Wargaming Secession, Part 2: Introducing the ISEE Model of White Survival
Spencer J. Quinn2,057 words
The aphorism “Never let a crisis go to waste” may soon have historic consequences beyond what most of us can imagine. Maybe as soon as November.
The first part of this series, “Trump Should Wargame Secession, Too,” outlines the various ways President Trump should prepare for the slim possibility of mass Left-wing defection along the West Coast after a close call in the 2020 presidential election. In many ways, this essay takes as its starting point Greg Johnson’s “In Praise of Calexit” and describes how any serious analysis of West Coast secession should also consider how most East Coast blue states may want to secede as well, causing general havoc in the soon-to-be-former United States.
Therein, we discussed the best-case scenario (President Trump wins big and crushes the insurrection), worst-case scenario (Trump wins a close election but loses militarily afterward, causing a Leftist takeover of Washington), and best choice scenario (Trump anticipates massive blue-state secession and negotiates aggressively for a favorable split of the country).
Keep in mind that these are best and worst cases for Trump and his civic nationalist base, not necessarily for white Americans in general or white nationalists in particular. Of course, if Trump were to crush Left-wing secession with minimal US casualties and maximal insurgent casualties, I am sure everyone Center and Right — white nationalists included — would be pleased. Nonetheless, the worst-case scenario for whites in North America would not necessarily hinge on victory for either side but on the bloodletting that would ensue in a drawn-out conflict. Who cares if US forces emerge victorious after a three-year struggle to keep the West Coast? Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of white lives would have been extinguished preventing bomb-throwing Antifa crybabies, chemically-demented anarchists, gender-fluey pronoun warriors, Reconquista-minded Mexicans, cash-addled Hollywood Trotskys, and upwards of 2.61 million black people from practicing their God-given right of freedom of association.
Instead of being permanently free of people who wish to kill, exploit, or subjugate them, whites would have to pay in blood in order to keep such people around. Where’s the sense in that? The last thing white people need is for Donald Trump — or any president — to think he’s the next Abraham Lincoln and envision his face being plastered on the five-dollar bill. Yes, a house divided cannot stand — but no house lasts forever, and some should be demolished to make way for something better.
In the highly unlikely event of secession in November, if Trump does ignores my sage advice regarding splitting up the country, then we are talking about Civil War 2.0. We’ll know in the early going how serious this is. If Trump can wrap it up within two or three weeks with our present military, fine. Doing nothing in that circumstance would clearly be the most prudent choice. The war might even be enjoyable to watch. However, if the war looks like it won’t end soon and would likewise be very costly on both sides, then everyone on the Right should consider something entirely radical:
Why don’t we secede as well?
Imagine several heavily-armed, well-stocked, Right-wing autonomous zones springing up during a crisis like this. Imagine a bloodless takeover of several towns or even a state capital. Would the federal government have the time and resources to deal with such forays while struggling with paramilitary Leftists on both coasts? Would state governments be able to go Waco on these compounds while Black Lives Matter and Antifa stage riots and looting sprees everywhere? It seems to me that the Left attempting to crack off both coasts like a walnut shell offers plenty of opportunities for the Right as well.
Of course, Right-wing secession would take planning, money, time, and effort. What wouldn’t? But if we can get enough ex-military, pilots, engineers, physicians, programmers, farmers, and other smart, tough, self-reliant people talking about it and preparing for it, even just a little bit, then perhaps when the time is right, a critical mass of such people can get the avalanche started. And when the country is already in a precarious position, as in a civil war, what better time would there be?
Until this very moment, as I am typing out these very words, I have believed that Antifa, BLM, and the militant Left in general are the despicable enemies of civilization. But now, I am not so sure. Certainly, they are evil, and in a shooting war would need swift killing. But what if, by shaking the foundations of Western society so vigorously, they are inadvertently serving the interests of the true Right? What if, by wreaking so much havoc, they are offering the Right a precious opportunity for achieving its most important goal: Escape.
I’ll say it again: Escape.
Note that this goal is not military victory, nor is it a white ethnostate. At least not yet.
Allow me to explain.
Western Civilization is dying. We all know this. This is an irreversible process. Much has been written on the topic, so little review here is necessary other than to say that without the creators and inheritors of this great civilization — that is, white people — it is unlikely it will survive. A near-majority of whites today have embraced this death spiral and are committed to various forms of dysgenic, ethnomasochistic, and self-destructive behavior. I’d like to think that articles like this one have a prayer of turning some of these people around, but that’s too much to ask. It’s too late for the vast majority of them. This will soon put the remaining whites — those who remain loyal to Western Civilization, its religions, ideals, and traditions — in the minority in their own nations. To fight against this trend by force of arms would seem futile. In fact, it has already been tried on a large scale three times and resulted in nothing but failure: the American Civil War, the Russian Civil War, and World War II. (Perhaps in these cases, the forces of conservatism and reaction — i.e., the Right — were more concerned with military victory than escape, which could be why they lost.) And as the Left creeps its way to demographic dominance through non-white immigration, each day that passes marks a decreased chance for military success against the Left.
Better to get away than to get even. I have such faith in whites that after a couple of generations of detox, away from the pernicious presence of the Left, we’ll be ready to accomplish great things again. But first, we have to get away. We have to survive and prepare and make babies and — most importantly — not spill our blood in self-destructive wars.
Now here’s a question: under what circumstance would this escape be more plausible? After a far-Left Democratic Party takes over two houses of government and is able to curtail our freedoms and employ the full weight of the US government and military against dissidents? Or during the brief turmoil when the Trump administration has its hands full dealing with Leftist secession on both coasts?
One thing that I like about this idea is that it replaces the common Right-vs-Left paradigm with a relatively novel one: Right-and-Left-vs-Center. In effect, by seceding during such a crisis, the Right would be working in tandem with the Left, with only the center holding it back from its goal of escape. And will the center hold? Well, we all know what William Butler Yeats thought about that.
“The Second Coming,” first stanza, once again, with feeling:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
In the first four lines of this great poem, Yeats was referring to the October Revolution and the chaos and devastation it “loosed upon the world.” When times are in violent transition, it is true that the center cannot hold. People who consider themselves centrists or moderates (the “best,” as Yeats puts it) often do lack conviction during such critical times. They’d rather preserve their innocence and go to Heaven when they die than get their hands dirty and fight (like, presumably, the worst of us). They’d rather take advantage of the trembling peace and prosperity around them than seek to forcefully stabilize their world. Of course, there is nothing morally wrong with this. My point is simply that if a committed, well-armed, separatist-minded Right is faced mostly with namby-pamby moderates during a time of turmoil, the Right will have a hell of a chance.
Another important point: Right-wing separatists should, under no circumstances, call for a white ethnostate. Let me repeat that: No white ethnostate.
[Pauses for the gasping, cursing, and clutching of pearls among my legions of Counter-Currents readers to die down. I love you all! xoxo ???? — SJQ]
Again, allow me to explain.
I envision our goal of Escape as Stage 3 of what I call the ISEE Model of White Survival. “ISEE” stands for “Imbalance,” “Struggle,” “Escape,” and “Ethnostate,” and spells out the four stages of how a white ethnostate can be put into place. Here is a graphical representation for all you visual learners out there:
Since Ethnostate is Stage 4 and Escape Stage 3, it would make sense that anything jeopardizing Stage 3 also jeopardizes Stage 4. As such, the secessionist-minded Right should be as inclusive as possible and accept as many conservatives, traditionalists, alt-lightists, and anti-Leftists as it can. At this point, the essence would be to attain the manpower, weapons, money, and material to properly secede. So mouthing off about the gloriously high walls of the fabled Whitemanistan during Stages 2 and 3 might be a tad counter-productive and scare away people who could potentially help us. Race should not be a deal-breaker at this point, although it almost goes without saying that the secessionist Right must have a significant white majority to begin with in order for the ISEE Model to work — my guess is at least eighty percent. Finally, if the breakaway Right-wing society proves to be viable after several years and is able to withstand the external threat of the Left-wing baseline society, then and only then can whites start planning to form a real white ethnostate. Without the Left hampering their every thought and action, ethnocentric whites would — again — have a hell of a chance.
One advantage of the ISEE Model is that it is portable. It does not have to apply to the highly-unlikely prospect of Democrat secession in November. It can apply whenever an oppressive, anti-white baseline society is dealing with turmoil. I know many on the Right like to consider “the Left” as some monolithic force being controlled remotely by a cabal of Jews behind a curtain somewhere. But in reality, the Left in America is a multiracial, multicultural coalition that includes various demographics known for not playing well with others. It could crack up at any point. Who’s to say that in ten or fifteen years the Left won’t begin to squander its supermajority in racial and ethnic squabbles that turn violent? Such a chaotic circumstance would be the perfect time to implement ISEE.
Like Greg Johnson’s “Slow Cleanse,” the ISEE Model makes a white ethnostate its goal and allows for a good deal of time in achieving this goal. The Slow Cleanse is certainly preferable since its scenario is entirely peaceful and civilized. The ISEE Model, on the other hand, takes advantage of disruption caused by the Left and would likely be less peaceful, at least at first. It would require force of arms, like many historic crises often do. ISEE’s most interesting aspect, however, is that, with the Left threatening secession in various ways today, whites can start envisioning the ethnostate process sooner rather than later.
Perhaps it can start as soon as this November.
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One-hundred properly-trained individuals can crash the US. In 72 hours there would be more chaos than one-hundred DoDs combined could contain. In the past, ‘the Right’ wanted to hand onto ‘Western civilization’ and all the stuff that came with it (landmarks, etc). But, I’m not so sure the White Right gives a crap about that anymore. I think the idea of putting the White Ethnostate last is completely wrong. Is that how the Jews got Israel? No, it was not. The Jews started with their ethnostate and then worked every conceivable angle to get it. Now, Whites aren’t Jews, so we’re not going to connive and deceive our way into it. We’re going to do what Whites have always done: Make it so.
You’re not going to get the quasi-religious fervor that makes the difficult possible without a ‘eutopia’ to direct the energies of the White race. The White Nationalist Creed must contain the support for — and working towards — one or more White ethnostates.
White people need to ‘escape’ to somewhere. For too long Whites have been escaping to nowhere.
Thanks. On the ground, I’d say a first order of battle must be organizing a truckers’ boycott of Portland, Seattle, NYC, etc, as well as strikes by white railroad, construction, utility, and medical workers. This won’t be 100%, but at least get this idea being talked about at truck stops and break rooms. If the purpose of the “defund the cops” movement is to disband them and replace them with Obama’s promised Civilian National Security Force–a uniformed, federal police force–, which he says will be just as well-funded, equipped, and as large as the US military, we can expect this force to revert to looting, arson, and slaughter of innocent whites almost immediately. In any case and regardless of a federal police replacing municipal and local police in America, BLM’s leaders are already promising open warfare is the future for suburbia and gentrified areas in the cities.
The question I have, considering they either win in 2020 or 2024, is how to protect suburban areas from these mobs moving in under cover of “hands up, dont’ shoot” and a uniformed federal police force comprised of BLM and Antifas out for white blood, which is going to be the case. If Biden/Harris win this time it’ll be because of the vote of America’s white women giving them the edge, and if it’s that edge that the Dems require to win, I believe they will win. This complicates matters since these women will be welcoming BLM and Antifa into suburbia with streets lined with school children and their mothers, à la Camp of the Saints, waving little BLM flags and their prize essays denouncing themselves and their parents for “white privilege.” What I’m getting at is the Left’s strategy will be neutralizing suburban defenses with Trojan horses like “peaceful protest” and “hands up, don’t shoot” as well as the complicity of America’s white women. So, how do you open up on a group of invaders looking to do the South African thing once the Trojan horse has them in your face and the next moment you and your kids are stomped into puddles of blood in the streets?
Thank you for such an interesting and well thought out strategy. The problem I am having with some of the articles I’ve read in Counter-Currents since I discovered this site a short while ago (I’m not sure that ‘problem’ is the right word, but I’ll leave it at that). Is that I sense in these articles a sense of quiet despair, of pessimism for the future of the White race. For example, you wrote: ‘Western Civilization is dying. We all know this. This is an irreversible process. Much has been written on the topic, so little review here is necessary other than to say that without the creators and inheritors of this great civilization — that is, white people — it is unlikely it will survive. A near-majority of whites today have embraced this death spiral and are committed to various forms of dysgenic, ethnomasochistic, and self-destructive behavior’. And Greg Johnson, in his essay on restoring White Homelands which you refer to, wrote: ‘Unless the present political, economic, and cultural system is destroyed, whites will become extinct in all of our homelands, and we will be replaced by non-whites’.
I have a hunch that this pessimism is rooted in a ‘USA-centric perspective’ of the White Question (to paraphrase the JQ). Things are not as bad outside North-America (Canada is worse of a disaster). Look at Russia, there are about 130 million Whites there, and with their nationalist government of Putin, they are not going anywhere. The same could be said of Eastern Europe: Hungary with Orban, Poland which declared itself a Christian country, Czechs, Slovaks, Estonia, etc.
Western Europe is worse, but Salvini will win in Italy, and Marie Le Pen in France. Then immigration will be reversed.
Now look in South America: we have Argentina which has no Blacks, and very few natives. Race is not even an issue, other than the fact that Whites are very elitists and are absolutely NOT into miscegenation.
Now, you wrote that ‘One advantage of the ISEE Model is that it is portable’. I think that it is not only portable in time, but also geographically, and that it should be best applied to the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to a certain extent, and parts of Western Europe.
This is a good site too:
He says Argentina has suffered massive illegal Mestizo and Indian immigration from its neighbors and Whites live in fear in Buenos Aires and other cities.
The Slow Cleanse is only possible after Partition.
As long as America exists, we are the ones who will be Slow Cleansed.
Bring on Nov 4th.
PS an essay / short story on the joy of the Day of Victory has a place, what a day that will be!!
Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive
But to be young was very heaven.
William Wordsworth, The Prelude
Excellent scenario, well-presented. I think that after the Secession you outline–after we have attained a fairly cohesive ethnostate — that a good many White Lefties would return to the White Fold i.e., White Ethnostate. As soon as the loosely coalesced multicultural conquerors try to begin ruling their new ill-gotten gains — the East Coast and the Left Coast — they will begin to quarrel among themselves, with each race — yes, race! — claiming leadership and control. Peace, Love and Justice, and One World won’t last long. And certainly they will not be kindly to any White ‘fellow travelers’ remaining among them in their midst. And without any ‘White Enemy’ to fight and keep them focused, Black POCs will no longer get along with Hispanic POCs nor quarrelsome Moslem POC latecomers to the fray, etc. The Whites will see the writing on the wall and high-tail it back to Mommy and Daddy! I foresee that we’ll regain millions of repentant Whites.
“I have such faith in whites that after a couple of generations of detox, away from the pernicious presence of the Left, we’ll be ready to accomplish great things again” – I agree completely. Although as a caveat, we would be wise to be very cautious who we allow inside any future White ethnostate, especially among White ‘woke’ liberals, including any tolerance for Leftist/Cultural-Marxist ideology, lest we find ourselves fighting the same battles all over again. We must make sure to have learned from our past mistakes.
This doesn’t mean that each and every White person is required to be politically and racially pure in terms of ideology, but only that we cannot afford to allow unrepentant and committed Leftists to dwell among us. These people have a persistent habit of creating social upheaval wherever they go, so unless we want to engage in the same enduring struggles once again, we must prevent these misfits from taking root among our people.
Yes, Capitalism/Communism are mind viruses. We simply cannot allow them to flourish as we did last time. It was madness to send our children to universities to be indoctrinated into these death cults. The Third Way is the only upward Path now. Not the shaky midpoint balance of Marxist Socialism, but rather National Socialism.
When the Nazis invaded the USSR, they quickly squandered their good will by decimating Slavs. This hardened resistance to their attack and Stalin quickly adopted a ethno-nationalist tone in his speeches.
This is a simple truth. Political goals should not interfere with military ones. Ideological purity is a peacetime enterprise.
On the other hand, as WW2 dragged on the economic needs of the German War machine required more and more labor. This being the Reich it resulted in a massive influx of Slavic slaves into Germany proper. This resulted in the exact opposite of Nazi post war goals.
The Pacific North-West of the US often features in nationalist fiction and ‘war gaming’ as the nucleus of a successionist white ethnostate, but we should ask: have not recent events made that scenario look like a fantasy?
The urban areas of that region, at the very least, seem to be absolutely rife with Antifa types and sympathetic ethnomasochistic whites. How on earth could an insurrection commence, let alone gain traction, where not even the police can master the local Reds and Anarchists?
Reversing the political weather in a city and its environs is definitely feasible: Dr Goebbels accomplished it in Berlin in the late 1920s. Similar preparatory actions in selected US metropoleis seem to me an absolute prerequisite of any attempted nationalist attentat.
But as I have said before, circumstances will have to worsten considerably for the average white man in the street before a nationalist remedy becomes palatable to him. And I say ‘man’ here, because a large percentage of women now living in the West will never entertain a worldview that teaches exclusion and inequality: it goes against all instinct and conditioning.
That makes our task harder: but on the other hand it is not impossible. There is much groundwork to be done, which may take decades. But the ‘woke’ Left can be counted on to wreak further chaos and insanity. Their coalition may seize control, but it is artificial and brittle. When it collapses, then will be our chance.
“The Pacific North-West of the US often features in nationalist fiction and ‘war gaming’ as the nucleus of a successionist white ethnostate, but we should ask: have not recent events made that scenario look like a fantasy?” …
Totally agree, why on Earth would one start there !? Apart from the obvious like sea ports and transportation hubs etc, the populace (especially in the large cities) would provide too much initial resistance. Much better to start from an ideological and geological advantage and move on from there.
Women’s suffrage, women in the workplace, single-mommy-hood, the feminization and/or female prioritization of the churches, no-fault divorce, #metoo, etc. All these things have made it impossible for a right-wing movement to exist among white people anywhere in the western world barring total social collapse. If right-wing philosophies are based on hierarchy and authority, that is to say, inequality as a positive good, then having half or more white people be absolutely invested in equality as a basis for their lives means that any kind of pre-collapse “secession” or white-positive consciousness is impossible. Leftists and liberals all believe in equality or preach it in one form or other, and so long as women believe that they are or were a persecuted CLASS (in a Marxist sense) they will never give up their prosperity or their moral high ground to become submissive to men barring the inception of a world that is filled with bands of roving murderers and rapists intent on taking them as slaves at best. Women are not capable as a group of endorsing our ideals, and without them we can’t even form a united front to “secede” from the system, much less make babies and grow the population or form a stable post-secession society. It won’t even be satisfying to say “I told you so” because probably western man will have ceased to exist already by then.
Excellent points. I see no way around this problem either.
Yet somehow many of them ended up voting for Trump. Marriage and motherhood (hopefully in that order) are initiations for women. Once they realize their sons have no future, they are able to see the Light.
I wish you were right about that, Jaego, but I think if we took a poll of the guys with kids (even and especially sons) and asked them to describe their wives’ politics they would paint a grimmer picture. Maybe I’m wrong, but it has been my experience in observing my friends, coworkers, members of church congregation, and even members of my family that women do not change when they have kids – there is no motivation for them to do so. As long as women are still desirable by heterosexual men for sex (which they will be by definition) and as long as they are able to work and earn a living outside the home and as long as they can vote in elections, etc. they actually don’t NEED men for anything except for what THEY want. If that’s babies, then then will find a way to get pregnant, if that’s financial stability while they pursue education and incur debts that otherwise would have prevented them from living My Best Life and not having to sacrifice, then they will get married, if they don’t want to feel guilty about being a single mommy with a mulatto baby in tow they go to church and shame the leadership into accepting their sordid pasts, and so on. Until women NEED men for something other than extra spending money or sperm (and by that I mean it is physically too dangerous or socially too unacceptable for them to leave the home for any length of time without a bodyguard or chaperone) they will not change their ways except to become more and more “progressive.”
Good observation on married women. Corresponds with my experience.
But I manage to get my daughters thinking at times. A bit of light there.
And in the background you have the big boogeyman whose contours you may observe in New York these days – the possible collapse of the welfare state, and anarchy in the streets. It will bring the women back into cooperation very fast indeed.
I posted this on Pt 1, but received no responses, so I am reposting here:
Spencer Quinn,
Eventually, the ethnostate will require the dissolving of the Union. On that we can all agree.
But you seem to forget that there are vast numbers of patriots on the Left Coast (I’m one of them!), and progtards in the heartland. Breaking up that isn’t fairly mutually consensual all around will create a shitstorm beyond belief. The West Coast state governments can’t simply secede – not without holding some kind of referendum (nor could heartland states the other way). Indeed, if they did “secede”, for patriots times would become glorious! Because the lefties would be engaging in illegal insurrection, which means patriots would now be free to start eliminating them with impunity (as people did not do to criminals during the Floyd terrorism). Indeed, it would be our patriotic duty to do so.
Do you think cops and highway patrol will just follow orders – orders from a now illegal government? Esp when a majority of cops (in my experience, which is more than that of Joe Average) are not leftists? What about National Guard units, most of whose members do NOT come from “blue cities”? Will they be loyal to some leftist state government acting illegally, or to the Federal Government?
If the West Coast tries to secede, I understand Greg Johnson’s point that this would be great for the rest of America (and would lend legitimacy to the Ethnostate, and might hasten its creation). But at this moment in time, it would be ten thousand times smarter for Trump NOT to accept such secession, but to then invoke the Insurrection Act and under its auspices move to utterly crush the left, esp antifa and BLM. I mean just destroy them physically, legally, and politically. Much can be done in wartime that cumbersome juridical procedures prevent in peacetime. Do you understand that most Americans, very much including in CA, and esp OR and WA (those latter states have huge conservative populations in their eastern areas, people much closer in demography as well as attitude to those in Idaho, Utah, Montana, than to the weirdos in Portland and Seattle), would NOT support such Left Coast secession? Nor would many Democrats outside the Left Coast, knowing that losing CA would give most of the FedGov to the GOP. (Indeed, do you think Nancy Pelosi would go along with Left Coast secession, as that would end her speakership?)
An illegal Left Coast secession declaration would give Trump all the ‘cover’ he would need to make full use of the potentially awesome police powers of the Federal Govt.
Moreover, as intimated above, Trump could also Federalize the state National Guards (and believe me, most members would side with the Feds than a bunch of Portland antifa scum); possibly take Federal control of the police and highway patrols; and, best of all, deputize millions of Left Coast patriots, telling us to do whatever is necessary to quell the state government rebellion against the USA.
No, sorry, but the Left is not nearly this stupid. They play the long game, and victory in that game belongs to them, thanks to our insane dispossession by immigration invasion.
We could really use a West Coast seaport. We need at least a broad corridor thru Southern Oregon to the sea.
And in the Midwest, access to the Great Lakes and from there, the Atlantic.
Hi Lord Shang,
Sorry for the late response and thank you for your persistence.
You make some excellent points about the practicality of secession. I would imagine that if the SHTF in the manner described by Podesta, then entire states would secede more or less at once. The likelihood of this happening is, of course, another topic. But assuming that this is possible, then the insurgents would see themselves as “illegal” as much as the Confederacy did. And, yes, I think that a significant portion of the police would follow their paychecks rather than the federal government–many of the nonwhite ones would for sure. Actually, I would think that no state government would dare secede without foreknowledge of a critical mass of police of NG to enforce it. So, in the scenario I describe in these articles, it’s baked in the cake that there would be sufficient manpower on the Left to force Washington to take secession seriously.
Also, as this happens, I would imagine there would also be a vast population transfer of committed leftists across the country heading for the action and conservative/tradiationalist/race realist people either escaping or hastily forming militias to engage the insurgents.
“The West Coast state governments can’t simply secede – not without holding some kind of referendum.”
This assumes that rule of law means something in places like Portland where the DA is an Antifa sympathizer and all but refuses to prosecute rioters. If only one state announces secession (with or without a referendum) and makes good on this announcement, it is not out of the question that similarly minded states with similarly minded governors or powerful mayors would follow, again, regardless of whether there is a referendum.
“But at this moment in time, it would be ten thousand times smarter for Trump NOT to accept such secession, but to then invoke the Insurrection Act and under its auspices move to utterly crush the left, esp antifa and BLM. I mean just destroy them physically, legally, and politically.”
Agree, as long as the military won’t switch sides. The Left is *very* good at playing the victim, especially considering that they control the media almost entirely. It wouldn’t take much after a blunder or two on the part of the US military to get public opinion shifting to the side of the Left–at least enough to prompt some defection among the military. what percentage of our military is nonwhite?
“Do you understand that most Americans, very much including in CA, and esp OR and WA … would NOT support such Left Coast secession?”
No sure about that. But would it matter? All you would need is the Democratic leadership in one state to get the ball rolling. It won’t matter what the majority of Americans want.
“An illegal Left Coast secession declaration would give Trump all the ‘cover’ he would need to make full use of the potentially awesome police powers of the Federal Govt.”
Yeah, that’s probably what would happen. But one can hope that Trump can think outside the box!
“No, sorry, but the Left is not nearly this stupid. They play the long game, and victory in that game belongs to them, thanks to our insane dispossession by immigration invasion.”
Yes and no. Yes, I agree that nonwhite immigration is their long game strategy. No, because they are currently losing their minds over Trump and risking a general insurgence during a time when we have a relatively strong Republican in the WH. If they were really playing the long game, they would simply wait till 2024 or 2028 once they have a supermajority rather than risk defeat or alienating the public, which is what all their antics are doing right now.
“Western Civilization is dying. We all know this. This is an irreversible process. Much has been written on the topic, so little review here is necessary other than to say that without the creators and inheritors of this great civilization — that is, white people — it is unlikely it will survive. A near-majority of whites today have embraced this death spiral and are committed to various forms of dysgenic, ethnomasochistic, and self-destructive behavior. I’d like to think that articles like this one have a prayer of turning some of these people around, but that’s too much to ask. It’s too late for the vast majority of them. This will soon put the remaining whites — those who remain loyal to Western Civilization, its religions, ideals, and traditions — in the minority in their own nations. To fight against this trend by force of arms would seem futile. In fact, it has already been tried on a large scale three times and resulted in nothing but failure: the American Civil War, the Russian Civil War, and World War II.”
I disagree.
1) once again people west of Central Europe narrow “Western Civilization” only to America and Europe between UK and Germany. But us Czechs, Poles, Hungarians, Russians, Romanians, Serbs, etc. are part of it too, you know? And the majority here is still willing to fight. Yes, our youths are subjugated to the same brain washing propaganda, but we still have well over a decade to get as bad as yours.
2) the conflicts you mention don’t really fit the same narrative we’re dealing with. Even though they ultimately channel into it, what the people were dealing with back then was extremely different – especially in terms of avaiable weapons and information.
R-ang, your point is well taken. When I wrote “Western Civilization” I am referring to Western Europe and the Anglosphere, not Eastern Europe and Russia, which are in better shape, no doubt, and also part of Western Civilization. I should have written something like “white civilization in the West.” Thanks.
Leftists are seriously considering secession despite leftists having all the real power and Trump not doing anything. This raises the question: What drives leftists? It’s not “power” (since they have already have it). It’s not “progress” (since nothing can stop the leftward drift of politics and culture). When you get down to it, I think what really drives leftists is an all-encompassing, genocidal hatred for conservatives. They hate that we exist. Period.
Conclusion: There can be no peaceful co-existence with these spiteful mutants. They are truly demonic. They want to kill us all even if they die in the process. We need to destroy them or escape from them. We need to be thinking along these lines.
These were good articles. Great food for thought.
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