Greg Johnson did a solo Ask Me Anything on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Tag: Miguel Serrano
Ron McVan is an American white nationalist and Wotanist. He has followed a lifelong career in the fine arts as an oil painter, pen & ink illustrator, sculptor, poet, writer, stained glass artisan, jewelry craftsman, and musician. His extended interests have always been wide and varied, ranging foremost in the martial arts, philosophy, the ancient mysteries, mythology, European history and heritage, comparative religions, and spiritual studies, most particularly in Gnostic Wotanism and Druidism. (more…)
May 19, 2016 Trevor Lynch
Batman začíná
English original here
Film Inception režiséra Christophera Nolana mě ohromil, a tak jsem se rozhodl dát jeho staršímu počinu Batman začíná (2005) další šanci. Napoprvé se mi nelíbil. Vůbec. Musel jsem však být při sledování něčím rozptýlený, protože napodruhé mi přišel skvělý. Nolan odložil kýčovitý styl předchozích snímků o Batmanovi a soustředí se na vývoj postav a jejich motivace, což film Batman začíná a i jeho pokračování Temný rytíř dělá psychologicky temným a intelektuálně i emocionálně strhujícím. (more…)
December 20, 2015 Miguel Serrano
Kosmická shoda?
English version here
Tento krátký text napsal Miguel Serrano 20. dubna 2003, kdy Velikonoční neděle připadla na výročí narození Adolfa Hitlera. Letos se tyto dva svátky opět překrývají. Převzato ze stránek Counter-Currents, do angličtiny přeložil Greg Johnson.
Hitler a Poslední avatár: 114. výročí narození Adolfa Hitlera
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9,822 words
In the denazification atmosphere following World War II Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology, found himself accused of having ‘Nazi’ sympathies. While Jung was a man of the ‘Right’[1] his essay explaining Hitlerism as an evocation of Wotan as a repressed archetype of the German collective unconscious put him on the long suspect list of intellectuals who were accused of being apologists for National Socialism.[2] He was fortunate to have been in a neutral nation in the aftermath of World War II.
Translated by Greg Johnson; Czech translation here
Translator’s Note:
This short text was written by Miguel Serrano on April 20, 2003, when Easter Sunday and Adolf Hitler’s birthday coincided. I translated it and posted it online under the pen name T.C.L. Since those dates coincide again this year, I thought it opportune to track this little curiosity down on the web and bring it “home.”
April 30, 2013 Trevor Lynch
Batman Begins
English original here
Après avoir été bluffé par l’Inception de Christopher Nolan, j’ai décidé de donner à son Batman Begins (2005) une nouvelle chance. La première fois que j’ai vu ce film, je ne l’ai pas aimé. Pas un seul instant. J’ai dû être distrait, car cette fois je l’ai apprécié. Nolan rompt avec le style kitsch des premiers films de Batman, se concentrant sur l’évolution et les motivations du personnage, (more…)
4,936 words
Editor’s Note:
Unless you’re living in Tora Bora, you probably know that Christopher Nolan’s third Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, is coming out this week. (more…)
« Lorsque les rites enseignés par les textes traditionnels et lorsque les institutions établies par la loi seront sur le point de disparaître, lorsque le terme de l’âge sombre sera proche, une partie de l’être divin existant par sa propre nature spirituelle selon le caractère du Brahman, qui est le Commencement et la Fin (…) descendra sur la terre (…). (more…)
1,136 words
Translated by Greg Johnson
From the end of the 1930s to the mid-1940s and beyond, I was greatly interested in the personality of the American poet Ezra Pound. I saw a lot of myself reflected in him. Indeed, during the Second World War he was opposed to the government of his country and embraced the cause of Italy and Germany. (more…)
474 words
Translated by Alex Kurtagic
Unfortunately, the deep writer and poet Hermann Hesse was falsified and vulgarized by a world in decline. He needs to be re-read today by the same eyes that were once shaken by his mystery.
503 words
Translated by Alex Kurtagic
Translator’s Note:
The following article appeared in the Chilean newspaper, El Mercurio, on 10 March 2002. Serrano had written about a similar topic some thirty years earlier in an article for La Prensa entitled, “La Transformación de Hermann Hesse” (“The Transformation of Hermann Hesse”), which was translated into English and published under the title “Hermann Hesse in America.”