Chapo Trap House is Too White Even For Me (And I’m a White Supremacist)
Travis LeBlancChapo Trap House, Felix Biederman, Matt Christman, Brendan James, Will Menaker, & Virgil Texas
The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason
New York: Touchstone, 2018
Point of personal privilege . . .
Chapo Trap House is a stupid name for a podcast. It would be a stupid name for a shitty punk band. I wouldn’t even call my b-sides collection Chapo Trap House. If you ask me, I don’t know why they didn’t just call it Two Hebes, Two Dweebs, and a Chick. Short, punchy, and to the point. Tells you everything you need to know right off the bat – which is to say, “This podcast is a bunch of commie bullshit.” But I guess I’ll attempt to expand upon those eight words and do an actual review.
Get a load of these fags . . .
Originally, Chapo Trap House was two hebes (Will Menaker and Felix Biederman) and one solitary gentile dweeb, Matt Christman – three Daddy’s Money Commies from around the way. The show quickly became popular during the 2016 presidential election as the go-to place for humorous commentary from a Bernie Bro-ish perspective.
But eventually, the trio of white (and fellow white) males realized that, in these woke times, they needed some PC body armor in order to operate. Thus, Chapo Trap House took on a couple of affirmative action hires: the aforementioned chick and some Oriental guy. Subsequently, the podcast has become the intellectual epicenter of the “Dirtbag Left,” and has been influential in the recent rise of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Horseshoe theorists try to paint the antifa as the Dissident Right’s evil Leftist twin, but the DSA/Dirtbag Left crowd is probably a better candidate for a Left-wing bizzaro Dissident Right. This is mainly because both movements appeal almost exclusively to white people, and when you get a bunch of white people together, certain white quirks are going to predominate.
In both camps, you see a lot of pointless ideological hairsplitting mixed in with esoteric historical minutiae, and lots of historical revisionism. While portions of the Dissident Right are obsessed with refighting the Second World War and the interwar years, the Dirtbag Left/DSA crowd have their own parallel obsessions with the Cold War, and to a lesser extent, the French Revolution (they think the Jacobins were misunderstood). And where White Nationalists have to deal with purity-spiraling wignats who think The Daily Stormer is too cucked, the DSA crowd have their own similar optics war going on with antifa tankies who are unconcerned with hearts and minds. The truth is that if you get a bunch of white people together, no matter the ideology, they will start doing white people shit. It’s unavoidable.
That said, the Dirtbag Left seems a few years behind us. While they have a large audience and online community, the Dirtbag Left has not yet metamorphosed into a full-blown subculture like the Dissident Right has. Sure, they’ve got an audience, but where is the Dirtbag Left Mr. Bond? Or the Dirtbag Left Murdoch Murdoch? To my knowledge, the Dirtbag Left has yet to create a single viral meme – with the possible exception of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who inadvertently became a meme herself.
Another thing is that the way the Chapo guys see the Democratic Party is almost a mirror image of the way the Dissident Right views the Republican Party: constantly acquiescing to the enemy while making no substantive gains for their own side. In truth, both sides are correct from their own perspectives. The Dissident Right sees itself in a cultural struggle, and so, yes, the Republican Party has allowed the culture to be taken over by amoral degenerates and Leftist radicals. But the Chapo fellows see themselves more in a material struggle, so in that sense, they are also correct in that while the Democrats have had all these social victories, at the same time they have allowed corporations, international finance, and the military-industrial complex to slowly acquire hegemonic power at the expense of the little guy.
While the Dissident Right evolved out of the chans, the Dirtbag Left grew more out of the stand-up comedy scene. Chapo-allied podcast Cum Town features New York comedians Nick Mullen and Stavros Halkias, while proto-Dirtbag Leftist podcast Last Podcast on the Left stars Ben Kissel, who spent years in the New York stand-up scene. Chapo has gained notoriety as much as a comedy podcast as a political one, and garnered an audience by hosting celebrity comics, and all the way down to open-micers, who then promote the show to their fans on social media.
Thus, from a White Nationalist perspective, the Dirtbag Left is worth considering, if for no other reason than because we are in direct competition with them for an audience. We have the same target demographic: above average-IQ whites who really dig irony, history, political theory, and all that white stuff. The Chapo guys seem to be more aware of this fact than most of the Right, quite honestly.
But besides that, we are also in competition with the Dirtbag Left for talent. As comedy becomes more oppressively PC and anti-white, a lot of white kids who may have gone into stand-up in an earlier generation may instead opt for the online scene, be it Dissident Right or Dirtbag Left. Stand-up comedy is indeed increasingly becoming No Country for White Men – but those people are going to have to go somewhere.
Comics leaving the stand-up scene to become Left-wing commentators is nothing new (see Jon Stewart), but it is a growing trend on the Right as well, with comics like Owen Benjamin, Stephen Crowder, and Anthony Cumia drifting from mainstream comedy into conservative commentary. Maybe there aren’t as many groupies to be had in being famous on the Internet as opposed to doing it old school, but at least you can be your own boss and be as edgy as you want to be (within the terms of service, of course). Meanwhile, in mainstream comedy, it’s gotten to where a single tweet from ten years ago, or even an unsubstantiated accusation, can destroy your career. Increasingly, the Internet is the place to be.
The irony is that for Leftists, Chapo Trap House is actually kind of reactionary. They hate all things “neo”: neoconservatism, neoliberalism, and neofascism. They call for the Left to return to older ways of doing things and older forms of looking at the world: in effect, to put down Ta-Nehisi Coates and go back to Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky; abandon the Colbertesque snark and return to Mr. Show’s irony; and to drop identity politics and go back to political theory and ideology. And proles, damn it – don’t forget the proles! All that identity politics flapdoodle is just a distraction from the class struggle, which has always been the true, overarching historical narrative. There is a very ‘90s vibe to what Chapo do. These are the kinds of people who voted for Ralph Nader.
This is a reoccurring theme throughout Chapo’s book: The Left has lost its way and needs to return to the way things were done in the good ol’ days, when the world was a much brighter and – not coincidentally – a much whiter place than it is today.
While Chapo Trap House’s meme is that they are a bunch of Brooklyn hipsters, this can be deceiving. For the most part, they are only Brooklyn in style. Three of the Chapo gang come from the Midwest; Will Menaker is the only bona fide New York Jew of the bunch (Christ-killer Felix Biederman is from Chicago).
There have long been comparisons made between Chapo Trap House and TRS’s flagship podcast, The Daily Shoah, not least by Mike Enoch himself, who thinks Chapo copied his mojo or something. There are reportedly a fair number of Chapo fans who listen to The Daily Shoah as a guilty pleasure, and vice versa.
What’s funny is that TRS actually is an operation run by New York hipsters (Enoch, Sven, and Striker are all from New York, and let’s not forget Fash the Nation, based out of Los Angeles), while it’s Chapo whose core comes from the conservative hinterlands of the Midwest, away from the Jewish centers of power.[1]
Indeed, it’s Chapo’s relatively goyish style (goyish compared to, say, The Young Turks) which makes it palatable, and Chapo’s alleged “unwokeness” and willingness to criticize at least some of the excesses of the Zionist social justice mob is one their selling points.
Some of the Left’s most effective comedians have been people who came from conservative backgrounds. Bill Hicks was from Texas, David Cross is from Georgia, and Stephen Colbert came from South Carolina (although he’s long since “gone Hollywood”). The thing about Red State Lefties is that they tend to have an order of magnitude more self-awareness than your typical coastal liberal. After all, they’ve had to spend their whole lives defending what they believe, whereas a liberal can survive for years in New York or L.A.and never have to defend their beliefs. The Red State Democrat has heard all the basic bitch Republican talking points, and knows all the Rush Limbaugh/FOX News arguments and how to answer them, whereas your average New Yorker has no exposure to Right-wing ideas outside of clips played out of context on late-night talk shows.
For example, take this passage from the book, in which Chapo addresses American involvement in the subversion of Third World democracies during the Cold War and take on a common Republican talking point:
You might be saying to yourself, Hey, Professor Atheist Jew Libtard, put down the birth control pills and burning flag for one second and take the patriotic view: we were fighting a war to the death against Communism. If we hadn’t propped up our dictators, wouldn’t they have propped up their dictators and won?
Here’s a two-tiered answer. First, who cares? Pick your dictatorship: Would you rather have lived in Fidel Castro’s Cuba or in any one of the US’s many military junta police states? Second, America was usually targeting not just strongman regimes but democratic mass movements. And there was never a situation in which any American gain in yardage was a clear win against hegemonic Communism, because the Communist Bloc was already fragmented by the mid 1960s (not to mention the added players in the Third Way/Non-Aligned Movement, a crunchy co-op founded by Nehru, Tito, Sukarno, Nasser, and Nkrumah).
How many times did we act not against Communism but against anything remotely subverting capitalism? United Fruit in Latin America? Iran? Democratically-elected Chilean socialist Salvador Allende? In none of those cases were the Soviets to be seen.[2]
That’s the writing of someone who has spent some time around average conservatives. Most liberals would not bother to take the time out of their narrative to address enemy counter-arguments, but Chapo are out to change minds, not just lecture people.
However, there are limits to Chapo’s alleged unwokefulness. They are, of course, strident race deniers with a penchant for trolling race-realists with jokes about phrenology. This is the equivalent of trying to dunk on an evolutionary scientist with Piltdown Man memes. People can be right for the wrong reasons.
In a recent Spiked interview, the chick from Chapo Trap House elaborated on the Chapoist interpretation of human biodiversity:
We invented race to justify exploitation. Splitting people on the basis of race was used to morally justify slavery . . . Racial discourse was created after hyper-exploitation.
Whoa, hold up there, sister. Who had to justify what to whom? We’re talking about sixteenth-century absolute monarchies that ruled by divine right and didn’t have to justify shit to anyone. What exactly were they afraid would have happened if they hadn’t thought of a good enough reason to enslave Africans? That the peasantry would rise up? That the military would mutiny? That the nobility would overthrow him for a more SJW monarch? That the Church would excommunicate them (I’m not even sure Christianity officially forbids slavery)? I’m sorry, Toots, but you’re gonna have to “who, whom” me on this little theory of yours.
As an aside, the chick from Chapo Trap House is a hapa, so when she says “we invented race,” she is pulling a “my fellow whites.”
She continues:
When we tried to not be racist, we ended up using the same framework, which today also lives on in identitarian form. All “race” is, is that some people don’t sunburn. That’s the entirety of racial difference.
Yeah, other than racial differences in skin color, hair texture , bone structure, muscle density, hormonal levels, brain size, average IQ, age of female sexual maturity, disease immunities and susceptibilities, allergies, lactose tolerance, the fact that the various human races interbred with Neanderthals and other hominids at substantially different rates, and – let us not forget – the ability to sunburn, race is purely a social construct with no basis in biological fact. For Pete’s sake, there is more evidence to support God’s existence than there is to support the idea that all races are equal. I mean, Fatima once happened, but there has never been a scientific study showing that all races have equal intelligence.
This is what you get with affirmative action.
I think the Chapo crew know damn well what the truth about race is. They are frankly too smart not to know. And Chapo “get” what White Nationalism is about better than about ninety-nine percent of the Left, and even a large portion of the Right (though they may choose to play dumb when it suits them). Take this passage:
This is only the beginning. Trump himself, with his Heritage Foundation brain trust and Goldman Sachs cabinet, may look like a creampuff compared to the next generation of Republican demagogues who take the bloodthirsty, nativist, white-power ideology far more seriously.[3]
Unlike the mainstream media, who have written countless obituaries of “the Alt Right” (only to say in the next breath that “white supremacy” is the gravest threat to the nation), Chapo do not see White Nationalism going away anytime soon, and understand that it is a phenomenon independent of Trump. This is in contrast to the mainstream Left, who like to believe that Trump is some kind of sorcerer who has his flock spellbound, and that if only they could just get him out of the way, the spell will be broken, and then the deplorables will wake up and say, “Dear God, what am I doing? A strange sensation came over me and I started supporting my own racial interests!”
The book isn’t a bad read. Sometimes it’s funny or genuinely clever. They’ve got some critiques of capitalism and globalism that aren’t half-bad. But even when Chapo are at their best, they are only ever half-right, because the other half is avoiding talking about the Jews.
Corrupt systems, not corrupt people
Chapo Trap House would like you to know that they are not liberals. They are Leftists. There is a difference, and they spend a whole chapter explaining what that is. Good luck making that distinction a thing, guys. That’s like if I went around calling myself a Francoist. “Look, just because I’m an anti-Semite doesn’t mean I’m a ‘Nazi’. You see, there were actually several important distinctions between the Spanish Falange Party and the German National Socialist movement. For one . . .” No one cares. To everyone else in the world, I am a Nazi. Likewise, Chapos, you can call yourselves “Leftists” all you want. Hell, you could call yourself a pumpkin pie, but to everyone else, y’all are a bunch of faggy liberals. Ideologies are not like gender pronouns, where you can expect people to respect your chosen label. When it comes to ideologies, people call you whatever the fuck they want, and there’s really nothing you can do about it. But still, good luck with that.
So what does it mean to be a Leftist but not a liberal? To begin, when people talk about “culture,” the Chapo gang reach for their revolvers:
For a long time people had a crude but basically correct understanding of culture’s relationship to politics: Marx’s idea that the “superstructure” of society – law, morality, and culture – arises out of the economic meat grinder hidden underneath, the “base.” This rough version of the theory gets criticized as simplistic, and to be fair, it is: there are all kinds of inputs and outputs that determine culture, and there’s plenty of good criticism of this bastardized version of Marx. Still, as far as we’re concerned, it’s always better to err on the side of this crude theory than to go in the opposite direction, the For Dummies version of Antonio Gramsci: the idea that a nation’s culture is self-reinforcing and affects all other walks of life, so if you change the culture, you can change the political reality.[4]
The correct answer is that culture is nature expressing itself, but that’s a rather sophisticated concept, and Chapo are scientifically illiterate race-deniers, and even if they weren’t, their ideology demands that they believe (or at least claim to believe) that all humans of whatever group are interchangeable cogs. So of course, they would disagree . . .
I was once Facebook friends with someone who was into the whole Dirtbag Left scene. He had started in stand-up but then drifted into that world as it allowed him to flex his humor muscles, but also his big-brained commie takes which would have gone over the heads of drunk, low-IQ comedy club patrons. The Dirtbag Left was a better venue for his full skill set than the stage. This fellow described himself as a “materialist,” and the last I heard, he was doing a podcast about how rich people are bad. He was a bright guy and legitimately funny; anti-racist as they come, but stridently anti-Zionist. The most frustrating thing about his takes was how he would occasionally come so close to the truth, but then, at the last moment, veer off in the completely wrong direction.
One time, he was talking about how “it’s those darned bankers who are screwing over the working class, and those confounded pharmaceutical countries are getting rich destroying the lives of honest proles, and the no-good media’s not reporting on any of it. We’re starting all these wars in the Middle East and selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, and yadda, yadda, yadda.” As I was reading it, I was shaking my head and thinking, “He’s about to name the Jew.” But then, without fail, he would veer off into retarded shit about capitalism or “neofascism” or whatever.
So I would respond with, “Bro, just who are these bankers? I mean, who owns these banks? And who owns the pharmaceutical companies? What do the Sacker Family and Teva Pharmaceuticals have in common? And just who owns all these media companies that refuse to report on it? And who is really pushing for all these wars in the Middle East? Do you think the average American cares who is running the show in Syria? Well, someone does – but who? And who would you say is Saudi Arabia’s biggest ally in the region?” My materialist acquaintance was well aware of what I was getting at, but he only replied, “I prefer to think in terms of corrupt systems, not corrupt people.” While I think my response (“Why not both?”) was adequate, maybe I should have said something like, “Okay, so instead of Jews, what if our media and financial institutions were controlled by, let’s say, Belgians. Do you really believe that we would still be in the same situation? Do you really believe that even if Belgians were running the show that the system, by its very nature, would still inevitably lead to wars in the Middle East which, by sheer coincidence, happen to benefit Israel’s strategic interests? Do you believe the system is doing that?”
Thinking in terms of systems is something you’re supposed to eventually grow out of. On the Right, it’s something most of us got over during our libertarian phases, when we realized that as bright and shiny as the libertarian utopia might have appeared in our imaginations, there were unavoidable cultural reasons for why it was impossible to realize. Maturity is accepting that there are racial and cultural realities that cannot be corrected no matter how much you tweak the system, and wisdom is understanding that it’s a lot easier to encourage bad behavior than it is to encourage good behavior. At some point, people have to want to eat their veggies. It is this cultural blind spot which makes the Dirtbag Left attractive to young whites, but it is also why the Dirtbag Left is doomed.
Chapoism is attractive to young whites because being a Chapoist requires a great deal less white self-loathing than the explicitly anti-white neoliberal Left does. Whereas the neoliberals see whites in particular as the primary villain in their narratives, a Chapoist sees the capitalist system as their primary nemesis. True, the Chapoist agrees with most of the neoliberal’s racial oppression narratives, that race is a social construct, and that the only reason blacks have not thrived is because of white racism and all that. The difference is that while the neoliberal says whites do bad things because whites are inherently evil, the Chapoist would say that capitalism is an evil system which, by its very nature, just makes people do bad things, and the fact that whites are at the head of the capitalist machine is more or less incidental.
Being against identity politics is identity politics
Chapo are known for being the Left-wingers who don’t like identity politics. To the DSA/Chapoist, identity politics is a distraction that keeps people from thinking in terms of systems and understanding big-picture politics, class conflict, and all that other commie bullshit. But let’s face it. The reason why most white people don’t like identity politics is because they don’t get to do it. If they could do identity politics, they would love it, because it delivers results.
Thus, when a white person advocates against identity politics, they are actually engaging in identity politics themselves, because they know that a society where no one practices identity politics would be more beneficial to white people than the status quo, which is a society where everyone gets to practice identity politics except white people. Only a non-white can truly take a principled stand against identity politics. A white person who opposes identity politics is just advocating for their own group advantage – which is identity politics.
In a world where everyone gets to practice identity politics but you, a white person has two options: join the Dissident Right and say, “Screw you, I’m going to practice identity politics anyway,” or you can lose yourself in ideology. People of Color (POCs) tend not to be ideologues. Why would a POC get into some one-size-fits-all universalist ideology whose leaders and intellectuals are outsiders when there is identity politics custom-tailored to their tastes and interests?
Let’s face it: Being a commie is a very white thing to be
The Dirtbag Left movement evolved out of/in tandem with the 2016 Bernie Bro Zeitgeist. The 2015-2016 Bernie Sanders phenomenon was an implicitly white movement espousing white values rooted in Enlightenment principles and advocating issues of interest to whites (college debt forgiveness, corporate corruption, etc.). While I’m sure there’s all sorts of ideological differences between pre-sellout Bernie and orthodox Chapoism, I think it’s safe to say that they appeal to roughly the same demographic.
To get a feel for just who those people are, let’s see who showed up at Bernie Sanders’ rallies in 2015-2016. But not just any Bernie Sanders rally; let’s see who showed up at Sanders rallies when he was in the blackest states in the Union. This should be fun.
Here is Bernie Sanders speaking in Georgia, a state which is 31.4% black:
Here’s who came out to see Bernie Sanders in Alabama, a state where the skies are so blue, the governor is true, and the population is 26.38% black:
South Carolina, 28.48% black:
Louisiana, 32.4% black:
Maryland, 30.1% black:
And before you feel like getting cute, the above picture was taken in Baltimore, which in 2010 was 63.7% black and only 29.6% white.
Mind you, that’s how black the state is. The percentage of blacks in the Democratic Party in those states is much higher; well over fifty percent in many Deep South states. And double mind you, that’s just how black the state is. The total percentage of all POCs is surely even higher still.
For example, here’s who came out to see Bernie Sanders in Sacramento, California, a city which is 65% non-white:
And yet despite the colorblind nature of Bernie’s socialist ideology, despite his totally-not-racist platform, and despite his unassailable Civil Rights street cred (he marched with MLK), Bernie’s socialist ideas seem to resonate almost exclusively with white people.
Here’s a fun fact a lot of people don’t know: Bernie Sanders actually won the white Democratic vote in 2016 – meaning he won more votes from white people than Hillary did. Hell, if only white people had voted in 2016, Bernie Sanders may very well be President right now. The fact is that Hillary needed POCs to put her over the top for the nomination.
Thus, even if all of Chapo’s commie narratives and ideas were correct, it would still make sense for them to advocate for an immigration policy to maintain and strengthen white demographic dominance, as whites are the only people who actually care about their ideas. Or at least, that should be their priority until they take power or find a way to sell their ideas to people who “ain’t got no time for some old-ass white book-talkin’ muthafucka” in statistically significant numbers. But for reasons that would take an article at least twice as long as this one to explain, that is never going to happen. If Chapo care about their ideas and values, then they need to care about the only demographic that likes them in statistically significant numbers.
For example, Chapo are convinced that global warming is an existential threat (yet also believe that the evidence for race and IQ correlation is inconclusive), and that doomsday is a-comin’ unless we do something, and quick:
Of course, no roster of anticipatable apocalypses would be complete without the total ecological collapse caused by climate change. It turns out that two centuries of spewing industrial effluvium into the atmosphere to power the modern world wasn’t without its consequences. At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was around 280 PPM. As of this writing, we’re over 410 PPM and rising. The concentration limit needed to prevent irreversible ecological damage is, uh, way less than that.[5]
And yet who is the only demographic that treats global warming as a serious threat?
For a good proxy for showing who cares about climate change, let’s take a look at who showed up to the 2017 March for Science rallies. These were well-funded, promoted, and publicized events, and climate change was one of their major themes.
Here’s who showed up to the March for Science rally in Boston, a city which is only 43.9% non-Hispanic white:
Here’s who showed up to the March for Science rally in Philadelphia, a city which is only 39.9% non-Hispanic white:
And here’s who came to the rally in New York City, where non-Hispanic whites make up a mere 33.3% of the population (and about half of those are Jews):
You get the picture.
But it begs the question: When whites have become a minority and have lost control of the country’s destiny, do the Chapoists really trust that our new brown overlords will make climate change a priority? Or do they think that perhaps our new colored gentleman-statesmen might be a little more concerned with getting dem reparations than they will be with paying thirty bucks a gallon for gas? Because if the above photos say anything, it’s that while white people are willing to drive hundreds of miles to these stupid rallies to show their support for dealing with climate change, POCs by and large are not even willing to cross the street to do it.
At this point, you might be asking, “But Trav! What about the DSA’s star player, the famously Latina Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Isn’t she a big-time non-white commie?” AOC is indeed a Latina (on paper), but I have to wonder how much she actually identifies with that group. True, her parents were Puerto Rican immigrants, but they were also Evangelical Protestants, which is an Anglo-American form of Christianity greatly at odds with the Catholicism practiced by most Hispanics. And everyone knows that Protestants can’t be Hispanic. It’s like being Irish. An Irishman immediately turns Scottish the moment he converts to Protestantism. A Hispanic turns into . . . I dunno what, but definitely doesn’t remain Hispanic. All true Irish and Hispanics are Catholic, and anything else is an off-brand knockoff. In a sane world, none of this would be controversial. But for what it’s worth, AOC currently claims to be Catholic (no doubt for political reasons) – but I highly doubt she could recite the Nicene Creed from memory even with a gun to her head.
On top of this, AOC’s social circle appears to be overwhelmingly white, and she exclusively dates white men. Whatever her actual ethnicity, AOC treats white people as if they are her in-group.

If we White Nationalists think we have a tough road ahead of us, the DSA crowd has an even steeper one. As I think I have established, both appeal almost exclusively to white people, and in this sense, white demographic decline will be bad for both sides. However, we have one advantage over the DSA. While the percentage of whites in the country will decrease, the percentage of whites in the Republican Party will remain more constant. The GOP will always be an overwhelmingly white thing for the foreseeable future. Thus, White Nationalism’s influence within the Republican Party can only grow over time. While the long-term goal of saving the country for white people may look bleak, the short-term goal of becoming the dominant ideology within the Republican Party is quite feasible. The only question is whether we can achieve that goal fast enough.
Conversely, the problem for the DSA is that they only appeal to white people, yet white people are becoming a progressively smaller proportion of the Democratic Party. So not only is there a ceiling to their support, that ceiling gets lower and lower as their base within the Democratic Party is shrinking. Therefore, even if the DSA became the ideology of choice for white Democrats, they would still end up losing more and more influence within the Democratic Party over time. Plus, there’s the trend towards “progressive stacking,” which compounds their problems further. Thus, the DSA either has to gain power within the Democratic Party very soon, or else get really good at reverse red-pilling white Republicans.
Whites will lose control of the Democratic Party before they completely lose control of the country, and if the 2016 primary is any indication, it’s arguable that whites have already lost control of it. The future of the Democratic Party is that it will soon become all too common for Democratic primaries to descend into race wars between the “social justice” candidates favored by POC Democrats versus the principled ideologues favored by whites. I mean, what the fuck do these Chapo clowns think is going to happen? Do they really believe that any day now, all these POCs are going to skip the Cardi B and Tyler Perry movies and start reading Marx? Chapo Trap House live in a world where they believe this is a realistic possibility.
So there’s my review of Chapo Trap House’s book. To sum up, they’re a bunch of fags (even the chick), and their book is a bunch of commie bullshit. And yet, strangely, I can’t find it in me to hate them. They are so doomed that I guess I’m a sucker for the underdog.
Epilogue: An open letter to Matt Christman (the only white male gentile in Chapo Trap House)
Bro, you gotta lose the Jews. They’re holding you back.
Look, I know you and I are technically enemies. It would appear that fate has placed us on opposite sides of the political chessboard. In another era, things might have been different between us. Who knows? We may even have been friends. But in this world, the one into which Providence has thrust us, this is just the way it has to be.
Matt, you and I may not have much in common, what with you being a commie fag and me being all cool and everything. But I want you to know that, while not a whole lot makes sense anymore in this crazy topsy-turvy world, there is one thing that I know for sure: It’s that, despite everything – despite you being a commie fag and a traitor to your nation and race – you’re still my white gentile brother, and I still care about you. You and I may not agree on much, but we are both children of Europa, and that’s a bond stronger than any of that commie bullshit you’ve been ramming in your noodle. As a child of Europa like yours truly, you are metaphorically my mother’s son and deserving of the modicum of respect that deserves. So I want to speak directly to you, Matt, gentile to gentile.
I may be an asshole in a lot of ways, but you know that I would never attempt to deceive or lead astray a fellow white gentile. As a white supremacist, that would completely go against my own personal code of ethics. I might hoodwink a Jew, but I would never hoodwink you.
The reason I’m telling you all this is so you can be confident that I am completely sincere and have nothing but your best interests at heart when I say that you absolutely have to lose the Jews. I am not deliberately trying to sow division between the Jew and gentile factions of Chapo Trap House to advance my own political goals. I would never do that to you, my white gentile brother.
All I’m saying, Matt, is that you are clearly the star of Chapo Trap House. The other guys are okay(-ish) at backing you up, but everyone knows you’re “the talent” of the enterprise. Those Jews may have brains, but it’s your beautiful, goyish soul which gives Chapo Trap House its essence. Without you, those Jews would be nothing. They’d be playing comedy clubs in Peoria. They need your goyish touch. But without those Jews, Matt, you probably would have overthrown capitalism by now.
I’m sure you noticed things. You’ve noticed how Will Menaker and Felix Biederman are always sneaking off to conspire with one another, or how sometimes you’ll hear them laughing and chatting away in another room, but then they stop talking whenever you or any other gentile comes in. Look, I get it, and I know that on some level, however subconscious, you get it, too. You know that some Jew shit is going on.
But do you know what they are always talking about, Matt? They’re talking about how to hold you back, because they know you are the star of Chapo Trap House – but they don’t want you to know. That’s what Jews are all about. It’s about trying to keep the goyim’s head from getting too big. They know they cannot survive without you, so they are subverting you to keep you from getting too big and leaving them behind. It’s time to go solo. Hell, you could even take the dog-eater along to be your non-white sidekick (like Tonto), or if you just need someone to chauffeur you around town by rickshaw. See? I’m an open-minded guy.
But it is absolutely imperative that you lose the Jews as soon as possible. It’s time that you stood up to them, and stopped letting them boss you around and hijack the show which is rightfully yours.
Let me tell you what will happen if you don’t lose the Jews. One of these days, Will and Felix are going to start doing some hardcore Jew shit. I’m not going to elaborate and speculate on what. We’re all grown-ups here. We all know what Jews are like, and are all familiar with the kinds of things Jews do. I don’t think anyone needs me to spell it out for them. You are not going to want to be anywhere near when that happens, because people are going to get very angry. And guess who the fall guy’s going to be, Matt? Go on, Matt. Guess. Who do the Jews always blame their misdeeds on? The goyim, that’s who.
Lose the Jews, Matt.
[1] In TRS’s defense, the stereotypical Brooklyn hipster is almost always a transplant. Native Brooklynites rarely fit the stereotype unless they are Jewish. Hipsterdom is in fact a Jewish conspiracy. They got tired of gentiles being cooler than them, so they changed the definition of “cool” to make it mean them. Think of the qualities of a stereotypical hipster, and they are the same as that of a stereotypical Jew: weak, nebbish, effeminate, slightly neurotic and obsessive, but with above average verbal IQ. Cark Gable was cool. Steve McQueen was cool. But Jew could complete with smooth Daddy-Os like that? So they had to change the rules of the game to make acting like Woody Allen become the definition of cool.
[2] Chapo Trap House, Felix Biederman, Matt Christman, Brendan James, Will Menaker, & Virgil Texas, The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason (New York: Touchstone, 2018), pp. 20-21.
[3] Ibid., p. 139.
[4] Ibid., p. 204.
[5] Ibid., p. 41.
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I don’t really think its Counter-Currents’ place to go toe-to-toe with these folks. As has been discussed here before in the wake of Charlottesville, we work from positions of strength and not weakness. CC’s strength is that it’s a dry, erudite and inoffensive place that is about historical and political education and dissemination of ideas, where those who fight the culture wars might go to get educated. These chucklefucks however ARE offensive culture warriors who go around armed with their own historical and political education. It is CC’s place to foster people like these on the right, and to confront the source of leftist ideas, deconstruct them and provide alternatives, not to bash the chucklefucks themselves. It’s like an exchange between a teacher and a student; the faculty can bicker among itself, and the student body is free to revel in conflict about who is right and wrong, but a teacher spatting with a student crosses a boundary, and the students are not likely to ever pick the teacher’s side. Let the guys at Daily Shoah or TRS worry about this Cholo Ebolo Ham Pram Club, and let CC continue to proselytize from its position of strength: targeting not the enemy believers, but the enemy belief itself.
Kind of agree, but Trevis LeBlanc’s role here seems to be specifically that of engaging with lowly Internet culture, so these sort of shenanigans are contained to him. And you have to admit his articles are pretty entertaining, while the rest of the content on this site doesn’t seem to share the same “plebeian” scope.
“lowly internet culture”
…’the same “plebeian” scope.”
LMAO you dipshits really are mad that you’re being outpaced by the emerging collective consciousness, you *really are* wallowing in a ludicrous notion of “The Intellectual” in defense of your imminent irrelevance. it’s simply hilarious to behold…
Ben Shapiro, indeed. LMFAOOOOO
There is no “collective consciousness rising”. That’s all in your head.
You might like to think of yourself as “just a human being”, as a citizen of the world, as a proud member of the International Brotherhood of the Proletariat but I assure you that to everyone else in this world, you are white. You’re WHITEY.
You may not care about race but race cares about you. The average POC makes less distinction between guys like you and guys like me as you would think.
This is just paranoia, Travis. I live in a majority black city and have just as many black friends as I do white or Latino friends. I also work part of the year in Mexico and have caught absolutely *none* of this anti-white animus that you speak of, it’s a fantasy. Sure, it exists in black *academia* and in bullshit ghettos of post-colonial theory etc, but that’s about *class*, that’s just POC using their identity to make money.
what’s sad and pathetic about y’all white supremacists is you’re not even using this paranoia to make money, you’re just using it to uhh intellectually justify being bitter, paranoid, and angry about the world’s problems. you’re using a perfectly natural demographic shift as a reason to let yourselves get afraid and angry at something besides what you should be angry and afraid of-the failure of neoliberal capitalism.
Uh oh. Some one calling himself ‘buttstuff’ says I’m irrelevant. Time to re-think my world view.
What’s that “collective consciousness” you keep yammering about? Are you some wacky semi-religious goofball? But I guess to pose that question is to answer it.
Anyway, I don’t find it the least surprising you missed the irony in my post. If you silly goofball are representative of CTH’s audience I think Travis was way to kind with those cringe faggots and the sad wastes following them.
The only thing I hear is mimimi, masked as ha ha ha. Josef Butthead.
I just believe in changing minds, much like the soyboys mentioned in this article, yet unlike them I understand you can’t change minds by insulting people. That isn’t to say that harsh or caustic discourse is to be avoided, just that it needs to be reserved for the persons and parties that are most deserving, like a Soros, a Sartre or an Epstein.
I should also add that I regret not calling them Claptrap House when I had the chance.
ChiMo Bath House
Another piece on these boring guys? Jeez. I’m sure the article is good but I had to skim. Subject matter is just too dull…
I’d love to read more like this. “Dry and erudite” gets boring, but podcast/livestream bullshit that has to be off the cuff (aside from Bronze Age Pervert’s new, apparently prewritten podcast, which is great) can’t match the clarity and intention of this kind of article, which is so much better than an hour of ranting. The epilogue especially had me laughing. “You would have overthrown capitalism by now” was the best line.
what the fuck is this shitty website and how did this end up in my Google News feed? learn some brevity, right-cucks
LMAO that’s how I found this cack, too. I’m thinking it showed up because I googled “chapo trap house” and I really hope that Matt saw this because it was really good for a laugh
“Antifa tankies” is such a funny line. Goddamn, whoever wrote this needs to get an MRI
This is complete and utter trash.
What about it do you disagree with? I’m not even defending it, just curious. You didn’t even provide any reasons. You just insulted the article.
what’s so hilarious about this is that it sounds like parody written by one of the Chapos themselves.
Thanks for this, it’s made me literally LOL at least 15 times while skimming it. Not, of course, at the intentional derivative jokey style, but at the unintentional detours into idiotic racist essentialism that is the foundation of the right wing brainworm.
Seriously, Jews? I’m literally laughing right now that you dolts have the base intelligence sufficient to make it all the way up to the point of a somewhat decent analyses of our socio-political situation and then stop at…Jews. It’s fucking hilarious.
Say we just go with your silly race-realist game, the same tired stopgap y’all use to maintain your bitter, self-centered, sanctimonious worldview…just for a second….have you ever thought of the fact that *if it’s true* that black ppl, latinos, whatever, just *aren’t as smart* as whites, if this just so happens to have some basis in science….wouldn’t that mean that measures like affirmative action would be *even more necessary*? If black kids are better athletes but don’t have the same high IQ as white kids, shouldn’t they *have their own standardized tests* to reflect that discrepancy in order to have a more equitable, harmonious society? Wouldn’t the outcomes of “race realism” end up *bolstering* the leftist view that certain minorities should have certain allowances to even the societal playing field?
Of course it does, but right wing ideology isn’t in the least about making the world a better place, it’s about revivifying some ridiculous monarchical notion of social darwinism, of a regressive, brain-stem sentiment that “nature” is a brutal, competitive force and that humans should, for some reason that’s never elucidated by the reptile-brains that compose the right wing, *embrace*. I’m LMAO at it.
You rightwing ganglia are so petty, stupid, bitter and utterly incompetent at living alongside *the other* that instead of doing the higher-brain human work of working together toward some common goal you honestly believe you could undertake the massive project of *exterminating* or *displacing* non-whites so that you can live in some ridiculous idealized version of reality of a “white paradise” or some shit. It’s not even horrifying, it’s hilarious. The only reason you got Trump was because of Democratic Party corruption and that clown isn’t *even* a real white supremacist, he’s just opportunistically *using* you guys for his petty ego-games.
Also (I’m sorry, I just can’t stop laughing at what simply looks like a leftwing parody of idiotic right wing ideology here) if Jews have been successful at *conspiring* against whites, of *running the entire world through banks and shit* and have (OMG LMFAO) created the modern idea of the *hipster* by *redefining the word “cool”* to make themselves look cooler than white dudes….if they’ve been able to do all this…doesn’t that make them BETTER THAN US?
LMAO please put more of this shit on your website, it’s seriously the funniest thing I’ve read all week.
Your Leftist Dad
“race realism” you mean actual science ? literally all the scientific evidence shows that there are many many biological differences in race such as in-group preference and IQ which is the greatest predictor of intelligence and life outcome that we have which is why both the military and police test for them dummy. The “right wing” opinion is that we should protect these difference and preserve real diversity by allowing different groups to maintain their own homogeneous countries/societies and have self determination to live as they please.
Your utterly moronic comment is like a parody of the passive aggressive bugman left a long list of “ists” and “isms” social constructionist garbage that has long been debunked since the late 60s and the argumentative style of a 16 year old valley girl OMG, LMAO, LOL. The right believe that white people are entitled to our own countries just like every other race and ethnic group of people on earth while the left seek to flood all white homelands with as much mass immigration as humanly possible reducing us to minorities in our own homelands and robbing us of any kind of political power over our own societies ! The mass immigration into Europe has brought nothing but a rape gang epidemic a terrorism epidemic an acid attack epidemic and an African knife crime epidemic in England it has driven down the wages of native Europeans and reduced us to minorities in many of our major cities and towns and left us unable to even enter certain areas in our own countries.
Thousands of little English girls have been raped and some murdered exclusively by Pakistani Muslims in England and the left tried to cover the whole thing up for the sake of “diversity” when the Muslims where asked why they where raping English girls they stated (because they are white English whores !) Gay teachers and even a gay principle have been forced to leave their positions due to threats and in one case almost being lynched by Muslims this is your “diversity” ? The open boarders mass immigration “multiculturalism” that you scum advocate for is destroying the lives of the people you proclaim to advocate for the working class women and sexual minorities you are all smug upper middle class bourgeois little fags that know you will probably never come in to contact with the diversity that you advocate for !
Signed a real working mans leftist.
Wait, you’re a leftist? get outta here….
Africa’s population will grow to 4 billion by the end of this century and whites are headed for extinction. We can’t affirmative-action 4 billion africans. At some point the white man needs to become a little more “self-centered.”
Just build more DMVs.
That’s the fugging mystery of Greta Thunberg ain’t it? She’s got the gist of the extinction but she’s got the color coded tabs mixed up.
Take a day off and go on a nature walk. Give yourself an asterisk free day.
Say we just go with your silly race-realist game, the same tired stopgap y’all use to maintain your bitter, self-centered, sanctimonious worldview…just for a second….have you ever thought of the fact that *if it’s true* that black ppl, latinos, whatever, just *aren’t as smart* as whites, if this just so happens to have some basis in science….wouldn’t that mean that measures like affirmative action would be *even more necessary*? If black kids are better athletes but don’t have the same high IQ as white kids, shouldn’t they *have their own standardized tests* to reflect that discrepancy in order to have a more equitable, harmonious society?
Why not just give each of them their own societies and let each decide their own standards? A lot racial tension comes from trying to impose the same set of rules on people with drastically different values and assumptions about the world. For example, blacks and whites have different ideas about loitering or how the police should interact with the public. Even liberals who hate the police in theory like having the police around whereas blacks like having some breathing room.
Wouldn’t the outcomes of “race realism” end up *bolstering* the leftist view that certain minorities should have certain allowances to even the societal playing field?
Indeed, it might if creating a level playing field was actually the goal of our overlords but it is not. The goal of our overlords is the destruction of white people because we are the only group with the intelligence and the organizational prowess to overthrow them. Diversity and conquer.
What our overlords want is a society of people that are just smart enough to operate all the machines necessary to keep the whole monstrosity limping along but not smart enough that they could ever organize an effective revolt against establish. Only white people, if they really got their shit together, have the skill, imagination, and numbers to “beat city hall”.
Also (I’m sorry, I just can’t stop laughing at what simply looks like a leftwing parody of idiotic right wing ideology here) if Jews have been successful at *conspiring* against whites, of *running the entire world through banks and shit* and have (OMG LMFAO) created the modern idea of the *hipster* by *redefining the word “cool”* to make themselves look cooler than white dudes….if they’ve been able to do all this…doesn’t that make them BETTER THAN US?
Ashkenazi Jews are an interesting case because there is no non-racist way to explain Jewish success. Consider: Jews are 2% of the population but they are 40% of the billionaires.
Imagine if race really was a social construct. Imagine if everyone of all races were perfectly equal in intelligence, talent, and potential. What are the odds that one ethnic group who compose only 2% of the population end up being 40% of the billionaires? Or to put it another way, imagine a roullete wheel with 50 slots but 40% of the time you spin the wheel, the ball lands on the same slot. You would think that the game was rigged. And it is.
Jews live in the same neighborhoods as whites, go to the same schools with the same teachers, speak the same language, watch the same TV shows, and etc, yet Jews consistently outperform whites academically, life outcomes, and all kinds of metrics.
There are only two way you can explain Jewish success: you can either be a racist or you can be a conspiracy theorist. First, you can be a racist.
It’s funny how liberals will deny race realism all day and insist that blacks are every bit as smart as whites and that the only reason that aren’t as successful is whites racism. But if you ask “So how come Jews 2% of the population but 40% of the billionaires”, these same people, seeing no contradiction, will say “Oh, well it’s because Jews have those high I.Q.’s, dontcha know?” It’s like people are race realist when it comes to Jews but race deniers when it comes to whites. Even if you were to say “It’s not biological. Jews just have a particular work ethic instilled in them”, even then, you’re still saying that all other races are lazy by comparison which is racist.
So if you don’t want to be racist, the only other way to explain Jewish success is to put it down to nepotism. In other words, that there really IS a Jewish conspiracy.
I personally do not deny that Jews probably have a cognitive edge on white gentiles in some areas. Now, there are more smart gentiles than smart Jews because there are more of us and our smartest are as smart as theirs but Jews are much more cohesive as a group. Our smart people don’t self-consciously play as a team for our betterment.
So sure, If you’re gonna live by race realism, you have to be willing to die by race realism and I’ll accept Jewish IQ. All I’m just saying if Jews can be smarter than whites, then why I can’t whites just be smarter than blacks?
What will “working together” with the poc give us? They will only slow us down and retard us. Multiracial global socialist utopia isn’t in your future, literal planet of the apes is.
I genuinely hope the next doctor you go to is a 90 iq affirmative action beneficiary. But we all know people like you never wander five miles out of their 99% white upper middle class suburbs.
Is THIS the comment you thought counter-currents was afraid to publish?
Let’s say whites are significantly worse than blacks at basketball, and that they are worse at basketball due to their physiology rather than their environment, which is a race realist position. If whites are given affirmative action positions on NBA teams, in your perceived interest of equity and social harmony, that would make the teams worse overall as more talented blacks would be denied positions given to less talented whites in the interest of fairness. If it was a choice for another team to racially discriminate against whites, they could easily gain an advantage over the affirmative action team where blacks are not being oppressed due to their race.
Apply the same logic to academia with whites, Asians, or Jews. Low IQ affirmative action in the interest of fairness decreases the quality of academics and college graduates, and during to the emphasis society places on college credentials for determining a person’s prestige, at a glance, and because academics have a large influence on society, society as a whole is weakened.
Please tell me more about “monarchical social Darwinism”. Its true that emperor Hirohito of Japan was something of a marine biologist. Was there a secret club of scientist-kings meeting in the shadows and writing things like “Might is Right” that I’ve never heard of until now? Please respond.
Evolution does not stop where “the social” begins. It makes more sense that evolution would be accelerated by society because society is able to impose selection pressures on individuals that do not exist or are not able to gain power in pre-social conditions. For example, women negatively select against flagrantly unfashionable men by choosing not to mate with them, the justice system selects against outlaws by removing their access to women, and the universities positively select for people who can pass and pay for their courses by giving them degrees, which are sources of prestige and better job opportunities, which are things women appreciate in sexual selection.
Intro to the Jewish question.
Nature is the situation we find ourselves in. In a broad sense, it is everything that is true. Trying to do things that are unnatural has bad results. If you don’t exercise and eat four cheeseburgers every day, something your body was not meant to do and can not handle, you’ll end up with all sorts of diseases, probably immobilize yourself, and die young. What nature is and what is possible naturally isn’t always something as simple as that, because different parts of nature have different natures – i.e qualities, aptitudes, personalities – themselves. When people stress that it is better to live with the grain of nature, what they’re saying, whether they know it or not, is much more complex than “put down those drum sticks and pick up a rock”. Nature, being broadly identical with all that exists, is the most complicated thing. One important thing to know is that the fact that humans naturally form groups that compete for resources with other groups seems to be an inviolable fact of nature that the left, from nu-liberalism to communism is trying to defy, living according to a falsehood. Billions of people would have to be killed or prevented from mating to change the competitive and group-oriented nature of humanity into a non-competitive pan-human or individualist orientation.
If Jews are better than us in some ways, good for them.
If you made any other points, I missed them. Try keeping your insults to less than 70% of your polemic.
dude, right wing polemics are 99% insults and 1% academic citations.
Reality is you haven’t laughed once dumbshit.
Loved this article. Would love to see a Chapo response.
Pee pee poop poop
A wonderful article of analysis and investigative journalism. My gawwwd, who’da thought AOC would be involved with a ginger; and not just any ginger, but one who is as orange as the inside of a cantaloupe.
A very interesting analysis.
The idea that the Democratic Party might lose Whites faster than Whites become just another ‘color’ in the great dysfunctional mosaic that is American electoral politics is quite incisive.
Your head is full of ranch dressing. Print out this article and take it to a neurologist.
LMAO agreed. I’m actually glad this cack showed up in my google news feed because, besides being a huge laugh, it’s showing me that there’s very little to fear from these RW WS nutbags. I mean, look at this shit.
of course you wouldn’t publish my comment, coward. and I’m sure you justified not doing so with some ridiculous sentiment like “not up to our intellectual standards” LMAO
Housebroken comedy can’t compete with genuine truth vs. pretention and power comedy. The scat, cooch and muh dik frontiers are the only free fire zones left for Lefty comics, and there’s little left to there explore that doesn’t induce cringe or nausea at this point. Until the lapdog Left slips the leash and learns to bite the hand that feeds again, it’s not interesting enough for anyone to bother listening, but they’d rather be well fed, well trained guard dogs for pretentious elite hypocrites who prefer fluffing and clapter to critique. They’ve left the field to us for now, and it’s a big reason why we’re growing.
The Jews gave us the Beastie Boys, and they gave us exactly one good album before they created sampling laws and thereby ruining it for everyone else.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I dont know if the Beasties even were the trigger for that.
Don’t even know the songs, except Party, where their Jewish Noo Yawk accents are clearly jewish.
I saw them once, live, it was pretty boring, supposed to be a punk-rock set reflecting their origins, it was crap.
I had time of using tape-loops, synth-gating of tape, and synth-sounds, it was quite popular.
But I hate much negro music of recent years, e.g. Can’t Touch This, which is wholely reliant on samples from Superfreak by Rick James (RIP)t o be catchy. Give me the original, please. I like the original, sing it at times.
The worst uses Bach as the backdrop to a black whiney-fest. Again, the only catchy point is the Bach. I forget the title of the PoC (piece of crap) song, but the Bach piece they misappropriate is called Canon or Paschebell (my spelling is probably wrong on the latter).
More recently, there is an attempt for blacks to try to invade white styles. ‘John Legend’ is particularly pathetic, stage name obviously meant to reflect ‘John Lennon’, I do not particularly like the latter, I wrote a song ‘One Beatle down and Three to Go’ for my punk rock band at the time of his death (because I already hated the hippies), the song was performed twice, athough some of my comrades may have comtinued with it.
However, I like many of Lennon’s songs,
In My Life, among others.
A couple of weeks ago, I was eating and drinking with a friend, they played the putrid ‘John Legend’ version, putrid indeed. It is like a not very intesting nig vox
I fragmented my comment by falling asleep.However, I disiike all of the new trends in black music (force-fed as the background in many places here), it is such a sham. Hell, I sing In My Life at least 10 times better than John ‘Legend’, and I can’t always hit the highest notes too well. The moronic John ‘Legend’ avoids that problem by having the backing much flatter.
I hate the Beatles in a way, but still like a few songs.
The latest, i suppose in the wake of John Legend, is black women mimicing country- and folk-styled crap. Not that I don’t appreciate performers like Wanda Jackson, Tammy Wynette, and many more.
This kind of cultural exploitation of white themes by blacks (mainly talentless) is a base form of cultural appropiation, is unlistenable, and it has to stop. It was bad enough when Jews were doing it, notably Robert Zimmerman’s multiple thefts from, e.g. The Carter Family (many more).
I suppose it must be a ‘thing’ in the USA, too, since that is where the piped music at those places originates.
This is not to say that Ihate black music, I love much, but these latest moves are so clearly intended to be invasive, and so inept, I never want to hear them. Usually, I will use headphones to work on my own music or listen to something else, but I listen and fill out the customer eval. forms at times.
I praise the staff, and complain about the crap music.
It seems to have made a diference at one place, but also that staff and management at most places love crappy nig vox.
Tasteless and strange.
Explain to me why Travis calls himself a “white supremacist.” Doesn’t CC make an explicit point of eschewing white supremacism?
I actually discussed that with Travis. His argument is that using “white nationalist” instead of “white supremacist” would have been 80% less funny. I agreed.
It is abundantly clear that I am not a white supremacist. However, if Travis wants to call himself that, he has the right to.
Is this a bit? If so it rules
It would be unwise to waste time viewing this bizarrely-named fount of nonsense when one could be reading the classics or improving oneself in some other way, but I would say this:
Any attempt to carve out a space in today’s Left coalition that is not implicitly anti-white will soon collapse into vituperation under accusations of prejudice and privilege.
I predict that in a few years an explicit anti-white auto da fe will be required of gentlemen such as this presenters of this circus, and even that may not suffice to save their their bacon!
The ride will get a lot rougher as we go deeper in the Kali Yuga, and in the end those of us left standing will not be the ones who pandered to our enemies, thinking they would be spared.
Nobody’s reading Evola.
While it’s true the article trays somewhat from the typical CC style, Travis made some great points. I will say that unlike some other commenter implied, this is not just faction fighting, this is actually about ideas. Hidden behind some provocative language were some important arguments.
The most pertinent of which is that Chapo Trap House style leftism is bound to fail due to limitations pointed out by Travis. The main point of the article was to argue that the main supporters of Bernie Sanders-socialism or general “principled leftism” are overwhelmingly White, and that not many POC have an interest in such type of leftism, preferring more identity-style politics of the Democrat party of today, as demonstrated by the difference in voting patterns between Whites and POCs in the Democrat party.
Where the supporters of Chapo Trap House still have a point where they can disagree is that they might still hold on to the belief that Democrat POCs will adopt their brand of leftism in significant numbers eventually over the race-based leftism of today. However, I won’t hold my breath, and therefore, when it comes to this, time will tell, but so far, we have no signs of “principled leftism” becoming more popular than race-based leftism among the POC base of the Democrats.
Having said that I will reply to some other comments, particularly detractors
Say we just go with your silly race-realist game, the same tired stopgap y’all use to maintain your bitter, self-centered, sanctimonious worldview…just for a second….have you ever thought of the fact that *if it’s true* that black ppl, latinos, whatever, just *aren’t as smart* as whites, if this just so happens to have some basis in science….wouldn’t that mean that measures like affirmative action would be *even more necessary*? If black kids are better athletes but don’t have the same high IQ as white kids, shouldn’t they *have their own standardized tests* to reflect that discrepancy in order to have a more equitable, harmonious society? Wouldn’t the outcomes of “race realism” end up *bolstering* the leftist view that certain minorities should have certain allowances to even the societal playing field?
Actually no. If science shows average black IQ and therefore group achievement is lower, that doesn’t mean automatically that we must help them. It depends on your morality. Right-wingers are more selfish on average and don’t care for people that are not “of their group”. Why should Whites help blacks just because they are less intelligent on average ? If Whites were less intelligent or rich on average than the Blacks, would Blacks help White people as we help them now ? You can argue they should, but something tells me they wouldn’t, and I don’t believe in helping people that wouldn’t help me or my people. Just because someone was born poorer or stupider than me doesn’t mean I have to help him, I can choose to, but I don’t really have to.
Besides, the social field is already equaled and in fact biased in favor of blacks and women terms of opportunities but not the outcomes. Again, just because Blacks achieve less than Whites despite having equal opportunities, and in fact affirmative action, doesn’t mean that the more successful group owes anything. Does the Gold Medal winner at the Olympics owe anything to the Silver and Bronze Medalists ? They both played the same game, he was just better.
I believe people of all races should have the same opportunities inside a given country, however, when despite equal opportunities, one succeeds more, the more successful should not be brought down and the less successful brought up. You should cut the legs of tall people to make them average height, and you shouldn’t stretch short people’s legs to make them longer. Equal opportunities lead to unequal outcomes because people are unequal. The game is not always rigged, sometimes a group of players is better than others.
Of course you can claim black people’s lesser achievements compared to Whites is not black people’s fault, that the system is biased against them due to “systemic racism” or whatever, but I don’t agree with that theory as it is in stark opposition with affirmative action and the clear preferential treatment POCs get in college and work admission.
but right wing ideology isn’t in the least about making the world a better place, it’s about revivifying some ridiculous monarchical notion of social darwinism, of a regressive, brain-stem sentiment that “nature” is a brutal, competitive force and that humans should, for some reason that’s never elucidated by the reptile-brains that compose the right wing, *embrace*.
Right-wing ideology embraces Darwinism because it sees it as inescapable. Unless transhumanism picks up speed and gene-editing can bring true human equality. The truth is that people who are a social burden, i.e consumers of welfare rather than net tax payers are bringing humanity down. All the money we spend on welfare for poor people could be used for space exploration instead.
Right-wing ideology doesn’t deify Social Darwinism, it simply accepts it, in the same way you accept gravity. There is no escaping our biology. Just as we can’t start to randomly grow wings and fly, so we cannot make women equal to men and Whites equal to Blacks. Maybe it would be better if we could, but we can’t. So what do we do ?
Well there’s 2 options : – either we support people who are incapable of self-supporting with welfare, which then produce more babies they can’t support and so on, until 90% of people live of the taxes of the net productive 10%,
– or we simply accept we can’t save everyone and save whoever we can
Right-wing ideology is not motivated by this strawman villainy “I love Social Darwinism and inequality becomes I am metaphysically evil mwahahaha”, it is motivated by practicality. There is no way to save everyone, there just isn’t, so we need to choose who to save. And since everyone else is fighting for their group, either I fight for mine or I lose to those who fight as a racial collective.
You rightwing ganglia are so petty, stupid, bitter and utterly incompetent at living alongside *the other* that instead of doing the higher-brain human work of working together toward some common goal you honestly believe you could undertake the massive project of *exterminating* or *displacing* non-whites so that you can live in some ridiculous idealized version of reality of a “white paradise” or some shit. It’s not even horrifying, it’s hilarious.
First, no one here wants to exterminate non-Whites and stuff like that, that’s a strawman. However you are right about us wanting to fight for ourselves rather than alongside other racial groups. That again, however is not motivated by us being comic book villains, but by practicality.
We are living in a world of limited resources. Everyone else is fighting to get a piece of the pie for their own group, either we do the same or perish. Of course it would be great if we could hold hands and sing Kumbaya together, but the fact is that
1. other groups are not interested in cooperating and just want to do indentity politics instead
2. other groups are less productive than ours, thus we will have to subsidize them, turning us into paypiggies for less competent groups and people if we want everyone to be equal
) if Jews have been successful at *conspiring* against whites, of *running the entire world through banks and shit* and have (OMG LMFAO) created the modern idea of the *hipster* by *redefining the word “cool”* to make themselves look cooler than white dudes….if they’ve been able to do all this…doesn’t that make them BETTER THAN US?
First, despite whatever strawman you might believe, we don’t claim that Whites are better at everything than other groups. Everyone here acknowledges that average Asian IQ is higher than average White IQ and so on.
In regards to Jews, Jews have proven to be on average better at Whites at : scheming, lying, manipulating, being more ethnocentric and opportunistic, etc. In that sense Jews have won. However, they are only winning at this game because we are letting ourselves get manipulated and lied to, which everyone here is trying to change, so in that sense you are correct, we bear a fault in letting ourselves get schemed, we were suckers, but we don’t want to be anymore.
LMAO you dipshits really are mad that you’re being outpaced by the emerging collective consciousness, you *really are* wallowing in a ludicrous notion of “The Intellectual” in defense of your imminent irrelevance.
What collective consciousness are you talking about ? To me, it seems like different racial groups pitted against each other. There doesn’t seem to be any “humanity coming together”, there only seems to be a bunch of different groups fighting for their piece of the pie.
If that wasn’t the case, than why did Bernie get bossed around by those 2 black women ? Genuine honest old-school leftists like Bernie are attacked by the racial identitarians in the Democrat party. How does that jive with the “growing collective consciousness” ?
Time will tell whose relevance will fade, I wouldn’t place my bets on that being us.
Finally, I’d like to highlight the great point that summarizes the entire discussion into one line, from Travis himself
“The average POC makes less distinction between guys like you and guys like me as you would think.”
I think that’s something “principled leftists” like Chapo Trap House supporters will have to face eventually.
Ryan, I hate to resort to personal attacks, but I genuinely hope that you’re between the ages of 14-20 and you live in a secluded, homogenous suburb, because your “ideas” seem to come directly from that insulated demographic.
Politics isn’t about fear, it’s about anger at *abstractions* such as class position. If your anger and fear is toward certain identities, it’s not politics, it’s adolescent angst. No amount of scientific justification or purported “intellectual” or academic justification for these ideas is possible. It’s baseline Trumpism and it’s laughable.
Discussing politics in a multicultural society requires talking about other groups. I am not being accused of having white privilege by abstractions. I am being accused of that by other groups. Abstractions are not demanding reparations from me. Other groups are.
There is nothing wrong with fearing the unknown. In fact, you should fear the unknown. Because, well, it’s unknown. Maybe the it’s something good. Maybe it’s something bad. You don’t know. It’s unknown.
It’s far more irrational to blindly trust the unknown than it is to fear it.
I would give Chapo guys total control over domestic and foreign policy if they agreed to end all immigration and deport illegals. Question for Chapo fans: Would you take that deal as an improvement to the status quo? Would you take winning on every other issue if you could let us win on this one issue? I mean this as an honest hypothetical question.
They would never take that deal.
It’s funny. The Dissident Right has always had some affection for the Bernie Sanders movement as fellow outsiders and while we had our disagreements, we also had a lot of mutual enemies (Wall Street, the banks, the Military Industrial Complex). There was briefly some hope that maybe together the Dissident Right and the Sanders movement could attack the establishment on two fronts, them from the Left and us from the Right. However, this sentiment was never really reciprocated back to us from Bernie Bros.
While, the Dissident Right saw the Sanders movement as the lesser evil when compared to the neoliberal globalists but they still see us as far more evil than the Neocons. Even though socialists are not AS hyper-focused on race as the neolibs, they still believe that racism is the absolute most evil thing in the universe and would gladly take a Bush-style warmonger/carpetbagger over a populist racist.
They wouldn’t even support us strategically to advance their own goals. I and a lot of people in the Dissident Right donated $1 to Tulsi Gabbard to help her get in the debates so she could be a disruptive influence on the Democratic primaries.
But I could never see Chapo or anyone on the Left doing the opposite. Like “Let’s help Steve King get in to primary Trump. He’d lose but it would split Trump’s base and cause a lot of chaos.” They would never do that. Even though that probably would cause a lot of problems for Trump, racism is just such a cardinal sin for them it’s simply unthinkable to make common cause with racism even temporarily.
Not so many years ago, I was one of these ‘dirtbag left’ types, too. My advice would be to go easy on them, since a high percentage could end up turning to the alt-right (or whatever we call ourselves now) some day. Many of their concerns are legitimate–the economy, for example, is indeed shit.
The thing to do with them is to emphasize areas of mutual agreement: oppositions to the wars, the banks and Zionism (or at least Zionist infiltration of the US govt.). If they object to racialism–which they initially will–don’t bother arguing the point. Just explain that we can always work together on an ad-hoc basis on those issues where we do agree, allowing each party the freedom to have their own opinions on those issues where we don’t. That’ll favorably impress them, because that’s precisely what the establishment ‘left’ which controls the Democratic Party and the media will never allow: the freedom to have your own opinion.
Do that, and a lot more of these people will get red-pilled in short order and begin to question the official narrative on other subjects besides just foreign policy and economics.
I thought I did go easy on them. I didn’t bother to engage a lot of the nuts and bolts of their ideology. Some of it’s not bad but ultimately economic theory is not my forte. I’m just an artist who can talk some politics and I’ve never claimed to be anything but. I’m a culture warrior and as such, I examined the Dirtbag Left as a cultural phenomenon. And it is a cultural phenomenon, no matter how much they want to tell themselves they are a political/intellectual movement.
White liberals will show up places to support BLM, migrants, and other POC causes but then those POC will never show up to events to support issues white liberals care about: OWS, commie socialism, climate change, or pro-choice. Those issues just don’t concern them.
If the DSA/Dirtbag Left were smart and were serious about advancing their goal: they would do what the Trotskyites did: defect to the Republican Party and try then to reform that rather than try to take over the Democratic Party.
The guy who really spooks these fellows is Tucker Carlson because he shares a lot of their best and most popular pro-worker ideas but he uses them to promote “evil”. They know that if given a choice between pro-worker economic populism with a bunch virtue-signally SJW crap added on to it and pro-worker economic populism a la carte, 90% of white people are gonna take the populism without all the SJW crap.
Exactly. So if we show them that we’re reliable on certain issues (e.g., the wars, the banks) that they really care about, they’ll cut us some slack on the other stuff, so long as we return the favor. I mean, Ron Paul had a following on the alt-left, so why not us?
So let’s start small: ad-hoc coalitions on issues of mutual concern.
Chapo’s blind spot is the mirror image of a blind spot still common on the New Right.
Chapo hates capitalism but fails to see that multiculturalism and open borders make real, Bernie / Scandinavian-style socialism harder to achieve because mass immigration and multiculti Balkanise the working class.
Some New Rightists still think capitalism would be ok, *if only* it could shrug off its ‘leftist’ trappings – like 27 different genders, multiculturalism and open borders. They fail to see that capitalism is inherently globalist (Chomsky said so, decades ago) and that the unregulated free market will always work against national interests.
This writer thinks multiculti and open borders are essential features of capitalism. Good for muh economic growfe. Good for keeping organised labour divided and impotent. Good for taking skilled workers from developing countries, avoiding having to train locals.
Capitalism and liberal globalism are two sides of the same coin.
IMO, if the Chapo’s were a bit more realistic about mass immigration and identity, they’d be hard to distinguish philosophically from writers like Robert Lindsay and Rabbit.. I’m sure there are quite a few among them who think just like that.
Excellent points. I wish there were more appreciation of these facts on both the left and the right.
The worst part about the chapoids is that they’re not funny. They’re also all fully mentally defective trannies, I think most are actually on disability. The hosts are literally just scamming these poor saps who in a sane and just world would be in a sanatorium.
“Who had to justify what to whom? We’re talking about sixteenth-century absolute monarchies that ruled by divine right and didn’t have to justify shit to anyone.”
lmao. I love reading utterly clueless clapbacks from “facts-based and rational” supremacist guys like you. First, we’re not talking about the sixteenth century – race science as a justification for slavery was in infancy during the Enlightenment and was only popularised in the 19th century.
Second, your view of 1500s divine right monarchies is childish and simplistic. They had moral controversies to deal with nonetheless – Look up the Valladolid debate (which ironically contributed to the generalisation of the atlantic slave trade by restricting Spanish exploitation of Amerindians). Anyway, that was enough time wasted on this response – though not nearly as much as you did writing this trash fire of an article. Thanks for the laughs.
– A gay, mixed race tranny eagerly awaiting the downfall of the Western man
Good luck being a gay, mixed-race tranny anywhere other than a society devised and administrated by the ‘Western man’.
Not sure which part of this is most funny, but this quote definitely stood out: “For example, Chapo are convinced that global warming is an existential threat (yet also believe that the evidence for race and IQ correlation is inconclusive)…”
>I would never Jew a fellow white person, bro, I swear
>Btw, plz destroy the media platform we outright say competes with us for eyes & ears
lmao, who’s Jewing who here?
will menaker isnt jewish
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