind the paywall and want to share the benefits, Counter-Currents also offers paywall gift subscriptions. We need just five things from you:
- your payment
- the recipient’s name
- the recipient’s email address
- your name
- your email address
To register, just fill out this form and we will walk you through the payment and registration process. There are a number of different payment options.
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Not contributing to Counter Currents makes my white guilt soar through the stratosphere. A check is on its way Greg.
“Reading Counter-Currents is like taking a free college class in this very specific area of knowledge.”
I couldn’t agree more. That’s exactly what it is. As always, I greatly appreciate Mr. Goad’s candor in laying out how this all works. And for the record, I just want to make special mention of a simple, but powerful phrase he used on a recent CC live stream: “We all have our part to play”. For what it’s worth, some people don’t know how to give or struggle giving. CC makes more than ample effort in making itself available. I’m talking about any fear or hesitation in putting monetary skin in the game. I’m not really a giver and because of personal experience, remain highly cynical of charity and donations. But I’ve come around to giving CC what I can, when I can, because I realize I’ve taken my share, CC has added value to my life, and these guys need our help. I strive to be professional, business-like, and consistent in my involvement with White Nationalism, and I see that reflected in the editors, writers, moderators, and commenters who involve themselves in this scene. That is why I now give whatever modest contributions I can.
As for the nuts and bolts of getting funds to CC and protecting your privacy, I strongly encourage anyone to consult the well-organized website, to email Mr. Johnson, or simply reach out to any of us regulars whom you would feel comfortable with, for advice. We’ve all had moments of being totally lost in this thing, and it’s by the grace of our brothers and sisters that we’ve found our way. And if you still have any hesitation about how much or why you’re giving, it never hurts to start small and consider the phrase that struck me hard: “If not now, then when?” In the end, also, every little bit helps.
One last word for Mr. Goad. There’s nothing wrong with promotion. Sales at it’s best, is the art of offering something you believe is worth buying, be it a message or a product. The best products even have a habit of selling themselves. For my part, I view CC as an investment in a worthy institution, myself, and my people. And I sincerely hope others find it in their hearts to feel the same way as well.
$120 a year is $10 per month and Counter-Currents publishes about 100 articles each month.
If you only read Jim Goad, that comes to $1.25 per article. Or less if it’s a nine-article month!
You can’t buy a Twix for that.
And Twix is the ONLY candy, with that cookie crunch.
You can’t argue with this Man’s reasoning.
Not only that, but at Counter-Currents you’re less likely to be murdered by Alec Baldwin.
Too soon!
Okay, not really.
I think we all had the same thought: “This is the first time he’s killed anyone?”
Thanks for crunching the numbers just like that satisfying Twix taste. You make good sense my friend.
Does it have to be a onetime 500 USD donation? Because I’d really, really like to hear Jim Goad sing ‘The Southern Soldier’
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” by Julia Ward Howe for $100. please. Or maybe a bunch of us could band together and purchase a song?
Doesn’t the Battle Hymn of the Republic pay homage to the lunatic John Brown and his murderous “Crusade”?
I would hate to hear Jim sing that “Hymn”.
It has to be a Confederate song, otherwise ’tis no fun.
Damn good of you Mr. Goad.
I already have a paywall.
You’ve already sung
I Want to Know What Love Is (Philly Accent)
Bike by Syd Pink Floyd
Thunder Island
For me.
Can I buy next year’s subscription now?
I want to give. I want to give and love and laugh and live. (Imagine this said by TV’s Frank)
“For the right price, I will also arm-wrestle any one of you (left arm, my strong one, I’ve never lost with my left arm) for charity. Beyond that, what else can we do to raise funds and meet our goal?”
Name your price Mr Goad. Hopefully it is reasonable.
To up the stakes, if I win I will demand nothing in return. If you win I will happily relinquish to you some ounces of silver in coinage, rounds and/or bars.
I’ve been a fairly regular visitor to Counter-Currents over the last several years but became a subscriber at the first opportunity.
I log into CC every day, and every day I find something I’m looking for! There are articles on current and historical topics to suit anyone’s interests, presented by top writers. It’s an intellectual clearing house in the formation of the North American New Right culture. The amount of material available on a weekly basis is astounding, and that’s just via the webzine. One of my favorites is the “Remembering…” series. It’s a history lesson for me, providing a wealth of links and articles on our movement’s ancestry.
My biggest source of enjoyment comes from CC’s published books. I’ve been purchasing these books as much for my education as well as another means of support for CC. I also bought my first Jim Goad book earlier tonight!
I’m currently at a one-year subscription level; but come renewal time I’m going to upgrade to a two-year subscription. As Greg mentioned on October 15, 2021, I do feel honored:
“Mark Zuckerberg is one of the richest men in the world. Jeff Bezos of is even richer. Both Zuckerberg and Bezos have targeted me and Counter-Currents for censorship and economic strangulation. Again, I take that as a badge of honor.
The fact that they have not silenced me and Counter-Currents is a badge of honor that all of our donors wear.”
If I weren’t struggling with debts myself, I’d definitely make a generous contribution but I’ve also promised to send a little from my savings to Kevin Michael Grace.
I still miss KMG’s podcast Grace and Steel with the other Kevin. I shall look up KMG once more and maybe throw some shekels his way, too.
Just to reiterate what Jim is saying here, how about coming off a malenky lomtick of that cutter in your carmans, chellovecks and devotchkas? Don’t be poogly.
Otherwise we just might razzrezz your platties with a cutthroat britvah and tolchock your litsos with no appy polly logs whatsoever. Kupat what I govereet?
Come and get one in the yarbles!
And don’t get all razzdrazz and bezoominy about it, either.
Take the cutter you were going to spend on kartoffel and send it to Counter-Currents, instead.
Logging on to Counter-Currents is like little cutthroat britvahs going stabby-stab down in your guttiwuts.
It’s a bolshy vesch!
Klarn det. If you get my drift!
CC comments crack me up!
Is this that Droog-speak from Clockwork Orange? I’ve seen it but never read it; so reading it has me confused.
It is. I’m embarrassed that I speak it fluently.
One more reason to support CC is that it is NOT tax-deductible. Nonprofits who use the tax advantage are in fact state-sanctioned businesses. What a racket!
Count on a check from me, Jim. I found CC because I went looking for you after you left Taki’s. I owe you, frankly. Now Counter-Currents feels like home, and why wouldn’t one want to invest in that?
Just contributed $60 to answer Jim’s call. You guys are great! Go, Counter-Currents!
Oy Vey! After such a plaintive call of supplication, I’ll have to root thru my bag of god-given manna and come up with a few more shekels. At least it gives me the chance to kibitz on articles & events here.
I will have to agree that C-C is one of the best commenting portals for this venue. Other sites not employing a paywall have devolved into a slugfest of illiterate troglodytes hurling banalities at each other.
Ha! Amen.
A livestream telethon sounds like a helluva idea for the future. Guests from all over this sphere of the right can make appearances, give speeches, do comedy skits, play with their bands, have fun, participate in games, beg for money as Shecky Greene and Soupy Sales did at 4 AM on the Labor Day Saturday, half-asleep with cigarette no. 44 of the night in hand. Kidding-not-kidding aside, I do plan on subscribing. Keep up the good work, and fight the good fight.
Jim moving from Takimag to here on CC was one of the big catalysts to get me to become a paid subscriber. I’ve since come to appreciate a lot of the writers here. Travis LeBanc’s article juxtaposing Beavis and Butthead with “The End of History” blew my mind. I think Greg should consider getting David Cole on as CC’s court Jew. That would give CC a joker diversity card up its sleeve.
I got to say, $500 to hear Jim Goad sing Hanukkah songs is very, very tempting.
Just signed up, thanks Mr. Goad
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