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Librarians see themselves on the front lines on what it takes to bring revolution to the US. You need soldiers in the revolution so they are teaching kids to be little antifa activists who hate their own country and will act as a collective to bring about change. — Dan Kleinman of Safe Libraries, in the New York Post, September 10, 2022
Last year I wrote a piece for Counter-Currents entitled “Into the Abyss: the Fate of Professional Associations.” In it, I concentrated on the full-throttle wokeness of the American Bar Association and the American Psychological Association.
The medical profession, I must add, is quickly going down the same road to perdition. Under the “diversity” mandate, some medical schools are dropping the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) in order to eliminate racial bias in admissions. The University of Pennsylvania’s Perlman School of Medicine has already dropped the MCAT for minority applicants.
The Association of American Medical Colleges sets the standards for medical education. In 2022 it released its curriculum competencies. According to the Association of Mature American Citizens,
. . . the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) — which sets the standards for medical education –released curriculum competencies requiring an understanding of “intersectionality,” “white privilege,” “microaggression,” and “allyship.” The competencies further ask that students be able to “identify systems of power” including “white privilege, racism, sexism.”
In other words, no one will get into medical school without being able to recite the woke catechism.
The goal toward which American “professional” associations appear to be moving their members is the complete demolition of what Counter-Currents readers might think of as the traditional American way of life. I’ll get to the American Library Association’s role in this endeavor momentarily.
Traditional America was a white America, and a sea change of self-perception has been engineered by the organs of the managerial class to unremittingly demoralize white Americans so as to have them think of themselves as morally defective by virtue of their race — their “whiteness” and “white privilege.” From the standpoint of politics, power, and domination, thinking of yourself as a morally defective creature makes you highly vulnerable, if not defenseless, and willing to submit to whatever demands your moral superiors — as you believe them to be — care to impose. Their only limits are imagination and audacity. The black, extortionist reparation proposal recently coming out of California, encouraged and taken seriously by the ruling class, shows just how successful this demoralization project has been. No one in the traditional America I grew up in could have remotely conceived that this would someday be happening.
“California Dreamin’” has produced a nightmare.
Why isn’t anything going on in the senate?
Why are the senators sitting there without legislating?
Because the barbarians are coming today.
What’s the point of senators making laws now?
Once the barbarians are here, they’ll do the legislating.
— C. P. Cavafy, “Waiting for the Barbarians”
There is a soft side and a hard side to this sea change, behind each of which are institutional, organizational forces determined to make us believe that we are morally inferior. The hard-side operatives work on making white people feel bad about themselves: feeding us non-stop the terrible stuff white people have done to nice, non-white people, and why they can’t escape the blame. This is the shenanigans of what I call “the shame-guilt complex”: public education, higher education, and a large swath of the social work and mental health professions. High-profile hucksters such as Robin DiAngelo, Ibram X. Kendi, and Tim Wise crawl out of these fetid swamps and prey on fee-paying, masochistic whites, engaging them in public rituals of submission, shame, and confession. The public schools and universities, with a captive child-youth audience, concentrate on the guilt side of the coming generation with the relentless, cult-Marxist pedagogy of victimization that turns the history of the West into a continuous, cartoonish loop of horrible white people denying colored people’s humanity.

You can buy Stephen Paul Foster’s new novel When Harry Met Sally here.
The hard side also includes a multi-tentacled, coercive apparatus: human resources departments and the “diversity” gang, who dictate the speech-conduct codes and punish workplace dissidents. Law enforcement, now defanged for being “racist,” puts whites at the mercy of the minority criminal underclass. Corrupt prosecuting attorneys and Leftist judges apply the law and manipulate the legal proceedings to favor the designated victim groups. The political bosses from both parties create and empower the government agencies that unleash the unelected, anonymous compliance and intelligence personnel. They operate the soft terror machinery that keeps the kulaks in a permanent state of passivity and obedience.
The message from the soft side is that “people of color are morally pristine” — yin to the yang of “white people are cretins.” The soft-side image-makers — the mainstream media, pop-culture celebrities, and the entertainment industry — have been reimaging America to reflect the superior virtue of the oppressed, specifically the Potemkin version, a fiction that bears no resemblance to reality. Netflix, Amazon, ESPN, and so on bombard Americans daily with productions bearing the nobility-wisdom-goodness motif of blacks who have somehow managed to transcend centuries of subjugation, exploitation, and humiliation by their white oppressors. Black doctors, judges, artists, scientists, and politicians perform as models of competence, rectitude, and imperturbability. They restrain crude, unruly, not-so-bright whites from screwing things up and protect the gentle, respectable black middle class from the aggression of racist whites from the trailer parks. The corporate bosses have stepped up to do their part in “the Great Replacement” by reimaging white Americans with black and brown people in advertising, marketing, public relations, and mass media — a sudden disappearing act even some of the “good whites” are starting to notice.
It is important to show how the professional associations are a huge part of the sea change from both the hard and soft sides. They are aggressively pushing America toward a “multicultural” society, a racial spoils dystopia ruled over by the priestly class from the Church of the Latter-Day Cranks of Human-Equality. As noted above, the legal and health professions have sold out to the “diversity is our strength” mau-mauers who clearly understand that demoralizing white Americans will bring about a transfer of their power, status, and wealth to a more deserving population, leading to the victory dance on the grave of European civilization.
This brings me to another professional association that is firmly in the clutches of the multicultural nomenklatura: the American Library Association (ALA).

Closing speakers for the upcoming annual ALA Conference 2023: two advocates of racial and gender justice.
Libraries have long been associated with books and journals, the vehicles of learning. They are the repositories of civilization’s recorded experience and accumulated wisdom. Librarians were “curators,” etymologically from the Latin curatus: “to take care of.” As a profession, “caring” for the materials in their keeping involved logically organizing them so as to make them useful to those who needed them for serious purposes of research and scholarship. Curator-librarians possessed a deep respect for the complexity and value of knowledge, and a level of intellectual sophistication and learning that made them valuable partners with those in the quest for knowledge. They were respected as distinctive contributors to the life of the mind and the reading community.
Having been an academic librarian for much of my professional career and a member of the American Library Association, I can confidently assert that librarians, as those “curators” I have depicted above, no longer exist. Technological change is one factor in the dissolving of the ALA into what is now a collection of political activists devoted to advocacy, agitation, and agitprop. Current ideological forces drive the agenda of the ALA and determine what librarians today consider to be the most important features of their work.
The latest demographic breakdown, from 2017, of ALA membership is a good indicator of where the association falls in the conservative-liberal spectrum: 93% possess a Bachelor’s degree or above, 81% are female, 87% are white, and 59% are age 45 and above. I suspect, though I have no data to prove it, that Jews are heavily overrepresented in its membership as compared to their percentage of the US population, particularly in the large university research libraries and major government libraries. The Director of the New York City Public Library, the second-largest public library in the US after the Library of Congress — which is the fourth-largest in the world — is a guy named Marx: Tony Marx. According to Wikipedia, after graduating from Yale Marx spent a year in South Africa working in the anti-apartheid movement.
So here we have the demographic picture of an organization made up of largely older, white, college-educated women, with lots of liberal, activist Jews in the mix. Knowing the lop-sided, political tilt of that configuration, it strongly suggests the stereotype of a Covid mask-wearing, Donald Trump-hating, Black Lives Matter-supporting, gun-loathing, CNN-watching, Zoloft-taking, Prius-driving feminist who is highly allergic to pronoun abuse, microaggressions, and eruptions of transphobia.
The ALA website is a cornucopia of virtue-signaling, anti-racist chest-thumping and Left-wing agitprop. From a 2020 Association news release: “ALA takes responsibility for past racism, [and] pledges a more equitable association.”
This is the Soviet-era template into which the apparatchiks insert the customary lingo that conforms to the strict requirements of the Party’s style sheet. It is monotonously uniform, with a predictable pattern of utterance, and evinces in this case a level of self-effacing, struggle-session enthusiasm that dispels any doubts that the organization has not purged any suspected deviationists. It huffs and puffs its way to a level of such absurd, groveling overreach that all you want to do while reading it is scream: “Enough!”
The American Library Association (ALA) accepts and acknowledges its role in upholding unjust systems of racism and discrimination against Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) within the association and the profession. We recognize that the founding of our Association was not built on inclusion and equity, but instead was built on systemic racism and discrimination in many forms. We also recognize the hurt and harm done to BIPOC library workers and communities due to these racist structures. We commit to our core values, particularly equity, diversity, and inclusion, and will demonstrate this commitment by reassessing and reevaluating our role in continuing to uphold unjust, harmful systems throughout the Association and the profession.
ALA accepts . . . acknowledges . . . upholds . . . recognizes . . . builds on . . . also recognizes . . . commits . . . demonstrates . . . reassesses . . . reevaluates . . . continues to uphold.
The committee of earnest dimwits that assembled this prolix politically-correct boilerplate must have run out of action verbs and energy, brought it to a close, and went out for drinks.
Part of the ALA’s organizational structure is the “Office of Intellectual Freedom,” an analogue to “The Ministry of Truth” in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. It devotes much of its energies and resources to fighting attempted book censorship in school and public libraries. Click here to survey the title covers of “The Top 13 Most Challenged Books of 2022.” The ALA schoolmarms really worry about “the children,” and most of the titles are children’s books found in school and public libraries. Below are several of them, all “Challenged for: LGBTQIA+ content, claimed to be sexually explicit”:
“Content claimed to be sexually explicit” is a nice rhetorical slight-of-hand move: Who’s to say, really, what’s sexually explicit for children, comrade? Well, we all know it’s going to be those Right-wing Christian types who think sex is bad and that they should have a say in how their children are exposed to matters concerning it.
God knows how tragic it would be for your eight-year-old not to be immersed in the ins-and-outs of gay childhood! The “censorship” that that guardians of ‘intellectual freedom” seem most to worry about comes from parents who object to having their children exposed to works of sexually explicit, social justice-laden propaganda, decked out as wholesome “children’s literature.” To suggest that parents concerned with the well-being of their children are enemies of intellectual freedom is a typical Soviet-era style move of the woke vanguard: turn normal people with legitimate concerns into villains — censors, enemies of the intellect, people, democracy, etc. — while elevating yourselves as courageous, telling-truth-to-power champions of a free society.
Drag Queen Story Hour (DSH), as you would suspect, an ALA-protected program for the benefit of “the children” and to further the goals of — what else? — “diversity and inclusion.”:
DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.
To find a depiction of something more remote from the constraints of reality than this deranged apologue would be a monumental challenge:
Many libraries across the country have been hosting or participating in Drag Queen Story Hours. A few have experienced pushback from some members of their community. (emphasis mine)
You can see where this is going. Drag Queen Story hour is just another fun-filled, family-friendly event for the kids — very popular (“many libraries” everywhere), but of course “a few” Right-wing enemies of the “glamorous” queers everyone wants as role models for junior are pushing back. Not to worry: “To support libraries facing [drag queen story hour] challenges [ALA has] established this collection of resources.”

You can buy Stephen Paul Foster’s novel Toward the Bad I Kept on Turning here.
Why have the ALA folks made connecting kids with drag queens into a moral imperative? To combat “the marginalization and underrepresentation within the communities served by libraries through increased understanding of the effects of historical exclusion.”
Now, you might think that an organization deeply committed to intellectual freedom would want to promote a vigorous discussion about why separating drag queens from children might have actually been a good idea up until crackpots with degrees in subjects like “Queer Studies,” and who never heard of biology, recently ran “childhood gender fluidity” up the flagpole, and that people such as the ladies who run the ALA were stupid enough to salute. There are reasons for the long “historical exclusion” that are obvious to anyone with a healthy respect for reality and who cares about children. Marginalization and exclusion sometimes make perfect sense — Death Row, for example — but for those “creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive society,” drag queens and kids are a perfect match.
Children and young people need “unabashedly queer role models,” but they also need to understand more about racism. And who better to lend them a helping hand than Ibram X. Kendi — who is to anti-racism what Bernie Madoff was to sound financial investing — opened the ALA-sponsored 2023 LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience in New Orleans that was held in January.
Kendi and Nic Stone
kicked off the . . . opening session, where they discussed their new book, How to Be a (Young) Antiracist. Stone, a middle-grade and young adult author, adapted Kendi’s 2019 bestseller How to Be an Antiracist to help teens better understand their role in identifying and dismantling racism.
Drag queens as role models and the wisdom of Ibram X. Kendi are what the folks at the ALA, with their politically airbrushed language, seem to want us to believe are going to advance the well-being of the next generation of American citizens.
The library profession is no longer even a profession, if we apply a definition that captures what has long been held to be its essential elements:
A Profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.
Minus “ethical standards” and a “widely recognised body of learning,” the American Library Association has come to represent a loose collection of social justice zealots, computer-technical specialists, and managerial-type careerists caught up in the religion of “diversity,” all of whom are happy to go along to get along. The ALA’s leadership is corrupt and malevolent. Its role is especially pernicious because of the way it targets and indoctrinates children, and young people as well; as “library watchdog” Dan Kleinman has put it, the ALA today seems to see its job as being to help “teach kids to be little antifa activists.”
The one bright spot, relatively speaking, I’ll mention is that while in the future you will likely need the service of legal and medical professionals who can “identify systems of power,” the Internet and other forms of technology make it possible for you to go the rest of your life without having to encounter a librarian. For normal people, it’s best to ignore them. If you need physical books from an actual library, most of them will have self-checkout machines. You’ll be able to borrow them without having to talk to anyone. Best to keep the children away, too.
Personal postscript
During the ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans [in 2018], the Board of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), voted to change the name of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award to the Children’s Literature Legacy Award. This award honors an author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have made, over a period of years, a significant and lasting contribution to children’s literature. ALA President Jim Neal and ALSC President Nina Lindsay released the following joint statement:
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books have been and will continue to be deeply meaningful to many readers. Although Wilder’s work holds a significant place in the history of children’s literature and continues to be read today, ALSC has had to grapple with the inconsistency between Wilder’s legacy and its core values of inclusiveness, integrity and respect, and responsiveness through an award that bears Wilder’s name.
Wilder’s books are a product of her life experiences and perspective as a settler in America’s 1800s. Her works reflect dated cultural attitudes toward Indigenous people and people of color that contradict modern acceptance, celebration, and understanding of diverse communities.
Welcome to the kind of underhanded, passive-aggressive character assassination you get from today’s librarians who represent the profession.
My daughters grew up reading and treasuring Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books. Of all their childhood authors, she stood out by far as the best. If her works “reflect dated cultural attitudes,” so much the worse for the updates. She was a wonderful writer, and from her books it was clear that she was a very fine person. Her stories were realistic, powerful, and portrayed the kind of fortitude, decency, and courage in American pioneers that was moving and inspirational. Nothing she wrote “contradicted” anything lasting and worthwhile. Her character and literary legacy are worth more than the sum total of anything that has ever come from the “Library Service to Children” troop of dancing chickens who clamored to remove her name from the award.
Jim Neal, at the time of his cowardly, careerist capitulation to the rabble, was Head Librarian at Columbia University. Resorting to the banal “core values,” “inclusiveness,” and “diversity” grievance-babble was his cover for one more symbolic act in the trashing our white heritage.
I felt it as a personal affront. Knowing him from professional encounters, I sent him an e-mail that concluded: “Shame on you, Jim! I thought you were a better person than this.” I never got a reply.
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The silver lining is that along with a monopoly on truth we also are acquiring a monopoly on higher literacy. I can’t imagine the typical librarian described above has any appreciation let alone understanding of our great authors.
Get back to me when these same people demand that the Mongolians feel perpetual guilt about Genghis Khan’s hordes in the 1200’s.
Thank you for yet another well written and thought provoking piece. I only wish that “good whites” would start noticing a little more than just our replacement in advertising.
I wish so too. They don’t seem to be able to connect the dots and form the big picture of what is being done to them — to distinguish the friends from the enemies.
I fear they may be constitutionally incapable of noticing this. They prefer for their vanity to be flattered by others, especially the sorts of blacks they imagine they like, recognizing how virtuous and noble they are for their self-effacement, which they see as a kind of distinguishing mark of cultural and psychological sophistication. It’s all so bizarre and seemingly so perverse and antinatural. What, exactly, were the ancient, late-stage-Roman imperial equivalents of this phenomenon? A similarly suicidal obsession, not only with engaging in false posturing and empty gestures in the name of helping the wretched of the earth and barbarians, but with actually doing so, to the serious detriment of oneself and one’s own people, seems to have existed among many of that regime’s elites too. How long did it take to work this widespread soul sickness out of that people’s system?
When I read something like this my last thought is ‘Yes. We lost. Now what?’
It’s hard to see how this ends. Publishers no longer try to publish quality novels, mainstream publishers are only looking for minorities and freaks, books no one is going to read. What are libraries going to offer? Many are clearing their shelves of the older classics and just have empty row after row of desktop computers. What normal parent is going to drag their kid to a place with drag queens and homosexuals?
The new normal is the libtard ladies forcing their kids to view this crap.
The quotation the author leads with is misattributed. From the linked NY Post article:
“The average person has no idea of this but librarians have been targeting children in recent years and trying to turn them into political activists,” said Dan Kleinman, a self-described “library watchdog” from Chatham, NJ, who has run a website called “Safe Libraries” for more than 10 years. He said he has documented the alarming radicalization of the nation’s libraries, including what he says is readily available porn in library computers.
“Librarians see themselves on the front lines on what it takes to bring revolution to the US. You need soldiers in the revolution so they are teaching kids to be little antifa activists who hate their own country and will act as a collective to bring about change.”
From the context you can see that these clearly denunciatory words are a continuation of Mr. Kleinman’s statement, and thus emanate from a critic of woke libraries, not from “Marxist lesbian” Ms. Drabinski as is claimed here.
Are the left brazenly triumphalist? Yes. But even for them this would have been a bit much.
This misattribution constitutes at best a pretty egregious journalistic error– at worst it could be seen as a disingenuous attempt to mislead the reader. Optics!
“The quotation the author leads with is misattributed. From the linked NY Post article…”
My error and duly noted. That said, what the ALA leadership (as the article attempts to show via its worship of the likes of Kendi) indicates the that the quote is an unstated goal.
This is surely one of the very best essays I’ve read on the disgusting regime of antiwhite pathology that rules us now. It is exceedingly well written. Thank you.
So these AWFLs have taken it upon themselves to propagandize the youth, misusing their positions of trust and drawing a salary for it. They even give groomers access to kids. Their smug self-assuredness is the cherry on top; they more or less think they’re doing the Lord’s work.
That is an excellent and sobering piece in two distinct sections. First the overwhelming influence in every facet of society that these groups have been able to access to our detriment. Then specifically in an area of free learning (forgive my ignorance, but libraries are free in the UK, although I do not frequent them) which is very important to the shaping of young minds. The next generation can’t escape this madness it seems when they are not with their parents or family.
A thoroughly depressing place in which we find ourselves. I’m currently reading The Open Society Play-book. It seems, in a very short space of time their stars have all aligned and very quickly. There is not an aspect of life now that is free from this erosion of our values and institutions that wishes to facilitate our demise and destroy society whilst doing so.
The quote from the black panther ‘minister’ relating to the party held for their benefit sums up the enemy perfectly, they don’t want to be reasonable, appeasement or anything resembling a coexistence – they want us gone and a degenerate society controlled by ‘big’ government that prints money with the help of big corporations delivering a ‘green digital’ future. The deracination continues with alacrity.
When I was younger and read fantasy comics or novels, the occasional story would be about a parallel universe where one could flit from one world to another to explore a completely different universe or to ensure some disastrous future event never occurred. You could be in one world and then there would be some sort connection portal that was as thick as a quark and when you went through, that was it, you went in. You could not experience both worlds at the same time.
Sadly we are living in a parallel universe in which we have the misfortune to be able to experience both worlds at the same time. We see and experience the consequences of being in the other world that we don’t recognise nor can comprehend, yet we are there.
It’s interesting that you mention reading comics. I know that in the past few years, sales of comics have decreased causing them to lose money. This is mostly due to woke story lines that alienate there majority white consumer base. Comic book store owners attempted to point this out. Companies like Marvel and DC didn’t respond and continue to lose money. I guess they will go the same route as Walmart and take financial losses.
Absolutely. Another genre and medium that’s been gutted. There is a counter movement on the march. I heard a podcast with this guy. I’ll dig out the link and edit this post when I have time.
Edit: https://m.youtube.com/@ComicArtistProSecrets
Perhaps another bright spot is the fact that some liberal arts colleges are starting to close down, six have already closed down this year. Also, some colleges and universities are closing some parts of their humanities programs. These closings are the result of people waking up to the fact that most liberal arts degrees are useless. A lot of these librarians come from these academic programs. Enrollment in junior college technical and industrial skills programs have dramatically increased, by the way. Normies need to be convinced to not donate money to these libraries, the ALA, or even universities like Princeton that employee these leftists. As far as the legal and medical profession, this will cause the quality of life in the U.S. to deteriorate, maybe that’s what they want.
White preservationists should only ever give money to WP causes (like CC). We the Awakened are still too few. Thus, the real value of our philanthropic dollars is exceptionally high. OTOH, for most normies whom we cannot convince (yet) to donate to WP entities, at least we should discourage them from giving anything to any higher educational institution. They are all enemy leftist (with a tiny number of exceptions, mostly a few Bible-based schools, which, however, simply avoid race altogether). And we should never vote for any type of “school funding” bonds.
I notice the wokeness creeping in even at the university library where I work – the focus of our collection is technical stuff, engineering, natural sciences and so on, and so we’ve been sheltered from the madness longer than most. But whenever I talk to a friend of mine who’s a librarian in the public sector, I just feel like I live in a different world from hers. And as sadly with so many people, in spite of being well-read and intelligent, she just doesn’t see anything wrong happening.
Not only the the libraries but the publishers(*) are fully onboard with, and diligently engaged in, the obliteration of European high culture and substitution of leftist agitprop and degeneracy. Beloved childrens’ books such as Mathilda by Roald Dahl were discovered to have been bowdlerised at the behest of ‘sensitivity readers’ and of course it is many decades since Enid Blyton’s Noddy had to contend with The Golliwogs. How long, one wonders, can The Lord of the Rings survive unscathed?(**)
(*) ‘Snipcock and Tweed’ in the satirical antisemitic coinage of the humorous British magazine Private Eye.
(**) A reason to prefer the immutable physical text to Messrs Bezos and Cook’s malleable and fickle ‘eBooks’ ?
A bunch of observations…
The United States was until, say, 1965 with the civil rights and immigration revolutions 90 percent White (plus or minus a percentage point). So why then shouldn’t the country have been “White Supremacist” and “White Privileged?”
In the 1950s-60s American Whites rather altruistically decided to share power with “minorities.” The full range of civil rights laws were implemented and the borders opened to third world (i.e., non-White) immigration.
You’d think that the non-Whites would show some gratitude and make an attempt to fit in with White civilization. But as the article shows, the anti-Whites are doing everything in their power to tear down American civilization (which is what they mean by “dismantling systemic racism”).
We might note that where White people have surrendered their “privilege” the result has not been the much ballyhooed multi-racial utopia but instead the running disasters of once proud cities like Detroit, Selma, Newark, Oakland, St Louis, and now Chicago and New York.
Of course, it could be argued that the destruction of White cities is a feature and not a bug. It’s the revolt of the under man against civilization, pace Lothrop Stoddard, Carleton Coon, Wilmot Robertson, and many others.
Trot out Burnham’s The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom. The superficial slogans of a political movement are a facade to cover the real issue, which is the struggle for power. “De-segregation,” “equal opportunity,” “de-colonization,” “diversity,” “equity,” and who knows what duckspeak is coming down the pike translate into non-Whites displacing Whites, whether in the institutions (as the article dismally chronicles), the public square (destruction of icons, guerrilla war levels of crime), and increasingly demographically (aka the Great Replacement).
There is nothing wrong with White American institutions and systems such that they must be dismantled or even critiqued, and certainly not by anti-Whites whose primary talent is for destruction. What is wrong is the inability of the usual anti-White agitators to assimilate themselves into the minimal standards of an advanced society.
In retrospect, the Wallaces, the Faubuses and the Connors were correct in standing in the proverbial schoolhouse door. The civil rights struggle was never a fight for equality, it was about power. And you take your own side in a fight.
As for “hurt and harm” (putting aside the repetition of buzzwords) let’s ask the following question: “What if the US leadership had decided in 1789 to (a) abolish slavery; and (b) open up citizenship to anyone who wandered across the borders; and (c) hand out the vote to everyone within the jurisdiction of the United States?”
Most likely, the US would today be a couple hundred years further down the road towards total civilizational destruction ala Haiti or Liberia. Consider how just six decades of egalitarian policies have led to the disintegration of the aforementioned American cities and the escalating corruption of academia, politics, law enforcement and science. Heck, a mere three decades of black majority rule ™ have totally wrecked South Africa.
It may be that the anti-Whites today are moving prematurely, giving away their game while Whites still have the potential for fighting back.
All that systemic and institutional “hurt and harm” and “White privilege and supremacy” were in place for a reason. Just compare the state of American civilization 60 years ago to 2023. Once upon a time YT went to the Moon. YT can do it again.
The first step in winning is recognizing that you are in a fight.
The key macro-point is that the Left politicizes everything. While I have enough old libertarian still in me to object to this on neutral, classical liberal American principle, we must sadly acknowledge the reality of the full-spectrum war we are in, and fight accordingly. Every aspect of our existence must be analyzed as a possible node in a universal battlefield. This especially applies, alas, to anything child-related.
An informative article. I went to library school forty years ago when I thought about being a librarian. My impression was most librarians were burned-out schoolteachers wanting a break from the kids. One man had been at the state library for twenty years, a senior reference specialist, but in the degree happy world, he was ordered to get his MLS (Masters in Library Science) or be fired. I remember one woman in class say she didn’t care about Homer or Shakespeare or any of those old men, but she worshipped the TV heroine Roseanne. I found the classes informative, but they were really full of leftist women. Whew, they ever. I partly quit because of this, but also decided it just wasn’t for me. Library jobs are really hard to get. I did work at a VA library temporarily for a couple of years; there, it’s mostly medical journals you keep, not books.
Aside from being really woman dominated, libraries are insufferably bureaucratic. I think if I’d gotten my MLS, I’d have been smack in the middle of all this PC stuff. Also, librarians are some of the biggest Covid mask lovers. They were the last ones to lower mask restrictions, and they still keep the plexiglass in many places. You can tell they’re just dying to bring it all back. At the height of it, they made you wait IN YOUR CAR when they gave books outside, and all books WERE STERILIZED for a week when returned. (???) If you used a computer, librarians would keep six feet away from you at all times. Their class (I don’t want to say ‘profession’) seems made to order for an obedient/ woke/Covid/P.C. hierarchy.
Great comment that pretty much captured the shrink-wrapped, nanny-state mentality of the American librarian.
About a quarter century ago I decided to go into Librarianship, maybe a little latter in life than the usual, because I got tired of working on the electronics bench and fixing broken broadcasting equipment for disposable TV talent who are only as good as their last show and were too narcissistic to sign a Union card. I figured that I spent a lot of time in libraries doing research anyway, so why not get paid to learn it.
The first day on the new job I had to go to the police station to get fingerprinted. The reasoning, I suppose, is that everybody had to pay their dues and help reshelve books in the children’s library, a place that resembled a bat cave and was correspondingly dark. We’ve got to protect the children, after all. Their fun in learning never ends.
I moved onto an academic library job as soon as possible. I noticed a big change in the political focus of the ALA after June 2016 with the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. The media was trying their best to shoehorn the mass shooting into trailerpark White Supremacy, but this was a little inconvenient in that the terrorist was an ethnic Afghani, Omar Mateen who was raised Muslim and rumored to be Gay.
The Donald was elected later that year; the Deplorables had won, and as the Libtards went insane, the Bolshevik mask came off. I am not sure if Covid put the brakes on this or if it just made it worse, but in 2020, University and Library officials were encouraging virally-risky public protests while demanding strict quarantine compliance. There was a minor Night of Broken Glass in honor of George Floyd at the jewelry shops of downtown Scottsdale.
Luckily no academic Library staff got a pink slip due to Covid, which is not what happened after the TARP bank bailouts and the 2009 recession.
Anyway, fast-forwarding to today, the public libraries are having Drag Queen Story Hour for the kiddies ─ and my guess is that all these Pogo the Clown role models have not been fingerprinted nor have they been checked against the police rap sheets or even the sex offender registries. The fun in learning never ends.
I am a member of a few professional associations. I am grateful today that I never joined the American Library Association.
The ALA resembles something Orwellian rather than championing intellectual diversity. If I complain that the ALA has been taken over by Commies, well, the new Lesbian President is a self-described Marxist. I don’t think they have much time for Nationalist voices.
Somebody asked what actually happened to the books. Well, they have largely been put into storage ─ and you can still get them if you know what to ask for. The patron floor space is largely devoted to Social Justice happenings, Herbert Marcuse kiosks, and the like.
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