1,943 words
Smoking cigarettes
And writing something nasty on the wall.
You nasty boy!
— Stevie Wonder, “I Wish” (more…)
1,943 words
Smoking cigarettes
And writing something nasty on the wall.
You nasty boy!
— Stevie Wonder, “I Wish” (more…)
By her side, on the little reading-desk, was a survival from the ages of litter — one book. This was the book of the Machine. – E. M. Forster
Welcome, my son.
Welcome to the machine.
— Pink Floyd
Writers of fiction are obviously not bound to set their work in their own times. (more…)
150 words / 2:01:56
Greg Johnson held an impromptu Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio with special guests Gaddius Maximus and Pox Populi where they discussed current things, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:01:26 On Alex Karp and Palantir
00:35:51 On the bad side of technology
00:39:32 On TikTok (more…)
In early March of this year, I wrote “Ukraine and Epistemic Failure Analysis” as a response to the Right’s collective failure to predict that Russia would invade Ukraine and initiate what has become the largest European war since that bit of unpleasantness with the Germans in the 1940s. That essay concerned itself with that very narrow failure of the nationalist Right to accurately predict the onset of war. Since then, that conflict has developed and expanded, and so have the Right’s reactions to it and its predictions as to its ongoing course. (more…)
Ernst Jünger
The Peace
Singapore: Rogue Scholar Press, 2022
Ernst Jünger is representative of the German twentieth century in many ways; his books and essays are often visceral, violent, brutal, and profound. The First World War shaped much of his writing. Jünger articulated the new heroics of soldiers dealing stoically with the frightful carnage wrought by technology and envisioned a totalitarian future characterized by obedience beyond question. (more…)
Stefano Boni
Homo confort: Le prix à payer d’une vie sans efforts ni contraintes
Paris: Les Éditions L’échappée, 2022
For several years I worked freelance for a company which specialized in controlling indemnity claims on behalf of automobile insurance companies. Like many others, the company published an annual in-house magazine which included cheesy personal interviews with managers and heads of departments. (more…)
Returning guest host Millennial Woes welcomed Aureus Press to the last broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:01:10 What’s Aureus Press? (website, Telegram, Facebook, Twitter)
00:02:10 Twitter sucks (more…)
Nick Jeelvy welcomed frequent Counter-Currents contributor Stephen Paul Foster back to The Writer’s Bloc to discuss his eerily predictive 2003 book Desolation’s March: The Rise of Personalism and The Reign of Amusement in 21st Century America. (more…)
Translations: Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Ukrainian
Martin Heidegger is one of the giants of twentieth-century philosophy, both in terms of the depth and originality of his ideas and the breadth of his influence in philosophy, theology, the human sciences, and culture in general.
Heidegger was born on September 26, 1889 in the town of Meßkirch in the district of Sigmaringen in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He died on May 26, 1976 in Freiburg and was buried in Meßkirch. (more…)
1,324 words
Many theories have been posited as to the cause of the decline of the Western world, from demographic disaster and dysgenics to spiritual malaise and the death of Christianity. Yet, while these phenomena are symptoms of our collapsing societies, they do not fully explain why we have embarked on our wholesale self-destruction. Could it be that we have let our world descend into rack and ruin because we simply do not live there anymore? For the vast majority of the developed world, cyberspace has supplanted reality. (more…)
1.265 slov
English original here
Potrhlý Izraelec Yuval Noah Harari je rasista v tom nejryzejším slova smyslu: jako cestu kupředu vidí eliminaci celé lidské rasy.
Zatímco se řada z nás do roztrhání těla snaží zastavit velkou výměnu, Harari s málo skrývaným uspokojením hovoří o náhradě rozsahu nesrovnatelně masivnějšího – tedy druhu Homo sapiens přístroji a algoritmy, které je uvádějí do pohybu. (more…)
1,399 words
Czech version here
The squirrelly Israeli named Yuval Noah Harari is a racist in the purest sense: He sees the elimination of the entire human race as a sign of progress.
While many of us busy ourselves fretting about the Great Replacement, Harari speaks quite fondly of an even Greater Replacement — that of Homo sapiens with machines and the algorithms that drive them. (more…)