907 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
The GOP is furious, apoplectic, red like salmon! Countless Republicans, such as Dan Bishop, have over the past week squirreled away countless hours posting quotes and screenshots of the text from the recently proposed omnibus spending bill, worth some $1.7 trillion. In light of Republican lawmakers pretending to be aghast at United States government spending, I decided to peruse the bill. And while much of the focus within the dissident Right has rightly been on the next massive handout to the Zelensky regime, I am going to refocus the spotlight onto the domestic front.
To be more specific: We are going to quickly go through the bill and look for references which fall into the following three categories: immigration, Israeli/Jewish issues, and finally, spending on the cornerstone black and Hispanic minorities. It is worth mentioning now that there is not a single mention of whites in the entire omnibus spending bill, or otherwise I would have made that a category of this examination as well.
Everyone’s favorite topic in America is and will always remain immigration — at least until whites have control of the nation once again. As such it seems appropriate that the lead spending item in the omnibus bill is $860 million for the Executive Office for Immigration Review, AKA the immigration court system. Recently, or more specifically since Joe Biden took office, the number of approvals for asylum applications and immigration appeals has exploded from a low of around 23% to surpassing 40% today. I feel confident in saying that this full $860 million will be utilized in bringing immigrants in, not keeping them out.
Keeping with the theme of courts and criminality, the American taxpayer is going to foot the bill for $95 million for victims of human trafficking. And while I understand it seems innately white and decent to help these victims, they are not our people. 73% of human trafficking victims are immigrants, and the vast majority of human traffickers are immigrants. These human traffickers will go on to get caught — at least some of them, anyway — and so they will be pushed through the state and federal court systems. To prevent state governments from going broke, the Federal Government has set aside $234 million for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. The cost of diversity is increasing steeply!
And while on the topic of bringing immigrants into the nation, let’s take a quick look at refugees. We have $3 billion for refugee resettlement going to the Department of State, $6.4 billion for “refugee and entrant assistance” for the Department of Homeland Security, and a further $700 million under the Refugee Education Assistance Act. I don’t ever recall a spirited debate about this act, let alone about spending more on refugee education than most states spend to assist college students. Spending on immigrant skills and education does not stop there, however. The Federal Government has made sure to set aside $83 million for the training and certification of “foreign labor.”
Administering all of this will be the departments of State and Homeland Security (DHS). Within DHS there is an allocation of $8.4 billion for US Immigration and Customs. The lion’s share of this spending will go to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), and to US citizenship and immigration services. Under the heading of immigration and customs, an allocation of $8.4 billion will help the US border patrol continue to usher in the roughly 6.2-6.7 million immigrants that will cross over the southern border this year. Meanwhile, the $234 million made available to the Immigration and Naturalization service will ensure that all of their anchor babies enjoy recognition as US citizens!
And finally, worry not: Any immigrant or refugee who cannot pay his court costs, fees, or filing costs will be entitled to a $309 million fund belonging to the Department of Justice to cover these expenses. The American people truly are the most generous in the world — or at least the GOP and the Democrats are.
As Hispanics from south of the border make up the lion’s share of America’s immigrant population, it seems only logical to move on from the issue of immigration to the issue of budget outlays set aside specifically for this wonderful group of culturally enriching people. A services increase and billions in spending would only make sense, as the US is due, in 2022 alone, to import a Hispanic population equivalent to that of the entire population of the state of Wisconsin.
The specific outlays for Hispanics in the United States total roughly $2 billion, and are concerned primarily with education, specifically known as “Hispanic Serving Educational Institutions,” whatever that actually means.
It is highly likely that I missed some items in the document, which totals well over 4,000 pages, but these items alone come to some $22.5 billion. 18 individual states have budgets smaller than this amount, and four states — Connecticut, Mississippi, Indiana, and Utah — have budgets of roughly this size.
To Be Continued
Due to the sheer size of this omnibus bill, as mentioned above, it is necessary to split my debut article into two parts. In the second part we will endeavor to examine outlays specifically set aside for blacks, and in particular those set aside for Jews and Israel. There are more than 75 mentions of Jews and Israel in this bill, the most to any ethnic or interest group. And just remember, there is not a single mention of white Americans in this package.
Next time!
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We need to know this, and thank you for summarizing it, but it is so demoralizing.
Ditto that, @speedoSanta. What is revealed above is of crucial importance, and the summary is greatly appreciated. Knowledge is always power, even though our vote is now absolutely worthless.
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