German version here, Finnish version here, Spanish version here
American patriots are hungry for white identity politics. It was inevitable. White nations are being wrecked by non-whites acting as tribal blocs. Whites are being attacked as a tribal bloc. Eventually, whites will start fighting back as a tribal bloc.
Whites have been slow to respond in kind because of traitorous leaders and the silly idea that identity politics is bad, but only for white people. Still, it was only a matter of time before white Americans woke up and started fighting back as whites. Polling data now shows that the awakening is here:
- University of Virginia poll – 85% of Republicans concerned about anti-white discrimination – Immigration is the top concern:
- University of Chicago poll – 75% of the 21 million Americans who sympathize with the Jan. 6 protestors top political concern is “the great replacement”
- “Duke political scientist Ashley Jardina examines the increasing relevance of white identity in America. Drawing on data from American National Election Studies surveys and her own research, Jardina finds that about thirty to forty percent of white Americans say that white identity is important to them.” (For more on Jardina’s research, see Greg Johnson’s “Uppity White Folks and How to Reach Them.”)
- “How the Rise of white identity politics explains the fight over critical race theory”
- Newsweek poll – “23% of Republican men have a favorable view of white nationalism”–
The people who are most surprised by this are long-time white advocates, some of whom have been predicting for decades that such an awakening is inevitable. It is true that white identity was almost nonexistent as recently as the 1990s. But due to Obama, Trump, Black Lives Matter, the Great Replacement, and open anti-white hatred, whites have caught on to their group interests. This will only intensify as white Americans continue to be assaulted, and there is no reason to think that our enemies have the foresight and self-control to moderate their attack.
Of course, this awakening is a cause for celebration for white advocates. But we can’t rest on our laurels. Now is the moment to push harder than ever. Although white Americans are hungry for our message, in the upcoming elections, the Republican Party and conservative movement are poised to harvest white discontent–and then channel it into more business as usual: tax cuts for billionaires, giveaways to Our Greatest Ally, Platinum Pandering to non-whites, and color-blind civic nationalism for whites. But responding to anti-white identity politics with Republican pabulum is like taking a knife to a gunfight. It is time to face the truth: these people promote a losing strategy because they want us to lose. Stop listening to them.
What should white advocates do?
First, we need to keep promoting our message: whites are being attacked as whites, and we need to defend ourselves as whites. When the Republicans are swept back into power in November, millions of whites will want to go back to sleep. We won’t let them.
Second, although we have made enormous gains in the battle of ideas, we need to convert public opinion into political gains. Thus the next step is to create a policy institute with two primary goals.
- First, white identity politics currently exists as a mere “specter,” a bogeyman evoked by the establishment. To turn that specter into a real political force, we need to know how many of us there are, where we are, and how committed we are. Only then will our votes matter as much as our ideas.
- Second, we need to propose concrete policy solutions to counter the negative effects of globalization and multiculturalism.
Building this institute is why I joined Counter-Currents.
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This article is wonderful, and I am so glad that Counter Currents is on the cutting edge of the political currents. I did have a question about supporting Counter Currents: currently money is tight. I want to be a member and I would love to reach out to Robert about strategy as I have been pretty active in local politics in my area. I want to show that I support Counter Currents, and I want to apply the wisdom that’s here in this article. Is their like a discounted member’s option so that at least it can be known that I care about the website?
Thank you, my friend. We don’t have a paywall discount option but feel free to email me your ideas at
2022 will be the year that the crises of inflation, crime, immigration, and geopolitical instability FORCE our ideas into the mainstream. Already normal people have come to despise the coronavirus hoax and vax mandates. We can capitalize on that. And perhaps it’s naive but a November trouncing at the polls will neuter the Brandon regime. Godwilling
Well met, brother. What’s encouraging is how whites became aware without a powerful advocacy presence. This could be the year when pro-white politics break into the mainstream. As far as our variety of pro-white politics, I don’t expect to break into the mainstream this year but winning is mainly a matter of breaking through. We believe this institute will be decisive in smashing through the censorship holding us back.
I feel less demoralized after reading this. However, I think we’ll be making a salient difference once we reach 50% favoring a positive White Identity along with a sustainable birthrate which is of utmost importance. The future belongs to those who create it!
We don’t even need 30% of Whites to make a huge difference. A committed and organized intransigent minority consistently wins (or stalemates) any less-committed and less-organized community.
We need a policy institute to do what the pro-life movement did: Understand where we can win and how we can win. As long as White nationalism is a populist and not right-wing movement, we can gain support.
Thanks for the insightful and encouraging feedback, gents. The future certainly belongs to those who create it.
HT, yes, the abortion and gun lobbies are good models.
No, we wouldn’t need a 50% white identitarian society to achieve great reform. Winning over the radical patriots would accomplish a great deal if we have an institute to channel that support into power.
However, if we win over the radicals, moderate patriots will follow. For one, our visibility would unleash the full mania of elite hatred for whites and they’ll know who to side with. This is what happened with Trump and Republican voters. History would repeat itself.
I completely agree with you ther. Dedication is much more important than numbers given you have a bare minimum.
The joohs are controlling most of your country with only 2% of the population for heavens sake!
Correct, and far more than 2% of the population want pro-white politics.
I think Castro toppled the entire Cuban government with less than 200 guys, amazing to think about.
Because “Progressives” around Ike have betrayed Batista. So as “Progressives” around JFK have betrayed Anti-Castro forces (Brigade 2562) two years later.
The Left is WHY White people are demonized.
No. The Jews are why Whites are demonized. The Left didn’t always hate Whites. I watched the change happen – driven by Jews – in the 1990s. You could go back and read The Nation magazine from the early 80s through the mid-90s and see the shift. Working class issues were replaced by anti-White, anti-male and anti-heterosexuality. I consider myself to be neither Left or Right, but, if pushed, I’ll admit my political disposition is more Left than Right. To me, there is no better measure of a legitimate White ethnostate than the status of the White working class.
I honestly grow tired of watching Leftists such as yourself cling to causes and movements that died by 1965. The Democrats are the party of College Educated PMCs and White Elites. They get the votes of Blacks and most non-whites by painting Republicans and Conservatives as the party of “White Supremacy,” and by giving them gibs.
I’m 32, and for my entire lifetime, the Democrat Party brand has been defined by the likes of Keith Olbermann and Media Matters. I don’t care what “working class” issues used to be focused on, because what matters is the social and cultural agenda, and the Democrats are objectively toxic on those things.
White Nationalism is a Right Wing + Populist movement that appeals to Middle Whites, both in terms of class, tastes, and values. The “White Working Class” as you call it is really the White Underclass – the drug addicts, pain killer addicts, Matt Heimbach types. The actual White Working Class – Blue Collar workers in factories who get up every day and do their part – identifies as and is effectively part of the Middle Class.
Aimee Tyreese and Jimmy Dore figured out that its Social Conservatism, stupid. Hence why they rebranded and now appeal to a conservative audience while keeping the populist economics.
@Mr. Hamburger Today – I don’t think we need anywhere near 50%, and that perhaps 50% is unrealistic. From a historic perspective, Whites have a notorious failing when it comes to embracing identity politics. I am somewhat pessimistic that a large number will; but I do think that those who do, a concentrated group of highly aware and highly motivated identitarians, will make soon make a major political breakthrough.
Not all Whites can, or will, be “saved”.
CORRECTION: 30% that is! That “50%” should have been thirty-percent. Same comment, but I typed “50%” in error. My apologies.
I believe that ‘history’ constrains the options, but we are still agents in history. We can use the options available to us today to create a slightly different tomorrow that then become the basis for a new set options. Repeat until paradise.
Great, succinct piece. In the UK also, the protective cordon thrown around the black and Islamic brands is so desperately aggressive, you can see the establishment struggling to keep the lid on as the pressure builds. The British press increasingly close their comments sections when ethnicity is involved, because they know the barrage of dissent they would get otherwise.
Thank you, Mark! Honored by your endorsement. Please get in touch.
I notice the same with comment sections on black crime articles but they aren’t censoring those yet, thankfully.
A very insightful article which is relevant to our movement generally and not just to the United States.
Like Mr Gullick, I’m British. I came to Counter-Currents, Amren and the like a few years ago after the attacks on Western culture by our media and our elites became overwhelming. I’m convinced that Black Lives Matter has sent more people to our side than anything else in the last few years.
My journey was fairly straightforward. I spent years believing that the problems in the UK are related to class, not race. I regarded our underclass, now in its fourth or fifth generation of welfare dependency, and the leftist public sector which created it and depends on it, as our biggest problem. Then the elite attacked our history, our literature, our music (Beethoven as black and/or nothing special), our culture (Shakespeare’s white characters played by blacks who cannot speak verse), our architecture, our common law heritage, and instituted widespread discrimination against white males.
I didn’t want a culture war. They declared one. I will fight it as best I can. We still have to deal with the underclass and the leftists in the client state created by the last Labour government, but before we do that, we have to have confidence in ourselves and our history.
As ever, Kipling said it better than most people:
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Profoundly well said, Papinian. Email me if you’d like to learn more. We want this institute to benefit all white nations, not just America.
What Kind of Activism would be the Most Effective Now?
What Robert Wallace is calling for with his article is activism. The question is: what kind of activism would be the most effective in the current situation. The primary factor that we must recognize here is that we are not in a situation that can be described as “business as usual.” The Left, using the Democrat Party as a vehicle, has effected a coup; they are now in control, and they are taking measures and instituting policies to secure that control.
The Radical Left has Usurped the Presidency
Some pundits have stated that the Left “is attempting a coup”; that’s not correct; the Left “has carried out a coup,” and they are now attempting to consolidate it. The 2020 November presidential election was unquestionably fraudulent; the presidency was usurped by Marxist/Socialist/Globalist/Communists.
When it becomes clear that the Left will lose the House, Senate, and Presidency in November 2022, they might resort to drastic measures in order to maintain their power. The usurpation of the Presidency was clearly illegal, and if the Left loses their power, there could well be indictments for treason.
The Radical Left could Attempt to Assassinate Donald Trump
One obvious option for the Left would be an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. (This is already being talked about on the internet: one case was by an independent individual, and the other was by the Government of Iran.) Whether successful or not, the Left will be hoping for a backlash from Patriots. If, in the aftermath of an attempted assassination – whether successful or not – Patriots attempt to violently overthrow the Leftist government, the Left will impose Martial Law and cancel the November 2022 elections indefinitely – until order is restored. Arrests will be made, Patriots will be imprisoned, and some will be killed or executed.
If the scenario described above develops, there will be continued, sporadic eruptions of violence at various points country-wide, and the Left will use this as justification for continuing Martial Law.
America is Now a Banana Republic – Murder is Becoming more Commonplace with Every Day
The totally fraudulent, illegal usurpation of the Presidency means that America is now, officially, a Banana Republic; in Banana Republics, chaos reigns and wonton murders are an every-day occurrence; assassinations are not uncommon.
Because of the strongly developing polarization of America, things will have to get to this point of confrontation between the Left and the Right sooner or later – “A Showdown” will eventually have to take place. Supporting Trump and the Trump-Republicans will bring us to that point while we are still able to defend ourselves.
White Nationalists of Every Stripe can Become part of the Trump Coalition
Trump and Trump-Republicans are being labeled as White Supremacists although this is not true. By voting for and supporting Trump and Trump-Republicans, White Nationalists become part of a coalition; we don’t have to declare ourselves as White Nationalists, and we don’t have to be aggressive in our support for Trump and Trump-Republicans; we don’t have to draw attention to ourselves; however, when the time comes to defend fair elections and to vote, we will be there.
Robert Wallace has correctly assessed the situation: Whites have been awakened; it has taken the usurpation of the presidency and the federal government in order for many Whites to recognize what is happening in America.
The momentum is there; many of us have been waiting for decades for a large number of Whites and others to become aware of minority crime and Marxist/Socialists in positions of authority, who are making decisions against traditional American values. With Biden’s poll percentages in the 30s, rampant inflation, and uncurbed immigration, a critical mass of patriots is ready to vote for Trump and Trump-Republicans.
It is Time for White Nationalists to Employ “Realpolitik” – It is Time to be “Practical”
For White Nationalists, becoming a part of the Trump Coalition is a form of “Realpolitik.” Although our ultimate goals are ideological, we are not strong enough currently to be effective. The German term “Realpolitik” means that you recognize that you are not able to achieve your preferred ideological goals, but that you are prepared to do what is “practical” at a given time in history in order to advance your ultimate goals.
White Nationalists need to recognize that Trump and the Trump-Republicans are not the same people they were in 2016 when Trump was elected. Over the course of the last five years, Trump and his followers have learned many hard lessons. If Trump and the Trump-Republicans take power in 2025, there will be a general house-cleaning. The radical Leftist politicians will throw tantrums and Antifa, the Progressives, and the Blacks will again riot, loot, and burn. However, this time, Trump will not tolerate such behavior. What this means is that the federal military will be mobilized to put down the riots. He wanted to mobilize the National Guard in 2019 and 2020, but his advisors convinced him not to.
It is Time for White Nationalists to Employ Practical Machiavellian Strategy
What this means is that for White Nationalists to support Trump and the Trump-Republicans is a Machiavellian maneuver on the part of White Nationalists. White Nationalists would, in effect, be employing the federal government to rein in the rioters and to purge the federal government of Marxist/Socialists; this is something that White Nationalists are not able to do.
However, as indicated above, if Trump is assassinated, we will be confronted with a totally new situation. If the Left decides, out of desperation, to resort to drastic measures – as described above – they will likely make their move in July or August of 2022.
Patriots need to Prepare for a Societal Collapse
What this means now for informed Americans is to prepare for the development of a chaotic, societal situation – a total breakdown of law and order. There could also be a breakdown of the food supply-chain. It is therefore incumbent on every Patriot to have a supply of non-perishable food, have a means to defend yourself and your family, and have plenty of cash on hand. (Regarding cash: you should have a supply of ones, fives, and tens, and not just twenties, as well as a couple of rolls of quarters.) Do not rely solely on frozen food items since power outages could occur.
The Future in a Banana Republic
If Trump is assassinated, and Patriots react violently, and Martial Law is declared, and federal elections are suspended, America will be facing years of government tyranny, imprisonment of Patriots, violence, chaos, riots, looting, murders, and mayhem. In other words, more of the same, but on a larger scale, and, most importantly, without the prospect of voting the tyrants out of office.
National politics cannot be the focal point of White populist politics. We need to work where we are strongest, develop the technical and human infrastructure to promote pro-White policies at the local level and network nationally. Our model need to be the pro-life movement, not the GOP.
As for Machiavellian anything having to to do with the GOP, it’s pointless. The GOP is private corporation. They don’t have to listen to anyone they don’t want to and the managers don’t have to be voted out of power unless they want to be (usually for show and to be replaced by someone holding the exact same views).
The GOP and Trump is a side-show to White politics. The GOP will only ‘go White’ if some other movement starts to strip them of cultural authority and political clout. It’s called ‘triangualtion’ or ‘cooptation of issues’.
That’s why White populist politics cannot be too much about ‘politics’ alone. It also needs to be about economics and a separatist/nullficationist/Calhounian vision of ‘America’.
Hamburger Today wrote:
“National politics cannot be the focal point of White populist politics. We need to work where we are strongest, develop the technical and human infrastructure to promote pro-White policies at the local level and network nationally. Our model need to be the pro-life movement, not the GOP.”
My Response:
It has to be emphasized and clearly understood that the federal government has been usurped by Marxist/Socialists. For that reason, White Nationalists cannot simply ignore national politics. We are now living in an extremely exceptional time period. As I wrote in my comment, this is not a “business as usual” type of a situation.
If the Marxist/Socialists are allowed to maintain their power, White Populists will not be allowed to organize at any level. Furthermore, White Populists would be hounded and possibly arrested for the slightest transgressions; for example, for using a so-called racial slur or for speaking out about the high rate of Black crime.
The current national situation is so dire that White Nationalists have to have a national strategy; the essence of that strategy is to replace the Democrat Party with the Republican Party. On that point, there are no other options because we only have a two-party system.
Replacing the Democrat Party with Trump and the Republican Party would be reestablishing pro-White policies, such as halting illegal immigration and putting sound economic policies in place. Trump would also provide for better international, political stability, and he would work with Congress and State Governments to institute policies to deal with the current out-of-control crime rate. Furthermore, Biden’s complete anti-American cabinet would be replaced.
The pro-life movement is a single-issue organization, which cannot be compared with a national political party.
White Nationalists can continue to organize, do research, and promote White Identity while, at the same time, supporting Trump and Trump-Republican candidates. Even if that support only entails voting for Trump and Trump-Republicans, which, actually, takes no time at all.
‘It has to be emphasized and clearly understood that the federal government has been usurped by Marxist/Socialists.’
I don’t have a problem with Marxism or Socialism. If you cannot say ‘Jews’ when the problem is Jews, I don’t really have any respect for your analysis.
‘If the Marxist/Socialists are allowed to maintain their power, White Populists will not be allowed to organize at any level.’
You will need to explain how you think they can prevent us from doing so, because I can think of a couple of ways off the top of my head where they would be hard-pressed to stop ‘White populism’ without creating more White populists.
‘The current national situation is so dire that White Nationalists have to have a national strategy…’
Yes, White politics needs an intelligent political strategy.
‘[T]he essence of that strategy is to replace the Democrat Party with the Republican Party.’
No. And for the reasons stated. The GOP can only be a useful tool – or impediment to pro-White politics, but it cannot be treated as anything else. It’s not the purpose of pro-White political activism to ‘fix’ the GOP.
‘On that point, there are no other options because we only have a two-party system.’
Of course there are other options. Theoretically, either party can be leveraged using the right levers. By prioritizing national electoral politics, you’ve artificially constrained you choices. I bet pro-White Whites advocating for reasonable policy positions of a populist nature could win in local government all over the country as ‘independent’ candidates.
‘Replacing the Democrat Party with Trump and the Republican Party would be reestablishing pro-White policies, such as halting illegal immigration and putting sound economic policies in place.’
I don’t care about ‘illegal immigration’. I care about all immigration. The Trump Team seemed to think that ‘merit-based immigration’ was the end-all-and-be-all of ‘immigration reform’ but ‘merit-based-immigration’ was a dagger directed at the heart of the white collar White working class, especially tech workers. Immigration has to be stopped and reversed. And we can do a lot to effect this kind of policy at the local level. We don’t need Trump or the GOP.
Trump didn’t have ‘sound economic policies’. Every trade deal he made put US workers on the back foot. Some of the highest Chinese imports occurred in the last year of his administration.
‘The pro-life movement is a single-issue organization, which cannot be compared with a national political party.’
That’s true. But then a national party cannot compare to a membership-based single-issue grass-roots activist organization.
‘White Nationalists can continue to organize, do research, and promote White Identity while, at the same time, supporting Trump and Trump-Republican candidates. Even if that support only entails voting for Trump and Trump-Republicans, which, actually, takes no time at all.’
Let’s assume for the moment that our votes are important to Trump and MAGA.
What are you offering specifically to address the interests and policy preferences of White Identity Nationalists (WIN)?
In other words, where’s the ‘Platinum Plan’ for uppity White folks?
Hi Burger,
Such a pov was the thesis of a talk by Peter Brimlow at the last AR conference I believe. I can’t find refs in my notes: this is pretty much from my pre-Alzheimeric memory
The conference in 2021? I’ll look for it. Thanks!
A very sober-minded, gimlet-eyed, and rock-ribbed comment which I fully agree and appreciate. Thank you sir for this remarkable piece of both insight and far-sight and covering both strategic and tactical dimensions.
“The 2020 November presidential election was unquestionably fraudulent; the presidency was usurped by Marxist/Socialist/Globalist/Communists.”
As a side note, this sentence reminds me of the profoundly discerning, succinct and revealing statement of Adolf Hitler of his era that is “The Anglo-American plutocratic financial capitalism and the Soviet international Bolshevism are but the two sides of the same globalist Jewish coin” (my paraphrase). This remark is often distorted and falsified as “The German Nazism and Soviet communism are but the two sides of the same coin” to slander the Third Reich and its core ideology post-1945 by the Western “conservative” court historians. Prince Valiant’s words proves the veracity of the Fuhrer’s perceptual and prescient observation.
@Riki-Eiki: Thank you for acknowledging the significance of my above two posts.
See my two posts below. The links for the young woman murdered by the Black in Los Angeles are: employee stabbed to death inside Hancock Park store in ‘random’ attack (
Beautiful, young White woman murdered in Los Angeles by Black – Stormfront
In the current climate of far left insanity, the GOP is gaining ground with blacks and Hispanics. Given this potential for many new non-white voters, if they play their cards right, Republicans will be even less responsive to their white base. As this plays out in the next two election cycles, more and more whites will see the GOP for what it is: a means to an end.
This a very positive article, but before policy solutions we need to give white people the tools to take the moral high ground and not feel ashamed of taking their own side. This is the most critical issue at hand. Everything else pales in comparison.
We can not do this while operating within the Antiwhite Narrative. We need to operate outside of their narrative by not using their language and descriptors. They have spent billions of dollars and a century conditioning our people to respond to their words. Each of their words creates a shackle around our minds. Most of our people cannot fight for their race and civilization because they are held in place by these shackles of guilt and fear.
These shackles can only be destroyed by leading our people out of the Antiwhite Narrative. All of our enemies’ conditioning can be undercut by not using their words. We must see ourselves as the heroes in our own narrative.
Our enemies need to be put on the defensive by being seen as the monsters in OUR story with OUR names of choice. The average white person who is anti-white needs to feel like a monster when they express Antiwhitism.
A part of leaving their narrative and going on the offensive is to use our terms: Antiwhite, Antiwhitism, Antiwhite Narrative, Westernkind and White Erasure.
Thanks for the helpful feedback, Trofinn. The policy institute will shape minds in the ways you’ve recommended. EPI a good example of what we’re building. Political movements aren’t effective without such an institute.
Occupy Wall Street had millions of street activists. Yet it failed because it didn’t have a powerful institution to research and influence policy.
60 million people voted for America First in 2016 yet there wasn’t an institution to impose their will. There was The Heritage Foundation.
Politicians hire pollsters to determine what issues to run on. Polls have repeatedly found that white identity is a winning issue.
Our longterm vision is to both write/research and influence policy. Policy favoring Israel passes because of AIPAC. Policy favoring gun owners passes because of the NRA-ILA. Policy favoring healthcare corporations passes because of the AMA.
Eventually, we need such an organization for white people if we hope to enact laws that secure our future. The policy institute is the first step.
You make very good points. We do need such an institution. I will support it financially if it does not exist in the Antiwhite Narrative. A good resource is “Go Free” by Jason Kohne. This book gives one the tools and vocabulary to undermine the Antiwhite Narrative and win!
Thank you, Trofinn. Please email me if you’d like to stay abreast of our progress. Without a doubt, Jason provides valuable guidance on red-pilling whites.
“Our enemies need to be put on the defensive by being seen as the monsters in OUR story with OUR names of choice. The average white person who is anti-white needs to feel like a monster when they express Antiwhitism.” @Trofinn
@Trofinn – Our enemies are delusional, true-believers in the charismatic cult religion of Anti-White. They will not be seeing themselves as monsters. Ever.
The language you recommend is powerful. Especially, “Antiwhitism” and “White Erasure”. Nothing sums it up like White Erasure! Every right-thinking White person can see it with their own two eyes, and feel it in their daily lives. (As for “Westernkind”, I prefer to be called White. I am a White American.)
Robert Wallace’s optimism is wildly innappropriate.
How so? Respectfully, if you think I’m naive about our prospects you’re mistaken. I’m optimistic about white identity politics because the polling is conclusively favorable. I’m also realistic about hurdles we face like censorship.
We can win because the hunger for pro-white politics is here. Hunger will turn into starvation because the pressures raising white identity will only grow stronger.
American patriots have clearly expressed a “need” for pro-white politics. Once we’re able to present the solution, they will “buy” our leadership. Sales 101.
@Robert Wallace – Respectfully, sir, do you capitalize “Black” when referring to people? Is it somehow inappropriate to capitalize “White”? I really notice that bit of anti-White-ism on Counter Currents.
Ha! Of course not. We go with lowercases out of convention. The order to capitalize Black came down just recently.
But I’m happy to start capitalizing. W stands for Win. I like that as a statement of intent.
‘Win’ stands for White Identity Nationalism. :]
Your mom is wildly inappropriate.
Excellent post: pugnacious, well-stated, and succinct.
I disagree with this:
But responding to anti-white identity politics with Republican pabulum is like taking a knife to a gunfight. It is time to face the truth: these people promote a losing strategy because they want us to lose.
This is true for some Republicans. But many, like most of their fellow white Americans, are genuinely brainwashed, and not malicious. Others are neither, but simply cowardly.
I also disagree with this recommendation, though I truly appreciate and respect the fighting spirit displayed:
First, we need to keep promoting our message: whites are being attacked as whites, and we need to defend ourselves as whites.
It is true that we are being attacked for our whiteness, and that it would be best if we could defend ourselves accordingly. But there are limits to the extent to which we can do so at present without being self-defeating. The redpilling process is one of gradual radicalization. We have to draw people out of their protective shells. The method is to get out a little bit, then a little bit more, etc (albeit while keeping an eye out for periods when objective conditions, like the 2020 Floyd riots, allow for more rapid redpilling).
In my longstanding opinion, the right approach is to pursue a prowhite agenda while labeling it as anything other than “prowhite”. Just call it “conservative” or “patriotic”. Thus, eg, we have dozens of different classes of arguments against the immigration invasion; by Wallace’s logic, we should emphasize the Great Replacement aspect. But what is the goal – using immigration discussions to further white consciousness, or building up real world support for halting the invasion? I suggest the latter at this time is the more important.
OTOH, we should be quick to claim racial victim status when we are legitimate victims of racial disfavor or hypocrisy. Thus, the real issue with CRT is obviously that it’s viciously antiwhite. In that particular case, we should indeed call attention to this, and denounce it for that reason.
But CRT is different from other policy concerns, like immigration or cop defunding (aka “thug supremacism”). CRT is racist propaganda; as that is its sole purpose, it should be confronted with racial truth. But many other policies that are objectively bad for whites (and usually POC-Americans of goodwill) are pursued for other than antiwhite reasons. What we want is their repeal. Why risk that or otherwise minimize our legislative chances by racializing them?
You write “It is true that we are being attacked for our whiteness.” Whiteness is an antwhite concept created by our enemies. It is an insult. It is a word in their arsenal of tools meant to destroy us. We should not adopt the names our enemies give us.
We are being attacked because we are white.
We are being attacked becase we are – uppercase “W” – White. Using “white” is a method of devaluing the unique cultural and historical accomplishments and shared cultural norms of the global population of (W) White people.
‘Whiteness’ is a good idea that our enemies came up with. Simply disregarding a valuable tool because the enemy created it is nadir of reactionary politics. A creative, flexible and determined political movement ignores labels and looks at results. ‘Whiteness’ really does work to encourage our people to feel their difference and when the enemy uses it in pejorative manner, it falls flat with those who have encountered it as a positive trait.
Our enemies never make the mistake of not using an idea because it comes from a source they don’t admire. For example, the immigration forces have been engaged in active nullification of federal immigration laws – ‘sanctuary’ locales – for almost a decade. The idea of nullification was promulgated by Jefferson, Madison and Calhoun. Two of these men held slaves but our enemies don’t care because the idea is sound and they can use to build tactics to hurt us.
As to the bigger picture of what we should understand to be our goals in the present political environment: I’m 60, and I’ve never seen a time when the link between diversity and progressive liberalism, and failed economic and social outcomes, has been so rapidly established and blazingly clear. Diversity is a disaster, but so is socialism (along with most of the rest of the Left’s agenda, with the main exception of unfettered abortion). The combination is exponentially more deleterious than either singly. Will Americans wake up? The proper political response is to make the Democrats pay electorally at all levels. But as the Core American population continues being victimized by demographic dilution (primarily via immigration, legal and illegal, but also by white-taxpayer-provided-welfare-subsidized interracial fertility differentials), as well as educational brainwashing and marxist-media-propaganda, for how much longer will be be able to rely on ballot box payback for even grossly obvious failed policies?
And the GOP, of course, though generally less evil than the Democrats, is, as Wallace notes, rarely actually any good. The Marjorie Taylor Greens and Mo Brooks’s are few and far between. The best path forward is: 1) America First (civic) nationalism bleeding into Middle American (Heritage-American) nationalism, in turn paving the way for ultimate white nationalism; 2) an all-out campaign for all the red-pilled to awaken our fellows to our dispossessed reality; 3) red state ingathering of all normal, self-preservational whites; and 4) the eventual push for red state secession as a prelude to ultimate white ethnostatism. With apologies to Sam Francis and the still living patriot Pat Buchanan, there will be no Taking Back America. The most we can do is colonize, conquer, and hold against all enemies a portion of our fathers’ land. But we can most certainly do that.
Many valuable insights here, LS. Thanks for being such an important part of the community. Your comments warrant a conversation. Please email me ( if you’d like to schedule a brief call. I look forward to speaking with you.
Lord Shang wrote – ‘The most we can do is colonize, conquer, and hold against all enemies a portion of our fathers’ land. But we can most certainly do that.’
The problem any such attempt to constitute an ethno-state portioned form the US will be dealing with is that the rest of the brain-washed ‘white world’ – both liberal N. Americans and Europeans – will view it as evil and ‘Nazi’ and the 90% of the world which isn’t white will see it as not in their interests.
Personally I don’t think that anything less than the whole of North America and Western Europe ( and the Antipodes too please!! ) being back in the undisputed control of European men and constituted for the benefit of their posterity will be viable in the face of the available opposition. The amount of counter brain-washing that will be required to make this possible seems awe-inspiring, but given that our propaganda is truthful perhaps it can be done.
Protocol 7 Final Paragraph – from the Liberty Bell Edition of Marsden’s translation of Nilus
‘In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the g.y.m in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan.’
Who will control the armed forces and the nuclear weapons in a divided US? Could the ethno-state control enough land and resources for successful autarky, given the hyper-globalized state of the current economy?
Unlike our enemy the psychology of most white people is not well-adapted to the sort of large scale self-serving conspiracy which it is going to require to inform, convince and motivate cadres in all the dying European lands, and to convince India, China, Russia and even Israel – with its Samson Option – to let us live.
Having said all that ‘faint heart never won fair lady’ and as long as the CCI is in the same camp another standard raised is another rallying point for the faithful.
Let’s Go Brandon.
We do have a think tank already. It’s right here.
I agree. “Policy institute” conjures up Richard Spencer.
There have been countless journals, think tanks, organizations—this is the way we white folks think about accomplishing our goals. But contrast a policy institute with Let’s Go Brandon or January 6. Those are the things that scare the bejeezus out of the other side and put our cause into the public square.
Respectfully, we do not have a policy institute. EPI is a good reference for understanding the project and we have nothing like this. Counter-Currents is a webzine and publishing house. Its goals are meta-political gains. The policy institute’s goals are political gains.
Take it from Mr. Counter-Currents himself. Greg shares his motivations here beginning at 01:02 (hour two, minute two):
NPI was founded by Sam Francis (not Richard) to be an EPI for whites. But Sam died soon afterward and NPI did little else besides publish the occasional book and hold the occasional conference.
On Let’s Go Brandon and Jan. 6: Events like these create awareness that fuel institutional action. However, they accomplish nothing in the way of political solutions on their own. Without an institute ready to harness public sentiment created by events and pressure policymakers into action nothing gets done.
Those numbers are encouraging. Certainly, the types of conversations I’ve had with friends and family have turned shockingly nationalistic in short period of time, but you never know how much of that is bias.
I don’t like to predict because it’s impossible, but one is tempted to conclude that the sheer magnitude of the left’s insanities must create a reaction. The question is, when that reaction comes, what form will it take? Will it be substantive or shallow?
Glad you feel encouraged, my friend. It’s a mistake to focus on how far we have to go without ever taking a moment to appreciate how far we’ve come.
85% Republican concern makes open opposition to anti-white racism possible. This would normalize white identity politics, which is why elite conservatism forbids use of the term “anti-white.” Such a movement would force Republicans etc. to acknowledge the problem… In the weakest manner possible, of course.
As for the political gains we need, I only see them coming from an institution of our own making. While meta-politically useful, semi-dissident types don’t have the political will for such measures. In Ship of Fools, Tucker Carlson says “white nationalism” would mean the “end of America.”
The opportunity to build an institution tuned for white political empowerment is here and we must take it. No one else will take it for us. Since we can win, the challenge shouldn’t demoralize us. It should fill us with the tireless sense of purpose that animates any heroic achievement.
I think Tucker deserves credit. Even if he can’t or won’t get to necessary policy (and I’m not sure if either is true), he was instrumental in moving people to a place where they can support such policies.
I expect good things from such an institution, given the writing here. Fortune favors the bold!
Tucker has been a big metapolitical positive. I only cited that passage to reinforce my argument against waiting on the Republican superman to save the day.
“Even the best Republican had this to say about white nationalism…”
But Tucker didn’t claim white nationalism was immoral either. As things stand, I’d cast a vote for Tucker as long as Greg Johnson or Kevin Deanna weren’t on the ballot as well.
Whites need to stay pure blooded – no death jabs and of course no race mixing. Stay strong as our enemies fall in the folly of their foolishness. Wind and Weather will serve us, especially General Winter. Concentrate our numbers in key States and Areas. Some day, God willing, we will take back the rest.
President Trump did something last night in Arizona that I don’t think he’s ever done. But we need him to do it. Much more regularly. In the context of eviscerating left-wing racial quotas for health care he specifically said “white people” as a group are being targeted. He said “if you’re white in New York you go to the back of the line.” That’s white advocacy. That’s white nationalism. That’s white identity politics. Thank God! 👍🙏🔥
That is great to hear, Jeffrey. Thank you for sharing this.
President Trump also spoke up for J6 prisoners being held in solitary by the DC totalitarians: “These people are being persecuted. If we think they are innocent we should go help them defend themselves. The guy who shot Ashli Babbitt for no reason is so proud of himself though. Let’s see how he’d do without the protections he got. He’s a disgrace.”
Fantastic. Although the Republican Party isn’t built for needed policy gains now, populist rhetoric like this is undeniably helpful. It produces the awareness and urgency we need to build our own institutions.
By simply/regularly using the term “white people” Trump legitimizes it to counter the vilification of it, and he invites/encourages white people to begin referring to themselves as “white people” (to be less afraid to do so) thus de facto organizing them.
Exactly right.
Video link in article.
Terrific. Thanks for sharing, Stephen. If Trump is to win again he’ll need to make pro-white rhetoric an emphatic part of his routine. That would be a big step in the right direction.
I know this post is not specific to the topic being discussed; however, this would be one of the topics of a “Pro-White Policy Page” on Counter-Currents: doing something about Black crime, which is totally out of control.
I just read about the murder of the twenty-four-year-old, White woman, Brianna Kupfer; she was working alone at a furniture store in Hancock Park, Los Angeles on Friday, January 14, 2022; the incident occurred about 1:30 p.m. She was stabbed to death by a Black guy who wandered into the store; he appears to be homeless. Whites, especially women, are going to have to start taking more security precautions.
“The suspect is described as a male Black, unknown age, tall, thin, wearing a dark hoodie, sunglasses, a white N-95 mask, dark skinny jeans, dark shoes and carrying a dark back pack,” the LAPD wrote in a press release Friday. “Based on evidence discovered by detectives, the suspect is believed to be homeless.”
Below are two links to the story:
24-year-old employee stabbed to death inside Hancock Park store in ‘random’ attack (
Beautiful, young White woman murdered in Los Angeles by Black – Stormfront
PV, your post is entirely relevant to the article. Yes, we will address black crime through the policy institute. To be clear, the policy institute entity (led by Greg) will be distinct from Counter-Currents. We plan to have it up and running by the beginning of 2023.
“She graduated from both Brentwood High School and the University of Miami, before returning to the Southland in pursuit of an architectural design degree from UCLA.” —cbslocal com
Not to mention of course but she was a total fox. Of course women will double down, making sure to avoid all whites in dating situations.
While these statistics are comforting the question is will Republicans in power advocate what the people who voted them in power want or will it be the same old, “Democrats are the real racists!” and “MLK was a conservative!” canards. Call me cynical but we’ve seen this before. Even with Trump, we got an unfinished wall that is now virtually useless with Biden and his cabinet of subversives who are actually running the show. Gregory Hood put it best: Republicans know rhetoric, Democrats know power. Even if Republicans win there will be a whole other level of subversion that will make the debunked Russia collusion conspiracy theory look like the Presiding Officer of the Senate getting the vapors after hearing someone say “pettifogging” during the Swayne impeachment.
The GOP is essentially the party for white people/interests and consciously or subconsciously race-realist minorities that understand letting in hordes of 3rd world people will bring the country to ruin. That’s the reason why so many minorities vote Democrat for the pure “grug-think” of, “ugg, white man vote Republican, I no white man, I vote Democrat.”
JC, I share your distrust for the Republican Party. The dramatic changes we need can only be achieved by an institution of our making. In the meantime, we’ll make use of the metapolitical gains made by Trump etc. to gather support for that institution. I left a more elaborate reply to megabar if you’re interested.
Those numbers are only growing too!
Yes, they are! The best of those polls are the most recent. They also come from prestigious universities. UVA and the University of Chicago.
A brief program to rally White Americans:
– An end to all race based discrimination (i.e., affirmative action).
– A law protecting the rights of dissidents to employment and access to communications media.
– A total ban on all anti-White indoctrination in the workplace and in the schoolroom (“diversity” training, critical race theory, et alia).
– The creation of a legal advocacy organization to protect the rights of White people. And while we are at it, a White student union movement.
– Freedom for political prisoners (like the 6 January 2021 Capitol occupiers).
Thank you, Francis. These excellent proposals will be on the agenda.
This data is fascinating. My big worry is that Dems and the left scale back their rhetoric and attacks, however, they’ve painted themselves into a corner and I only see them doubling down. If they were to reverse course then their project will crumble, for many reasons.
For one, they’ve framed anti-racism as the most important moral imperative of our time. If they question this for even a moment, it would cause outrage among the far left base and the moderates would be accused of racism by opportunistic left-wing politicians and so on.
Secondly, it would embolden the right and conservatives to fight to scale back anti-Whiteness. If they give us an inch, they why not fight for a mile? Anti-racism is built entirely of lies. If they give even an inch, it brings their whole project into question. It’s a house of sand, intellectually.
Anti-racism is a fundamentalist religion which cannot be questioned. If even one part of it is admitted to be false, or even going too far, then inevitably, all of it will be called into question.
I hope Mr Wallace writes more blogs like this!
Thanks, Spencer. I’m in full agreement with your perspectives.
Then there’s just the brute replacement of whites by third worlders. The Great Replacement is chiefly responsible for the surge in white identity. Replacement isn’t stopping so neither is white identity.
@Riki-Eiki: Thank you for acknowledging the significance of my above two posts.
The Republicans will Take Control of the House and Senate
Regarding what is going to happen in 2022: It appears very probable that the Republican Party is going to take control of the House and Senate after the November elections. This would mean that Biden will be reduced to doing what Obama did after the 2010 mid-term elections: start issuing executive orders.
The Communist/Democrats will Attempt to Provoke a Violent Reaction from White Americans
Since the Communist/Democrats know they will be losing control of the House and Senate, they would like to cancel the November elections. One way to do this would be to provoke the White population into resorting to violence against the Biden Administration. One way to provoke a violent reaction from Whites is to assassinate Donald Trump. A violent reaction from Whites would give the Communist/Democrats justification to declare Martial Law and suspend the November elections.
An assassination attempt on Trump cannot be discounted. Since the Communist/Democrats were bold enough to brazenly steal the November 2020 election through massive fraud, they are capable of doing just about anything. What they are doing now is clearly authoritarian; the policies being instituted by the Communist/Democrats are those of a dictatorship.
If the Republicans take the House and Senate, Impeachment Proceedings are sure to Follow
If the November elections are allowed to take place, and the Republicans take control of the House and Senate, the House will surely move to impeach Biden; the Senate could well have enough votes to convict Biden, and he would be removed from office. This means that Kamala Harris would be sworn in as the president. I don’t think the Communist/Democrats want Kamala Harris to be president. As has already been discussed on a national level, the Communist/Democrats might well undertake measures to remove Harris from office.
We are Now Living in a Banana Republic – Anything is Possible
As I indicated in my post above, we are now living in a Banana Republic, and anything is possible. This means that White Nationalist organizations will have to look forward to the possibility of being cancelled. This could well mean that Counter-Currents’ goal of launching a Policy Institute with an independent website and a possible Brick & Mortar Headquarters sometime in early 2023 would not be allowed by the Communist/Democrat Dictatorship.
Since we Don’t Know what will Happen in 2022, Don’t Wait Until 2023 to Start Advocating Policies for White Americans
My suggestion would be to get something started right away – within a couple of weeks. A webpage – and eventually several pages – could be created on the Counter-Currents website that could be labeled something like “Policies for White Americans.” This webpage would be accessed via a separate tab located at the top of the Home Page. Robert Wallace could be the page-master in charge of updating the information on the various policies. This webpage could be designed with appealing graphics.
Such a separate webpage would give the page-master experience in listing issues and explaining C-C’s policies. C-C members and supporters would be able to critique the issues and the policies, which would serve to refine the outcome. This would mean that when the propitious time came for launching an independent website and possibly opening a headquarters, the material for the website would be ready to be imported from the Counter-Currents website.
600 words, 66 comments! Amazing ratio. Is that a CC record?
Thanks, DMS. Not sure, but it’s done well on search engines too. Besides Google who filters us out. Hopefully it keeps its place as the top article on White Identity over the typical con/lib mischief. Greg and I intended to galvanize pro-whites with this great news and that seems to be happening. We can’t win without faith in victory and we have reason to believe.
While it sounds hopeful still I recently found out about new initiatives teaching CRT and removing old white teachings in schools. Of course, the schools won’t acknowledge it as CRT, but that’s what it smells like, talks like, and looks like.
Still, the policy institute seems to be a way forward towards framing a clear statement of white interests. Also for the record white interests are important not merely because whites would like to live and live in peace. But also because whites basically created the modern world and advanced concepts from mathematics to “justice-is-blind” legal systems, to responsible government. The vast majority of scientific advances are white.
One (or at least my own) projection is that once whites go, these things won’t be continued. Eventually, things will collapse, although estimates as to when vary. Already as the US turns non-white, we’re seeing the breakdown of responsible government (aka the whole 2020 election mess), failure of public services (aka subways in major cities and no hi-speed trains), and of course the inability of NASA to colonize Titan, Mars, or the moon.
Thanks for the interesting reply, Nicolas. No, we can’t win overnight. If you’d care for an elaboration of my views, please refer to my comments above.
The world will slowly descend into a hellish Hobbesian state if pro-whites don’t stop The Great Replacement. It’s hard to imagine civilization surviving anywhere indefinitely outside of Asia under the current system. Devi’s moral framework of a struggle between Light & Darkness is literally correct.
Rodney Stark isn’t *openly* in our camp but How The West Won documents how Whites invented modern civilization in the ways you’ve mentioned. It’s a pretty useful book.
All my best and please get in touch.
Thanks very much Mr. Wallace. I’ll look into getting that book. Also one reference I use is Human Accomplishment, also by Chas. Murray. Beyond that I teach and read a lot about the growth of Western Civ and this has also been my estimate from readings.
There are also a lot of popular disinformation books. “Guns, Germs and Steel” by Jared Diamond, is one such.
“Fascinating…. Lays a foundation for understanding human history.”―Bill Gates” is on the Amazon Review. This postulates that the West rose because we had the right kind of domesticable animals e.g. pigs and horses. Africa didn’t because they had hippopotami and lions which were useless for civilization. Had the animals been transposed, then Africa would’ve been the one to send gunned Galleons to colonize the world & advance civilization. I used to believe that sort of crap.
Not knowing if you’ll ever get to read this comment but one other item on my wish list is the ability to edit comments. This is mainly for correcting typos & things I forgot. Disqus {that AR uses} has this but Disqus was created by an Asian guy in CA and will deliberately delete or restrict commentary on W.I. sites so as to destroy conversation on those sites: IMO.
Exciting article. I’ve been hearing it in my conversations with normies. The light is starting to pierce through the darkness.
You’re right. Thanks, Nick.
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