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On July 10, 2020, the New York Post published an article about a high school principal, already notorious for frequent expressions of disdain for people of the white persuasion, “who conspired to oust Caucasian teachers.” By itself, this piece lacked the “man bites dog” quality that makes for a good newspaper story. After all, the mistreatment of high albedo employees by well-placed avatars of the Global South is a common occurrence these days. What caught my eye in this little saga about life in the Republic of Rainbow, however, was the surname of the mulâtresse in question, Paula Lev.
Principal Lev, it seems, is wed to Benjamin Lev, who, if I am not too badly mistaken, eats Chinese food at Christmastime. She thus qualifies for membership in an exclusive club that includes the spouse of the pseudo-Goombah mayor of New York City and the wife of the Second Gentleman. (By the way, could it be entirely accidental that the aggrieved party in this case is a teacher, who, in addition to resembling a refugee from an old Brooks Brothers catalog, bears the tragically traif-adjacent name of Nick Bacon?)

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.
It doesn’t take a Spinoza to figure out why a sista might want to put a little Kashrut cream in her coffee. After all, a man who buys jewelry for his wife usually makes a better partner than a man who buys (or steals) it for himself. The motivation for the men in question, however, is not so easy to discern. To begin with, the children delivered of a Shvartze shiksa, like all other fruit of gentile wombs, are necessarily born beyond the boundaries of the Tribe.
The path to one solution to this conundrum begins in Riga, where people still tell an old joke about the three main contributors to the success of the Bolshevik Revolution: German gold, Jewish brains, and Latvian bayonets. This bit of historical humor takes us to Two Hundred Years Together, in which Alexander Solzhenitsyn reminds us that, while the Communists who ravaged Russia were disproportionately Jewish, they were not exclusively so. Rather, the ranks of the Bolshevik movement were filled with marginal people of all sorts. Some of these, like Lenin himself, owed their existence to mixed marriages. Others, like the aforementioned Latvian riflemen, possessed unambiguous national identities. The common characteristic shared by so many Bolsheviks may well have been less a matter of membership in a particular minority than of alienation from the people they sought to rule.
While reasoning by analogy proves nothing (pace Ibn Khaldûn), it sometimes provides us with food for thought. In this instance, the example of the Bolsheviks suggests the possibility that the great engine of the present-day Left is less a matter of love for either yiddishkeit or negritude, than of hatred for white people, the culture that sustains them, and the civilization that they built.
The attraction of Solomon to Sheba may also be a function of the advantages enjoyed by black people in the United States where entrée into elite institutions is concerned. In an age in which Jews face fierce competition from East Asians for places at prestigious colleges, the ability to check “African-American” on an admission form can mean the difference between a scholarship to Yale and paying full-freight at NYU. Later in life, the ability to tap into black privilege increases the chances that, rather than toiling as a doctor, lawyer, or accountant, the result of a retail Rainbow coalition will be able to live the sweet life of a diversity consultant.
In short, Jewish men of 21st-century America marry black women for much the same reason that their ancestors sought to marry their daughters to impecunious European aristocrats.
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Probably true. They have a nose for sniffing out shifts in power. Kamala is a good example of the problem. Though, who married Diane Abbott, again?
A piquant morsel, just the right size, with the proper sidewise commentary on the Kamala Harris phenomenon. In Diversityland, being a mere Mischling is no longer enough.
If their hatred for us is what drives them and binds them, which rings true, then I am ready to get on board. I feel actual hate when I look at that skank’s picture. I feel the exact way about her that she feels about me.
She definitely looks black and is noted as Dominican in the Post article. Her letter regarding the teacher is beyond ruthless in its desire to get rid of a white male simply for being white. I no longer see the attraction to the darker colored girls. What has become the most irritating is their preponderance in every piece of advertising and even on company websites. For such a small minority of the population they are grossly overrepresented. Especially as portrayed to be living with a husband and smiling happy children when the vast majority are living on the dole with daddy nowhere to be found. What ever happened to truth in advertising?
Their portrayal as ‘happy housewives’ as well as ‘career women’ in ads and TV commercials is the media trying to set goals and standards for them by subliminal messaging. A type of brainwashing. Whites just get messages for medicines to convince us we’re all falling apart.
I thought the same as the author when I learned the woman’s surname was ‘Lev,’ but there appears to be an additional wrinkle to this case. From a comment at Steve Sailer today, Breitbart appeared to write a post about said Paula Lev, with a photo clearly showing the woman is either Filippino and/or Thai, yet claims she’s Dominican. She could well be ethnically jungle Asian born in the Dominican Republic; who knows?
“…eats Chinese food at Christmastime”
This made my day! Priceless!
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