Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 614
Ask Us Everything & Poland Independence Day
Counter-Currents Radio
Greg Johnson, Angelo Plume, and David Zsutty responded to listener questions and talked about the annual nationalist march in Poland which they attended this year. The episode is now available to listen to online or download.
0:00: Introduction
3:05: Idealism and the need for elite and institutional patronage
5:10: David Zsutty’s “Letter to an Oligarch”
6:33: Forces greater than money
10:35: Greg’s recent ban from X
18:32: Can Trump help European nationalism and populism?
28:48: The White Liberal Question; Greg Johnson’s “Hegemony”
42:17: Trump’s cabinet choices
1:07:59: A schizo take on Trump
1:09:20: Did the regime decide to install Trump?
1:14:47: How is AmRen going?
1:16:32: Matt Gaetz, the Uniparty, the need for a National Populist Uniparty, Gaetz as wrecking ball
1:25:48: The Subcontinental Question
1:25:48: Should we cede the military to the Left/non-whites?/the danger of war
1:28:43: Is peace breaking out?
1:30:29: Independence Day in Poland
1:50:20: Sports and opera in Hungary
1:53:32: The threat of anti-Semitism legislation
1:55:58: How can we purge DEI from the US military?
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Will there ever be a pole born with a modicrum of honesty and tell the world about what poles did around and before WW2?
Why do the neocons hate trump? That’s easy—they represent two factions in American politics who are wooing the Zionists. Both want the money and electoral power that the Zionists offer. It’s like a machine or apparatus that different people can run. The two factions are fighting over this “gauntlet of power.” Neocons are really liberals, other than the issue of Zionism. (it’s a tired tale about how they were formerly Trotskyists on the left who migrated to the right over Israel and certain small issues.) The neocons, who favor of the racial transformation of America, oppose the immigration crack down of MAGA. That’s the one key issue of why they hate trump, other than the Clinton regime’s vindictive anger over the 2016 election which is fading, which was just about power. The Clinton machine is basically the Democratic wing of the neocon structure. Now that Israel and the Middle East are the key issue, I bet the neocons secretly wanted trump to win, simply as an emergency measure. That’s why things haven’t gone haywire over trump’s victory.
Hail Trump! Hail victory!
It is a “tired tale” that Neocons were Trotskyite Jews only because Irving Kristol, a former Trotskyite Jew and key founder of Neoconservativism is now dead.
Otherwise, Neocons are hard-left rich Jews, and with the help of their plutocratic allies like the Cheneys and Bushes. In short, the RINOs and Neocons did not want Trump to win over Kamala and the Leftist Democrats ─ and especially not with a groundswell of MAGA behind him.
Neocon Jews are basically Limousine Liberals who like their money and dislike taxes and regulations that might inconvenience them. But they aren’t really Conservatives.
They hate ethnic Russians, Poles and Germans in that historic order. At some point they will hate Americans the MOST because that is where the Diaspora now lives and draws it blood. Straight out of Mein Kampf, they have to move on from time to time because the vampire eventually can’t stop itself from killing the host.
The you-know-whos are mostly not moving to Israel to homestead any time soon ─ but they do regard it as sacrosanct and with more fervent zeal and pride than any “Jewish Apollo program” (as I’ve heard modern Israel described).
At heart Zionists are nothing but rebranded Marxists or Trotskyites with lots of money in their coffers, and this should never be forgotten.
So the question is why did they “allow” Trump to be elected if they preferred Harris. Why no 2020 riots and other shenanigans?
Well, some things just happen the way that they do. The excessively-Online guys listening to podcasts and playing WoW in Mom’s basement might not like hearing this advice.
My view is that clearly the 2020 rioting backfired. In the long haul it backfired bigly. And now they have some real blowback.
We got a 2024 MAGA landslide. Both houses of Congress now lean GOP if not necessarily MAGA, plus the Supreme Court, and sometimes the downballot races and state legislatures too.
Arizona voted Trump but it is still a deep Purple state without any good guitar riffs ─ and unless Trump and friends can really fix the border problem, the Third World Demographics will win out over the retired and aging Boomers who have left their insufferable Blue states and made a Red-shift in the Grand Canyon State and elsewhere.
Or sometimes the internal migration has the opposite effect, as in Blue places like Colorado that can be attributed to a younger demographic and more hipster and urban professionals. Affluent ski-bums and bankers with Rocky Mountain getaways don’t reliably vote either party, but they do lean decisively Democrat.
Also, the 2020 voting irregularities have been exposed and many states are actually going to Voter ID and Picture ID for polling and registration instead of just allowing any Brown Babelista with a heartbeat and no U.S. documentation to vote in their preferred language ─ as the Democrats always prefer.
Blacks were also unmotivated to go the the polls in 2024, which always hurts Democrats. The Bruthuhs didn’t like another harpy woman and somebody who isn’t even really a Sistah but plays one on TV. If they had run another dark horse like Obama without too much discernible baggage, they might have won ─ or at least won the Popular Vote. And many Latinos with documentation actually came over to the Trump train.
Yeah, 2024 could not have been worse for the Democrats ─ and Trump’s Jewish son-in-law and the Donald’s perfunctory Zionist blandishments are weak sauce for Neocon aspirations. Contrary to popular Dissident Right belief, that is not what gives him his strength with MAGA.
But this does not mean that all things are right with the world.
The Rightward shift of the GOP with MAGA, that is opposed on an existential basis by the Establishment, is tenuous at best. Neocons and their allies will pull out the stops on Total War against flyover-folk Whiteness.
There is room for hope given the 2024 landslide that we must act in accordance with given the new tactical situation. We will have to see how much Trump disappoints ─ and he will ─ but anyone who overplays this or says that all is now lost or that we would have been better off with a 2024 Democrap win is a troll.
Ultimately we will have to build our own White party version to win.
That’s a good synopsis. What I mean is that there are different factions of Jews. What we are witnessing is sort of a struggle between the far right likudnite Jews and the neocon type Jews. But Israel is the bottom line for both and that’s a big part of why trump won this election.
Trump’s Zionism consists of more than “perfunctory blandishments.” He devoted quite a lot of time to helping Israel in his first term and bragged about it. He gave Israel things no other President had been willing to give them – recognition for its exclusive claims to Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. You can see that a camp of Zionists supported him just by following the money. This was predictable given the Israel situation and was openly discussed even in legacy media.
Trump is enthusiastic about Zionism, that’s really beyond debate. What’s debatable is whether he’s meaningfully worse on that issue than others. I personally believe Zionism is non-negotiable in America, so it’s not worth discussing the fact that a candidate supports it. My hope is that with Trump we will get Zionism plus some good things, rather than the Zionism plus all bad things we would have gotten with Harris.
I’m not saying that Trump is not a Zionist.
What I’m saying is that the Überjoos that put Israel in the top slot are largely “Anybody But Trump.”
The former O.J. Simpson murder trial attorney and Felix Frankfurter Prof. of Law, Alan Morton Dershowitz changed parties from Democrat to Independent (not to GOP) this year, and he won’t even publicly admit whether he voted for Trump. Hint: he doesn’t care what Gentiles think of him, only his tribal peers.
Sure, the Gaza situation has not gone like clockwork for Israel, and the usual suspects would have preferred that the Democrat candidate not have pandered at all to the Detroit Muslims that supposedly helped turn Michigan light Red (because of inflation, we are told). ZOG doesn’t like to be criticized even in whispers, but the old gang is still very much in charge of the Democratic Party ─ just a little less so with the GOP thanks to the maverick Trump win.
Both parties will in fact keep giving Israel the billions of dinero every year, and that will not change with Trump.
If the Bidenistas were really less manageable than they were on the Palestine issue, then the very most Israel would have had to do is maybe make a superficial show about sacrificing Netanyahoo for somebody less overtly bellicose.
That didn’t happen, and all the regime had to do to curb the uptick of anti-Israel grumble was issue threats of Hate Speech enforcement, and their BLM and Antifa minions got back into step, pronto. “No more BDS talk, bub. That’s Genocide by definition.”
Kamalamala was really big on enforcing and widening Hate Speech too. The filmmaker and ex-Holocaust Denier, Eric Hunt was gaoled for touching the Nobel laureate and professional liar, Elie Wiesel on the sleeve in a San Francisco elevator. Hunt was viciously prosecuted by Kamalamala when she was top legal Commissar in the People’s Republic of California.
Mr. Hunt told me that he had been experimenting with Howard Stern-style ambush journalism and it backfired. Well, yes. Stern or whomever would have had an army of Jewish lawyers on call, plus been underwritten by millions of dollars of liability insurance that Rightwingers just aren’t going to be allowed to acquire.
And this is not in case they do anything wrong like fight with cops or trespass government property. Any T-shirt shop by law has to have a million dollars of liability insurance just in case somebody slips on the ice going into the store and ends up as a vegetable with his hand out in court.
It’s probably necessary now also for when Negroes overdose in the parking lot after trying to pass counterfeit currency. Lots of gimme groups abound now. Just calling the cops is risky.
Anyway, Trump was definitely not the more-Kosher candidate.
This explains the origin of the ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’ quote (mentioned at 36:55).
Did anyone notice the irony of Angelo’s screed against Christians being followed so closely by a report about based Poles and their patriotic march?
The most disturbing thing you said, Mr. Plume, was not about Christians, but about yourself: “I don’t care who gets upset about it.” If you don’t care about other people’s feelings, there is something wrong with you. Yes, sometimes, we have to say things that offend other people because they are: (1) true, and (2) need to be said. Your remarks about Christians fail on both accounts.
I quite agree with you that right-wing Twitter should not be attacking pagan WNs, because we have much more important things to do. Besides that, I think it’s obnoxious as well as divisive to insult other people’s spiritual sensibilities. In other words, I care about their feelings.
Also, please enlighten me on why you believe that God’s promise to “bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you,” even on the erroneous assumption that it is still in effect, applies to the afterlife rather than the here and now? That is an anachronistic reading that would be surprising indeed to the author of the Johannine gospel (3:16). I would need a very compelling argument before I took your relations’ word for it over Martin Luther’s.
Finally, how do you square your belief that Christians are to blame for attacks on the 1A when “Holocaust denial” and any other criticism of Jews is already a jailable offense in the nations of Europe with nary an evangelical fundie in sight? Also, if our swamp creatures are quaking in their boots for fear of the almighty evangelical voter, why do they only get what they want when their preferences just so happen to coincide with Jewish interests? Why don’t they get their way on trade and immigration? The obvious explanation is that “Christian Zionism” is the result rather than the cause of Jewish power.
From the point of view of patriotic Europeans, American influence is just as toxic either way. The frustration is understandable, but you can despise a regime without despising the people. Indeed, if you are going to be involved in North American WN politics, it would behoove you to be more diplomatic. Consider the possibility that the “Christian Zionist” bogeyman is yet another red herring to get White people to blame and shame each other rather than the real source of the problem.
I know you’ve got a crush on me, Lexi, but frankly, I’m not interested. I’ll keep saying whatever I want about Christians and Christian Zionists.
I pretty much despise Christian Zionists and don’t have a super high regard for most Christians, but they aren’t the ones driving this predicament. Not by a longshot. It’s the Diaspora. Always the Diaspora. And that hints towards how one could finally solve this old problem. Israel could get nuked into green glass and we would still have the same mare’s nest on the very next day.
Scott: November 21, 2024 I pretty much despise Christian Zionists and don’t have a super high regard for most Christians, but they aren’t the ones driving this predicament. Not by a longshot.
Good for you, Scott
Gullible Whites who embrace Christian Zionism are a major problem. Leave them to their superstations and love of Jews and Yahweh.
Israel could get nuked into green glass and we would still have the same mare’s nest on the very next day.
Yes. The way things are going for Israel, that shitty little nation will not last much longer (181) Palestinians & Friends Attack Israeli Occupiers – Page 45 – White Biocentrism
Jewish supremacy will remain however, and that is “driving the predicament,” as you put it.
No what‘s driving the predicament is white people and our underlying moral values being incongruent with nature to the point that if we continue this way we‘ll not exist into the future.
Sam: November 22, 2024 [W]hat‘s driving the predicament is white [sic] people and our underlying moral values being incongruent with nature to the point that if we continue this way we‘ll not exist into the future.
True enough, Sam.
Worshipping the supernatural tribal deity of the Jews is anti-Nature. Some open-minded Whites recognize this fact, others do not. A small $13 booklet explains it for the latter crowd nicely:
National Socialism and the Laws of Nature by Martin Kerr – Cosmotheism
A UNIQUE AND compelling feature of the National Socialist worldview of Adolf Hitler is that, of all the various political movements and ideologies of the modern era, it alone is based solely on the Natural Order. Only National Socialism is grounded in reality, and not in phantasms of the human mind.
National Socialists believe that the universe is governed by natural laws, and that for Man to be happy and successful, he must first acknowledge that these laws exist; secondly, he must discover what they are; and thirdly, he must live in accordance with them. This is another way of saying that the universe runs according to the principles of Causality – that is, of cause-and-effect relationships – and that it does not operate on the basis of supernatural forces, or on the mental constructions and wishful thinking of intellectuals and ideologues, or on the religious fantasies of theologians.
Gullible Whites who embrace Christian Zionism are a major problem.
What do you mean by “a major problem,” Mr. Williams?
I think White male individualism is a major weakness, personally. I don’t think our plight would have been possible without it, even with Jewish power and influence. On the other hand, White male individualism is not fatal without Jewish power and influence. That being the case, why divide the movement by alienating Whites who value individual rights? This is what the Left understands that the Right either does not understand, or, more often I suspect, pretends not to understand. Like you and Angelo, they have an axe to grind, and they are unwilling to bury the hatchet for the sake of White unity.
As Scott said, the Diaspora is The Problem. By that, I assume he means that, once solved, the other problems won’t be so problematic, anymore. Blame ought to depend on causation, and causation is complicated. Mr. Plume pretends to care about facts, not feelings, but then he completely ignores the gaping holes in the argument that Christians have had any effect one way or the other on the global policy of White replacement. We often say that correlation does not equal causation, and that is quite true, but you don’t even have correlation. Indeed, if anything, you have a negative correlation! So why the hell are we still talking about this?
I have heard “pro-Whites” attack pretty much everything about White civilization: Christianity, trial by jury, individualism, constitutional government, women’s suffrage, etc. You can attack White civilization until the heat death of the universe, but at the end of the day, you can’t escape the fact that none of these “problems” are anything more than weaknesses that have been exploited by aliens who, in the absence of these things, would have exploited other weaknesses. You can try to design a perfect society that is impervious to alien influence, but that’s impossible in the real world. You’re going to have to make tradeoffs.
Now, anti-Christians constantly warn that Christians are going to get carried away with brotherly love and give away the store. Personally, I wouldn’t have any problem with constructive warnings about what Christians should beware of, but they take it further than that, with rhetoric that is essentially eliminationist. But how do we know that your sort won’t take your “laws of nature” too far and start brutally exploiting and oppressing less powerful Whites, and even replacing them altogether when they get too uppity? How do we know you won’t go killing other Whites for Lebensraum as the Germanic tribes outside the control of the Roman Empire did. Or worse, capturing and enslaving Whites to build a Coliseum where you can have White captives fight each other to the death for your entertainment? It’s not like it’s never happened before, is it? If the Straw Man is good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
Lexi: November 23, 2024 responding to my statement: Gullible Whites who embrace Christian Zionism are a major problem.
* * * * *
What do you mean by “a major problem,” Mr. Williams?
Major as opposed to a minor problem.
I’ll try to address the issues you raise from my point of view.
I think White male individualism is a major weakness, personally…
Personally, I think yours is feminine, democratic thinking. You’re sounding close to being a man-hater. Good luck saving our race with that attitude.
My cause is masculine, Lexi — aristocratic race group think as opposed to individualism, which is neither male nor female, but self-centered. We realists are not opposed to individuality, which is not individualism
That being the case, why divide the movement by alienating Whites who value individual rights? This is what the Left understands that the Right either does not understand, or, more often I suspect, pretends not to understand.
Faulty premise. Having those in your movement to choose sides is not dividing them but strengthening our cause.
Like you and Angelo, they have an axe to grind, and they are unwilling to bury the hatchet for the sake of White unity.
Me and Angelo?
White unity is a pipe dream. Not for you, but for others reading this, I offer the wisdom of William Pierce on elusive unity: Why Don’t All the Pro-White Organizations Unite? | National Vanguard
As Scott said, the Diaspora is The Problem. By that, I assume he means that, once solved, the other problems won’t be so problematic, anymore… So why the hell are we still talking about this?
You are talking about your opinion, Lexi. I’m not.
By Diaspora, I assumed Scott meant Jews living outside of their so-called “Holy Land.” Once the JQ is solved many other problems will go away. We can be our own masters, yes.
I have heard “pro-Whites” attack pretty much everything about White civilization…
Where did you hear that, Sunday school? Why the scare quotes?
One can be pro-White, anti-White or neutral, meaning they don’t give a shit one way or the other about preserving our race. Leave them alone and work with those who are pro-White. That is common sense.
Now, anti-Christians constantly warn that Christians are going to get carried away with brotherly love and give away the store.
Christianity is a universal creed that welcomes all races with its brotherly love bs. You can say it isn’t, but you would be wrong.
Most of us, including me, including Dr. Pierce, were raised Christian, so we’re not anti-Christian. We can be anti-Christianity, however, because of that creed’s Middle Eastern Jewish roots — we’re European — and because worshipping the Jewish tribal deity is like having one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake. Why would we, Nature’s finest, worship our enemy’s imaginary Super spook up in the sky? That would be stupid.
“Dr. William Luther Pierce’s Cosmotheism is not a revealed religion, but is instead what he called a natural religion: It rejects all of the claimed supernatural “revelations” which find their way onto shining golden plates or ancient scrolls, instead having its basis in the realities of Nature that our eyes — and the investigations of science — have confirmed. In the drama of the evolution of life from non-living matter, and of higher and more conscious beings from lower forms of life, William Pierce sees a path of purpose and destiny for us.”
But how do we know that your sort won’t take your “laws of nature” too far and start brutally exploiting and oppressing less powerful Whites..
You don’t.
There you go with the scare quotes again.
We simply will not allow them into our high councils. Some White Christings will wise up and peacefully come around to our superior way of thinking and become committed team players.
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