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1,762 words
As black violence increasingly plagues American society, even the most milquetoast moderate whites are beginning to concede that something is amiss with blacks. But most are yet unwilling to identify the true source of the problem and instead cite things such as “Democrat-run cities” or “inner-city violence.” Other, more daring moderates argue that “black culture” contributes to the rising violence in our cities and must therefore be addressed. Both viewpoints are wrong.
Although the latter view might constitute a starting point for some in their philosophical journey toward race realism, it is still wrongheaded and counter-productive. Whites no longer have the luxury of pandering to blacks or engaging in falsehoods. It is time to be honest with ourselves. Race and culture cannot be disentangled. In fact, the former begets the latter.
What is “Culture”?
When an individual consistently performs an action, good or bad, we refer this as his “behavior,” and we correctly assign moral responsibility to that individual for that behavior. We correctly perceive that the individual chose to engage in the behavior.
When a racial group engages in a consistent and predictable pattern of behavior, however, we often refer to it instead as “culture,” and we frequently do not assign moral responsibility to the group. Many instead speak of this culture as if it were somehow independent from the individuals who engage in it, as if it were some malleable and amorphous cloud floating over a certain group’s head, influencing them to behave in certain ways.
The implication of this way of viewing culture is that, if one could somehow change the culture for the better, the behavior of a group’s individual constituents would improve. For example, if rap music would stop glorifying drugs and gun violence, the black community would stop engaging in drug crime and gang shootings. And if black polemicists would stop promoting a victim mentality, blacks would stop being angry with whites.
Of course, none of these aspirations ever materialize, and this is because they represent a complete misunderstanding of the nature of culture. Culture is not separate from one’s race. Culture is the outward expression of one’s race. Put another way, culture is nothing more than individual behavior writ large.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.
When one blames an individual for his bad choices, everyone understands that said individual is morally responsible for those choices; but, upon witnessing a consistent pattern of bad behavior from the individual constituents of a racial group, many moderate whites blame culture rather than its individual constituents, thereby absolving those individuals of accountability.
Those who blame “bad culture” for poor behavior appear to believe that the culture causes the bad behavior to occur, which is incoherent once culture is properly understood. In truth, culture is merely a perception of behavioral patterns. Culture cannot cause any behavior at all. People cause behavior. People are responsible for their behavior. “Culture” is simply a convenient term we utilize to describe that behavior when it reaches a critical mass.
Culture has no agency, because culture is not a standalone entity. It cannot exist independently of those who embody it, and it only exists in the perception of the viewer. In one sense, culture does not exist at all, because it is strictly a phenomenological event.
Comparing Theories
Let us compare two competing theories: first, the popular claim that “Bad culture influences people to behave badly,” and second, the assertion that “Genetics cause predictable behavior within a racial group.”
Once culture is correctly understood as behavior writ large, the former assertion reveals itself to be fallacious. “Bad black behavior causes blacks to behave badly.” This is a near-tautology. Yes, to some extent, a person witnessing others behaving badly may be more inclined to behave badly; but which comes first? Bad behavior by blacks comes first from blacks themselves, so we are back to square one: Blacks behave badly. It would make sense to allege that bad black behavior negatively influences white people, but it is circular to proclaim that “Bad black behavior causes bad black behavior.”
The test of any theory is its explanatory power and predictive ability. When assessing the validity of descriptive claims, one must determine which claim most accurately explains the current state of affairs and which best predicts future events. Whichever claim can best do both prevails. With this in mind, consider the second assertion, which can be formulated thusly: “Genetics predisposes blacks to aggressive behavior.”
American blacks have significantly higher testosterone levels on average than do whites, with 19% higher testosterone levels and 21% higher free testosterone levels.[1] On this basis alone, one would expect blacks to be more aggressive than whites. In addition to having higher levels of testosterone, blacks also have a lower average IQ than whites. Over a century of IQ tests of varying formats have proven this fact.
The most commonly taken IQ exam, the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), which tests both mathematics and verbal ability, consistently demonstrates this racial disparity. In 1976, the average black SAT score was 240 points lower than the average white score. In 1988, the average black score was 189 points lower.
In 2016, the SAT, which was created in 1926, was redesigned in order to generate higher test scores. While it did accomplish this goal overall amongst all test-takers, the prior racial gap between white and black scores remained the same as before the redesign. In 2020, over 2.1 million high school seniors took the SAT. On the math section, black students scored an average of 454 and white students scored an average of 547. 59% of these white test-takers met the “college readiness benchmark” in mathematics, while approximately 22% of blacks did. Black high school seniors who took the test in 2022 scored an average of 926 overall, while white seniors scored 1099 overall — 173 points higher.
The law school entry exam (LSAT) tests critical thinking and reading comprehension. Test-takers can score between 120 and 180. Between 2011 and 2018, LSAT results reflected the same racial gap. White test-takers performed the best of any racial group, with an average score of 153, while black test-takers scored nearly the worst, with an average score of 142.[2]
It is hardly a leap to conclude that a group of people with higher testosterone levels and lower average IQ would be more prone to making poor life choices involving aggression and impulse. Anecdotal evidence affirms this conclusion, as do official FBI crime statistics.
A well-circulated FBI crime table which lists homicide offenders from 1980-2008 by race indicates that 52.5% of the known offenders were black. The table does not distinguish between whites and hispanics as a racial category, so it is safe to infer that the 45.3% of “white offenders” includes hispanics. This table is now difficult to find online, although the official Department of Justice website continues to publish statistics on homicide trends in the United States.

Source: ResearchGate.
More recently, the 2013 FBI “Expanded Homicide Data Table 3” indicates, where the race of the offender is known, there were a total of 9,771 homicides. Black Americans made up 5,375 of the offenders from this cohort, or 55%. The total number of reported homicides, though, numbered 14,132 in 2013. Out of this total, in 4,112 cases the race of the offender is listed as “unknown,” so it is entirely possible that the true percentage of black murderers that year was higher than 55%. In any event, we can see that, some 50 years after the Civil Rights Movement, the black crime rate has not decreased.
The Explanatory Power of Racial Egalitarianism vs. Race Realism

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.
Too many whites mistakenly adopt the “blank-slate” theory of humanity: the idea that all humans are born more or less equal in ability, and that environmental rather than biological factors largely shape their characteristics and life outcomes.
Applied to racial groups, these ideologues contend that no inherent differences exist in temperament, IQ, or behavior between whites and blacks (or the other races, for that matter). Due to this foundational belief, they presume that any group differences between the races in test scores or crime rates, for example, must be due to environmental deprivations (“socio-economic factors,” “lack of educational opportunities,” etc.). The racial egalitarian sweeps away all the statistical evidence as moot. They are all due to “racism” of one form or another.
Tabula rasa has infected even the Supreme Court, which established a legal precedent for claims by blacks of white racial discrimination called disparate impact theory. Under this precedent, a black litigant needs merely to demonstrate disparate statistical rates in favor of whites in order to prevail. “All men are created equal,” so any shortcomings of blacks must have an illegal source. This alone reveals racial egalitarianism to be wrong-headed, reductio ad absurdum.
It is axiomatic that, when someone advocates a theory, it is he who bears the burden of proof. He must show some supporting evidence — make a prima facie case — to establish the veracity of his claim. There is no such evidence to support racial egalitarianism, and yet this theory stubbornly persists, controlling all the mainstream dialogue on race in the West.
On the other hand, the proponents of nature over nurture (racial realists) have overwhelming evidence to support their position in the form of decades of IQ test statistics, crime rates, and more recently, the development of DNA genetics testing. With a mere swab of saliva, any number of DNA testing companies can tell you with great precision what your racial makeup is.
All these indicia bolster the position of nature over nurture. The race realists have all the evidence on their side. The racial egalitarians have none.
The problems which are disproportionate in the black community — violent crime, fatherless households, and disrespect for authority, to name a few — represent black behavior and are genetic in origin. It is incorrect and cowardly to blame some nebulous, faultless “culture” for blacks’ bad behavior. Individuals choose their behavior, and when a critical mass of individuals within a racial group consistently behave in a certain way, it is reasonable to surmise that those behaviors are inherent to that racial group.
To be critical of “black culture” is to be critical of black behavior itself. But blaming black culture rather than directly blaming blacks is just a cowardly way for white moderates to avoid the truth of race realism. We must be truthful if we are to salvage what remains of white society today.
Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus.
[1] Most testosterone is bound to two proteins, albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin, and is not accessible for immediate use, whereas free testosterone is the testosterone that is immediately accessible for use in the body.
[2] Laura A. Lauth & Andrea Thornton Sweeney, “LSAT Performance With Regional, Gender, and Racial and Ethnic Breakdowns: 2011–2012 Through 2017–2018 Testing Years,” p. 24, Figure 13.
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“Before the ascendancy in academic circles of what [Clifford] Orwin calls the relativistic understanding of culture, the idea of culture was connected to the idea of intellectual cultivation, which is a difficult attainment, not a democratic entitlement. But, says Orwin, cultural relativism asserts that every “people” (nowadays this means every racial, ethnic, or other group organized around a grievance) has a culture, understood as the totality of its social practices, and all cultures are equal in the sense that there are no neutral principles … for evaluating them.” [Emphasis added.]
Believe it or not, the above quote was written almost 30 years ago by America’s favorite Con. Inc. mouthpiece, George F. Will. (“The Dangerous Cult of Cultural Diversity,” March 28, 1996.) I doubt that he meant it to be taken in exactly the way that “our side” might take it, but I still think that the sentiment is valid on quite a few levels.
Personally, I agree that being a “cultured” person means learning to appreciate, as best you can, the fine arts, literature, history, philosophy, the sciences, and so on. But, as Mr. Will stated, if you want to appreciate true culture, you really have to work at it. It takes a lot of time and commitment. It’s not something that’s just handed to you simply because you exist.
But of course, because nothing is more sacred than contemporary “blackness,” the notion of what constitutes “culture” has metastasized over the years, such that now we’re supposed to pretend that things like gold plated teeth, hair weaves, pimped out Crown Vics, twerkin’ hoes, holding your gun sideways, claw-like fingernails, letting your trousers hang below your ass, baby names with nonsensical apostrophes, and, of course, rappin’ about “muh dik” ad nauseam, are all valid parts of “culture.”
Culture, my ass. What a sorry display this is.
There’s more to the difference between blacks and Whites than IQ and testosterone levels.
10% of Whites have an IQ of 80 or below. 200 million Whites in the US so there are about 20 million in this range.
40% of blacks have an IQ of 80 or below. There are about 40 million blacks, so about 16 million.
In other words, if low IQ was the primary factor, there should be at least as many White men committing murders, rapes, assaults etc as blacks.
If testosterone was a primary factor, then per this chart https://www.verywellhealth.com/testosterone-levels-5212199 :
Normal testosterone levels are usually described as:
300–1,000 ng/dL for men
15–70 ng/dL for women
We would expect black women to not be violent, or at least far less violent than White men.
While these factors are significant and do contribute to the differences, the problem with focusing too much on them is that we start with the assumption that blacks and Whites are the same except for iq and testosterone levels. I believe blacks and Whites are so fundamentally different that we are now along different branches of the evolutionary tree.
Blacks are very much of the “what is in it for me here and now”. They seem incapable of altruism (you never see them performing charity work or caring for animals). They never seem embarrassed by anything they do or say nor seem to have regret if they hurt someone else. They have no qualms stealing or getting others to do something for them without saying thanks. Living on welfare is just fine.
They will work hard if it’s something they enjoy like playing basketball or dancing but not work hard at a job or often not even get a job. They don’t enjoy cleaning so they are quite content to live in a litter strewn dump than doing something as unpleasant as work. Conscientiousness is not a black trait.
I saw a wildlife documentary about hyenas. It showed how a couple of hyenas would follow African Wild Dogs who were out hunting. Then when the dogs caught some prey and killed it, the hyenas would rush in and steal it. It seemed like the perfect metaphor for blacks following Whites.
Great writing. Looking back, I can’t believe how long I was in the fog of thinking everyone was pretty much the same, and some people just made bad choices. Living in almost entirely white places makes that easier to believe. With open borders that is becoming a lot harder for pretty much everyone.
This stuff is SO OBVIOUSLY TRUE….but no one of good moral character will DARE SAY IT in public.
Which is the only way you will ever “win.” No one will do it though. Only creeps and snakes online will speak this truth.
It’s happening, and with these fun new anti-Christian laws it will happen more. And they will attack more, and having to choose one of only two sides becomes more clear every day. By the way, Jews killed Christ.
Nice alias you have there
” Culture is the outward expression of one’s race”
True, because in reality:
Race is culture gone to seed.
Good opening with this. Agree with the main thrust that negroids are entirely their own culture. It’s not something that ‘happened’ to them.
The testosterone thing is interesting, but it’s not strong enough on its own without more information that we don’t have yet, like are blacks more sensitive to their own androgens ?
If I could wave a magic wand and up all the readers’ here T levels 20% (assuming they were in normal range to begin with) and didn’t tell them they probably wouldn’t even notice. Although T levels might hint as being part of a collection of other more basal traits, it’s not a number itself that’s enormously impactful.
Whites when literally pumped full of test and other steroids —taken to an extreme they become more ‘neanderthal’ in a way, but they don’t become like blacks. They mostly still have self control.
But agree on everything else.
A brilliant article. Very well argued and well put. I haven’t read such detailed statistics and analysis since I read Charles Murray. Succinct and powerful.
We need to totally segregate in perpetuity. There is no other solution. Not having our own homeland is literally killing us, which leads to us being stuck in the mud, literally & figuratively. We need to embark on our Breakaway Civilization.
“Nothing is ever irreversible, except the death of a people by genocide or miscegenation.”
Dominique Venner.
Many people simply refuse to accept black people have agency. They are always the victim of outside forces beyond their control.
If generational trauma is a fact the way its promoted for black slavery, then Slavic countries should be able to collectively sue the European Union for reperations over medieval slavery. (Maybe a follow up suit against Turkey as well.) The EU at least would be strained to respond with “No, Communism made you poor.”
None of our detractors will publicly admit the truth of this article. Almost all of them will privately agree.
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