Counter-Currents’ own Robert Wallace was host Gregory Hood‘s guest on American Renaissance’s Left, Right, and White podcast, where they spoke about building institutions, some white pills about the state of white identity politics, and the need for “patrons” to step forward to ensure victory. Click here or use the player below. (more…)
Tag: Robert Wallace
June 16, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 455 The Counter-Currents 12th Birthday Celebration, Part 2
We at Counter-Currents celebrated our 12th birthday on last weekend’s broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, which was a four-hour all-star streamathon with many of our writers, friends, and some ordinary readers who decided to get involved, and they answered listener questions. The second half is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Last week I made my debut in the anti-white extremist tabloid, Right Wing Watch. The article is a farcically dishonest and cynical hit piece, of course, but we can’t let Antifa Inc. slander us without punching back. Americans want pugilistic leadership, and stepping into the ring with the Left is glorious work. I am wary of in-fighting, but out-fighting Bolsheviks is another thing altogether. (more…)
843 words
Modern historians credit the Dark Ages as a time of steady progress, but no one is lobbying to rename that period the Age of Light. Our race produces geniuses daily, yet there is an almost complete absence of any written record for 500 years. (more…)
English original here
Los patriotas estadounidenses están sedientos de política identitaria blanca. Era inevitable. Las naciones blancas están siendo arruinadas por no-blancos que actúan como un bloque tribal. Los blancos están siendo atacados como un bloque tribal. Con el tiempo, los blancos empezarán a contraatacar como un bloque tribal. (more…)
Dr. John Mearsheimer’s offensive realism is the premier theoretical framework for international relations. His emphasis on uncertainty and its disruptive influence on world politics gives insight into the Ukraine disaster.
The international system is anarchic. Plans of hostile states are unknowable. There’s no “911” for states to dial in case of an attack. (more…)
Virtus was the highest moral aspiration of Roman patriots. It had a simple meaning: Rome before oneself. Romans were judged by their service to the common good. To our own Founding Fathers, virtus was the “central element in public life.” (more…)
Greg Johnson and Robert Wallace welcomed Arkansas congressional candidate Neil Kumar on the last episode of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss his candidacy and current events, as well as YOUR QUESTIONS, and it is now available for download and online listening. You can find out more about Mr. Kumar in Giles Corey’s “Our Man in Arkansas.” (more…)
January 31, 2022 Robert Wallace
Yhdysvallat on valmis valkoiselle identiteettipolitiikalle
English original here
Yhdysvaltalaiset kansallismieliset ovat valmiita valkoiselle identiteettipolitiikalle. Tämä on ollut odotettavissa. Valkoista maailmaa uhkaa ei-valkoiset, jotka toimivat ja ajattelevat heimoryhminä. Nämä heimoryhmät hyökkäävät suoraan valkoisia kohtaan. Ennemmin tai myöhemmin valkoiset muodostavat oman ryhmänsä taistellakseen tätä vastaan. (more…)
January 17, 2022 Robert Wallace
Amerika ist bereit für eine identitäre Politik für Weiße
English original here
Amerikanische Patrioten hungern nach identitärer Politik für Weiße. Dies war unvermeidlich. Weiße Nationen werden von Nicht-Weißen zugrunde gerichtet, die als in sich geschlossene Stammesgemeinschaften vorgehen. Weiße werden als eine in sich geschlossene Stammesgemeinschaft angegriffen. (more…)
German version here, Finnish version here, Spanish version here
American patriots are hungry for white identity politics. It was inevitable. White nations are being wrecked by non-whites acting as tribal blocs. Whites are being attacked as a tribal bloc. Eventually, whites will start fighting back as a tribal bloc.
On the special New Year’s Day broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, which is dedicated to all our donors, host Greg Johnson was joined by two new members of the Counter-Currents team, Cyan Quinn and Robert Wallace, to talk about what is coming in 2022. As always, we also answered YOUR QUESTIONS and made the BIG REVEAL of the total for the Counter-Currents 2021 Fundraiser. The broadcast is now available for download and online streaming. (more…)