3,350 words
I’m a pretty cold-hearted realist, but after such a buildup of how the Right has been losing again and again for over a century, I expected something perhaps a bit more stirring. Some call to arms, or flowering prose. Instead, you essentially offer “Who knows? Our luck may change; stranger things have happened.”
— 3g4me
Okay, so you got me there. I don’t know how we win. I don’t know the arms I should call you to. I believe the applicable American idiom is “our goose is cooked.” Or is it?
I chastise people for throwing around words without understanding their true meaning, but I’m guilty of it myself. I use words like “win” and “lose” without pointing out the hidden assumption in their usage — that we are engaged in a winnable (or losable) game. But small-h history is not a game. Therefore, I am not sure it can be “won.” It can, however, be lost. To die, or more specifically, to be eradicated as a people, is to lose the game. Much like a guerrilla army, you’re winning as long as you can keep on existing. So, in this sense, I don’t know how to win. But I do know how the enemy can lose.
We are dealing with an enemy that has functionally infinite resources. A lot of people make noises about not working so our tax monies won’t go towards feeding the beast, but the fact of the matter is that the beast can just print money, magic it into being, or borrow it on infinite credit. Many people have looked to cryptocurrencies as a possible solution to this problem. Far be it from me to tell people not to invest in crypto, but I must doubt its usefulness as a political tool. Either cryptocurrency will be banned by the enemy, thus becoming useless as stores of value, or coopted by the enemy, thus becoming a weapon in the enemy’s hands. Others are looking for ways to disassociate themselves from the system hoping to starve it, but ultimately, the system can bring forth unlimited capital and material to sustain itself. We won’t starve it that way.
What the beast genuinely lacks is personnel. If there’s a way to starve the beast, it is by starving it of people to staff its armies and institutions. Now, I’m not talking about redpilling the normies to the point where they no longer work for the system here. I’ve discussed this notion elsewhere and found it lacking. Rather, I’m discussing here the possibility of dissuading the scarcest of possible neurotypes from contributing to the system. A scheme for redpilling the natural elites, if you will.
Every time we find ourselves in a position of needing to hire someone, we must take into account two macroparameters that will affect his job performance. The first is competence: the ability to do the job, learn from mistakes, and adapt to changing circumstances — the nice, material categories of labor value.
The second macroparameter is loyalty: the predilection of the employee to put the interests of the employer first, above his own, ahead of his honor and pride, above that of his family, even. The second macroparameter is less visible to people in the private sector (and here I mean the mostly nonpolitical sectors of the economy, which are vanishingly few) because private sector loyalty is usually bought with money (although not always). Loyalty, however, is very important in employees who are trusted with their employer’s secrets whether in matters of both physical and cybersecurity or security of position. Loyalty is the most important parameter in gatekeepers, information processors and conveyors, controllers of finance, and personal assistants and secretaries — really, anyone whose defection would ruin their employer.
The factory boss doesn’t care if the laborer pushing buttons on an assembly line quits and seeks employment with his competitor, so the laborer will be valued chiefly for his ability to push buttons. The engineer, however, knows the ins and outs of the product. The personnel manager could uproot the whole team with him and the bossman’s secretary, who knows that he de-stresses by dressing up as a woman when no one’s looking (this one might be getting dated). These people will be valued for their loyalty — and their loyalty will be richly rewarded.
This is one of the many reasons why meritocracy is not only impossible, but a cruel lie told to the young by the unscrupulous old. The fact of the matter is that loyalty counts for more than merit and is rewarded more than merit. Incidentally, this is why we often see nepotism — sometimes, only family is loyal enough.
Why this long detour into the art of personnel selection and management? We need to understand the process by which our enemy hires personnel to staff its administration and armies. Globohomo has discovered a machine for generating infinite loyalty called bioleninism. Briefly, it is the art of forging a coalition with which to seize power and rule out of literal human garbage: minorities, criminals, whores, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and unmarried women in their mid-to-late 30s. Since this literal human garbage has nothing to go for it without the structure which keeps it around, it is fanatically loyal to the structure. And loyalty trumps merit, so Globohomo staffs its institutions with the ultra-loyal bioleninist human garbage, and the loss of quality due to incompetence is minor.
However, there’s a limit to how much competence can be sacrificed before the operations of empire grind to a halt. Globohomo therefore needs a minimum number of high-IQ, mentally stable men who are nevertheless sufficiently loyal to it to work in its institutions, distributed among its many institutions. For purposes here, let’s say that the “high IQ” in the previous parameters are IQs 108 and above (the so-called smart fraction), even though there are some positions that require an even higher IQ than that. There are three sources from which globohomo can recruit: domestic talent, rival empires, and the Third World.
The nature of globohomo’s loyalty machine has made the recruitment of native-born, high-IQ, mentally stable men who are nevertheless sufficiently loyal to it more difficult than it has to be. By turning the heterosexual white male into the Great Other, it has denied itself this highest quality of soldier and administrator at the cost of securing loyalty from its bioleninist coalition. However, there are structures and narratives out there which can still secure the white man’s labor for globohomo even as he’s repeatedly bashed over the head with the woke cudgel. I’m talking, of course, about the structures and narratives connected to conservatism and libertarianism, specifically those which glorify laboring in globohomo’s institutions even as one is hated, scorned, punished, and never given the rewards and status which should follow from such labor.
If we want to strike at the heart of globohomo, we must destroy the conservative and libertarian ideologies — especially the narratives of heroic white male martyrdom purveyed by men like Jordan Peterson or philo-Semitic evangelical churches. Conservatism and libertarianism serve as loyalty generation machines for globohomo, ensuring that white men accept being second and third-class citizens in its empire. Beyond that, nationalists can also restrict the talent supply from this end by amplifying globohomo’s antiwhite and antimale messaging and bringing awareness of their persecution to the mentally stable white men of IQ 108 and above, as well as providing alternative narratives for these white men, where heroism consists in refusing to work for the evil empire, even at the cost of one’s own prosperity and status. We’ll come back to this later.
Globohomo can choose to (and has been) shore up its supply of high-IQ, mentally stable men by recruiting such men from rival empires, like Russia and China, two countries that seem to be somewhat independent of globohomo.
Of course, Russia is off-limits as a location for recruiting competent men to staff globohomo’s institutions because a) Russians are too white, which causes problems for globohomo’s loyalty machine, and b) Russians seem for whatever reason to be more loyal to their own state. For this reason, globohomo mostly recruits from China.
Now, the problem with China is twofold. Firstly, you can never be sure about the competence of the Han, a people notorious for cheating on tests. Secondly, you can never be sure about the loyalty of the Han, who are ridiculously dishonest, clannish, and low-trust. The tech world is full of stories of Han engineers absconding to Chinkystan with corporate or government secrets. Nevertheless, Chinese and more broadly Asian males represent a large pool from which high-IQ, mentally stable workers can be recruited for globohomo’s institutions. This is somehow mitigated by their relatively low status on the intersectional totem pole and their comparatively lower quality as compared to white men, but it’s a problem that persists.
One possible path may be to offer the same heroic narrative of refusing to work for globohomo to non-Han Asian males — or, as the kids like to say, “one struggle” with them. Another way may be to encourage repatriation to their homelands, a prospect that may become ever more appealing as crime becomes increasingly legal in the West. The Han problem, however, remains the greater one. If I am right about the codependent nature of China vis a vis globohomo, then globohomo might have just found a way to import infinite numbers of Sino-bureaucrats to staff its institutions. Nevertheless, the low genetic diversity of the Chinese means limited space for specialization, and their want of creative problem-solving makes this a suboptimal solution to globohomo’s personnel problems.
The third source of suitable men to staff globohomo’s institution is the Third World. Now, it is a large area of the world, with a vast and diverse population, but we can generally break it down into 5 regions from which personnel can be imported into the West: Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and especially the Indian subcontinent and Eastern Europe.
Since our threshold for being accepted is a minimum IQ of 108, we can cross off sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East off our list. I’m sure there are lots of mentally stable men with IQ 108 and higher in these regions and I’m also sure that globohomo would love to poach them (and already does), but there’s simply not enough of them. Staffing an empire, especially one as sprawling as globohomo’s, requires a lot of smart people. That leaves us with Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia.
Let’s start with the obvious. There are regimes in these regions that are hostile to globohomo and see little defection of quality personnel to globohomo. Cross them off the list. We’re still left with vast populations of high-IQ, mentally stable men who can be recruited. Each region, indeed, each nation, presents unique challenges, but let’s look at them in broad terms.
Latin American men would seem like a good choice for globohomo at first glance. They are non-white or mestizo, so they can fit into the intersectional totem pole. They have grievances against white men. Mexicans in particular have territorial pretensions towards America. So far so good, right? Now, let’s look more closely.
The higher-IQ Latin American men are white, espomolo, or castizo. White Hispanic isn’t just a category invented to pin the death of Trayvon Martin on whites. High-admixture Hispanic men are likelier to find themselves further down the totem pole than initially thought, but those are your brightest guys, your doctor Fernandezes and colonel Lopezes. Moving further, Latin American men are small-c conservative, appreciate strong government, and tend to be Catholic. This is nothing that globohomo can’t subvert, but it’s going to give them headaches. A non-insignificant contingent of Hispanic men voted for Orange Hitler, or as they called him, el caudillo yanqui. There’s also Latin America’s problematic Spanish cultural heritage, which includes machismo, authoritarian rule, and a desire for organic states. Worst of all, these characteristics are most displayed by the white, espomolo, and castizo Latin men who are also the likeliest to have the necessary IQ to staff globohomo’s institutions. Indeed, we see one such Latin man, employed to staff the LAPD, doing the unspeakable: saying no to a black woman.
Moving on to Southeast Asia and India in particular. Much has been said about the IQ of the Indian Brahmins. Less has been said about their ultimate loyalties, and for good reason. Indians are the most clannish people on the planet, and Indian Brahmins back up this clannishness with 3000 years of arrogance. As most tech people know, the second you get an Indian in a hiring position, your company will soon be overflowing with Indians, most of them his relatives, who are never loyal to the firm, only to their clan. Once they have reached a significant critical mass, they’ll start busting out the company (or just the department they’ve taken over). Hiring Indians is the same as spending company money on hookers and blow, only offering less in hedonic pleasure and criminal culpability. We shouldn’t interrupt globohomo as it afflicts itself with this infestation.
This leaves us with Eastern Europe, an interesting situation. Eastern Europeans are white, but without the historical baggage of colonialism. Unlike Russians, Eastern Europeans have weaker loyalties to their ruling regimes and higher loyalties to their families. Being white, Eastern Europeans aren’t as likely to hollow out institutions as the Indians, and the legacy of communism means they’re on average less conservative than Latin Americans (although machismo is still prevalent). Eastern Europeans might not have particular love for globohomo, but the lack of an alternative regime to swear loyalty to means that they’re prepared to work with globohomo to realize their potential. The only thing preventing massive recruitment from this area is the fact that Eastern Europeans are white, but this is sadly only true for globohomo’s American and most virulently anti-white node. European globohomo outposts are already availing themselves of Eastern European smart fraction labor.
How to solve this problem? Well, the first thing is to promote immigration restriction and in particular a clampdown on legal immigration, but that ship has long sailed, I’m afraid. As it happens, the Dissident Right hasn’t got the power and the mainstream Right hasn’t got the power or inclination to enact immigration restrictions. In fact, the mainstream Right might encourage high IQ immigration, framing it as patriotic to feed foreign brains into the open maw of globohomo. This is one of those unwinnable games, for the time being at least. Globohomo has to die before we get the immigration and demographic situation under control in the West.
The second way is to amplify and reframe globohomo’s anti-white and anti-male messages in such a way that white Hispanic and Eastern European smart fraction men realize that globohomo is coming for them as well and that they won’t be allowed to peacefully ply their trades in the West. We must also nurture these men’s already-strong in-group preferences and encourage them to return to their homelands and build strong nations. In other words, a form of pan-nationalism. That’s fine, but what do we do with the smart fraction white men who’re still toiling away in globohomo’s salt mines? What narrative do we give them?
If anything could be learned from the 2020 election and its aftermath, and especially the crackdown on nationalists and dissidents in the wake of the January 6 events, it’s that there’s no chance of infiltrating the system and subverting it from within. Really, the only way forward I can see is to starve the beast of smart fraction labor and then exploit the gaps in its functioning as they arise. Without smart fraction labor, and especially creative smart fraction labor (an even smaller pool of men), globohomo will become fragile to uncertainty and the passage of time. At that point, it will fall, and as we stated in the beginning, “lose.” The problem, however, is that laboring for globohomo is for many people the only way to fulfill their unique potential. “Be all you can be” is not possible unless you combine your labor with capital, and alas, globohomo has some very unique capital at its disposal — capital you won’t be able to find elsewhere, or at least not outside of empire.
Let’s say you have the potential to be an ace pilot. Your full potential will not be unlocked unless you have a jet fighter at your disposal. Apropos, unless you’re willing to serve in any of globohomo’s air forces, or the air force of a rival empire (if you’re even eligible), your full potential will never be realized, even though you might make a life for yourself that’s not too shabby. It means foregoing “the best you can be.” It’s a lot to ask of any man, let alone the best kind of man, for whom these words are being written.
Each time we become something, we kill what we chose not to become. When I elected to go to law school, I killed Nick Jeelvy, MD, Nick Jeelvy, architect, and Nick Jeelvy, PhD. When I chose to run for Parliament on a dissident platform, I killed the man I was for 6 years, Nick Jeelvy, attorney at law. When I turned down offers from one minor and two major political parties to enter as part of their leadership, I killed those three men. When I turned down offers to start work as an assistant public prosecutor (a kind of district attorney, though not quite) and judge, I killed those two men. Becoming is a painful process, because each step is a murder-suicide. What I’m asking of you is to kill the best you can be, but also to kill criminals.
The men you could become with access to globohomo’s capital are fine and respectable, but they’re ultimately accessories to a crime — the crime being the erasure of our people. These men that you kill belong to that most tragic class of criminals who know not what they’re doing, led by incentives and noble intentions to do evil to themselves and their fellow man. I’m asking you to not be those men. I’m asking you, like Arminius, to deny yourself greatness. That’s a big ask.
Please do not misinterpret this as a call to drop everything and become a NEET. Yes, I know, work stinks. Rather, I’m asking you, if you’re conducting scientific research, part of globohomo’s military or state apparatus, maintaining its core functions, or something along those lines, to quit and start a business that will not contribute to globohomo. It can be a bakery, or it can be a business in your field which will not provide skilled labor to globohomo. You can seek out employment with people you’re sure aren’t friends of globohomo, or you can go off-grid and live like Uncle Ted. Do whatever you like. Just stop feeding the beast. And here we come to the final stage of our path to victory.
If enough high-quality people disconnect, we don’t just starve globohomo, but we also attain the ability to start building institutions of our own: parallelism. It’s not enough that globohomo loses. The vacuum might be filled by a likewise hostile faction. Rather, the vacuum must be filled by the institutions we’ve constructed separately from the enemy’s system. There and then, we will get the chance to excel and be great again. But until then, our main focus should be on attempting to get high-quality people, especially high-quality white people, to stop feeding the beast.
Now that sounds like a winnable game.
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I’m not white and I live very far away from America
I’m not here to give advice as this isn’t my war
I’m just here to say I hope that you win
Whites need a home to call their own and florish
Racism is simply being part of a very large family and preferring ones own over others
Absolutely nothing wrong with that
In order to free ourselves and our brethren in Eastern Europe we need to focus towards regaining our lost autonomy in the information sphere and geopolitics. As for working for the globohomo, I take a more flexible stance with advising “redpilled” people to gain experience, know-how and initial cash boost wherever they can. Sure, trans-national companies are getting more and more obnoxious with their woke creeds, but they also provide valuable access to technologies, systems and training that we don’t have in our backwater provinces of the Empire. If we cannot rely on our own political systems to provide protection from international competition, we need to pry as much knowledge as we can to start our own ventures. At the same time we can scout for some hidden potential among our skilled coworkers so we either scoop them out once we part ways with the company or keep them as contacts and inside-men to provide intel. As for the deracinated urbanite types, there’s little we can do, I’m afraid. I personally witnessed ukrainian students (especially women) getting all giddy about working for EU institutions and afilliated QUANGOs once they leave the walls of polish universities. Sure, many of them opt to either emigrate further or just stay here, but are of little potential when it comes to fighting the globohomo (that enabled them to come here in the first place). There is definitely a merit in what You wrote about the service for the Dark Forces, as evidenced by the Ukrainian Crisis, where nationalists made deals with the devil, taking money from jewish oligarchs (Kolomoisky et consortes) and allying with the American Empire against Russia (at the cost of deteriorating autonomy).
There is another hurdle we face in Eastern Europe, which some croatian blogger called “the swine right” in his blogpost. We both probably know the type: loud, obnoxious, spouts national slogans (along with flag-waving), but bends over to globohomo when things go tougher. At the same time they run their businesses like plantations and treat workers like shit. Those mini-despots are an important catalyst for the youth to dream about working in western companies or the public sector (that indulges in nonsensical regulations). Overcoming our own problems with low trust is paramount to gaining any foothold against the globohomo, that lures people with false promises of GoodLife. Things are already stagnant on local level with mini-oligarchs maintaining their little political fiefdoms so starting there is a good strategy.
As for the problem of smart-fraction whites working for the system I agree that hopes for infiltration are false since distributed systems are hard to subvert from within. What narrative should be offered for those poor souls? In my opnion: none. Instead, make them fall into your narrative with some help from the people running the anti-white system. It’s been easier than ever to foment racial strife in all spheres of life for some time now. Accelerationism as main strategy is a dumb idea, but as a situational tactic it may bear some promising fruits. Some people just need a bit of nudging into a right direction and they can do the rest for you. A fragment of a wild rumour can often do more damage than an entire armored division. This is where infiltration makes sense: gain access to enemy’s information network, infect it with false intel directed at specific target(s), wait for the anti-white machine to do the rest. Twitter mobs, HR departments, SJW pack hounds, all of them starve for blood and will often overlook contradictory evidence to satiate their bloodlust. Bioleninism ensures loyalty to the system, but it’s weak on horizontal level where cutthroats will often eat their way through the food chain regardless of “intersectionality”.
Yes, I remember the swine right post. I’m in the comments calling the guy a faggot. He obscures the true source of this local problem, that these despotic business owners are red-bourgeoisie, sons of the nomenklatura, often Jewish or otherwise non-native to the lands they occupy, so he can fit it into the neoreactionary framework (which cannot brook the notion of foreign elites being bad).
“He obscures the true source of this local problem, that these despotic business owners are red-bourgeoisie, sons of the nomenklatura, often Jewish or otherwise non-native to the lands they occupy(…)”
Don’t know how it worked out in Macedonia, but here the jewish communist faction was largely purged in the 60s with some of their spawn returning as dissident intellectuals. Remnants of red-bourgeoisie are present, but they’re of native stock and their servile mentality towards foreign masters is likely ingrained from decades of living in the “Outer Empire” of the USSR. However, their treatment towards their workers and the way they run their businesses runs deeper into psychology and has likely more to do with peasant background and the history of agricultural economy in Poland. Ours was not a country of yeomen, but peasant serfs in the open-field feudal system. Even during the interwar period II Polish Republic was mostly rural and began do develop stronger middle-class (which was the main target demographic for nationalists), while peasants leaned towards agrarism. Then came the War and massive flattening of country’s socio-economic structure, that made it easier for communists to estabilish their neo-feudal system of “real socialism”. Hence why post-communists oligarchs run their ventures as they do, they only comprehend the system where there is a lord and a serf. Making a segue into american race matters, I’m not surprised that blacks desire to lord over whites as they are limited in their comprehension to perceive other forms of power relations, which is compounded by their lower IQ.
Many great ideas here. I am especially worried about Ukraine, as I know some people there and their situations — sporadic working situations, and no promise of a steady paycheck even if they do work. But they have still managed to start families, and each has two young children already. Eastern Europe is still shaking off its socialist tyranny of the past, and I am assuming a lot of politicians are stuffing money into Swiss or offshore banks, which is stifling growth and proper economics in many places. But that’s a problem everywhere. Thanks for telling us about the hopes for making things better there, and their nationalist ideals as well.
Mr. Jeelvy:
Many thanks for using my tongue-in-cheek comment as a jumping off point. I don’t actually expect policy proposals from anyone, of course, as I don’t see there’s anything we can realistically do today that’s not already being done. One by one, White young men are realizing they have no future in this society, and White families are attempting to carve out lives apart from globohomo as much as they are able.
As far as limiting the smart fraction willing to work for globohomo, I’m not certain how well that will work. That is the solution many proposed for South Africa, but it’s still staggering along 20 years later, with a few Whites still willing to devote their labor and intellect to a state that wants to slaughter their children. That’s the same solution proposed in Ash Donaldson’s book, “From Her Eyes a Doctrine.” But again, even in a fictional future America with a downtrodden White minority and Chinese overseers, there still remain Whites who fix the broken down machinery of the wreckage of society.
My own older son would/could have been part of that ‘smart fraction,’ and chose not to do so. We are willing to subsidize his family as long as we are able, but not all Whites are similarly able. Even with the dearth of White family formation, we still need to try to ensure the survival of those White children that there are, and there’s very little a man won’t do to see his children fed. That’s an exaggeration for today, but not, I fear, for the future.
So if I gather correctly, this involves encouraging as many high-IQ Whites as possible to go Galt. That would indeed make it difficult for The System. I’m wondering what would be the most effective way to do so. All that comes to mind now is putting up posters at Yale advising “Don’t be a rent boy for the CIA” or something.
Maybe not go Galt as much as accept underemployment. Do not provide rare or irreplaceable labor for the system. Instead of being an engineer, start a bakery. Instead of being an attorney, brew beer and mead. Instead of being a soldier, open a gym.
Isnt this essentially what Galt and his “men of the mind” (smart fraction labor in your words) did by relocating to galt’s gulch? They just took the extra step of removing themselves physically from globphomo.
As I remember, it’s exactly what Prof Akston, the great living philosopher, did. Dagny found him working as a short order cook somewhere remote.
As most tech people know, the second you get an Indian in a hiring position, your company will soon be overflowing with Indians, most of them his relatives, who are never loyal to the firm, only to their clan.
Pajeets invite their niece from India to come over, send her to a quick two-year grad school in the US (because who can trust what she learned in India) and then have her walk into a job making an upper middle class salary in tech or business in some major US city. On paper it redistributes the gender balance more toward women, which globohomo likes because they can’t get enough native women (most notably white, Hispanic, and black girls) to do these jobs. They are importing equality as they see it, and the Pajeets are setting up the pipeline. In reality, it’s a farce which displaces qualified native men and particularly white native men, but globohomo is more than happy to “short” a race that is demographically imploding and to go “long” on Asians, Hispanics, etc, who are more of an emerging market. At this stage most US corporate profits already come from non-whites, and I’m sure many elites working for globohomo recognize this.
I just want to know one thing about crypto-currencies: can you use them to buy gold coins or bullion? That is truly creating money out of nothing! And if the answer is yes, then what do I use as money to ‘buy into’ crypto-currency? If everyone in our corner could learn this magic trick, then we would be truly ‘winning’ and keeping ourselves and our kin viable in the long run. Our biggest enemy from the Old Biblical Lands has been using these sorts of tricks right along to defraud us of our dollars which they then turn into shekels and other secret-stash assets. Take a lesson.
You can buy gold and silver with crypto. Many online bullion dealers will accept Bitcoin for gold and silver. I like crypto and precious metals because both are decentralized finance. There’s some great articles regarding crypto and getting started on here if you do a search.
This is the correct conclusion. We must, IN PARALLEL:
Starve the beast (legally of course, there are thousands of ways to do this)
Build our own resilient systems and institutions (decentralized nodes, again, 100% legal)
It’s so refreshing to see someone actually writing about how we win, rather than lamenting the situation we’re in. Thank you Nick.
This is a very well thought out article. I have had a similar concept in my head for a while that i hadn’t put into words.
The way I had described the smart white faction working for their own enslavement is “brainwashed elite alphas”. The system requires a certain number of brainwashed elite alphas to keep the wheels turning. As you say, we need to encourage these types to seek other employment. It won’t be forever.
Another idea I had was to emphasis the % these white elites still have in institutions. For example, find and promote statistics that show that there are still XX% of whites in the XX department. The deranged will claim that this is still an unfair amount and not diverse enough. This could push leftists to demand even stricter quotas to lower the number of white elites in the institutions. There would be the bonus effect of waking up some of these white elites to what is going on.
We want to lower the number of our elites serving the bad guys, how about we get the left to do some of the work for us?
What do you think Nick?
Another thing worth adding would be clarification on which govt departments/organs of state are more or less important to starve of white elite talent. Some are higher priorities than others surely? Which are the highest priorities to starve?
The same clarification is required for the private sector. For instance, we have a high potential white lawyer. It is crucial that they do not provide their talent to big tech companies (unless they are planning a project veritas leak of some sort). However its probably less pressing to starve the energy sector of elite white talent – because that industry has long term value for us anyway.
Its crazy but worth reiterating that the biggest opposition we have is usually brainwashed elite whites. There will always be sell out whites. The sort of snakes that are in the conservative inc but they would not be able to achieve their goals without a minimum number of brainwashed competent whites going along with it. There are not enough elites in the other groups to hold us down.
That ended up being longer than i planned.
I’m afraid your solution is too passive, slow and too dependent on a covert model that has no communication between those implementing the solution. The true solution will have to be open fighting of (((Globohomo.))) Open disobedience of (((Globohomo.))) Open war against (((Globohomo))) and its garbage people. This will mean a willingness, at first at least, to risk everything. We’ll win that one though. A LOT of White police and military men will embrace the opportunity to throw off a (((Globohomo))) system that despises them.
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