Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
In the first part of this essay, we covered the plethora of spending — over $20 billion — for immigrants and immigration-related services which the United States federal government packed into the $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill. The bill is a veritable laundry list of programs for immigrants, both legal and illegal, spanning from housing and education to victims’ services and reimbursements for legal fees.
With immigration out of the way, it is time to cover the remaining two categories: Israeli/Jewish issues, and Black issues.
Israeli/Jewish Interests
In terms of the bill’s kowtowing to Israel, Jews, and the Holocaust, I was not disappointed. There are over 75 mentions of the words Israel, Holocaust, Jew, and Jewish. In fact, the total spending on issues pertaining to Jewish interests totals nearly $6 billion, though much like the spending for immigrants and minorities, many other programs will have their spending folded into larger budgets and are therefore not readily discoverable simply by searching through the bill for certain terms.
$3.3 billion will be allocated to Israel under the Foreign Military Financing Program (FMFP). This program, run by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) of the US Department of Defense, is largely charged with distributing money to foreign states to help them to maintain their militaries and buy American-made technology. Much of the time this technology is then sold to the US’ adversaries. It’s an open secret that Israel sells American military tech to China, for example. Our greatest ally never fails us.
Other nations are also being given pieces of the $6.012 billion FMFP pie, among them Egypt, Jordan, Taiwan, and Bahrain. This is relevant because it is yet another open secret that these funds are often not used for military purposes, especially in the Arab countries, and are instead used to placate the local populations to keep them from rising up and demanding that their governments do something about the Israeli menace.
$500 million is being allocated to Israel under the Israeli Cooperative Programs ledger. We were unsure what this obscure “ledger” was, but upon some searching we discovered it is the Iron Dome missile defense program. The US has a long history of footing the bill for Iron Dome and receiving no benefit from it. In fact, the Israelis have thus far refused to allow the US access to a system it paid for by refusing to hand over key and access codes. The American people can foot the bill, but they won’t get any of the rewards. This feels like an abusive relationship.
Moving on to matters of global importance: Israel has a right to some $921 million in nuclear non-proliferation funding. Much of this money will be used to fund international organizations and programs which the Israeli government flagrantly violates through its possession of nuclear weapons, all while demanding that their adversaries follow the supposedly sacrosanct dictates of international law and its bodies. America’s commitment to Israel is so serious, in fact, that the United States will withhold this funding from any organization which excludes Israel. This effectively gives the Israeli government veto power over which international organizations receive funding, as the US is by far the largest donor to most multilateral and global organizations.
Keeping with the theme of multilateralism and the burdens of the international arena, the American people may be surprised to learn that they are stepping up to place $5 million on the tray to fund refugees currently residing in Israel — presumably so that they can be relocated to white countries. At very least we know that Israel will use the funds to remove non-Jews from their state and maintain their demographic dominance in a land they consider their own — all while American Jews deny white Americans this right.
How do we know this? Israel has a long track record of doing so, and we could provide a list of links which on its own could constitute an article about Israel’s relocation of minorities, refugees, immigrants (both legal and illegal), and other undesirables from its land.
And finally, under allocations we have a final spit in the face of the American people: $65.2 million will be allocated to the United States National Holocaust Memorial, an ugly building mere blocks from the US Capitol which simultaneously promotes diversity and Jewish ethnic hegemony over a country that is not their own.
Oh, and how could we forget! All Israeli debt and loans owed to the US were once again deferred. The Congressional Research Service calculated in early 2022 that the Israeli government has taken out loans and grants totaling $150 billion dollars from the US since 1971, but the US has not bothered to collect on this debt even once.
Outside of spending, there are two other notable items. The first is the creation of a gold medal honoring Benjamin Berell Ferencz, who was the Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials. He also bilked Germany out of hundreds of billions as the chief negotiator for Jewish “reparations” after the war. And secondly, the Kol Israel Foundation Holocaust Memorial of Ohio is being designated as a new national memorial.
A staggering $12.5 billion will be allocated to “Historical Black Colleges and Universities.” Despite record low academic performance, high dropout rates, and staggering campus crime, black students will enjoy the most funding per capita of any racial group in the United States. This means leaving talent white youth behind in favor of the lowest-performing blacks.
$2 million is being allocated to the “Commission for the Social Status of Black Men and Boys.” We have certainly never heard of this august body before, and are curious about its history.
A further $29 billion is being allocated to “competitive grants to preserve the sites and stories of the Civil Rights movement.” In other words, the US government is taking white tax dollars to fund art, music, architecture, and other projects designed to make the white population feel guilty over occurrences that took place before, during, and after the Civil Rights era. If you, dear reader, have ever wondered where so much of the funding for anti-white politics comes from, it is here.
This allocation is separate from yet another allocation for “Historically Black Institutions,” which totals $20.15 billion. This allocation occurs in the form of guaranteed, taxpayer-funded loans to black institutions of culture and higher learning. We could find no evidence that these loans have ever been called back by the government, and it would appear that they are regularly deferred in the annual budgets.
There was not a single dime set aside for white Americans in the entire $1.7 trillion bill, but from a simple search for the term “black” in the omnibus bill’s text we uncovered roughly $62 billion in spending for blacks in the United States.
There were likewise over a dozen references to Hispanics, 14 to African-Americans, more than 70 to Jewish- and Israeli-related issues — and not a single mention of the United States’ founding stock. There is little more we could say to emphasize the reality of the situation other than to call for readers to support pro-white organizations that seek to bring about political change.
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I donate money to several of the J6 political prisoners for their legal bills. At the same time my taxes pay for their persecution (I did not misspell that). I don’t have the stomach, or the heart, to do all the arithmetic to discover which is the greater amount. This is all really sickening.
Destroying the Historic American Nation, one bill at a time.
Ah, our tax dollars hard at work! That foreign aid deal has to be one of the weirdest protection rackets ever. The way it usually works is that whoever loses a war has to pay tribute money (or “reparations” in modern times) in exchange for peace. In this instance, both Egypt and Israel get paid to make nice with each other by the USA, a third party that gets nothing out of it. Sweet!
Thank you for doing this analysis. It is time to start an org for the support of our boys and young men Then we will get it funded and do something with the money to forge them. Time to get to work.
Would be good to make a simple 2 column (race ; total funding) image where whitey has the donut st the bottom. Put that up on Twitter and send it around.
Why would it not be possible for the US or the West generally to sponsor the creation of a second Jewish state in some convenient location? It seems to me an expression of the rankest antisemitism that there is presently but a single cramped homeland available to this extraordinary people. An alternative, preferably larger, territory such as a portion of White Russia (which once boasted Yiddish as an official language) would serve not only as an alternate refugium lest, heaven forbid, the benighted nations roundabout yet again menace the State of Israel, but also a beacon of hope and prosperity in a region riven by war and ethnic conflict. One could even envisage a bright future for Mankind with a Jewish nation flourishing in every continent on Earth — and perhaps beyond, on the Moon or (pace Mr Musk) Mars.
With Jordan Peterson and Bibis recent talk in mind, jews ar justified in taking just about any territory already occupied by others, if the occupants by the jews’ definition have not done something useful with it. And we all know that if you are not serving jews in whatever way they see best, you havent developed the realestate properly. This is Tikkun Olam. And where Jordan would think that the claim for lebensraum for the germans, or the pioneering into indian lands were unjust, there is at the same time no bar at what jews can lay their hands on with full justification. Lest he’d be an antisemite of course. One minute in: Does Israel have the right to exist? | PM-Elect Benjamin Netanyahu Jordan Petersons youtube channel
The Jewish people are exercising restraint in pursuing their long-term project of Greater Israel, for some construe G_d as having promised them all the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates! The original Ottoman settlement for Jews, the Yishuv, expanded greatly under British patronage post WWI. But then the perfidious British (at the bidding of the notorious pederasts and arabists infesting their Foreign Office) issued a White Paper restricting aliyah (the ascent or migration of Jews to the Land of Israel) just before the commencement of the Second World War — a spiteful gesture that denied refuge to European Jewry in their hour of need. Thereupon G_d, so the story goes, duly punished the British by collapsing their Empire, and the Jewish State was born, a remarkable example of reconquista in modern times. It seems the current strategy is to keep borders ambiguous so as to enable a slow ‘ethnic cleanse’ of Judea and Samaria (aka the “West Bank”) — redeeming yet more of the biblical pledge. Doubtless the more daunting Gaza and Sinai territories will later need to be broached. White nationalists contemplating the ‘ethnostate’ should find the full history of Zionism both fascinating and instructive!
Well, there’s always Birobidjan.
Well I think this would mean that there would be terms. I think before a second state is erected where one currently exists the terms would be all subsidies for the current state in every form, direct or indirect, are terminated. The second term would be that the entire Diaspora would be required to emigrate to Israel. They should welcome this as they are the super race and the more of the super race concentrating their human capital and resources in their homeland should be a huge boost to it’s success.
The funding for this should come from the outstanding loans owed the US and the birth rite foundation and all of the Jewish/Israelifunded NGOs that pay for replacement migration in gentile Europid homelands.
Let the master race show complete self sufficiency in the homeland that was stood up for them first. Then, once we solve our vast array of problems and right our nations, we may have a conversation. Of course, it will be an honest and sober one.
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