National Socialism as a Magical Movement
Stephen E. Flowers’ The Occult in National Socialism
Francisco Albanese
Stephen E. Flowers
The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich
Rochester, Vt.: Inner Traditions, 2022
In the realm of the occult and its intersection with the Third Reich, Stephen E. Flowers’ The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich stands out as perhaps the most comprehensive, profound, and objective investigation to date. In my humble opinion, Flowers’ work surpasses that of Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke and his The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, heretofore considered the definitive work on the subject, offering a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between esotericism and the rise of National Socialism.
Flowers’ book delves into the historical frameworks of the National Socialist (NS) regime in Germany, categorizing them into four periods: its nineteenth century roots, the pre- and early NS era, the NS era itself, and post-war mythologizing. Three main themes are explored: symbolic culture, scientific culture, and occult culture, shedding light on the corruption that can occur when movements such as National Socialism are granted absolute power. Flowers’ book aims to demystify the topic of Nazi occultism and dispel unreason surrounding the NS regime, advocating for a rational analysis free of superstition and coercion.
Throughout the book, Dr. Flowers navigates through the diverse movements, groups, and esoteric currents that, in one way or another, left their mark on the cultural milieu that ultimately gave rise to National Socialism. As Flowers asserts in The Reform of Life: Germany’s Early Reform Movements and Their Influences (Lodestar Books, 2023), National Socialism was, to varying degrees, a product of the crystallization of these currents that culminated in the era of Weimar Germany.
There has been an enduring fascination with the occult, paranormal, and extraterrestrial forces that supposedly influenced Hitler and the Nazi movement. A more than considerable amount of ink has been spilled, numerous novels have been written, and countless stories have been told regarding this occult side. The aura of mysticism surrounding Nazi occultism has been perpetuated recursively and dialogically. This fascination has been fueled by a lack of understanding and knowledge about the historical, social, and cultural context of National Socialism. Many authors have contributed to this mystique, perpetuating and distorting the narrative around Nazi occultism. Dr. Flowers punctures this bubble of fantasy, however, and he offers a more grounded and realistic perspective on Third Reich occultism. He argues that while the NSDAP was suspicious of the anarchic and decentralized proliferation of occult and esoteric currents within the territories of Germany, the Party was not averse to using magic for the realization of its political objectives. He adds:
In current scientific thought, magic is defined as a system of operative meta-communication. Through communication using symbols and symbolic actions, various structures of the human psyche can interact with one another, or indeed with the natural or phenomenal world, to create effects and changes according to the will and design of the communicator. In other words, magic is the art of translating symbols (verbal, graphic, etc.) into phenomena, events, occurrences, or thoughts and feelings in a target object.
It is important to note that the use of magic in politics is not a new concept. Throughout history, rulers and leaders have employed various forms of magic to legitimize their authority or gain an advantage over their enemies. In the case of the Third Reich, the use of magic was one of the many tools in their political arsenal.
It is quite difficult to talk about magic without referring to the Beast 666 and his work and legacy. Aleister Crowley, the influential writer, poet, mountaineer, and ceremonial magician (and also man of the Right) of the twentieth century, was a British occultist who had a unique and complex understanding of the concept of magic. For Crowley, magic was not merely the performance of tricks or illusions, but rather a powerful tool for self-transformation and the exploration of consciousness. His system of magic, known as Thelema, was based on the belief that each individual has his own unique will and must seek his “True Will” to reach his full potential.
Broadly speaking, Crowley understood magic as the art and science of causing change in conformity with will. He believed that will was a powerful force that could influence the universe, and that through rituals, meditation, invocations, and other practices, magicians could channel this will in order to manifest their desires and goals. For Crowley, magic was not restricted to the esoteric or mysterious aspects of life, but was intrinsically linked to psychology, philosophy, and the exploration of the nature of reality. He believed in the importance of personal experimentation and the pursuit of truth through direct experience rather than accepting established dogmas. According to Crowley in his The Book of Thoth, “Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will. In other words, it is Science, Pure and Applied.”
National Socialism under the leadership of Adolf Hitler utilized various forms of magic, symbolism, and manipulation to achieve its objectives. The idea of correspondences plays a role in the occult, linking concrete phenomena to higher realities, and the Nazis understood the power of symbols, rituals, and propaganda in influencing the masses and shaping their beliefs and behaviors. National Socialism employed magical thinking, symbolism, and manipulation techniques to create a powerful narrative that resonated with the German people’s hopes and fears. By harnessing magic’s psychological and emotional aspects, the Nazis were able to shape public opinion, maintain control, and further their ideological agenda.
Some ways in which National Socialism employed magic for its objectives include:
- Symbolism and rituals: The Nazis used symbols such as the swastika, runes, and other occult imagery to create a sense of identity, unity, and power among their followers. These symbols were not mere aesthetic choices, but their meanings were shaped to influence people’s thoughts and emotions
- Manipulation of hopes and fears: Hitler and the National Socialists manipulated the hopes and fears of the German people to win support and gain control of the masses; they projected an image of Hitler as a messianic figure, a savior who could lead Germany to greatness and prosperity. By tapping into people’s desires for change and improvement, the Nazis were able to garner widespread support.
- Control of information and imagery: The Nazis carefully controlled Hitler’s image and public perception to maintain a sense of mystique and authority. By projecting positive and powerful symbols and signals through myths, ideas, signs, and logos, they were able to shape the collective will of the Volk in alignment with the Party’s goals.
- Transformation and cult of personality: Hitler sought to transform himself into a charismatic leader with quasi-divine qualities; by instilling a sense of awe and reverence in his followers, he aimed to consolidate his power and influence over the German population.
In the occult, the idea of correspondences plays a significant role in linking concrete phenomena to higher realities. Correspondences refer to the belief that there are essential connections or relationships between different aspects of the universe, both tangible and intangible. This concept suggests that there is a hidden order or harmony in the cosmos, where various elements resonate with each other on multiple levels. Correspondences often involve symbolic associations between physical objects, events, colors, sounds, and abstract concepts. These symbolic connections are believed to reflect deeper truths or principles that underlie the visible world. For example, the color red may be associated with passion, energy, or danger in various cultures, linking the physical color to emotional or psychological states.
The idea of correspondences implies a sense of interconnectedness and unity in the universe. It suggests that everything is interconnected and that patterns or relationships observed in one realm can be reflected in another. This interconnectedness can be seen in various occult practices such as astrology, alchemy, and tarot, where symbols and archetypes are believed to correspond to different aspects of reality. Correspondences also suggest that there are transcendental forms or archetypes that exist beyond the physical world but have a direct influence on it. These higher realities or archetypal patterns are thought to shape and guide the manifestations of the material world, creating a link between the visible and invisible realms.
The concept of correspondences in the occult serves as a framework for understanding the interconnected nature of existence and the symbolic language through which higher realities communicate with the physical world. By recognizing and utilizing these correspondences, practitioners can explore the hidden depths of reality and harness the power of symbolic connections for personal growth, spiritual development, and magical practice, just as the National Socialists did.
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Very interesting. Maybe a little qualification, in that Hitler’s popularity was largely a function of his humble origin. There was no pretense that he was born of a virgin, or emerged from seafoam. His ‘quasi-divine’ status is partly historical, but perhaps partly post-historical mythology, the complement to his official demonization.
Occult: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them, being beyond one’s powers to know, understand, or explain.
National Socialism is not as complicated or mysterious as this author and his reviewer make it out to be. Preservation of one’s race through struggle and in conformance with Nature’s eternal laws:
FIRST STRUGGLE and then we shall see what can be done. Otherwise mankind has passed the high point of its development and the end is not the domination of any ethical idea but barbarism and consequently chaos. At this point someone or other may laugh, but this planet once moved through the ether for millions of years without human beings and it can do so again someday if men forget that they owe their higher existence, not to the ideas of a few crazy ideologists, but to the knowledge and ruthless application of Nature’s stern and rigid laws.
Everything we admire on this Earth today — science and art, technology and inventions — is only the creative product of a few peoples and originally perhaps of one race. On them depends the existence of this whole culture. If they perish, the beauty of this Earth will sink into the grave with them.
However much the soil, for example, can influence men, the result of the influence will always be different depending on the races in question. The low fertility of a living space may spur the one race to the highest achievements; in others it will only be the cause of bitterest poverty and final undernourishment with all its consequences. The inner nature of peoples is always determining for the manner in which outward influences will be effective. What leads the one to starvation trains the other to hard work.
All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning [racial mixture].
The ultimate cause of such a decline was their forgetting that all culture depends on men and not conversely; hence that to preserve a certain culture the man who creates it must be preserved. This preservation is bound up with the rigid law of necessity and the right to victory of the best and stronger in this world.
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 11 — available here:
There are plenty of holidays that fall on today’s date, 20 April, 2024. A list of them:
2024 Daily Holidays that fall on April 20, include:
4/20 Day (also known as National Pot Smokers Day, Weed Day or National Weed Day
Auctioneers Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday of April)
Chinese Language Day
Healthy Kids Day – April 20, 2024 (See Kerry’s Healthy Kids section on her Healthy Diet Habits website!)
Husband Appreciation Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday of April)
International Cli-Fi Day
International Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday in April)
Lima Bean Respect Day
Look Alike Day
National Cheddar Fries Day
National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
National Pot Smokers Day – (Also known as 4/20, Weed Day or National Weed Day)
Record Store Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday of April)
UN Chinese Language Day
Volunteer Recognition Day
World Circus Day – April 20, 2024 (Third Saturday in April)
Pot smokers are mentioned twice in this list and the lowly Lima Bean even gets its Respect Day. Good grief!
The one 4/20 celebration I expected to see on the list but was not there is Adolf Hitler’s 135th birthday. Anyone interested in that can find more, here: The Legendary Fire | National Vanguard
For his part Hitler recognized the danger in his midst, and saw the German people ringed by world-enemies without, and by Jews from within; he saw everything unsound and unwholesome and unseemly washing over his sacred homeland. He saw racemixing extolled; he saw sexual perversions abound; he saw culture debased; he saw the German people demoralized — that is, he saw Jews at every turn…
And with his fall, that universal devastation that he warned us of has befallen us as well, we who live amid the rubble of our people, we who live in a world given over to destruction, immorality, materialism, lies, and stupidity the likes of which it has never known before.
But the final battle is far from being over — it indeed has not yet even been joined. For great, creating Nature always gets the final say, and is currently preparing a ground for not only its resurgence and rebirth, but its greatest and its most emphatic victory. That is: The legendary fire that was kindled in Greece, moved on to Rome, was reborn in the Renaissance, and was reborn again in England and then in Germany, did not die because it cannot die. It is not mortal….
For those who want more on this day, see here: Month of the Leader, part 2 | National Vanguard
UN Chinese Language Day
I suppose, one or two years later you would officially forced to celebrate this day. And after more 5 or 10 years your national holiday would be on the 1st of October.
I’m not sure why this comment did not appear when I prepared it, but I’d saved it and even with Mothers Day having passed, some may find it interesting.
Kök Böri: UN Chinese Language Day. I suppose, one or two years later you would officially forced to celebrate this day…
I don’t know about that, but many racially conscious Whites already commemorate, even solemnize the 4/20 birthday of the greatest fighter against Jewish Marxism — for reasons quoted above — the same man that the Jew and his collaborators claim is the most evil man in history.
As for official holidays, think of this tender poem this weekend as you honor your own dear mother:
When your mother has grown older,
When her dear, faithful eyes
No longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks –
Then lend her your arm in support,
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on her final walk.
And if she asks you something,
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
And if she cannot understand you properly
Explain all to her happily.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When her mouth asks for nothing more.
-Adolf Hitler, 1923
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