The Democrats are renowned for cheating. Stuffing ballot boxes, busing in illegal migrants to vote without identification, and dropping giant pallets of fraudulent mail-in votes at the polling station’s receiving bay door in the dead of night. These are just a few tactics the Obama-Clinton-Biden-Harris party is adept at. (more…)
Tag: Democratic Party
There have already been reports of election irregularities, raising the specter of another stolen election. As far as I know, however, the Trump campaign is merely hoping for the best, not planning for the worst.
If the regime can get away with another stolen election, they would certainly be justified in thinking they can get away with almost anything. (more…)
Have you heard anything about Joe Biden lately? Neither have I. Since he dropped out of the presidential race in July, Biden has been treated as a political nonentity. While he is still technically the commander-in-chief, it is not clear what, exactly, the man does. (more…)
Minnesota Representative Leigh Finke (Photo from Wikipedia Commons)
Minnesota Representative Leigh Finke (Photo from Wikipedia Commons)
1,172 words
The classic question to ask a leftist true believer is “How much progress is too much progress?” In other words, at what point would today’s radical iconoclast turn into tomorrow’s stodgy reactionary? While important regarding the nature of today’s politics, this question is essentially beside the point, since whoever would answer it honestly likely has little control over the ebbs and flows of history. (more…)
1,333 words
The intolerable cruelties inflicted upon white people by Western governments are sufficient for them to invoke their moral right to self-determination under international law and form new nations. The question is not whether they have suffered sufficient injustice, but simply whether they have the power to seize independence. (more…)
181 words / 1:20:18
Sam Valleus was the special guest host on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where he welcomed Vincent James to the show, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:00:35 Vincent’s experience on Dutch television (more…)
National divorce is the natural consequence of America’s highly politicized culture. Cable news channels routinely feature the term “civil war.” Average Americans divide along political lines in their personal and social lives, and nowhere is this more pronounced than on college campuses. America’s internal divisions are here to stay. (more…)
September 22, 2022 Greg Johnson
Americké prezidentské volby 2020 — zhodnocení dosavadního vývoje
1.622 slov
English original here
Bělošští nacionalisté se americkým republikánům dlouhá léta pokoušejí říct, že pokud se nepovede zastavit demografický úpadek bílé Ameriky, bude jejich strana odsouzena k zániku a trpnému přihlížení přeměny země na demokraty ovládaný stát jedné strany, (more…)
Ricky Shiffer, an Ohio man who was recently killed while attempting to attack an IRS office after calling for others to rise up against the US government, in an incident the timing of which is very much not suspicious and you’re crazy to even suggest that it might be.
2,676 words
Salman Rushdie Finally Gets Stabbed
Apparently, Allah gets very upset when people disrespect him. Apparently, Allah is more thin-skinned than Frank Sinatra. I’ve never quite understood how a divine entity can have his feelings hurt by mere mortals, but I’ve read enough of the Koran to realize that Allah is mercurial to the point where his mental condition might require medication. (more…)
Any understanding of this nation has to be based, and I mean really based, on an understanding of the Civil War. I believe that firmly. It defined us. The Revolution did what it did. Our involvement in European wars, beginning with the First World War, did what it did. But the Civil War defined us as what we are and it opened us to being what we became, good and bad things. And it is very necessary, if you are going to understand the American character in the twentieth century, to learn about this enormous catastrophe of the mid-nineteenth century. It was the crossroads of our being, and it was a hell of a crossroads. — Shelby Foote (more…)
Some students in a Women’s Studies class at the University of Wisconsin, where an undergraduate degree costs approximately $110,000 for state residents, according to the university’s own website.
Some students in a Women’s Studies class at the University of Wisconsin, where an undergraduate degree costs approximately $110,000 for state residents, according to the university’s own website.
3,415 words
Student loan forgiveness has been in the headlines quite a bit lately. One of the articles is “Warren urges Biden to cancel student loan debt before midterms” by CBS News. Although Pocahontas is a legislator and surely must be aware of the separation of powers doctrine, she curiously takes the position that the student loans may be erased if Resident Bidet decrees it so. (more…)
Erica Chenoweth & Maria J. Stephan
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict
New York: Columbia University Press, 2011Every industry has its own best practices, including that of advocating for some form of social change. There is a menu of tactics one can choose to effect social change that range from all-out civil war to insurgency to non-violent civil resistance. (more…)
3,414 words
Robert Jensen is an archetypal Leftist academic: a feminist, an anti-capitalist, an anti-imperialist, and someone who belivies in institutional racism. He was denouncing “white privilege” well before doing so became fashionable, and his feminism is of the radical variety, at odd’s with today’s wishy-washy “girl boss” posturing. I read his book Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity as a teenager, and was impressed that unlike most conservative critics of porn, Prof. Jensen had actually done his homework. (more…)