Editor’s Update
VDARE Closes, PoliticAll, the No Thanks App, Our 2024 Fundraiser, & the Counter-Currents Book Club
Greg Johnson
1,018 words
1. VDARE Closes
When I first became a White Nationalist, I took an intense interest in immigration reform. I rapidly found my way to VDare.com, which was then a relatively new website. It immediately became one of the websites I would read every day. Thus I was very sad to learn that VDare is shutting down after 25 years due to legal harassment from the state of New York.
I understand why Peter and Lydia Brimelow, as well as their writers and supporters, feel that this is a very personal defeat. Their organization has been destroyed. There’s no question that this is a defeat for our movement and a victory for the forces of wokeness. However, there are things that we can do to make their victory a hollow one and take some of the sting out of the defeat.
VDARE was an institution and a brand. Those are important. But even more important is the purpose they served: to bring together writers to support pro-white immigration reform in America. VDARE is gone. But the cause is still there. The writers are still there. The readers and donors are still there. If everyone involved in VDare continues the fight on other platforms, then this was a hollow victory. I will do everything I can to make that possible.
Peter Brimelow told me that this closure was coming months ago, and we discussed some ways that Counter-Currents can help mitigate the blow.
- Counter-Currents has offered a home to several VDARE writers, including Jason Kessler and Anne Wilson Smith. We have also increased the number of articles we publish by Mark Gullick. If other VDARE writers think they would be a good fit at Counter-Currents, they are welcome to contact me at editor@counter-currents.com.
- We have also offered to archive past publications of VDARE authors, particularly those who publish at Counter-Currents anyway. We just need to work out the legalities.
Why did VDARE shut down? Because they had spent more than a million dollars donated to promote immigration reform on legal bills, with no end in sight and no clear prospect of gaining any sort of precedent that might stop such lawfare in the future. To put that in perspective, that is more than three times the annual operating budget of Counter-Currents. And that does not include the countless hours the Brimelows themselves put into dealing with lawfare. At a certain point, it became clear that fighting to maintain the VDARE institution and brand was no longer serving the greater cause. They made the right decision.
Shutting down VDARE frees the Brimelows to get back in the fight. I have urged Peter Brimelow to keep writing. But even if he decides to retire to spend more time with his family, he’s earned it. After all, he’s 76. If none of this had happened, and he had chosen to retire at 76, would that have been a “defeat” for the movement? No, we’d feel lucky he devoted so much time to us for so long and thank him for his service. Everyone’s time is limited. Death or retirement are in the nature of things. They of course interrupt our work, but they are defeats only if nobody takes our places and the cause suffers a permanent setback. The same is true of an institution like VDARE.
Another way we can make this a hollow victory is to learn from it. You can be assured that all of us are studying what happened to VDARE very carefully, with an eye to learning how to fortify our institutions from such attacks in the future. (Lydia Brimelow’s summary of all the ways VDARE managed constant deplatforming attacks will give other and new institutions a roadmap to fortify themselves for the future.)
I want to thank Peter Brimelow, Lydia Brimelow, and all of VDARE’s writers for what they have contributed to American immigration patriotism over the years. Once this depressing interlude is behind them, I hope all of them will be back in the fight with renewed vigor.
2. PoliticAll.com
I wish to recommend PoliticAll.com to my friends and readers in Europe. PoliticAll is a social networking and blogging platform for the politically engaged. The site is attractive, useful, and, most importantly, committed to freedom of speech and thought.
3. The No Thanks App
Every time you buy a product, you might be unknowingly contributing to Israeli occupation, genocide, and global meddling, most especially in American politics. How can you be sure? Get the No Thanks Boycott App. Download it onto your phone. Whenever you are in doubt about a product, just scan the barcode, and the No Thanks app will let you know if the product supports Zionist mischief. You’ll save money and accumulate less bad karma at the same time!
4. The 2024 Fundraiser
Our annual fundraiser is chugging along. This year, Counter-Currents is raising $300,000. Thus far we have received $92,098.55, so we are close to a third of the way to our goal. And remember: half of all fundraising happens in the last quarter of the year! This means that if we get to $150,000 by the end of September, we will be very likely to reach our annual goal. Our deepest thanks to everyone who helped out.
5. The Counter-Currents Book Club livestream on Saturday, July 27th
The next episode of the Counter-Currents Book Club is on Derek Hawthorne’s new book Being and “The Birds.” Greg Johnson welcomes author Derek Hawthorne as well as Martin Lichtmesz and James O’Meara to discuss the book.
Join us at noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern/9 PM Central European Time on:
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@countercurrents/ccradio
DLive: https://dlive.tv/Counter-Currents
Send questions & donations to Entropy: entropystream.live/countercurrents
6. How to Help Counter-Currents
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Remember: those who fight for a better world live in it today.
Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.
Greg Johnson
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Very sad. I will always be grateful for Mr. Brimelow’s work “Alien Nation,” published in 1995. I was in college at the time and reading it gave me the arguments I needed to help me convince others that massive immigration was harmful for many reasons. He marshalled all the evidence and numbers showing that immigration was in fact hurting the economy and not a benefit. A lot of Whites shrug and accept immigration because they believe it to be a necessary evil for the economy. If you are against immigration, including legal immigration, the average middle class White person accuses you of being anti-capitalist!
I also liked reading Vdare because they told the truth about the harm massive immigration does to the environment. They revealed how hypocritical the so called environmentalists are because they value political correctness over the natural world.
It’s a loss, but ultimately, Vdare had a great impact.
Try reaching out to every writer on VDare and writing them a letter of support. These people deserve support. I believe enough of these writers will switch to the Counter-currents site. Try to do this first. Thanks to everyone for the good work.
BLM gets showered with $1.5 billion in corporate contributions. A moderate White advocacy organization gets shut down from ideologically motivated barratry under color of law. Words escape me.
The purpose of a system is what it does, as the saying goes. The purpose of the system we live under is to destroy the European peoples of the world and arm their enemies.
I’d say it’s an irrational side agenda, not a purpose. An enlightened government’s reason to exist is to protect the public and work for the public’s best interests. A banana republic should at least protect its citizens, since that’s who keeps them on the gravy train, even if everything else the government does is to enrich itself. Nowhere is trying to kill the goose that laid the golden egg part of any rational plan.
Why care about the goose when you can import more geese, and is the egg (votes, consent, capital) really golden if you can just manufacture your own?
Let’s suppose that I’m Guatemala’s El Presidente. Me and my two dozen best friends run the show. We live high off the hog. Besides us, 5% of Guatemala is middle class, and the other 95% are living in shacks and barely scraping by. Everyone thinks I’m an asshole (because it’s true) but they know who’s boss.
Suppose I got a crazy idea one morning and thought, “Hey, I should import a bunch of Haitians, Cambodians, Somalis, and Syrians.” Why would that be a bad idea? For one thing, they don’t speak Spanish. Worse, they’re not Guatemalans, and never will be, except on paper. They won’t get along with each other, or with real Guatemalans. I’ll have to put up with their dysfunctions. Fixing their problems will be on me, and I’m used to my habit of giving jack shit in social services to my own people. They’ll create no-go zones in the big cities. They’ll start to get ideas about running the country themselves. The list goes on.
As for why The System is doing basically this, I figure part of it is paranoia by the Zionists. As for the liberal WASP establishment, their part of it is historical and ideological inertia as well as their heads being stuck up the entirely wrong place. Not even Ivan the Terrible would’ve been as cracked as that.
I think elites seek to keep power and wealth for themselves and most only care about the lower classes inasmuch as it supports their own well being, ie they want good roads, services, and to keep tax revenue flowing. In general people don’t want improvement for everyone, we just want to be better than those around us. This would characterize the nobility in most of anciene regime Europe, which I assume to be the true natural state. Modern constitutional republics only exist as an uneasy compromise from a state of fear among elites since shared power represents a threat of uprising from the peasant class, which grew too numerous and powerful to suppress easily around the time of the French Revolution.
In America, the elite has a certain racial distinction which adds an additional layer of fear of the peasant classes, hence racial replacement. But as for that, we are closely approaching a system of nobility and privilege similar to that which existed in pre revolution Europe along these racial lines, only it’s not codified, implicit in the minds of most authority figures. That’s my take.
Which elite are we talking about? Are we talking about the managerial class? This class includes the CEOs and top management of large corporations (read Microsoft, Google, IBM, etc ). Notes that the CEOs of these named corporations are Indians. So should we think that ethnic Indians call the shots in America? No, it’s entirely a different group of people, and they have an implacable and historical hatred of Europeans. I don’t know when can we wake up to this simple but fundamentally crucial fact?
One writer I hope finds a new venue is the Gividen who tallies the black on white homicides each month. That makes for entertaining comments on Unz review. Maybe he’ll go directly to Unz. That’s definitely more vdare or amren bracket than counter currents.
oh and Radioderb will appear on his own website for all his fans who might be here. I sure hope the diary will keep going too. That’s needed.
DarkPlato: July 26, 2024 Maybe he’ll go directly to Unz. That’s definitely more vdare or amren bracket than counter currents.
If the Brimelows want to stay relevant they’ll choose to participate at C-C rather than with the racial Jew and the one who said that Jews looked White to him: “Are Jared Taylor and Ron Unz Compromised?” at nationalvanguard.org
White loyalists would be smart to stay clear of New York and the clutches of White-hating Negress Letitia James and her weaponized court. She’s simply a tool of the real enemy in this case: the Jewish hate group SPLC. More of this story here, boasting of how they go about destroying, or ‘finishing’ pro-White groups, even the courageous, top tier attorney Glen Allen: “What We Know About the VDARE Legal Situation That They Say ‘Finished’ Them” at splcenter.org
Though the SPLC hate group has its alleged $711 million tax-exempt war chest with which to destroy any effective pro-White group or individual they label “haters,” using courts, they are having their own problems of late since many of the Jews and queers in top management were either fired or resigned under a cloud a couple of years back and replaced by non-White lightweights like Ms. Huang:
Huang told APR that besides the “overarching goal of building a multiracial inclusive democracy,” the four main objectives are “poverty eradication, decarcerating and decriminalizing Black and brown communities, promoting voting rights and civic engagement, and eliminating white supremacy.”
Source: “SPLC management and union clash over layoffs and the organization’s future” at alreporter.com
On June 12, the Southern Poverty Law Center emailed almost eighty employees telling them that they had been laid off…
I only meant that “crime statistics” are not a cc thing. We don’t tend to truck with such modernity, but hey, the more the merrier!
I think Unz is legit on certain issues. He knows who the bad guys are!
DarkPlato: July 27, 2024 I only meant that “crime statistics” are not a cc thing. We don’t tend to truck with such modernity…
I see, DP. Is that what VDARE did?
I think Unz is legit on certain issues. He knows who the bad guys are!
He ought to. To each his own. Some of us truck with stuff that others of us won’t. Anyone can parrot what we say, even a self-hating, multi-millionaire racial Jew.
I hope it will be possible to secure a browsable VDare archive. Perhaps The Internet Archives at archive dot org has most of it archived. One then simply needs to know the URLs of all the articles to be able to read them.
I know nothing about how this kind of thing is done, but I’m sure others do.
I’m sorry to see V.Dare go. I also read Alien Nation and wrote Brimelow, who replied in a very kind and thoughtful letter. He has always struck me as a humane and intelligent man. His arguments were like reading Tom Paine.
Will Williams: remember what Pierce said: “the blacks are the muscle of the Jews.” Hasn’t changed.
This is really bad news. If mainstream conservatism were worth a fig there would be talk of how to “see” the soft tyranny of the left and “raise them” a hard one. “But then we would be just as bad as they are, derpitty, dippity, dumb, dumb, dumb.”
The left does these sorts of things because it is effective, it is one of the reasons why they are winning and have been for eight years or more. I certainly hope our troubles are not intractable, but if we have not passed the point of no return more people need to start conceptualization an ideology framework that looks to “play for keeps,” as the left has done for decades.
Devon Stack and others like to disparage the 90s but there was a window in that time where it was possible to go the other way. Alien Nation was a bestseller if I recall correctly. Brimelow was on cspan, pbs, and so on. You also had Pat Buchanan–“Patty Patty, Buke Buke”–who called out paid to lose conservative inc for what it was.
I suggest there might be a “Links” section to this website that has a section including “no thanks app”, Veebs, non-woke AI chatbots, CancelThisCompany, Dave Seminara list
Yes definitely. Could call it ‘useful resources’.
The wanton corruption and abuse of power via James is deeply disturbing and unsettling. She more of less places herself beyond reproach and waxes poetic about “rule of law” and how she is targeting “hate” as she bankrupts VDARE. An abuse of power of this nature should be a criminal act.
I regret not investing more time on the site; I simply “gravitated” more towards this site, amren and Takimag. You have only so much time. I’m hoping the Brimelow’s can do some sort of legal sophistry and re-register a “new” organization in another state.
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