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White Nationalists should give up any idea of finding immediate results for their ambitions in the current political climate. At this moment, the enemy is simply too powerful, too resourceful, too wealthy, and too pervasive to take on. The best we can do is work to keep what few institutions we still have alive through dedicated financial or volunteer support.
This will help develop a resilient counter-culture which will be present when history does finally catch up with white people. Most whites on the popular Right do not fear non-white immigration — or non-white rule — as much as they should. To do so would violate Leftist taboos whose tentacles sadly still reach across nearly all of today’s Overton window, despite how hostile the non-white political class has become. As a result, white majorities are slipping everywhere.
Soon, however — as in the next ten to twenty years — a critical mass of whites will wake up to their demographic demise, and we will be there waiting for them. The truth in our ideas and positions will emerge as whites collectively begin to the feel the pain brought on by those interlopers who ultimately wish to tyrannize us. Furthermore, it is only natural that people establish and nurture bonds with others who are similar to them, both biologically and culturally — especially in times of crisis.
At that point, with enough people behind us, the Right can act. Until then, however, any act of rebellion — that is, anything involving violence or terror — will be self-defeating. Even mass protests are risky and potentially damaging, as demonstrated by the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017. I hate to have to say this, but until we have the numbers and resources to resist the Left, the Right must behave like model citizens while preparing for a viable future. For race-conscious whites, this means having as many children as possible, making as much money as possible, developing useful skills, and replacing addictive and destructive habits with healthy, productive ones. I offer further suggestions on this in my “Advice for Young White People” series here, here, and here. Basically, we need to collectivize our minds and place duty over freedom while we prepare for a grim but potentially redemptive future.
But what else do we do in the meantime? Aside from the hurry-up-and-wait approach outlined above, there are three additional possible courses of action, all of which can be pursued concurrently.
The first, as a corollary to the above, is to support serious anti-Leftist or anti-progressive organizations that operate in the mainstream — even if they are not explicitly Right wing themselves. Donald Trump is a great example. Yes, he’s flawed and fickle, but if by some miracle he re-enters the White House in 2024, that would be a good thing (or a less bad thing) for the Right. Further, there quite are a few America First-type politicians and prospective politicians still riding on Trump’s coattails who may be serious enough to deserve our support. Project Veritas and the Center for Immigration Studies are two examples of people who distance themselves from White Nationalism and yet still operate more or less in harmony with our interests. The former is suing the New York Times, and the latter once sued the SPLC. You can do a lot worse than these two.
This is, of course, a secondary activity, and only for people who can afford it.

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s novel Charity’s Blade here.
The second course of action, which I explore in my dystopian novel Charity’s Blade, is to prepare for how the ascendant non-white Left in the twenty-first century might overextend itself and, in effect, declare an openly racist war on whites. Given the hatred and contempt the non-white political class has for all whites — not merely the uppity ones on the Right –, this is a definite possibility in the next 20 or 30 years. Such an action will force the issue to a speedy conclusion, and American whites will either win and establish something akin to a white ethnostate or lose everything. Nothing can hasten history better than a war.
For American whites, preparation for this means buying guns and learning how to properly use them, studying basic military tactics, developing survivalist skills, and the like. But the problem here is that it is still a form of waiting. We are still letting the enemy take the lead in this little death waltz we’re in.
So what can we do that is proactive?
The third course of action for White Nationalists today, and the main point of this essay, is to support Red State Secession.
I discovered this organization from a link at American Renaissance, and darn if they don’t say all the right things. Their point is to initiate metapolitical and political change in red states in order to make a peaceful break inevitable. Yes, this seems extremely daunting, but the people who run this site and its concomitant substack have put a lot of thought into this project and made it a rabbit hole worth diving down.
“The purpose of this site is not to promote violence but to predict how the Right will avoid eternal rule by the Left on this continent,” the group’s About-Us page tells us. The site offers one or two articles per month, as well as memes, historical information, poll results, and a collection of links and sources for anything related to secession.
Here are a few memes you can take a gander at:
Secession is not necessarily national secession. For example, their December 26, 2020 entry argues that the twenty counties in northern Illinois that voted to separate from Chicago could be added to Indiana. It provides email addresses of all the state legislators who could make this happen. The site also offers information on Move Oregon’s Border and similar local or regional movements which could be considered secessionist. Much of this mirrors Greg Johnson’s take on Calexit back in 2016.
The big red-blue secession, however, remains their primary goal, and they articulate how to get there quite well while remaining unshakably realistic:
Admittedly, much attention needs to be given to electing secessionist governors, legislators, and state judges, which requires a robust state political organization. A single volunteer can easily make a significant impact on state politics because most volunteers are focused on federal politics. But it’s hard to attract the conservative movement’s attention to state politics until steps are taken to make state politics matter again. The best way to make state politics matter again is to start moving power back from DC to state capitols, since all decisions are made in DC currently. This can be accomplished by the willingness of state governmental officials to nullify unconstitutional federal edicts, mandates, and court decisions. Until a state government is willing to ignore a federal judge, the right wing cannot make a breakthrough.
Secession can be achieved in the near term, before red state citizens are thoroughly indoctrinated by the Left, and before their population is swelled by millions more immigrants who vote. It can be achieved while the Right still has strong majorities in some states: 2.6 Trump voters per Biden voter in Wyoming, 2 Trump voters per Biden voter in Idaho, 1.7 in Alabama, and 1.12 in Texas, to choose relevant examples.
Red State Secession also has a clear understanding of the danger presented by the Left. The worst of the worst, in their opinion, are activist federal judges. Not the mainstream media, not illegal immigration, not the Leftist academy: activist federal judges, whom they call “the primary enemies of our civilization”:
Activist judges discovered that Americans value the rule of law so much that Americans will enforce the rulings of judges even when the rulings are obviously unconstitutional. Presidents are afraid to ignore their unconstitutional rulings because the media would crucify them and perhaps get the president impeached and removed. Congressmen are afraid to impeach a judge, unless the judge committed a crime, for fear of getting crucified by the media and losing elections. So where is the “check and balance” on the judicial branch?
They make an interesting argument, and then follow it up with a list of 24 unconstitutional Supreme Court decisions and a list of “federal tyrants” who live in each state. My favorite page on the site, however, is “Current Status of Secession Movements in the US.” It’s almost a year old, but certainly worth your time.
What I find most attractive about Red State Secession is that they think outside the box and are pushing for metapolitical change in the same way that White Nationalists are, except they put race on the periphery of their platform and focus on patriotism, tradition, MAGA, America First, and other elements of Americana which makes the average Trump voter perk up and listen. Dare I say it, but in the absence of Civil War 2.0 initiated by Washington, Red State Secession has a better shot at achieving its goal in the short term (as in within ten years) than White Nationalism does.
This does not mean we should abandon White Nationalism. It simply means that White Nationalists need to practice a crypsis of our own and piggyback on a movement which, if successful, will coincide with at least 80% of our goals. If red state secession does happen, the white majority will shoot up in the resulting nation, the Left will be routed, and some semblance of pre-1965 normalcy will be restored. And if whoever is in Washington at the time of secession wishes to repeat 1861, then White Nationalists will not be a small minority that is easily hunted down, but part of a dedicated and heavily-armed coalition 80 million strong.
Are we seeing the benefits of this now?
Crypsis, however, means that among red state secessionists of all races, White Nationalists will have to avoid rocking the boat. It means practicing discretion when talking about race-realism, the Jewish Question, and other touchy topics — sort of like what many of us do now among normies. We simply have to understand that while red state secession is the end goal for groups like Red State Secession, it’s only a means to an end for White Nationalists. After the formation of a truly Right-wing red nation, the mostly-white populace will be free from Leftist dogma, and therefore much more receptive White Nationalist ideas.
I’ve made a similar point before in my essay “Wargaming Secession, Part 2” in which I introduce the ISEE Model of White Survival. This is something I believe all White Nationalists should internalize since it graphically illustrates the gradual return to our ethnostate. Again, in the absence of Civil War 2.0, there can be no other way. I have doctored the image slightly to underscore the point of this essay.
Forming anything resembling a white ethnostate on the North American continent will most likely take a long time. We shouldn’t expect to see it in the lifetimes of most of the people reading this. However, if we make our goals long-term and keep our eyes peeled for movements which share a good portion of these goals — such as Red State Secession — then we’ll have a hell of a chance.
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I’m very interested in the prospect of the US breaking up on ideological/racial lines in my lifetime and I’m not even American.
Give it another 20 years and I can imagine a lot of Western Europeans wanting to move to an independent 80-90% White country with a future in Wyoming/Idaho or wherever than stay in what’s left of our own countries.
You’ve got the space to live separately, we haven’t.
No disrespect, but you people need to focus on reconquering your own continent. Charles Martel, El Cid, Teutonic Knights, etc, should be your models.
The following needs to be said: it is something to witness our country continue to be invaded, yet, nothing is being done. In fact, it’s rarely mentioned. Rest assured we will pay in blood for this in the future.
The near future.
There is a lot of good logic in this article:
Voting for not-as-bad candidates is smart. It takes 10 minutes every 2 years, and marginally improves the ability to organize better. That is, it has no downsides.
Red- or blue-state secession is, I think, the correct goal, probably using aggressive nullification as a way to get there. It might be done peacefully, and will actually defuse the tension by attacking the root problem: people forced to coexist in a society with others they fundamentally disagree with.
I am not a racial purist. I understand the non-racist arguments for it, and I certainly agree that groups have real differences, and that these differences matter. But purity is too harsh, and too difficult, especially in a blended location like the US.
Rather, we should build a society that is unashamed in saying “This society is explicitly and permanently for people who want and enjoy all the trappings of historical American white society.” Such a society would self-select mostly whites (since they are, obviously, the majority of people who cherish white values), especially as the more progressive alternative is right next door.
At the moment this is, of course, speculation, both for you and for me. But I offer a serious caveat to allowing non-Whites into a possible White American ethnostate: you cannot predict or control the attitudes or behaviors of their descendants. This is the problem of the second generation that Europeans are facing with their Muslims and we even now in the US with our Hispanics, Asians, etc. How many of the jihadis and how many of aggressively anti-White non-Whites in America are the children of the migrants? I could make a very long list.
The original generation of non-Whites who might want to live in a White society and adapt happily to it can in no way guarantee that their children and grandchildren would feel the same. On the contrary, growing up in a place they deem to be their home and realizing that they are always going to be outsiders. Well, that’s the usual petrie dish of alienation and resentment for the kind of endless spite we are experiencing now.
Being a “purist” (a loaded term) may be a simple matter of survival.
This is a good point. I’ve made the same argument myself, and it’s a very real risk. I started to reply in detail, but it’s just too big a topic for a comment.
I’ll just say that 1. Racial purity exists no where today, and forcibly expelling legal people who’ve done nothing wrong is morally and tactically dubious, 2. To the extent possible, voluntary movement of people into appropriate societies is preferable, and can be done to at least some degree with the proper incentives, 3. Even within a homogeneous society, a society must find a way to defend certain of its values from its descendants, because 4. Even within a homogeneous society, traits and values drift over time.
The better a society is at 3. and 4., the less need for purity. The worse a society is at 3. and 4., the less of a guarantee purity is (though more purity likely delays the rot).
“Racial purity exists nowhere today.” I believe you are mistaken. I have seen no evidence that threatens the view that, for example, the vast majority of Europeans share common European DNA patterns. The same is true of Europeans in America.
As for modalities of handling non-Whites in an ethnostate, I suggest you check out Greg Johnson’s idea of the “slow cleanse.”
Per your recommendation, I just read “The slow cleanse.” It’s a good article, and I agree with almost all of it.
You are right that some people are fully white, and others are fully not white. But many legal citizens are a mix, or are married to such a person, etc. Dealing with these cases primarily with voluntary incentives and patience, as in the “slow cleanse” is better than having a “purity” test, which was my main point.
I second “The Slow Cleanse aka Restoring White Homelands” by Greg Johnson. We must not repeat the mistakes of our past of being shortsighted. If we wish to survive, we have no choice but to look at the distant future & make the right choices now that will serve our people for that future. One of those choices must be our own space. If not, we will end up right back where we are now at the edge of the abyss looking down.
Additionally, we need to have our break-away civilization, we need to continue where we left off in 1972 (last time we walked on the moon) & continue our destiny of heading for the stars. The good news is – there will be fewer of us & much stronger having a highly developed sense of in-group preference. In tune with Nature.
Quality trumps quantity.
Very well said and well reasoned.
Racial segregation is the only answer. Non-white DNA is to hate white people, regardless of any “merit” or “content of character.” I’m so sick of that. They want to get away from their own kind for the better life among us. What has that done? Their descendants are loyal to their own kind and hate us. Once they get power, we’re dead. It makes no sense to fight for our own country and to let in the same racial enemy we had to fight in the first place. Brown people have the entire continent of South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Let them make a “better life” among their own kind. No more non-whites.
Very interesting topic and I plan to look at the Red State site and the book: Charity’s Blade. I also believe that as non-whites become a majority in the “not-so-U, S of A” repression of whites will increase greatly. I don’t see it as over-playing their hand. They’ll know they have the power & they’ll use it as they’ve historically have. There have been instances in southern Mexico, I believe during the early 20th or late 19th century, where non-whites have gone on an extermination spree of peaceful white inhabitants. This includes killing men, women, and little children so as to rid the area of whites. Probably from “Mexico Biography of Power”, E. Krauze, 1997.
One other thing will be external pressures on the non-U, S of A {maybe I should just call it the nUSA?}. For example, China is already making threatening moves about Taiwan. Does anyone think the Biden Administration and Lloyd Austin, which is still fixated on the perils of white supremacy will be able to successfully defend Taiwan from a planned Chinese invasion?
I think our only option will be to evacuate a large fraction of the 24 million Taiwanese & resettle them here in red states of the nUSA.
In keeping with all the terminal dysfunctions also displayed in late Roman history & it’s fall, our next brilliant move will be to induct large segments of the newly-arrived POC populations into our military. Also promoting POC’s to senior positions in our military will be key. Nothing builds on our “Diversity is Our Greatest Strength” better than having our soldiers wonder which country our senior generalissamos are really fighting for.
Very interesting times we live in. BTW, that’s not a Chinese proverb as it’s often ascribed. It’s of European origins.
Thank you for bringing this group to reader’s attention.
Few things are certain now. Predictions abound, but we should not confine our actions to a script. Rather we must be ready to exploit the numerous opportunities that will arise as Western socio-economic meltdown proceeds – as hastened by the Left’s over-reach and negrification itself. That is the one thing we can absolutely count on, horrible as it may be.
Secession is unlikely. because the very political apparatus to implement it will be non-functioning under meltdown conditions. Most everything will be non-functional by then.
I believe that a very strong and widely-compelling case can be made, that the “real” America began in 1787 as a Western nation created by and for people of European descent, but then was usurped after 1861 by the Civil War, after which an ersatz America was installed, a minocracy hostile to the spirit and letter of the true America of 1787. A minocracy government which we still have today.
So per this thinking, the current American government is illegitimate and thus should be overthrown by true Patriots, and the original America as constituted in 1787 be re-instated. A compelling call which I think would appeal to a wide demographic, especially those millions of White Americans suffering under the duress of meltdown.
Secession may be one mechanism for this, but the main objective would be to restore the Original America by whatever means.
Respectfully, you’re heart is in the right place, but the fundamental flaws of the old Constitutional order brought Whites to the point where they are ruled by the Jews and under constant threat by the Negro minority. The goal of White Identity Nationalism cannot be to go back in time. It has to be revolutionary in its spirit and future-oriented and creative in its thinking and modes of action. The past is slowly – but surely – becoming an anchor around the White race. We need to be taking what is valuable from the past while not being beholden to it.
I am not advocating a whistful return to the “good old days” with all the flaws and loopholes. “Conservatives” do that. Indeed we must only go forward in time.
Yes, if the West is to recover from current decline it must be utterly remade, to the point where a Western “conservative” of today would not recognize it. And this work of re-making will be brutal and violent – too much so for our trads to sign on to today.
But our conservatives will sign on to the concept of restoring the “original America” – an America that was in fact designed, built and legislated by and for Men of the West, an America in which the Supreme Court plainly ruled that no negroid “had any rights that any white man was bound to respect”. An America where the Western majority ruled and minorities did not – until after the Civil War.
Conservatives are the human material with which the Right has to work going forward. They will not sign on to “revolution” but they will sign on to “the spirit of ’76”. Good enough.
I have said before that we must stop calling ourselves “conservatives”, while also objecting when the Left smirkingly calls itself “progressive”. WE on the Right are the true progressives.
Restoring the spirit and letter of our Original America is a widely compelling idea – progressive and trad at the same time.
You and I basically want the same thing. Our disagreement surrounds doctrine and method. These are not inconsiderable matters, but as long as our hearts are in the right place, I think we can considered these matters productively.
I think it’s a fundamental mistake to assume that White Identity Nationalism (WIN) is a movement of the Right. I don’t think it’s a movement associated with any particular part of the political spectrum at all. That’s why I don’t think the most fertile ground for WIN is ‘conservatives’ or people on the Right. I think most people are happy with a lot of the changes that are associated with ‘modernity’, they just don’t like its excesses (most of which are not driven by Whites).
If we have the mindset that every White person will be a WIN in due time, it compels us to consider all the ways in which that might be accomplished, including working with liberals and leftists who might be moved by appeals to racial separation that make sense from their perspective.
WINs need to think about all the ways that we tell other Whites they’re welcome and stop doing them unless we have good – doctrinal – reason for doing so.
I was on the Left and left the Left because of the embrace of antiWhiteism and obsession with homosexuality. It was tiresome. I still don’t hate non-White and consider homosexuality to be a manageable problem (not a moral crusade).
I want a movement of White people who can talk to each other about their concerns and collaborate on creative ways to address those concerns. I don’t want to have to run to some musty chest full of old ideas and old attitudes to try to cobble together justifications for imposing unwelcome solutions on my White brothers and sisters.
There’s not reason to support White Nationalism if the end-result is just going to be a stultifyingly conformist society of people patting themselves on the back for changing the birth-rate.
A lot of Whites across the political and cultural spectrum are increasingly uncomfortable with antiWhiteness. They just are not going to be part of movement that genuinely trashes their more progressive and liberal beliefs. Right-wing ideas have gotten tangled up in racial nationalism for a variety of reasons, but those entanglement are a function of historical coincidence than the exprssion of a well-thought-out doctrine of racial unity.
I totally disagree, and not only because I’m on the Hard Right as well as Far Right (Hard Right = militant conservatism, Far Right = white nationalism). I live in a very “blue” area. I try to avoid politics except among a narrow coterie of trusted friends. But I keep my eyes and ears open. Not every white leftist is a self-hating white, but many are. More usually, though, even not-antiwhite leftists seem to be virtually defined by their racial “right-think”. White leftists who are not self-haters (like, eg, antifa) tend to be liberals of the squishiest kind. I have several acquaintances and even friends like this. Really nice and decent white guys, nothing at all like antifa terrorists, but to hear their “do-gooderist” crap makes you nauseated. I’m 60, and have been awakened (and very sensitive to racial nuances) my entire life. I used to be very “out” politically, very rightwing up to the point of being suspected of white nationalism (I’d hear things from true friends like, “So and so was saying last week at lunch that she thinks you might secretly be a racist.”) I’ve never encountered a ‘based’ leftist; I’ve barely encountered even a race-realistic one. I once had a scientist friend in the 90s who admitted to believing in genetic differences in interracial IQ. His response was to suggest the creation of special government programs tasked with trying to increase black IQ!
Maybe if I were a blue collar worker I might have encountered some labor union types who were both ‘based’ and leftist. But racial egalitarianism seems to me to be perhaps the defining feature of the contemporary Left. It is among rightists that white nationalists will find the most target-rich conversionary environments.
This I agree with. What was right in one epoch may not work in another. We must learn from the past’s mistakes, in addition to keenly assessing present realities. We cannot think of ourselves as wishing to revivify that which has died (though – and this, too, is serious – sometimes we must pretend that all we seek is to restore the noble status quo ex ante, even as we ourselves are aware that such restoration is both impossible and probably undesirable). The task of white Americans is not to preserve white America, but rather, American whites. Of course, the ethnostate will have to be governed in some manner, and we could in fact do a lot worse than looking to recreate the Constitution, especially as we must assume (being realistic) that many secessionist whites will have come out of the patriot/constitutionalist movement (as this ideological sect almost certainly comprises the bulk of active secessionists today).
If there is one thing I do know about the future white American ethnostate, however, it is that it will be populated mainly by rightists, and that its politics will likely have to embody a “new fusionism” – one part Christianist, one part libertarian/free marketist, one part law & order authoritarian, one part constitutionalist/Americanist. I did not add “one part white nationalist” because the all-white Ethnostate itself is what our part will consist of. If we can force other sectarian tendencies to agree to the all-whiteness of the Ethnostate, we won’t be in a position to demand much else.
‘Basically, we need to collectivize our minds and place duty over freedom while we prepare for a grim but potentially redemptive future.’
This is what happens when ‘the Right’ is confused with ‘White Nationalism’. What is the point of a White Nationalist future if White people won’t be ‘free’? Basically, you’re selling vinegar and pretending its wine. The reason the Judeo-Left was able to dissassemble White America was because of existing fractures in the White nation that they could exploit and one of them was the White elites disdain for the common person’s simple pleasures.
To me, White Nationalism is gemütlichkeit.
To me, White Nationalism is joy.
It’s not an endless grind of ‘duty’ and popping out babies. Jeepers.
‘[I]f by some miracle [Trump] re-enters the White House in 2024, that would be a good thing (or a less bad thing) for the Right.’
No. This is what happens when ‘the Right’ is confused with ‘White Nationalism’. Trump is a Judeo-Right Jewish supremacist. His policies were different in intensity, but not kind from Biden and the rest of the Judeo-Left. Trump’s purpose is to maintain the illusion that national politics are real and elections can make a difference for White people. They cannot. I’m over 60 years old and I have never seen a single national election that made things better for White people. At some point, you just have to submit to the truth of the trend.
‘Project Veritas and the Center for Immigration Studies are two examples of people who distance themselves from White Nationalism and yet still operate more or less in harmony with our interests.’
No, they don’t. They are both nodes in the Judeo-Right’s system of thought control and action mitigation. Their operations don’t even offer crumbs to the White Identity Nationalist (WIN) goals..
‘Dare I say it, but in the absence of Civil War 2.0 initiated by Washington, Red State Secession has a better shot at achieving its goal in the short term (as in within ten years) than White Nationalism does.’
Neither has a much of a chance in the ‘short term’ when understood as a de jure separation. However, de facto separation – nullification – is an ongoing process that is already winning in the areas of dope (decriminalization), immigration enforcement (illegal alien sanctuaries), and gun rights (2A sancturies). Secession just keeps Whites locked into adhering to national or interstate compacts in order to achieve anything. For example, if counties from one state want to be incorporated into another, both states have agree.
Nullification, however, is completely local and completely ad hoc. It is based upon the central insight that enforcement is what makes ‘the law’ real, not what judges say or what state houses pass. At the bedrock of civilization is the control and management of violence. However, the American Right’s obsession with ‘guns, ammo and camo’ haven’t accomplished anything of value in 70 years (and in many cases, have created ideal situations for the Judeo-Left to exploit) because that politics is entirely individualistic and oriented, as Quinn points out, towards ‘waiting’.
Nullification is virtual secession. It is something that can be implemented by a combination of community organizing (to create the cultural climate) and infiltration of enforcement agencies. The whole point is to make sure that community activists are not pursued by local authorities when lines are blurred or crossed and, instead, any retaliation by their targets are given the heavy treatment, the ‘whip hand’ as it were. This is how the Judeo-Left obtained control of the US and it’s how Whites (and their non-White supporters) can take back that control.
In the final analysis, the Physical State cannot be everywhere and enforce every edict. They need allies and informants to create targets to ‘be a lesson’ to anyone thinking of being non-compliant. However, these agents of the State require protection and if that’s not forthcoming, the entire system of informants collapses.
The biggest problem is getting the State out of your head so that you stop thinking about the State’s power and start thinking about your own power, your White power.
As counterpoint to Red State Secession, I offer the Tenth Amendment Center: https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/
Seems to me that white people need to turn away from these Abrahamic dessert religions. I think it is a huge problem that most whites believe in and pray to some sand chicken. Our peoples have been seriously duped by jews and this needs to be addressed if there is to be any real progress or legitimate future for white people. Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Mars, Minerva, Apollo; These are the gods that gave the ancient Romans the confidence to conquer, succeed and prosper. The ancient Greek gods and/or the Norse gods… Christianity is the complete opposite of these beliefs. We need to get back to and adhere to ideals which made the European continent a power house.
Hey wait a minute! I used to big a big believer of sand chicken religions back particularly in my college days.
I consider myself an amateur Roman historian & numismatist: prone to errors and unable to numist properly due to the high costs, but trying to correct & improve. A lot of the old Roman religion was stoicism.
— from Wiki
“Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. It is a philosophy of personal ethics informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world.”
It also involved working throughout life on trying to improve one’s self through meditation and working on improving one’s virtues.
This teaching has survived somewhat in Christianity as the concept of “sanctification”. Supposedly (at least as explained by C.S.Lewis), while Christians cannot lead perfect lives, at least their lives would be improving as they’d be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Thus the Romans did believe that the Greek gods resided in the heavens but for practical religion they worked on self-improvement. Christianity was a lot simpler in the early stages. Also during the latter empire a religion known as Mithraism became prevalent throughout the military and competed with Christianity.
— from Wiki:
“Worshippers of Mithras had a complex system of seven grades of initiation and communal ritual meals. Initiates called themselves syndexioi, those “united by the handshake”.[b] They met in underground temples,…”
I’m not sure what I said (or how I said what I said) that prompted this response. I think Christianity is fine among Whites in small communities. That’s basically where it started and where it was for a long time before Constantine decided to coopt the Christian religion and the Church Elders decided that access to state power was a great way to spread the Good Word.
I don’t think racial nationalism is a movement of the Right. It’s a different movement entirely. If White people want to live White but progressive, I think that’s fine. If White people want to live White but as if everything after 1840 never happened, I’m fine with that. The simple truth is that White people have always had different ideas about ‘the good life’ and that we’ll continue to do so. What White Identity Nationalism demands is that no matter how you live, your orientation is toward the survival and growth of the White race.
In your comment you mentioned the judeo-left this, and the judeo-right that. Key word being judeo. Those words stuck out at me like a big jew nose. All of Christianity is just an offshoot of judaism. The catholic church hijacked judaism for the sole purpose of amassing power over the people of Europe and most of all, money and wealth. I just think that most everything discussed in this piece and many others on this site are somewhat meaningless if we don’t address the core of the issue, our spiritual and ethical foundations. Those foundations aren’t Abrahamic. I understand the points you were getting across and probably agree with most of them. Like I said though, that word stuck out at me and I just wanted to say something about it, that’s all.
Charlottesville is a good case study in the unmitigated failure of right wing protest to bring about change. The left got a triple play on that one: they got to beat the hell out of their political opponents and for the most part got off the hook, they got their very own sacrificial lamb to play the victimhood card, the statue ended up getting vandalized and no charges pressed to the best of my knowledge and then the statue ended up being not only removed but hacked into pieces. I don’t know what it is, but right wing and street protests just don’t go together the way that left wing and street protests do.
I think it was a bad precedent for one of the first Senates not to remove I believe it was Justice Samuel Chase, the then equivalent of an activist judge today, using his office to advanced his Federalist agenda. “An independent judiciary” has been put on a pedestal and is easily exploited as this essay mentioned. People on the right value rule of law so they value court decisions even if they are blatantly unconstitutional. The game is rigged. It’s comforting hearing that federal judge point out that Jan. 6th protestors are being pursued more rigorously than BLM and antifa protestors. But this is an exception to the rule of mostly subversive judges. It’s so cynical seeing these Federal judges on the one hand use every legal sophistry to let illegal aliens off the hook but when states deign to do the Federal government’s job, some subversive federal judge says, “unconstitutional, immigration is the federal government’s jurisdiction.”
Rather than secession, perhaps going back to an Articles of Confederation style system would work. This would mean significantly reducing the federal government’s power. That is probably less likely to happen than secession though. The federal government is essentially a cartel that bilks working and middle class American’s for money; some of that money ironically goes to things that are against working and middle class American’s interests like flooding the country with migrants.
I just read a survey that said that something like 53% of Trump voters and almost half of Biden voters support a blue/red secession. We’re already seeing nullification in a way with sheriffs not supporting mask mandates, state marijuana legalization laws, sanctuary cities and states for illegal aliens and for guns to name a few. It begs the question if the federal government would have the wherewithal to make things kinetic should red states deign to secede. There would probably be a whole lot of Robert E. Lee moments as I’m assuming most people in the military are from red states.
I’ve been wondering about the potential of “jury nullification” here in the UK. That is, if someone were charged with a “hate speech” crime (yes, we have those Orwellian laws here in Airstrip One) and juries refused to convict, that might be one way of fighting back.
One man was recently sentenced to two months in prison for simply referring to a black footballer (i.e., ‘soccer’ player) as a baboon. The player claimed he was left feeling “harassed, alarmed and distressed . . . and extremely upset”. What a wuss.
Experts on the law are divided on the precise legal status of jury nullification, but as jurors cannot be prosecuted for their verdicts, it would be cost-free activism.
I agree with your proposals, and they would work if you are an American of European ancestry. Unfortunately, I’m living in Canada, and this wouldn’t help me one bit.
I thought a while ago about buying property in Idaho or Texas, since I can work online from anywhere, but that option doesn’t exist. I can only stay for six months, get a job offer, or start my own business.
Bottom line: this White ethnostate you are proposing, would have to have a pro-white immigration policy.
I’m afraid I need another tactical option.
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Why can’t Canada start its own secession movement? You certainly have the territory (and a lot of disgruntled whites, too, though nowhere near a majority).
The Maverick party was just launched in Alberta: it’s goal is western separation.
It’s too young to tell. The French Canadian separatist party will never win: the liberals have flooded Montreal with immigrants who vote “no”.
With Trudeau only winning a minority government, there will be another federal election in two years. That should give the Maverick Party time to grow. We’ll see.
Follow professor Ricardo Duchesne in his website: council of European Canadians, if interested.
The word has the ring of myth, pace Georges Sorel and the General Strike. On a designated S-Day, Red State Americans walk out (physically or mentally) of the current Empire of Nothing. On the next day (S+1), Red State Americans walk back in and claim their own half of the country.
The Secession myth has a built in audience of the (reported) 50% or so of Americans on both sides of the political aisle looking for that national divorce.
Secession provides something lacking on the Right for a long time: an overarching vision, strategic direction for what can be a wider national-populist movement. And a Red State America would be a de facto 90% White Nationalist country.
The Dissident Right can make itself useful by developing tactics. Like…
* Creating a realistic plan for the breakup of the current status quo and then creating two new countries.
* Ginning up memes to promote Secession (Pepe(tm) going “Hmmm…” over a map of Secession America, anyone?).
* Winning over critical thought leaders, such as military veterans fed up with the direction taken recently by the Pentagon.
* Developing plans for new national military, intelligence, industrial, financial and information apparatuses, ones which will actually defend the interests of Red Staters.
* Forming a wider coalition with mini-secessionists like the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement, state governments defying the lockdown, assorted ethnic separatists, anti-globalists across the spectrum, libertarian Free Staters, alternative technology deep web gurus, and even Brexiters with other such movements abroad.
Let us see the Regime be haunted by a spectre:
As others have stated in response to your article, nullification, not secession, is the best path forward for Whites. It is organic, it is immediate and it provides us with ever-present chances to weaken federal power. How did North Vietnam win the Vietnam War? Through direct conflict with the South and its US backers? Of course not. The US bombed and bombed, raped, pillaged and murdered millions of Vietnamese. This did nothing to save the South; it probably hastened its demise because it gave the Communists an excuse to take over: look: we’re not them, they could say, neither the corrupt South Vietnamese government nor their murderous American accomplices! The reason why horrible dictators like Stalin succeed is because they find the weaknesses in their opponents and get them to fight each other, leaving him the only one to mediate and “clean up” their mess, and thus to assume their power and neutralize whatever threat they might have been to him. Whites need to “check out” of the formal left-right system as much as possible. This means avoiding finkle think and gradualism. This doesn’t mean acquiescing to unjust laws. A little Gandhi is helpful here. For example, take corona: resisting any and all mandates at every opportunity, embracing early treatment for Covid patients provided by such luminaries as Dr. Mollie James (see her interview with Alison Morrow on Rokfin for a good primer on this) to break the stranglehold of big pharma, surely an obstacle to White ascendancy. The enemy is looking for any opportunity to initiate and conclude a bloody civil war so as to further crush our spirits just like Trump has. We can’t fall into the same trap again. We might be able to observe secession and comment on it but not actively support it. Then we can watch their proponents, the MAGA folks, etc. , duke it out with “Deep Staters” and their minorities allies and use this is our opportunity to take power.
A question. I was hoping to buy the dystopian novel Charity’s Blade, but it’s $75 for a paperback copy. While I like to support C-C and white identity stuff, this is too expensive for me for a novel. Are there any other reading options? Will it be at the AR conference? I can get a friend/ enemy to pick it up for me maybe.
Amazon (Yeah, I hate using them too) currently has a copy for $32. You might even get a used copy cheaper.
” title=”
Hi Nicolas, Thank you for your interest in Charity’s Blade. At the Free Speech Library the paperback is around $32. HC is ~$48 both after converting from Euros. Alibris has a PB at $34.
Where are you seeing it for $75?
Hi & thanks for replying. I hope you can find this message and wish there was some sort of notice system like Disqus used to, but no longer provides for W.I. sites. This notifies users when someone replies to their comment.
I clicked the link referenced by the article and it went to a publisher in the UK. Now when I look at the link, the book is L. 37.7 which at $1.37/1 L. is around $51.65 USD. When I looked the book up when this article was fresh, I recall the book priced at $75; thus the price may have dropped.
I am just waiting for someone to ask the Jew and non-white, on the public stage, as they continue to make their daily demands of us, “why do you see it as a human right to have access to European whites”?
When you frame it that way (remind them openly they it is they who want to be near us, need to be near us, live among us, live off of us–and not the other way around) it changes the narrative. Make it clear that you see the manipulation, the hatred, and the blatant extortion for all that it is. And it’s not about human rights. It’s just evil.
Watch the blood drain from their face.
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